For the past 10 years working at law firms, where I worked hundreds of ho

Thanks to Regus, I'm no longer required to go to the same office each day, with the same people and petty politics. Now people call me from all over the city (and even from other states!) and tell me which Regus office they'd like to meet at. These are

Just like a typical corporation, Regus has coffee and tea condiments available for its members. Suddenly, I find there's no boss, no petty politics, no real time demands, while the nice office, coffee, and many professional nice people are still there! At some of the Regus offices there's even a MAC to use.
Take for instance one of my favorite business locations at One Market, Spear Tower, on the 36th floor. This particular office allows its Business World Gold Card Members a large conference meeting room with a huge window overlooking San Francisco Bay. I recently had a meeting with an affiliate business representative in one of the offices. It's a great backdrop for any meeting. Regus also offers its Gold Card Members coffee and tea for their customers. There's a two customer at a time limit however.
For those looking for a way to break free from the traditional business world, Regus Businessworld is a good way to start-up your business on the cheap. When business grows, Regus offers other packages as well. For now I only pay $90 a month for two business addresses at a prestigious location. When you have a virtual office package, Regus even offers a FREE Gold Member Card that includes access to a free wireless connection. I had actually started with Regus first paying for the Gold Card because I didn't know it was free with the virtual office package.
Regus Businessworld is a great way to network and meet independent business owners. They have offices all over the world Gold Card Members can use.