A normal son of such a person might think the following to himself watching his father have to answer questions he was also asked to video tape at a deposition for him:
"Yup, that's my dad alright, the criminally convicted public nuisance. He's been convicted of trespassing and obsessively writes crazy things on USENET that's gotten him various kook awards. He calls Pluto a planet and the constellation Orion a star in his historical (i.e., hysterical) writings. He writes his own shining Amazon reviews for his self-published book. He'll even file a Google copyright violation for posting his email as if you've copied a literary giant's writing material. Yes, my father is quite desperate to save face and impress me." - Family Video Series #1It's no wonder Edmond Wollmann is very sensitive to what his son, Nathan Wollm

Wollmann's personal insecurities with saving face with his son have been unlawfully transferred onto me in this matter. He needs to stop sending me anonymous accusatory emails and posting his libelous garbage on USENET trying to beat up on a woman on-line.
Here's a glimpse of a typical email I get from a perverted sick man:

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