The hearing began with information my attorney couldn't make the hearing having been held up at a trial so I had to represent myself. An associate attorney was sent who was very helpful but he couldn't represent me there since he didn't really have all the information. I had to present the case and evidence to the judge myself.
In addition to having two strong witnesses who explained their experiences with being victims of Cyber #2, I had also conducted a deposition prior to the hearing which proved helpful. Cyber 2 is the guy who chased the process server to his car I wrote about in a former post. My attorney gave me good advice it was worth the extra $400 to get the transcript rushed for the court date. The deposition made a huge difference as I was able to provide evidence of Cyber #2 admitting to certain key things, and evading certain questions with "no comment" that clearly pointed to his guilt of authoring Blog #2 of me.
The blog cheryllicksass.blogspot.com was authored by Cyber #2. Its full of malicious libel and misinformation. The vicious man who wrote that blog now has a restraining order. His latest emails and other malicious activities threatening my now abandoned business were reviewed by a Judge who agreed there

Note to Cyber #1: Any anonymous and ficitious name harassment I get from the USENET board due to your writing about me and my case there, can be construed as your harassment. Take note of it and leave me the hell alone.
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