Friday, May 23, 2014

Viral Video: Things Jesus Said That May Shock You

A 1.8 million views Bible Study.

Jesus spoke about hell more than anyone else in the Bible.  Why do you think that is? Think about it.

A video every atheist must see right now!

Bible Study Questions & Answers

Monday, May 19, 2014

Satan Perverts Music In This World Leading Masses To Eternal Hell

I've developed a new perspective on music since I was saved by Jesus in 2012 after a bike accident.  Since that time I've completely lost my love for the world's music and no longer allow it to hijack my emotions as before. From a personal perspective, I know God's pruning me of the worldly things I've participated in for decades that includes giving up nightly glasses of wine, movies and television. In the process I've also been searching for greater understanding since music was such a large part of my life.

I've since come to understand through the Holy Spirit that the reason people love music so much is they are taking the place of God in enjoying what was initially meant for Him to be praised by.  When I enjoyed listening to music, I did so taking God's place because music was created for praising God alone.  That's right, the purpose of music in heaven was meant to praise God and nothing less. When the most powerful angel in heaven Lucifer fell from grace, he took his musical talents with him into our world.

They Sold Their Souls For Rock N Roll's a real eye opener

The key to understanding the spiritual nature behind the world's music is that Satan, the fallen angel previously known as Lucifer, was created by God for the purpose of praising Him with music.
"Satan had been given a very special, very distinctive commission from God to minister unto Him and cover His glory with music through worship and praise.  Of Lucifer's musical abilities, Terry Law has written: 'Pipes apparently were built into his very body. . .He was a master musician.  He was a walking orchestra'.  And that was the distinctive, creative purpose that God gave to him.  He was one of God's best works of creation for the purpose of praising God in heaven." - pg 36-37, Answers to Questions About Spiritual Warfare - David Jeremiah 
So now that I fully understand a fallen angel was once the sole proprietor of music in heaven, this gives me a lot of insight into how music of this world wasn't meant to be my domain after all. When Lucifer fell he became Satan who today uses our world to spread his counterfeit religion as the prince of this world. Therefore those who truly love God naturally have no desire whatsoever to listen to any of this world's music as I no longer do.

Those fools who are still buying tickets to see Fleetwood Mac since their high school days four decades ago are in for one hell of a surprise if they don't repent and turn to God for their salvation through Jesus, the only way out of hell.

So when multitudes of people go to rock and rap concerts what it really amounts to spiritually is they're being entertained by Satan prior to their entering the gates of eternal hell.  All music that is created outside of God's true purpose for it, to worship Him, is of Satan.  I've observed how music reeks havoc on each generation and how it just gets worse with time.

As a Christian I gladly give up the music of this world and now sing praise songs in church.  I wouldn't go to see the last Paul McCartney concert here in San Francisco if someone paid me.  People who go to these concerts are brainwashed and headed straight for hell.  The last concert I went to was in 1979 for a part time job in security at the Los Angeles Forum.  When Carole King, Steely Dan and even Yanni performed a block away from where I live at the Masonic Auditorium a couple years ago, I didn't have any interest whatsoever in going, not even for free!

People have no idea that these artists are leading them straight to eternal hell, they're all the works of Satan whose using music to reach the masses to bring them into the gates of hell.  Seriously, even if it's the mellowest band in the world like Bread, it is of Satan because it hijacks emotions and doesn't praise God.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Attorney Pamela Lauser Asks For My Help! Needs Money Overseas!

***UPDATE** The Yahoo email I received from Pamela Lauser, though seemingly authentic, appears to be the work of some hoaxer from Nigeria.  It took a lot of IP address look ups from the header to denote.  In spite of this hoax, the fact Pamela still hasn't removed my email address from her Yahoo contact list warrants this article anyway. I asked twice already.  

A couple years ago I posted my experience with an attorney Pamala Lauser in Concord, CA.  (See posts Too Many Greedy Incompetent Attorneys Like Pamela Lauser and another after one of her client contacted me, Pamela Lauser Threatens Lawsuit Against Divorcee Mother With Two Young Children)

To my utter dismay, I just learned that on March 20, 2014, an email message below from Mrs. Lauser was sent to me at an email address I rarely visit that was given to me by AT&T with my account.  I stick with gmail accounts.  Apparently I used the AT&T address to send something to Pamela during my case a few years ago so I became part of her Yahoo address book. I actually received an email from her before but promptly notified her, seems she's too lazy to remove it.

In any event, this email sent to me is highly inappropriate in view of how Pamela stole a few thousand dollars  from me based on one of her legal contracts I was lured into signing.

I am writing this to you with tears and pains, My family and I came down here to Ukraine on a short visit, Unfortunately for us we got mugged at the park of our hotel, All money, credit card and cell phones were stolen away from us, luckily for us we still have our passports saved with us. 
Our credit cards can't be charged by the hotel because we have already reported it as a stolen card and the card company had canceled it, we can only get a new one when we make it back home safely. 
We have been to the Embassy and the Police but they're not helping issues at all, Our return flight leaves soon, we're having financial problems sorting our hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we sort the bills. All we need is ($2,000.00 USD) or anything you can afford, I promise to refund you in full as soon as I return hopefully tomorrow or next.let me know if you can be of any assistance.
Thanks so much.
My email response I just sent (a few months later) as follows:

"Sorry I got back to you so late Pamela, I rarely check my AT&T email I haven't used for years. I'm sorry I couldn't help pay for your trip home.  I'm a little tapped out since your last billing and not feeling the warm and fuzzies after the small claims court hearing on my 50th B-day in which you blasted me with outrageous false accusations through your hostage employees. 

I recall writing you once before that my email address seems to still be in your Yahoo address book. Once again, would you be so kind to remove me from it since you tend to send out blanket emails like this?  Thank you. -  Cheryl Meril


Pamela Lauser invited me on LinkedIn too. 

Poor Pamela. The illness of a greedy money grubber is so apparent, everyone is her source of cash that she sends out a blast email to whomever's been ensnared into her legal industry farce game.

This is my popular Yelp view on Pamela Lauser's lawyer's services:
I wouldn't recommend this attorney Pamela Lauser.  I traveled 35 miles for an initial free 20 minute consultation only for her to tell me she had a conflict with the judge.  She eventually charged me $250 for the consultation after she masterfully manipulated my getting removal of two cases from the judge's court to another so she could request $2,500.   
Pamela Lauser never met with me or returned my phone calls prior to the hearings and canceled 24 hours prior sending her associate attorney instead who did not represent me at the hearing.  He charged $300/hr. for 7 hours though I represented myself and testified with witnesses. This is just part of the issues I encountered with this farce attorney. 
For non-representation at one hearing and no litigation or paperwork, I was charged $2,500 over a civil retraining order I obtained against someone. I represented my own case.  Her office refused to negotiate claiming my retainer was used up. 
When I took her to Small Claims Court for non-representation, she lied to the judge about many things and attacked my credibility with outrageous accusations.  She also claimed she wrote off $4,000 for reading through my materials 
Because she recklessly lies and is particularly vicious in her accusations against anyone who challenges as such, I reported her to the California Bar Association and encourage any others with similar experiences do the same.

Pamela drove her client to bankruptcy in over charging for her divorce. The client had a little baby at the time.  Pamela had once sent a blanket email before and I sent two emails asking to be removed.

Too Many Greedy Incompetent Attorneys Like Pamela Lauser

Pamela Lauser Threatens Lawsuit Against Divorcee Mother With Two Young Children

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Noah Movie Deception Goes Viral, Bill Maher's Also Exposed As Depraved Satanist

In less than two months this video's gone viral with 250,000+ views. Also, to see Bill Maher's pathetic rant against God, see frame 6:10 of this video.

Happy Mother Day, this is a blessed day in America. No matter how great or depraved mothers are, they all deserve credit for bringing a life or lives into this world leaving it up to God on if such a person will be saved by Jesus to further His Kingdom.  Mothers are a vehicle for life much like Mary was for her virgin birth to Jesus.  Mother's have a great role to play in God's plan for redemption.

I thought I'd post a viral video from Good Fight Ministries about the Noah film I will never see. I don't watch Hollywood films anymore because I find them disturbing in this day and age.  Movies are used as mind control of the population full of a lot of twisting of the truth.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Strange Paranormal Activity This Evening

There was no draft in my apartment, the windows were closed and it was as if someone was in my kitchen.

I've never witnessed any paranormal activity in my personal life before other than a couple things when I was a young child. This is the first time I've ever seen anything that reminded me of some of the creepy paranormal YouTube videos I've seen over the years.  Please excuse my kitchen cabinet in this vid, I'm in the process of refinishing it.

This reminded me of what someone would happen to notice if a mouse was in the house doing some kind of mischief out of the corner of one's eye. I investigated and it wasn't a mouse, this had the marks of paranormal activity because the movement of the object was strange and unnatural as you will observe in my video demonstration.  

My video wasn't made to impress anyone, just to provide a simple witness testimony of the first paranormal activity I've encountered in my adult life.  

For more on spiritual warfare and tactics of the dark side I recommend The Invisible War - What Every Believer Needs to Know About Satan, Demons and Spiritual Warfare by Chip Ingram.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Clock Ticking For Those Unsaved Souls To Turn To God

A Message To the Unsaved Non-Believers:

When you were born into this world the countdown began to your entering hell as your final eternal destination without Jesus.  Nothing has yet changed for you spiritually since you were born because you have chosen to continue going your own way without accepting Jesus as your eternal Savior. 

Sin is death and darkness but God forgives in an instant you turn back to Him.  Until then, the clock is ticking. Don't say I never tried to let you know how serious your situation truly is. You can't hide anything from Him nor escape God's Judgment.  

In Christ Jesus,
Cheryl Meril

Death is a result of sin (Genesis 3:17–19)
Life is short (Job 7:6–7)
Every person will face death (Psalm 89:48)
Death of Christians is precious (Psalm 116:15)
Christians enter perfect peace at death (Isaiah 57:1–2)
God has power over death (John 14:19)
God provides eternal life (Romans 6:23)
Jesus will raise everyone who has died (1 Corinthians 15:20–23)
Death is not the end of a person (1 Thessalonians 4:13–14)
We don’t know how long we’ll live (James 4:13–14)
God will destroy death (Revelation 21:4)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Alex Jones Farce - Spiritually Blind Fool Leading Blind to Eternal Hell

Yesterday I met a client who introduced himself as Alex Jones, a rather common name.  I thought to myself I never want to meet the public figure counterpart, a man I wasted four years of my life listening to whose gold sponsor Ted of Midas Resources deceived me into forking out $22K reducing it instantaneously upon purchase to a worth of $10,000.  In essence, my trusting these swindlers caused me to flush $12K down the toilet I've since forgiven them for.

I Was A Blind Fool Who Listened To Alex Jones For Four Years

From 2008-2012 I was a fool who listened to Alex Jones' Prison Planet radio program each day.  I found the material addicting and refreshingly closer to reality than what television or other talk shows provided.   The truth of the matter was that I had allowed myself to be deceived into believing Alex was a good man and God fearing Christian.   I was wrong.

As a true God fearing Christian the past 1.5 years I now understand Alex Jones is not a man of God.  The owner of Prison Planet is instead quite the opposite as an unsaved sinner on a broad spiritual path in life leading others of like mind to eternal hell out of inexcusable ignorance of God's Word and what Jesus did on the cross.

Alex Jones magnifies evil, not God.

Alex Jones is clearly not a God fearing man, he has a hardened heart and worldly spirit who wants to go about things his own way in his continually suggesting that Jesus was a weakling loser while mocking His church followers as mindless sheep. The fact is that Alex Jones is a man about flesh and doing things through human strength that is completely opposed to the Holy Scriptures, Holy Spirit and God's Apostles' teaching.  In his delusions of grandeur, Alex Jones believes the world needs him to help save humanity. In this belief system, Alex is entirely opposed to Jesus! 

Jesus already saved humanity that needs to embrace and follow Him.  Without following Jesus and God's Word, all is lost because Jesus is the only way out of eternal hell.  Alex Jones stands as an idol before Him who would lead others to believe we are not in a spiritual war, that this can be handled through human effort, goodness and strength, that without Jesus we can somehow defeat evil.

Based on these facts, it can be deduced Alex Jones is a delusional man on a wide path in life and I discourage following this foolish man who is a clear enemy of Jesus Christ and His Church.
  1. Alex Jones magnifies evil, not Jesus Christ.  
  2. Alex Jones is a man who operates in the world by the flesh having rejected the Holy Spirit.
  3. Alex Jones is a violent unrepentant sinner who says vile things on the radio knowing children may be listening. 
  4. Alex Jones grunts and groans like a pig being slaughtered on air and vents an evil tongue that is not at all of the Holy Spirit nor that of a fruitful Christian heart. 
  5. Alex Jones has no shame or fear of God.
  6. Alex Jones allows sin and darkness to thrive taking root in his heart he does not seek to eradicate in Jesus name, nor does he honor what Jesus did on the cross to save his soul from eternal hell.
Those of us who know God's Word are aware that Alex Jones' rebellion against the government is really an excuse and mask for his being against God Almighty. Men of God who follow Jesus don't do stunts like the one in this photo.

Alex Jones - Just Another Wrong Choice On The Broad Way to Eternal Hell

Alex Jones is not a man of God, he is not the way to heaven but hell. Those who follow Alex Jones are headed to eternal hell along with him.  Alex Jones is self righteous and just as evil as any other unsaved man without Jesus.  He pays lip service to Jesus but often mocks His followers as weak sheep headed for the slaughter ignoring spiritual life and obedience to God.

I redirect people who want to know the real truth that will set them free, to the following men of God who teach the truth about Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Word of God:

1.  Dr. Charles Stanley, In Touch Ministries
2.  Dr. David Jeremiah, Turning Point Ministries
3. Chip Ingram, Living On The Edge Ministries

The above mentioned are Christian saints called by God who have real fruits of the spirit.  Alex Jones is leading his followers to death in their sins and immediate transfer to eternal hell thereafter without the light and eternal life of Jesus.  The world would be a better place if Alex Jones would humble himself, shut off the sewage pipe from his mouth and turn to God and the Bible for the rest of his
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:6-8
As far as Obama and the rest of the corrupt politicians, God has allowed President Obama in power as judgment on America.  The only way out of the problem is to pray, study the Word, obey God and repent of sin.  You cannot remove a leader who God has placed in power.  God's way is in the Bible, turn away from these worldly men and follow Jesus who is the only way to heaven and God.  I guarantee 100% based on the Word of God that Jesus Christ does not view Alex Jones as good or a righteous man but instead an arrogant foolish man of the flesh headed toward self destruction.

Of course this Alex Jones problem could all change thanks to God's mercy and grace extended to all of us that Alex could turn to God and follow Him at any time. Thus far it doesn't seem promising but it didn't seem that way for Saul who converted into the Apostle Paul either. God can do anything and if He decided to intervene in Alex Jones life, miracles could happen.  Alex doesn't show any sign of changing, being a very stubborn hardened soul.  I for one have changed and no longer listen to Alex Jones. I occasionally pick up a story from his site but have decided there's no reason to be doing even that because everything about Alex Jones and his site is absolutely fruitless without God's blessing. Period!

To summarize, Alex Jones is not a man of God nor a blessed follower of Jesus Christ at this point in time. God's grace and mercy is always extended to all while we're still alive so that can always change, however it's not looking good for Alex Jones as his evil tongue continues unrestrained without fear of God nor shame in unbelievable audacity and self-appointment as the world's super man savior of humanity.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Breaking News: Voice of God Greater Than Barbra Streisand's!

I just wanted to clarify for my 1970's high school classmate acquaintances who think they're okay people who are going to heaven when they die that they will most certainly R.I.P., they are living their lives blindly in ignorance of His Word without Jesus as their Savior.   They're currently headed for eternal hell and when they die it will be final.  No Holy Spirit? No daily prayer and relationship with the Lord? No submission to God's Holy Spirit or reverence for what He's done for us?  What's that, you'd rather go to a Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan or Barbra Streisand concert in 2013-14?

Eternal rotting hell will be the final destination for such people who I'm afraid are the majority and multitude.  All of mankind is headed for eternal hell without accepting and following Jesus.  Such people are not my friends and will not be spending eternity with me, my fellow steadfast Christians and the Lord.
"I've been praying for the salvation of my lost former high school classmates for a while now, and can say there is no sign of their turning their hearts to God decades later. They're all still steeped in delusions, ignorance of God's Word and participants in false new age spiritual doctrines, sinful activities and lifestyles. They were never true friends otherwise they'd be open to what I have to say of my witness testimony. These people are enemies of the God of the most high who sits on His throne with Jesus at his right side." - Cheryl Meril
I've been noting the 25 year olds of today's young generation were largely raised and sent to college by my generation from high school, heavily steeped in a culture of rock and roll, pop music, movies and endless television entertainment and partying. I've been noting the garbage trash music the new generation produces, soulless and dark, I so abhor that I pray to God for it to end. I'm forced to listen to it at my gym, stores and on car loud speakers. It's like torture to my ears and a violation of my peace with the Lord.

Today's younger generation is so very lost because it was raised by multitudes of shallow brainwashed entertainment culture airhead liberals, the shallow teens from the 1970's era and I was one of them. They have no spiritual training in the Word of God and are hopelessly ill equipped for what's up ahead.

This list below has occurred naturally in my life through the power of the Holy Spirit's guidance, not forced. Over the past 7 years!

I am no longer in the work force and God's in control of my daily schedule - since 2008

I no longer watch television except the Food Network at my gym machine - since 2007

I no longer listen to music, not even classical, except worship songs I sing at church - since 2012

I no longer watch movies at theaters or DVD's - since 1999 and 2010

I no longer drink alcohol, namely wine I used to have each evening. I don't miss it at all. - since 2012

Making money is no longer the center of my life's goals - multiple levies on my accounts changed my perspective of money.

I have no desire to buy anything except what is absolutely necessary. I enjoy buying used clothing at a local donor charity store as well as giving away much of my Chico wardrobe I hardly ever wore. I have no plans for any future significant purchases.

I no longer care what people think of me or the lies complete strangers spread about me of a fictional character.  God knows me.

I value my Christian fellowship and church time.

I seek to tithe each week to please God.

I pray to God each morning, sometimes for hours.

I study the Word of God and listen to Dr. Charles Stanley, Dr. David Jeremiah and sometimes Chip Ingram.

I have let go of people I knew long ago from high school who have refused to accept Jesus as their Savior having spent much time grieving and in prayer over their absence of friendship in my life.


God is very serious, this is for real.  Hell is a place no human being should end up in thanks to Jesus work at the cross and His resurrection. You have to be utterly insane to reject Him.

One final comment is, I'd much rather hear the voice of God then listen to Barbra Streisand sing.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Godless Traitor Harry Reid Behind Land Grab In Nevada for Chinese Solar Company

UPDATE - The People vs. BLM Liberty Defeats Gov. Tyranny as Feds Release All Cattle at Bundy Ranch - Natural 

 I've been recovering from a 1/2 inch kidney stone operation the past week taking the day off.  The pain was triggered again today when I learned about this Sen. Harry Reid's Red Dawn evil and I've been sick all day because of it.  Due to the pain I have to do a lot of copying of this article today Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch - 

The Bureau of Land Management, whose director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations.

U.S. Traitor Politicians Have Sold Our Country Out to China to the Utmost Degree

"So the federal government is going to stop a rancher from grazing his cattle which his family had done for 100 years in order for Harry Reid and family to allow the Chinese to build a huge solar panel farm?" - one among 5,000 comments on the Infowars disclosure article today. 
Harry Reid is a very ill man headed for eternal hell without Jesus.  The old bastard Reid's as depraved, lying and evil politician as they get who must be stopped.  If you've always wondered what the problem patriots have had with communists over the years, this is what it's all about.  The Communist Chinese are gradually using our own military and law enforcement to take over America's land from its legal owners.  Traitors are at the helm of the U.S. government and the mentally ill delusional liberals will defend their right to bring in the Communists having no problem with it whatsoever as long as they get their dick-to-mouth-to-anus perverted sexual gratification that is really all they care about these days.

Prayers for the Bundy family whose lives are currently under threat by our own countrymen on behalf of a Chinese solar company that wants the land.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Outrageous Hollywood Deception in Christian Films Like Noah

The Noah Movie Deception by Good Fight Ministries YouTube Channel discloses grandiose falsehoods about Noah in this recent Hollywood film

I haven't seen a Hollywood based film in many years and just gave away my entire DVD library a few months ago dumping it in my apartment building's garage including Titanic I had watched at least twenty times. The video above provides a review of Noah by Good Fight Ministries, a popular YouTube Channel that outs deception and masquerades of mainly rock and roll performers and their true intentions. Good Fight Ministries aren't the only one's taking issue with such depraved falsehoods of the Noah film:
"Unfortunately, the film twists and distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that many of them will end up believing that Aronofsky’s version is what the Bible actually says." In "Noah" The Fallen Angels Are the Good Guys - The Truth Wins

Bill Maher's comments in the video are especially disturbing, I guess this is what happens to one of the few men on earth who have slept with Ann Coulter the fake Christian.  I bumped into Ann two years ago in front of the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco where she refused to speak with me after I joked if the fur she was wearing was real.  I had mistaken her at first for a tourist.   See my post I Met Ann Coulter Today Wearing Fur Coat, Refusing To Speak March 25, 2012

I won't be watching any Hollywood films ever again.

While I'm at it, I happened to notice an article about Christie McVie of Fleetwood Mac whose returning after a 15 year hiatus to perform with the band in their next American tour.  Fleetwood Mac is a witchcraft band that spreads spells and curses on Americans having popularized itself in pop music in the late 1970's.  I never bought any of their albums, nor was I an official fan.

In spite of not being a fan, I've had a few dreams invaded by Stevie Nicks over the years whose witchcraft is undisputed as recently disclosed in this Good Fight video.   There's no real love or joy in Stevie Nick's voice that sounds cryptic and witchy-like.

I feel sorry for those who fork out money for a concert of 70 year old witches and warlocks headed for eternal hell.  Anyone whose going to see the Fleetwood Mac tour are in grave danger of their eternal salvation without Jesus.

A person's got to be brainwashed by the culture and highly programmed to go to a Fleetwood Mac concert in 2014.  Highly impressionable naive teenagers had a good excuse to fall for this stuff, not 35 years later as 50+ year olds. Time's running out for people to turn to Jesus for forgiveness! The Bible clearly states once a person's dead it's either heaven or hell. There's no waiting station like at the airport to decide which flight to take to your desired destination. If you made a mistake not to accept Jesus in this lifetime, eternal hell is the only place and there will be no debate whatsoever with God over the matter.  One's eternal fate will be sealed in hell without Jesus and the Holy Spirit in one's life.

I'm sad to hear Christie McVie allowed the members of the band to lure her back because it really means she accepted a temptation to join them forever in eternal hell. See Christie McVie to Tour with Fleetwood Mac.