Monday, April 3, 2023

UFO In Live Photos Discovered Above San Francisco!

Taken in Nob Hill, San Francisco on May 21, 2021- Video of the Live Photo! 

This is the second video I've done related to UFO's, but this one is on Rumble.  Basically I had 6 photos with this UFO in it but not all of the came with the live video clips for some reason.  It's interesting and moves very quickly.  It's not my iPhone causing a problem I took it with. Hang on until the last moment when it will zoom into the object. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

My New Heads Up In The Clouds Books Arrived! Jesus Christ Deliverance Ministry, Demons, etc.

I'm still here and working on this photo blog again!  I've since transferred several of my most significant cloud photos to books!  In this video I share a few of my new cloud photography books 2016-17 a and 2020 showing Jesus’ deliverance of demons in clouds, a healing ministry, a Bride of Christ as well as opposing demonic forces I encountered.


 More info coming soon. . . 

Monday, July 25, 2022

How Burt Bacharach's Biography Was So Self Incriminating He Likely Lost The Kennedy Center's Induction Award

 “So what happened? Burt probably didn’t campaign, and no one involved with the Kennedy Center is smart enough to include him. What a shame. Instead we get Amy Grant.” Roger Friedman, Freelance Writer

I know what you're thinking, so what does this post have to do with my heads up in the clouds you might ask?  I'm still working on it and have a few interesting cloud photos I'll be sharing shortly. The truth is the clouds in San Francisco haven't been that interesting the past few months.

I'm posting this primarily because my deceased relative Buddy Merrill (1936-2021) performed Burt Bacharach's Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head in 1970 as a guitar soloist on the Lawrence Welk Show to cause our family to suffer from delusions of grandeur. I recall my mother listening for the first time to the arrangement of Bacharach's song recorded on her husband's 1970's album. Her excited response was "It's a hit hun! A hit!" 

When I had my own recording studio back in 2008, I did a singing duo with Dionne Warwick and Marilyn McCoo hacking into Burt's songs that YouTube had to eventually take them down. 

In my response to Roger Friedman’s article Kennedy Center’s Most Egregious Mistake Not Inducting Composer/Musician Burt Bacharach…

“The Kennedy Center’s award was likely withheld due to Bacharach’s daughter Nikki committing suicide in 2007. Burt and his former wife, Angie Dickinson, had a 3 month premature birth due to Angie not following her doctor’s instructions. The baby Nikki grew up with medical problems due to being born prematurely. Additionally, whatever Burt wrote in his biography is quite possibly another reason he wasn’t under consideration for induction. (See Amazon biography reviews below.)

Bacharach's Song Released in 1971 For His Daughter Nikki

Nikki became an accomplished prodigy pianist since 4 years old and had a beautiful smile. The couple placed Nikki in a mental institution while misleading her it was special education for up to 1 1/2 years but she was practically abandoned there for 10 years! Tragically, back in 2007, Nikki committed suicide at 40 years old leaving a note Burt said he decided not to read.

Due to an abhorrent decision to place Nikki in a mental institution that clearly was harsh and destructive to her future, Burt Bacharach’s name and reputation will never be the same in my humble opinion. It's very interesting many of the reviews of Burt Bacharach's biography demonstrate his latest book actually tarnished his legacy a great deal. You see, we like our songwriters from that era romanticized, not demonized in their own books! We have enough dirt on this culture and don't need any more proof every unsaved fallen man on earth tends to be corrupted by sin.

Nikki @ Center

I guess it's shocking to many someone who wrote so many heartfelt masterful songs could be such an unanticipated sinner. It seems to be the case all of those in creative arts who don't have Jesus in their lives are very fallen to the core. Perhaps Satan provides faux gifts for music since he was once Lucifer as the top angel assigned to God's Worship music prior to his fall from heaven. Here's an example how the song Nikki was used as an opening for ABC's TV Movie of the Week in 1973 for the movie Deliver Us From Evil.

So Bacharach daughter's suicide was a big deal that was a horror for many to comprehend. Sometimes writing love songs isn’t enough to be a good person so, as in this case, you have to seek deliverance from demons! Burt Bacharach had his place in the sun for a very long time. May God have mercy on Burt Bacharach’s soul and may he repent of his sins to Jesus who was sent to suffer and die in order to save every soul from ending up in eternal hell. Jesus saves! John 3:16

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

NEW EVIDENCE: Latest Filing in 2019 Conclusively Proves Rick Lazzarini Created Imaginary Dispute as Sock Puppeteer Triggering $450,000 Default Judgment Award in 2011

(Repost 6/7/22) Update: This sock puppet Hollywood horror special effects professional's case I filed has been over more than a decade now filed way back in 2009.  Today I noted disturbed men are still involved in keeping this case going while accusing me of being a cyber stalker. They clearly don't want me to have First Amendment Rights and try to censor everything I write. Someone even had my former witness podcast taken down by Spreaker with over 100 podcasts in 2021.

The case was so ridiculous that it's hard to believe these men won't let go of this issue that they weren't justified to carry on this way on the Internet without any response from me.

My audio response commentary today on June 7, 2022 is posted here.

[Update 2019- download 20 page brief hereOver eight years ago back in 2010, Judge Robert C. Longstreth of the Superior Court of San Diego's Eastern Division asked me to dismiss my defamation lawsuit filed against Edmond Wollmann, an astrologer and author in Le Mesa, California, stating there were "consequences for going after the wrong man."  The problem was, the hearing wasn't about the lawsuit but a restraining order filed in Longstreth's court I was attending by teleconference in order to postpone.  Edmond Wollmann, who was representing himself at the time, had at least two hearing opportunities to speak with Judge Longstreth about my lawsuit without my even being there to defend myself.

At the close of the teleconference hearing, Judge Longstreth blamed me for going after the wrong man when I hadn't even presented the facts of my case yet. Judge Longstreth hadn't allowed me to present my case because of a Motion to Quash filed on behalf of an unknown party by Joe F. Hart, a Hollywood based attorney in Beverly Hills, CA.  Some unknown person had paid thousands of dollars to prevent his AOL account from being subpoenaed for My case was done as far as Judge Longstreth was concerned, but according to those I later conferred with, this threat was quite ominous and abnormal.

Conclusive Factual Evidence Filed on April 8, 2019 Concludes My Case

Since I was unable to present my case in a court of law, I wanted to provide the conclusion with recent evidence from the public database who the true perpetrator of the defamation lawsuit I filed was about.  The reason being, a famous Hollywood horror film special effects man was responsible for this case who needs to be dealt with for his unlawful impersonation activities. His name is Rick Lazzarini who worked on Mr. Scissorhands, Night on Elm Street and Alien among many others. Lazzarini is the CEO of The Character Shop who used sock puppets facilitating the case and never attempted to resolve this dispute with an apology to both Wollmann and myself, preferring to try and destroy my life in what he believes was totally justifiable.

Here is latest conclusive evidence filed in San Diego Superior Court - Central Division on April 8, 2018:

For the last eight years I've endured a lot of criticism, continual levies to my account having paid thousands of dollars to the opposition's lawyers, electronic harassment of my business. I've been recently called a pig, placed on a Satanist website's mailing list over something Rick Lazzarini started because I was against Violet Blue, a former columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle who was promoting the S&M communities' interests.  Many in our community signed petitions and made sure the Chronicle knew we thought it was inappropriate to use the local newspaper for such sleazy purposes. To put it simply, Violet Blue was in the wrong venue to be writing her S&M column. I regret sending Violet Blue a letter of criticism and realize I just should have contacted the Chronicle. Yes, as a Christian, I've repented to God for writing Violet Blue.

The latest evidence of who was behind what caused my case to relinquished is why I'm posting my filing in 2019 that completes this matter completely. I had informed the Chronicle my lawsuit occurred because Ms. Blue placed my email address on her forum without my knowledge attracting the likes of a Hollywood horror film professional that caused me damages. That is the root of the lawsuit's origins. Mr. Lazzarini took this matter too far and should have apologized to both Wollmann and myself over the matter instead of carrying on an endless campaign to ruin my life.

Lawyer team who worked on behalf of Rick Lazzarini and also to help Edmond Wollmann:

Joe F. Hart - Note the angel wings background

Joe F. Hart, Esq.

Dan Hates Spam Lawyer Dan Balsam

Timothy Walton, Esq.

Attorney (?) Grossman, sent a letter to another Judge in Eastern division 

My eternal team:

Jesus as my eternal mediator with my Heavenly Father in His Heavenly Court.

For a copy of April 8, 2019 filing download here

Monday, February 28, 2022

How My Cloud Formation Photos Forewarned Mom's Alzheimer’s, Dad's Throat Cancer In 2021

June 23, 2021
Early this year I learned my 83 year old mother Ruth was selling her townhouse in Las Vegas. I was shocked to say the least. I knew the real estate market was at its height and realized she likely needed additional finances to live with special accommodations of some sort.  

Over a decade ago I had sent Ruth a letter offering to extend any help I could provide in her growing age but never heard back.  So I was grateful to recently learn Ruth ended up having her 75 year old half sister take care of her needs late in life. 

All was good, that is until I later learned from Ruth's neighbor she had contracted advanced Alzheimers back in 2020 and was moved temporarily to an assisted living facility she left in August of 2021.

African Mask
Mother's African Mask Decor
Sadly, my mother and I were never close because I was born to her out of wedlock that had caused her shame in 1960, nor were we even friends in this life. Regardless, somehow my hearing she had Alzheimer's helped me have a new heart for her that likely was the Holy Spirit wanting to heal her so I've been praying. 

It was hard enough for a young mother losing her first home to the Baldwin Hills dam break back in 1963. Later Ruth became the ex wife of a delusional and abusive adulterer T.V. musician, Buddy Merrill, on the The Lawrence Welk Show having divorced him after 25 years of a highly dysfunctional marriage.  

Than Ruth lost my sister Melody back in 2001 to bacterial meningitis. Ruth's five grandchildren were then adopted out to two other families after she was summoned to pull Melody off of life support from her damaged brain. Ruth had also lost her own mom to breast cancer when she was just 3 years old. Many losses to face, and now Alzheimer's?

When I saw photos of inside Ruth's townhouse for sale there were many African masks with elephant figurines so I figured she must have visited Africa in her many travels around the world.  

After Ruth's retirement in 1998 from being a corporate executive at Wrigley, she did much traveling with a friend. I only know this after speaking with her adopted-out grandchild she did things with as well as my aunt on her side of the family.  

After the pandemic in 2020 it's clear Alzheimer's took root due to Ruth being holed up in her place without visitors. Thankfully, Ruth's half sister was there to transport her to another state where she's being cared for. At first this info was difficult to come by being a secretive accommodation that many relatives couldn't reach Ruth so there was a lot of worry what had happened to her.  Thankfully my research skills helped determine everything was fine, except for the sad Alzheimer's part.

For anyone whose acquainted with my cloud photography work, I've taken many unusual photographs from my Nob Hill apartment window that overlooks San Francisco Bay with a partial view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Sometimes these photos seem to tell a story of some sort. After I learned of the Alzheimer diagnosis, I went back to these unusual female-like cloud formation visitations. 

Female Cloud
Female Cloud Visit - June 9, 2021 @5:58 p.m.
(Click to Enlarge)
When I began to take photos of a pattern of female cloud formations that appeared to be visiting me at my window that I joked with someone it appeared to be that of my mother. When I recalled these unusual photos I took back in 2021 I decided to go through and see what story they would tell if they made any sense.  

My interpretations of something related to Alzheimer's appears in my cloud formation comes next.

Strange Cloud Formation - June 9, 2021 @4:41 p.m.

My Interpretation of Cloud Formation in 2021

Looks Like An Owl-Like Spirit Hovers Over The Half Skull

Final Visit- Peek-a-Boo Cloud on October 25, 2021

Ruth's townhouse was sold on February 11, 2022 after being on the market since December 24, 2021.  

As far as Buddy Merrill, 85, he recently died on December 5, 2021 of throat cancer at a home hospice where he lived a year after being diagnosed in 2020. I haven't seen Buddy since 1986 nor have spoken with him since 1998.  After learning of Buddy's passing, I went back to my cloud photography library again to review cloud formations in 2021. I  came up with this sunset photo indicating some kind of affliction of a throat issue in this alien-like cloud below.  

Throat Affliction in Cloud -- June 6, 2021

If you visited these photos on a computer browser, they may not look like much to you due to over pix-elation. You can visit my Instagram page with an iPad or smart phone device to view higher quality condensed pixels.    

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Strange Volcanic Spirits Appear in Plume, Wicked Tornado With Face Observed, Flying Sea Monkey Clouds Forewarn Above San Francisco (2021, 2022)

Flying Monkeys Cloud Phoo
Flying Monkeys Cloud, Sept 26, 2021
I finally have some time to put up pictures from last year on this blog! Back in 2021 I happened to glance out the window in late September to see what looked like a winged creature headed toward me.  After I magnified the creature's face it was funny looking.  

I try not to mock what I see in the clouds because it could very well be some supernatural related spirit, a messenger of sorts, bearing some kind of warning. I don't take these things lightly at all.

The flying sea monkeys were headed straight for me and in the magnified version below you will see the expression of the spirit cloud for yourself. Just for anyone's information, this is to confirm I don't manipulate these photos other than cropping, contrast and saturation to bring out the features of the clouds better. 

Magnified Flying Sea Monkey Cloud

Actual Sea Monkey

Don't worry, I'm not going to provide any photos from the Wizard of Oz to compare because those are far scarier then these clouds! The flying sea monkeys in the Oz movie were close to appearing demonic in nature, quite frightening to behold. These type have a  fish like in nature since sea monkey's abide in water. Speaking of fish, the next photo comes from the last day of 2021. Here comes Jaws! 

Shark Cloud
Shark Cloud, December 30, 2021

If you look closely you can see the shark teeth. You also may be able to make out another type of fish right below to the right with a fish like tail fanning out its body to the left. I view these clouds as a forewarning of the times ahead that are going to be more challenging for many in 2022.  

Next. . . . .

From all the volcano and tornadoes lately I thought I'd post a few I also denote as quite peculiar as well in frames I noted in videos:

A twister with a large eye touches earth with its nose while sticking tongue out. 

The twister has a nose for a funnel and at least one clear eyeball at left. The twister also has a mouth with a tongue hanging out bottom right.  You can see the lips surrounding its tongue as its nose funnel's in a frenzy touching the earth.  

Tonga head observed in a video of a volcano eruption January 15, 2022

Tonga volcano eruption from a video shows other strange figures

I actually have many photos to upload especially from 2021 so I'll be posting them shortly.  Thanks for visiting and please know Jesus Christ is King of Kings, Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16), no matter what's up there now in the heaven's above.  Jesus is coming back to judge the world so don't be too surprised what's happening now with so much turmoil happening. The Book of Revelation predicted it all.  

Friday, December 24, 2021

Yelp Is A $3.5 Billion Corporation Tormenting Small Business Owners Making $35k Per Year

Yelp Worth
In the year 2020 I had received just one review on Yelp as a small business owner in San Francisco after a tough year of the pandemic. During such a gruesome time, I was being treated by many customers as a  potential threat to their health sent into cold and windy backyards not to mention being greeted at their doors assaulted with temperature gun devices placed on my forehead! I was even commanded to notarize documents on the hood of customers' cars as they expressed fear of catching the virus even when I had a mask on.

So, one might understand how I must have cherished this one very kind Yelp reviewer of my services on April 1, 2020 that remained up for the next 1.8 years as the only one I had in nearly two years! I had patiently worked providing refinance, purchase and seller mortgage services during these difficult months hoping my customers would put in a few good words for me and my services. I patiently waited while offering discounts waiving fees for many. I patiently waited searching for ways of improving my services to get to the bottom of why people weren't providing my business with any reviews.  

Kind Review

My only customer review in 2020 approved by Yelp for 1.8 years was moved to the "do not recommend" section.  How can this activity be considered lawful and fair and not harassment triggering distress?

Yelp took down the one reviewer's hope and light I had patiently waited for from customers to keep my business alive.  It was my work, my time and my investment Yelp took away unlawfully. The one reviewer who said nice things about my services was taken from me by Yelp with its 5 stars hollowed out to zero.

I especially tried to answer any rush calls within 15-20 minute response times.  In one case, a customer named Sarayu had one of these multiple signature requests for India passport application procedures. I responded with prompt services and $70 worth of signature and mobile fee waivers. I notarized the documents in her building lobby without a chair or desk having to squat near her lobby floor with a mask. Yet, this person wasn't impressed enough to provide any reviews for my services. Such is why I remained without any Yelp reviews for 1.8 years. No matter what I did, no one gave me any reviews. 

Than finally, after risking my life to provide an urgent request for services in a dangerous part of town, I got my first review of the year in October, 2021! Unfortunately, the reviewer endangered my life to help him that day. Unlike police officers, I had no defense for my safety.  In his review, the man was cruel and abusive believing I didn't deserve to be paid my mobile notary fee, he then lied about me on Yelp.  Then Yelp refused to remove the review based on violating its own policies.

An attorney sent a letter of facts to the complainant that was copied to Yelp whose legal department still refused to remove the review.  I then decided to do a blog article about my experience with Yelp and let the matter go after I received two good reviews at last!  Next thing I knew, within two weeks of my communications, Yelp removed the 2020 good review I cherished placing it in the "do not recommend" section.  When I contacted Yelp they used the ole "it's our automated system" excuse that clearly was a lie to cover-up its retaliation.

This is my experience, education, labor, time, skills, and marketing of my business that I received a good review in 2020 Yelp had removed from public view!  

Yelp says, "We love hearing from you, whether you're sharing an awesome idea (for us to steal from you and make  money off of) or have a problem to report."

In summary:

A few years ago I offered a great idea for Yelp to benefit, that it could make money offering services of providing special marketing badges for businesses with business licenses. I provided this idea denoting many of my competitors had no business license. I offered the idea hoping Yelp would stop giving me a hard time not taking down trolls' vicious reviews. A few years later Yelp took my idea and made millions off of it, I kid you not! You can check for yourself how much Yelp is charging today for my idea. (Sorry, I didn't think Yelp would actually implement it.)

Yelp is a $3.5 billion corporation meddling in petty matters of my small business encouraging people to lie in reviews regardless of their pattern of history on its forum while ignoring an attorney's letter of facts. Good reviews are part of my business Yelp apparently wants to control.  

Within a few days after an attorney letter, Yelp sent a sales woman who arrogantly spoke over me wanting to lecture how "bad reviews aren't a big deal". I responded, yes they are a big deal when people prefer to lie than give you credit for what danger they put you through in a bad part of town! Non-customer reviews are also a big deal. It's a big deal to God as it is to myself.  It's a big deal!

Yelp has proved itself a greedy bully! Please take note what a heartless corporation Yelp is to get its paws in small businesses this way. Yelp plays unwarranted politics with small business owners like myself who are barely making a living. I'm a 61 year old lady who rides an eBike around San Francisco serving the community the past 12 years! Yelp torments business owners and its legal department lawyers especially should be ashamed of themselves at this corporation!

A courier for a deed signature on behalf of someone in Texas summoned me within one hour to the Seneca Hotel to notarize on a filthy street, then got angry over the $50 fee.

The moment Yelp removed the only kind review I had in 2020 after allowing a slanderous reviewer to rant over my services fraudulently is the official delineation of warfare based harassment of my small business. 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Antichrist Spirit In Clouds Photographed Above San Francisco November 25, 2021

Antichrist Cloud, Nov. 25, 2021
I was rudely disrupted from my blog the past several weeks wanting to get these photos up so here goes.This is also a reminder these photos are really meant to be viewed on an iPad or smart phone, otherwise a computer screen will over pixelate the photos to see less detail. (Here's my Instagram). 

The photo at left is a cloud I photographed on November 25, 2021 of a faint image in the background of a skull with face and eyeball representing the Antichrist spirit. The reason I've named it Antichrist cloud is because I see a huge wicked skull with an eyeball (right hand side) and, a chin with teeth below. Near the top of photo I can make out a forehead. 

What makes this photo Antichrist is I also observed a cross  at bottom left in the light along with the Crucifixion of cross depicted mid-left of the photograph. The Antichrist spirit wants to erase and replace Christianity, aka the Trinity of Christ (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit), with a one world religion.  According to Scripture, the Antichrist will rule during the 7 year tribulation period.

Closer View of the Cross and Crucifixion of Jesus. 

The original photo I added contrast to see the skull and eye ball better.

Dr. David R. Reagan, The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist:

"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Revelation 12:7-8 (KJV)


Nancy Pelosi Visits Roman Catholic Pope in Rome

U.S. Rep. Congress woman and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, visited the Roman Catholic Pope in Rome around the time this photo was taken on October 7, 2021, two days prior to their meeting on October 9, 2021.  

Lamb Cloud - October 7, 2021

Full view photo of Lamb Cloud above San Francisco

More occult-like clouds on November 17, 2021:

Wicked Brew Clouds - November 17, 2021

Magnified version of Wicked Brew Clouds

Next is the Catapult Cloud:

Catapult Cloud, November 16, 2021

Let's take a closer look at this Catapult Cloud:

I saw many strange things in this cloud
birds and sea creatures too. 

I opened my apartment window to see this Peek-a-Boo cloud back in late October, 2021

Peek-A-Boo Cloud, October 25, 2021

Since I haven't had  time to blog lately, I try to post recent photos on my Instagram MorphingCloudsPhotography as well.  

Hope you found these photos interesting! I'll have more to post soon.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Why "Up The Ying Yang" Yelp Member Ricky Brazell Is Disturbing And Potentially Dangerous In My Public Servant Experience

This is an interruption of my head's up in the clouds broadcast system of this blog, please pardon and hopefully never will it happen  again. 

As a public servant for the past 11 years, I've come across many different personalities and situations but none come near in concern for my safety than a recent unfortunate encounter with
Yelp reviewer Ricky Brazell from Sacramento California. This blog post is to forewarn others who may come across a similar situation of Mr. Brazell's extreme complaints and criticism of many service  providers as witnessed on Yelp.  I share my experience as follows. 

Back in September, 2021 on a Saturday afternoon I was on my way to a customer in Pacific Heights  San Francisco when I received a phone call from Ricky Brazell asking if he and another could meet me at a place of my choice to notarize an urgent document.  Mr. Brazell explained two UPS Stores had turned them down and he had little time to spare left since it was in the late afternoon. I mentioned they could meet me at a local hotel in Nob Hill I planned on walking over to from my home for this type of one document customer.

The Seneca Hotel
After I was done with my other customer appointment, I phoned Mr. Brazell who had changed his mind that he wanted to meet me at the Seneca Hotel on 6th Street and Market where the signer lived.  I had never been to that area before so I had no idea what a dangerous location it was for me to be summoned to on my eBike. In other words, no gentlemen would summon a woman to such a location and expect her to notarize a document on a public sidewalk with gangsters yelling out obscenities there. 

When I arrived to the Seneca Hotel it was just a horrible mess to be there, I wanted to abandon the appointment but felt compassion for the men's situation because I knew no other notary public would attend to their urgent situation.  I was surprised they weren't ready for my arrival that I had to wait for the signer to find his ID inside his hotel room.  

As I waited, Mr. Brazell stood across from me carefully watching appearing concerned I might rightfully leave. Just when I was considering abandoning the appointment due to the nasty obscenities from gangsta's in the area, the signer came and presented his ID so I completed the notarization process appropriately on the back of my eBike on a filthy public sidewalk.

The Citizen App recently pointed to the area I was summoned by Ricky Brazell of a purported person armed with a knife. 

Instead of being appreciative of the circumstances I was put under I endured, Mr. Brazell asked for my fee and became angry saying it was "too much". Witnessing Mr. Brazell's unjustified anger, I was speechless for lack of words surprised at his poor attitude after my efforts. Mr. Brazell then pulled out an envelope of cash and handed me my $50 fee no one ever complains to me about.  Mr. Brazell then drove back to Sacramento with the notarized document to send to the man's auntie in Midland Texas. (The signer who I actually notarized called days later to explain the details of Mr. Brazell's involvement with his task.)

Six days later, Mr. Brazell viciously attacked my notary business with false and deceptive accusations. When I asked Yelp to remove the review, in it being clearly abusive, Yelp refused to cooperate even after a law firm's letter was presented to it with genuine facts. The review clearly violated Yelp's own policies aside from it's unlawful characteristics of false accusations and outright deception.

What does Up the Ying Yang mean? My interpretation matters.

Rick Brazell's Yelp profile includes a Masonic symbol

Mr. Brazell has since been unreasonable in evaluating the situation he's in with my challenging his false accusations and outright lies about the services he received that did not include my yelling obscenities at him. Therefore this post is about his reviewer's history on Yelp and my particular concern for my safety including former military training under the New World Order Security Force according to his public record.

That Yelp refused to remove this abusive review is shocking under the circumstances of Mr. Brazell's irrational extreme complaints attacking florists, gun sporting stores and everything under the sun along with it. 

Yelp's ratio of star ratings for Mr. Brazel 59 five stars vs. 41 one stars

Other Ricky Brazell Yelp complaints include:

Hummel's Flowers 

Hummel's response:
"We strive to provide the same level of care and quality to all our customers, regardless of how the order is placed, or where the order was placed from.. . .   It is our policy to verbally confirm the order before we run any credit cards or leave the phone with a customer, and this occurred with your order as well. However, this order was changed via phone several times after the order was placed but before it was ultimately sent out, and during one of these changes a mistake was made."
There had been many phone related changes to the flower arrangement order that caused a mistake of the florist shop they address professionally with subtle references that Mr. Brazell's method of changing the order several times contributed to confusion they took full responsibility for. This is similar to my experience that Mr. Brazell change his mind for me to meet him at a dangerous area without any desk area to notarize on rather than at the nearby hotel in Nob Hill I had offered where he would have paid $15 rather than $50 for my mobile services.

Sportsman's Warehouse

Ricky Brazell ".. . but their gun dept makes it seem like there are hundreds of people in the store."

Mr. Brazell has military training back in 2016 and this review about being at a gun department was posted on May 10, 2020. My experiencing such hateful based face twisting anger after asking for my fee, than attacking me on Yelp based on his deception to the public of a procedure I follow required by California law and complaints over my notary fee is truly concerning. What's even more concerning is Yelp refusing to remove an abusive review.  

C&M Repairs and Remodeling

Ricky Brazell: "I'm contacting YELP to make them aware and have this so called company removed."

Thus far I've already come across a review early on in my wading through them that Mr. Brazell threatened a business owner to the point she felt it necessary to file a police report. 
The owner of C&M Repairs and Remodeling complained of Mr. Brazell threatening her to the point of having to file a police report for a restraining order as follows:
Owner said she and her husband had to take out a restraining order on him! 

The owner said "And I do apologize to him.. . And wish he would have had some understanding."
Look at the photo trash Rick Brazell put up on C&M's Yelp page full of insults and all kinds of false allegations they're "criminals".  
Rick Brazell's a real piece of work to write crap about people working for him for cheap he owed money to. 

Some kind of narcissist authoritarian Rick Brazell rudely insulted a Christian couple who owns C&M Repairs and Renovation. (see comment at right)

Rose Garden Florist

Mr. Brazell in a tizzy over a florist service the owner
claims is a fake customer. 

Owner: "This customer was not at our store."

In Closing:

I witnessed Mr. Brazell lie in his review about my yelling obscenities at him that was entirely false. I have a witness, the signer I notarized, that I was nothing but professional in his experience. Therefore Mr. Brazell either has psychotic breaks from reality or deliberately lies about business owners in order to get them to capitulate to his demands.  

When I was at the Seneca Hotel waiting for the signer to find his ID inside,  Mr. Brazell stood across from me without conversation observing me all the while. He was downright strange.  Ricky Brazell's twisted anger toward me after I completed my services preceded his unwarranted baseless attacks of me six days later on Yelp. I got the distinct impression Mr. Brazell is a potentially dangerous person prior to even knowing he was trained in the U.S. Military. Yelp has an entire history of Mr. Brazell's many weird Yelp complaints yet it refused to acknowledge facts in a law firm's letter refusing to remove his crazy review. 

"Yelp overlooks violations of its own policies for unknown reasons, even when a law firm letter is provided based in fact. Yelp knows this reviewer's history of complaints and police reports filed from other business owners yet completely ignores new complainant violations. Such is why I feel it necessary to disclose this information as presented herein. 
- Cheryl Meril, Blogger


Ricky Brazell's Yelp Page