Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Hagmann Report's Spiritually Dangerous False Prophet Sensationalism

Another false prophet appeared on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report radio program a few weeks ago leading me no choice but to completely end my listenership, this time over con artist extraordinaire false prophet Benjamine Baruch.

For those who've never heard of the father and son duo, the Hagmanns have been seeking after sensationalism of late to attract more listeners, a common trap of for-profit businesses.  They recently upgraded their studio being on satellite broadcasts, far above their former amateurish BlogTalkRadio venue.

As previously noted in an earlier post, there seems to be an attempt to confuse the Hagmann's listener audience that they're not a for-profit business, being more of a charitable organization in need of donations for their good works spreading Christianity.  Alex Jones of Prison Planet used a similar means of requesting donations from his audience, though he was a for-profit business, by acting like he was performing a public service doing volunteer work.

Christian Author Benjamine Baruch Calls Humanity A Dog,
Threatens Incineration For Not Following Him.

I'm going to start doing YouTube videos again, the one posted here's a review of Baruch's latest book Search The Scriptures Out of the Darkness demonstrating the psychosis of some of this false prophet's writing. Much like a criminal, Baruch believes his own lies that only discerning Christians like myself can call out as such simply because it doesn't adhere to God's Word.  Baruch entitled his book in order to seek after those looking for a way out of darkness. An email he sent to me is clearly designed toward's the naive and vulnerable, the lost and lonely women he hopes will send him money. Yes, it's all about money just like I reported in my other blog article Charlaton Nick Vermillion Unmasked as False Christian Teacher - October 30, 2015.

After he sent me two emails, including providing a "Go Fund Me" link, I did some research and came to the conclusion Benjamine Baruch's a con artist using Christianity for financial purposes.  Shortly thereafter, another false prophet, Jonathan Kleck, appeared on the Hagmann program thus confirming to me they've sold out to sensationalist pop culture stories on the level of Freemason's Art Bell's former paranormal based program.  See my post: Shout Out To The Hagmann Report - Jonathan Kleck Says He's a Fallen Angel - December 5, 2015
"Modern 'prophets' are highly predictable. 
A self-appointed prophet garners national attention by prophesying the end of the world, pinpointing a precise date and even a specific hour when the Messiah will gather His elect. The news whips many into a frenzy. The prophet’s followers sell their possessions, believing they won’t need them anyway. 
As the anticipated day comes, then goes, the false seer wipes the egg off his face while unapologetically admitting to a miscalculation. Still, he holds to his belief that the Second Coming is imminent. The bogus prognosticator follows up with a new and improved date and his prophetic fables gain new traction with his gullible audiences. 
Fraudulent prophets are a dime a dozen. Yahshua’s first response when asked about the final days of man’s rule said, "Don’t be deceived." When the real treachery appears in the form of the Man of Sin, the charlatans will look like pikers. Millions will swoon in adoration when the False Prophet performs eye-popping miracles on the world stage." False Prophets101
It's important to keep our Christian minds focused on God's Word and not allow others to lead us astray into deception. We all tend to like entertainment and allow it to get the best of us that's spiritually dangerous and unpleasing to God. The Hagmann & Hagmann Report's a spiritually dangerous program I can no longer trust for all the reasons stated.

See also:

The Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like a Church - December 4, 2015

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Does Barbra Streisand Even Know She's Been Dethroned By Adele?

It's no secret singers aren't the brightest people on the planet and they've often been recognized for being out of touch with reality in a "dreams come true" mentality.

I think of the idiocy of singer Barbra Streisand's most recent praises of Obama after he gave her a medal and then her later pleading in the media for all women to band together to vote for Hillary Clinton. I can't help but view Barbra Streisand as an idiot for this blatant disregard for facts and reality, especially that the Internet's at her fingertips to research for herself.   Does Barbra even know yet that Adele in the U.K. is in the process of breaking records and thus displacing her as a world renown singer?  Likely not, because Barbra Streisand likes to control reality to her liking.
"I don't have time to listen to new music (e.g. Adele, Taylor Swift). Because I'm working on music now, I never even put music on in my car. I can't." Barbra Streisand Doesn't Listen to Current Music - Times of India, December 11, 2015
In her statement, Barbra Streisand treated Adele with such disrespect not acknowledging her worldwide success likely because Adele's stated influences excluded her.  Barbra claims ignorance of today's singers because she doesn't want to know another has dethroned her the world's in a frenzy over.  Barbra has thus demonstrated her politics extends to musical rivals that I find quite disturbing.

I think the American public has had enough of Barbra's blatant disregard for reality preferring to use her privilege as a popular singer to influence politics.  It's just so twisted and obviously tied to money.

In a recent article in U.K. Daily Mail, Barbra Streisand Urges Women To Join Forces to Vote for Hillary Clinton, the delusional celebrity singer said:

"And calling for all women to join forces to end inequality, she urged them to support Hillary Clinton and 'elect the first woman president, someone who will represent our values and interests.'  She told the Hollywood Reporter: 'We have to join forces. Women are nurturers, just by our physiology."

Streisand believes we should vote for Hillary Clinton because "women are nurturers" that smacks of the 1970's era liberalism.  That statement alone should be a red flag for anyone considering taking Barbra's politics views seriously.  The singer's in la la land, in a  perpetual state of extended liberal beliefs that took root in the 1970's especially.  Barbra's also attempting to manipulate older voters especially with recent photo shoots with Robert Redford from the days of her film and song The Way We Were to remind them of how great those days were.  

As far as Streisand's praise of Obama after he awarded her a medal, that was a real fall from grace in my humble opinion, to allow him such privilege after doing such great damage to America as a traitor. Eternal hell awaits Barbra Streisand who conforms reality to her liking, being in serious denial of the consequences of her complicity with such evil.

The American people really need to get in touch with reality and stop listening to people like Barbra Streisand's Hollywood based delusional views on politics who doesn't live in the real world.  Ms. Streisand's in la la land and should stick with singing instead of trying to con Americans into her own delusional state of mind.

Here's a story that appeared back in late 2012 about how Obama and Hillary's State department were funding restoration of Muslim Mosques overseas with $770 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars.  The U.S. gov't even provided Internet access helping our enemies.

Atlanta TELEVISION NEWSCAST - National Disgrace I'll bet there's about 75% or more of the people in this country that will never get the word on this. For America’s sake, people, please pass it on. HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT, YOU AIN'T GONNA BELIEVE THIS!!!This is for real-------Please watch this News Report Atlanta TELEVISION NEWSCAST...WSB TVOutrageous!!!I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY BUT UN-BELIEVABLE!!!
Posted by Janet Williams Horn on Thursday, December 6, 2012
"Barbra didn’t say anything today that surprised us. Instead, she reinforced what we’ve known all along. She and other Hollywood types, who are all-in for Hillary without daring to use a brain cell in the process, are just mean girls defending a mean girl."  Barbra Streisand, Another Mean Girl Trying to Protect Hillary - December 9, 2015

See also:

Barbra Streisand on Gender Discrimination - "Even Female Mice Are Discriminated Against!" - Breibert - December 12, 2015

Barbra Streisand Thinks The American Economy's Great. What She's Missing - The Daily Signal April 12, 2015 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Shout Out To The Hagmann Report Jonathan Kleck Says He's A Fallen Angel

I think the Hagmann & Hagmann Report needs a better vetting process of choosing guests after their fiasco allowing false prophet and self confessed fallen angel, aka demon possessed Jonathan Kleck as a guest on their radio program a few nights ago. The father and son duo's former highly esteemed Christian based radio guests program has since lost significant credibility not only with me but with many in its audience. I only know this because I've been reading around some of the buzz on social media and many Christians are shocked they allowed the widely agreed false teacher, false prophet and demon possessed man on their program.

Click to Enlarge
The buzz on social networks was disbelief Jonathan Kleck was on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report. This is one of many similar reactions in the Christian community.

Joe Hagmann even defended Kleck as brethren under alleged slanderous attacks from those such as myself who discerned the truth about him by tweeting it out. It's not slander when what you're claiming is true. See my recent post The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like Church - December 4, 2015

Jonathan Kleck admitting he's a fallen angel in a human body
while standing next to his Satanic works

The likely reason the demonic spirit spoke through Kleck in this video is Christians had been praying in spiritual warfare over his false teachings and prophecies.  Demons always speak the truth about themselves when confronted by any anointed Christian.
"We can surmise from the following quotes that the ancient Church taught Christians cannot be possessed.  
Tertullian 1990-210 AD
Apology 23 -  . . . .'The wicked spirit, bidden to speak by a follower of Christ, will readily make the truthful confession that he is a demon.' - Fallen Angels by Ken Johnson, Kindle Pg 482"
Let me explain how I came to posting this article today. Last night I was led by the Holy Spirit to download Ken Johnson's book Fallen Angels so I began reading.  I had already been reading Johnson's books and happened to see a summary listed of his others so I checked them out on Amazon. Today I read about fallen angels with no intention on writing anything more about Kleck until God later confirmed to me I was on the right track. This is how the Holy Spirit led me today.

After reading about fallen angels, I googled Johnathan Kleck False Prophet and the above mentioned video branched off from another found on YouTube.  In other words, I never typed in "Johnathan Kleck Fallen Angel" because demons are the correct terminology used by we Christians.  So when I found this video confessional of a fallen angel possessing Mr. Kleck, I consider it the Holy Spirit guiding to confirm I was correct about Jonathan Kleck.

Jonathan Kleck's false predictions and arrogant unrepentant attitude revealed in this video.

It wasn't too hard to discern Kleck isn't a genuine Christian that he's playing a game for attention to distract Christians from Jesus. The reason I'm not fooled is I read the Word of God, it's as simple as that. I watched Kleck's videos years ago but stopped my fascination of his artwork by unsubscribing. I thought Kleck was over with by now, that's why I was so shocked to discover he hacked into one of my favorite Christian radio programs by the Hagmann's.  It's Satan's servant and they come in many shapes and forms as I've reported in previous posts.  See Charlaton Nick Vermillion Unmasked As False Christian Teacher - October 30, 2015

Here's a site dedicated to exposing Kleck being a false teacher:
"Jonathan Kleck has a very popular YouTube channel and a radio show. He sounds very authoritative, he cites scripture, he references the Hebrew and Greek, and if people don’t know the Scriptures and their proper context well, then they can be misled. That said, any sound Christian should have enough discernment to know that the declarations about his salvation story and who he is, should cause red flags to go up." - Jonathan Kleck is a False Prophecy Teacher About The End Times, 
Get the word out, Satan servants are hacking into Christian radio programs any way he can to deceive and lead others astray!  I sincerely hope the Hagmanns' will seek counsel of the Holy Spirit for their defending this man as brethren and calling down hell fire citing Scripture inappropriately against Christians who allegedly slandered Kleck.

Note to the Hagmann's:  I'm sorry, I didn't want to humiliate either of you, I liked your program immensely!  Consider maybe it's time for a vacation to regroup and pray a bit before continuing down this road of anything goes unvetted guests on your program.  Also consider any sympathy with the devil's servants is viewed as complicity by God.  If either of you felt sorry for Kleck to give him such a large audience platform, it's still no excuse.

If nothing changes on your program, if there's no repentance from the broad path your program's currently on I'll be forced to no longer tune in. :-(

See Also:

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like Church - December 4, 2015

Jonathan Kleck Needs Deliverance From Demonic Spirits Please! - December 4, 2015

Website of Disclosures

Jonathan Kleck is a False Prophecy Teacher About The End 

Videos Christians Who Support Jonathan Kleck Must See - Lunatic Outpost

Google search

Johnathan Kleck False Prophet 

Amazon Book

Fallen Angels by Ken Johnson

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Threatens Hell Fire Like A Church

Last I checked Doug and Joe Hagmann of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report aren't pastors or ministers, yet they're threatening hell fire when a member of their audience tweets something speaking truth about their broadcast of Jonathan Kleck. See Johnathan Kleck Needs Deliverance From Demons Please! 

If Doug and Joe Hagmann truly believe they're a church and that Jonathan Kleck is their brethren, I'm sorry to say they're clearly delusional.  Not only are they not a church, Jonathan Kleck's a false teacher of Christ whose clearly in need of deliverance of demonic spirits.

I'm thinking that maybe it was my two donations to their program that caused the Hagmann's to think they're a charity or organization, a church? Because when author Steve Quayle asked on air to help out with a little for their program a few months ago, I expressed my appreciation for the upgrades with $25.  They may have believed I was tithing to their church or ministry?  Last I checked they didn't take any step of faith to become ministers of God's Word by becoming a non-profit organization.

The Hagmanns see their radio program as a church, their guests "brethren".

This is to clarify, just because you have a radio program that interviews men and women who either claim to serve or actually do serve Jesus Christ, doesn't give you the authority to behave and act like a church when someone brings up a genuine issue about one of the guest's on the program.  My hope is that the Hagmann's really aren't that delusional and blind to fail to recognize it was a real gamble to air Kleck's stories on its program.  Referring to him as "brethren" is a bit concerning.  Real brethren get delivered from their demons and heal due to their repentance.

Having Jonathan Kleck on their program and then referring to him as "brethren" while attacking me with threats of hell fire, well I think it's time for a reality check for these guys.  I do forgive the Hagmann's for overstepping their authority under false pretenses of being a church, which they're clearly not.  I think a reality check's in order for both of them.  I answer to God, not men.  

Obedience is key to being a Christian. For instance, I went to a deliverance conference in Phoenix Arizona back in the 1980's.  The rebellious, such as Mr. Kleck, refuse to repent and get delivered from demons preferring to channel them by seeking continual attention such as on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report.

I know whenever I need to repent of sin.  In this case not and certainly not under the direction of a liberal Joe Hagmann since the Holy Spirit convicts me whenever necessary.

Johnathan Kleck Needs Deliverance From Demonic Spirits Please!

***Update Posts Below***  This evening I was shocked to learn a very delusional disturbed Johnathan Kleck was a guest on the Hagmann & Hagmann Report, a radio program that usually provides quality Christian and investigative programming.  Prior to this evening's program, a few years ago I had already heard of Kleck having explored his videos and message.  I've since come to the conclusion Mr. Kleck's demon possessed and in need of deliverance as such.

The Hagmann Report introduced him as an alleged researcher in his presenting a psuedo court case from his life experiences.  Kleck apparently can't be interviewed like a normal person having a need to endlessly ramble on about himself and experiences as if he's something special.

The Kleck's always seeking avenues of attention, even on The Hagmann Report to its shame.

A demonic spirit's been working through Mr. Kleck's works that are not the fruit of Christ.  I would like to request people stop feeding his need for continual attention that comes from an ego problem rooted in the flesh. Kleck's circle of friends need to provide support and healing for him on a personal level.

There's a demonic entity working through Jonathan Kleck whose always seeking attention with crazy stories about himself that lead nowhere.  The video's being posted only to show how crazy this guy sounds with his rambling testimony rooted in delusions of grandeur.

I'll be praying for this man's deliverance but won't be paying him any mind listening to his loony tunes stories being trapped inside his head.

Shout Out To Hagmann Report Jonathan Kleck Claims He's A Fallen Angel - December 5, 2015

The Hagmann Report Threatns Hell Fire Like a Church - December 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Obama's Got A New Kind Of Trojan Condom-Nation (sic) Coming To America

In case you haven't heard, President Obama's been shifting gears in his love affair with America after using up tax payers' millions for he and Michelle's lavish vacations.  Obama apparently anticipates American citizens wanting to get screwed even more at the end of his long eight year reign as he prepares for his grand finale. 

A few days ago liberal slut comedian Amy Schumer presented President Obama with a unique gift for the next stage of his passionate affair with America. Amy's Trojan Condoms were a metaphor of sorts for a different kind of Trojan coming to America through Syrian refugees that the devil's surely laughing over.

Back in the 1970's, Obama was more into these kind of Trojan horse strategies with girls:

Comedian Amy Schumer joked around with Obama with Trojan condom gifts.
What Obama's planning with his ISIS pals is no laughing matter:

How stupid can a nation be to allow its closet Muslim President Obama to bring in Syrian refugees that the U.S. has no intelligence background on to vet them with whatsoever? In fact, a majority of them are young males 18-35 without a families.  

Western nations are asleep at the wheel.

Americans should be very concerned about Obama's zeal over wanting to bring Syrian refugees into our country. The FBI says we have no intelligence on the Syrians described metaphorically as gaping holes. Though I'm no fan of Donald Trump, he had the courage to call it like it is today, that these refugees could be used as a Trojan horse for terrorists to enter the United States.

You can't say you weren't forewarned.  If you enjoy being a willful whore or stinking bastard into S&M you'll love the next wave of Trojan Horse full of condom-nation for America, the Islamists love to rape, pillage tie up their slaves and slaughter them.
"ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris, and it is reported that at least one of the terrorists who attacked Paris departed from Syria as a “refugee,” possessing a Syrian passport.  Reports also indicate that ISIS has stated its intention to send terrorists around the globe posing as refugees.  Now, ISIS has specifically threatened the United States:  '[A]s we struck France in the center of its abode in Paris, then we swear that we will strike America at its center in Washington.' The threat is real.  So is the barbaric violence ISIS imposes on Syrian Christians and others." ACLJ - Five Key Policies On ISIS, Syrian Refugees - November 17, 2015
See also:

Declassified Docs - Obama Ordered CIA to Train ISIS - May 28, 2015

In Plain Site - U.S. Military Forces Routinely Airdrop Supplies to ISIS - February 19, 2015

How The State Department Lied To The Press About Syrian Refugees - November 18, 2015

ACLJ - Five Key Policies On ISIS, Syrian Refugees - November 17, 2015

Donald Trump - Potential Trojan Horse - November 18, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

RED ALERT: Homeland Security Guy Moved Out of San Francisco In A Hurry!

Just a little report, someone who works for Homeland Security whose lived in our building the past seven years, has moved out in a rush, so much so that he asked the landlady to forward two heavy boxes leaving her a hundred dollar bill claiming he had to catch a flight. According to my research, this person's been in San Francisco for many years since becoming an attorney in 1975. The sudden rush out of the city where he enjoyed reasonable rent raises a RED FLAG because this guy doesn't like change, read on.

The landlady told me about a unit number in our building where Charles Oliver Wood liveda former Harvard law school graduate.  I know this only from doing a little research on Spokeo's reverse address database.  Moreover, the landlady told me the tenant of the unit hadn't cleaned his place in seven years!  That's right, Mr. Wood left behind a huge mess to clean up.

I think it's important for we citizens to denote whenever those who work for high level security in the U.S. government begin moving out of major cities in a rush that seems out of character for them. Let's take heed of these obvious warning signs!  For instance, California Governor Jerry Brown lied today that the Syrian refugees will be fully vetted directly contradicting Homeland Security's recent statements in a recent article.  I personally believe Governor Brown really wants to usher in his California Depopulation Program he discussed back in June, but that's beside the point.

I've been listening to Jay Sekulow's ACLJ morning radio program that's also broadcast on Facebook live at 9:00 am PCT as well as Periscope and today he discussed there are REAL dangers of terrorists coming over under the banner of Syrian refugees. We're all in a lot of danger!  Many of the refugees are young adult men well trained in undercover tactics avoiding detection.

Judicial Watch also obtained declassified communications from 2011 showing Obama ordering the CIA to train ISIS in hopes of their removing Assad from power.  The U.S. Military's been noted airdropping supplies to ISIS as well.  Obama supports ISIS!  Obama supports bringing terrorists into the U.S. through the trojan horse of Syrian refugees!  He wants to bring in hundreds of thousands in the next two years!  Obama wants to destroy our nation to usher in a new world government.

Enemies of America are at the helm of power in the U.S., they clearly want to bring in well trained young terrorists from Syria to attack America.  It's as plain as day, our leaders aren't even trying to hide their intentions any longer.  Wake up!

Know your enemy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Trader Joes Employees Help Customers Lose Their Appetites In San Francisco To Keep Food On Shelves

TJ's employees in San Francisco are scary!
If anyone's wondering why I haven't been blogging the past few days it's because Nigerian thieves planted malware on my computer and began using my credit card to buy airline tickets! I've certainly had plenty to write about lately with our local Trader Joe's since my last post Trader Joes Greeted Me With Islamic Music Today in San Francisco - November 3, 2015

This isn't exactly the same TJ's of the early 1990's in Southern California I began shopping at and yes, I'm amazed they still sell the same spinach lasagna decades later.  The food hasn't changed much, but some of the employees sure have. 

Trader Joes seems to have a plan for weight gainers like me who need to fast and pray with what I now refer to as its Pre-civilization Era Employees Reduction of Customers' Appetites Program. It makes total sense if you think about it since TJ's continually runs out of inventory stock on its shelves that its forced to cover it up by filling up the empty sections with other types of food. They've been having a real hard time keeping things in stock. What a great idea to try and drive customers away by hiring a few freaky looking scary employees that sends shivers up customers spines to even look at them.

Demons at Trader Joes!
I walked in to TJ's this evening to find one of their typical really gross looking repulsive demon inspired characters hovering over the tortilla section ignoring my long patient wait for him to complete his self-appointed task of appearing busy. Finally as I waited for him to complete tidying up the last shelf he had pulled out, he decided my wait needed to be extended with a check of expiration dates on each and every bag of tortilla's.

You see, I really don't like speaking with the bottom barrel Satanists because I know they're trouble but it was getting late and I needed to get home.  I decided to simply ask, "Can I please get to the tortillas?" with a very soft nice voice. The monster responded jumping up wanting to argue claiming "you should have told me, I didn't see you!" and was very hostile.  When I told him I knew he was lying and full of crap, the BEAST took his complaint  about  me to his female supervisor.  That's right these MONSTERS are playing passive aggressive roles expecting the customers to wait and wait and when we finally break down and ask if we can get to the tortillas, they want to argue and then complain about the customer to their supervisor.

The FREAK show at my local Trader Joes is so horrific, a sign of the times.  Humanity can't get much lower in appearance then these pathetic so called men. The women who try to look like that kind of lifestyle their aiming for are more tolerable to look at but the men aren't gentlemen but snakes and they can take their nose rings and disgusting tattoos to eternal hell and live with the devil for all eternity!

Not too far off from reality at TJ's, hoops and all.
If you're thinking to yourself "she's really snobby and stuck up!" Not! I've done my share of hard labor in life picking up trash on the beach for 220 hours back in 1992, working beach shacks in So. Cal as a teen, cleaning houses for wealthy families in Palos Verdes Estates, CA as a teen so I could afford a moped along with tons of clerical administrative typing jobs as a young adult. I haven't been able to afford much only up to the last 15 years of my life and even then I've been very conservative in my food budget.

So why does Trader Joes do this to its customers? Surely TJ's can find a better caliber of human being whose not looking to give the customer a hard time.  Did that depraved dysfunctional so called man even think of offering to hand me a bag of tortilla's by asking me which one I wanted?  No, he just wanted to argue!  It was all about him and he went to his supervisor to complain about me!

The food's great at Trader Joes but I'm beginning to lose my appetite questioning if walking into a store full of demons is worth it.  Moreover, maybe a few of these so called guys are really devolving into cannibals like some Twilight Zone horror flick, or Night of the Living Dead movie where they'll be waiting when the shelves are bare for their customers to be their next meal.

Yes I need to fast and pray and God's going to get his way of course!

Also see:

Trader Joes Greeted Me With Islamic Music Today in San Francisco - November 3, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Trader Joes Greeted Me with Islamic Music Today in San Francisco

**UPDATED in blue**  I walked into my local Trader Joes at the Nob Hill's San Francisco location today and, to my horror, they were playing hard core Islamic music!  Can someone please explain how this makes sense? As a Christian I take great offense to my local Trader Joes playing music from an Islamic country complicit with ISIS being hell bent on exterminating Christians and Jews through genocide.

If the customer service reps at this store are going to play this kind of foreign tongue music that less than 1% of the city's population listens to, why not play Latin based music? At least a large part of the population can understand the language.  But no, they chose to force a very hostile, hateful culture that rapes, beheads and seeks to exterminate Jews and Christians especially.  For those who may view this as a racist point of view, I offer the following explanation as to why it's not.

Is it Racist to Challenge Islam? The Fuel Project, November 5, 2015

You might be wondering, who was the individual responsible for playing Islamic music at the Trader Joes Store in San Francisco?  It was some pretty blonde doe eyed 20's something white woman who responded innocently when I asked her why she was playing it with "it's just a multi-cultural station we changed to."  Really?  Can you imagine how I as a Christian felt as I walked into Trader Joes to pick up a few things that they were playing the music of a vicious culture such as this?  Here in America we have a huge repertoire of music heritage to choose from, they don't have to keep on playing pop or rock tunes and can choose to play jazz or alternative music.  Instead the local loony liberals chose Islamic music!

I bet that liberal white woman has no idea that if she were to take a trip over to the kind of country of the music she chose, they'd rape and likely stone and/or behead her as an American whore. Why would anyone in their right mind play Islamic based music at a store like Trader Joes? The thoughtless reckless youth, that's who!   The 20's somethings crowd are so ignorant of what they're doing. It's a very dangerous thing being hostile and rebellious towards one's own native country's culture and heritage.

UPDATE: Here's an email I received on November 16, 2015 from someone behind an alias email in response to this post:

"But FYI the ONLY reason I would have even read this article is because of the young lady of whom you spoke. She is not an unaware youth as you spoke but a graduate from a well known university on the east coast and was brought up in a loving Christian family. She has traveled extensively overseas and has a close family member who has worked with the women in crisis in multiple war torn countries to help build centers for their support. So that doe eyed girl is well aware of what goes on there. She comes from a large family, some of whom work as first responders to rape victims. Her real world knowledge was not deserving of the belittling nature of which you spoke about her." 

So according to the reader, the doe eyed woman is Christian whose family members are first responders for rape victims building centers in war torn countries.  Doe apparently likes playing Islamic music and isn't at all bothered by what goes on over there because she has an educated real world view. I shouldn't have belittled her and have therefore been rebuked by the facts of the email.

I was then lectured in another part of the email about God's Scripture to be a good neighbor:
"God also says love thy neighbor as thy self...but if you don't want to argue (I responded earlier that God's Word doesn't allow me to argue), I understand. I thought the idea behind a blog is to give your opinions and take in others as well."
The IP address provided by Disqus was from North Carolina.   Liberals always have to feel right and in control being desperate creating fictional stories.  They thrive on lies to empower their journey toward's eternal hell.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."  Hosea 4-5

Monday, November 2, 2015

SF Mayor Ed Lee Begs For Syrian Refugees In Deal With The Devil

It's no secret that San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee's one of those spineless politicians who does whatever he's told from the political chain of command in the devil's hierarchy. A few in San Francisco may believe they have a Mayor named Ed Lee, but they're mistaken. What they really have is a demon possessed zombie with the devil pulling his strings, something far worse then a robot running the city government.

News is beginning to circulate what a boot licker Ed Lee's become since taking office four years ago.  Take this article a few days ago about a local singer confronting Lee over his getting people kicked out of the city.
"Equipto, an 25 year veteran of the Bay Area’s local music scene and collaborator of Andre Nickatina, had no qualms serving Lee a nice warm cup of fuck off in front of his staff and other coffee shop patrons.“You are a disgrace to Asian people,” he shouted. “You have no heart, man.” See video  Singer Equipto Cusses Out Ed Lee At Coffee Shop 'You're a Disgrace to Asian People' - SFWeekly, October 7, 2015

Equipto, "I know you're getting people kicked out here. You have no heart man!"

You see, Mayor Ed Lee doesn't work for the tax payers of San Francisco who provide he and 35,000 city employees paychecks and pensions.  Ed Lee works instead for President Obama, a/k/a the devil, who views San Francisco as city without borders reaching all the way to Syria. The reason I know this is because Mayor Lee has agreed to be an eager participant expressing a strong desire to take in Syrian refugees into San Francisco that absolutely defies logic. Mayor Lee's name was recently denoted on a list of 100 city Mayors begging for more Syrian refugees. See 100 Mayor's Beg President Obama for More Syrian Refugees, WND, November 2, 2015

As everyone who lives here knows, San Francisco can't afford to bring homeless refugees that already has thousands of mentally ill homeless people living on its streets where the average American can't even afford to live.  If the average American can't afford the rents of San Francisco, Syrian refugees certainly can't afford the high cost of living and will become frustrated to the point of committing terrorist acts against the U.S. citizens.

San Francisco's not a place to dump any more third world country employees let alone homeless potential Muslim terrorists! When the Muslims don't acclimate to such a competitive environment, they will carry out terrorist attacks on the people of San Francisco and beyond.  They will not like this city one bit.

Syrian refugees arriving in America know our country displaced them with its policies there! Bringing thousands of Syrian refugees to the U.S. is like throwing piranha into a cultural fishbowl.

Mayor Ed Lee proved he's a zombie serving his superiors all the way up the ladder to the Federal government. In return his Democratic pals plan on getting him into the California Governor's mansion one day. San Francisco  tax payers are expected to fork out more of their money for an invasion of foreigners who will only end up committing heinous terrorist attacks against them. When Mayor Ed Lee finds his city that elected him in chaos due to terrorist attacks, he only has himself to blame and his decision will be recorded in history as being out only for himself and his best political interests.

Mayor Lee's just an empty suit doing what he's told to do and therefore a soulless devil among other devil based superiors out for his own political aspirations of becoming California's Governor one day.