Monday, June 11, 2012

Rand Paul Proves Politics A Farce, Supporters Naive Fools

After the Rand Paul political shift took place a few days ago, his coming out as a Romney supporter didn't at all surprise me.  It should be as clear as day to anyone who thinks for themselves that most all politicians of this day and age have been corrupted by money and power.  It seems even good men in politics rely on their naive supporters in order to reach a level where they intend on ultimately being accepted into the power circle of corrupt government insiders.

The Pauls shock their supporters teaching that American politics usurps principles and ethics.

It appears Rand Paul's sold out his father's life long work defending the U.S. Constitution in order to protect his future as well as the 61 relatives Ron Paul's status helped obtain government jobs.  No one knows yet what went on behind the scenes but it's safe to say the Pauls felt their future was being threatened in some way they had to take drastic action to save face with the powers at be.
"If supporters knew that their participation in elevating these men and women into positions of power in government is just a stepping stone for these cons to enter into a circle of the corrupt and power drunk on the world stage, they'd abandon the political process.  Such is why these politicians rely on playing their supporters like a piano while secretly viewing them as naive ignorant fools.  People need to take back their self esteem from this politician scam in reclaiming their personal integrity by abandoning this failed political process entirely."  - Cheryl Meril, Blogger
The rule of thumb I use is people who rely on politics as their religion in life can't be trusted and that includes Ron and Rand Paul.  For instance, Ron Paul claims to be against fraud corporate wars, yet voted in favor of the Afgan war! This rule of thumb also applies to those in religious and other organizations that rely on politics in any form.  People who see the world through bully politics are on the level of desperate animals trying to survive in a false reality. These kind of people twist reality using politics often at the expense of others' well being and hard work.

Want to see for yourselves how power corrupts?  Billionaire Ted Turner's so out of touch with reality he believes his great wealth enables him to determine the fate of the world's population.  Watch this confrontation outing of his depopulation views by Luke Rudkowski at We Are Change:

Ted Turner's laughs while admitting to his depopulation plans to reduce the human population through eugenics.

I've always hated politics finding it childish.  I've spent so much time in life meditating in nature, sitting on ocean cliffs communing with the spirit of God.  I've always known these politicians are a farce and a waste of time.  I thought from the get go putting one's hope in Ron Paul for the future of America was a losing proposition, he is far too weak and vulnerable a person to defeat the great evil up ahead.  Paul was destined to sacrifice himself more for his son and family, all 61 relatives he employs in government. It's called Nepotism.
"Nepotism is favoritism granted to relatives regardless of merit.  The word nepotism is from the Latin word nepos, nepotis (m. "nephew"), from which modern Romanian nepot and Italian nipote, "nephew" or "grandchild" are also descended." -

Historian Webster Tarpley saw the Ron and Rand Paul farce back near the beginning of the year. Alex Jones had a hard time digesting the truth a few weeks ago prior to the fiasco's emergence.

Instead of voting for a compromised politician thinking it will help your life, try praying to almighty God for guidance and don't think you can control God's response in the process. This world is passing but eternity's forever.  I can confirm there really is a Satan, Lucifer, heaven and hell. The greatest trick the devil uses is to make people believe he doesn't exist and neither heaven or hell.  I can confirm it does, that there is life beyond death and this childish political stuff is a ridiculous farce and trap people fall into on earth.  People who remain in this political based paradigm are often so childish taking everything at face value.  Many people don't want to do their research believing whatever propaganda is fed to them.

It's all such a waste of time to put any hope in the U.S. political process.  The politicians are bought and paid for, not by the American people, but by the corporations and International banking interests who own our political system.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Eerie Tombstones Appear After Windstorm on Ocean Beach in San Francisco

Imagine enjoying a morning walk on the beach coming across the most unexpected things imaginable, that of tombstones!  That's what happened to surfers in San Francisco who came across an eerie find.  Apparently windstorms eroded the sand to the point of uncovering the dead's Century old tombstones that were left behind after the city moved bodies out of the city for anticipated population growth.

The tombstones became visible this week, including bits and pieces of marble and granite that once marked the final resting places of citizens long dead.
One of them is the nearly intact marble tombstone of Delia Presby Oliver, who died at the age of 26 on Apr. 9, 1890.  - Tombstones From Long Ago Surfacing on S.F. Beach -
I guess they never anticipated the headstones turning up again but I think they should have taken better care to perhaps grind them up prior to using them as landfill for the shore.

Rest in peace Delia.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Senator Barbara Boxer Exposed By Amatuer Journalists

I personally consider Senator Barbara Boxer exposed and defeated by the following video showing Mike Dice in training with Luke Rudowski from We Are Change.  As they wait for Senator Boxer to appear from a meeting at some government property, Dice is briefed on how to approach and question her.  This video demonstrates how your every day kind of people can topple these corrupt politicians by simply confronting them. 

Senator Barbara Boxer lies to security personnel over being questioned on public property over her knowledge of the Bilderberg group.

Politicians at work preaching on the floor, Barbara Boxer protests people sleeping in their offices .. . .yawn. Californians sure get a bang for their buck with this Senator.  Not!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fruits of Hollywood Horror Flicks Come Back To Haunt It

You will know them by their fruits, so says the Bible.  In this case, Hollywood's horror film industry's fruits are becoming cyrstal clear  with the latest news of cannibal serial killer Luka Magnotta whose being investigated being linked to a severed head, hands and feet found beneath the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles.  (Magnotta picture at left from 2007).

An apparent fan of blood and gore special effects guru Rick Lazzarini's Fred Krueger movies, Luka Magnotta did snuff films showing the gruesome ice pick murder and dismemberment and eating of victim Jun Lin prior to being apprehended in Berlin Germany on Monday. Carrying the murder in Canada one step further, Magnotta sent Lin's body parts to schools in Vancouver.  
"Magnotta was nicked in a Berlin internet cafe on Monday over the filmed cannibal killing of the student on May 25.

A ten-minute movie called 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick was posted on the net a day later showing Lin being hacked to death with an ice pick, dismembered, sexually abused and eaten — allegedly at Magnotta’s flat in Montreal." - "Cannibal Luka Magnotta's Possible Link to LA Murder is Investigated" - The Sun UK
It's sad to think the work of special effects artists in Hollywood actually influence real blood and gore as an outcome.   As we observe more evidence of a growing zombie cult of those consuming human body parts like in the movie The Living Dead, perhaps we have Hollywood horror film makers to thank.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

U.S. Feds Plan For Mass American Death, Prepares For Its Own Survival in Fallout Shelters

One day Americans will wake up to the fact their own government's been hijacked by a foreign power through traitorous politicians planning for mass death of its U.S. citizens.

Alex Jones reveals the U.S. Federal Government spends more than all other countries combined on its own fall out shelters excluding U.S. civilians.

In retrospect, Switzerland provides shelters for all its citizens and two weeks of food and water.  Switzerland demands all its citizens are armed.  The U.S. government is clearly planning on mass American deaths, not doing anything to prepare for its own citizens survival.  

Dr. Theresa who survived exposure to Chernobyl talks about Fukushima fallout and how the U.S. gov't isn't doing anything to come to the aid of its citizens.

The writing's on the wall for all to see.  It's not just what they do, it's what they don't do you have to denote.  For instance, they could care less about monitoring radiation in our food from Fukushima.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ultrasound of Man's Tumor Reveals Demonic Entity Staring Back in Agony

Well this is like something out of a horror flick about a Canadian researcher who was looking at an ultrasound of a man's tumored testicles only to find a man's face staring back at him.  For the spiritually attuned, we know exactly what this is, a demon from hell causing great pain and torment to its victim.

As can be expected, the doctors just laughed it off as a coincidence after what had first come to mind of similar incidents of Virgin Mary toast, the Face on Mars, etc.  If you look closely at this image, there's little left to the imagination since there's distinct proportional features resembling a man's face including an eye and pupil.  From my perspective, it's really a demon manifesting itself as the source of the man's pain but too many people are frightened to even consider this a possibility.
"It was almost like art coming out of this patient's testicles," said Dr. Naji Touma, an assistant professor of urology at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont. "It was an amusing finding." Here's Looking At You: Doctors Find Face In Testicle Ultrasound -

Demonic entities also manifested themselves in the 9/11 smoke clouds, as clear as day.

Little is left to the imagination of demonic manifestations on 9/11's hell fire. 

Another demonic entity manifests in the smoke of 9/11 fires.

Delemonte is the word in small font center.

Some really evil looking thing manifesting itself.

 The NY Times even did a story on the devil face phenomena.

Many times images appear in clouds as well with distinct human facial features.

What appears to be an ancient roman god manifests in the clouds to a man's utter shock. Our human ancestors may have seen similar things considering these as signs from the heavens.
As the cameraman pans across his backyard the huge face (1min 45sec) can be seen forming a human-like side-profile with a nose, mouth, eyes and a beard all clearly discernible.  The distinctive features sent the internet into a buzz and some users have even spotted other weird goings-on in the clip, including what appears to be a pig flying (3 secs in).- Freaky Video
People can't assume they understand everything about the world we occupy that's been here millions of years.  There are other dimensions these evil things reside in and they feed off humanity like parasites.  Nuff said, a bit too freaky a topic for most visitors I'm sure. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

I've Reported My Landlady & Criminal Network to the FBI

I'd like to document with the public that I've filed a report with the FBI in San Francisco related to the events the past few years with complete strangers from the Internet and of recent related to the theft of $6,000 cash hidden in my apartment. See my post These Satanists Are Slowly Killing Me Off - March 5, 2012 

Only the landlady, 71, could have carried out such a theft since she's the only one with the key. My door lock's unpickable and there was no break-in. The landlady's an astrologer who did my birth chart when I moved in back in 2003. I felt pressured to obtain her services at $125 and the lady delivered instead two full hour audio tapes of psychic interpretations of my chart.

The landlady is delusional in that she believes she knows me from having done my astrology chart, that she thinks she knows my weaknesses and vulnerabilities.  Based on this secret knowledge she believes to have, she likely tried to envision the ideal place where I hid the money.  The fact I once waved my Notary Public bike flag in satire saying "I surrender" as a joke a while back while I was in the garage, made the logical place to look of where I placed the flag near the money in my apartment.  The flag must have caught the landlady's attention in how she must have seen the envelope sticking out a bit from the back of my bookcase.

These nutcases apparently think they can learn the secrets of your life from doing your astrology chart!  Of course this isn't true, but the fact they believe they have secret knowledge of someone apparently triggers their criminal mindset.  This is why I had concern astrologer Edmond Wollmann was observed asking for my exact time of birth a while back on his forum, so he could learn secrets he believed he could use to manipulate me even further.

The latest theft on the property was last Friday morning or Thursday night of my bicycle helmet.  I believe the landlady removed a used helmet from my basket as a threat of my life.  Without a helmet, I'm without protection and the removal of this item was meant as a ritualistic sign given of impending danger. I've left that helmet unsecured everywhere for many months and it was so banged up and worn I was about to throw it away anyway.  No one wanted that 1.5 year old helmet, not even homeless people on the streets!  It was removed as a threat of some sort.

I believe the landlady and some male companion who's also involved plan on coming into my apartment and stealing my food and property when the economic collapses takes place in the next few months.  I also believe the landlady plans on locking me out of my apartment since there will be lawlessness of a breakdown of society.  The building is owned by famous people from Russia who arranged to bring Gorbachev over to visit San Francisco in the 1990's.

I've learned the landlady is an evil vicious person at 1245 California Street. Other tenants who I've had casual conversations with state the landlady's been noted walking in on elderly tenants without knocking. The few tenants I've spoken with all share the same pattern of damaged property caused by the landlady and/or lack of supervision of maintenance people that include extreme tactics of fear and intimidation.  The landlady has said many times to me she doesn't like people talking to each other in the building and for everyone to keep to themselves.  Now I know why.

This landlady came into my apartment after I forewarned her not to in order to ultimately steal my security cash I had withdrawn from my IRA in case of a bank freeze earlier last year.  I had a terrifying nightmare forewarning me of this event but let down my guard thinking myself silly for getting a security alarm system.

I now believe this landlady has other plans up ahead for me because she's apparently a sociopath who must always win.  This I learned according to an expert on sociopaths, an author who I shared my and others' experience with.  So if anything ever happens to me this landlady should be one of the prime suspects.

These Satanists Are Slowly Killing Me Off - March 5, 2012 post

Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Evidence Amelia Earhart's Radio Calls Went Ignored As Hoax

It's sad to think it was likely the confusing nature of hoaxer activity that caused the recipients of Amelia Earhart's final SOS radio transmissions to be ignored as bogus.  On the 75th Year Anniversary since her last flight, there's new evidence from a study purporting Earhart's plane signal was detected being on land for a few days prior to it likely being taken out to sea from the rise of tide on a tiny remote island of Nikumaroro. Credible Amelia Earhart Calls Were Ignored - Discovery News via
"Dozens of previously dismissed radio signals were actually credible transmissions from Amelia Earhart, according to a new study of the alleged post-loss signals from Earhart's plane. The transmissions started riding the air waves just hours after Earhart sent her last in-flight message.
The study, presented on Friday at a three day conference by researchers of The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), sheds new light on what may have happened to the legendary aviator 75 years ago. The researchers plan to start a high-tech underwater search for pieces of her aircraft next July.
'Amelia Earhart did not simply vanish on July 2, 1937. Radio distress calls believed to have been sent from the missing plane dominated the headlines and drove much of the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy search,' Ric Gillespie, executive director of TIGHAR, told Discovery News." - Credible Amelia Earhart Calls Were Ignored - Discovery News via
The likely scenario that is also supported with some evidence is that Earhart and her co-pilot Fred Noonan survived a bit on a campsite on Nikumaroro Island, known then as Gardner Island, only to succumb to the elements to ultimately be eaten dead or alive by the world's largest crabs, coconut crabs, the island's now famous for. The skeletal remains were reported to have been discovered of a white woman of European decent back in 1940 on the island.
"Partial skeletal bones were found in an earlier expedition in 1940. The coconut crabs that inhabit the island carried the remainder away. The bones found in the 1940 British exhibition have since been lost." Amelia Earhart Died on Nikumaroro Island, Famous for Its Huge Coconut Crabs - Yahoo News.  
I recently uploaded my Amelia Tribute Music Video of a song I composed Do You Read Me featuring Sky Chari Grealis on flute.  Near the end of the song I hinted Earhart survived though never admitting she came back down to earth whatsoever, because the reality is she's in heaven. That's right, Amelia Earhart's in heaven as one of the most sought after lost people the world's ever known.  

It's my belief from my research a few years ago that they will never find the Electra plane due to the Japanese location of it in order to reverse engineer and implement into their WWII fleet.  Besides the fact the Japanese would have been looking for that state-of-the-art Electra plane, there was also an eyewitness high ranking official documented saying he came across classified Japanese Electra design plans they accidentally provided him in error years after the Earhart disappearance.

It's fascinating to realize how Earhart's last days were likely spent considering all the survivalist programs there have been the past few years. It must have been horrible that the two likely died of dehydration and exhaustion from the excessive 100 degree in shade temperatures. Had those hoaxers not done what they did, Earhart might very well likely have been found in time.

Amelia Earhart Died on Nikumaroro Island, Famous for Its Huge Coconut Crabs - Yahoo News.

Credible Amelia Earhart Calls Were Ignored - Discovery News via

My Music Tribute Video to Amelia Earhart - 75th Anniversary After Disappearance Flight - posted May 28, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Zombies Manifesting Themselves Attract Media Attention

Last year I posted about this "Zombies Up Ahead" hacked public works sign in San Francisco across the street from my apartment.  People were laughing taking photos of it all day so I had to check it out.

I've been reporting about zombies the past few years on this blog so I'm not at all surprised of recent events disclosed in the major media.  Last year I posted a forewarning "It's time for all living conscience human beings to begin taking note of the zombies that exist among them."  See my posts Zombies Among Us - October, 2011 and Caution, Zombies Up Ahead! Hackers Break Into Public Works Signs in San Francisco - March, 2011

It was very strange to many when around this time last year Natural News reported in its story CDC Warns Americans To Prepare For Zombie Apocalypse - May 19, 2011 In the article author Mike Adams supported the idea that higher brain cerebral functions in human beings have been so compromised, people could very well turn into the zombies as depicted in the horror classic Night of the Living Dead.
"Although it may seem unbelievable, this is not a satire piece or a joke. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which has been deeply engaged in the fictions of Swine Flu and other so-called "pandemics," is now publicly warning Americans to prepare for a zombie apocalypse." 
The article may have seemed far fetched to some, but it does appear one year after the zombie disclosure these mindless beings are beginning to manifest themselves to the media.

The CDC's warning about the coming zombie invasion seems to be manifesting.  Those who of those whose brain's higher cerebral hemispheres have been compromised by pharmaceutical and illicit drug use are coming to the media's attention.  Most everyone's aware of the recent terrifying zombie face eating story, but there are others emerging as well.

This first video I'm posting appears to be something more akin to demonic possession.  This man apparently called 911 and the police responded to find him in a dangerous precarious situation with a knife.  The video begins with the phone call and ultimate police video of a demon possessed man siting in a police vehicle after his arrest.

This video is terrifying to those of us who recognize this man's been preempted by demonic entities that have taken control of his mind and spirit.  The Catholic Church used to exorcise these things but no longer participates in the practice likely due to fear of lawsuits.

In what may well be another incident of demonic possession, another story's being widely circulated of an inhuman behavior.
"A New Jersey man allegedly cut out his entrails in front of police and then threw bits of his flesh and intestines at them. The gruesome scene played out at a home in Hackensack, N.J., where 43-year-old Wayne Carter allegedly barricaded himself in on Sunday, NBC New York reported." - Wayne Carter Threw Intestines At Officers After Stabbing Himself -
One year after posting its article, Natural News followed up on recent events of zombies manifesting:
"Are we now witnessing the rise of the zombies? Humans who subject themselves to fluoride, aspartame, psych drugs, vaccines and street drugs end up lobotomizing their higher brains. Vaccines, for starters, cause extreme neurological damage, and some vaccines are actually made of aggressive viruses designed to "eat" targeted regions of the brain, resulting in a biological lobotomy.
What's left is the primal section of the brain, sometimes called the "reptilian brain." Or the "zombie brain," to use a pop culture term. This zombie brain has no morals and no logic. It only knows hunger, sex, violence and fear. It is entirely focused on selfish needs and has no ability to consider the welfare of others.
'America is becoming a zombie nation,' award-winning investigative journalist Jim Marrs recently told me in a phone interview. In fact, he wanted to name his most recent book 'Zombie Nation,' but the publisher overruled him and instead had it named, 'The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy,' which doesn't even make that much sense given the broad coverage of topics in the book.'" - Zombie Apocalypse Becomes Reality in Miami - 
Hold onto your stomach for this next zombie story that's even worse!  Recently a more creative type of zombie came out to the media in Japan by preparing a meal of his severed genitalia to guests who paid large sums.  Mao Suglyama, 22, prepared a meal and invited the media to record his preparation seasoning them:

"He charged guests around £160 per person to eat his severed genitalia in Tokyo, Japan.
They were garnished with mushrooms and parsley.
Before tucking into dinner, guests sat down to listen to a piano recital and take part in a panel discussion, reported.
Mao, who goes by the nickname HC, had initially considered eating his own penis – but decided to serve them up instead.
He cooked the genitalia himself as he was supervised by a chef.
In a Tweet, he offered to cook his penis for a guest for £800. However, he ultimately decided to split the ‘meal’ between six guests."  - Japanese Man, 22, Cooks His Own Genitals And Serves Them to Paying Dinner Party Guests -

Some people are preparing for the zombies just like in the horror film.  YouTuber DEMCAD is preparing just like in the film:

YouTuber DEMCAD demonstrates how to secure one's home such as for a zombie invasion just like in the horror film.

Zombie Apocalypse Becomes Reality in Miami -

Zombies Among Us - October, 2011

Caution, Zombies Up Ahead! Hackers Break Into Public Works Signs in San Francisco - March, 2011

Monday, May 28, 2012

My Music Video Tribute to Amelia Earhart - 75th Anniversary of Her Disappearance Flight

**Update** See latest article Experts Find Credible Calls From Amelia Earhart -

Along with the 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge, this year also marks the 75th Anniversary of Amelia Earhart's leaving the San Francisco Bay area on her last flight.  

Back in 2007 I recorded a tribute song, Do You Read Me, after doing a lot of reading and research about Ameila Earhart's life.  My goal was to go back in time to tune into her frequency the day she went missing. The ultimate outcome was my channeling in a song what she likely was going through on her last flight. This song I composed and recorded in my home studio had a flautist whose name was "Sky", I kid you not.  

Flautist Sky Chari Grealis did a tremendous job of improvising over my sound loops and vocals to bring the recording to a new level.  Sound engineer Eddie Foronda did the best he could with my first official recording back then. What I really did was select loops from the Apple Pro Logic library and tied them together into my tribute song.