Thursday, April 26, 2012

Woman Awarded $10 Million Judgment From Debt Collection Agency Struggles To Collect

Last year collection agencies across the U.S. were reeling after a judge awarded a W. Virginia woman a $10,860,000 judgment for harassment.  Diana Mey isn't just your average citizen, in 1999 she was named People Magazine's "Most Intriguing People of the Year" after winning a class action lawsuit against a major telemarketer whose salesmen kept calling people after being asked to stop.

It took a year before Mey found attorneys Martin Sheehan and Patrick Cassidy who were willing to take her case because the attorneys she contacted didn't see any financial benefit from the case.
"Yes, I like to make money, " lawyer Sheehan said, "but at some level there's something so atrocious you have to let people come into your office and say -- that's wrong and I'm going to do something about it."
Last May, Mey sued RFA for harassment and illegal collection practices. In August, RFA's lawyer failed to show up in court, so Mey testified unopposed. The judge called RFA's actions "malicious" and ruled that all of the allegations were true. And then he awarded that record judgment of $10,860,000. W. Va. Woman Fights to Collect $10 Million From Debt Collectors - ABCNews

Turns out the lawyers were right they wouldn't be paid, because the judgment is virtually non-collectible.  Keep in mind when you go suing someone, unless they have real property of value where a mortgage is largely paid off, or a strong corporation, there is virtually no means of collecting a judgment unless the person or entity is willing to pay it.  Such is why attorneys commonly search for assets prior to accepting a case.
When "Nightline" went to RFA's Orange County, Calif., office to ask about the case, it was abandoned. RFA is actually a fictitious business name for a company called Global AG, LLC. Records show it is just one of several collection companies run by the same people that often change names and move. "Nightline" also visited other offices registered to people named in Mey's suit, but employees refused to talk and asked us to leave. - W. Va. Woman Fights to Collect $10 Million From Debt Collectors - ABCNews
For Diana Mey, she knows she may never be able to collect the money, but that her lawsuit still serves a purpose.

"I hope that it sends a message to other debt collectors out there that you have to follow the law," she said. "Because if you don't, there are going to be people out there that are going to stand up against you."

Attorneys generally don't like to file lawsuits in order to "send a message" so this is a very rare case indeed.

See the entire ABC Nightline report here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Woman Charged With $30 Million Embezzlement of Small Town

The more I read about the greed of women on the Fraud Talk Blog the more I understand my apparent sociopath landlady who trespassed to rob me of $6,000 a few weeks ago.  According to the blog, this case will "surely go down as one of the largest embezzlement case in U.S. history".

The City of Dixon Illinois' longtime comptroller's been  charged with embezzling city funds to pay for champion horse farms and a lavish lifestyle.  My question is, how can someone get away since the 1980's with stealing that kind of money?  How is that possible?  How can people be so dumb to allow this city employee to rob them blind?

Rita A. Crundwell, 59, of Dixon, Illinois, has been arrested and charged with embezzling more than $30 million from the small town of Dixon, where she had served as both municipal controller and treasurer for many years.  In what will surely be one of the largest embezzlement cases in modern US history, Crundwell is alleged to have siphoned funds from town coffers into a secret account she controlled for at least six years, totalling $30,236,503.51.

Crundwell reportedly began working for the town in the early 1980s when she was appointed controller and ultimately became one of the few full-time and highly trusted municipal employees, making just $80,000 per year.  She is the owner of Meri-J Ranch, a champion horse breeding farm in Dixon and another in Beloit, Wisconsin.  Federal authorities have charged Crundwell with a single count of wire fraud at this time.

Citizens believed she was simply a very wealthy woman because of her horse farms when in reality, it is believed that Crundwell spent town funds to support a lavish lifestyle, including the horse farms and a $2.1 million custom outfitted motor coach.  The misappropriation was apparently discovered last October while Crundwell was taking her annual four month vacation attending horse shows and running her ranch.  During that time, a fill-in employee came across a suspicious account showing multiple six-figure transactions which led to an FBI investigation.

The FBI has seized the contents of two bank accounts she controlled as well as seven trucks and trailers, three pickup trucks, the motor home and a Ford Thunderbird convertible.  Meanwhile, the financially strapped City of Dixon, with an annual budget of just $8-9 million, has had to close its pool and make other cutbacks in services.  Crundwell faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted on the single wire fraud charge.

The only words that come to mind to understand the magnitude of this is, "Jesus Christ!"

Link to Criminal Complaint (PDF)

Small Town Rocked By $30 Million Theft Case - Chicago Tribune

Sunday, April 22, 2012

NEW TREND: Bringing Dead Back To Life, Michael Jackson To Tour as Hologram, Muamba's Back After 78 Minute Death

It used to be the Egyptian kings from antiquity were put to rest forever, but not so these days after the digital revolution spread their image and likeness around the world. Now, according to brother Jackie, there are plans in the works for Michael Jackson to perform as a hologram on their Jackson 5 tour.  Jackie was encouraged with the late rapper artist Tupac's popular pseudo hologram back-from-the-dead performance. According to The Sun, a source close to the Jacksons said "It could be the most lucrative world tour of all time".

The Tupac back-from-the-dead video had 4 million views within 48 hours that caused YouTube to take it down though other videos have since emerged.  See Tupac Back From The Dead - The SunUK  Though they're calling the Tupac performance a hologram, it's really a 2D image enhanced by computer animation.  The process was patented in 1999 by AV Concepts. See How the Tupac 'Hologram' Works - Washington Post

I could see the hologram industry forthcoming back in the late 1990's and spoke to a few, including a chip designer at Intel, about my ideas of hologram performers at nightclubs, concert halls and even in people's living rooms.  This new technology has really been around a while, we've seen hints of its emergence at Disneyland ghost rides, but computers take it to a whole new level.  The chip designer told me that computers didn't have the power back then to do the things they're doing today.

Hologram technology is the wave of the future and a new means of life-after-death revenue for people after they're gone ensuring they're memory lives on and doesn't go stale.  A hologram imprint would be difficult to duplicate, so the work's copyright safe.  Hologram computer programmers and producers will certainly be in great demand.

Now back to real life.  A few weeks ago soccer player Fabrice Muamba, 24, died on the soccer field in front of a national audience.  He was considered clinically dead for 78 minutes and came back to life to tell his story.

"For 78 minutes I was dead and, even if I lived, was expected to have suffered brain damage," Muamba said. "But I'm very much alive and sitting here talking now. Someone up there was watching over me."
Muamba collapsed on the field 41 minutes into the match at White Hart Lane.
"I felt very slightly dizzy. It wasn't normal dizziness -- it was a kind of surreal feeling, like I was running along inside someone else's body," Muamba said. "I had no pain whatsoever. No clutching at my chest or tightness like you see when people have heart attacks in movies. Just an odd feeling that's impossible to explain. Then I started to see double. It was almost like a dream.
"I could see Spurs players running around in the distance and saw two Scott Parkers and two Luka Modrics. That was when I realized something was seriously wrong." Fabrice Muamba: I felt 'no pain' -

I predict the new trend will be bringing people back to life, raising the dead in one form or another.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Chemtrails Exposed as U.S. Military Funded Climate Engineering

So much unusual weather's in the news lately I thought I'd follow-up on my earlier post Are Chemtrails Worldwide Biowarfare Against Humanity?  I since found a new video that's gone viral the past few days full of shocking information about how the U.S. military and corporations are involved in funding climate engineering, otherwise known as geoengineering, without any congressional or public oversight.

Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch is at the forefront of the chemtrail research field and how the unexplained patterns that scar our skies are "causing detrimental human health effects and environmental degradation."

Peterson was a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. She now spearheads a watchdog group that monitors uncontrolled experimental weather modification programs, atmospheric heating and testing programs, and ocean and atmospheric experimental geoengineering programs

Try to set aside one hour to patiently watch this video because it's full of very important information about chemtrails and what's behind such activity.

In the video Peterson reveals how she was first spurred to investigate chemtrails after being alerted to them by someone at the Mendocino County Probation Department. Peterson then began to intensely study the phenomenon and note that aircraft producing the trails would circle the county in a clock-like loop, covering the entire area with a cloudy haze in as little as three hours.

Peterson cites NASA studies showing that the chemtrails turn into man-made clouds, exacerbating artificial climate change. However, Peterson states her contention that NASA is attempting to cover-up the true nature of chemtrails and convince people that they are a natural phenomenon, a ruse dutifully parroted by top weather and satellite observatories who, as Peterson explains, acknowledge the fact that man-made chemtrails are changing the weather yet still label them as natural weather fronts in their public broadcasts.

Peterson shows a map provided by the FAA which reveals how "intra-flights" - mainly of military origin - are causing the chemtrails by flying in loops around counties in flight paths that differ substantially from normal airline trajectories. The flights have no other obvious purpose than to disperse chemtrails because they have no fixed destination, they merely fly around and around in circles.

As proponents of geoengineering like Obama's science czar John P. Holdren have proposed, blocking sunlight is a primary effect of chemtrailing, and sulphur could be one of the chemicals being dispersed by these trails. As Peterson explains, sulphur has been linked with a host of health problems, which is why California removed it from diesel fuel in the first place.

After studying water quality samples for the state of California stretching back some 30 years, Peterson found that starting from 1990, water sources were all registering unusual spikes in certain chemicals at precisely the same time, namely arsenic, barium, aluminum, calcium, manganese, magnesium, lead and iron. By measuring the spikes in these chemicals in the water supply with similar spikes in these chemicals in air quality samples, Peterson was able to conclude that the cause was airborne and that it had to be coming from the atmosphere. Peterson notes that mixing aluminum and barium creates clouds and that NASA experiments based around this concept were coinciding with the spikes in such chemicals measured in water and air quality samples.

Above description of video on YouTube.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Amazing 3D Light Shows Projected Onto Buildings

I just came upon this really amazing 3D light show I've never heard of before.  They used a large building as a backdrop for their 3D motion art renderings.

Another amazing and very colorful 3D projection show

As you can see, the recent disclosure of recent UFO's visiting earth could very well be the invention of Project Blue Beam's (see my former post NASA's Project Blue Beam & Media Hype of UFOs) hologram light show in the sky. Take note of it. I'm not saying extraterrestrial life and aliens don't exist, but the shadow government has an interest in controlling our perceptions in order to maintain control and power over us.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nationalizing America's Natural Gas? President Obama's True Colors Are Showing As Communist

The other night I was listening to a radio broadcast saying America was overflowing with natural gas reserves.  I thought to myself, that's great, we have plenty of natural gas.  A few days later I learned that on Friday, April 13th  President Obama signed an Executive Order to control and therefore nationalize America's natural gas.  

Here's the effect the order has had on one panicked blogger Victoria B:

"JUST THIS AM…. I sent out this…. TO REVIEW….Few people realize this but several major oil companies, including Sunoco, Hess Corp, Valero and ConocoPhillips -- just to name a few -- are planning to close, idle or otherwise shut down refineries on the east coast.
That would remove 51% of U.S. East Coast refinery capacity from the equation by some accounts. This means that delivering fuel into the northeast corridor's airports is going to become especially problematic and more expensive.
Why is this? Because Obama has run the regulations thru the EPA thru the roof costing these companies to shutter their business. NOW why would he do that… first step to take a country FROM CAPITALISM TO COMMUNISM…
Here it is out of his mouth… and here . This is NOT A PROPHET …this is someone who is
Orchestrating our collapse, implementing Agenda 21 (energy access and consumption to be reduced by the US by 75% by 2050) and implementing a COMMUNIST REGIME!
NOW we have POWER PLANTS CLOSING…. Again, this is not “OOPSY DAISY WHAT HAPPENED HERE” this is by design, planned and implemented!!! See below!!
AND NOW HE’S GOING AFTER NATURAL GAS!!!"  - Power Grab For Natural Gas New Executive Order - Obama Did an Executive Order Last Night To Control Our Natural Gas! -
It's becoming crystal clear to many Americans such as myself that President Obama's intent on destroying America is based on a Communist agenda.  Americans who blindly follow this man and his criminal based Mafia regime are doing so at their soul's own peril.

Power Grab For Natural Gas New Executive Order - Obama Did an Executive Order Last Night To Control Our Natural Gas! -

Monday, April 16, 2012

Humanoid Robots Take Next Step In Evolution Being Closer To Terminator

The latest humanoid robot is one step closer to becoming human after achieving climbing up stairs. Has anyone noticed a trend in technology developing from movies?  It's clear to most anyone now that the U.S Defense Department is building terminator robots in order to kill off humans.

Movies and television can be very dangerous because they seem to inspire the dark imaginations of those who want to bring the ideas to fruition.  Star Trek, especially from the 1960's era, is just one example of how many of the ideas came to be decades later such as teleconference screens, flip phone communicators and laser weapons.

ETMAN, a humanoid robot built in 2011 for the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), has been modified to climb stairs, as shown in the unsettling video above.

These things are evolving quickly!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Attorney Matt Weidner: "The U.S. Federal Govt is the Shadowy XYZ Corp Plaintiff Behind Unlawful Foreclosure of Americans Homes"

Heads up America!  After years of battling foreclosures in Florida's court system, Attorney Matt Weidner has been able to confirm Americans are being foreclosed on by the U.S. Federal Government through Fanny and Freddie taking title as a shadowy behind-the-scenes Plaintiff under "XYZ Corporation".

A MUST SEE VIDEO BELOW:  Attorney Matt Weidner passionately explains what's happening to Americans in unlawful foreclosures by pleading with them to wake up and get involved in their legal system. 
"The Federal Government is foreclosing against Americans.  If Americans understood the Federal Gov't was foreclosing on its citizens it would change the dynamic of what's really happening." - Attorney Matt Weidner 

Americans' land is being stolen by the U.S. Federal Government! The courts are standing down as are the police allowing American's property to be stolen from them through unlawful foreclosures.
"Washington violates the human rights of its own citizens. Washington has suspended the civil liberties guaranteed in the US Constitution and declared its intention to detain US citizens indefinitely without due process of law.  President Obama has announced that he, at his discretion, can murder US citizens whom he regards as a threat to the US." - Washington Leads the World Into Lawlessness -  Paul Craig Roberts, former advisor to President Ronald Reagan, Foreign Policy Journal

The Banks, Destroying America, Desecrating Our Court System - Matt Weidner Blog

Friday, April 13, 2012

GRAPHIC Video Showing Autistic Teen Shock Torture at the Judge Rotenberg Center Shocks Nation

A trial's currently underway in Dedham Massachusetts disclosing outrageous facts of what occurred and continues at the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) that must not be allowed to take root in America. JRC is a private school for special needs kids that uses painful electric shocks for discipline.

The case on trial begins from 2002 after an autistic 18 year old Andre McCollins only sat still refusing to respond in removing his coat.  For such an abominable act perceived by the administrators, he was then tortured for hours with 31 painful shock treatments.  In response at the trial, the administrators of pain are claiming they were just following the policies and procedures of the center.  Regardless, a couple of the sadistic administers of pain can be heard in the video laughing enjoying their power trip.  In other words, these are clearly psychopaths unleashing terror on their victim and enjoying it all the while.

The video below shows sadists run amok torturing a teenager for simply not removing his jacket when asked to.  Warning:  Graphic content

Keep in mind, a court had approved sending Andre to this torture house of horrors that treated him inhumanely. As a 2007 article in Mother Jones stated, this kind of thing doesn't happen in prisons to murderers or child molesters. The fact the officials of the center are justifying their draconian actions as appropriate speaks volumes.  The name of the facility also indicates the approval of the judicial system to put a judge's name as stamp of approval on it.

The attorneys for the center tried to prevent the public from viewing the video after it had been sealed since 2002 but Judge Barbara Dortch-Okara denied the request allowing FOX News access to record the footage.

In this video a psychiatrist testifies how the treatment was damaging to the teen:

Over the years I've witnessed how psychologically sadistic people twist facts and reality to suit their need for abnormal control over others such as myself.  These kind of people are called socio/psychopaths.  Judges and attorneys are often involved to create a mountain out of a mole hill detached from reality, such as how they used the excuse to torture this teenager for not responding to their request he remove his jacket.  Based on his alleged "past behavior" they use this is a foundation to continue with extreme overreactions opening the door for these sadists to have their way.

The Judge Rotenberg Center is much like its name, a rotten place that Amnesty International needs to address if the United States government doesn't have the good sense to shut down.  The founder of the school, Matthew Israel,  resigned his position last year over the growing controversy.

Judge Rotenberg Center Trial Shows Teen Being Shocked 31 Times - Huffinginton Post

VIDEO: Teen is Tied Down, Shocked By Teachers at "School" For Autistic Kids. - Mother Jones

School of Shock Founder Forced to Resign - Mother Jones

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Corporations Send James Bond To Spy On Female Employees Over Sick-Time

I read an interesting story yesterday Hooky Detectives Track Corporate Ferris Buellers about how bad things have gotten with corporations hiring private investigators to spy on employees in their personal lives over such petty things as sick-time.  The story brought back memories of feeling as though one corporation viewed me as its property and slave.

I sensed one of the reasons why a former employer had its own on-site cafeteria was in hopes employees would stay on the property at lunchtime.  Regardless of the accommodations, I  started wandering off the property at lunch hour and believe they must have noticed I was off my virtual leash a bit too much before things began going haywire politically.  In another observation, one place I  worked had so badly wanted to keep employees on their property at lunch time that they even offered a free lunch each day. Both employers had strong patriarch figureheads.

One can argue perhaps those companies that participate on spying on their employees' personal lives don't deserve employees!  Many people, including myself, hope these fascist little business enterprises get boycotted.  For the past decade there's been a general trend towards combining sick time with personal vacation days for employees to use their time as they wish. The employee earns the time allotted to them by their hours worked.  Many companies use their attractive personal days off packages to lure qualified employees.  Regardless of the dangling carrot, once you get hired the company or law firm makes it clear they won't necessarily grant your time off request depending on various factors including staff availability.  I learned they thought nothing of involving politics and favoritism in their decision on whether you got granted time off.  In the meantime I felt as though I was dying.
They're called "wellness" days my corporate overlord, and lest ye forget we are humans and not robots. You give us those days and whether we use them when we're sick or not is really none of your business. If you know of a company that does spy on their employees, do not buy their products. This is another instance of corporations thinking they own you just because you work for them, and people wonder why Americans a fed up with work.  - SFGate article comment

People who give their lives completely over to highly political corporations most likely develop symptoms of paranoia wondering if their boss is spying on them even in their private lives.  From my experience, single women are especially under the microscope at corporations. I've spoken with many employees at law firms and one of the common threads among them is how paranoid they all have been about losing their jobs. The anxiety hangs over their heads each day no matter how many years they've been at their employer.  There's always a sense of dread for these poor employees that the ax could fall anytime. 

The courts haven't been much help to protect employees from corporate invasion into their private lives either.  A landmark case about corporate snooping set the precedent after a female employee complained she was being spied on in her personal life for extended medical leave.  After the employee sued, the court ruled that reasonable suspicion is sufficient justification for an employer spying.  But what is reasonable? It's all really up to the discretion of the corporation.

My question is, since nearly all non-contract jobs in America are at-will, if an employer doesn't trust their employee, why go to all the trouble to spy on them?  If the work relationship is that bad that the employer doesn't trust their employee why don't they just terminate them and not bother with paying thousands of dollars to a private investigator?  Based on my experience being in the corporate world for 30 years it's my opinion  the reason corporations prefer to spy is due to the power and control men desire over women.  In other words, the true intent of many men high up in corporations is female conquest and domination over selected females.
Big Brother works for Corporate Amerika damn it and doing a fair job of invading people's privacy.

It's a shame because if American workers receive what their European counterparts receive (pay, benefits, compensation, the whole wad) there would be less hooky and productivity would likely go up as well.

The culture of fear, intimidation, low wages and invading your private life is fascism, plain and simple. Ef that, that's un-American.  -
SFGate article comment
Basically, men tend to be highly instinctual and therefore spying on women at corporations feeling domination and control is part of their manhood thing.  Since the Court of Appeals gave spying on employees a green light, there's virtually nothing barring powerful corporate men from spying on their female employees lawfully.   

This video shows companies RFID chipping their employees treating them as their property.

Back in 1997 I felt one company practically wanted me RFID chipped to track me by satellite even after I left, that's how control freakish they were.  The suspicion wasn't too far fetched considering today there are actual companies known to chip their employees.  A few years later I suspected Nazi-like management at a law firm was spying on me at night in my job using video camera wireless technology.  Other employees I spoke with had also felt the same being watched paranoia, that we felt relieved that at least they couldn't spy on us in the bathroom.  (Those employees were laid off in 2008 and 2009.)  I actually went so far as to sweep my area for bugs with a detector device.  I got a lot of static on the meter but it was inconclusive. Years later I learned a former employee sued the law firm for wiretapping her incoming cell phone calls and listening in to her conversations due to her EEOC complaint. (see Fight BigLaw site for lawsuit details)

What can employees do to get out of this personally offensive situation of privacy invasion?  Some suggest forming unions.  For myself the answer was simply to start my own business and I've been content ever since.  I don't make nearly as much money but I don't need to anymore.  My goal was to work smarter and I think I've achieved it thus far.  I'm a lot happier now and couldn't imagine slaving for anyone nor will I ever again.  Regardless, the male instinct is so powerful, certain men I've described throughout this blog are trying to keep me in  fear as they did in the corporate world in very dark ugly ways.  I even question if my life is somehow endangered.  It's all only confirmed to me that  there's an undeniable primal urge to dominate and control women by unevolved control freak power hungry matrix men everywhere. (see  Plugged Into the Matrix of False Reality). 

Retailer Walmart is implementing government spy order statements on its monitors at check-out lines at hundreds of its stores.

Radio commentator Michael Savage comments on Big Sis activities.

I hope others find a way to personal freedom and fulfillment too.  Many of today's corporations are little fascist run organizations that have secret agendas of class warfare that think nothing of driving their employees to heart attacks.