I wanted to thank all those, including Rosalind Peterson, who have worked hard towards enabling us in California to opt-out on the PG&E Smart Meters. Yesterday I received a certified letter from PG&E letting me know that I have until May, 2012 to opt-out on their Smart Meter Plan. They had attempted to install the Smart Meter for my apartment a few weeks ago but I requested a hold per the pending legislation to potentially opt-out.
For a Smart Meter opt-out there's a small $75 fee and a $10 per month charge but it's worth it. People with Smart Meters will be paying more for their electricity so I don't have a problem paying the extra monthly charge under those circumstances.
In turn for my being able to opt-out I won't be subjecting myself to dangerous electromagnetic waves and to a violation of my privacy. These Smart Meters will enable the monitoring of people's appliance usage opening the door for future privacy issues as well.
Thanks to all those who helped contribute to my having a choice over Smart Meters.
I Want My 'Smart' Meter Off, Too!" - The Widening Call for Return to Analog Meters - Stop Smart Meters.org
Rosalind Peterson - The Smart Meter Rebellion
A blog focused on things eternal and related to the heavenly realm based in Colossians 3:2 -- "Set your affections on things above, not things of the earth."
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Some People Cherish Their Memories While Others Wish To Bury Them
**Warning, this story will be disturbing to some. Only the strong minded should proceed**
I've been taking this brain boosting supplement called Prevagen the past two months and have since noticed memories long ago buried have been coming to the surface of my awareness to deal with. I'm not quite sure that's a good thing though, because there seems to be a lot of brutal things I've experienced I'd prefer to forget.
Unfortunately, I've since been able to recall such gruesome things such as being raped with a tree twig by a Chinese honor student at our elementary school who lived up the street. I was held down by a couple of kids in the incident. The same ring leader girl later tried again on a bed in an old abandoned house but that time I was able to fight her off me. I also recall having been beaten up a few times and punched in the stomach for my lunch money by boys when I was walking home from school in Baldwin Hills, CA. I remember being so terrified I'd run home after school. I was in at least 4-5 fights in elementary school most of which I was most always bullied and the victim.
As an adult I've come to the conclusion my parents, who I later learned had me out-of-wed lock in 1960, were stand-in strangers who viewed me as an inanimate object having been forced upon them. My father was a television musician for 20 years who'd often be seen playing guitar directly behind Lawrence Welk every Saturday night on national television. To this day I believe my father was and is still part of the Illuminati from being part of the television entertainment and music industry.
I was so poorly raised when I was a kid up into my teens that I had no idea I had to do my homework believing I could somehow do well without effort or good study skills. I guess after an incident in first grade my mother had given up on me. Seriously, the first grade teacher told mother I needed to work on my reading skills so she began asking I recite to her from a book. I was so nervous I kept stumbling on pronouncing the word "it". Mother was so enraged over my failure to pronounce a word that I was choked and shaken violently that night, thrown down onto my bed left alone to shake in fear.
I recall running away from home at least once when I was a little girl, packing up and leaving with my Barbie suitcase. My parents, who were largely psychologically absent, located me nearby at my friend's house. I had run away because they wouldn't stop fighting with one another keeping me up at night with their loud violent arguments that traumatized me. I recall when I was an 8 year old getting my parents gifts with my chore money after one of their violent arguments. I had my father's busted watch face repaired at a jewelers and bought my mother a 14K ivory rose pin. I had given them a card asking them to make up and stop fighting.
As the memories come back thanks to Prevagen, it's tough to realize how hard it was to grow up with parents who were practically lobotomized without any ability to bond with me as their biological child. I was often pitied by my mother who viewed me as an inferior being who once told me in a moment of rage that I had come into the world unwanted. I have horrible memories of my mother once calling my high school for feedback from a music teacher because she believed I was delusional about being able to sing. I later went on to receive an award for outstanding stylist in our jazz choir, one that was highly regarded in the community having gone to Montreux Jazz festival.
It was a tough life being raised by complete strangers posing as parents who weren't there to care when I got beat up at school or to ever converse with like normal human beings. When my mother wasn't bullying me, my parents would just sit in front of the television ignoring me as if I didn't exist. I was only spoken with when I had caused them some perceived problem or when I had to ask their permission for something.
Memories of my mother are of her being so invasive and destructive she once pulled me out of a rehearsal for the musical Oklahoma, the first I had performed at our high school when I was 14 years old. There wasn't any reason for my removal other than her wanting control over me. During the rehearsal I watched in horror while sweating bullets as my mother walked up to the orchestra pit conductor asking for me. What did the students think I had done wrong to deserve that? All eyes were on me as I had to pack up and leave.
The sad fact is I wish I could have forgotten these things because today I sit in judgment of my parents believing they should have never have had children. My parents were zombies who made sure I'd be on a path of destruction early in life. I was most always alone as a kid without any parental supervision and it's a miracle I wasn't raped and murdered from my lone wanderings on my fossil hunts up in the hills of Los Angeles.
Tragically, due to poor parental guidance early in life my younger sister Melody died in 2002 homeless in some graveyard ghost town. I learned about it after my mother called to let me know Melody died in a hospital. I later researched and got the autopsy information to learn what she died from that was a combination of Hepatitis C, alcoholism and Bacterial Meningitis. When she was 5 years old Melody was given an attention deficit order powerful pharmaceutical drug Ritalin giving her an addictive brain. Melody's IQ was extremely high as reported by her school and she wanted to be a marine biologist. Unforutnately that would never materialize thanks to poor parental upbringing. Unfortunately, drawing a bunch of dinosaurs, framing and placing it in your daughter's bedroom as a surprise gift just doesn't qualify for good parenting. Memories of my sister as a kid threatening to stab herself with a knife due to parental late night loud arguments linger to this day.
Melody later had five children who were removed from her by the State of California because she couldn't take care of them, being a widow of a man who drowned of a drug overdose in a pool. Back in 1998 I was told by my father whom I hadn't seen in years that my sister had been gang raped a few times. I refused to ever speak with the sicko ever again after that phone call. I had never come across any of my peers in Palos Verdes Estates who had such similarly rotten parents as these. Most of my peers were all well taken care of with their lives all laid out before them with paid for college educations and well estimated careers.
To this day I still have problems with bullies and people who lie about me in a court of law. I've been accused of such things as nearly running a former co-worker over in a cross-walk with my motor scooter that was completely false. I've been accused of chasing and following a former employee home on my motor scooter, that was a complete fabrication. I've been accused of things regarding former roommates over the years that were complete fabricated lies.
My parents were a couple of bullies who made me their subservient inferior slave and disregarded all of my goodness making me into their unwanted illegitimate child whose existence was barely tolerated. My life had been threatened by my parents on many occasions and me and my sister once had to lock ourselves in the bathroom fearing for our lives.
When I became a young adult I was given a cheap drug store candle in a shoe box by my mother for my 21st birthday. I had been called to come up to snobby rich Palos Verdes Estates to pick up my gift. My grandparents on my father's side of the family were little different in their ignoring me when I visited them on Thanksgiving in 1982. When I arrived after riding up with my father and his wife who had completely ignored me, I was ignored there too. I was then seated at the children's table for Thanksgiving dinner away from the adults when I was 21 years old.
I don't understand why people are like this, why they feel a need to have a sense of superiority over others. They often lie and manipulate situations to make themselves feel in control and much of my life I've been a victim of such people. I've been working on not being a victim for the past few years by becoming a stronger less vulnerable person. Bullies tend to pick up on vulnerable weak people's vibes they feed off of like parasites so I've been working on becoming a stronger person standing up for myself while holding my ground.
I envy those who have family memories they cherish because I have not one memory I can find worthy after I turned 6, my so called parents were that disgraceful. There's a reason why women such as Whitney Houston rose to the top, they had parents who nurtured, cared about and loved them as children. I had the potential to be so much more had it not been for my disgraceful parents and their destructive upbringing of me. I feel fortunate to even be alive.
If you had good parents in your life, you're quite fortunate. Please try to remember that not all of us are blessed with caring kind parents in life. Please keep that in mind in how you treat other people whom you have no idea might have suffered through a life such that I have. I was once homeless for 1.5 years in the mid 1980's.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Was Whitney Houston Sacrificed By Illuminati for Queen Elizabeth Jubilee? There Are Creepy Coincidences
There are interesting coincidences surrounding Whitney Houston's death worth noting. This video series best describes all those things it claims points to Houston being sacrificed by the Illuminati for the Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth. This information's worth noting that something's happening on a deeper
level surrounding Whitney Houston that most people have no awareness of.
Part 1 - Interesting perspective with all kinds of strange coincidences surrounding the death of Whitney Houston.
Another interesting perspective on Whitney Houston
Part 2
Another interesting perspective on Whitney Houston
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Son Sends 98 Year Old Mother Eviction Notice
A sign of the times, this lady looks and acts tremendously awesome for a 98 year old. Her son had the arrogance and audacity to send her an eviction notice to leave her home. An eviction lawyer says he's in his "top 10 worst nastiest people" of all time.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Robots Will Be Programmed To Destroy Humanity
I somehow always knew it was coming this, especially after working in corporate America for the past few decades. Robotic machines and their programming are slowly taking over humanity. Over the decades I've learned that many women in corporate America might as well be robots. I also found corporate America finds ways to rewire the human brain using various social engineering techniques.
These lifelike robot videos are meant to demonstrate how their creators envision a time when robots will take over our world, becoming more intelligent then us. In order to meet their creators' expectations, robots will need to be revered and held above ourselves and spirits. Don't doubt for one minute the creators of these advanced robots aren't extending their egos into our lives to usurp, not help humanity. Note how a few of these robot creators are even cloning themselves as a form of omnipresence.
Note in these vids how much awe and reverence a robot is given as if it's a living thing.
These lifelike robot videos are meant to demonstrate how their creators envision a time when robots will take over our world, becoming more intelligent then us. In order to meet their creators' expectations, robots will need to be revered and held above ourselves and spirits. Don't doubt for one minute the creators of these advanced robots aren't extending their egos into our lives to usurp, not help humanity. Note how a few of these robot creators are even cloning themselves as a form of omnipresence.
Note in these vids how much awe and reverence a robot is given as if it's a living thing.
This robot's so realistic, it's spooky to watch.
This is an android female with advanced features.
The walk is getting to be so realistic, it's spooky.
It's really sad how these people pay such reverence to a lifeless machine. It would be like my worshiping the iPhone droid Suri treating her like "my friend".
Over the years I've noted certain high up corporate women believe they're owned by their corporation. Like the Borg on Star Trek, I don't really exist outside a corporate paradigm. Somehow corporate women were taken over, reprogrammed and their individuality removed to serve their corporate entity.
Corporate personhood is the status conferred upon corporations under the law, which allows corporations to have rights and responsibilities similar to those of a natural person. There is a question about which subset of rights afforded to natural persons should also be afforded to corporations as legal persons. Wikipedia
It's interesting to note a corporation by U.S. law is viewed as a "person" and therefore a living entity. Therefore the corporate entity's merely replicating itself by possessing the spirits of human beings and rewiring their brains to suit its purposes.
The terminator robot idea comes from dealing with the fact visionaries believe many humans will try to escape from being assimilated.
Many a corporation assimilates human beings by rewiring their brains. When you're terminated from the corporation, in its view, you are no longer a living person and therefore cease to exist. Similarly, robots will view humans as enemies to assimilate or terminate. This is what humans will face in the future is a battle for their lives versus the spiritual dead zone these machines have to offer.
It's all happening, what Bill Joy wrote in Wired Magazine in 2000 in his article Why the Future Doesn't Need Us.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Whitney Houston Prepared To Meet Jesus Prior To Death
As a follow-up to my previous post Whitney Houston Bloodied In Fight After Singing Jesus Loves Me Night Before Death, more information has surfaced related to Whitney Houston's mind state prior to her passing. It seems Whitney knew what was happening to her, that she was transitioning out of this world and that she very badly wanted to "see Jesus".
According to US website TMZ.com, Whitney was "very spiritual" in her final days — quoting the bible, singing hymns and speaking about the afterlife with friends and family.
On Friday, a day after she sang Jesus Loves Me in her final public performance at Tru nightclub in Hollywood, she told one of her friends: "I'm gonna go see Jesus — I want to see Jesus." Whitney 'Predicted Her Own Death' - The Sun UKEarlier, I posted about the possibility Satanic forces of the Illuminati were indirectly involved in Whitney's imminent death just five days after Madonna's occult ritual performance at the Superbowl. See former post. The dark spiritual world of Satan and demonic entities can have a strong influence as to why someone would want to leave our world. The average person unfamiliar with spiritual forces can't comprehend these things, but singers are especially attuned with such forces due to the nature of their gift.
The following morning, hours before her death, Whitney was discussing a bible passage involving John the Baptist and Jesus. She reportedly said: "You know, he's so cool, I really want to see that Jesus." Whitney 'Predicted Her Own Death' - The Sun UKWe're not meant to know everything when it comes to a person's relationship with God, but can deduce there was some spiritual battle happening in Whitney Houston's soul prior to her passing. One can speculate Whitney's bloody fight the night prior to her death symbolized fighting Satan in this world prior to her transition to heaven. The photo at right is of Whitney the night prior to her death with a cross bracelet pointing something to the ground after having had a fight. See full photo.
A more scientific perspective comes from Mike Adams at Natural News that Whitney was under the control of sedatives and alcohol causing her behavior to be erratic. See article. Regardless, one can't easily ignore the latest information that Whitney Houston knew she was going to die being involved in a spiritual battle with the powers of darkness of the Illuminati that's had a strangling grip on the music and entertainment industries the past few decades.
Sadly Clive Davis, the one who claims to have discovered Whitney Houston's talent, didn't call off his pre-Grammy party after learning of Whitney's death. From my perspective Davis is someone who can be questioned as to any true friendship with the former singer. A real friend would have called off the celebrations.
He (Davis) said he had to go downstairs and take care of the guests, but the family had no idea that the party was going to proceed. Whitney's aunt, Mary Jones, was absolutely stunned that the party was going ahead, and she was very upset that it hadn't been cancelled."In any event, it's sad the world has lost such a tremendous talent who had faded through the years, but clearly Whitney Houston's in a much better place.
- Whitney 'Predicted Her Own Death' - The Sun UK
- Whitney Houston Had Premonition About Death - TMZ.com
- Whitney Houston Bloodied In Fight After Singing Jesus Loves Me Night Before Death
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Tree Hugger Has Millions of Trees On Her Side
Trees are really part of our lives in so many ways being everywhere including in our homes. Like myself, trees are tired of being manhandled so we bonded. In these photos the trees are trying to say "We're alive!", "We exist!" "Stop messing with us!" "You're not the center of the universe asshole!"
You're my friend tree! Drop your arsenal, a pine cone, on the asshole's head so he'll get amnesia and leave me alone, will you please?
These photos and messages are meant for the bullies. Nice people need not take offense.
Remember that bench you and your sweetheart used to sit on each year on Valentine's Day?
Another shot of an enemy's fond memory disappearing forever.
Here's your sweet heart's old bike you used to ride each Valentine's Day
Another shot of a memory leaving the earth, consumed by my angry pal.
Oh, here's that old 1970's motorcycle she gave you on your honeymoon! Being the spoiled prick you are, it's one of dozens your slut got you throughout your life. My friend the tree says no more!
Just a sign, nothing but a sign! What came first, the tree or the cane?
Another sign within a sign.
There's a road closed for you asshole, except one day you won't have the sign to tell you it's dangerous.
This way when you're trespassing and hunting you won't know why some angry dude's pointing a rifle your way.
Next I'll be working towards becoming deep spiritual pals with Black Holes. . . .
Monday, February 13, 2012
Employers Who Harass Employees on Valentine's Day Suck
I'm so happy not to have to work at a law firm anymore, or any corporation for that matter. There was so much harassment and pressure to conform to suit the egos of men it was just overwhelming. Imagine the nerve you'd have to have as an administrative manager at a law firm to be a man and have a rose placed at female employees desks on Valentine's Day.
In 2004 I once came into work to find what I considered to be harassment of a rose and card from the law firm's management at my desk. Of course, I couldn't complain of such a thing, that I didn't want anything on Valentine's Day from my employer. If they want to do other kinds of things like serve fruit and bagels in the lunch room, that's one thing, but placing something so personal at one's desk is just plain harassment. In my view, this employer's gesture was masking a middle aged man in management who required a lot of attention looking for ways to lawfully sexually harass women in the workplace.
A few months after the Valentine's incident, support staff employees at the same law firm, then Preston, Gates & Ellis LLP (affiliated with Bill Gates' father and the Jack Abramoff/Michael Scanlon scandal) were asked to attend a mandatory sexual harassment training meeting with an outside consultant. The blond lady consultant, who had probably left corporate America because she was an outed whore who'd sleep around, began to talk about sex while also inferring about how much she liked it. The consultant talked freely with the staff asking them to fantasize of witnessing two people having sex on the conference room table asking what they'd do if they saw such a thing.
Three Free Passes To Ask Another Out?
After the trash sex talk, the consultant concluded by granting people permission to ask one another out on dates, stating that the law grants "three free passes" prior to it being considered unlawful harassment. In other words, the consultant was saying if employees wanted to ask one another out on a date, they should feel free and that the person responding to the invitation should be polite in responding. The consultant was basically making the receiver of such an invitation a potential problem for possibly overreacting to such an invitation while making any person's inquiry perfectly normal.
In my view, the consultant was used as a means of stirring up sexual fantasies of young male employees, then letting everyone know the law of the "three free passes" to ask out fellow employees for dates. It was clear during the meeting that the person who would reject such an invitation was projected as a kind of potential villain claiming that person must be polite and respectful. In effect, the meeting was a form of social engineering laying the groundwork for the kind of social environment the law firm was seeking for its staff.
A few weeks later I was called into a meeting with my supervisor. I walked into her partially closed door office to find one of the male copy support people massaging her shoulders. Coincidentally, his last name was "Love". I realized by that time these management people were too involved in sexual politics being way over the top in so many ways. The same supervisor repeatedly asked for my charitable donations for her young son's fund raising events. You'd think once a year would be enough, but my supervisor came back a few months later selling something else.
Shortly after I left this law firm, I sent a complaint letter to corporate in Seattle about my experiences and the undue pressure I was placed under by management to conform. I'm so happy not to have to work in these highly political environments any longer where men seek to dominate as described herein and throughout this blog. Imagine the nerve of a man to arrange to have a rose delivered to all female employees at their desks on Valentine's Day. Such a large assuming ego!
In 2004 I once came into work to find what I considered to be harassment of a rose and card from the law firm's management at my desk. Of course, I couldn't complain of such a thing, that I didn't want anything on Valentine's Day from my employer. If they want to do other kinds of things like serve fruit and bagels in the lunch room, that's one thing, but placing something so personal at one's desk is just plain harassment. In my view, this employer's gesture was masking a middle aged man in management who required a lot of attention looking for ways to lawfully sexually harass women in the workplace.
A few months after the Valentine's incident, support staff employees at the same law firm, then Preston, Gates & Ellis LLP (affiliated with Bill Gates' father and the Jack Abramoff/Michael Scanlon scandal) were asked to attend a mandatory sexual harassment training meeting with an outside consultant. The blond lady consultant, who had probably left corporate America because she was an outed whore who'd sleep around, began to talk about sex while also inferring about how much she liked it. The consultant talked freely with the staff asking them to fantasize of witnessing two people having sex on the conference room table asking what they'd do if they saw such a thing.
Three Free Passes To Ask Another Out?
After the trash sex talk, the consultant concluded by granting people permission to ask one another out on dates, stating that the law grants "three free passes" prior to it being considered unlawful harassment. In other words, the consultant was saying if employees wanted to ask one another out on a date, they should feel free and that the person responding to the invitation should be polite in responding. The consultant was basically making the receiver of such an invitation a potential problem for possibly overreacting to such an invitation while making any person's inquiry perfectly normal.
In my view, the consultant was used as a means of stirring up sexual fantasies of young male employees, then letting everyone know the law of the "three free passes" to ask out fellow employees for dates. It was clear during the meeting that the person who would reject such an invitation was projected as a kind of potential villain claiming that person must be polite and respectful. In effect, the meeting was a form of social engineering laying the groundwork for the kind of social environment the law firm was seeking for its staff.
A few weeks later I was called into a meeting with my supervisor. I walked into her partially closed door office to find one of the male copy support people massaging her shoulders. Coincidentally, his last name was "Love". I realized by that time these management people were too involved in sexual politics being way over the top in so many ways. The same supervisor repeatedly asked for my charitable donations for her young son's fund raising events. You'd think once a year would be enough, but my supervisor came back a few months later selling something else.
Shortly after I left this law firm, I sent a complaint letter to corporate in Seattle about my experiences and the undue pressure I was placed under by management to conform. I'm so happy not to have to work in these highly political environments any longer where men seek to dominate as described herein and throughout this blog. Imagine the nerve of a man to arrange to have a rose delivered to all female employees at their desks on Valentine's Day. Such a large assuming ego!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Whitney Houston Bloodied In Fight After Singing Jesus Loves Me NIght Before Death
I guess my main question after hearing how Whitney Houston apparently got scratched up in a bloody fight at a pre-Grammy Awards party prior to her death is where was a man to protect her? My suspicions of Whitney being mysteriously murdered have since been peaked after learning of this event. Apparently some small media outlet got a hold of the photos of Whitney's last hellish night on earth. I can only link to these disturbing photos and through the article below due to copyright laws.
Many of us have understood for decades that Madonna has never been close to being any real singer. The few truly gifted real singing talent left such as Whitney was a reminder to the entire world Madonna is a counterfeit. Here's the difference between a real singer, vs. a fake Illuminati based singer as seen at two fairly recent Super Bowl events:
"We don't know what's going on with Whitney Houston but she went from hitting the stage for a flawless performance with Kelly Price singing "Yes, Jesus Loves Me" to leaving the event with what appears to be scratches and blood dripping from her wrists and legs. The powerhouse singer performed the song with Price to a packed house and appeared to be in good spirits." -See photos, scroll down the page of Whitney Houston Performs At Pre-Gray Party & Gets Into A Fight? Sheso Major.comSounds to me like the devil had access to Whitney that very evening after she sang a song about Jesus Christ loving her. The Illuminati, having such a stranglehold over the music industry today, must be celebrating the timing of Whitney's passing right after it rolled out its queen Madonna at the Super Bowl event. These kind of performances are really satanic based propaganda the American public views as entertainment that couldn't be further from the truth.
Many of us have understood for decades that Madonna has never been close to being any real singer. The few truly gifted real singing talent left such as Whitney was a reminder to the entire world Madonna is a counterfeit. Here's the difference between a real singer, vs. a fake Illuminati based singer as seen at two fairly recent Super Bowl events:
Whitney Houston's Awe Inspiring 2007 Super Bowl Performance
To put it simply, Madonna's a loveless, heartless, pure narcissist evil Satanist. Naive people can't comprehend the depth of evil the Illuminati is all about. I hate to think how many children have been tortured and murdered at the throne of the Illuminati all around the world.
So, to reiterate, these are the facts thus far about Whitney Houston's death.
- Madonna gave a highly ritualistic symbolic Illuminati performance taking her throne on February 5, 2012.
- Just five days after Madonna's ritualistic Illuminate performance, on Friday, February 10th, Whitney Houston attended a pre-Grammy award party where she sung "Jesus Loves Me" with Kelly Price as her last performance on earth. That evening, a undisclosed fight took place causing Whitney to become bloodied and disheveled.
- On February 11th, a day before the Grammy Awards, Whitney Houston died alone in her hotel room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
Madonna's performance was about Illuminati symbolism and satanic rituals.
My own conclusion based on these simple facts? Whitney Houston was a real singer with a gift and talent given to her by God. On the other hand, Madonna is a servant of Satan and the Illuminati. This Illuminati's evil power is starting to grow by such leaps and bounds because not enough people are willing to stand up to it for what it is. Madonna isn't just about entertainment that's merely a mask for Satanism.
Somehow, the Illuminati servants got to Whitney Houston after she sung Yes, Jesus Loves Me, that caused her to lose her life in this world having entered into eternal Heaven. Clearly Whitney Houston's in Heaven now! The facts are as plain as day as to what happened to trigger the transition -- God was with Whitney the entire night then taking her up into Heaven where she is forever happy and protected with eternal love.
Another awe inspiring Whitney performance with Natalie Cole of Say A Little Prayer.
These facts demonstrate Whitney Houston was for real as a good person with a beautiful spirit in spite of her flaws with drug addiction and alcoholism. On the other hand, Madonna is pure evil the world continues to pay its respects to.
Seriously, this isn't some imaginary game I'm talking about in this post. Madonna's a real servant of dark, evil demonic entities being all about death, suffering and destruction of all that is good in the world. Not kidding! Listen to Madonna's counterfeit voice at your own soul's peril. I couldn't stand her from the very first time I heard Like a Virgin. I knew Madonna was pure bullshit and a con job from the get go.
Somehow, the Illuminati servants got to Whitney Houston after she sung Yes, Jesus Loves Me, that caused her to lose her life in this world having entered into eternal Heaven. Clearly Whitney Houston's in Heaven now! The facts are as plain as day as to what happened to trigger the transition -- God was with Whitney the entire night then taking her up into Heaven where she is forever happy and protected with eternal love.
These facts demonstrate Whitney Houston was for real as a good person with a beautiful spirit in spite of her flaws with drug addiction and alcoholism. On the other hand, Madonna is pure evil the world continues to pay its respects to.
Seriously, this isn't some imaginary game I'm talking about in this post. Madonna's a real servant of dark, evil demonic entities being all about death, suffering and destruction of all that is good in the world. Not kidding! Listen to Madonna's counterfeit voice at your own soul's peril. I couldn't stand her from the very first time I heard Like a Virgin. I knew Madonna was pure bullshit and a con job from the get go.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Meet GoogSista - New Female Android Assimilates By Wasting Your Time
**WARNING** This article is a little freaky and only for the strong minded. Read at your own risk. This post is my creative way of dealing with someone who was extremely
difficult and manipulative who cost me considerable time and money over her "issues" I was blamed for last night.
Last night I learned there's a new breed of female evolving from the days of a far less intrusive technological society I lived in most of my life. I urge the reader to take special note of what follows in my post demonstrating how the latest female android model roll out looks, acts and sounds and what her primary function is.
I've learned this particular model of android I've coined "GoogSista" was initially programmed at Stanford, then transferred over to Google, Inc. However, there are many more similar models being rolled out all over the country. I chose the tag GoogSista because this droid's been clearly programmed to appear as a sisterly type of friend to humans while being a Google propagandist roll out for new visionary ideas for the future. Artwork above left by Artist David Ho - See CreepMachine.com Interviews - David Ho
My brush with a female android posing as a human was as follows. It may sound mundane to some, but for me it was a mind blowing encounter with an other worldly android.
"Yesterday GoogSista called while I was nearing arrival at her loan signing appointment claiming she would be 45 minutes late due to being stuck in traffic. I thought it unusual that if she knew she was that far from home why she didn't earlier. Why'd she call so late at 5:15 p.m. for a 5:30 p.m. appointment under those circumstances? With this news I actually had to turn back since I rented a Zip Car with limited time available. It wasn't really that big a deal to me though because GoogSista had rescheduled the signing near my home later that evening. Regardless, what followed were strange manifestations from this initial change of plans that made me feel as if I was in a Twilight Zone episode.
After the initial change in plans, GoogSista said she would meet me at the Fairmont Hotel at 6:00 p.m in my part of town. I arrived on time, then waited 10 minutes naturally wondering where GoogSista was. I tried calling thinking nothing of it but two times GoogSista ignored my calls letting it roll into voice mail. I noted GoogSista wasn't trying to reach me whatsoever so I called a third time at 6:20 p.m. to learn I had apparently become an annoyance, triggering high drama hysterics! GoogSista answered her cell in a panicked argumentative tone claiming she was on the other side of town near Noe Valley and that her predicament was all my fault, that I had somehow caused it all to happen and that I was being difficult
In a highly defensive mode as if I was attacking her simply for inquiring as to her time of arrival the droid said "I've lived in San Francisco a long time. . " What? I thought, what did that have to do with anything? It was almost as if some computer programmer triggered a coded script that then became accusatory of me as if I was extremely upset with her. The fact was I had been relaxing on a couch at the Fairmont Hotel's lobby within walking distance of my home and wasn't upset at all. Turns out GoogSista would be another 30 minutes, at least that's what she wanted me to believe.
I responded to the new appointment time claiming I had no problem waiting and countered that I wasn't upset at all since I was enjoying the Fairmont Hotel's jazz pianist. Apparently, this calm response triggered GoogSista's programming to make sure I would feel some unpleasant emotion because she later became a no show not even having the courtesy to call. Clearly GoogSista was planting her mind control apparatus in my human experience, or at least believed she was. What had begun innocently enough was really some kind of program to assimilate me into a helpless state of being that relied heavily on time manipulation and mind control. In other words, I was doing my usual thing as a loan signing agent while expecting an outcome that was repeatedly being usurped. My experience has generally been that borrowers are usually happy to cooperate in my helping them finalize their home refinance paperwork. In this case, some other worldly factor was at work that blew my mind."
After I did a little research on this odd android experience, I learned GoogSista actually had arrived after all, but through another dimension of my psyche as a time vampire. Somehow I was supposed to feel bad, that I had done something terribly wrong to GoogSista. I wanted to understand what was happening in this matter so I began researching. I discovered GoogSista looks a lot like Meg Tilly, (right) the former actress from the 1980's who played in The Big Chill and Psycho II. This Tilly look alike discovery occurred after I thought I had found a photo on Linkedin of GoogSista (left) that actually looked a lot like former actress Kristy McNichol from the 1980's. Turns out the KM look alike was another person with GoogSista's assumed name who was an aerospace engineer. I was relieved to say the least that this GoogSista droid wasn't modeled after Kristy McNichol after all. Believe me, I'm aware how strange this post is, I thought I was in the Twilight Zone last night and this post is my expression of how I felt dealing with it all.
So my discovery turned up that GoogSista had apparently been modeled after Meg Tilly the actress of Psycho II. How appropriate that the droid's programmers wanted to freak out their enemies this way. Just think of it being much like how the military uses manless predator drones to attack enemies, these are manless droids conducting psyche warfare and psyops.
After this strange, rather inhuman experience with a droid, I began to reflect on the fact GoogSista took up 3.5 hours of my time as the first clue of who she was. Just to think in one of my earlier posts I thought the MoFo lady was bad! See post Mofos Still Living in a Bubble World About To Pop. It turns out that in retrospect GoogSista was far worse being much closer to the Star Trek Borg assimilation model than the MoFo.
In this video, GoogSista confirms the most valuable resource humans have is time.
These are highly programmable female droids so what or who do you think programs them to carry out their plans? They seem much like the unmanned drones being controlled wirelessly from a hidden source. The term "unmanned" should be hint enough whose behind these droids. They're manned alright, but wirelessly so that others can't detect the true source of control.
One of the reasons I liked former actress Kristy McNichol was she was so human with emotional intelligence. These new models of female droids scare me being void of soul, spirit or any hint of human life. I don't detect any soul whatsoever, just empty space with meaningless chatter from something trying to pose as a human being.
GoogSista was clearly programmed to waste my time last night. It seems time was the key factor this droid used to attempt to assimilate me with. Best to take note of it for future reference that these androids seem programmed to kill humans' time on earth through various types of manipulation of mind control.
"Before going much further, however, it is important for the reader to understand just what is meant when the term “Singularity” is used. Defined by TIME, “Singularity” is “The moment when technological change becomes so rapid and profound, it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history.” Simply put, Singularity is the moment when man and machine merge to create a new type of human – a singular entity that contains property of both machines and humans.
Unfortunately, Singularity is not a fringe movement as some might at first believe; it has a great number of followers, many of whom are in powerful positions. For instance, the Singularity University is a three-year-old institution that offers inter-disciplinary courses for both executives and graduate students. It is hosted by NASA, a notorious front for secretive projects conducted by the government and the military-industrial complex. Not only that, but Google, which is yet another corporate front for intelligence agencies, was a founding sponsor of the University as well. Merging Man and Machine: Singularity vs. Humanity - Activist Post.com Feb 9, 2012
If GoogSistas are allowed to flourish and evolve in the future, humanity's going to have one hell of a "time" so to speak dealing with these latest roll out models that rely on people's ignorance. One has to be aware and knowledgeable or be doomed to assimilation. Let's face it, we're living in unusual times thanks to technology evolving into highly intelligent neurological machines. Don't ever forget these are not normal times in world history! Most everyone is always carrying around some form of advanced technology these days being practically married to it. We're merging with machines more than we'd ever like to know.
Other References:
Cyborg Brain/Machine Interface Is Now Reality - PrisonPlanet.com
Merging Man and Machine: Singularity vs. Humanity - Activist Post.com
Cyborgs Are Coming! Living Brains Implanted with Electronic Chips to Replace 'Faulty' Parts - Daily Mail UK
Blogger's Note:
For those familiar with this blog, you may note this particular post has taken a rather unique creative flare. Highly critical people will look at this article and say "she's nuts". It's just my creative writing and nothing more. Do I believe GoogChick is really an android? Not really, more like a spiritually void droid to be more accurate. I thought GoogChick's video really made her seem and sound like an android. When I saw the video I also thought she looked a lot like actress Meg Tilly did back in the 1982 film Big Chill.
I attribute this change in creative writing to my recent use of essential oil aromatics, particularly lavender essential oil from Young Living I consume in my tea and put in my incense diffuser. I may also be influenced by the brain booster Prevagen I've taken the past four weeks. I've also been wearing my Q-Link pendant as well that boosts the body's natural biofield to protect from electromagnetic bombardment from electric devices.
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