Thursday, January 26, 2012

AZ Governor Jan Brewer Pointed Finger In Obama's Face, Now On Kill List?

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's little confrontation with President Obama yesterday should make her rethink if she's now been placed on his majesty's American kill list. Seriously! People so underestimate these sociopath politicians and leader Mafiosos who are quite capable of making someone like Brewer disappear into a black hole for not paying the proper respects to his royal highness.
"On Wednesday afternoon, Obama touched down in Phoenix and was greeted by Brewer on the tarmac. They reportedly "spoke intensely for a few minutes." Brewer said it was because "he was a little disturbed about my book," particularly a passage in which she had depicted Obama as "patronizing" during an earlier visit." -

Obama has already set the precedent by assassinating Americans who he deems are "bad" or saying things he doesn't like.  
"The controversy over Brewer's characterization of Obama dates back to an Oval Office meeting in 2010. At the time she had called it "very cordial," but in her book she wrote she felt Obama had been "condescending." In an interview in November,she also said she had "felt a little bit like I was being lectured to, and I was a little kid in a classroom, if you will, and he was this wise professor and I was this little kid, and this little kid knows what the problem is and I felt minimized to say the least."
No one can say with absolute certainty Jan Brewer's life's not in danger for daring not to pay proper respects to his majesty Obama.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Resistance to Evil = Instant Victory!

The key to many things is to understand resistance, no matter how insignificant it may appear, isn't futile.  Resistance is victory and an appropriate response to those things that are dark and evil.  Each time someone stands up for what is right, it's a victory no matter how the big bullies attempt to suppress or disguise it to the public with lies and illusions.  If one remains neutral, it's a victory for the dark side. There's no hiding from evil insidious people who will continually come knocking on your door in many forms.  Nothing is ever written in stone and can change at any time, so if you're still neutral it's never too late to take a stand against evil.

I wanted to post this outstanding video by radio talk show host and film maker Alex Jones to emphasize that resistance to evil and tyranny is never, ever futile and is always a personal victory.  Resistance is an instant win, and the universe responds appropriately.  In fact, simple resistance is the key to everything when it comes to standing up to evil, including bullies.

This is a superb video.  Alex Jones isn't perfect but he knows a few key things we all need to know in life in order to deal with the growing dark forces in the world.

The universe is interconnected with human beings because we actually come from stardust as the late Carl Sagen used to say.  Therefore when we individually take a stand against darkness and evil, the universe responds appropriately.  The evil will come again and again until we learn our lessons on earth.  That's why history repeats itself, because when people let down their guard against ever present evil that's been festering on earth for thousands of years, the evil grows and comes after us.

Human beings need to learn how to deal with these evil infected people more effectively and the most efficient way is to simply resist.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Delusional Cruise Ship Captain Ordered Dinner With Date On Imaginary Love Boat After Disaster

In what is yet another unbelievable alleged fact to come from the Costa Concordia cruise ship tragedy, an apparently delusional Captain Francesco Schettino ordered dinner and dessert for his female companion shortly after the boat disaster.  Even after the ship began to sink, the captain was still on the love boat and everything was just fine with he and his date.  It seems to me this captain had an epic case of denial.

After this fiasco, all captains of such large ships should be required to go through psychological tests to ensure they don't have the type of mental illness Captain Francesco Schettino so obviously has.

"In an interview with GMA Network, cook Rogelio Barista said Capt. Francesco Schettino ordered dinner less than an hour after the accident. “We wondered what was going on. … At that time, we really felt something was wrong. … The stuff in the kitchen was falling off shelves and we realized how grave the situation was,” Barista told GMA.  Schettino ordered dinner around 10:30 p.m. Friday, Barista said. Authorities say the ship struck the rocks at 9:41 p.m." -
WARNING The next paragraph has language that could offend some. 

Captain Schettino, much like today's hopeless U.S. politicians and leaders, is obviously not a well man.  In his grandiose view of himself, the captain even believes he saved 3,000 people's lives that day.  The brainwashed whore the captain was dining with who he apparently was screwing has spoken up on behalf of this heinous cowardly sack of shit as most cock suckers are always known to do. See The captain's companion calls him a hero. - CNN   It's so unfortunate so many easily brainwashed women always play such a large part of defending these heinous mentally ill pricks of history, e.g., Hitler's girlfriend defended him to the end, etc.)  ***END OF POTENTIALLY OFFENSIVE RANT***

A brainwashed young woman defends the captain as a hero who he had wined and dined during the disaster.  

The captain apparently viewed his position mostly as a means to get free cruise ship rides in order to wine, dine and entertain his female companions with. He obviously doesn't know right from wrong or the gravity of the situation confirmed by the outcome of death and destruction his reckless actions caused others.  In other words, Capt. Schettino lacked the necessary skill sets, both mental and physical, needed to run a ship safely.  All this captain could think of after he abandoned ship was that his socks were wet.
"COWARDLY cruise ship captain Francesco Schettino reached dry land before most of his terrified passengers — then moaned about his wet socks." - Captain of Costa Concordia Whined About His Wet Socks - The Sun UK

Cook: Captain ordered dinner amid chaos - CNN video

This problem seems to run deeper at Carnival Cruiselines then just a mentally ill ship captain since they recently had the audacity to offer the victims of the disaster 30% off their next cruise ship experience in condolence. See Carnival Offers Cruise Discount to Costa Concordia Survivers - and Costa Concordia: 'insulting' cruise offer to survivors - The Telegraph UK Think about it, that offer is something only the mentally ill could conjure up with such an obvious disregard and spirit of mockery.  It seems male arrogance  runs rampant at Carnival Cruises much like it does in the U.S. government and Pentagon.  We're all in danger because of these type of pathological, highly political and greedy men who are incapable of rational thought having no human decency whatsoever.

Thus far 13 people have been found dead and 20 people are still missing. People need to wake up we're all in danger because of these highly delusional dangerous people rising to positions of power.  The days of the love boat are clearly over.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Imaginary You - Meet Your Strawman!

Did you know a U.S. birth certificate trades on the stock market for one common stock and if you have one under your name there is a dead person posing as you on paper?

Very interesting video by Jordon Maxwell explains how significant the UCC Code is that rules over all of our lives without most of us ever knowing it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Alex Jones Suffers Breakdown on Camera

Alex Jones suffers breakdown on air. I had to listen to his radio program for a long time to understand Alex Jones is genuine.

I tend not to be able to handle Alex Jones' delivery style at times on his radio program so I shift to listening over to the Jeff Rense radio programming and a few on the Rense network including Mike Rivero and Charlie McGrath.  Regardless, Alex Jones is a very key person to listen to in spite of his rough edge and sometimes obnoxious gut wrenching delivery style.  I've learned a tremendous amount from his alternative news program over the past few years. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Strange Sounds Echoing Round the World - What Are They?

These "strange sounds heard round the world" series of YouTube videos is a strange phenomena.  I must say I find the sounds to be extremely hypnotic and relaxing.  The video compilation below was posted just two days ago having gone viral with nearly a half a million views.

YouTuber Dutchsinse posted the video with this info:
"Something strange is afoot --- unknown sounds heard globally over the past few days.. basically starting up in rapid pace on January 11, 2012 --- up until today (jan 16 2012). I don't know how long this will continue, or what it is. New term : U.A.O.. = Unidentified AUDIBLE Object you can see all the same videos in this montage by clicking this search here: What could all these sounds heard this past week around the world have come from? What do you think is causing this phenomenon? I am still at the drawing board, trying to figure this mystery out... any ideas.. please share below in the comment field." - Dutchsinse Channel Video Link
My idea is that they sound like whale mating call recordings blasted on loud speakers,  that it's some kind of hoax to get YouTubers to react to worldwide.  The cause would likely be to bring attention to Navy abuse of whales.  Then again, they don't always sound like whales either.  They could probably put it all on a CD unknown artist compilation and sell it on iTunes under "Sounds Heard Round the World".

YouTuber TrutherGirls's take on the video asks if they are the "Trumpets of Revelation?"  Not one of her better videos, but still interesting nonetheless. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

RED ALERT: Natural News Site Has Been Seized By U.S. Government




Excuse my lack of attention to this blog today, I've been intensely scrambling to find remedies to health issues that apparently hit when you're in your 50's. I'm turning 52 next month and have noted significant changes that need my attention.

I've done research to learn about alkaline pH balance issues due to over acidity in the body I'm addressing.  You can find natural remedies too but until I get this under control, I want professional solutions so I got the Alkaline PH Booster Supplement on Amazon along with the Diagnostic PH strips to make sure I monitor the acidity in my system.

I've increased my intake of vitamin and mineral supplements dramatically and have raised my immune system over the past few months by 20,000 points from 17,000 to 37,000 last I tested.  The average American's score is 22,000.  Last month we scanned marathon runners who were off the charts, some as high as 90,000 points!  Those who scored high all had one thing in common, they said they eat a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Because I don't trust today's produce is grown to wholesome goodness due to soil erosion, I've been using Pharmanex products distributed by NuSkin including the LifePak Nano and Vitality.  I also recently started on the Pharmanex Tegreen cell protection anti-oxidant defense system support.  These supplements from Pharmanex are cutting edge based on advanced science from molecular and genetic research.  For instance, the LifePak Nano, that includes high quality fish and krill oil capsules, has an enhanced molecular delivery system for easier absorption in the intestine. NuSkin's been in partnership with LifeGen Technologies, the leader in genetic based research including mapping the human genome.  In fact, Nuskin recently acquired LifeGen.  Both these leader based companies have been developing these products from solid science backed research and the results are measurable now using a BioPhotonic carotenoid scanner, not just a crap shoot such as with other supplements I've thrown money away on over the years.

I also use other immune system boosters including the G3 Gac Superfruit Juice Blend with Lipocaratones product that is extremely effective.  I just take one-two ounces a day and it's delicious and very refreshing.  My immune system score spiked when I took this product especially. Video

Though I've been taking these products, I figure I must have a serious health issue because rarely do I ever feel great as I believe I should. Once in a while I feel good, but I guess I've neglected my health for a long time so it will take a while to heal.

I also found my brain's been needing attention so I ordered Prevagen I heard about on the Jeff Rense program that provides calcium based proteins much needed in the brain.  I just started Prevagen a few weeks ago and will report back on progress with it in the next few months.  I also started taking MemoryWork Plus that came heavily discounted with my Q-Link I ordered last month.

Lastly, I read on Natural News today about how important essential infused oils are to good health so I'm going to use these as well and see what effect they have.  (THIS IS WHERE I WAS GOING TO PUT A LINK TO THE SITE)

So this is what I've been working on, my health really comes first because without good health you've got nothing in life.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Kayaker Rescues Dog at Sea (Video)

In the YouTube era it's interesting to see things you otherwise would never experience in life such as a dog swimming around the ocean rescued by a kayaker. This video's gone viral since last week with 1.5 mil views.

 A fisherman kayaking on the Gulf of Mexico over the weekend made one catch he'll never forget -- a dog swimming for his life off the Siesta Key coast. What initially seemed like a bizarre rescue actually took place following a horrific tragedy, when a drunk driver fatally struck the dog's owner in a hit-and-run accident approximately one mile from the shore, according to ABC Action News. - HuffPost Weird News

Sunday, January 15, 2012

MoFos Still Living In Bubble World About To Pop

Back in 1998 I worked for the law firm of Morrison & Foerster, LLP otherwise known as "MoFo".  I thought this law firm was really strange, that all the women who had been there for decades seemed to share the same type of characteristics being highly programmed and oblivious to the real world.  Much like the Borg on Star Trek, these women all seemed to have the same look and personality to them.  I never fit into this law firm which is why I only lasted one year.  We'd all work in the dark at night, since night people liked the lights off except at their desks, so it was a bit spooky at times.  My hours were 5:00 pm - 2:00 am.

It's interesting how a loan signing on I recently conducted brought all these MoFo memories back the forefront. (For those unaware, I'm a mobile notary public/ loan signing agent who conducts loan signings for borrowers in San Francisco.)

Last Friday I was assigned to a loan signing for one of the MoFo women, a legal secretary who had been working there since 2001.  I noted the unusual nature of this signing in how this was one of the few times someone didn't respond to my multiple touch base voice mails to her home and work numbers.  In fact, I had left four voice mails prior to calling her work number the next day only to get "I'm in the middle of a court filing, I'll call you back when I can."  It seemed my being in the real world outside the MoFo bubble wasn't very significant for this MoFo lady.  I noted she never apologized for not responding to my messages as others usually do.  It seemed she was a bit of a control freak typical of what I recall of MoFo women who dictate reality as they see fit.

The MoFo lady finally got a hold of me and asked for an appointment time to suit her schedule which was in three hours. She told me Bank of America at One Market Street would let us sign on their property but that turned out not to be so.  BofA apparently blew the MoFo lady off.  I thought to myself that's kind of strange, most banks accommodate their loans being financed.  Maybe the MoFo lady had came across too demanding.

When we met up at the bank the MoFo lady suggested the food court area to do the signing. When we got to the area I began to suggest an appropriate table space for us to use only to find the MoFo lady wanted to lead me far into the center of food court to her own choice of tables for no logical reason. I'm serious, the tables were all the same, the food places were all closed for the day so it made no sense.  My feet were tired. I wondered where was this MoFo lady dragging me to?

When we had finally reached the tables of her choice, the MoFo lady began asking me if she was supposed to provide information on the form of "all of her marriages".  I thought to myself, oh that's right, MoFo women have a hard time keeping their husbands, it makes total sense. After the MoFo lady filled out the confidential info form, we moved onto the significant body of documents including the Deed of Trust.

Allow me to say this MoFo lady is the only one I've ever witnessed out of hundreds of signings I've done to actually read through the entire Deed of Trust.  Any borrowers who may try to read through the 15 page tiny font document are always reminded they have a three day right to cancel so there's no need to read it all at the signing table.  Typical borrowers usually glance through or ask me a specific question about where to find info on the prepayment penalty or other info. This is because the Deed of Trust document is just standard legal jargon stuff except for whatever riders may come with it tagged onto the back.

I tried to let the MoFo lady know she had a three day notice right to cancel the loan so she could read through the DOT later at her convenience, but she just blew me off and continued to read.  I sat there stunned, this MoFo lady was the very first one to completely ignore me and continue to read through the entire Deed of Trust.  I made one more attempt to let her know as I sat in great discomfort from the iron chairs that she could read through the details later on her own time.  Once again, I was shrugged off and ignored, just like my voice mails.

It wasn't until a janitor came by to let us know we had to move for the clean-up crew that the MoFo lady finally stopped reading the Deed of Trust. "Oh, can we stay here five more minutes?" she begged him.  I noted the MoFo lady was lying to the janitor just like the MoFo lawyers do when it comes to timeframes.  I interrupted with, "this is going to take another 20 minutes."  With this, the Mofo lady finally stopped reading the DOT, signed it and moved on hurriedly with the rest of the documents.  All it took was a janitor with more authority then I apparently had, to get this lady out of her zombie trance state to do something about her situation.

On the way out I asked the MoFo lady about the health of the legal profession since the catastrophes of Heller Ehrman and massive layoffs and hiring freezes back of 2008. She said her law firm was immune from economic problems and they never really have anything to worry about losing their jobs.  I thought this MoFo lady obviously had no idea how bad things were getting in the world's collapsing economies that this time her law firm wouldn't be oblivious too.

What I learned from this signing was little hints of a macrocosm bubble world MoFo women live in for decades as programmed zombies living in an artificial world constructed by lawyers and corporations.  It's all going to pop like a bubble one day because none of it's real.

The moral of the story is don't be a MoFo, get real and prepare for world economic collapse and wars headed our way that's been created by a corrupt world banking system.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Gay Sea Monkeys With Mood Rings Come Out of Closet With Kristy McNichol

Former actress Kristy McNichols' coming out as a lesbian on January 6th, 2012, nearly twenty years after she retired, reminds me of a few things like sea monkeys and mood rings from the 1970's era.  In a recent post, Sea Monkey Time Travelers's May Out Survive Humanity, I described sea monkeys as time travelers because they remain suspended in their time capsules prior to being added to water before they come back to life.

Kristy's coming out of her time capsule has likely revived a lot of memories for people who nearly forgot all about her.  Along with these decades old memories come my generation's love of sea monkey watching and mood ring inquisitiveness.

Gay sea monkeys are stars in their own right, this video has 700K views!

A day in the life of gay sea monkeys going about doing their daily business.

I once had a mood ring just like this one. I wonder what color it would be as I post this?  Many kids thought these rings were totally gay. Turns out they were.

Twenty years later, Kristy McNichol makes an official statement through a publicist she is a lesbian. Sea monkeys celebrated all over the world and put on mood rings.