Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Tear Jerker - Beloved Dog in Afghanistan Comes To America, Reunites With Marine

For me, dogs are among a few of the precious things to be thankful for on earth so this story warmed my heart.

A U.S. Marine in Afghanistan arranged to have his war companion Chloe flown back for a Thanksgiving reunion from a horrible place that treats dogs with contempt as dirty nasty things.  The reason the people of Afghanistan don't like dogs is because they're described in their Muslim Koran as being filthy animals. The photo at left shows the sister of  Marine Corporal Ward Van Alstine welcoming one of the dogs to America. 

"One day, as Corporal Ward Van Alstine, 22, prepared to go on patrol, a dirty, sad-eyed mutt walked up and touched something in him. The shy, brown-and-white pooch, with a dark patch around the nose, was something precious and good surrounded by poverty, hatred and war. The two of them formed an inseparable bond.The dog, named Chloe, is one of 14 stray dogs and one cat that were rescued from Afghanistan this month by the Nowzad Dogs charity and brought back to the United States to live with the soldiers who adopted them." - Marine, Dog to Reunite After Hard Journey For Both -

Americans know just how precious dogs can be. The religious influences such as from the Koran demonstrate how brainwashed people can be to overlook such precious animals as nothing.

These former stray dogs are now home free in America.

The marine's pal Chloe arrives at the San Francisco Int'l Airport as one clean dog.

It must have been tough being in a crate for all those hours on a plane, but nothing compared to being in Afghanistan.

"Chloe began to guard the base and protect the troops, barking when strangers came near.  "She was basically like the mascot, the morale booster," he said. "She slept in my tent, but we all fed her." Nobody from his platoon was killed, but there were casualties all around and the stress of combat sometimes affected him and other soldiers. "Not everybody does well in those types of situations," Van Alstine said. "I think all dogs have that sixth sense. She'd just sit there with us the entire time and, if anyone wasn't doing well, she'd put her head on them and just close her eyes. She was the one thing that no matter how bad the day was she was our best friend."

Sweet Thanksgiving story isn't it?

Escapee Turkey Arrested By Cop For Wandering Into Store

A turkey who almost escaped Thanksgiving. . .

Cops are used for the most ridiculous things these days going around arresting turkeys along with freedom loving Americans.  Who would ever call the cops on finding a turkey in their store?  Why not just shoo it out or call animal control? 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

American Horror Story: Lyndon B. Johnson Had President John F. Kennedy Assassinated!

Every November 22nd I'm aware of the anniversary of that horrifying day back in 1963 that changed American history forever, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Back then I was just three years old and already about to face another horror from the Baldwin Hills California dam break that happened within three weeks of the assassination.  The dam break washed our home completely away and I lost my beloved cat.

From the recent release of recordings from Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversation on the Life of John F. Kennedy,  it turns out that Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, aka Jackie O, believed her husband John F. Kennedy's assassination was orchestrated by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and other influential individuals. The lady obviously wasn't stupid, being hip to what many Americans have come to understand over the years.  See my post LBJ Had JFK Assassinated - Case Closed in My Mind - October 4, 2010.

The tape recordings weren't due to be released until 50 years after Jackie's death 17 years ago, but now her daughter, Caroline Kennedy, has agreed to release them early. According to Daily Mail,
“Jackie Onassis believed that Lyndon B. Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons were involved in the assassination of her husband John F. Kennedy, ‘explosive’ recordings are set to reveal. “The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband’s successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him. “She became convinced that the then vice president, along with businessmen in the South, had orchestrated the Dallas shooting, with gunman Lee Harvey Oswald–long claimed to have been a lone assassin–merely part of a much larger conspiracy.” - Explosive Jackie O Tapes Reveal her and JFK affairs, who she believed was behind his death. Daily Mail
Though we're describing an event that happened nearly 50 years ago, the reason it's still relevant today is because it changed the course of history in the United States empowering a mafia based system of government.  As one blogger recently put it:
"I believe that the assassination of John Kennedy was a major turning point in US history. It was at this point that a criminal cabal wrested control of the federal government from the hands of 'We the People' and turned it into a giant mafia. I don’t believe the people and their representatives in Washington, D.C., have had much to do with their federal government (especially at the executive level) ever since."
In the past few years we've obtained confessions from key people involved in the assassination including E. Howard Hunt. The clincher for me was the hobo photo evidence along with his death bed confession of his involvement as a "bench warmer". The other confession is by the assassin himself, James File, who coldn't possibly have known the depth of details he knew if he hadn't been there at the time of the shooting. See James File Confession -

RFK tried to confront Johnson's evil after his brother was murdered. The Kennedy's knew who the guilty party was all along.  Imagine how they must have felt knowing such evil took over America?

E. Howard Hunt's deathbed confession and hobo photo in 1963 is the clincher.

Many people have no idea one of the reasons E. Howard Hunt was attempting a break into Democratic headquarters back in the 1970's Watergate era, was to retrieve the Deally Plaza hobo photos they had of him. 

If this kind of evil happens at such high levels of government, imagine what happens at lower levels as I've reported numerous times on this blog.  Take some time to really think about the depth of evil of Lyndon B. Johnson and how these kind of people rise in power in the U.S. government thanks to the American people supporting their facade. The corruption trickles down from the top. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Heartless NY Law Firm That Mocked Foreclosure Victims At Its Halloween Party Lays-Off Staff

This is an outstanding example of the heartless nature of many attorneys. The Steve J. Baum, P.C. law firm thought they had come up with a brilliant idea to throw an office party mocking their enemies, i.e., foreclosure and homeless victims.  This unbelievable display of mockery among legal professionals and their support staff is so counter to the many fine law firms I've worked for over the years. 
"An embattled New York foreclosure law firm that was criticized for a Halloween party that mocked the homeless and was recently shunned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will close.  A statement issued Monday originally said Steven J. Baum P.C. filed notice of mass layoffs with state labor officials but did not mention closing. After pictures surfaced of employees dressed like homeless people for Halloween in 2010, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stopped referrals." - Law Firm That Hosted Foreclosure Costume Party to Layoff One-Third of Employees - Huff
A good law firm extends its resources to help and contribute to their local community charities and to sponsor socially conscious events.  Most all of the law firms I've ever worked for in San Francisco had outstanding outreach programs to aid the homeless, poor and even had employees volunteer to help build homes for the disadvantaged.

A sad demonstration of a heartless law firm and its clueless staff.

The laws of karma are very real, so it's not surprising Steve J. Baum P.C. has announced it's going to lay off 1/3 of its employees in their mortgage-foreclosure practices division.  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hologram Technology To Take Off At Airports

In my previous post When Airlines Go Belly Up - Our Holograms Will Travel, I envisioned a day when it would be so expensive to fly that people would find ways of using holograms to communicate and attend their meetings.  I've since been keeping my eyes peeled for any trends in the area of holograms and the communications industry.  Yesterday I came upon an interesting twist that an airport in the United Kingdom will be the first in the world to have employee holograms help with the passenger security preparation.

Julie Armstrong, customer services director at Manchester Airport, said:
"We are always looking for new ways to improve the experience of our airport for customers but four years after the restrictions were introduced, passengers understandably forget about liquids.  We don't want anyone to have to throw their drink or make-up away so we've tried lots of different ways to reinforce the liquid rules, from posters to people dressed up as giant deodorant cans!  Maybe holograms are the answer. You certainly can't miss them and with the real John and Julie already being popular with our customers, I'm hopeful that their virtual selves will be a big hit too." Holograms to Help Passengers Through Security - The Independent - UK

Christie Musion TelePresence V2 from The Secret Seminar on Vimeo.

The airport's implementing the hologram technology through Musion, a company that facilitates 3D holographic projection for live events.  Musion founder James Rock also used the technology with the Black Eyed Peas on their latest single.  Rock said:
"We've developed this technology for many uses but it's perfectly suited for an airport environment where the support of recorded messages can help with passenger information.  It's something we've worked on for a number of years at Musion and we'd like to see its widespread use for practical purposes like the virtual assistants. We can reproduce musical performances and, as an example, Simon Cowell had a hologram of Frank Sinatra perform at his 50th birthday so you can see where we can take this technology."
This 3D holographic technology isn't a surprise to me since I envisioned it back in 1999.  A chip designer at Intel listened to my idea and suggested I submit it to Intel for consideration of financing the project.  Shortly thereafter the dot com bust prevented me from  pursuing any further.  Essentially, holographic technology could be used as a form of afterlife while performers reap the benefits of payoffs in the present.   I had ideas of nightclubs with performers who since passed performing for audiences of the future.  For instance, singers like Aretha Franklin would be able to record themselves in a holographic form.

The future: Phantasmic Entertainment - XSTAGE Holographic Projection System

We all discovered after Michael Jackson passed away in 2009 he was worth more money after he died.  Using holographic technology, artists of today can sell the intellectual property rights of their holographic performances to profit from now.  Many investors know the holographic technology could bring in income for decades depending on the popularity of the performers.  For instance, consider if you could go watch a performance of Frank Sinatra in holographic form.  Would you do so?  I know I would.   It would be as if he's right there and look very real, unlike on a one or two dimensional medium.

I think singers who don't have much time left, such as Barbra Streisand, should consider having themselves holographed in their best song performances so future audiences can enjoy and be inspired by them. Imagine had Elvis been holographed, he would likely still be performing in Las Vegas today.

Another idea is popular employees with a great persona could sell the property rights of their holograms for use in other mediums.  This holographic industry will be a boon for the intellectual property rights industry.  Essentially, people can profit if they have a marketable hologram of themselves to offer an employer such as an airport.

Here's a great example of how excited people become over 3D effects such as this show onto a building in the Ukraine.  I featured other similar videos in my post Amazing 3D Light Shows Projected Onto Buildings

A few months ago I heard about the demise of Las Vegas and wrote hotel extraordinaire Steve Wynn with an idea on how Las Vegas could revamp itself.  Hologram machine gambling and video gaming could heighten the entertainment experience.  LV needs to clear out those old slot machines and get the hologram industry moving forward, it's the wave of the future.

 An example of a more primitive 3D game system Las Vegas could implement.  More advanced would be virtual rooms full of holographic games

Other uses for this technology could be for virtual museums of holograms from difficult to reach places such as Egypt.  Museums can holograph their items placing them in a virtual museum that people can come to see projected into museums all over the country and world.  I personally have no problem seeing a virtual replication of a mummy as long as it's from the real thing and is in extremely high definition.

The other area of holograph technology could be used for people who want to leave an everlasting impression of themselves to relatives and great grandchildren. Imagine if you had the ability to meet your great grandmother and hear her talk to her future kin in a hologram?  Listen to what she wishes to pass on her wisdom about?  This is clearly a new technology waiting to be discovered and taken advantage of.  

Finally, let me say that in my opinion extremely talented people are going to dwindle and be largely a thing of the past since our culture is crumbling from corruption and decay.  We need to record  now before we lose what these uniquely talented people inspire in others.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Time to Fez Up That Evil, Wicked, Sick People Rule Our World

I don't know about anyone else, but the Queen of England scares me.  It's sad so many give the Queen of England so much power over their lives.  The Queen's not just a figurehead as many claim, she has enormous power over many countries. Her majesty purportedly comes from a family line of Illuminati blood thirsty inhumane monsters!  Neither the Beatles, Elton John nor Bee Gees worked to change reality whatsoever for the Brit Royalty.  

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair looks really creepy in this 1986 photo. 

Undoubtedly, Tony Blair has a wicked look. Just add fangs and you've got instant vampire.

Really scary, inhuman looking Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napalitano looks as if she's in a Twilight Zone episode in this photo.  AKA "Big Sis", making her debut at Wal Mart Stores, urges shoppers to spy on one another in the aisles.  Be afraid, very afraid!

By now any sane American knows this demented bastard former Vice President Dick Cheney is evil on steroids.  Last I checked his approval rating prior to leaving office was a whopping 19%.  Many innocents have lost their lives over this insane man's working behind the scenes.  It's so sad the insane rose in American politics and have roosted for so long.

A slimy Larry Silverstein, a disgraceful business man, admitted on television that Building 7 of 9/11 was demolished.  He later obtained millions of dollars in the buildings' insurance policy he took out only a few weeks prior.

Billionaire businessman George Soros, the  living zombie corpse of an insidious man hiding behind an image. His eyes look like they've been replaced by two black coals. Just look at that mouth!

This is the same pope that has been recently reported to have impeded investigations of child molestation. This photo says it all really.  "Come to me my children, let me lay my grubby paws on you."

This David Rockefeller guy has been behind a lot of the big brother, new world order infrastructure forming.  According to an Aaron Russo, Freedom To Fascism, documentary, Rockefeller wants everyone chipped so they can be controlled by the new world government.

Living corpses and nearing their graves, hoping sooner than later, the evil Bush crime family can rot in hell.

A pathetic George W. Bush doesn't regret torturing innocent Iraqi's

Evil in her own spineless clown kinda way, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's a vehicle for evil people's plans doing whatever they tell her to do.  Clinton's working hard to erase the borders between Canada and the United States. Hillary Clinton is a traitor and a Council of Foreign Relations member.

Former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak. Evil's all over his face, he looks Mafia. 

German Chancellor Merkel's face says it all having sold out to the Illuminati plan to as one article put it, "shove the EU down Europe's throat".  I guess I have no plans to vacation in Europe now.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is much like a whore who does whatever evil men tell her to do.

I'll end this world family photo album with one of the weirdest of them all:

This guy Bzezinski, the "damned one" looks like a lizard.

Some believe that reptilians are influencing us. An evil spirit behind 5 US Presidents, Bzezinski sure gives credence to the idea. Visionary David Icke just may be right. Something drives these people.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Angry SF Occupy Protesters Storm BofA Office, Pitch Tent

Yesterday I wasn't at my office at 50 California Street so I didn't learn until this morning from the The Bay Citizen that my office building was under siege by San Francisco occupy protesters and riot police.  Late afternoon, around 100 people stormed the ground floor Bank of America office while pitching a large tent to occupy it.  A couple hundred others sat in the street outside the building. 

Imagine being a bank employee and facing an angry crowd such as this?  (Photo Credit: Erik Verduzco/The Bay Citizen)

"Sgt. Michael Andraychak, a spokesman for the San Francisco Police Department, said that when the officers who were outside attempted to enter the bank, a group of protesters surged forward, pinning a lieutenant in a doorway and several other officers against the bank's windows.

Protesters threw bottles at officers, shouted 'Get the police,' and attempted to grab the officers' batons, Andraychak said. At least one officer said protesters attempted unsuccessfully to take her gun." - 95 Arrested After Protesters Pitch Tent in Bank - Bay Citizen
Protesters set up pow-wow in a Bank of America office.  Is this the end of civilization as we knew it? (Photo Credit: Erik Verduzco/The Bay Citizen)

Something tells me it was a good thing I didn't go to the office yesterday.  (Photo Credit: Erik Verduzco/The Bay Citizen)

A BofA employee stares at his computer screen as mobs of angry people set up camp in his office. This guy's lucky, throughout history revolutionary angry people would simply have taken him out to be hung from a tree simply for being "one of them". (Photo Credit: Erik Verduzco/The Bay Citizen)

Because the bank is a private business that is open to the public, the bank's manager had to sign a citizen's arrest form before the police could take action. The adults who were arrested were transported to county jail, issued misdemeanor citations for trespassing, and released.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Latest Face On Mars Discovery

It's amazing how people are locating unusual images on Mars from Google Earth.  The first face on Mars was over a Viking 1 photo taken in 1976.  Discovered years later, the face intrigued millions and numerous books were written about it such as by NASA's former Richard C. Hoagland.

This latest discovery was by Matteo Lanneo, an Italian surfing Google Earth's Mars data. He discovered the strange face at the Google coordinates  Latitude  33°12'29.82"N, Longitude  12°55'51.21"W.  Here's a link for those who may want to download the program to see the images on Google. Matteo's unsure if the photo's an optical illusion or real sculptured face.

Richard C. Hoagland discusses the Face on Mars explaining what happened following years of its discovery.

Here is the second face on Mars discovered back in 2001 that a press conference was conducted for in New York.

The announcement of the second face on mars was made by Tom Van Flandern, a former Chief Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory, who is president of Meta Research based in Washington, D.C., Brian O'Leary, a former Apollo scientist-astronaut trained for America's first manned mission to Mars, and Michael C. Luckman, director of the New York Center for UFO Research.

In addition to the second new face on Mars, they also released photos claiming there were strange tube tunnels seen on the Martian surface.

At the press conference, they said series of glass-like tubes measuring 60 feet in diameter with exposed 1,000 foot sections and other artificial structures, are proof that Mars once was inhabited by an intelligent civilization.

The first face on Mars also was alleged to have evidence of a civilization similar to Egypt's built nearby known as Pyramid Cities.  An interesting site to see all the math calculations and other photo evidence can be found here.

Finally, there's a face on Earth many people haven't seen yet I thought I'd throw in here of an alleged native American. 

Apple should consider doing an advertisement with the iPod for this image because it appears the Indian has an earbud. 

If you'd like to check out the image, the coordinates are 50° 0'38.20"N 110° 6'48.32"W in Google Earth.  This image was discovered back in 2006 and is located in Canada.
Happy 50th Birthday Sheila Rogers

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Miss Good Music! Boz Scaggs, Toto and All Kinds of Great Bands Are Truly Missed

I feel bad for the young people of this day and age who in my opinion have a lot of soulless commercial garbage to listen to. In comparison, here's some of the music I spent my money on beginning in 1976 when I was 16.  Well worth the investment, it was real music back then with real talented musicians, not synthesized loop trash!

Yup, I had the Boz Scaggs Grammy album Silk Degrees the late drummer Jeff Porcaro played on, one of the most influential drummers of all time.  Jeff eventually played with Toto as one of the most sought after studio drummers in the music industry.  They say Jeff Porcaro influenced music as a studio musician from the mid 1970's through the 1990s up to when he died from a reaction to pesticides in his garden. After he died, Michael Jackson gave tribute to Porcaro on his Thriller CD notes since he had played on four of Jackson's tracks including Beat It.  Jeff Porcaro was so huge I remember hearing about his death in 1992.

I haven't heard this Boz Scaggs 1976 song Georgia in over 30 years!  I miss this music.  For some reason I rarely listened to the meaning of lyrics, I only listened to music.

Toto was one of my favorite bands and Jeff Porcaro my favorite drummer of all time. They were real musicians and singers back then.  Several of these band members played on Boz Scaggs Silk Degrees album.  Jeff Porcaro played on several Michael Jackson Thriller album tracks.  Note the suspenders? I remember having the stylish 80's suspenders too.

Written by a Canadian Police officer in 1973, back when they were normal guys, not brutal thugs. This is one of the  most performed songs in all of Canadian music history by a Vancouver group named Skylark.  Notice they weren't singing about ho's back then.

This was one of Michael Jackson's underrated songs, a Stevie Wonder composition.

They could really sing back then and had musical talent like this band Ambrosia. They weren't that stereotypically attractive and some of these guys looked a lot like girls, but they were very talented nonetheless, not like many of today's over commercialized performers.  This band was one of my favorites cause they had great vocals and musicality.

This guy Christopher Cross was very lucky to rise to the top of the charts, he had a strange voice and his success was attributed to his music producer and Michael McDonald's background vocals. Still, I liked this song and remember sailing to Catalina and in Marina del Rey listening to this Christopher Cross music.

As someone raised on this kind of music, rap music is horror to my ears and I'm not the only one who feels this way. Many are aware of how special it was when these truly awesome musicians played from the heart, not just for money.  You can hear it in their music, it wasn't all about money.  Many of us who grew up in that 1970's and 80's era will never forget these awesome performers and they will live forever in our memories as timeless. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Senile Judge Lovelace Threatens Violence, Steals Children From Parents

I've posted crazy judge rulings on this blog, but this one takes the cake.  An obvious senile judge is shown in the videos below giving reasons why he wants to take a divorced couple's children, simply because they "don't get along" and "others want children all over the country."  This is an example of the crimes committed by the Nazish U.S. Family Court system in violation of the Constitution.
“It has been over two months since the children were taken and there has been no hearing as the law requires,” she continues. “This is because they already ignored the law when they took the children, so why have a hearing? We are awaiting a decision by the Kentucky Court of Appeals on a writ that my daughter filed. This should scare the hell out of parents everywhere.” - Judges Now Grabbing Kids in Divorce Cases -
Caution: The sound opening on the video is loud and distorted. Regardless, well worth watching a judge's injustice in action:

The beast senile Judge Lovelace speaks from three chins.

This demonic beast Judge Lovelace threatens violence in a court of law!

This video shows beautiful happy kids prior to the court dispute.  

Obviously the judicial system isn't managing its senile and dementia ill judges very well, making victims out of many innocent children and their parents in the United States. It's really nothing but child trafficking.
"As Melinda Pillsbury-Foster and others have documented, state CPS units grab children and treat them as commodities to be sold. 'The CPS steals children using the system paid for by citizens who believe it is being used to protect those in need. That is a fraud,' Pillsbury-Foster writes, 'the system actually pumps money into the personal accounts of all those involved in the system, converting children into cash while destroying them and their families. The number of children who emerge from the system, able to function normally, are near zero. Some are never seen again.'” - Judges Now Grabbing Kids in Divorce Cases -
One person's comment:

This judge needs to be removed from family court. I think he is in the early stages of dementia or maybe he has always been crazy. I hope there is someone in the Kentucky judicial system who overrides this travesty of the law and see that this family has their children returned immediately.
This is disgusting!

My advice to the family is to get out of Kentucky if they can or at least find a county there where the judges adjudicate the law according to the US Constitution.

How sad!