Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Binary Veteran's Day 11/11/11 - Feds Planning For Possible Draft in U.S.

Much like asteroids visit the vicinity of our earth every few hundred years, here comes a rare binary date configuration of 11/11/11.  This date is as rare as it gets and only comes once every 100 years. In fact, the last time this date came around was November 11, 1911. Coincidentally, the temperatures on that day in the U.S. fell a jaw-dropping 60 degrees in a single day.

Needless to say, due to the unusual date configuration many around the world are looking for something special to happen, others are making something happen: 
"But like many odd dates, everyone has some odd prediction for the historic day. In fact, Egyptian officials have decided to close the Great Pyramid of Giza over fears that 'strange rituals' may take place, according to Breitbart." -

 Interesting video about 11/11/11. 

Many have chosen to mark this historic day by having their wedding. 
"'This has given a lift to Las Vegas' wedding-related businesses up and down The Strip, where at least 100 wedding chapels are promoting 11/11/11 packages.  Logistically, it will be a challenge, but a lot of fun,' said David Nye of the A Elvis Chapel, where 40 couples were expected to exchange vows on the day. That's compared to the chapel's average of 40 a week. 'It's been pretty spectacular and has given us a tremendous boost,' said Aimee Stephens of Chapel of the Flowers." - Thousands Flock to Vegas for 11/11/11 Wedding -
Since this is also Veteran's Day I wanted to share I heard from various credible sources that if Israel does indeed attack Iran as many are claiming, there will most definitely be a draft in the U.S. in order to defend Israel from retribution.  Gas prices would also double or triple and the world would be turned into absolute chaos.
Speculation over a potential Israeli attack on Iran has circulated via media reports and governmental agencies, and was heightened following the release of an IAEA report this week that portrayed Iran as a major nuclear threat. According to a United Kingdom foreign official, an attack on Iran by Israel could take place as early as next month. A senior Foreign Office figure told the Daily Mail newspaper, “We’re expecting something as early as Christmas, or very early in the new year,” adding that Israel will attack Iran’s nuclear sites “sooner rather than later.” - UK Foreign Official Predicts Israeli Attack on Iran in a Month - New American

In any event, I don't see how today's young men in the U.S. could possibly participate in any war against their will on behalf of another country such as Israel.  The U.S. government will never get most of its citizens to cooperate involuntary to die on behalf of Israel and its reckless unjustified decisions. Instead these citizens will simply turn against the U.S. government.  Period!  The Feds can dream on planning for a draft.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hit the Road Jack! Why N3 Notary Services Sucks In San Francisco

It's very rare that I write a post addressing a conflict related to my notary public business in San Francisco. I know this won't cause much interest for typical visitors of this blog who usually visit to read all kinds of interesting stuff I write about but I really have no choice. I must set aside what I would normally write today to address this issue of out-of-state businesses stealing business from the San Francisco local community mobile notary publics undercutting our fees while delaying payment for 30 or more days.  

You see, as a mobile notary public I don't go to other states stealing other notaries' local business from them.  I perform my services within a small 10 mile radius of San Francisco.  So when businesses such as N3 Notary Services based in Portland Oregon begin calling on me to perform heavily discounted mobile notary services for their San Francisco business clients they are essentially stealing potential clients as my competitor as well as my mobile fee.  N3 Notary Service clients actually receive no discount because N3 is simply stealing half of my fee in the arrangement while causing me to wait 30 days for payment.  In other words, they're nothing but a pain in the rear.  In fact, clients may very well be paying N3 Notary Services more then what I would have charged them directly.

N3 Notary has called me twice recently while insulting my intelligence requesting I sign a contract and perform their pathetic $20 mobile notary jobs I would normally charge $40 as the typical rate in San Francisco.  Not only are they asking I get half my rate, but they take 30 days to pay, if at all.  What N3 Notary Services is essentially doing is attempting to make a $20-30 commission off my work, something they should be ashamed of because they're not at all needed in this market.  We don't need N3 Notary Services in San Francisco, we have plenty of local notaries here to do this work without these out-of-state businesses trying to get commissions off of us. All a local business owner has to do is call me and I would be able to accommodate most all of their mobile notary needs.

N3 Notary also requested I sign a contract agreeing not to solicit its clients, in other words, steal them away for myself asking that I not hand out my business cards.  This is my town! This is my city where I've lived 17 years.  How dare these Portland people steal business from this market and undercut the notary mobile fees attempting to make a commission on our work?  I responded by explaining I couldn't possibly sign a contract honestly because I would most definitely take N3 Notary's clients from them.  I urge all other local notaries to do the same.  

Unlike Portland Oregon, San Francisco's cost of living is far higher as are its state taxes.  In my opinion it should be a crime for these agencies to take business away from local notaries this way.  Notaries typically use agencies for loan signing work they coordinate with title companies, not for these dime and nickel jobs they should keep their noses out of.

Other Issues Mobile Notaries Deal With - 90 Day Past Due Invoices

The other issue mobile notaries have to deal with is when agencies, such as the one I recently dealt with in Walnut Creek, CA, give us the runaround for months upon months to get paid for our work.  I checked with the title escrow companies and this particular agency got paid in a timely fashion for my work but didn't pay me for 90 days.  Even then the agency sent a post dated check so when I went to deposit it, the bank refused.

Any agency that seeks to take business away from local mobile notaries such as N3 Notary has should be immediately pegged as unethical.  We notaries service our local community and don't need these out-of-state businesses seeking commissions off of our work over these one notarization requests. Assigning loan refinance work from title companies is one thing, but attempting to take away local businesses from us for small mobile notary jobs is just plain stealing in my book.

I'm not asking that San Franciscans give me and other locals their business simply because I'm a mobile notary near to them. I'm simply asking that they consider the harm these out-of-state businesses do to the local community robbing us of revenue in a high cost of living city and highly taxed State of California.  Why give your business to a Portland Oregon based business that merely in turn calls local notaries when there are mobile notaries in San Francisco 15 minutes away who are highly networked  in the community?  

For these reasons, I ask that potential clients in San Francisco please choose local mobile notaries for their mobile notary service needs.  Everyone knows how to locate their community notary in Google, it's not brain surgery.  Notary publics use various listing services that are too numerous to mention.  To choose an out-of-state notary service, one would have to likely make a conscious choice to rob local notaries of their well deserved income.

Most importantly, please don't give out-of-state business to those who obviously don't reinvest in our local community.  I take my income and reinvest much of it into the local San Francisco community while these people in Portland Oregon simply don't.  I pay all kinds of businesses in San Francisco in turn that stimulates the local economy.  This Portland based N3 Notary Services should stick to their own local economy and notaries instead of feeding off of another city they're genuinely stealing from under these circumstances.

For those who may be thinking, "what's she complaining about, it's just typical capitalist competition she's dealing with", that's not so.  If your local mobile notary can't afford to stay in business the community suffers for it one way or another. We mobile notaries go to hospitals, senior homes and to elderly folks who can't leave their homes. We're desperately needed in our communities.  We also go to families homes who don't want to have to drive to a bank office to perform their refinance signings. I always try to make the borrowers' experience signing loan documents as pleasant and painless as possible.

Please always consider using a local community notary directly prior to contacting an out-of-state business such as N3 Notary Services.  It would make all of us here in San Francisco very grateful and happy. Thank you!

A Call to Arms: San Francisco mobile notaries who have any brains whatsoever should turn down all non-loan signing work from N3 Notary Services that's seeking to steal local business clients and undercut their fees significantly.

Monday, November 7, 2011

'Close to You' Asteroid Reminds Us How Fragile We Are

This is exciting because for the first time since 1976, the Earth will rendezvous closely with a large celestial body hereby christened on this blog the 'close to you' asteroid.  Tomorrow asteroid 2005 YU will sweep by Earth at 3:28 PM PCT Tuesday, November 8th, giving astronomer enthusiasts a thrill of a lifetime.  This particular asteroid last visited earth 200 years ago.

The quarter mile wide asteroid will be so close that it will pass between the earth and moon!  Just think what a rare event this really is, to have such a large object come so close to earth. I love these astral events because when they occur it reminds people on earth of the bigger picture of the universe they belong.
"It is the first time since 1976 that an object of this size has passed this closely to the Earth. It gives us a great -- and rare -- chance to study a near-Earth object like this," astronomer Scott Fisher, a program director with the National Science Foundation, said on Thursday during a Web chat with reporters.

The orbit and position of the asteroid, which is about 1,312 feet (400 meters) in diameter, is well known, added senior research scientist Don Yeomans, with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "There is no chance that this object will collide with the Earth or moon," Yeomans said.  - Reuters
Some are wondering if the asteroid will bring any debris with it that could possibly cause fireballs to appear in the sky.
Asteroids don't get much attention compared to planets and stars. They don't have the same flashy features, such as Jupiter's red spot, Saturn's rings or the ice volcanoes of the moon Enceladus. But while they may be small, asteroids, along with comets, are the only celestial objects that can hit our planet. And they have hit us many times in the past, sometimes with life- changing results. - Another Close Call For Earth -

 Asteroid Aftermath-Dinosaur Extinction - Discovery Channel

Indeed, asteroids can be a dramatic life changing event to reset and affect evolution on earth. Had it not been for an asteroid hitting Earth millions of years ago, dinosaurs would still roam the planet and humans may not have ever emerged at all.  Asteroids can be beneficial in the long term while being very destructive in the short term clearing out the old and bringing in the new.  Regardless, life always finds a way to overcome death and destruction.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

College Bubble Crisis Set To Change America Forever

This is a must see for all Americans. Times are a changing, the old education system is quickly deteriorating.

This outstanding video on the college bubble went super viral and received 2.5 million views since May, 2011. 

From attorney Matt Weidner's blog:
You think Fraudclosure is bad….well hold onto your hats because you ain’t seen nothing yet.  The coming war over student loan debt is going to make Fraudclosure look like a lazy warm up for an Ironman race. (more on that later)

The economics and politics behind student loan costs and inflation are far more disturbing than the sub prime bubble.  College tuition has increased more than 5% each year over the last 5 years, with other costs (like textbooks) continuing to increasing exponentially.  The class of victim preyed upon in the student loan scam are necessarily not as sophisticated as those who engineered the system against them.

Now the reality for most students is utterly impossible….they’ll graduate school hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt….debt with creeping interest rates…debt that cannot be bankrupted and….as a practical matter, debt that can never be repayed.

Total student loan debt in this country will exceed $1 trillion dollars…..and thanks to the magic of compounding interest (and a declining economy) it’s a debt that this country can never be repaid!
And just like the subprime loan boom, the same players exist in student loan…..Fannie Mae, meet your cousin Sallie Mae!  And then lurking right below the surface are all the banking players who are siphoning off the interest and fees….for the rest of the student’s life! -Fraudclosure is Nothing. . Just Wait Till The Student Loan Crisis Hits. . . - Matt Weidner Blog

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Judge William Adams Faces Public Outrage Over Video of Beating Daughter Who Has Cerebral Palsy

In just another example of a psycho judge I've posted throughout this blog, Judge William Adams of Rockport Texas is facing the public's outrage over a viral video his daughter uploaded of a brutal beating from seven years ago.  The sweet soft spoken young woman, whose disabled with cerebral palsy, finally broke free of her abusive father  from years of harassment, then posted a video that's since gone viral.

Matt Lauer seems a bit up tight in this interview to say the least.

As can be expected, this self-justified judge, who sits over child and juvenile cases, doesn't believe he did anything wrong.  It's likely due to their unchecked positions of authority that many of these judges lose a common sense perspective between what's right and wrong. 
"We were made aware of the video last night and it has been assigned to our criminal investigation division. An investigation is ongoing at this time," Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe told The Huffington Post.

The seven-and-a-half minute clip, which has nearly a half-million views, shows a teenage girl being brutally beaten with belts by an older male and female. According to a description of the clip, the girl has ataxic cerebral palsy and is being punished for "using the Internet to acquire music and games that were unavailable for legal purchase" at the time. - Judge William Adams Beating Of Teen With Cerebral Palsy Sparks Outrage -
This is exactly why judges don't like the Internet since it can quickly expose their evil deeds to public scrutiny.  The majority of judges want complete control over what's placed on the Internet.  Needless to say many including myself believe this judge should be removed from the bench.  Judge Adams is clearly mentally ill and in need of psychiatric help.

Hints of Mafia U.S. Judicial System: Foreclosure Victim Threatened And Executed After Investigating Judge Joseph Golia - 6/29/11 Post

Judge Edward Burke Caught On Tape Ordering False Arrest - 10/30/2011

Woman Who Sold Dime Bag of Marijuana Given 10 Year Sentence - 11/2/11

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Woman Who Sold Dime Bag of Marijuana Given 10 Year Sentence Had No Prior Convictions - Criminal Justice Failure

This is an updated repost from March, 2011.

As someone who grew up in the 1960's and 70's when pot was a common drug used en masse at parties and rock concerts, it's shocking to read about stories such as the one I'm posting today.  I believe this is a huge fail for the criminal justice system.

The American justice system is looking for any excuse to incarcerate Americans these days. As was reported by News Oklahoma, back in 2009 an Oklahoma woman, Patricia Spottedcrow, 25, and her mother Delita Starr, 50, neither with any prior convictions, were hard up for cash.  Spottedcrow was a worker in a senior home facility.  A mother of two, Spottedcrow sold a small dime bag of marijuana to an under cover police officer for $31.

Because two children were in the room when Spottedcrow sold the drugs, a now retired judge of Kingfisher County, Judge Susie Pritchett, thought it worthy of a 10 year prison sentence.  The judge claimed drug dealing was a way of life for the mother and daughter duo in spite of the fact the mother had a job working at a senior care facility.  So let me get this straight, these are hard core drug dealers?   These are the people we train those with criminal justice degrees to arrest?  If they were a major drug operation, you know the government would have had more on them then this case. The fact the government couldn't produce any further evidence of hard core drug dealing makes the judge statements baseless.  It was a first time offense!
The grandmother Delita Starr claimed the cases have been “blown out of proportion” by lawmen and criticizes the sentences as stiff.  “It shocked me and we cried for days,” she said. In addition, Starr was fined $8,600. News
So lets get this straight, times are getting tough for many people, and especially those with children, thanks much to the government's wasteful policies, tax payer bailouts, mortgage fraud and billions of dollars in fraudulent war mongering.  A mother makes a mistake in desperation as such and the judge has the audacity to give her a 10 year prison sentence?  People who committed manslaughter have received lesser sentences.  White collar criminals have received far less sentences who embezzled thousands of dollars from their employers as I've denoted on the Fraud Talk Blog in my various posts the past few months.

As I've stated previously throughout this blog, the court system is out-of-whack.  I would like to call on the ACLU to help this poor mother appeal her sentence. This is an example of how police officers and the judicial system work against good common sense to burden tax payers and people who make small first offense mistakes.  Our government is clearly looking for any lame excuse to incarcerate Americans and we must be vigilant to prevent this obscene pension hungry monster from running amok like this.

It's interesting to denote how many hundreds of thousands of dollars tax payers will have to pay to have the luxury of incarcerating Ms. Starr for the next 10 years of her life over a $31 pot transaction. Obviously the government isn't operating in the best interests of the tax payers under these circumstances.  In fact, I beg to say those judges and police officers across the country who are raping tax payers with their obscene pensions can be considered criminal as such. (See Former Police Chief Heather Fong's $277,656 per year Pension - SF Weekly)

How $31 Bag of Pot Gave Mom a 10 Year Prison Sentence. - News OK

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Orwellian Street Lights Set To Record Citizens' Conversations

I can't believe how idiotic this idea is, street lights that make announcements and also record citizen's conversations?  Just another big brother psy-op by the criminals in the U.S. Federal government. 

ABC news reports on new spy devices embedded in lights.  The U.S. Mafia government's clearly gone insane.  There will also be Orwellian announcements.
However, as you can see from the video above, ‘Intellistreets’ is big brother on steroids. George Orwell himself would probably have considered the concept too far-fetched to appear in the dystopian classic 1984. Not only can the street lights, now being rolled out in Detroit, Chicago and Pittsburgh with Department of Energy backing, act as surveillance cameras, Minority Report-style advertising hubs, and Homeland Security alert systems, they are “also capable of recording conversations,” reports ABC 7.
The inventor says the lights will make us all happier because we'll feel more secure.  What B.S.!

Federally-Funded Street Lights Capable of 'Recording Conversations' -

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Judge Edward Burke Caught On Video Ordering False Arrest

This is a prime example of how people in the legal field often lie and commit perjury against innocent citizens. Ademo Freeman had been sentenced to five days in jail by Judge Edward Burke from Keene District Courthouse in New Hampshire. The charges were for contempt due to, get this, "wearing a hat in court". (A video of that ridiculous incident is also posted below.)  The victim later wanted to ask a few questions about what a waste of tax payer money such a sentence was so he awaited the judge one day leaving his quarters.

When the judge came out, Freeman began asking questions in a professional manner (transcript posted below).  As Freeman followed the judge up the stairway, at the top of the stairs the judge was greeted by law enforcement that was promptly asked to falsely arrest Freeman for allegedly "threatening him".  Little did Judge Burke know, Freeman had a hidden video camera having recorded the conversation.

The opening of this video has an annoying heavy metal opening but quickly will get to the footage of the incident (obviously some band is promoting their music this way, quite clever I must say.)

Here is a video of the "hat incident" in court.  Note how ridiculous it is and how rude they are to this person just grabbing his hat out of disrespect.

Here's a transcript of the judge lying altercation as listed in the article

(Judge Burke enters the building)

Freeman: “Judge Burke, can I ask you a few questions about a hat … and how that constitutes contempt.”

(Burke ignores him and heads for the stairs)

Freeman: “You think people want to pay for somebody to be in jail for five days for wearing a hat?”

(Burke continues to ignore him as he walks up the stairs with Mueller walking behind him)

Freeman: “It’s kind of ridiculous to waste tax-payer money on something like that, isn’t it?

(Burke reaches the top of the stairs)

Freeman: “Sir, I just want to have a conversation.”

(Burke opens the door and motions to the bailiff)

Burke: “Bailiff, bailiff, this person is threatening me about a decision I just made.”

Freeman: “I’m not threatening you ….”

Freeman is then taken into custody and thrown in jail where he spent two nights before he was bailed on a donated $5,000 bond.  On Wednesday, after viewing the above video, the district attorney’s office dropped the charges.

Judges who abuse their power run rampant in the judicial system.  This judge is clearly in contempt of the best interests of the taxpayers! Thank God for video cameras that always tell the truth.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Evidence British Royalty Dined On Human Flesh, Drank Blood, Collected Soldier Skulls

Here's a bit more evidence of blood sucking tyrants among the British royal family tree, so you better cancel that European vacation in case they start to backslide. According to author Dr. Richard Sugg, as early as the 18th Century the British royals consumed flesh among other parts of the human body. Dr. Sugg claims the human body has been widely used as a therapeutic agent with the most popular treatments involving flesh, bone or blood.   
"Whilst corpse medicine has sometimes been presented as a medieval therapy, it was at its height during the social and scientific revolutions of early-modern Britain. It survived well into the 18th century, and amongst the poor it lingered stubbornly on into the time of Queen Victoria." - British Royalty Dined On Human Flesh -
We're not just referring to Egyptian mummy dust here, but that of consumption of, please excuse me as my stomach's acting up at the moment, human fat, flesh, bone, blood, brains and skin.  According to his research, Dr. Sugg says the cannibalism practice wasn't just limited to monarchs having been a full blown industry of medicine: 

"Medicinal cannibalism used the formidable weight of European science, publishing, trade networks and educated theory. It survived well into the 18th century, and amongst the poor it lingered stubbornly on into the time of Queen Victoria. - British Royalty Dined On Human Flesh -
There was so much blood flowing from beheadings and other barbaric practices the poor in Europe also tried to use whatever resources they could to treat health maladies.  
"Over in continental Europe, where the axe fell routinely on the necks of criminals, blood was the medicine of choice for many epileptics. In Denmark the young Hans Christian Andersen saw parents getting their sick child to drink blood at the scaffold. So popular was this treatment that hangmen routinely had their assistants catch the blood in cups as it spurted from the necks of dying felons." British Royalty Dined On Human Flesh -
As many already know, the Bible is full of references to "drinking Christ's blood".  When I was a kid I never thought twice of this odd symbolism at Catholic church. Today I see it has far more meaning as a potential introduction of cannibalism and vampiring.  Catholics' symbolic eating the flesh of Christ with the priest's wafer offering known as "communion" has also always struck me as odd.  How bizarre it all seems especially now that I know cannibalism was widespread throughout history.

According to Dr. Sugg, the last recorded instance of this practice in Germany fell in 1865.  Or is it?  Don't the Chinese harvest organs having their little mobile execution vans around town enabling them to quickly expedite such items on the open market? See China Kills to Harvest Organs: MDs -  I wouldn't at all be surprised if these aforementioned practices aren't still in use today to also be implemented on a mass scale in the future by tyrannical evil governments.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cyber Stalker Time Sucking Vampires!

For those who don't know yet, a cyber stalker's a lost soul, a cowardly person who poses behind multiple identities to defame and sabotage their victims on the Internet. They spend all their time on the Internet because they have no real life being kind of like zombie vampires. The reason for the cyber stalker's unnatural lifestyle is primarily due to not developing themselves or lives so they're busy trying to destroy others in the interim.  They're really seeking to suck the life force out of their victims virtually.

After I discontinued singing and sold all my equipment in 2008 due to cyber attacks, I decided to become more community oriented and to find a means to assist people who need my services. I got a new education and started my own businesses. I then attempted to settle the dispute with the cyber stalkers who have insisted on falsely accusing me for many years. They are truly despicable, low down dirty men and one in particular's clearly chosen the path of wanting to destroy my life no matter what it takes. 
A problematic Edmond Wollmann admitted at a San Diego Superior Court hearing to spending all his time on the Internet.  Other observers have put in a lot of time with web sites and articles documenting this often cloaked person's on-line activities since the late 1990's.  Still, the judges in San Diego wanted to blame me for the dispute overlooking clear evidence in order to stick to a script of some alleged crazy woman out to falsely persecute him.

Back in 2007 it was a vulnerable period for me since I was attempting to start a new career as a local jazz singer in San Francisco. I was working with local jazz pianists Ken Muir and Michael Smolens towards my goals. I was taking voice lessons and appearing live with a jazz trio for the first time in decades.  I was recording my own compositions two of which were reviewed and accepted for commercial distribution by Taxi Music Services.  I was doing all the right things, not just dabbling in some delusional mindset. I was also working three hours a day on strengthening my voice using Brett Manning's singing course.  

As a former singer with a blog and videos (since removed), I was more vulnerable to opening emails from strangers.  This isn't at all an uncommon experience for artists especially who've had the same problem I've encountered.
"Twice I have been the victim of cyber stalkers. As an artist, I have put my portfolio and bio on several sites in order to find jobs. At first I thought this was a good idea, but since then, I have found it can be detrimental to my mental and possibly physical health." Why Do CyberStalker's Pick On Artists?

The only real solution is to not allow these vampires any time and energy.  It may seem simple for some but others like me took a long time to learn that lesson.  

Why Do CyberStalker's Pick On Artists?