Saturday, July 9, 2011

Orlando Police Arrest Activists For Feeding Hungry Children Evoking Laws of Karma Retribution

I'm not a religious person but I've been around long enough to know this story is an outstanding example of the ole saying "one's spirit can be mightier then the sword."  These police officers who swarmed an outdoor park event arresting and abusing activists for feeding hungry families in Orlando Florida have been convicted by something far greater then they know.  The conviction of these officers' depraved actions happened as many people at the event shouted "shame on you!".
"Six activists were arrested in Orlando for sharing food with the hungry. Two young children are being served as close to 20 police officers swarm in and arrest the food servers. This brings to total number of arrest for this horrendous crime up to 21 people in the last two weeks." - 
The laws of karma, or if you prefer, laws of the universe, are far greater then the government's nonsensical inhumane city codes and are going to manifest themselves one day in one form or another. The officers will likely lose their jobs and pensions in the near future when things collapse. Consequently these officers' own families may be in need of food one day. 

Orland Police are convicted in the spiritual dimension as the world watches their despicable acts of unconscionable deprivation.

People are responding with anonymous videos expressing their disgust.

The officers' names should be obtained, spread around town and they should be denied services at nice restaurants. The officers should also be videotaped in their personal lifestyles to determine how extravagantly they live.  Each one of these officers should be tracked and marked for public humiliation when out of uniform.  There should also be a public call out to the officers' wives to divorce them and immediately deny them sexual relations.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Woman Faces 93 Day Jail Sentence For Growing Veggies in Front Yard

In case you haven't yet heard, the crime syndicate U.S. government, having recently admitted to arming Mexican drug gangs with 30,000 weapons, has stated growing a vegetable garden in one's yard a criminal act.  Now the City of Oak Park, Mich. is carrying through with its insidious plan to put a woman in jail 93 days for growing in her front yard. It can be presumed the primary intent of these outlandish laws is for the government to ultimately have full control of the U.S. food supply under bill HR 875.  (See American Family Farms and Gardens: Outlawed by Obama's New Bill?)  Consequently, cities are enacting codes based on the Federal mandate barring people from growing food on their own property.

The Bass family's front yard was torn up after replacing a sewer line, so instead of replacing the dirt with grass, the Oak Park woman put in a vegetable garden and now the city is seeing green. The list goes on: fresh basil, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cumbers and more all filling five large planter boxes that fill the Bass family’s front yard.
Julie Bass says, “We thought we’re minding our own business, doing something not ostentatious and certainly not obnoxious or nothing that is a blight on the neighborhood, so we didn’t think people would care very much.”
“They warned us at first that we had to move the vegetables from the front, that no vegetables were allowed in the front yard. We didn’t move them because we didn’t think we were doing anything wrong, even according to city code we didn’t think we were doing anything wrong. So they ticketed us and charged me with a misdemeanor,” Bass said . . . Oak Park Woman Faces 93-Days in Jail For Planting Vegetable Garden:

City code says that all unpaved portions of the site shall be planted with grass or ground cover or shrubbery or other suitable live plant material. Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are what the Bass family see as suitable.  According to Bass’ blog, she’s demanding her right to a jury trial, so the city plans to throw the book at her – 93 days in jail.

 Good for Ms. Bass, demanding a jury trial is the way to go.  Let the citizens decide!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Epidemic Evil: Elderly Kidnapped & Pillaged By Vultures In U.S. Probate Courts

If you're a senior above 62 years of age and ever receive an invitation or flier in the mail to attend a free seminar on trusts, wills and estates, don't go! It's likely a means for crooks in the legal system to target you for kidnapping under your state's guardianship or custodian laws.  Think I'm kidding?  According to Marti Oakley, an active senior citizen whose been researching probate cases across the U.S., it's epidemic for the probate court system to suck the wealth out of any elderly person that comes into its radar.  
"Vulnerable U.S. citizens - who are neither criminals nor terrorists - are unable to
find a remedy in the very state court system which is knowingly, willfully, and
deliberately violating their rights on a scale of epidemic proportions."
 - An Open Letter to Congress from the National Association to STOP Guardian Abuse (NASGA)
According to Oakley who recently appeared on the Jeff Rense Radio Program, vultures in the legal system are entrapping wealthy elderly folks by determining through fraudulent means they are suddenly "incompetent" taking advantage of their deteriorating state of minds.  The elderly are then essentially kidnapped by police officers from their homes, and taken to a locked down senior home facility while the court and attorneys feed off the victim's carcass estate until they die and even beyond.

Marti Oakley brings to light the atrocious carrying-ons in the legal system, where individuals are deprived of their rights, and there wealth through predatory practices. The unprotected can have a team of Vultures waiting.

People who believe their property and assets are protected by trusts or wills are mistaken since once the state takes over they are rendered worthless pieces of paper. Needless to say, it doesn't take much for a corrupt court to determine a wealthy senior's incompetent. As I've encountered in my own situation, many power crazed crooks in the legal system simply "deem it so" as they see fit based on fraudulent pretenses.
"More far reaching abuse happens in situations where the appointed guardian is removed from his/her position by a court order and replaced by a court-appointed guardian (Guardian ad Litem). It now becomes the responsibility of the the court-appointed guardian to make judgments about medical care, property, living arrangements, lifestyle and potentially all personal and financial decisions.

But it doesn’t end here, the court appointed guardian, in collaboration with the lawyer, presiding judge and the nursing home, use the very judicial system they are part of to profit financially by functioning as partners in the management and control of all aspects of a vulnerable person’s life." - Abuse and Corruption Rampant in Probate Court of Cook County, IL. - NASGA blog
According to Oakley, often times the kidnapped elderly die and are cremated by the state weeks prior to their relatives being informed.  Oakley says the only way to prevent this elder abuse at this current time is for them to protect their privacy not falling victim to scams of those targeting them.  Elderly people should be on guard not disclosing to anyone their financial worth.  Oakley says the only real way the elderly can protect themselves from vultures is to transfer their property and assets late in life to someone they can trust. 

It's not just the elderly who can suffer abuse from the guardianship/conservator state laws either.
"Not just the elderly. If you have an accident, are unmarried, and have a head injury, you are vulnerable. This happened to my 55 yr old husband. He was injured when we were engaged. I have lived this nightmare. My husband has lost his legal rights,- is not a person legally. The filing for guardianship and a ruling of incompetency was done by the Raleigh Rehab Hospital he was in. Once it was filed, he was prevented legally from signing Powers of Atty over to me. The Guardianship system is Hell." YouTube Commenter
Oakley states "We've lost control of our government on both the federal and state levels. Most people are not even aware of how many of their rights are being legislated away by those who believe our Constitution is antiquated. We believe otherwise."

Marti Oakley The Truth Squad Online Radio - BlogTalkRadio

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Powerful Video: Woman Unlawfully Arrested At City Council Meeting By Corrupt Officials

We see videos of police brutality all the time, but it's rare when we're able to observe corruption in action such as a small city government's attempt to silence the voice of the people.  This story's a good example of how those who assign themselves unlimited power and authority override the law and procedure to  intimidate people from exposing their corrupt activities. Now people around the globe are even involved in this uproar thanks to a powerful YouTube video.  See Quartzsite Incident Brings Jeers From Around The Globe -
"The Mayor steps in and says Jones has been recognized to speak and has not violated the council’s rules, but the council ignores him and has the woman removed even as the Mayor continues to contest. The police officers ignore the Mayor of the city and remove the woman under the orders of the Police Chief. It’s obvious who those cops work for, and it’s not the people." - Arizona: Woman Arrested For Speaking At City Council Meeting -
Please take note in this video that Mayor Foster overseeing this Quartzsite City Council meeting is on the side of the voice of the people who has the full authority the other council members are overriding.

This is an extremely powerful video demonstrating corruption in a small city government.

The lady, Jennifer Jones, began providing information that the council members did not want public so one of the councilmen, Joe Winslow, ordered her removed.  In spite of the Mayor's overwhelming multiple requests the lady be allowed to speak, one can note how the council ignored the Mayor, completely overriding him in spite of the fact he had full authority over the meeting.  Keep in mind the lady is airing the council's dirty laundry.  It was reported Police Chief Jeff Gilbert was so involved in the cover-up of corruption, that he ordered his officers to arrest Ms. Jones at the request of the councilmen.  

How dare this lady speak her mind at a city council meeting with the permission of the Mayor?  One can observe from this video the unsophisticated nature of the Quartzsite police thugs and their hideous physical restraint over this lady as they tried to pry her fingers from the microphone.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pirates In U.S. Government Set To Pillage Rural America With New Executive Order

When those in the major media are panicking over a new Obama Executive Order, you know we're in trouble.  The psychos running the U.S. government are really starting to scare most everyone with their insane power grabs.  From my perspective, the Feds are quickly becoming the enemy of the American people since they're really working on behalf of International interests towards a one world government perspective. The Fed's latest bold move could possibly even trigger a civil war.

While many were distracted with the ridiculous Wiener media frenzy, on June 9, 2011 President Obama signed into law Executive Order 13575, implementing government rural councils to oversee rural America. The Feds are about to implement a plan out of the UN's Agenda 21's playbook to run all of rural America like their corporation in which small American farmers will be required to live up to the government's standards as employees or face serious penalties, including having their land confiscated.

When those in the major media panic, you know the threat to America's food supply is real. One commentator called the Feds crazy and "obsessive compulsive".
"Reagan was wise, these modern-day bastards want to do what? What the hell does Defense have to do with growing crops? I think they want to use this as a backdoor for something sinister, such as gun grabbing and forced-genetic modified (GM) food." - 999SilverDog commenter of video

YouTuber explains Executive Order for Rural Councils

America's enemies are taking over our country like pirates pillaging everything they can while people remain distracted with their television programs and sports events. Those in our government have access to what the future holds and are implementing their infrastructure as such.  Americans need to wake up!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Zombie Americans Celebrate July 4th Not Knowing Why

This day marks the 235th Independence Day in the United States, a celebration of America's American Revolutionary War that won freedom from Great Britain while commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

Once again many Americans will do the fireworks show routine and hot dog barbecues without even thinking about what the celebrations really mean as depicted below in Mark Dice's video investigation on a San Diego beach yesterday.

Mark Dice investigates American's knowledge of what their July 4th celebrations mean.

The fact is 2011 may well be the last celebration of America's independence.  The U.S. is still spending money it doesn't have being under tremendous debt to China.  (See The Chinese Government is Buying Up Economic Assets and Huge Tracts Of Land All Over the U.S.)  Because of its poorly managed economy, power thirsty American leaders prefer to go to war and occupy other countries for resources rather then address problems responsibly.  If that's not all enough, the U.S. Constitution is under tremendous attack from even the Supreme Court of the United States and many powerful people who view it as worthless.   The Supremes have already trashed the Fourth Amendment.  Moreover, it appears many American politicians are possessed by Satanic influences through demonic entities empowering them to override the American people and common sense.

Why Did This Happen to America?

As an American, I can say with 100% certainty the greatest evil that has enabled the U.S. to deteriorate so dramatically has been the dumbing down of Americans through excessive viewing of television programming.  Television is bad for the human mind and life in general.
For the 2008-2009 TV season, the amount of television watched reached an all-time high as Americans spent four hours and 49 minutes a day on average in front of the TV, up four minutes from last year and up 20% from 10 years ago. The average household watched eight hours and 21 minutes a day on average, also at an all-time high.
You'll rarely observe anyone prior to having achieved anything worthwhile in life spending much time in front of the television.  We All Know T.V. Is Bad For Us -

Television stunted my development since I watched way too much as a child and teenager.  I was an American zombie for many years having missed out on much in life because of it.   Further, my thought processes were greatly impeded due to having a numbed mind from television programming.  I recall not having the ability to think for myself much at all enabling others who recognized my vulnerabilities to take full advantage of my deficiency later in life.

People who continue to sit in front of the television for hours a day wasting their lives away are participating in great evil not only against America, but their own lives.  Time is running but but many zombie Americans don't  even know it because they're too busy in front of the tube watching their favorite sitcoms, sports and faux news programs.

We know how the story goes with killing off the freaky zombies because most all of us have seen the movie.  Those who spent their lives developing their intellects will clearly dehumanize the masses and treat everyone like zombies when the system breaks down.  Americans who have undeveloped highly programmed minds from television viewing won't know what to do with themselves when the world economy collapses.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Reverse Speech Can Expose The Truth Behind The Talk

Back in the early 1970's I remember the religious community was all in an uproar after purporting to discover secret satanic messages in certain rock & roll music played backwards. Since that time, the the term Reverse Speech was coined by Australian David Oates as a means to determine the truth of what anyone is saying.  According to Oates, the subconscious mind reveals itself not only in music played backwards but in Reverse Speech of what a person is really thinking when they're talking.
"The pioneer and 20 year veteran of this field, Australian David Oates, describes Reverse Speech as another form of human communication. He states that language is bi-level, forward and reverse. As the human brain constructs the sounds of speech, it forms those sounds in such a way that two messages are delivered simultaneously. One forwards, which is the conscious mind speaking, and the other in reverse, which is the unconscious mind speaking."  - What Is Reverse Speech?
Instead of going into a long article about this new truth detector method, it's a beautiful day out so I'll list a few videos I was able to find and provide a link to the Reverse Speech site.   When I have more time I'll likely revisit this topic since it's so intriguing.  There's also a site to upload a song to play backwards for free without any software download required here.

I'll start off with the satanic reference music videos, then political hidden message satanic speech and end with a couple examples of secret God messages from those we all recognize as decent good people and music.

People we all know were good also have their true intent in reverse speech that matches what they're saying:

Visit for more info.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

U.S. Legal System Breakdown: Break-ins Without Foreclosure Proceedings Supported By Sheriffs

Mortgage companies and banks are committing break-ins and robberies of people's homes without conducting foreclosure proceedings and the local sheriff in certain jurisdictions are letting them.  A man in Florida was a little behind on a couple house payments so 21st Century Mortgage Corporation in Knoxville Tennessee hired a company to come in and remove and destroy all of his property and strip the home while he was away.  There were no foreclosure proceedings.
"The Hernando Sheriff's Office apparently has no interest in enforcing the laws... or burglary, breaking and entering and trespassing, either. They say it is a civil matter, even though everything from the house was taken or thrown in the dumpster. The wedding dress belonging to Boudreau's wife was even cut to shreds.

'When she saw what happened, she actually went into in the dumpster trying to go through the stuff,' Boudreau says. 'She was crying her eyes out.'" Man Falls Behind On Payments, Mortgage Company Has Home Trashed -
According to lawyer Matt Weidner on his blog, this is becoming more common while the courts and law enforcement are unhelpful.  Weidner says it's very difficult to obtain damages after the victim has to pay an attorney to heavily litigate.

A man shows the open criminality of banks against people who fall a few payments behind on their mortgages.
"To all of you who think……this is an outrage and he should sue and he’s gonna get a payday and what these banks did is so wrong. Let me just tell you that I am litigating these cases hard and you are sadly mistaken if you think the law or law enforcement will protect.

You would be absolutely dumbfounded if you knew the details on just how hard it is for people who are the victims of these most egregious crimes to get even the first dollar of compensation.  Read on in disgust….and keep in mind this guy will litigate for years and if he’s lucky he may get a few sheckles from the wrong doers…." Matt Weidner Law Blog
Essentially, there's a break down in the legal system happening people should know about.  Law enforcement is doing nothing in many cases to prevent these companies from what is obviously theft and burglary.   This is provocation to the utmost degree! This is as cut throat as it gets!  The wife's wedding dress was even ripped up to shreds.

I would imagine the kind of people who would order this couple's belongings destroyed are enemies of America who have infiltrated into our country to behave as pirates.  My questions is, why do these companies think they can get away with this kind of thing without people becoming very angry and back lashing?  Do they really believe they can possibly get away with this behavior without serious repercussions?  For instance, why not send people with cameras to record the faces of these awful people at 21st Century Mortgage in Knoxville and put it up on YouTube with commentary as to how rotten they are?  Why not get their home addresses and stage pitchfork protests and conduct investigations of the executive and employees' improprieties?  If law enforcement fails to do its job, there needs to be a deterrent not to merely turn the unfortunate situation into a money maker for the legal system.

Why do people put up with this violation of their rights to due process as if these companies have any authority whatsoever to do this kind of thing outside the court system? I say to hell with litigation and attorney expenses because the system is too corrupt while profiting from others' misfortune.  People should fight back by forming groups to get data on those who work at these companies, get their home addresses and make their lives hell!

These Sheriffs in Hernando Florida will likely be first in line to knock on the door of any American over the slightest little matter they're falsely accused of by the government but when it comes to real serious crime, they'll sit on their fat asses and say it's a civil matter to have one's home burglarized and stripped by a company without due process.  It's called C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N.  These Sheriffs need to be brought back down to earth and removed from their positions.  Americans can't afford this kind of nonsensical self-destructive law enforcement.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Notary Public Helps Convict S.F. Attorney David Replogle For Murder

It seems criminals have been using a key document known as a Power of Attorney as a gateway to rob people of their homes by forgery.  Fortunately for the victim, once they discover their homes have been unlawfully sold, they can obtain the Notary Public's journal record that includes a fingerprint.  This thumbprint requirement procedure is key since it's the only way to apprehend criminals.

Think of how easy it would be for crooks to get into a homeowner's life to forge a Power of Attorney in order to sell their home to some shady bank?  This could happen to virtually anyone these days and is a growing pattern. (See my former post Hints of Mafia U.S. Judicial System...)

San Francisco attorney David Replogle was one of the calculating scoundrels who saw an opportunity to take advantage of a lonely old gay man, Clifford Lambert a Palm Springs retiree and former art dealer, to steal his home using accomplices.  Not only did Lambert's home get swindled from him, but he was stabbed multiple times and murdered so he couldn't file a complaint exposing the crime. Lambert's body was never found. 
"Replogle was convicted earlier this year on eight felony counts related to a scheme where a group of purported San Francisco con men robbed and killed Clifford Lambert. His body has not been found, but is believed to have been buried in the desert." - SF Weekly Blog
Thanks to a Notary Public, the crooks were apprehended after one of the them went back to try to steal her journal of notarial events.  In attempting to steal the journal, the incident was reported to law enforcement as a tip that ultimately apprehended the culprits.  Attorney Replogle, a gay man who was formerly recognized as a hero by the San Francisco Chronicle in 2005 crusading against International child trafficking sexual abuse, was found guilty on 8 counts and sentenced to life in prison.

Here's what one key person had to say about Replogle:
In a March 2009 article "The Thomas White Affair," I quoted Richard Zitrin, director of the Center for Applied Legal Ethics at the University of San Francisco, as saying, "He's a piece of shit, in my opinion. ... My field is legal ethics, so I see rotten lawyers all the time. He is pretty much down at the very, very bottom." - SF Weekly Blog
Regarding his quote, "I see rotten lawyers all the time", take note of it for future reference. As the economy gets exceedingly worse, the parasites will be coming out of the woodwork to survive.  As I've formerly reported from my own experience, attorneys often couple themselves with criminals to set-up and steal from innocent victims by manipulating the legal system.  Sometimes judges are in on the scam who ignore any evidence the victim submits to the court in their defense. (See my former post Hints of Mafia U.S. Judicial System...

One commenter of an article stated regarding the truth of the alleged former "hero" Replogle that:
"We have long known that the real pedophile in the case is David Replogle. He slept frequently with young teens in Puerto Vallarta and selected victims based on the bank account as in the case of Clifford Lambert. He and Danny were true "cons" and teamed up against innocent men. Good riddance to Paedophile Replogle." - Puerto Vallarta Ray
As you can see, the San Francisco Chronicle suffers for its lack real journalism, a symptom of reporting on behalf of such a corrupt city.  Real journalists would have researched rather then skimmed the surface prior to putting out such a scam story.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

So Where The Hell Is The Antichrist Already? I Want To Kick His Ass!

As many Americans prepare for a long-haul with survival supplies after they've deduced a tremendous economic upheaval up ahead, the one question remains for a few; where the hell is the Antichrist?  Millions of people steeped in Biblical revelation studies have all been waiting for decades to learn who the hell is going to be the one world religion Messiah? What dumb ass is going to play the role of the one world religion emperor and go down in history as a tremendous farce?  If YouTube content's any indication, the time of the beast's entry on the world stage may soon be upon us. I say, bring em on cause I want to kick his ass!

It always amazes me when I hear people think President Obama's the Antichrist.  One of the main attributes of recognizing the one world Messiah is the miracles he performs and various supernatural feats.  Does Obama perform miracles?  It seems Obama has no supernatural powers whatsoever as a mere mortal who can't even get Guantanamo Bay closed as one of his many failed campaign promises. Clearly, Obama's just a slick politician with a huge media propaganda machine.   This isn't to say Obama won't play some role in helping promote the Antichrist when the American and world economy collapses or that he doesn't have attributes of the Antichrist.  Obama obviously does incorporate much deception, back stabbing evil with his two faced personality.

This guy Mark Halperin was right when he called Obama a "dick" on Morning Joe broadcast yesterday:

I don't know anything about Mark Halperin, except that he's definitely opposed to dicks.  Listen to how he later bows down to the leader of the free world, apologizing profusely as if his eyes are about to be gouged out for daring to be honest.

The slogan "Yes We Can" was chosen for good reason.

Mr. Antichrist and his followers:  Excuse me for not worshiping you, I'd rather die or kick your ass doing it, then worship the Antichrist and those who have accepted such an evil deceptive spirit.  The new world you and "your people" are ushering in isn't for me.  'Yes We Can" spoken backwards is translated "Thank You Satan" as just one example.
You can thank President Obama for sexually assaulting you and your children at airports through his TSA by the way.  "Yes We Can" goons are everywhere.

First allow me to back step back a bit to disclose I happened upon the writings of those from the dark side back in the early 1980's who would seek to usher in a one world religion.  Unfortunately, back in those days the New Age movement was prevalent and I was hanging out in a Hermosa Beach book establishment that lit cheap smelling incense, the infamous Either/Or Bookstore.  Since I was raised early on as a Catholic, I was marked early in life with all kinds of horrendous psychological things to deal with.  I eventually came across some of the writings of an insane Benjamine Creme, some say is the father of the New Age movement, who today is attempting to usher in his man as the one world Messiah. Today Creme is the head of an organization called Share International putting out commercials on major media broadcasts such as the one below:

A lady forewarns of the great deception of the coming one world Messiah showing one of his organization's commercials.

Today I figure because I was reading this absolute bullshit and sending it off to an Illuminati based  psychiatrist, the Illuminati haven't left me alone since. They always find me wherever I work, live and harass me to no end for not following their protocols.  I tried to break free by sending letters around but that didn't work, they'd find me that way too.

What many people fail to understand is the Antichrist has many working on his behalf in the spiritual dimension, that he takes on a form of omnipresence working through his servants as such.  One particular deceptive astrologer comes to mind as being a real pain in the ass at this current time who I need not name.  The Antichrist works through all kinds of high level people in our culture including lawyers, judges and police, and you can spot them by the level of deception and victimizing innocent people they're involved with.  One of the primary characteristics I've noted of people with the spirit of the Antichrist is they always seem involved in class oppression, wanting to place others beneath them much as fascists do.  In doing so, they often use extreme methods of humiliation, torture, murder and all kinds of means to fulfill their endless insecurities.   

In my research on who the damned one is, the idiot came to my attention through another one of those The Best of Art Bell programs featuring an interview author of The Warning, Kathleen Keating back in 2002. Keating revealed her belief that "Maitreya", who promotes himself as a world teacher and performs miracles, is going to become known as the world Messiah, a/k/a Antichrist one day.  Keating added Maitreya is affiliated with the United Nations and recognized as the Messiah by many in that organization.

Since the time of the world Messiah disclosure a decade ago, Keating has virtually disappeared from public view likely because many of her event time frame predictions were way off.  Many like Keating fall into the trap of trying to predict pivotal events in the future having to later pull out of public view in embarrassment.  Now, I'm not saying Keating is at all a prophet of future events, but it does appear one of her claims of who the Antichrist is rings true.  I've been doing some research on YouTube and came across evidence the evil one appears to be preparing for his entrance on the world stage soon.

This video reveals 177 healing water wells are located around the world thanks to Maitreya's organization that mimic similar Jesus Christ healing events.

The only way to kick this idiot's ass is not accept his mark, whatever it may be. It may come in the form of a RFID chip implant that they're inflicting poor cats and dogs with these days. It may come in the form of other types of things like surrendering one's mind and spirit to machines.  All I can say is from my experience, the Illuminati don't leave those alone who they believe are still part of their family. You may attempt to reject them all you like, but they will hunt you down and kill you off one way or another, much like the Borg who kill off those who can't be assimilated. These people have plans for mass murder and tyranny straight up ahead.

Please note that while surfing for various pictorials of the antichrist for this post I definitely felt slight nausea and dizziness being affected with the search.  My stomach also was immediately responding with discomfort.  Right now I even can feel a little heart burn.  I'm absolutely serious that it affected me having to find photo depictions of evil.  My body has a physical reaction to it all.