Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hints of Mafia U.S. Judicial System: Foreclosure Victim Threatened And Executed After Investigating Judge Joseph Golia

**Update to case as of August 23, 2012 is here.**

This is a disturbing story you're about to read of a man who is now deceased most anyone can identify with.  It's also a story that reveals how corrupt our U.S. judicial system has become that, such as in this case, operates on the level of the Mafia as if in a third world country. The deceased man left video testimony in the event he were ever killed that his life had been threatened by a judge who had him kidnapped and detained by the NYPD.  Two months later the man was dead.

Back in 2001, Sunny Sheu was in the middle of eating his dinner when a knock came at his door someone wanted to inspect his property because it had been sold.  The only problem was, Sheu hadn't sold his home.  Sheu later discovered a couple of crooks had forged a power of attorney and sold his property whom he later had put in jail. One would have thought that the nightmare was over for Sheu when, in fact, it had only just begun of a long ten year struggle with the judicial system that ended in his murder.

In spite of all the evidence Mr. Sheu had sent to Centex Home Mortgage documenting the fraudulent sale of his property, the mortgage company ignored it.  Centex was so adamant it even filed a lawsuit against Sheu claiming the property belonged to it.  Centex claimed it had purchased the property for $1,000 that it paid off the mortgage in full.

Imagine how you would feel to learn a bank was taking ownership of your home based on the fraudulent documents of criminals?  Even worse, imagine how you'd feel to discover the judge who was hearing your case ignored your evidence siding with the bank? 
"The Centex case against Sheu went before Judge Joseph G. Golia, in Queens County NY.  Sheu said he was stunned when Judge Golia also ignored the obvious fact that the “sale” had been fraudulent, which would obviate the claim against him. Instead of immediately restoring Sheu’s rightful ownership, he said, Golia allowed the lawsuit to proceed, eventually leading to the foreclosure of Sheu’s home.
Worse yet, the judge let the case drag out for 10 years, with numerous postponements, in essence milking Sheu of all his resources. At some point, Sheu could no longer afford attorney fees and he had to represent himself.
Clearly, simple discovery— examination of documents by the court- would have proven the fraud in the alleged property sale, but Golia never allowed this fundamental judicial procedure to take place, despite Sheu’s numerous appeals, he said." - Sunny Sheu: Murdered For Investigating NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia? - Naked Capitalism
So let's summarize thus far just to clarify that criminals sold a man's home unlawfully to a mortgage bank. The bank refused to recognize the unlawful sale of the property, filing a lawsuit against the home owner.  The home owner was then disallowed to provide evidence to the court to prove the sale was based on unlawful fraudulent activity by those who went to jail for it.

After many complaints were filed against the judge, ten years later Judge Golia finally reversed his earlier decision and the initial foreclosure was rescinded.  However, Judge Golia still refused to restore ownership of Sheu's property to him.
"Golia was so adamant to deprive him of justice, Sheu contended, that he came up with a remarkable decision. Golia now ruled that even though Sheu’s home had been illegally sold years earlier, since Centex had already paid off the mortgage, the bank now owned the property under a doctrine known as 'Equitable Subrogation.'

'How can equitable subrogation apply to stolen property?' Sheu said, in an interview with The Black Star News, referring to the fraudulent sale. “This means if I have a lot of money, like Centex, I can pay off anybody’s mortgage anywhere without their permission and then take possession of their home and kick them out?” Sunny Sheu: Murdered For Investigating NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia? - Naked Capitalism
Smelling a rat, Sheu began researching Judge Golia in hopes of finding improprieties to get him removed from his case.
"According to Sheu, he discovered major discrepancies between Golia’s actual properties and the ones declared on his financial disclosure forms, including a million dollar beach house on Breezy Point on Long Island, which was described in a local magazine as belonging to the judge, and which is publicly listed as being owned by the Golia family.

On November 29, 2009, Sheu alerted Janice Howard, the director of the OCA Ethics Department, of these apparent discrepancies."  Sunny Sheu: Murdered For Investigating NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia? - Naked Capitalism
Sheu began contacting numerous agencies including the FBI about his discovery of the judge's financial improprieties.  After leaving a letter in the judge's mailbox, Sheu was then  kidnapped and detained by the NYPD who told him if he didn't stop his activities, he would be killed.

A deceased Sunny Sheu was killed two months after his video testimony.

After Sunny was murdered, the NYPD essentially stole his body from the coroner and had the autopsy results changed from a trauma blow to the head with a bleeding brain, to an aneurysm.

 The NYPD is involved in the cover-up of the murder of Sunny Sheu
"Sunny was kidnapped, intimidated and threatened by two NYPD detectives at the Queens DA bureau. He was told by the detectives that if he took his case to the media or filed a complaint against Golia he would be killed.
Sunny was told by the Captain of the 109th pct that the cops detained him because he had put a letter in Golia’s mailbox, proving it was Golia that ordered the illegal detention."  Sunny Sheu: Murdered For Investigating NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia? - Naked Capitalism

Though this is clearly a case for Columbo, my guess is all those involved believed they could take advantage of a Chinese immigrant they targeted that he would eventually give in to giving up his home.  My other guess is that Judge Golia was possibly being bribed by the bank as such to participate in such fraud.  Perhaps those who arranged for the sale of the property were working with the bank to set up the home owner that the court was also in on.  Though the perpetrators went to jail, the bank may still be taking care of them buying their silence.

In any event, the murder of Sheu reminds me of the murder of JFK by those in the government and subsequent cover-up with the removal of the body and change in the autopsy report.  It's not news to me there are cold blooded killing sociopath criminals in our government. For those who refuse to recognize conspiracies are real, all you have to do is study history. For starters, check out the conspiracy to murder Roman Emperor Julius Caesar.  Powerful control freaks use whatever means they possibly can to dispose of their enemies.

By the way, this very thing may be the reason why so many journalists of this day and age lack a spine on such a wide scale.  May Sunny Shea R.I.P. as the hero he is for helping to expose this dark evil sinister element that's taken over our government and judicial system.

Other links:

The Unbelievable Story Of The Queens Man Who Fought Foreclosure And Wound Up Dead - Business Insider

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Zapping Parasites With The Terminator Zapper

A while back I posted about how I got sick on slightly uncooked chicken.  The problem was I bought the frozen Trader Joes chicken breasts that were so large they were difficult to cook evenly to avoid parts of the chicken drying out.  For me there's nothing worse then tough, dry overcooked chicken.  I had a momentary loss of memory over the fact raw chicken is extremely dangerous after I attempted to cook it as rare as possible.  Later on at 4:00 am I threw up everything and a week later had a relapse since my stomach was still vulnerable.

After the horrendous experience, I did some reading to learn uncooked chicken can cause parasites to enter into one's intestines.  I decided to irrigate my system with something I learned about from a Truther Girl video called the Terminator Zapper. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to take those liquid intestinal cleanse products so the zapper seemed perfect for my situation.

Truther Girl Sonia explains how she uses the Terminator Zapper along with its benefits.

Another view of the zapper.

The Terminator Zapper is the best selling parasite removal device on the market.  I've been using the zapper daily for the past four weeks and am confident the parasites are on the run, if I do indeed have any.  At first the copper discs on the zapper tended to sting my skin a little causing a few small scabs, but went away after a while.  I tend to keep the product on as much as I can.  After one month of wearing the zapper one can reduce its use to a few times a week.

Monday, June 27, 2011

U.K. Cops Break Into Homes To Teach About Burglary

The reason I'm posting this bizarre story from the U.K. is that often times things take root in that country prior to being implemented in the U.S.  With the recent abandonment of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in a ruling by the Supreme Court and precedent rulings claiming one cannot defend themselves when police enter their property unlawfully without a warrant, this story is of particular concern.  (See my post U.S. Supreme Court Declares America An Anarchy Trashing Fourth Amendment)

This has got to be one of the dumbest things I've heard in my life, cops with nothing better to do breaking and entering onto people's properties to allegedly raise awareness about burglary.  This is another one of those trojan horse schemes big brother thought up to violate people's privacy in order to acclimate them to accept police intimidation as a necessary evil. 

"COPS are breaking into homes in a dramatic bid to highlight the risk of being a victim of burglars.

Police from Fortune Greens Safer Neighbourhood Team in West Hampstead, north London, are climbing through windows left open to alert residents to the sinister threat. Officers are carrying out the mock raids in a high-profile initiative to slash the number of burglaries.
They are committing break-ins across their patch, locking up the property and leaving a calling card to notify the stunned owner that they were there.  A young woman on her own was startled when a uniformed cop strolled into her living room after clambering in through an open bedroom window." - Burglar Cops Break Into Homes - The Sun
Applying logic, if burglary was really that out of control why wouldn't the cops be out tracking down the burglars?  Do you think these cops ever thought of the possibility of impersonators using their trojan horse, dressing up in police uniforms to make the victims feel less fearful?  Of course not, because the police have hidden intent in their operation, to make people feel more acclimated to having their privacy violated while allowing strangers to trespass on their property.  It's a form of brainwashing really. First they set out to traumatize a victim by violating them in some way, then they fortify their presence making them feel "safe" in some way. It's nothing but a big brother brainwashing operation. 
Daniel Hamilton, of the Big Brother Watch campaign group, said: “This case is symptomatic of the rapid growth of the nanny state. For police officers to be entering people’s homes without invitation is at best hugely ­invasive and, at worse, legally dubious. Trespassing on private property, regardless of any good intention you may have, is a crime.  Home owners should be responsible for ensuring the security of their property, not busy-body police officers.” - Help! The Police Have Broken In! -
This police lunacy reminds me of a story in the Daily Breeze newspaper from 1992 back when a police officer from the Palos Verdes Police Department (Palos Verdes Estates, CA)  entered the property of the late Rams coach George Allen, claiming they thought a burglar had entered late one night.  It turned out the "burglar" was a welcomed guest.  Shortly thereafter the police captain was  mysteriously awarded Ms. Allen's room full of gym equipment as a thank you for their police services monitoring her widow home. The power drunk police then moved the equipment they obtained through intimidation and unlawful entry to a nearby closed junior high school they turned into their gym.

If there's a window open the police notice, a knock on the door would seem much more logical then allowing a police officer to climb through the window violating the law.  These are some real sociopaths who think they're above the law, that simply because they wear a uniform they can do as they so please.  Any person who would approve of this police behavior would have to have extremely low self esteem and/or be highly prone to brainwashing.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

People Should Check Out Cancer Survivor Dr. Lorraine Day

I was listening to The Very Best of Art Bell radio on my ShoutCast app again last night inspired by Dr. Lorraine Day's story as a cancer survivor who defeated a very serious tumor growth by non-traditional methods.  The show was from early 2000's so I was unsure of Dr. Day was still alive when I tuned in.  Later I discovered not only is Dr. Day still alive in 2011, but as a 74 year old who recently had her first grandchildren, she looks like she's 40!   Does this lady at left look like a 74 year old to you? 

I think everyone should check out the testimony and life of Dr. Day because she has some words of wisdom about how to get healthy again.  First and foremost the message is eating right is one of the keys to good health. What makes Dr. Day interesting is she was once part of "them", the establishment she had to give up for alternative medicine and diet methodologies because she realized their methods didn't cure cancer among other curable and preventable ailments.

Dr. Day - Vaccines, Antibiotics and Depopulation Part 1 of 6

Here's a little background on Dr. Day in her own words:
January 14, 2003

Elliot Carlson, Editor AARP
Carole Fleck, author of Scam Alert Column
P.O. Box 199
Long Beach, CA 90801

Dear Mr. Carlson and Ms. Fleck:

I want to thank you for mentioning me in your column "Scam Alert" in the January 2003 issue of the AARP Bulletin, page 18. Obviously my message of Natural Healing is having a major impact throughout the country if an organization the size of AARP, 30 million members, feels the need to attack me.

Yes, I am an orthodox medical doctor who was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, considered to be one of the three top medical schools in the country. As Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, I trained thousands of doctors.

In addition, as Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital, one of the premier trauma hospitals in the country, I ran the equivalent of a M.A.S.H. unit for many years. For the past 20-25 years, I have been invited to lecture to doctors at numerous University medical schools including Vanderbilt, Baylor, Cincinnati, Tufts, South Carolina, Iowa, USC, Minnesota and countless medical societies throughout the U.S. including the Massachusetts Medical Society, as well as other medical organizations around the world, including the Royal Society of Medicine in London.

How surprised they will be to find out that the very doctor, Dr. Lorraine Day, these highly distinguished medical groups invited as a guest speaker, you, the editors of AARP, have designated as a quack.

How could I, overnight, go from a highly respected surgeon at the top of my field, to an AARP-designated quack?

What was my "crime?"

Answer: I had the audacity to successfully reverse my severe, life-threatening cancer WITHOUT DRUGS! According to your business partners, the pharmaceutical companies, this is the GREATEST crime of all!

Yes, I did reverse my life-threatening, end-stage cancer by totally natural methods. (You can see the pictures of the huge tumor I had, as well as my biopsy reports at my web site

Yes, I did refuse chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery because, as a medical doctor with years of experience, I saw thousands of cancer patients die, NOT from their cancer, but from the painful, maiming, destructive "treatments" we doctors give them.

And Yes, I am TOTALLY WELL and Cancer-FREE a full 10 years after my tumor first appeared, and EVERYTHING I used to get well is totally free, except for food, and almost everyone has to buy that anyway.

But I understand your need to attack me and my reputation. Certainly you don't want your membership to learn how to get well from Cancer, Heart Disease, Parkinson's Lupus, Arthritis, Diabetes and many, many other diseases by natural methods, without drugs of any kind. After all, one of the main functions of AARP, according to your own advertising, is to sell drug medications to your members.

Let's see, with 30 million members (all over 55) and each one spending maybe $100.00 per month with AARP for their medication (a conservative estimate), that amounts to $3 BILLION in drug sales per month. If your organization gets a cut of just 10% of that total, that's $300 MILLION per month for you! If your cut is only 1%, that's still $30 MILLION per month you are receiving, a minimum of $360 MILLION per year!

When you have a multi-million dollar arrangement with the drug companies as you do, my message of inexpensive natural methods of healing, with NO adverse side effects, could really cut into a truly phenomenal income such as you are receiving. It's easy to see why you would choose to attack me.

One more thing, in your column you referred to natural healing as quackery, yet on the back page of your very same AARP Bulletin, January 2003, you promote a "Yearbook" with an advertising headline stating "Ordinary Ailments, Extraordinary Cures -- Health Breakthroughs and Remarkable Remedies." In that advertisement are listed SIX or SEVEN points of the TEN Step Natural Health Plan I used to reverse my end-stage cancer!

Why is it "quackery" when I promote it, but it's NOT "quackery" when YOU promote it? (see ad in AARP bulletin)

Even MORE interesting is the fact that you CHANGED the headline for the advertisement when it was published in your Bulletin. Here is the SAME ad found in another paper. The heading is very different. It includes the words:

"Remedies That Work Better Than Dangerous Drugs Or Risky Surgery"

Your AARP Bulletin obviously required that the ad be changed to eliminate these important words - to protect your enormous payoff from your drug business. You have deliberately withheld potentially life-saving information from your membership for your own monetary gain.

In the interest of fairness, I'm sure you will be more than happy to print this letter in a prominent spot in your up-coming February AARP Bulletin. I give you permission, but ONLY if it is printed in its entirety. You do not have my permission to cut and paste portions to suit your own agenda.

Just in case there's an outside chance you are NOT interested in fairness, I will post this letter on my own web site at as well as other web sites, as the public does have the right to hear both sides.

Again, thank you for mentioning me. I could never afford to buy publicity like this to an organization the size of AARP, and here you have provided it for me free of charge. You have probably forgotten, or at least have not considered the fact that there are millions of intelligent and discerning members in your organization who will be perceptive enough to search me out, to find out how they too can get well without the torturing pain, surgical disfigurement, and bankrupting expense of orthodox methods.

Thanks for letting them know I'm here! They may not have found me otherwise.


Lorraine Day, M.D.
It's interesting when a medical system that has clearly failed at curing cancer, is attacking a doctor who healed herself using alternate methods.  I'd say anyone whose battling with cancer and other serious ailments would be better off to apply the methods Dr. Day prescribes.  As I posted earlier, the medical establishment is largely a dead end for many ailments that one often has to go seeking their cure on their own.  Why? Because the medical field can make more money covering up the symptoms rather than curing the illness.

For more info visit

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Taboo Lifted For Gays & Lesbians Who Can Fly To New York To Marry

From my perspective, on Friday night heterosexual men in particular lost a huge "right" to force lesbian and bisexual women all over the country into a state of fear and intimidation as second class citizens.  Many people have no idea how intense the pressure is on young single women who have various obstacles placed in their lives by predatory men at corporations and in law enforcement to "tag" them for not conforming to their expectations.

Such devices include political intimidation and jabbing to force one into submission that one must work like a slave for a lower wage while observing the special perks given to 20 something's men who have leased BMW's, girlfriends and others they are screwing on the company property to make sure every hole is plugged in their favor. That's how shallow these spoiled cock sucked heterosexual men have been from my experience. Williams-Sonoma Corporate headquarters from the 1990's comes to mind here.

American men have largely viewed sex as a sport in our society in which they seek to plug every attractive woman they possibly can regardless if they themselves are married.  The intimidation and pressure has been too enormous for many women to deal with they simply give in to living a stereotypical life. Gradually, a long unhappy face appears on women's faces as many feel hopeless having no legal recourse. These type of bullying men breed hatred, anger, frustration and even ulcers on a wide scale for many women who have had no voice whatsoever.

I speculate the reason gay marriage has been so difficult to obtain is due to all the wonderful perks heterosexual men receive in our culture.  These spoiled men have likely feared their easy lives of a huge pool of attractive women to draw from and use to their discretion is perhaps nearing its end.  Men have feared that if gay marriage ever became legal, women would start marrying one another and they're right.  Had gay marriage been legal in my 20's or even 30's, I would have sought to marry a woman in a heartbeat.  Many women will find one another a much better option now that the legal taboo of gay marriage has been lifted. Women are now better educated then men and well integrated into the work force enabling them greater freedom of choice.

The days of intimidation are now over since those women who really aren't that into men can choose for themselves if they want to marry the same sex.  Game over for spoiled heterosexual men who have had special perks and privileges offered them all of their lives!  The game is over because women can now say "get lost" to these SOB's while having a real alternative to some of their lame Wiener-like asses.

People can now fly to New York from all over the country and get a marriage certificate. You don't even have to be a resident of New York to marry there.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Inside Sources: U.S. To Default On Its Debt

I've heard through a few sources with inside information that the U.S. is going to default on its 14 trillion dollars of debt very soon, that raising the limit is no longer an issue.  Such information has been disclosed on Wide Awake Radio news broadcasts June 21 and June 15th and recently from Lindsey Williams who was interviewed on the Alex Jones Radio program.  One source said within four weeks the dollar will be worthless.  Articles are also starting to appear about where not to be when the dollar collapses since it will be a catastrophic event.  See Top 5 Places Not To Be When The Dollar Collapses

Less concerning then having a means of money exchange should be where people will be getting their food and water from should the dollar collapse.  I noted when I went to buy bottled water a few days ago it was largely sold out with empty shelves. Food prices have skyrocketed so that there are far less sales there used to be.  I also noted I couldn't buy any roll of quarters for some reason.   These all little signs perhaps people are aware something's up ahead.

Lindsey Williams confirms Wide Awake News Guest's statement of June 15th that the U.S. is soon to default on its debt.

On the other hand, I've noted a pattern of precious metals salesmen writing articles about the impending currency collapse.  Here's a little something written by a silver precious metal salesman who always disguise themselves as caring about people to forewarn them, when the fact is they want to score a sale of silver:
The dollar collapse will be the single largest event in human history. This will be the first event that will touch every single living person in the world. All human activity is controlled by money. Our wealth,our work,our food,our government,even our relationships are affected by money. No money in human history has had as much reach in both breadth and depth as the dollar. It is the de facto world currency. All other currency collapses will pale in comparison to this big one. All other currency crises have been regional and there were other currencies for people to grasp on to. This collapse will be global and it will bring down not only the dollar but all other fiat currencies,as they are fundamentally no different. The collapse of currencies will lead to the collapse of ALL paper assets. The repercussions to this will have incredible results worldwide. - Top 5 Places Not to Be When The Dollar Collapses
After the above paragraph Charles Svoie included a link to his precious silver newsletter. What Charles fails to tell people is that silver had its largest drop per ounce in 30 years a few months ago losing $15 per ounce.  The dollar has yet to drop in value as much as silver has lately yet Charles completely ignores that fact exposing the hypocrisy of his intent.  Some say silver is headed to $15 per ounce before it ever picks up again, being clearly manipulated by various factors.  Regardless,  Charles is still promoting silver as a possible solution for the ailing dollar.

When one realizes people selling silver write this kind of stuff, one can't really trust the info any longer, at least without gathering far more sources.  Then again, one can't really trust mainstream media either since it's bought and paid for by special interests.  So who's to trust?  Perhaps one's own sixth sense and intuition is all that's really left besides a few longstanding trustworthy sources like Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute

Gerald Celente is one of the few people can trust to tell them what's really happening with the U.S. dollar, economy and world trends.

All this points to time running out to prepare for monetary collapse.  Everyone should store up on food, water, defensive weapons and emergency supplies right now.  The time is now to prepare for monetary collapse. I purchase my supplies through   If you live in a major city like Los Angeles or New York you may want to consider being somewhere else the next few months.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Colloidal Silver Put To The Test: My Cold Didn't Turn Into Bronchitis For The First Time!

I think it's important I report back since my initial post that colloidal silver used as an antibiotic has proven successful for me in combating full blown bronchitis after I recently contracted a cold again.  Prior to colloidal silver therapy, my colds always turned into full blown bronchitis no matter what I did.

I only recently had a serious case of bronchitis last January for six long weeks of misery.  At that time I decided to find a new strategy since I've been unable to prevent colds from turning into a serious illness over the past decade.  I've been unable to prevent colds from going nuclear even under a doctor's prescription of generic penicillin.  I had no choice but to find a new strategy especially since the antibiotics prescribed to me were damaging my system in being extremely harsh.

My strategy was to dispense colloidal silver through a nano particle nebulizer inhaling it three times a day.  I'm very familiar with the stages of what my cold goes through prior to full blown bronchitis.  Usually the cold starts mild and goes into remission a few days making me believe it's nearly over.  Then I'll need to start taking cold medication that causes a fluid build up in my lungs to the point of serious hacking coughs in which I practically throw up my insides for weeks upon end.  At that point I call a doctor who will only prescribe antibiotics when I have full blown symptoms of bronchitis.

When I started the colloidal silver therapy I developed no such symptoms of fluid build up in my lungs and have been able to breath fairly freely without cold medication.  The past 6 days I've only felt it necessary to take four Sudafed PE tablets.  As it stands now I'm comfortable though I do still have symptoms of a mild cold on day six.  I sleep well at night which is unlike my previous experiences of requiring large dozes of cold medication.

This information is significant since I've never been able to turn back a cold from bronchitis the past 10 years as an example of my struggle in dealing with this severe problem. I can report back with 100% conviction that colloidal silver therapy delivered directly to the lungs through a nebulizer has prevented my cold from turning into bronchitis. 

It's empowering to take control of one's own health from a failed decade long struggle.  I'd highly recommend colloidal silver as an antibiotic for treating the early stages of bronchitis.  This is not medical advice, just a matter of sharing my own experience.  I make my own colloidal silver that also saves a tremendous amount of money compared to purchasing doctor prescribed medication.

For more information, visit my original post Colloidal Silver Making Secrets Spread Like Wildfire.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why I May Be A Time Traveler - Did Art Bell Receive My Message During His 1997 Broadcast?

Last night I was listening to one of Shoutcast App's radio programs The Best of Art Bell - Somewhere in Time.  Art Bell was an extremely popular night talk radio program on the Coast-to-Coast AM radio program that's since been taken over by George Noory.  I never ever heard of Art Bell until a few months ago just to give an idea I haven't listened to talk radio for decades prior to getting an iPhone.  From my view Bell, who has since retired, was an extremely intelligent radio host and quite mesmerizing to listen to. (Photo shows Time Traveler Bell kissing my cat Cricket who drowned in a flood back in 1963)

First, allow me to say I've been interested in time travel ever since I did a lot of research for a website about the human brain I designed back in 1999 that was one of its topics.  I have a theory people who especially live by trial and error tend to delve into looking for ways to go back and correct their mistakes. Unfortunately, there's no "undo" button in real life, at least yet discovered, other than on a computer.

The Somewhere in Time Show broadcasts are from the mid-1990s up to early 2000′s. Last night I was listening to a broadcast from May, 1997 which amounts to 14 years ago.  Art had been discussing his new book The Quickening that was just published and flying off the shelves.  One of the topics Bell delved into was the quickening towards a one world government that was in what he referred to as the "warm water stage".  Bell emphatically stated to a caller's inquiry that "no nation on earth would give up its sovereignty in any of our lifetimes or generation (to a one world government)."   To my utter amazement, the next caller called in and said “you don’t have any lines open for time travelers, you should let them call in”.  With that, I wanted to call Art Bell and tell him he was gravely mistaken as follows:
"Art, in 2011 the U.S. dollar is on the verge of dying, many states are on the precipice of bankruptcy and the Chinese are said to be in negotiations to buy out some
of the United States!  In fact in the next four weeks a very credible knowledgeable person* with inside information predicts the dollar will be plummeting in value.  The Chinese are currently in the process of colonizing our country through a trojan horse known as "free trade zones" thanks to our corrupt politicians. 
They sold us out Art!  The corrupt U.S. politicians have thrown our country away to a one world government and millions of people are going to die on this planet during this dark time in history.  Do something Art!  Please do something! Anything!" - Cheryl Meril, Caller from the future, June 21, 2011
*For those interested in the info of dollar collapsing in four weeks claim, download the radio program from the Wide Awake News (Charlie McGrath) show archive for June 21 and June 15 for the details.

Art Bell was clearly a time traveler into the future but am I really a time traveler?  Did Bell somehow create a framework in radio broadcasting for time travelers to converge on his Somewhere in Time program?  Was he that brilliant?  If I'm not a time traveler, I certainly I felt like one last night.  Art has since left the United States and retired from radio broadcasting.

Maybe Art got my message from the future in the past and decided to move to higher ground.  Art probably felt his book was enough to forewarn people about what is to come.  Art never claimed to be a prophet and said his book was 90% derived from factual information.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spinning Inventions Into Gold Possible With Infomercial King A.J. Khubani

In these dire times, Americans should perhaps begin jumping on the bandwagon of becoming inventors since all it takes is one good idea to subsidize one's entire future.  I've had several ideas for products over the years but, like many other people, such could never possibly have been implemented under my circumstances.  After all, it's one thing to have a good idea, but quite another to successfully implement one.

Some of my ideas over the years have included getting rid of bulky umbrellas that are often lost and destroyed by replacing them with more effective materials and technology, anti-gravity hover shoes to relieve foot problems for those who walk long distances, mechanized carts to transport one's bulky shopping items and pet finding devices using satellite technology.

I think society would benefit greatly from those who could teach the various stages of infusing one's idea into the process of invention and execution stages.  For now, informercial king A.J. Khubani is helping average Americans present their prototype ideas to him for possible distribution.  A.J. offers people an opportunity to present their inventions to him in an American Idol audition setting for consideration of his worldwide distribution.  To me, this is far more exciting then American Idol.  The possibilities are endless since the simplest devices such as foot callous strippers sell in the millions when successfully launched.

People are excited over the possibility their inventions could reach a worldwide market thanks to A.J. Khubani, the informercial king.

There's something about the dream of becoming successful through an invention that fuels great momentum, growth and excitement in culture that we're sorely lacking today.  This, in spite of the fact inventions are easier to implement then ever thanks to new technologies and companies across the globe that will assist in providing a prototype of your idea. (See  Several 3D programs also aide in the early development of inventions prior to the prototype stage. (See 3-Dimensional Services Group)  I'm sure many would agree that hours in front of the tube among other things have distracted them too long from their dreams they gave up long ago. 

One issue that may impede inventors is the legal side of patent law that's a long arduous expensive process.  Without a patent, one has no protection from corporations milking their idea on the market. Therefore it's of the utmost importance to have a good patent lawyer help with the process of presenting one's idea to the U.S. Patent Office.  The inventor can then place "patent pending" on their product as a means of protection.

By far the all-in-one company that has clearly established itself as a leader for the invention to market process I highly recommend is This well established company provides a comprehensive means of getting your invention to market fast while educating along the way.  Remember that one doesn't necessarily have to manufacture or even distribute their invention but can have it licensed through a company that will pay a royalty for any sales of the product.

The spirit of invention fueled America through individuals, not corporations much of the time in the 18th and 19th Centuries.  Let's see if we can get back on track and start creating things again rather than focusing on the U.S. dollar as America's only product.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Good Fathers Are A Lot Like the Easter Bunny

Today is Father's Day and all I can say to my former so called father is "you sucked!"  The freak was really just a little stunted boy who never became a man having remained on the side of darkness all of his life.

I'll never forget when I was a little girl and my father once brought home monster playing cards as a gift. They were the monsters from the 1960's classic horror movies that scared the hell out of me giving me nightmares.  Today I realize my father was part of the Illuminati family of satanism as a dark evil person who had an equally hideous wife as part of a television music family.

Having viewed themselves as similar to Ricki and Lucy Ricardo in the 1950's, they were cold abusive people who scared me as a little girl to no end that I'd pack up my barbie doll suitcase and take off to a neighbor's house to escape them.  I was their household slave who they cared nothing about, since my whole purpose was to serve them and be their public relations prop.  Their activities and abuse impeded my learning abilities early in life. 

I got a huge bum deal with my parents, they were truly horrendous people beyond description and the worst nightmare anyone could ever have.  My mother once nearly shot me as a child while she was pregnant, having seen my shadow in the hall.  She also threatened to shoot my father once during a fight.  Dumb as can be, stupidity played into why my parents were both so evil in nature.  I was always embarrassed to have friends over because my mother would always do something crazy like have a "rub ashes onto your face" game to humiliate them.

The last few times I visited my mother after her divorce she was doing crazy things when such as playing her satanic numerology card game all by herself.  She also shared a family book about some spirit translation spoken through someone similar to the book Seth Speaks. She was 100% delusional about her status in society being just a dumb housewife with no life.

When I read stories about similar type of parents I'm not surprised.  Like the French aristocrat Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes who had a mistress he owed thousands of dollars to that he lost it and shot his entire family taking off having yet to be found.  People can no longer assume being a father automatically makes one a good person.

My parents threatened to kill me and my sister on numerous occasions that we'd have to lock ourselves in the bathroom terrified for our lives.  It wasn't even clear to us what we had done wrong to deserve such threats. My sister died in 2002 at the age of 34 in real bad condition having been born to a couple of rotten stupid satanists.  They were a couple of rodents who had everything handed to them by a tv celebrity, an easy life with a convertible T-bird in 1955 most guys would die for, nice homes in the suburbs, fame, etc.

What was dumb ass's favorite and only meal he ever prepared for our family in return for all the chores I did for the asshole?  Top Ramen soup from the package!  You get two cups of water, boil, throw in the noodles, and make it "gourmet" with scrambled eggs. Wow! 

I've ignored every single father's and mother's day since I left home 35 years ago in 1978 so I thought I'd set the record straight as to why.  I remember the time I was forced to sit down and write "honor thy father and mother" hundreds of times for something I had done, not worshiping them appropriately.  The brainwashing method obviously didn't work.