Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gang Stalking & Electronic Harassment A Growing Trend

I think this would be a great idea for a screenplay if it hasn't already been done.  John Hall, MD is the author of A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America (2009) about how the government's got a band of thugs using its satellite technology to victimize people, especially women.
Dr. Hall says, “Criminals are accessing the government’s most powerful surveillance tool to commit near perfect crimes. In the book I cover the basics of satellite imaging and weaponry and the affects it has had on its innocent victims.” Press Release
People need to be aware of this stuff, it's not science fiction.  I'd highly recommend seeing the video below in its entirety of a victim of gang stalking as well as read through the on-line book. Everyone should be aware there are criminals with powerful high tech devices accessible to them.

A woman discovers what she's been experiencing comes from the pages of Dr. Hall's book.

Since I haven't yet read the book I thought I'd list a few comments of what's on Amazon:
Dr. John Hall details the reality of the unthinkable: what happens when you are "tagged" by a syndicate of degenerate high tech stalkers, bent on sexual assault, mind invasions, and murder? What would it be like to be, not only viewed and heard ANYWHERE, but also have these predators inside your thoughts?

I might have considered "A New Breed Satellite Terrorism" to be a compelling work of fiction had I not previously known about this technology and the dynamics of gang-stalking. A less informed, more skeptical reader may even reject this book as the work of a deranged, deluded mad man. However,once one reads this account, and does some cursory research on the subject, the tide turns in favor of belief. The details in the book are technically verifiable, the events plausibly framed. The passion of Dr. Hall's relentless pursuit of these techno-terrorists come through in between the lines of the text.

This book is a MUST READ for anyone ever victimized by stalkers of any ilk. It is a sobering warning to all that this CAN happen here---and does, globally, every day. Place yourself in the shoes of the innocent victims detailed in this book and ask yourself: "what prevent this from happening to me, or my loved ones?" You be better equipped to recognize the signs, deal with the onslaught, and aid the un-numbered victims of this monumentally evil technological warfare on innocent people. 

Dr. John Hall keeps you on the edge of your seat after explaining the technology. America (the global world) needs to know what hard criminals look like now. Doctors, Private Investigators, Business men more ski masks and gun point. Nothing is sacred. We can be watched, raped, or stolen from and never really even know what is happening to us! This has to stop and God bless Dr. Hall for trying to bring this to an end. Many, many victims are thankful. A MUST READ.
Dr. John Hall, MD establishes credibility for victims of psychological terror via electronic, or other advanced methods. It's a good book for many people who might have encountered strange events that they instinctively know are not attributable to neither paranormal events nor psychological malfunction. Moreover, as we grow, scientifically, we must increase awareness that wars beyond this planet might occur. Many companies, churches, political organizations and countries (perhaps even those unamicable to the USA) might have access to this Satellite surveillance technology and certainly electronic control of homo sapiens. Space Wars. It's real. Great Book. Thanks.  
Here's sections of the book on Google Books

Friday, April 1, 2011

RED ALERT: Food Inflation's Coming - Time To Buy What You Need Now

This week I noticed a dramatic difference in a local chain store not offering the sales they usually offer.  This Kroger store usually marks up items so high in San Francisco that a "sale" is still above the item's true value.  For instance, a gallon of ice tea at $4.50 is most always on sale at half value at $2.25.  When I went to buy my favorite tea I refused to pay nearly $5.00 for it. Later that day I learned that ole staple Hershey's is increasing their prices by a whopping 10%.  Then came another story that Wal-Mart is said to be sounding an alarm inflation is coming.  See Wal-Mart Says "Serious" Inflation Is Coming. The Economic Collapse Blog.
"Wal-Mart CEO Bill Simon said that rising inflation in the United States is "going to be serious" and that Wal-Mart is "seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate."  For many years Wal-Mart has been famous for their "low prices", so for the head of Wal-Mart to publicly warn that much higher prices are coming is more than a little alarming."  Article Link
Thus far, companies have successfully been camouflaging inflation by selling food in tinier packages for the same price.
Trying to keep customers from feeling cheated, some companies are introducing new containers that, they say, have terrific advantages — and just happen to contain less product. A Stealth Downsizing, As Shoppers Pay More For Less Food,
I've gradually been accumulating emergency supplies and storing food ever since the collapse of 2008.  I've also been selling stuff I don't use or need on Amazon and Craigslist to convert to cash to pay for things like Aerogardens to grow my own herbs and veggies indoors all year round. I've also used the FoodSaver vacuum sealer products for long term food storage and bought necessary staple foods in bulk from

Learning how to bake one's own bread comes in handy in inflationary times since a loaf is already around $4.00.  YouTube has several helpful videos on how to make your own bread for cheap.  I recently bought yeast in bulk that's the most expensive part of bread making.  Some recipes don't even require any eggs.  Here's one blogger's comment from The Simple Dollar:
Over the last year, I’ve gradually moved more and more towards making my own food at home. There are several reasons for this: it tastes better, it reduces preservative intake, it’s more nutritious, and it’s often substantially cheaper than what you find in the store. It does take time, but once you get used to it, most food preparation doesn’t take much more time than going to the store, buying it, taking it home, popping it out of the package, and following the directions. - Homemade Bread: Cheap, Delicious, Healthy, and Easier Than You Think - The Simple Dollar
 I highly recommend people buy in bulk such as at Costco, make their own staple foods and grow produce in their gardens or indoor Aerogardens.  I also recommend selling all unnecessary items on Craigslist or Amazon for cash to convert to emergency supply purchases.  I use for such emergency items, including dehydrated long term food storage items.  Another good source of long-term storage foods is

I feel as if we're right on the tipping point of a huge change in food prices.  The time to get cheap supplies while you can is now.  For more tips on how to save in the long term, visit The Simple

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Latest Update on Radioactive Particles From Jet Stream Hitting U.S. & Europe

As posted earlier, a YouTuber Dutchsince is the best source I could find of helpful info on the Japan radiation issues since there's a virtual black out on the info from the U.S. government.  Yesterday Dutch has since uploaded his latest evaluation of information about various types of radioactive particles dispersing in the clouds to the U.S. and Europe through the jet stream based on real time charts.  Unfortunately, the news isn't good as there are now moderate levels of certain radioactive isotopes reaching the US and beyond. Also, see Radiation Detected in at Least 15 States and in Milk -

In this following video Dutch explains it's not the direct radiation we should be worried about, but the radioactive particles being dispersed from high precipitation clouds via the jet stream.  Therefore the Geiger counters aren't helpful in detecting these types of radioactive isotopes.

Dutchsince gives the bad news about a low to moderate level of radiation particles arriving in clouds in the U.S. and beyond.  For links to various sites used in this video, please visit the video page summary.

It's too bad we couldn't harness the hydrothermal vents in the ocean to provide our electricity that's not only much safer but five times more powerful then nuclear energy. The technology is ready, just not implemented yet.  Now we all have to deal with this mess in Japan forever. This is what happens when greed is allowed to flourish above and beyond human and environmental safety.  Hydrothermal power, which taps thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean floor, would have been a fraction of the cost of nuclear power.  In an ideal world, we could have had inexpensive energy without any threat to the environment.

If only we could have implemented this hydrothermal technology sooner we wouldn't be in this mess.  The world is becoming far more complicated then ever before and the pressure is clearly building.

It's clear the greed of the nuclear industry overcame common sense and governments didn't keep these dangerous industries in check.  It's no wonder there are reportedly 140 underground cities in the U.S. built or being built by government to house a chosen few.  There are purportedly 1,500 underground cities worldwide.

This is a well done video about underground cities in the United States

What can we do to minimize exposure to these dangerous radioactive particles?  Stay indoors when there are rainstorms or mist.  Keep up on the latest info on radioactive poisoned foods such as the recent story of radioactive milk being found in the U.S. are just to name a few.

I bought an Ecolobllue28 water generator two years ago I feel is the safest possible water there can be since it uses a reverse osmosis filter process.  I'm hoping as long as I keep the windows shut when it rains there shouldn't be any problems with particles from humidity the machine takes from the air. 

Low Levels of Radiation Found in Milk -
Radiation Detected In At Least 15 States and In Milk - Natural News.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why The USGS Covers-Up Yellowstone Supervolcano Earthquake Activity

I recently noted a few YouTubers like Dutchsinse who monitor earthquake activity were questioning why Yellowstone earthquake data was missing from the USGS maps.  I dug a little deeper to learn that back in 2007 the Bush administration placed a rule change on the release of USGS earthquake activity in the Yellowstone region and the Obama administration has since been following suit.
A rule change at the U.S. Geological Survey restricts agency scientists from publishing or discussing research without that information first being screened by higher-ups at the agency. Special screening will be given to "findings or data that may be especially newsworthy, have an impact on government policy, or contradict previous public understanding to ensure that proper officials are notified and that communication strategies are developed." - Bush Admin: What You Know Can't Hurt Us -
You may want to read the entire article on how the Bush Administration sought to keep secrets from the American people like few others before him.  We were so naive back in the 1970's to believe exposing the former impeached President Nixon was the last of this type of secret government activity!  What has Obama done to reverse these executive orders and trends?  Apparently nothing.

Regardless of information being held back from the public, word has been gradually getting out things have been happening in Yellowstone that are considered unusual. There are just a couple news organizations that reported on the information since 2008 of the growing activity but many have apparently gotten the message from the gov't not to air stories on Yellowstone so we very rarely see such reports.  There is one recent report however.

Physicist and author Michio Kaku is either hyping up potential disasters to sell his books, or is truly concerned as a brave scientist putting himself out on a limb so to speak.  Your guess is as good as mine.  I try not to second guess a physicist, I'm not that smart really. 

This video is as recent as February, 2011. It seems physicist Michio Kaku isn't projecting a persona of genuine fear, but more of generating interest based on a potential disaster scenario related to recent activities.

First aired in 2008 - updates have been placed in text in the video of the swarms that followed.

Aired in 2009 - We've seen few airings of this nature reporting on Yellowstone activities

In any event, there certainly does seem to be an industry out there designed to scare the hell out of all of us, that's for sure.  People are clearly profiting from these forthcoming disaster scenarios including in movies.  Because there's profit from spreading this info, we all have to take it in with a grain of salt. At the very least, it's very interesting there's a supervolcano that will definitely erupt to change the geography of the U.S. one day.  The odds of this happening in our lifetimes, let alone during humanity's life on earth, is virtually null and void. Geographic events span millions upon millions of years on this planet.  The last super volcano eruption was 640 million years ago!  Simply because it's due for another eruption every 600 million years is kind of wild speculation.

What About HAARP?

My real concern is the man made earthquake device known as HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research) could be causing unnatural events. For decades the U.S. government has been preparing huge underground infrastructures to survive some future cataclysmic event.  Then there's the group known as eugenicists who want to do away with masses of people leaving 500,000 or so to best manage.  They say many powerful people are part of this eugenicist group including Bill Gates.  They envision taking off like Star Trek to explore the universe after much of humanity's wiped out and to live forever with all the new technologies they've kept secret unto themselves.  So, it's of concern they are perhaps using HAARP technology to trigger induced earthquake activity for such a purpose.

In retrospect, I guess I would have to lien towards the fact that Michio Kaku has a new book coming out Physics of the Future and is trying to keep in the media spotlight to promote it.  Kaku's also been doing interviews about UFOs and the recent Japanese nuclear disaster, seemingly riding a wave and seeking media attention.  I'd tend to agree with a few others that Kaku does seem to be hyping things up a bit.

What this all means is that I won't be losing sleep over any alleged forthcoming super volcano eruption regardless of the fact the U.S. gov't wants to keep the information from the public.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Frozen Forest At Bottom of Lake Panics Scientists Over 200 Year Drought

I was reading an interesting story of a newly discovered  underwater ancient forest frozen in time at the bottom of Fallen Leaf Lake next to Lake Tahoe, California.  Scientists have been mapping the bottom of the lake using the latest technology known as "side scan sonar" that's used to find sunken ships.  The scientists used a submarine to take photos after discovering frozen 100 foot trees some going back as far as the time of ancient Egypt 3000 years ago.
"What I like to call a ghost forest," says Prof. Graham Kent of the University of Nevada, describing trees up to 100 feet tall, as high as a 10-story building, but covered by water. "We have old wood from a thousand years ago, 2,000, 3,000 down there." Inside an Underwater Forest Frozen in Time -
Ten story high trees frozen in time, that is pretty amazing if you think about it.  What researchers  also discovered in the data was that there had been big changes of the water level around 1,000 years ago that enabled large trees to grow where the lake now sits.
"Researchers say all this evidence confirms that a thousand years ago there was a prolonged drought in the Sierra. It lasted about 200 years -- long enough for huge trees to grow where Fallen Leaf Lake now sits." - Article Link

The scientists turned their finding into fear mongering over man made global warming and the possibility of a future 200 drought.  Why?

The reason I'm questioning the soundness of these claims is Prof. Graham Kent began promoting fear about the prospect of man made global warming, not to mention that what he is claiming makes no sense. The article continued:
Kent says the long Sierra drought happened naturally a thousand years ago. But he and other top researchers believe human-caused global warming might bring on another severe drought even faster in the future.
"So take the great Dust Bowl and extend it from 10 years to 200 and some years," explains Kent. "And just wonder how the economies of California and Nevada are going to be affected by it."  Inside an Underwater Forest Frozen in Time -
Since Prof. Kent already said trees had already grown where the lake is today 2,000-3,000 years ago that exist at the bottom, it makes no sense why he says a drought occurred that enabled trees to grow for 200 years 1,000 years ago. Think about it, the lake was once a forest he claims, and then suddenly he says a drought hit and the trees grew huge for 200 years or so where there was no lake. It makes absolutely no sense at all.   It all sounds like a contrived attempt to either misrepresent or skew data to promote the man made global warming agenda.  

It's pretty transparent now how some of these scientists are using their faulty data and theories to promote the highly political man made global warming agenda that was proven a fraud last year.  See "Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming 'Greatest Scam in History' Man made global warming was proven nothing more than a scam of rigged scientific data promoted and funded by Gore and other Rockefeller globalists to get more taxes out of the world population.  The sun is responsible for whatever warming happened in the 1990's and now we are in a pre-ice age period.  I'm wondering if this science project was funded by the man made global warmest interests. 

Near the end of the article they go on to say they "plan more research to make more accurate predictions" admitting their data is unreliable.  I think it's time to realize, just as with anything else, though someone is allowed to call oneself a scientist, that doesn't automatically mean they're a good or noble one.  The possibility for scientists to distort and misrepresent facts exists as it does with any other profession.  

Any scientist who promotes the fraud of man made global warming and projects fear into the future imagining 200 year droughts has got to be off his rocker or working on behalf of those with a political agenda who paid the expenses for his science project.

Inside Underwater Forest Frozen in Time -
Robotic Submarine Built for Antarctica Expedition To Be Tested in Lake Tahoe, CA -

Monday, March 28, 2011

Caution, Zombies Ahead! Hacker Breaks Into Public Works Signs in San Francisco

All day Sunday I saw people outside my front window snapping photos and posing with one of the portable lights construction signs, even in the rain. Cars would even stop and shoot photos from the dashboards inside their vehicles.  I was too busy doing my taxes to care much until I finally just had to go outside to see what all the commotion was about.  Apparently someone hacked into the city's public works computer system to alter the message of the sign to read "Caution Zombies Ahead !!" 

I was telling the landlady what a coincidence the sign was since I swore I had just seen a real life zombie while I was on the way to the post office Saturday.  As I took a double take, the guy casually approached me at the corner while I waited for the light to change.  I could hardly believe my eyes, he had a huge sunken eye socket that you could see like an ice cream scoop into his skull with excess flesh hanging.  He also had a huge wound on his right temple, a large swollen mound of red flesh.  It looked as if someone shot him in the temple that it blew out his eye and socket completely.

I hate to sound dehumanizing, but this injured person really did look like a zombie in every way while just casually walking around ignoring people's stares.  Then he walked into the post office and stood in a long line and I just thought to myself, boy are those people going to freak out when they get a look at that.  It was that scary!

The zombie-like person had no eye or socket and flesh was hanging where this guy's hole is.  His right temple had a gunshot wound that was swollen like a golf ball with a mound of red bloody flesh.

So imagine if someone like this just walked up to you like nothing was wrong, what would you do?  I wanted very badly to take a photo but couldn't bring myself to do it.  A couple years ago they had a Zombies Invade San Francisco party of sorts.  This city just seems to be a zombie kind of town.

This brings me to another topic and that is what a crazy camera snap shot society we live in today.  It used to be that at rock concerts people would hold up their lighter flames; today they all hold up their digital cameras.  This is the photo from SFGate on Britney Spears free concert today.  You can see the glow of the screens below.

Everyone was taking digital photos as seen in this photo. No lighter flames anymore.
(Disclaimer: Photo used under Fair Use Act to show excessive digital phone usage at concerts)

Back in the 1970s and even 80's, people didn't take a lot of photographs. They had Polaroid instant cameras that would spit out a revolutionary photo that developed before your eyes. The quality was always poor most of the time.  The camera digital revolution is here to stay, I see the old film cameras being sold on Craigslist for cheap.

One last thing I wanted to comment on is about Britney Spears.  I've never seen Spears perform before and never heard any of her songs.  I wouldn't recognize her voice if I heard it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Google News Blackouts Worrisome - London Protest Virtually Ignored in 2011

I happened to notice as of 8:50 a.m. Sunday morning a Google News search isn't returning any news links except for some small blurb from The Voice of Russia on yesterday's march of 250,000 and subsequent riot in London.  It may be just a technical glitch but I've never really seen such a lack of news links happen this badly before.

I've witnessed similar activity happen to popular YouTube videos about controversial things such as Louis Farrakhan's recent "who do you think you are?" Obama video.  When I posted the video in an earlier article I noticed it went viral with 450K views in a couple days.  Then YouTube took the video down for "inappropriate content" apparently because it criticized President Obama's position on the Libyan war. I just visited and the video's back up now.  Apparently YouTube wanted to slow down the viral nature of the video. It really makes one wonder how much some news organizations play God to control the flow of information in an attempt to minimize its importance.

Anytime I notice they're trying to cover-up important news I post it on my blog whenever I can. Here's a video I got from The Sun article on the riots, a British on-line media outlet.

There were 250,000 peaceful demonstrators, and a sub branch of anarchist youth that attacked the Ritz Carlton hotel, banks and the like. 

From the small information available, I deduced that the British people are mainly upset over how the government's war hungry spending millions such as in Libya on unnecessary wars while threatening to make the deepest public service cuts since WWII. Since there are so few stories to deduce information from, I'll let the video speak for itself. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

URGENT Radiation & Jetstream Forecast for USA and Europe - March 26, 2011

I think I've found the best source available for radiation warnings from a rising star YouTuber named Dutchsinse.  I've since been getting updates whenever he uploads videos. The video below was sent early this morning as an urgent warning for radiation in the U.S., Europe and Mexico. Dutchsince is much like a modern day Paul Revere providing various warnings for earthquakes, storms and other natural or man made triggered events. He's been reporting on these events a long time so you can go back through his timeline of videos and see his accuracy yourself. (Except his sun videos, that are below par.)

Dutchsinse hasn't ever given any serious radiation warnings before, so this is the first.  He also provides a plethora of wonderful map and unique interactive links to go check out for one's own assessment.  Dutchsinse' videos are very helpful to the average lay person such as myself who needs a genuine way to confirm or dispute what the media's put out. This particular video below isn't as good as the others probably because Dutchsinse wanted to get the info out ASAP so people could take precautions for possible radiation exposure.

The relevant and extremely helpful site he's talking about at the start of the video is here.

If you want all the other relevant links he's referring to in this video, it's probably best you pull them from the video's summary section where he's listed a ton of them.  I've already posted many of the links in recent posts.

Dutchsinse also brings attention to HAARP signatures using satellite and the coincidences of earthquakes appearing in those areas within 24-48 hours. 

A little info about radiation exposure - It's still not necessary to take potassium iodine until exposed to high levels of radiation or signs of radiation sickness (nausea).

So if you really want to determine for yourself the level of radiation threat, now you can with these resources.  It's all up to you, no need to bitch and complain about the media covering up any longer.  For the first time in human history we have all these wonderful resources at our fingertips in real time.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Colloidal Silver Home Making Secrets Spread Like Wildfire

Earlier this year after I contracted bronchitis that knocked me out for weeks, I posted an article on how I planned on storing up on antibiotics through overseas on-line providers. I was looking for a jump start on bronchitis since my doctor wouldn't prescribe soon enough.  Turns out there's a better and cheaper way of having the best antibiotic available to mankind, colloidal silver.

I was actually on the right track last year when I purchased a colloidal silver making kit from Silver Lungs. The problem is that after I paid a lot of money for the kit it was malfunctioning so I ended up returning it for a refund.  Shortly thereafter, someone recommended Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) as an easier obtained alternative causing me to get off the right track.  GSE's great but not quite enough for my situation.

I'm convinced had I been taking the colloidal silver solution I would have never contracted bronchitis in January that took six weeks to recover from. I didn't want to buy the CS stuff because it's ridiculously expensive so I was set on making the solution myself.  Here's a little info:
Multiple laboratory tests have shown colloidal/ionic silver to kill disease-causing pathogens, viruses and bacteria typically within minutes of contact. Silver has been shown to be a powerful anti-fungal, anti-germicidal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral substance in other research studies.  Silver is used readily in hospital burn wards to prevent scar tissue. Ionic silver has been shown to regenerate human cells and greatly relieves burns when applied topically. Link
Colloidal silver isn't anything new, it goes way back in history for healing ailments:
Colloidal silver history, a story in the making, stretches back thousands of years into the past. Since the dawn of man, many civilizations have recognized the properties of silver in preventing diseases. For instance, the Romans used silver nitrate therapeutically. The hermetic and alchemical writings of Paracelsus speak of the virtues of silver as a healing substance,continuing to be used in the middle ages on the wounds from battles. Link
Making Your Own Colloidal Silver Is Inexpensive, Easy and Fun

There's no need to spend a lot of money on the CS making kits.  The only real investment required to produce the solution is two 99.99% silver rods and the rest of the materials are cheap and easy to acquire.  When I searched the net for the rods, there weren't any really to be found, that's why I was relieved to find an entire kit for under $100 that could pay for itself in no time.  It has everything I need to make the colloidal silver:
The RSG-3 Colloidal Silver Generator from Scada Research is one of the best under $100 Colloidal Silver makers on the market. We've sold Scada products since early 2002 and the RSG-3 is one of the best, most reliable Silver makers available. It is super simple to use and the quality is outstanding. - Link to Product
It's possible to make a cheap colloidal making kit yourself with just a few things from Radio Shack or the local hardware store. These people in the videos below explain how they made their own inexpensive colloidal silver kits and the results on their health.  One lady claims it also saved her animals' lives.

This video has valuable information but he's not using the "99.99%" silver rods that is highly recommended, he's only using "9.99".  He's also not supposed to be putting the saline solution in the water, no salt products should be added.

Making one's own solution can have its pitfalls if one's not careful.  A couple years ago this man (above)  turned completely blue with Argyria after adding salt to his colloidal silver solution.  He later appeared on Oprah about his mistake to forewarn. It's surprising the guy in the earlier video I posted didn't get the message.

The blue man said the transformation happened so gradually he hardly noticed his skin changing color at first.

A lady whose been making the solution for 12 years stands by it that it's saved a few of her dogs and goats lives as well as helping her stay healthy.

Once I have my colloidal silver making kit the only investment I'll ever need again is the silver rods every two years.  The home making kit will pay for itself in no time and I'll be able to have access to a form of antibiotic at my fingertips anytime I need it.  There's even a cheaper kit then the one I bought that can be purchased on Amazon here

Benefits of Colloidal Silver - Alternative Medicine
Colloidal Silver Secrets Blogspot

Disclaimer - In no way am I giving medical advice or recommendation regarding your particular situation colloidal silver. I'm only sharing my own journey and that of a few others.  For more information please visit your doctor or health care professional.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is Japan Really Sinking Into The Pacific As Edgar Cayce Prophesized?

When I entered the workforce back in the 1980's I worked for hardcore Japanese companies so I consider myself familiar with their culture.  C. Itoh Electronics and Epson America were among the earliest companies I worked for.  I began to notice over the past few years how few Japanese people are around anymore.  I wondered what happened. Was it just San Francisco where I moved to 16 years ago?  Why are there so few Japanese people?  Somehow I got it into my head the Japanese are going to largely become extinct one day.  What a strange belief I thought I had.

The question posed in this article is very serious and backed up by some measure of evidence. Japan's seismological agency is reporting that Japan's sinking into the Pacific Ocean.  A few days ago Edgar Cayce was brought to my attention. I haven't paid much attention to these prophetic types but can't help but note Cayce's prediction of Japan may be coming to fruition.
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), the so-called "sleeping prophet", made a number of remarkably accurate predictions of the future. In 1934, Cayce predicted the beginning and end of World War II many years before it happened. He also predicted the end of Communism. In 1941 he stated "The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea." - The Edgar Cacye Prophecies -
I searched for any news articles related to the possibility Japan's sinking after watching this interesting video but couldn't find any.  This guy (video below) shows he believes Japan is collapsing into the Pacific Ocean:

A possible explanation of what's happening geologically in Japan.

A YouTuber "Dutchsinse" says the USGS map doesn't show all the earthquakes at all and presents information on the latest in Yellowstone in an Earthquake 3D software program (download here).  He also discusses the Japan quake activity and mentions why he believes Japan is sinking into the ocean.  He also mentions he believes a strong earthquake will happen in the Pacific Northwest of the United States in the near future.

Reference and the Japan Seismology Authority of Japan shows slippage of Japan's land here.

Scenes from the 2006 movie "Sinking of Japan"

A YouTuber bitches about how he's given plenty of forewarning of what's happening in Japan, that the ocean floor is buckling and Japan's sinking.

I hope it's not true Japan's sinking, but if it is the Japanese people need to find a new place to live if they don't want to end up in the Pacific Ocean. 

Here are some helpful links. 

Edgar Cayce on Wikipedia

Earthquake 3D program:

Pacific Northwest seismic network:


Worldwide Telemetry Data:

European Seismic Agency:

Pacific Northwest seismic network live:

Utah / Wyoming helicorders:

California Helicorders:

Pacific Northwest Helicorders:

Intellicast live earthquake feed:

HAARP induction magnetometer:

Midwest USA helicorders: