Saturday, November 13, 2010

Robo Signers Revive Memories of Gigantor the Space Age Robot

As a kid I remember one of my favorite cartoons growing up in the 1960's was Gigantor.  Here we are in 2010 and it seems multitudes of people are performing a lot like a control box robot (i.e. Robo-Signers) mindlessly doing whatever task asked of them. In the cartoon, there was a kid with a little box he used to control the robot's actions much like banks have done with their robo-signers.

This amusing video clip brings back memories of my playing in the front yard running around like Gigantor with my arms up in the air singing the theme song. 

Gigantor was created in 1963.  Here's a great site with more clips and info.

Serious s**t's hitting the fan for mortgage banks that used robo signing notaries to rubber stamp and approve foreclosure mortgage documents.  The Huffington Post's come out with an article The Most Shocking Statements from Alleged Foreclosure Robo-Signers.  One notary, Bryan Bly, signed in the capacity of vice president for several companies. He testified he signed an average 5,000 mortgages at Nationwide Title Clearing, for a whopping 50,000-60,000 documents.  

Over two hours of deposition videos disclose how robo signers did their magic with the banks to foreclose on properties.

At 7:29 in the video, Bryan states he took an average of one minute per document he notarized without the borrower's presence which is a violation of the law.

In the article the Huffington Post states "Robo-signing is the latest ugly turn in the ongoing mortgage mess. Banks and loan servicers appear to have illegally processed countless documents in the rush to foreclose. The scandal has spawned a host a host of lawsuits, including a Federal racketeering lawsuit brought against Bank of America and a wave of investigations by 50 state attorneys general." 

Testimony of Crystal Moore:

What did you study [in the one year of college]?"

"Nothin'. It was just the basic."

"General courses?"


"Do you have any other additional training or education in banking or finance?"


"Real estate?"




In another related story We Were Signing Documents right and Left But I had No Idea What I Was Signing featured on Business Insider, robo signer Tam Doan admitted to CNN Money he had no idea what he was signing.  Doan described the work conditions at BofA compared to other employers:
He said that compared to previous employers, foreclosure administration at Bank of America was "chaotic and stressful" and that he barely had time to read the documents he was signing. He alleges there were too few employees to handle the work, and that those employees received scant training.
It sounds to me like these banks wanted mindless machine work from people who were willing to simply sign their names to any document placed in front of them.  This is an example what happens when people allow corporations to treat them like machines, they start behaving like them. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

China Fired Warning Missile Off So. California Coast?

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported on the Wayne Madsen Report a few days ago China fired a warning missile off the coast of Los Angeles: 
"China flexed its military muscle Monday evening in the skies west of Los Angeles when a Chinese Navy Jin class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, deployed secretly from its underground home base on the south coast of Hainan island, launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from international waters off the southern California coast. WMR’s intelligence sources in Asia, including Japan, say the belief by the military commands in Asia and the intelligence services is that the Chinese decided to demonstrate to the United States its capabilities on the eve of the G-20 Summit in Seoul and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Tokyo, where President Obama is scheduled to attend during his ten-day trip to Asia."
The day after the missile was fired, China's leading credit agency lowered the United States credit rating.  According to Madsen the Pentagon has been covering up by spinning various theories including it was an optical illusion or merely a jet air craft.  Regardless, many experts concur the missile was ballistic.
"Missile experts, including those from Jane’s in London, say the plume was definitely from a missile, possibly launched from a submarine. WMR has learned that the missile was likely a  JL-2 ICBM, which has a range of 7,000 miles, and was fired in a northwesterly direction over the Pacific and away from U.S. territory from a Jin class submarine. The Jin class can carry up to twelve such missiles."
 Likely route of Jin-class submarine from Hainan base.
"Asian intelligence sources believe the submarine transited from its base on Hainan through South Pacific waters, where U.S. anti-submarine warfare detection capabilities are not as effective as they are in the northern and mid-Pacific, and then transited north to waters off of Los Angeles. The Pentagon, which has spent billions on ballistic missile defense systems, a pet project of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is clearly embarrassed over the Chinese show of strength."
According to Madsen, the Chinese show of force is a huge embarrassment, especially for the Navy’s Pacific Command in Pearl Harbor, where Japan’s December 7, 1941 attack on the fleet at Pearl Harbor remains a sore subject.

Here are some interesting comments on the disclosure of this information on other forums:

It was a MISSILE fired from a Chinese sub, and

All they can do is SHOOT UP CIVILIANS
This better GO VIRAL, because WE ARE SICK

“SAFETY” MY *SS! If China had 4 or 5 subs


And They could care less about the Mindless sleepwalking humans who twaddle through life as spiritless unmotivated viewers too entertained and broke to organize. Its becoming horrifficly uglier my the second…

The Chinese have probably been warning the US government for a while now, that there will be harsh retaliation against the US if the fed keeps manipulating the currency.
This would certainly explain Obama taking half the military with him & why he’s left the US for an extended period of time, two days after they decide to pull their QE2 scheme at that.
Better start taking those Chinese language courses in school kiddies!!!!

Our military is not going to protect us. It is not their job now. Now they go and terrorize other countries while our government terrorizes us with their police state and would and will let the Chinese eradicate us. It would save them the time and hassle. Also watch this lame duck congress pass their dream act this week and make all illegals legal.

A very interesting thing is that Glen Beck proposed the China theory on his radio show the day after it happened.He said “I don’t believe it but what if it was China that sneaked right into our own waters”, etc.. How is it that he came up with the same story that’s going around the day after the event occurred unless the China theory is the government cover story.
Does the entire thing have to do with a coup happening now?
Obama did take all those ships with him. What for?
Where did that missile come down?

FEMA Camps Proven as REAL Tonight on TruTV's Conspiracy Theory

Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Proves FEMA Camps Exist for American Citizens in New Episode that Airs Friday, Nov. 12 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST Only on TruTV

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura and his crew at Conspiracy Theory have blown the FEMA camp issue wide open in a truly groundbreaking episode from the program’s second season on TruTV. The “Police State” episode proves once and for all that the feds have trained to take on American citizens, planned for riots and disasters and made preparations to maintain order at any cost. Tune in this Friday, Nov. 12 at 10 PM Eastern/ 9 PM Central and leave the denial at the door.

This powerful episode is the largest and most in-depth investigation into FEMA camps to date– and it is scheduled to air on television. Radio host and filmmaker Alex Jones returns to the series yet again, as the team takes you to confirmed on-the-ground facilities, confronts the legislators who authorized FEMA camps and breaks down the full-scale technologically-integrated police state that includes Fusion Centers, FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security and more.

So these bastards want to ship Americans off to FEMA camps just like Nazi Germany, and the politicians know their plans for us?  This makes my stomach turn and I haven't even seen the program yet.

I really liked what Jesse Ventura did with Goldman Sachs a few weeks ago too; the way he set up some of its executives for a meeting was classic!

Jesse Ventura sets up the big guys for a little chat about their rape of the American tax payer.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Time Traveler Question in Chaplin Film Video Solved!

I previously provided a link to the fascinating video of an apparent time traveler from a Charlie Chaplin film clip in 1928.  Millions of people joined in the mystery on YouTube to try and solve the question of whether the person in the film really had a cell phone in her hand.  (It turned out to be a man in drag by the way, an extra in the Chaplin film.)  Though it was a rather ludicrous question, the time traveler suggestion really sparked people's imaginations. The video has received nearly 5 million views with thousands of commentaries attempting to answer the question.

Recently the Discovery News Channel solved the case.  I'm glad they came to the same conclusion a few others did that I had agreed with.

Here's a link to the original time traveler questioned video:

Here's the Discovery News Channel's answer, the same conclusion I came to from my lite research on the Internet from technology in 1928.

I was intrigued with time travel a while back when I designed, but haven't had the "time" since to delve back into it.  The issue of a time shift always seems to naturally assert itself every year when our clocks change anyway.  The time change most always throws me off kilter internally.  For instance, here I am typing this blog and it's 1:36 a.m. on a weekday night. I've lost all track of time!

I was selling cell phones in 1984, does that make me a time traveler?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Singer Neil Young Gets Burned By Bad Karma - Charitable Image is a Lie

Singer Neil Young, a nasty greedy hideous man, got a little taste of karma when his belongings got burned in a warehouse Monday.  All the liberal fascist pigs who have supported this evil Satanist's fraud image are writing condolences on SFGate's comment section as if the guy's the Pope of the San Francisco Bay area.

As previously reported three weeks ago, I wrote a little blurb post about how upset people were in Mr. Young's life who he ripped off, including his nanny, in spite of the fact he owns nearly half of San Mateo county.  Young's a tightwad asshole who hides behind a charitable image he uses others to promote.  He actually charges people for helping him with his charitable projects! He's an evil man and all you have to do is look at the guy and see him for what he is.

It makes me sick all the people who think this main is a saint and promote him as such.  Whatever Neil Young does is for himself, image and tax write-offs.  Note how he's hoarding stuff in a warehouse instead of auctioning it off to charity? 

Mr. Young, karma's a bitch dude and you just can't escape it.  That's why you're such a control freak tight wad greedy asshole because you know karma's on the way for your dirty, nasty deeds using good people.

Neil Young is not a good man.  I'll just leave it at that.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hilarious Gregory Brothers Music Videos

Now that I've featured a few of their videos on this blog, I thought I'd give credit to an extremely talented group, the Gregory Brothers.  I consider this music brilliant because it acts as a bridge between rap and music using people's unscripted words in normal speech by converting their natural voice inflections into melodies.   Maybe this is a way out of the rap dredge into a new means of converting everyone's voice into what the Gregory Brothers refer to as "unintentional singers".

The Gregory Brothers can turn anything into music and make anyone famous such as what happened to Antoine Dodson who appeared on the news talking about a local rapist.  The song video, Bed Intruder, (see below) has had 39 million views since  August, 2010 and the song has reached top Billboard R&B #3 and iTunes top hits.

Wikipedia's description of the news broadcast of Dodson:

Dodson was interviewed on July 28, 2010, by NBC affiliate WAFF-48 News after the alleged attempted rape of his sister by an intruder in her bedroom, in the "projects" of Lincoln Park.
A frame from the viral "Bed Intruder Song" music video, which sourced its footage from an interview NBC affiliate WAFF-48 News conducted with Antoine.
The video of the interview caught attention due to the passionate and flamboyant style of his delivery, speaking directly to the camera, in which he directly addressed the people of his neighborhood as well as the would-be rapist, and his use of street vernacular.

How the song was created:

The pitch contour of Antoine Dodson's voice was manipulated to make him appear to sing. Michael Gregory told Wired Magazine, "For this one, I really wanted to listen to the contours of [Antoine Dodson's] voice, and the way that he was emoting. I’ve done this enough so that when I heard him talk, I could hear the melody, and that melody kind of changes connotation depending on what key I put it in. Then I do the instrumental track and put it on top." - Wikipedia

I've since ciphered through several of the brother videos and came up with my favorites:

Friday, November 5, 2010

When Airlines Go Belly Up Our Holograms Will Travel

I guess I'm a bit unusual because I have a $50 Virgin Airways credit I know I won't be using in spite of the fact there are many low ball fares for as little as $39 to Los Angeles, Las Vegas and even $125 to New York. One of the reasons I won't be flying is because I don't want to be molested at the airport by strangers as is the new protocol.  Airport personnel are stepping up the intensity of body searches, groping and squeezing people's crotch and breast areas for those who opt out of body scanners.  Body scanners essentially show your bare body to complete strangers and give you a high dose of radiation.

Yesterday I was talking with a retired airline stewardess from US Airways.  The lady said she got out of flying after 25 years due to all the intensity after 9/11's new security laws.  We got to speculating the future of air travel was about to radically change.  We both agreed that in the near future when gas and oil costs rise, this will be the final nail in the coffin for inexpensive civilian air travel.  Many airlines simply won't survive.

Here are some ideas we came up with of how people will overcome the limitations of no air travel since only the wealthy will be able to afford it.

1.  People will use video conferencing
2.  People will use more advanced 3D holographic technology to meet or attend speaking engagements
3.  People will harness the Internet to share information digitally and in virtual meeting rooms.

Here's a recent presentation and example of how people can appear virtually in another place for a meeting or speaking engagement.

This is the first hologram of someone on television:

Back in the 1990's I envisioned people using holograms to communicate.  My particular unique idea was in the area of entertainment however. I had envisioned hologram nightclubs of top musicians recorded in holographic images performing as if in real life.  In a sense, it's a musician's dream to have a clone of one's self that makes money while one sleeps and tends to real life matters.  For instance,  I think they should now be able to record people like Barbra Streisand today as a 3D hologram to perform her songs for people to see her in concert in the future.  Imagine if we had a hologram of Aretha Franklin to last forever for future generations to enjoy?

At the time of my ideas I was friends with an Intel chip designer from Portland Oregon. He told me I could submit my idea to Intel for consideration of funding.  That was before the dot com bubble burst however so I since gave up the idea to submit a proposal.  It's always easy to come up with ideas for the future but it's very difficult to implement them. I had ideas of GPS pet finders back in the mid-1990s.  Most all of my ideas exist in some form today. 

The thing with this holograph and 3D technology is that as kids of the 1950's and 1960's era most of us were introduced to it through the Wizard of Oz (the Wizard's appearance in 3D technology) and at Disneyland's Haunted House.  3D and hologram's have been around a long time and now it's finally turning into a viable industry with the advent of such 3D films as Avatar.  Going one step further, some scientists even speculate in theory our universe is really one big hologram. What's up with that?

Primitive versions of the future 3D holographic world environments can be found in  Another example is where people attend classes in a conference environment.  Essentially the envisioned hologram environment will be similar to Star Trek Next Generation's holodeck where people have trouble deciphering what is real and what isn't.

Today we have the computer power to record holograms all over the world. We should begin to record holograms of the great artists of today before it's too late. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The REAL Reason Why NASA's Banned Moonwalking

If you really think about it, it's kind of strange NASA's never been back to the moon with a manned mission since the late 1960's. By now many thought with all of our great new technologies we would have had tourist flights to the moon and back. Clearly there was an industry for people who wanted to visit the moon, if not just a flyby trip. Better yet, why not build something on the moon as a stepping stone to other planets? According to a few former NASA employees, there's a good reason why we've never been back to the moon.

According to these excellent videos, the reason why we haven't gone back is because the moon's swarming with scary and aggressive extraterrestrial life forms!  It's even alleged in NASA photographs that massive alien bases and structures exist on the moon.

This is eyewitness testify of a former NASA employee being shown top secret photographs.

This video goes through history of strange objects and phenomenon on the moon up to NASA landing.  It shows NASA footage an purported evidence of massive extraterrestrial structures.

Then there's this recent article on AOL News, Some Say Moon Photos Show Signs of Alien Life:
"What NASA did not tell the American people is that it discovered the remains of an ancient lunar civilization, and to this day, that data and those artifacts have been withheld from the American people," claims Richard C. Hoagland, founder of The Enterprise Mission, an extensive private space research analysis website.
One interesting theory I've read about the moon is that it's allegedly hallow.  What's that all about?  A few scientists have been perplexed  to the extent they've even suggested that the moon's an artificial object:
Astronomy data indicates that the internal regions of the Moon are less dense than the outer, giving rise to the inevitable but outrageous speculation that it could be hollow. The eminent and late scientist Carl Sagan, a typical sceptic, had made the statement, "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object." But meaning here that if it is hollow, it is not a natural satellite -- and therefore artificial.

Possibly the strongest evidence for it to be a 'hollow object' comes from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, the latter rings like a bell. More specifically when the Apollo crew in November 20, 1969 released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour. The same effect occurred with Apollo 13's third stage which caused the Moon to ring for over three hours. So what's going on with the Moon?

Two Soviet scientists, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, have spent much of their careers examining the facts compiled on lunar phenomena. Their conclusion is that the Moon is artificial, possibly a hollowed-out planet, and that it was steered from some distant region of the galaxy into a circular orbit around our planet (hence the extraordinary mystery of rock and Moon-dust age variations). They claim that intellectual life has existed in the Moon for eons. - Earth's Moon and Human Evolution - The Canadian National Newspaper

UFOs imprints on moon from long ago?

Sometimes one can deduce facts from the illogical absence of something, such as why the astronauts haven't gone back to the moon. Everyone knows the moon could have been a lucrative venture for the United States to use for its various experiments and operations.  Considering NASA recently announced Mars is the next destination for human travel (See Journeying to Mars on a One-Way Ticket - Discovery News), you've just got to wonder why the moon's out of the picture.

If one really thinks hard about it, there's just got to be a serious reason why NASA hasn't sent another manned mission to the moon.  It's not for lack of technology, practicality or for a lack of anything that could be gained from it.  Obviously something very serious has prevented human beings landing on the moon, especially since doing so had great commercial and economical value on earth.  All the other countries have also withheld visiting.  Some thing's really out there and it doesn't appear they have any sense of humor or we would have been back by now.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Evidence of San Francisco Superior Court Judge Corruption

On October 29, 2010 in a article, Ulmer vs. Nava and the Independence of the Court, a former Vice President of the State Bar of California Peter Keane unleashed a huge red flag on what was happening in the San Francisco Superior Court system among judges.  The article was about Judge Richard B. Ulmer, a 30 year Partner attorney with Latham & Watkins LLP who was up against Michael Nava to retain his bench. The article described that the entire San Francisco judicial community was up in arms about the judicial election.

Judge Ulmer had recently been elected to the bench by Governor Schwarzenegger but his seat was being challenged, most likely due to his being a Republican in a liberal town.  Not only was he being challenged as a Republican, mind you, but as a highly political man who lacked sound judge skills as stated in my former post Judge Ulmer Whitewashed My Evidence!  Didn't Care!.   In my post I stated my experience was that Judge Ulmer played politics with an attorney and overlooked and whitewashed my evidence against a defendant in a restraining order hearing.  As a result I endorsed Michael Nava on this blog.

The race is tight and the media hardly covered it, except for a few very appalled members of the legal community including Peter Keane. A San Francisco Chronicle writer Susan Gluss (see Partisan Politics Threatens Judicial Freedom also made mention in her column of the problems arising in the judicial system due to elections.

Here are a few insightful quotes from their articles about the Ulmer vs. Nava tight race:

Peter Keane's comments:
"First, put aside whether you favor incumbent Superior Court Judge Richard Ulmer or challenger Michael Nava. Whoever the voters choose is qualified and will be a fine, capable judge. I voted for Ulmer in the primary. But then I switched to Nava because I became appalled by the borderline ethical (if not downright unethical) campaign tactics by San Francisco judges to elect Ulmer. 
With lockstep unanimity, the judges of the San Francisco Superior Court have savaged the democratic process and cheapened the important principle of protecting the independence of the judiciary. To their personal discredit, they have done this out of a self-serving fear that potential competitors will run against them and that the voters might legitimately and democratically decide that others are better qualified to serve.

One shabby illustration of their disgraceful actions should suffice.

I am a former president of the Bar Association of San Francisco. Last summer, all former bar presidents and I received a cryptic e-mail from Presiding Judge James McBride speaking for the entire court. It urgently summoned us to a meeting in the conference room of a prominent downtown law firm for the evening of July 7. When I responded asking what was up, I was ominously informed with a clear sense of hush-hush secrecy that "independence of the judiciary" was at stake.

At the meeting, McBride and a delegation of other judges, announced that they spoke for all of the judges of the San Francisco Superior Court. They proclaimed that a Nava victory would be the destruction of judicial independence in San Francisco.

They prophesized this Apocalypse with all of the Jeremiah-like intensity of Dick Cheney somberly forecasting weapons of mass destructions and mushroom clouds unless drastic action was taken
But that was not the most distressing part of the meeting. The bar presidents were then given marching orders by the judges to raise $350,000 to defeat Nava.Peter Keane, Former VP of State Bar of California
"The perils of these expensive, politicized judicial contests are underscored by a new report by the Brennan Center for Justice. The report shows the extent that politics and special interests are infecting judicial races - and the resulting threat to judicial independence and impartiality." - Susan Gluss, San Francisco Chronicle

This is flat out evidence from insiders that judges in San Francisco have been corrupted by the election politics of the system!  Let there be no mistake, judges are often highly political in the court room.  Consequently, judicial decisions are not always based on the law, especially when a judge has much discretion.  Politics often involves an attorney a judge prefers that has nothing to do with the plaintiff or defendants.  What this all means is that if you hire an attorney the judge doesn't like having a history with, you will most likely lose your case in San Francisco.

I imagine with such a strong backing of the entire San Francisco judicial community, Judge Ulmer will retain his seat (**update** has retained his seat). Michael Nava would have been the people's judge.  How sad. 

Is California Governor Jerry Brown a Time Traveler?

I don't know about anyone else, but it's freaking me out that Jerry Brown's been elected the California Governor 30 years after he was elected way back in 1975-1983.  I think it's down right spooky if you ask me.  I've got the heebie jeebies and my skin's got goose bumps.  Imagine how it feels for someone who was in high school as a 15 year old, a sophomore when Jerry Brown was elected as Governor.  I was 23 when Brown left office!  Michael Jackson's Thriller had come out the previous year.  Now Brown's back again and it's like deja vu!  What is this guy a time traveler or something? 

Can someone please tell me something?  Why is Jerry Brown back!!?  Most people retire after being in political office. This is unbelievable!  I thought there was a law he was allowed two terms and that was it.  This is scary, but the alternative of Meg Whitman was even scarier to contemplate. 

All I remember from what I retained in my former undeveloped teenage mind from Jerry Brown's former governorship was that he dated Linda Ronstadt and was a fairly good looking man.  Brown was one of the few politicians to hang around with the rock and roll crowd.

I still don't know much about Jerry Brown but I'm glad Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's going to be leaving soon. Governor Schwarzenegger appointed some really screwed up highly political Republican judges.  I'm also glad Pelosi's been dethroned, but am very disappointed marijuana wasn't legalized in California so I could celebrate her departure.  The state could really use the revenue and to lift what amounts to a prohibition against a drug that will never go away.  

The sad thing about this election is that politicians aren't the answer to any of this country's problems. They're all merely puppets for a large monster called the Federal Reserve that's been strangling the country ever since the Federal Reserve Act was passed on Christmas Eve in 1913.  Former President Woodrow Wilson said it was the worst mistake of his life and that he deeply regretted allowing private bankers to take over the U.S. money printing.  The Federal Reserve masks itself in a government associated name and prints out money, but there's a catch.  The Fed gives the money to us as debt we owe it.  We pay towards that debt with Federal taxes. Essentially money = debt.  Surprise! 

When one looks into the details of how the system's been set up since 1913, one can see how America's been doomed to collapse economically.  The bankers are strangling us all and want to usher in a one world banking and governmental system.  No politician can save us, and Obama was merely a pipe dream for many. 

So Jerry Brown the time traveler's back!  He's projected himself 30 years into the future to be Governor of California again.  Speaking of time travelers, what follows is an interesting video about some person, appearing to be a man in drag, in a Charlie Chaplin film with what appears to be a cell phone he's talking into.   Wait, maybe its Jerry Brown!  What has he done?

This film maker explains his shock at discovering a man in drag in a Charlie Chaplin film allegedly talking on a cell phone.  The video's had over 4 million views in the past two months.