Friday, September 17, 2010

Singer George Michael's in Prison!!? What?

I don't tend to follow the tabloids or stories of celebrities but did stumble upon some shocking news today.  I was shocked to discover George Michael, the heartthrob pop singer of Wham! in the mid-1980's went to prison on September 14th to complete a two month sentence.  I'm so stunned!  What is the world coming to?

Way back in my early 20's I liked Wham! and George Michael was a huge sensation back in the mid-1980s.  It's difficult to comprehend that as I type these words in 2010 that George Michael's in a cell surrounded by hard core rapists and pedophiles.  The reason Michael's in the slammer is he was smoking weed and driving again but this time he hit a building and could have killed someone.

I knew something was up with Michael since his days of gay sex in public toilets at the Will Rogers State Park.  I never dreamed it would get to this point though.  I admit today the guy's barely recognizable from his days of Wham!  Back in the 80's I kind of sensed George Michael was gay.  In fact he even looked a lot like one of female writers for Rolling Stone Magazine, Sheila Rogers.  (Photo at right). The name Georgia Michael seemed a better fit for the guy.

It's  therefore not too surprising after Michael's female like days with Wham! he'd start to work towards a more manly look much like Donny Osmond was trying to do. One can see in the photo at left these Wham! guys were both groomed by the music industry to appear feminine.  Later, I had no interest in the manly version of a solo George Michael because I knew it was all just an act.  In fact, I hated every single one of George Michael's hits after Wham! and thought he was way over hyped.  I much preferred Gino Vanelli who was nowhere near as popular.  Regardless of my not being much of a fan of Michael's I feel bad he so deteriorated and lost his sense of youth.  

2008 Interview 

Sources inside the prison where Michael's being held say the prisoners are giving him a hard time. There are reports the singer sobbed in his cell shortly after his arrival.

The singer was reportedly in tears when he was first locked inside his cell. And he really packed a sad when inmates started serenading him with twisted versions of his own hits when he arrived at the facility.
An inmate tells the Mirror: "As soon as he arrived some of the prisoners burst into a rendition of Freedom.
"And when he was taken to shower they sang 'Guilty George has got no freedom' to the tune of Careless Whisper. He is sulking. He's wearing prison-issue tracksuit bottoms and a T-shirt but doesn't have any shoes on. - Sobbing on G-Wing
Here are a couple of "signs" of George Michael's impending fall:

Author's comments in article (4/2010):  Oh look, it’s Wham! legend George Michael (Or should we say “Back for Wood?”) and his iPhone cruising for strapping Aussies on the gay dating site Way to be incognito, George!

It was only a little while back George Michael was filmed at a David Bowie Annie Lennox rehearsal for the rock classic "Under Pressure"  If you watch this video, Michael is zoomed in on many times and is seen singing with the song.  He understands pressure today all right:
George Michael's filmed in several frames singing behind stage along with Bowie/Lennox at the 
rehearsal for "Under Pressure"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Strange UFO Objects Headed Our Way As Seen on

**Update - a few stories have since disclosed the objects in the Sky-Map site are defects from the photo plating process.  The original article revealing this information created some fictional scientist as well.  My apologies for posting this, but I thought it was interesting.  see Discover News Article Alien Invasion - Um No

I've been interested in astronomy since my early 30's.  Ever since I moved to San Francisco I haven't looked much at the sky since the city lights make it difficult.  I've wanted to go on star parties like the one I went to at Mt. Tam in Los Angeles but never got around to it.  Now I use my computer for sky watching thanks to the high resolution images available on such sites on   It's not quite the same as observing the real sky, but it will do for now.

There's a story circulating about how the government's trying to hide the discovery of several very large UFO objects headed our way that are currently just beyond Pluto.  The objects are reported to be as large as 150 miles long and 50 miles wide that are hurling towards the earth at great speeds. I know it sounds a little corny, but it's alleged they will arrive by the year 2012. The source of this information came from someone at SETI who claims the military took one of their high powered antennas.
"Recent light has been shed on the reason that the SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project has been canceled by the government. It seems that something was starting to happen. According to my sources the government black project boys have taken over some of the antennas and are now processing signals for the exclusive use of the United States Navy. The government seems to be highly upset that more than one very large object is fast approaching Earth."
Technology now makes it possible to use the great site to zoom in on the coordinates of the UFO secret the government doesn't want us to know about.  You can see the objects for yourself by simply copying and pasting the coordinates into the sky map viewer and zooming in on them.  I'm providing the close view of the UFO's below.  These objects weren't planted as hoaxes, rest assured.  The people at Sky-Map are serious astronomers and tampering with their photos would render their site unreliable. For this reason the people at Sky Map would never let their photos become tainted as such.

Instructions for Viewing UFO Coordinates on Sky-Map

The picture of the universe map provided above shows the menu bar at the top left. In order to get to the correct universe configuration to search for the object coordinates listed below, click on the DSS button and choose the first selection, which is the "DSS All Sky Selection".  Then, simply copy and paste in the coordinates I've listed below to view these unusual objects. You can also use the long bar at the left to zoom in on the objects.

These are UFO's that are headed toward earth and currently right outside Pluto.

Coordinates on Sky-Map are: 16 19 35, -88 43 10

Coordinates on Sky-Map are: 19 26 51, -88 42 38

Coordinates on Sky-Map are: 19 25 12, -89 46 03

There are other less  interesting objects. For anyone who wants to view them:

08 50 47, -89 38 09 - curved

14 38 50, -88 40 42 - curved

14 59 06, -88 21 24 - curved

23 13 00, -88 53 11 - curved

02 26 39, -89 43 13 - circular

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scary Video on CNN of UFO Firing At U.S. Missile Head

This interesting bit of UFO footage shot at Vanderberg Airforce Base was confiscated by none other than the CIA prior to its later release under the Freedom of Information Act (I'm only guessing on the later since the fact was the CIA did confiscate this footage and must have been forced to release it by law).  The footage was released on YouTube in July of 2008.

Bob Jacobs, Ph.D., former USAF Officer, filmed the missile launch and was later interviewed by Larry King over the incident.  Jacobs said he hadn't see anything unusual while shooting the footage.  Later, a superior sat Jacobs down to view the strange activities and was asked if he was "screwing around up there".  As one might guess, Jacobs was told not to tell a soul of what he saw in the footage.  Years later, the truth came out that some UFO did something to the missile head that caused the missile to fail.  If that's not scary I don't know what is!  

Is this not a form of communication of some degree, and a hostile one at that?     

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Quantum 'Power of Now' Trumps Need For Time Travel Machine

One of the subcategories of my former site was that of time travel, not with external machines, but that of utilizing our minds.  If you really think about it, we're already time and space travelers considering our planet travels through space and is entering a phase in 2012 of doing so at 250,000 mph.  That makes every human being on earth an astronaut with the earth acting as our spaceship.

Ever since I read books by Eckhart Tolle about how the present moment is all we have and our being trapped in a continual time loop of past and future is the real problem, I've since changed my perspective of the need for time travel.  In retrospect, people who want to build time machines are simply reflecting the dilemma of being caught in a time loop seeking to expand to that of multiple time loops.

Back in May, 2009, an inventor by the name of Mitchell Kwok of Honolulu, Hawaii applied for a time machine patent under U.S. Patent Application 20090234788.  The man obviously has a lot of "time" on his hands he knows not what to do with. 

Practical Time Machine Using Dynamic Efficient Virtual And Real Robots


A method for time travel, which allows an object or a group of objects to travel into the past or the future, as well as a method to cut objects from the past or future and paste them to the current environment. The present invention, called the practical time machine, requires teams of super intelligent robots that work together in the virtual world and the real world to generate a perfect timeline of planet Earth. The timeline of Earth records all objects, events and actions every fraction of a nanosecond for the past or the future. A time traveler will set a time travel date; the time traveler can be one object or a group of objects. Next, atom manipulators are scattered throughout the Earth to change objects in our current environment based on the timeline; and incrementally, change the current environment until the time travel date. Each atom manipulator is intelligent and manipulates the current environment as well as generating ghost machines to manipulate the current environment. Also, components of the practical time machine can be used to create technology for the purpose of: building cars, planes and rockets that travel at the speed of light, building intelligent weapons, creating physical objects from thin air, using a chamber to manipulate objects, building force fields, making objects invisible, building super powerful lasers, building anti-gravity machines, creating strong metals and alloys, creating the smallest computer chips, collecting energy without any solar panels or wind turbines, making physical DNA, manipulating existing DNA, making single cell organisms, controlling the software and hardware of computers and servers without an Internet connection, and manipulating any object in the world.

According to many string theory physicists, there are parallel universes where multiple versions of reality exist.  As scientists gradually mastered various natural forces on earth, many are looking into how to harness this new knowledge of multi-universes.  For instance, there's a reality where JFK did not get assassinated and a much different world emerged since he was allowed to accomplish his goals of ridding the U.S. of the private Federal Reserve banking system and CIA shadow government that is the cause of many problems.  A time traveler armed with string theory might want to know how to enter that much different world to explore its unique history.

The Power of Now Better Than Time Machine?

Another practical application for a time machine is how virtually everyone has some mistake they've made in the past they'd like to reverse, or want to know how to prevent something terrible from happening.  The only problem with all of this is the powers at be who seek to control all aspects of humanity wouldn't want the average person to possess these powers of time travel.  From a fresh new perspective, the power of now, according to Eckhart Tolle, seems a much more potent a tool.

For instance, the past, present and future are all combined in the now eternal moment.  How perfect is that?  It's very quantum in all respects.  It also cancels out time itself so the very time consuming task of building a time machine is unnecessary.  One therefore has easy access to the entire shebang in every moment encountered.  The key to accessing the moment is one's conscious awareness of it.

One can think of the now moment as a point from where you begin to blow up a balloon.  The air into the balloon can be viewed metaphorically as one's growing awareness and the expansion of it as such.  The delicate surrounding membrane of the balloon eventually pops when the threshold is met in crossing over to a much larger awareness then oneself.

When one thinks how simple the concept of becoming increasingly aware of the now moment is a means to access past, present and future, the concept of a time travel machine seems  counterproductive and even self defeating.  In fact, maybe the "evil ones" can somehow be lured into being trapped in new time lines with such a precarious time machine as a means to get rid of them.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit Hilarious Viral Video

Going on 2 million views in less than 3 months! 

I'm wondering when people will get a grip the political system is totally corrupted by criminal con artist politicians and the privately owned Federal Reserve bank.  JFK was the people's last hope for a real leader who was in the midst of doing away with the Fed, the CIA and Viet Nam war. People need to stop falling for the con artist scams and continual lies.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth Announce Evidence of Demolition of WTC

As so many witnessed the horrifying inferno in San Bruno California on the news, it reminded me of none other than 9/11 fire balls at the World Trade Center the 9th anniversary.  I thought I'd take this opportunity to show there's a large reputable body of architects and engineers who have released their findings that the World Trade Center towers did not come down and disintegrate by fire, but by means of planted explosive devices.  The group known as Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( are holding press conferences all over the country to disclose its forensic evidence and findings.

The group released a press release Thursday about their latest findings:

WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Richard Gage, AIA, Founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) with former Senator Gravel, will hold a press conference to present the group's findings and to call for a new investigation into the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11.
"Critically important evidence has emerged after the government building reports were completed," says Senator Gravel.

Gage points to World Trade Center 7, a 47-story building that was not hit by an aircraft, yet collapsed in free-fall acceleration and in a manner consistent with a controlled implosion

"Government investigators at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have been forced to acknowledge the free-fall descent, an indicting fact, after being presented with analysis by AE911Truth petition signers." Other facts that AE911Truth supporters have uncovered in the course of examining the forensic evidence include:
  • The Twin Towers suffered total destruction in 10 to 14 seconds in near free-fall accelerations which can only occur as a result of pre-set demolition explosives.     
  • More than 100 first responders reported explosions and flashes consistent with pre-set demolitions.
  • 90,000 tons of concrete and metal decking were pulverized in mid-air, creating the signature dust clouds of  controlled demolitions.
  • A massive debris field 1,400 feet in diameter, along with the absence of "pancaked" floors, indicates a very explosive destruction of each tower.
  • The presence of several tons of molten metal found in the debris is consistent with the extreme temperatures generated by the use of thermite – an incendiary used to cut through steel like a hot knife through butter.
  • An international team of scientists found nano-thermitic composite material in World Trade Center dust samples, providing hard evidence of the presence of advanced energetic materials in the disaster debris.
Gage interview on Fox News:

I've known this for a long time, but don't think most of the public really cares at this point in time to rise and do anything about the shadow U.S. government operation.  In other words, many people don't want to know if our government was involved. 

I always thought the biggest smoking gun the public might more likely believe was the above video footage of the windowless drone plane with a black box device strapped around its belly that was apparently guided by a laser device to its target.  The gov't has planted plenty of disinformation about this fact by planting those posing as 9/11 truthers, who claim the drone plane was really a "hologram".  Crazy stories like these are designed to cause people to lose interest in alleged conspiracy theories.

The bottom line is a large part of the American public believes what it wants to believe regardless of the evidence.  There's a human vulnerability called self-denial that acts as a means to protect people from overwhelming their sense of reality to the point of a nervous breakdown.  Criminals aware of this human weakness use it to their full advantage. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sheep Dogs That Don't Shed? What?

I was taking a break Friday enjoying the wonderfully warm San Francisco weather reading at the local Huntington Park, when a rather cute brown sheep dog approached with its owner.  I somehow lured the shy dog over to pet her beautiful high quality coat. According to its owner, the dog doesn't shed its coat.  I asked how that could be, and according to her apparently they've developed breeds that don't shed hair. 

How perfect is that, a sheep dog that doesn't shed hair?  That's really the only reason why I've never considered having an indoor dog, because I can't stand dog or even cat hair inside a dwelling.  I think it's kind of gross in fact.  I don't care how clean the pet is, if it's hair is laying around everywhere on the furniture I don't like it. 

This was n Yahoo answers as the only thing I could really find about sheep dogs and shedding:

What is a herding (cow and sheep) dog without shedding problems?

I need a herding dog with minimal to none maybe average, preferable medium sized I don't want it to shed because it will live inside but work my cows.Any ideas?


ROFLMAO!!! a herding dog with no shedding...funny....

Australian Cattle Dogs (or blue/red healer) does not shed THAT bad...


The Puli is a sheep herding dog with minimal shedding However, their corded coat requires specialized care to keep it looking good and I do not believe they would be suitable for herding cattle. They are the only herding dog I am aware of that is minimal-shedding. Even the short-coated herders (like the Australian Cattle dog, and Corgi) shed, often to excess. There are few herders in any case with the ability to be good with both cattle and sheep, since sheep require a light touch and minimal/ no physical contact, while cattle require a different approach on the part of the dog.

Add: Lindsay, I said FEW herders, not no herders. Most can not work both species well.


This response was really hilarious because apparently she thinks the person intends on unleashing an untrained dog on the cows or sheep:

You cannot just get a herding dog and expect he/she to work for you. You will need to work with a sheepdog trainer. You cannot just turn a dog in with livestock and expect them to know what to do, they need to be trained as well as yourself. Turning an untrained dog in with livestock is asking for disaster. Both livestock and dog can be injured seriously, especially by cattle. You need to contact a breeder who breeds working line dogs. They hopefully can refer you to a reputable trainer in your area.

I've been working with trainers for years and will continue to do so. I own 4 working Border Collies, and the training is never ending. In the past I've worked with someone who has won the World Championship 3 times, am currently working with a Canadian National Champion and worked with another Canadian National Champion in the past as well as the last winner of the North American Sheepdog Championship.

So, as you can see, you cannot just turn a dog in with livestock without any training.

All dogs shed to some extent. My dogs are indoor dogs as well.


I looked up info on the Internet and there really isn't any about sheep dogs that don't shed hair.  It must be a well kept secret.  I can say that some of these breeders are doing amazing things with various breeds, merging all kinds of species together I never thought was possible.  I see them in the park all the time. 

On another pet note, a customer service rep at Wells Fargo was telling me about her Maltese and how she had to pay $2,000 surgery for bladder stones. Dogs don't get kidney stones, but bladder stones instead.  The lady also told me she had to put it on her credit card and couldn't afford it.  It made me feel so bad for her especially when she said her dog has already lived half its life at 5 years old.  I didn't know the smaller dogs only live 10-12 years. I thought they lived longer.  It must be all the special breeding that reduced the dog's natural age.  

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dinner Cruises at Lake Tahoe Are a Great Mini Cruise Idea

I'm taking a a little break from blogging today with a hilarious video clip showing what can happen on a cruise ship. I'm sure it wasn't funny to the people in the video though, especially the second half.

I've never been on a cruise before because I get sea sick easily. I once got really sick on a sail boat to Catalina Island from Redondo Beach, California. The next time I went to Catalina, I went on private plane and my stomach still felt woozy.  Catalina was so much fun with all the dangerous boars running around the shore!  The island's quite an adventure because  you have to have a boar watch group of people if you're on the beach.  Then you have to watch out for the great white sharks too if you're snorkeling around.  It's a very dangerous place, Catalina Island. There's not much vegetation there either.

Cruise ship prices have been economical for years now. I was considering taking a cruise but I've read about the people getting sick from the food in the droves and the horrendous conditions they have for their workers, and I never follow through with any plans.  I've also read about cruise ships being hit by large waves and all kinds of disaster scenarios.  I don't like the idea of being trapped on a ship unable to leave if I want too.  I guess that's why I've never really ever taken a cruise.

The kind of cruises I can handle are the dinner boat cruises at Zephyr Cove Lake Tahoe.  They take you around the lake during sunset for a couple hours and serve you a full course prime rib dinner meal.  It gives you enough of a feeling of the good life at a reasonable cost.  I've been up to Zephyr Cove every decade of my life except the 70's and it hasn't changed at all except the health of the trees, many of which are in bad shape.  It's like stepping back in time.  Hardly nothing ever changes in Lake Tahoe.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

U.S. Gov's Patented Scary Mass Mind Control HAARP Device

If it's true that extraterrestrials have been visiting earth a long time as many of my recent post disclosures suggest (see NASA Astronauts Coming Out about REAL UFO'sDon't Panic, But 5% of UFO's Perplex Military, Governments and ScientistsSo UFO's and ET's Really Exist?  I Need a Vacation!) the possibility their advanced technology has been researched by the U.S. government is highly probable.

It therefore  isn't all too inconceivable a few of those in our gov't and others have possibly morphed from some kind of contact with the aliens and their technology.  In that case, the govt's latest mass mind control device may be an off shoot of what the extraterrestrials planned for us as a means of communication to the masses.

Here's an interesting trailer for a documentary on UFO's that came out last May, 2010, The Day Before Disclosure.  Many think governments around the world will begin to announce we are being visited and have been for a long time as many apparently are beginning to.

Even the new Prime Minister of Japan's wife, Mikyuki Hatoyama, claims to have been abducted by aliens and taken to Venus!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

More NASA UFO Videos! Student Revolution!

Here's another great NASA footage UFOs video.

Then there's the ancient evidence of visitors.

This is the new generation, a girl who graduated top of her class making a speech criticizing the educational establishment claiming it merely brainwashed her: