Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dinner Cruises at Lake Tahoe Are a Great Mini Cruise Idea

I'm taking a a little break from blogging today with a hilarious video clip showing what can happen on a cruise ship. I'm sure it wasn't funny to the people in the video though, especially the second half.

I've never been on a cruise before because I get sea sick easily. I once got really sick on a sail boat to Catalina Island from Redondo Beach, California. The next time I went to Catalina, I went on private plane and my stomach still felt woozy.  Catalina was so much fun with all the dangerous boars running around the shore!  The island's quite an adventure because  you have to have a boar watch group of people if you're on the beach.  Then you have to watch out for the great white sharks too if you're snorkeling around.  It's a very dangerous place, Catalina Island. There's not much vegetation there either.

Cruise ship prices have been economical for years now. I was considering taking a cruise but I've read about the people getting sick from the food in the droves and the horrendous conditions they have for their workers, and I never follow through with any plans.  I've also read about cruise ships being hit by large waves and all kinds of disaster scenarios.  I don't like the idea of being trapped on a ship unable to leave if I want too.  I guess that's why I've never really ever taken a cruise.

The kind of cruises I can handle are the dinner boat cruises at Zephyr Cove Lake Tahoe.  They take you around the lake during sunset for a couple hours and serve you a full course prime rib dinner meal.  It gives you enough of a feeling of the good life at a reasonable cost.  I've been up to Zephyr Cove every decade of my life except the 70's and it hasn't changed at all except the health of the trees, many of which are in bad shape.  It's like stepping back in time.  Hardly nothing ever changes in Lake Tahoe.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

U.S. Gov's Patented Scary Mass Mind Control HAARP Device

If it's true that extraterrestrials have been visiting earth a long time as many of my recent post disclosures suggest (see NASA Astronauts Coming Out about REAL UFO'sDon't Panic, But 5% of UFO's Perplex Military, Governments and ScientistsSo UFO's and ET's Really Exist?  I Need a Vacation!) the possibility their advanced technology has been researched by the U.S. government is highly probable.

It therefore  isn't all too inconceivable a few of those in our gov't and others have possibly morphed from some kind of contact with the aliens and their technology.  In that case, the govt's latest mass mind control device may be an off shoot of what the extraterrestrials planned for us as a means of communication to the masses.

Here's an interesting trailer for a documentary on UFO's that came out last May, 2010, The Day Before Disclosure.  Many think governments around the world will begin to announce we are being visited and have been for a long time as many apparently are beginning to.

Even the new Prime Minister of Japan's wife, Mikyuki Hatoyama, claims to have been abducted by aliens and taken to Venus!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

More NASA UFO Videos! Student Revolution!

Here's another great NASA footage UFOs video.

Then there's the ancient evidence of visitors.

This is the new generation, a girl who graduated top of her class making a speech criticizing the educational establishment claiming it merely brainwashed her:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Scientists Claim New Discovery of Origins of Human Brain

One can only imagine how any scientist would feel to have discovered the true origin of his human brain began with a small marine worm 600,0000,000 years ago. In spite of such an ego busting discovery, the human brain evolving from a small ragworm is exactly what scientists are claiming in a newly released paper in the scientific journal Cell. Imagine how a Christian steeped in the teachings of Adam & Eve might also feel about this news?

The discovery means that the origins of the human brain can now be traced back to when we last shared a common ancestor with this species, Platynereis dumerilii, a relative of the common earthworm.

So let me get this right; scientists have essentially placed the origin of the human species on the level of a small marine ragworm?  They also go so far as to claim insects such as spiders, crustaceans, velvet worms likely possess these brain structures which correspond to our cerebral cortex. For those unaware, the cerebral cortex is part of the human brain involved in memory, learning, though, language, consciousness and more.
When French biologist Felix Dujardin first observed the mushroom bodies in invertebrates in 1850, he proposed that these structures bestowed insects with a certain degree of free will control over their instinctive actions. Dujardin's theories have since been largely validated.   
Subsequent research has established that the mushroom bodies, which look a bit like mushrooms, serve as a center for associative learning and memory formation, activities that are very similar to those of the cerebral cortex.

"Our cerebral cortex functions by associating sensory information, such as smell, sound and vision, with events, and by storing these associations as memories by modifying the connection strength of neurons," Tomer explained.

"These stored memories then form the basis for making right decisions in the future. Similar mechanisms are found in invertebrates as well, where mushroom bodies are known to be largely responsible for associative learning."  - Discovery News Article

I kind of take with a grain of salt what these scientists are claiming.  Just because they say it's so doesn't mean I'm convinced.  These things have some degree of free will over their instinctive actions? The scientists are reducing the emergence of human intelligence to that of the level of insects and worms!  If we evolved from these things, what's to stop other types of species from ultimately evolving like us? 

In the mean time, in my new quest for credible information on the NASA UFO footage I've posted about recently (See NASA Astronauts Coming Out About Real UFOs and Don't Panic But 5% of UFO's Perplex Military, Scientists and Governments), I came across the videos and work of an outstanding physicist, David Sereda. He has basically come to some interesting new theories about how it's possible to travel faster then the speed of light which is the only way UFO's could possibly visit earth. 

As we view the ragworm, UFO visitors may view us on the same level of intelligence comparatively.  After all, they had to have harnessed traveling faster than the speed of light to have reached us at all.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wealthy Heiress Huguette Clark Has No Living Trust

One of the strangest stories I've heard in a while is that of the wealthiest woman in the United States, Huguette Clark.  The 104 year old lady is reported to have a half a billion dollars, several huge empty estates worth millions, yet hasn't really been outside a drab hospital she checked herself into 20 years ago. (See Huguette Clark's Alone Now)  Clark has no heirs.  It's clear that Clark has a mental condition which has disabled her from enjoying her fortune she's reported to view as a nuisance.  Clark's attorney, Wallace Bock, is being investigated for possibly taking advantage of Clark's condition.

The first clue here is Clark only has a will, not a trust.  It's a clue the attorney Bock was most likely influencing Clark to limit details a trust would have provided. Wills aren't used for estates of any real capacity and obviously the attorney would want to make sure no succession trustees were named to cloud the succession.

If this next video's any indication, it appears the attorney was making checks out to himself for millions of dollars. A nurse is also reported to have received four homes as gifts.  If this is true about Bock, and the DA finds evidence of his writing checks for millions to himself, this fellow's going to prison. 

A paralegal for attorney Wallace Bock discusses what she witnessed in the video:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

So UFOs and ETs Really Exist? I Need A Vacation!

What happens when it suddenly dawns on you after viewing real NASA footage that absolutely confirms UFO are real? That you witness with your own eyes famous U.S.A. astronauts on record stating the UFO's are real and we are being visited by intelligent life forms?  (See my latest posts NASA Astronauts Coming Out About REAL UFO's and Don't Panic But 5% of UFO's Perplex Military, Scientists and Governments.  I can only say from my own perspective that it makes me want to take the day off and go to the local science and natural history museum.  I'm definitely in the market for more credible information!  I found a very important piece on Scribed today I wanted to share:

 Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History - Steven M. Greer M.D. - 2001

All this UFO stuff may explain why the U.S. government has steadily become so tyrannical, evil and diabolical. The government, among other key powerful people, is hiding information from the public.  They're hiding nothing much, just the biggest most tremendous secret of all human history, that's all!  These people high up perhaps believe they've discovered the key that can separate them from us. Certain insiders would surely want to use the knowledge for their own selfish purposes, to evolve and take off to the stars with the technology they've obtained from the Roswell crash.

The question remains how much power do these alien intelligent life forms have over the human mind?  Is our free will being slowly taken from us through the power of alien influences over our government that's been eroding our U.S. Constitution? This information of UFOs belongs to the world citizens, not to a select few.  On his death bed, Dr. Ben R. Rich, the CEO of Lockheed began to see the dangers of a select few having such information:
3. It was Ben Rich's opinion that the public should not be told [about UFOs and Extraterrestrials]. He believed they could not handle the truth -- ever. Only in the last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the "international corporate board of directors" dealing with the "Subject" could represent a bigger problem to citizens' personal freedoms under the United States Constitution than the presence of off-world visitors themselves.” - Extraterrestrial UFOs  Are Real

Our taxpayer money funded many a NASA operation!  I believe those who wish to hide the truth have a responsibility to release all of what they've been hiding.  Today many key credible people are working together to let the world know the truth such as in Leslie Kean's new book UFOs.

I don't waste my time on UFO videos that aren't shot by NASA. For me, the NASA video footage I've posted earlier is the clincher. There are a couple of intriguing UFO videos shot from the earth as well but one can never know for certain about them.  Along with the visuals, reading witness accounts from astronauts and military jet pilots such as is provided in the Dr. Greer and Leslie Kean's materials just simply seals up the case for UFOs being real.

A revisit of the convincing video:

I may take the day off today, or the entire year in fact.  The human race may not have much time left if these "things" are influencing the minds of men and women in governments around the world.  

UFO Blogger Article re:  Ben Rich, CEO of Lockheed 1995 Deathbed Confession 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Lack of Civility or Signs of Revolution?

How appropriate what the National Notary Association's September 2010 issue is about, a lack of civility in our society.  This magazine came at a perfect time just a matter of a few weeks after I had my first client who had practically yelled at me for not cooperating with what he wanted me to do. I explained to him that would be illegal and he still wanted to argue. 

I think the main reason for the lack of civility mostly comes down to money. People are getting ripped off left and right these days, especially the U.S. tax payer.  The government and courts aren't making things any better in their actually encouraging a lack of civility in many ways.  People are understandably fed up and beginning to show signs of stress and revolt.

Laughter Can Reduce Stress & Anger

Yesterday I did a refinance loan signing in a home built in 1890 in San Francisco.  In going through the documents, the borrowers came across an explanation to one of the banks fees.  The bank called its fee "padding".  We all laughed at how pathetic it was.  The banks look for any excuse to tack on fees and couldn't think of any valid description for their charging an extra $100 so they called it "padding".  The lady said she wanted to frame it and put it on the wall.  The couple were both attorneys who found it quite amusing.  Other less fortunate people might become angry under the circumstances.

At one point the attorney jokingly called one of the charges "extortion." I was glad I had refrained from my typical lawyer jokes at this signing prior to discovering the borrowers were lawyers.

The National Notary Association article points to Calvin Coolidge as the only U.S. President sworn in by a Notary Public and a good role model for civility.  I believe social environments and circumstances contribute to the character of people. Perhaps Coolidge would be a different man in today's American culture. I therefore don't believe it's helpful to refer people to historic figures of another time and circumstances as role models.

Sometimes you've just got to get mad as hell and say "I'm not taking it anymore!" There's a time and place for everything. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

NASA Astronauts Coming Out About REAL UFO's

My post a few days ago Don't Panic But 5% of UFOs Perplex Scientists, Government & Military provided a plethora of evidence of NASA's footage of UFO's.  NASA obviously doesn't want to scream about UFO's from the rooftops so it takes a little research to find videos to piece the evidence together for one's self.

This following video answers the question of one of the previous NASA videos I posted about what appears to be a long object floating in space with pulsating objects surrounding it.  I couldn't figure out what it was until someone explained it.  The object was a "tether" which broke off from a satellite which was launched from the Columbia space craft. It was known to be 12 miles long and thus used as a ruler to measure the size of the UFO's surrounding the object.

On Sunday, February 25, 1996, the Space Shuttle Columbia deployed an experimental tether into orbit. The experiment was called the Tethered Satellite System (TSS- 1R) and it's purpose of this was to attempt to generate electricity by utilizing Earth's magnetic field.
Unfortunately the tether broke so the experiment was not a success, although approximately five hours of data were recorded.

What really made "The Tether Incident" famous was the appearance of many unidentified flying objects (UFOs) clearly visible in the NASA footage. Conspiracy theorists rejected NASA's explanation of space debris and ice particles... 

The common argument is "space debris". But the video shows teleportation and controlled flight! These are showing intelligent movement! "Things in motion stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force." These things are turning!- NASA UFO Video Article
Here it is out of another astronaut, Buzz Aldrin's mouth that they saw a UFO out in space and tried to keep it hidden from the public for fear of ridicule:

Another astronaut, Gordon Cooper talks about his encounters with UFO's:

I'm convinced now there is other intelligent life in the universe and they are perhaps visiting us on earth from the fourth dimension which explains how they suddenly appear and disappear.  This Carl Sagan video explains the fourth dimension from where the intelligent life forms may come from:

There's plenty of fake UFO footage on YouTube but I just couldn't deny NASA's footage and the astronaut's admissions I recently discovered.  I never thought I'd ever be able to confirm alien life forms in my lifetime but YouTube has completely exposed NASA's secret!  Anyone who wants to know the truth about UFO's and ET's can find it on the Internet and YouTube for themselves!  NASA's footage isn't a hoax so you know it's the real deal. These astronauts aren't at a circus in clown suits either. They're serious professionals who previously had feared ridicule tor telling it like it was. 

Then of course, there's the YouTube videos alleging civilizations on Mars that are quite interesting. Not quite as cut and dry as the other evidence, it's still quite intriguing to say the least:

Here's just a few quotes from various astronauts who came clean to the public about the government trying to hide evidence of UFO's and extraterrestrial beings:

NASA Astronaut Scott Carpenter

"At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs."

Storey Musgrove
NASA Astronaut

"Statistically it's a certainty there are hugely advanced civilizations, intelligence, life forms out there. I believe they're so advanced they're even doing interstellar travel. I believe it's possible they even came here."

Colonel Gordon Cooper
Mercury Nine, Gemini Five Astronaut

"I know other astronauts share my feelings.... And we know the government is sitting on hard evidence of UFOs."

Colonel Gordon Cooper
Mercury Nine, Gemini Five Astronaut

Of course, this all raises larger questions like, are these ancient creatures visiting us.  Are they manipulating humanity in some way?  

Friday, August 27, 2010

Don't Panic But 5% of UFO's Perplex Military, Scientists and Governments

Today people are far more sophisticated then the days of the 1932 radio broadcast I posted about a few weeks ago, War of the Worlds, that perhaps they're ready to deal with the news revealed in Leslie Kean's new book release UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on Record.  It's now official and thoroughly investigated that 5% of all UFOs are unexplained and defy human technology while the other 95% are easily and quickly explained as weather balloons, weather anomalies, swamp gas, and planets.

Physicist and author Michio Kaku discussed the Kean book recently on MSNBC:

Leslie Kean on the Stephen Colbert show:

I've seen things like this in my telescope when I was looking at the moon in the mid 1990s

Please note, this video above is one of the best videos on YouTube showing real NASA footage and comments of astronauts of UFO's in space. Note at frame 7:58 the orange elongated object? Pause the footage when it zooms in. Get a good look at it. Then go to this article UFO Disclosure in China: Genuine Alien Photo Released posted two days ago and see for yourself the resemblance. You'll be amazed at what you find and read.

Other NASA banned footage on YouTube:

This is another great UFO video:

Here's part 1 of 11 of what many consider to be the best documentary on UFO's ever made. I agree it's an outstanding documentary.

Scientist and author Stephen Hawking recommends no contact with the aliens.  That's just ridiculous.  If we're all going to be extinct one day as he claims anyway, what does it matter if we chat with the aliens?  

Thursday, August 26, 2010

More Attorney Sleaze - Former Partner at Morrison & Foerster LLP Arrested on 30 Counts of Fraud

The firm of Morrison & Foerster LLP must be all red in the face this morning at the news of its former partner Jonathan S. Dickstein.  Dickstein, 43, a graduate of Stanford University, was arrested along with his wife and are expected to appear in court this morning for arraignment on 30 counts of fraud, theft and conspiracy.  Dickstein and his wife are being accused of bilking the San Francisco school district and private insurers out of about $400,000 via fraudulent bills for treatment of their autistic son, officials say:
"This was an elaborate scheme to defraud the school district and insurance companies out of a lot of money," said Chief Assistant District Attorney David Pfeifer. "They used this scheme to make money off their child's special needs - that's terrible." 
Until this year, Dickstein, who graduated from Stanford and then Harvard Law School, was a partner at the internationally recognized San Francisco firm of Morrison & Foerster, specializing in intellectual property issues and the law surrounding life sciences. He has since started his own practice, according to his Facebook page.  SF Lawyer Accused of Fraud in Autism Care.

The prosecutor said the couple incorporated an elaborate double dipping billing scheme for the care of their autistic child.  This is particularly disturbing in view of the fact Partner attorneys are paid quite well.  In this case, both parents were employed so it was apparently a matter of greed.  The couple had apparently shielded themselves from detection by volunteering many hours of their time to the causes associated with autism.

According to prosecutors, the district lost as much as $240,000 while Anthem Blue Cross lost an estimated $100,000 and CIGNA, which administered the law firm's health plan, lost about $40,000.

Douglas Rappaport, as the wife's attorney, said that it was too soon to comment in detail but that there was "some indication that their conduct could be construed as lawful."  In so many words, Dickstein's attorney Garrick Lew believes the special status of his clients and their volunteer work might enable them to work out a deal.

Many Attorneys think they're largely a privileged class of people who often steal money legally from clients.  They learn how to play the system and think judges will go easy on them.

The saddest part of this story is the autistic child has most likely lost his parents to prison.

Here's an interesting site of note:
The Committee to Expose Dishonest & Incompetent Judges, Attorneys & Public Officials