Thursday, May 13, 2010

Andrew D. Basiago Discovered Life on Mars!

NASA photo taken by Spirit spacecraft in 2007

In 2008, Andrew D. Basiago wrote a letter to the president of the National Geographic Society.

 "I am writing to inform the National Geographic Society that I have discovered life on Mars" 
In his letter Mr. Basiago asked that his findings be published in National Geographic.  Mr. Basiago holds five academic degrees, including a BA in History from UCLA and a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge.

This photograph was the focus of public scrutiny in January, when two anomalous human figures were spotted on the far left edge of the plateau. The figures were quickly dismissed as a natural rock formation resulting from erosion by wind, water, and time.

According to him on December 7th, Basiago made his discovery. 
"I was astonished by what I found," he said. "There, on the Red Planet, were beings in blue body suits and the abstract artwork of a Martian civilization. I was looking at the first evidence of life beyond Earth!" 
Andrew D. Basiago the Discovery of Life on Mars

Being myself a former face on mars explorer, I think Mr. Basiago may also want to take into consideration what he's possibly smoking or what he's been prescribed.  I remember the days of seeing things in my telescope that I'd draw diagrams and send them off to my brainy friend to try and do the math as to the trajectory of distances.  Needless to say, I never got any response.  

I must admit, the statue photo is intriguing.  Perhaps a pure consciousness form of life sculpted the figure showing that it was able to create such a formation long ago?  As far as claims of seeing a man in a blue body suit, I don't see it. Sometimes we see things we want to see and hear things we want to hear.  When Mr. Basiago saw the first intriguing formation he saw an opportunity, took it and ran with it.  I mean, really ran with it.

The only thing I see that is of any interest in any of the photo depictions presented in Mr. Basiago's paper, is the statue of a human being.  I also tend to see a portion of a finger pointing at me in the bottom right of the photo as well, but apparently no one sees it but me.  All the rest appears to be just a bunch of rocks to me.  Furthermore, being a former artist I know how the brain shifts from left to right brain perspectives.  You can basically see anything you want to see in rocks and their shapes if you have any artistic talent whatsoever.  

Mr. Basiago is hard to follow in this video and sounds extremely self absorbed.  I would suspect he has created this life on mars story to bring attention to himself and his brilliance. I suspect a large part of his imagination has collided with the surface of Mars.  

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What To Do About Color of Law? Shed Some Light On It!

People in authority commonly use a tool of control called "color of law", to seek cooperation that could be damaging to one's self. It's really a form of entrapment to buy time to try and trip up someone into making a legal mistake. People who don't know the law commonly become intimidated to comply with a person of authority's statement, which is in reality a violation of trust. It's my personal opinion (i.e., not my legal advice!) color of law is something everyone should be aware of.

Wikipedia's definitions:
Color of law refers to an appearance of legal power to act but which may operate in violation of law. For example, though a police officer acts with the "color of law" authority to arrest someone, if such an arrest is made without probable cause the arrest may actually be in violation of law. In other words, just because something is done with the 'color of law', that does not mean that the action was lawful. When police act outside their lawful authority and violate the civil rights of a citizen, the FBI is tasked with investigating. Under color of authority is a legal phrase used in the United States indicating a person is claiming or implying the acts he or she is committing are related to and legitimized by his or her role as an agent of governmental power. The phrase can refer to lawful or unlawful acts. Wikipedia
Police officers often use color of law to intimidate people. The sad part is if someone attempts to fortify by asserting knowledge of real law, the officer may be so embarrassed that he was obviously violating your rights, and continue with his intimidation. Therefore one must balance being too prideful about knowing the law and your rights so as not to appear to have a chip on your shoulder. Unfortunately, cops have much discretion and can basically do what they want and face the consequences later after they make your life difficult.

Take for instance a judge who knows he has no real authority to be conducting a hearing about something completely other than what the hearing's for. Instead of objecting, the person allows the judge to so manipulate the hearing that the judge intentionally makes a statement on record that damages their case that's in another court. Under the color of law, the judge makes the person think they have to remain at the hearing, when in reality the decision was rendered and they are free to go. They are not under arrest or bound to attend the remainder of the hearing. If the person knew their rights they would simply blow off the judge and walk out. There's nothing illegal about walking out or hanging up on a telephonic hearing civil hearing.

The abuse of color of law by authorities is a huge problem in our society today.  I believe it is the primary reason our civil liberties are being gradually eroded.  Some authorities use people's ignorance of the laws to take more rights away incrementally to form a precedent.  Others twist the issues to make it seem it's more of a personality conflict rather than addressing the real issues at hand.  When an officer makes it seem you have a personal conflict with him or her, they win.  

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Riots in Greece Demonstrate Great Passion of Greek People

After viewing a few of these riot videos from Greece, the people clearly aren't afraid of the police as Americans are.  These people are unbelievably angry!  I understand the Greek way of life has been very good for decades compared to American's lifestyle. They retire younger and get huge bonuses and are paid extra for getting to work on time.  If Greece doesn't survive its economic situation it could possibly begin the domino effect of the collapse of the entire world economy.  I understand Japan is also considered junk bond status.  If Japan goes, that would definitely begin a world economic collapse. 

I don't think I'll be vacationing in Greece this summer and will stick with having occasional humus and black marinated olives.  Yanni, the Greek composer, is fortunate to have completed his huge concert at the Acropolis in the mid 1990's prior to all the economic upheaval.


This Yanni at the Acropolis concert's timing in 1995 was perfect considering 15 years later Greece's economy would be in such upheaval.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The U.S. Federal Government Wants Illegal Immigrants for Cheap Labor

I've been thinking a lot about what the solution is to the growing illegal immigrant problem brewing in the United States.  It's easy for Americans to vent their anger towards the illegal immigrants themselves as the source of the problem, but that will only make matters worse.  The people who are escaping Mexico's situation can't really be blamed for their human instincts to survive a bad situation in their country.  Americans should instead be blaming their own politicians who have allowed this problem to fester since former President Richard Nixon had last genuinely addressed it.

A journalist for the Christian Monitor put it this way:
If we were all illegal immigrants, the country would have a much healthier economy. Labor rates would fall to levels where we could compete with other exporters. Social costs – food stamps, unemployment compensation, social security, medicare/aid – would drop. And non-voters couldn’t demand more bread and circuses from the legislature (currently, 47% of voters pay no taxes…) - As Illegal Immigration Falls is America in Decline?,  Bill Bonner, CS Monitor
As with many other Americans like him, Mr. Bonner wants slave laborers so he doesn't have to pay American's wages.  Bonner wants a slave economy where everyone is serving him and his snickering Ivy League frat buddies for cheap while he prospers through prestigious networks. This is the general mindset of those in our government who don't adequately address the illegal immigration problem.

As an American I've assumed the U.S. government's been addressing protecting our borders.  In fact, it appears to be quite the opposite that illegal immigration has been encouraged for the purpose of hiring laborers for cheap.  Instead of blaming the poor third world immigrants for only following their human survival instincts, Americans should fez up as I have that it's our own fault for not making sure our elected officials are doing their jobs.  For instance, many Americans can only blame themselves for electing a President recently whose home country is Kenya, and whose real name he admits to be Barry Soetoro.  Obama's not a natural born U.S. citizen so he's only naturally unopposed to illegal immigration.

Americans need to get a grip they don't rule Washington D.C. and have virtually no real influence over it.  America is now 100% corporate bank owned.  The U.S. federal government actually prefers illegal immigrants to enter the country for cheap labor and to bring down the pay scales of Americans.  If those in government didn't want illegal immigrants they'd have done something about the problem years ago.  The feds would also just love for Americans to get into riots and drama over the immigrant situation in order to evoke more control and possibly implement martial law. 

When it finally dawns on Americans its federal government in particular hasn't been acting in their best interests for decades over illegal immigration and other issues, maybe they'll begin focusing on realistic solutions.  The feds know most Americans will simply blow up at the illegal immigrants which is what they prefer so as to distract from themselves as the true source of the problem.

Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigrants - NPR

Friday, April 30, 2010

Thousands of Angry Americans Protest Wall Street in New York

This is a great video!  People are really upset.  This New York protest  was the largest anti-Wall Street rally since the credit crunch of 2008. Thousands of workers and trade union leaders marched in anger over lost jobs and ruined lives, demanding answers from the source of the trouble – the banks. 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Attorney Richard I. Fine - Still a Political Prisoner of Corrupt Judges

In a rare example of defiance against a corrupt judicial system, whistle blower attorney Richard I. Fine stood up for the people only to be put behind bars indefinitely. The judges view Fine's act of defiance as someone who didn't cooperate to keep secret a widespread bribery scam they've had going on in Los Angeles for two decades. It's clear these judges could care less if Fine rots in jail the rest of his life.  For more info, please see the side bar. 

These judges are dishonorable pompous asses! Many could care less about the U.S. Constitution.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Turning Back the Hands of Time with Reversed Restraining Orders

I believe perhaps I'm the only legal professional in San Francisco whose ever done a reverse restraining order for someone that was successful.  Not only that, I was just asked to do another reverse for the same person, this time on someone they had filed against.

So here's what happens -- someone changes their mind after a restraining order and no one knows what to do. The self represented customer explained:
"We looked everywhere and couldn't find anyone to help us.  An attorney told us the judge wouldn't approve it." - At Your Service Legal Document Prep Customer 3/2/2010

The information is available on various court sites.  My fee for a reverse restraining order is $100.  For another $50 I will serve the papers on the respondent.  Had an attorney been involved the fee would have probably been $700 for representation in court and for the document fees.

This is just one example of how people can find ways around excessive attorney fees.

Cheryl Meril
At Your Service Legal Document Prep
50 California St., Suite 1500
San Francisco, CA 94111
415-290-1722 (cell)

Reg #2009-0000044  Exp. 03/04/11
County and City of San Francisco

"We are not attorneys.  We can only provide self-help services at your direction."

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Plugged Into the Matrix of False Reality

Like the Wizard of Oz, they often hide behind institutions like the Catholic church, a local superior court, as astrology counselors or police officers to carry out their lies and misdeeds against others.  These guys, herein referred to as "Matrix Men" are control freaks, those who twist facts and reality using the system to victimize women.  It's eye opening to come to the realization as I have, that no matter what I did to follow the law and rules, these guys made sure I didn't have a chance for my own protection and dignity. 

It's revealing to learn the truth how my testimony carries no weight in a court of law against any man, even after all of my efforts in getting an education in law.  It doesn't matter if the man was convicted of public nuisance or trespassing or has a horrendous on-line reputation.  None of it matters, because I am generally branded by a group of men forever. 

Matrix men lied, twisted facts and made sure once again that I didn't have a fair chance at justice.  They basically said it's okay to defame me, but my merely pointing out another's long standing activities on the Internet isn't okay.  They demonstrated to me they set up people, lie about them and want to protect their image as men.  They think nothing of fabricating, twisting and distorting information because they're perverts.

When you realize the matrix is really a false reality created by cowardly men, it's freeing in a way.  Though they've got a rigged game advantage, it's not worth much because it's nothing but a house of cards.  I'm not saying women aren't participants in some way, but most aren't consciously aware of it.

One of the reasons why our country is plunging is due to these kind of people who have no regard for the truth who have to manipulate reality to suit an outcome.  It's no use fighting them because they've got everything rigged in their favor.  Regardless, their matrix is nothing but a house of cards destined to collapse.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kristy McNichol Won Two Emmys in the 1970's. Greatly Missed Actress!

It was a long time ago, but this former teen actress Kristy McNichol was and still is unbelievably adorable. In this photo she holds her Emmy like a musical instrument! Her right hand holds the Emmy as if it's a bow on a violin. Kristy McNichol was a huge teen star in the 1970's on the level of Britney Spears.

This lady is in relative hiding but a few recent photos came to light showing the same beautiful smile. What a beautiful smile!  This lady was so talented. All her fans miss her forever and ever and ever.  This girl had soul. Unbelievable soul.

In honor of Kristy McNichol, who loves animals, here's a great tear jerker story about a german shepard dog who recently saved his family's home from burning down.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Secrets from Real Dentists and Greedy Ones Too!

I found a great article from dentists I thought I'd share today.  Last week I visited a dentist, Cheryl A. Widdis DDS in San Francisco, in response to one of those new patient welcome packages mailers.  Everything was nice about the visit, except just a itty bitty problem. The dentist claimed I needed a root canal and that all my old amalgam fillings replaced!  We're talking at least $3,000 in dental fees.  It was obvious to me Dr. Widdis viewed my mouth as a money making machine as others had suggested in reviews on Yelp, so I got a second opinion from a trusted dentist.

My trusted dentist of 10 years told me there was no evidence my tooth had died.  I was all in a panic for nothing since we all know how expensive a root canal can be.  This is a lesson that new dentists aren't to be trusted with such recommendations, and if they refer you to a specialist in their network, it is possibly a set-up to get more fees out of you. In other words, the dentist most likely gets a referral fee.  The specialist I had been referred to for a consultation was going to charge $157!  I ended up taking the xray to my former dentist who had also taken her own xrays.  She said nothing was wrong with my tooth!

I took the money I saved from the $157 consultation, and just got my hair highlighted and an eye exam. The dentist consultation fee was a lot of money for nothing. The specialist probably would have said I didn't need a root canal anyway (or maybe not depending on how desperate they are for money!).  It was especially unnerving I was given a initial diagnosis of needing a root canal because I have no dental insurance.

Everyone should watch out for greedy dentists in this bad economy.  They're not quite as evil as some attorneys are, but a few of them could give a rats behind about your pocketbook.