It's that time again to get back to knowing your enemy. Who is a real genuine Christian, follower of Jesus, and who is not? What's going on in these Christian ministries I was forced to remove from recommending on my blog due to suspicious activities I could no longer tolerate? Moreover, who is President Trump really? What kind of masquerade's happening here in the U.S. as of late?
Donald Trump - Is the current President of the U.S. Christian as he claims to be?
President Trump's as far as a man can get from being a Christian he often refers himself as. When Trump gets awards for being a good Jewish mystic Kabbalah Tree of Life award winner, he's not a Christian even if it was back in 1983 he's the same today he was back then. (Outstanding video by Adam Green of Know More News presents tons of evidence disputing the facade of fake Christians like Donald Trump.)
About the Kabbalah
A quote from Pastor Rick Wiles of TruNews, "Kabbalah is Jewish Voodoo"! "Kabbalah is fellowship with the devil!"
TruNews investigates Trumped Up Prophecies: How Kabbalah Wizards and
Christian Zionists are trying to build a Third Temple.
Part 1, August 8, 2018
Christian Zionists are trying to build a Third Temple.
Part 1, August 8, 2018
Pastor Rick Wiles, TruNews video
Masonic Marriage: Kabbalah Wizards and Christian-Zionists in America's Churches
Part 2, August 9, 2018
First off, I wanted to get this out of the way so everyone has been put on notice, President Donald Trump is in no way shape or form a Christian, that he is in no way acting in the best interests of the United States and that he is a liar and con artist. What Donald Trump is and out in the open about, is a Satanic Kabbalah practicing Jewish mystic of the Antichrist spirit whose very proud of his Tree of Knowledge awarded 1983 by the Jewish community among many others.
I began to denote in a few of the ministries a strong leaning towards teaching from the Old Testament, aka, the Jewish Torah, for instance and a high intellectual approach to Scripture among proud high achievers. These ministries have been invested for decades in their method of teaching Christianity but haven't reconsidered the need to delve deeper into what is happening today. Some are genuinely naive, while others are looking to get to the Christian tithes such as those like Jay Sekulow, the lead Zionist lawyer at the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) who take on certain cases to influence Christian giving. I found these people are masters of getting people to send their money pulling heart strings.
Bible Discovery TV - Hembree Family

These folks are what I refer to as the naive Christians who genuinely believe they are doing good but have not searched with their hearts and souls (minds) for the truth behind today's Israel to know it is definitely Antichrist and therefore deceptive. How can the Hembrees remain in the dark ages not realizing the Talmud is what is followed in the land of Israel today? That 85% of Jews follow the oral tradition of the Babylon Rabbis and ignore the Old Testament (Torah)? It does seem the Hembree's prefer to be deceived under the veil of naivety that is a major weakness in their ministry I found so frustrating.
Yes, it's really this bad that 85% of today's Jews follow the Talmud and disregard the Torah and Moses altogether. They absolutely despise Jesus Christ and don't allow any Christian to become a citizen of Israel!
If you ever read sections in the Talmud that the majority of today's Jews follow and so uphold as true, including S.C. Judge Ruth Ginsberg, you'll know they hate Jesus Christ and blaspheme His holy name claiming he's in hell burning in human feces! You'll know they believe they are a master race, that God serves them as they are the true gods of the universe. Any genuine Christian ministry is going to reject Talmudic influences opposed to the true Messiah Jesus. Any true Christian ministry is going to teach Jesus as Messiah alone and not allow Judaism to take over their ministry to glorify King David along with King Solomon or allow today's Israel to overshadow the purpose of their ministry.
Now to a few other ministries I've had to remove as links from this blog, the first hint you're watching a tainted Christian ministry is they have no qualms hanging around Rabbis and asking their opinion on things as if they're wise men. They have no problem with Trump wanting to destroy Iran for Israel, and they are on board with the madmen's neocon agenda to dominate the world on behalf of Israel. Like the Hembrees, they caution against beliefs in alleged conspiracies because they know these lead to uncovering the truth about Israel's wicked terrorist agenda to dominate the world.
Pastor David Jeremiah, Turning Point Ministries
By the way, according to a recent video (above) by Pastor Rick Wiles at TruNews, so called Christian pastor and teacher David Jeremiah at Turning Point Ministries is on board with wanting Jared Kushner to be the Antichrist! I had to let go of television evangelist David Jeremiah four years ago giving up all of his books when I learned he did the Freemason hand signs on television under the all seeing eye stained glass logo behind him at Shadow Mountain Ranch. See my post, Is David Jeremiah a Secret Freemason? - August 28, 2015
Freemason Christians like Jeremiah reveal themselves in their hand sign activity. According to Pastor Rick Wiles, Jeremiah actually wants the Antichrist to come so they can witness the unfolding of prophecy. They want to help bring the Antichrist to power that is not at all what Jesus came to teach. Jesus never said "help usher in the Antichrist so I might return sooner." These are wicked men in Christianity who care nothing for following Jesus, they just want to witness the unveiling of the Antichrist for some reason and lead their blind sheep to the slaughter. Which brings me to another so called Christian ministry, those at
Dr. Tom Horn's SkywatchTV, Documentaries and Defender Publishing
I removed SkywatchTV from the links on my blog because their staff and guests are clearly intellectuals, full of pride being pro Israel who they interview and publish through Dr. Tom Horn's Defender Publishing. I removed them because the SkywatchTV staff are into trips to Israel and highly influenced by Judaism. I removed them because, to me, SkywatchTV seems to be shills for Israel like Alex Jones who did similar kinds of amateur farce documentaries. The Faull brothers are staff members of SkywatchTV who seemed to be trained by Alex Jones to deliver a horrible documentary of similar quality called the Belly of the Beast.
The amateur film maker Faull brothers delivered a stink bomb documentary heavily promoted on SkywatchTV. I noted one of the brothers' beard speaks volumes of being highly Rabbinic in nature, a dead giveaway.
The Belly of the Beast is about the Antichrist allegedly about to be unveiled in Washington DC. In my humble opinion this was horrible, a total farce. I hope and pray this alleged Antichrist's unveiling won't happen in my lifetime! It was a bad documentary by the Faull brothers, SkywatchTV staffers, that caused me to stop watching SkywatchTV on Roku and never purchase another thing from them again. Furthermore, most all of SkywatchTV's books I've obtained in package deals for $35-$50 donations I couldn't read because they were full of pro-Zionist author agendas that were discarded in the trash. I only tended to read Dr. Tom Horn's books that were very good, much the rest was just unreadable over hyped materials from Horn's Defender Publishing.
Dr. Tom Horn's Bio on CoasttoCoast Radio's site
Lastly, I recently searched for Dr. Horn's information and there's very little about him, what school he attended, what doctorate he obtained, who he really is! I don't really know who Tom Horn is, he has no history I can trace at all on LinkedIn for instance. I know he's highly intellectual, very smart, a good communicator and writer. That's about all I know about Dr. Tom Horn. Most all of his staff members came out of nowhere which is always a red flag for some kind of CIA operation related to Israel shilling just like Alex Jones is. (Alex Jones' father is former CIA agent who runs Infowars behind the scenes).
In summary, these are just a few of the ministries I used to link to on this blog, there are others. Pastor Perry Stone is another I removed from my blog due to his obsession with Israel and its agenda. I'm therefore sticking with Dr. Charles Stanley at InTouch Ministries and Rick Wiles at TruNews along with a lesser known Christian, author Dale Sides at Liberation Christian Ministries International. I really like Pastor Sides a lot because he's a real person with no political nor biased agendas.
How to Stop this Horrible Cancerous Virus in Christianity from Spreading - James 4:7
It seems there's some kind of virus going on of those with high intellectual achievements taking pride in scholastic accomplishments within Christianity. Most all of them support Israel's dangerous despicable Antichrist agenda regardless of its clear perverse supremacist masters of the universe activities. Some who appear to be opposed to the Antichrist agenda are in reality spreading intrigue of the rather entertaining details thus spreading the virus. For instance James 4:7 says "Submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you." Reading the Bible and praying is the best cure to keep the devil at bay as is the Holy Spirit. Now I'm not saying all the ministers written about here are of the devil, don't get me wrong. The Hembree family in particular seem genuinely naive. However if resistance is necessary in some form we all need to speak out and question what's happening regardless.
Those who call themselves Christians I've presented here are highly educated knowing exactly what the Talmud says and yet still support clear enemies of their faith. They promote authors and film makers they interview who are on board with Antichrist's Israel's agendas. There is NO EXCUSE for ignoring facts and these Christians all need to repent and turn away from supporting Talmudic influenced peoples and their wicked death cult agendas. I pray and hope they all will surrender what they are doing trying to bring forth the Antichrist for everyone's fascination and entertainment.