Monday, October 26, 2015

Does Christian Author David Jeremiah Still Use Ghost Writers?

It's that time of year again and as we're nearing Halloween, ghosts are on people's minds as they pop up around town.  This time ghosts are popping up in my research on Christian author and pastor David Jeremiah at Turning Point Ministries at Shadow Mountain Church

Now I don't know about you, but I don't like to read a book of any Christian author who doesn't write it himself having paid a professional to write it for him, even just a little, but it turns out ghost writing is rampant in the Christian community. See The Scandal of Christian Ghost Writing, Texe Mars

From my last article, Is Pastor Dr. David Jeremiah A Secret Freemason?,  first and foremost I wanted to make sure I did the right thing in posting a repentance article apologizing for promoting David Jeremiah on my blog.   Truth is, I never really listened much to Jeremiah's preaching his writing seemed superior to.  I have a bookcase filled up with Jeremiah's books ever since I became a monthly donor.  For a mere $25 each month I received a great Christian book and study guide. I was just so amazed at the quality and writing of Christian materials and looked greatly forward to receiving them. 

After a while of receiving these books, I found it difficult to believe  David Jeremiah was writing all of his own materials simply because it defied logic anyone could pump out so much brilliant material.  I recently did some research after my last article and, lo and behold, it turns out David Jeremiah has a history of using at least one ghost writer, that of C.C. Carlson, a woman otherwise known as the Mother of Modern Prophecy.  C.C. Carlson's the same woman who ghost wrote The Late Great Planet Earth either with or for author Hal Lindsey in the 1970's.  The Late Great Planet Earth was the biggest selling Christian non-fiction book of the decade.  

On a side note, I happened to visit Hal Lindsey's church a few times in the mid-1980's after being homeless for 1.5 years. A couple of reborn women I had met at my gym let me stay with them and brought me up to his church in Rancho Palos Verdes to listen to. They also brought me to Hal Lindsey's anti-communist radio program studio in Marina Del Rey, CA.  As a rather ignorant liberal back then, I wasn't impressed with Mr. Lindsey and his autographed Bible the women had given me that I later left behind in my junior college school locker.  
Decades later it's clear the Christian women were so very right about many things, in fact they were way ahead of their time regarding end time prophecy.  Mr. Lindsey was another story, I didn't like his militant approach to Christianity I found scary. I didn't understand Satan back then so the material can be very shocking at first exposure. Turns out Lindsey's other book Satan's Alive And Well On Planet Earth was also ghostwritten in part by C.C. Carlson.

So the truth is that Hal Lindsey didn't even write much of the book that made him a Christian celebrity and best selling author, a ghost writing woman did.  Hal Lindsey also became a false prophet who attempted to pinpoint and predict the day of the Rapture after he authored another best seller Rapture.  He attempted to predict the year of the Rapture twice which put him into the false prophet category of history. 

Now back to David Jeremiah quoting Mother of Modern Prophecy.:
"In 1990, David Jeremiah and co-author C C Carlson claimed to have written Escape The Coming Night — a book about the rapture. It was soon discovered that significant portions of the book were plagiarized from best selling author Hal Lindsey’s (with co-author C C Carlson) 1973 work There’s A New World Coming. After realizing there were at least 47 pages of plagiarized material in the Jeremiah book, his publisher Word Books destroyed the inventory and, in a written statement, actually admitted the theft in late 1998. From Christians Behaving Badly
But this shocking story really began in 1997. That was when I discovered that much of a 1990 book, Escape the Coming Night by David Jeremiah and C. C. Carlson, was a brazen plagiarism of Hal Lindsey's 1973 book There's A New World Coming. I can't recall which part of Escape made me suspicious and led me to do a thorough examination. It may have been the description of the 144,000 as "Jewish Billy Grahams"----an unforgettable phrase I knew Lindsey had used. (Originally published by Word Publishing, Escape had later been taken over by Thomas Nelson Publishers, the largest Bible and inspirational book publisher on earth.) Thieves' Marketing by Dave MacPherson" Mother of Modern Prophecy.
If I understand this correctly, the ghost writer for David Jeremiah took her material from Hal Lindsey's book she wrote having plagiarized her former work!  Isn't that twisted?

and Christians Behaving Badly posts:

"These are not isolated examples. For instance, author and pastor David Jeremiah who is nationally known for his radio, TV, and print work is a plagiarist that has not only been exposed, but his publisher has even admitted his thefts - even as they re-released the book in question!
In 1990David Jeremiah and co-author C C Carlson claimed to have written Escape The Coming Nighta book about the rapture. It was soon discovered that significant portions of the book were plagiarized from best selling author Hal Lindsey's (with co-author C C Carlson) 1973 work There's A New World Coming. After realizing there were at least 47 pages of plagiarized material in the Jeremiah book, his publisher Word Books destroyed the inventory and, in a written statement, actually admitted the theft in late 1998."
It seems David Jeremiah also has issues with putting his books ahead of ethical conduct based on this article posted back in January quoting his former COO.  See Former Chief Financial Officer at Turning Point Claims David Jeremiah Used Questionable Methods to Secure a Spot on Best Seller Lists -, January 2015  

So I will not retract and remove my former article after doing additional research showing all kinds of issues with David Jeremiah.  God's Word permits me this public declaration based on  the following Scripture:

1 Thessalonians 5:22 "Abstain from appearance of evil".  


Mother of Modern Prophecy

The Scandal of Christian Ghostwriting Texe Mars

See Also:

Gay Christian Ghost Writer Mel White - Wikipedia

Christians Behaving Badly 

Former Chief Financial Officer at Turning Point Claims David Jeremiah Used Questionable Methods to Secure a Spot on Best Seller Lists -, January 2015