Sunday, September 7, 2014

Urgent Message from Prophecy Author Paul McGuire About ISIS

This is an URGENT series of important video messages from a man of God, internationally recognized prophecy expert author Paul McGuire, regarding the danger America's in of a serious potential nuclear attack from ISIS. I urge visitors to listen up, especially Christians. If you're a non-believer, I can only pray for you to turn to God and accept Jesus as your Savior.  Alex Jones isn't the right person to be following for information on this matter, I highly recommend considering redirecting your attention to wise men of God like Paul McGuire who recognize Biblical Prophecy who are few and far between. (I also recommend listening to David Jeremiah of Turning Point Ministries and Charles Stanley of InTouch Ministries).

ISIS Attack on Border Part 1 - Paul McGuire, August 30, 2014

Part 2 - Paul McGuire, September 2, 2014

ISIS Chaos/Supernatural Power Part 3 - Paul McGuire, September 6, 2014

God doesn't want anyone in eternal hell, that's why he sent his beloved Son to lead us out of this world that's going to be judged and destroyed.  Hell was prepared for the devil, human beings weren't meant to end up there being created in God's image.  We've been here on earth to prepare us for returning back home to God and He's given us all we need to do so through his blueprint Word of God explaining who we were created to be. Ignorance is what sends people to hell, even those who believe themselves to be good. 

If you don't have enough time to watch these three video's I highly recommend listening to part 3 about how the Bible doesn't teach fatalism nor to have a spirit of fear and paralysis.