The guy below contacted me late Saturday night. I'm listing his emails here that fit the pattern of the other three cyber stalkers I've encountered, specifically Rick Lazzarini in particular, who all follow a script of false accusations, harassment, thereafter accusing their victim of harassing them. This fits a script I've seen repeated three times now of an apparent protocol of cyber stalkers' behavior. It always surrounds issues of power, control and domination over their victim that they must win at all costs.
This guy contacted me under a fake name of Chad Waddington using a Disqus account that he signed up for specifically in order to post comments to my blog post. Here are his comments on my blog post from 2010 about body building addicts that is one of my top visited posts on this blog you can check out in the sidebar. I have a total of two posts on this blog addressing this topic and clearly am not claiming to be any expert or specialist on the subject. My posts were related to addictive behaviors not an expose on the accuracy of whether body builder photos are embellished and fake. The simple fact remains many professional body builders are addicted to their craft to the point of extremes.
Please note that Chad was distraught and wanted to give me a hard time. I tried my best to professionally respond and he just wouldn't let up because he contacted me for other ulterior reasons.
Chad Waddington Comment #1
You need to stop writing about this subject intermediately. With every post your ignorance becomes more clear. Of course some are photoshoped, that fact is obvious even without a quick internet search verifying the fact. Secondly: you really think you can sue someone because they photoshoped a photo of you!? I've got news for Jay Leno then, he's in a world of trouble. Finally if you "have no way of knowing if they're real or not" THEN DON'T POST THEM AS FACT!! That seems so obvious that I would have thought it would go without saying. Guess it needed to be said, so there it is: stop posting about things you have no way of knowing the truth about. This page says it has 1.3m views, if that's true than you own it to the people who read your posts to do better than this. A ll this post does is spread ignorance and perpetuate the belief that lifting turns you into a freak.
12:10 p.m., Saturday Feb. 8
Blogger's response:
Message # 2 Chad Waddington
What a joke. Some of these are WELL KNOWN photoshop fakes. Even if they weren't extremely well known (which they are) the fact that the body proportions are so horribly wrong should tip off anyone qualified to write anything about women's health. I mean, Christ look at the last one. Do you really thing his arms are bigger around than his waist!? Or that the forearm and tricep is even capable of that kind of development (even with steroids?) This post does the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the author intends. No women will be encouraged to lift as a result of this and many more will be scared away. If the author cares anything at all about informing women this post should be deleted immediately.
12:03 p.m., Saturday Feb. 8
Message #3 - Chad Waddington
Well let's see. 1st I just stumbled across this site and your post today. 2ndThis is my real name, since you are so overwhelmed by my pointing out your obvious error that you felt the need to look up my IP address ( I never made any attempt to hide my identity, the fact that you think I have shows an alarming degree of paranoia). Feel free to contact the University regarding my computer use I feel no reason at all to hide what I have written and stand by my rebuke of your post. Feel free to do whatever you want in fact. Someone who puts the truth and their own thoughts in such low regard isn't worth the time it takes to argue with.
The fact that you would feel the need to threaten me because I pointed out an obvious error (which was pointed out to you already and you ignored it) shows a very low level of self esteem in my opinion. Why on earth would you go to the effort to look up my IP and claim I'm using a fake name (I assume to try distract from the real issue and discredit me for some reason?) rather than just fix the errors in your post?
I am well aware of how to use a Tor proxy server to hide my IP if I ever wanted to, (Blogger note: I viewed this as a veiled threat) and I certainly wouldn't post under my own name or link to my google account if I was hiding. Seriously. I pointed out your obvious error, and was rightfully disturbed by the fact that it was pointed out to you already and yet you did nothing about it.
Rather than threatening people who point out your mistakes you might want to think about fixing them. That's all I've got to say on the matter. If you honestly think the best response to criticism is to plug your ears and yell threats there's clearly no getting through to you. I've met enough people like that.
Feel free to contact the University if you think that is really the mature adult thing to do. I'm sure the system administrators will be very interested to know you find it against the Universities policy for a student to point out the errors on your posts. Honestly, I can't image a more immature response to someone pointing out your mistakes. Clearly this community is not one I want to be a part of. I prefer to openly discuss ideas and investigate the truth, not threaten and slander those who point out my mistakes. Good day to you.
10:42 p.m., Saturday Feb. 8
From Blog Author:
In case you aren't understanding, you have been banned from posting on my blog. Your threat to use a proxy server to contact me along with your other false fake contacts have been forwarded to the Boulder Campus Police along with the time you wrote me from the campus. You have no business contacting me, your contacts are unwanted and irrational.
I've had many commentators over the years, you are the only one in many years to exhibit Satan's qualities. You stick out as a sociopath looking for victims to target with your charade. An FBI complaint will be filed next due to your abuse of the Internet and threat to use an anonymous proxy. You pathetic sinner, turn to God for forgiveness because you're headed straight for eternal hell and your spirit's being convicted from these activities.
Message #4 - Chad Waddington
Really Cheyrl?
I never hid any part of my identity from you or from anyone else. I never threatened you in any way shape or form. You were the one who said I was trying to hide. I said "I'm NOT trying to hide from you. I know how to if I wanted to but I don't need to because I stand by my comments." I used my real name, my real IP, and never hid any part of my identity from anyone. The whole point of the comment was to point out that it was easy for you to find me because I was NOT hiding anything and was NOT threatening you. I never attempted to find out ANY information about you. I never looked up YOUR IP or threatened you in the way you have threatened me. I didn't attempt to find your e-mail or your location as you have so doggedly done to me. I never even swore at you!
The fact that you feel the need to go to the police and the FBI after ONE contact with a person you have never met and that you have had ONE interaction with displays a paranoia that blows my mind. If I had known I was speaking with someone so fragile that the correction of the mistakes made in ONE article would literally send that person over the edge I would never have written them. I thought I was speaking with a stable rational adult.
I said in my last post on your blog that I had nothing more to say on the matter and intended to leave it at that. The fact that you banned me is fine by me, I considered the conversation closed already. The fact that you feel the need to go to the police because of a verbal disagreement, and then find the person's e-mail, call me a sociopath, a "pathetic sinner," and to have "Satan's qualities" shows a deep deep psychological problem. Please do not contact me in any way ever again unless it is to sincerely apologize for your harsh, vehement, and unwarranted words and actions. If you do so I will go to the police and consider you to be stalking me with intent to harm me.
PS What "other false fake contacts!?" I never even heard of your blog before yesterday!! I stumbled across it while looking for some motivational articles for my wife who is just beginning to get into weight lifting as an exercise! I never even heard the name Cheryl Meril as of 48 hours ago! Also, I just now realized you blog is supposed to be about Jesus....this is by far the farthest thing from the love of Jesus I can imagine.
FM: CM |
12:42 PM (1 hour ago)
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You are a liar and of Satan. I've had this blog since 2007 and you are the only one other than obvious cyber stalkers who has contacted me disguised as someone who cares about a body building article when it's clear you are working out your own issues. You need a girlfriend, wife and God, and you are contacting a saved Christian woman with false accusations against her.
Stop writing me and I haven't read much of your last long winded mentally ill posts. They're all being forwarded the campus police.
1:04 PM (1 hour ago)
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Very well. I have contacted the police and reported your threats, abuse, and stalking to as well. I will be pressing criminal charges if you continue to harass me.
I rest my case, these are the tactics and patterns of the enemy to falsely accuse and brainwash their victims to make them think they did something terribly wrong to them, then after they were stood up to for their bullying they have the AUDACITY to falsely accuse their victims of harassing them! Psychopaths!