But the state that was once held up as the epitome of the boundless opportunities of America has collapsed. From its politics to its economy to its environment and way of life, California is like a patient on life support. -Guardian UKChina is even forecast by a Russian Professor, Igor Panarin, to be waiting in the wings to make California and the rest of the US west coast part of their communist republic in 2010. My former roommate from Michigan would fit in quite well with that socialist scenario seeing how she believes tax payer subsidized programs should pay for her rent and $90,000 Ph.D

Yup, this is the lady who unjustifiably called the police on me continually to force me out of one of the best lease deals in San Francisco in 1999 during a housing shortage. She obtained the entire lease this way after five evictions in five years. Prior to getting the lease, she hadn't paid rent an entire year before being evicted from a tax payer subsidized Mary Beth Inn in San Francisco. She abused police services to get her way and took advantage of the race card. An attorney also helped her attain the lease by fraud. What Happened 1999
California is also one of the big prison states in the country. They kept building prisons instead of attending to schools and education. Whatever

Of course another issue is the fact there are so many attorneys draining the state charging enormous fees for doing very little on people's behalves. California has been host to some huge law firm collapses the likes of Heller Erhman and Brobeck among others. California deliberately made its bar exam one of the toug

The state reelected Arnold Schwarzenegger to a second term as a sign of how bad things have become. When California fails, the rest of the country, not to mention the world, will feel the effects of its collapse. California could become the first metaphorical black hole in the US that begins collapsing everything into itself.
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