I was once a patient of Dr. Schnoll at Aneu Skin Care in San Francisco in 2004 for IPL treatments. These expensive series of treatments commonly cause one's facial appearance to appear beat up for 2-3 days. These kind of procedures always have a certain amount of risk associated with them that is fully disclosed within a written agreement. There are countless stories in the skin care industry, including laser electrolysis procedures, of similar scarring, bruis

Last year when I visit
I later learned the extremes Nicoletta took was to attack Dr. Schnoll as being a greedy negligent doctor who only cared about his wallet. Dr. Schnoll had, in fact, been well known for donating thousands of dollars to AIDS foundations and various charities throughout his life. Nicoletta's narcissism to overcome what sh

A narcissist often twists reality and facts to suit their desired outcome. Instead of recognizing it was her poor judgment and timing that caused the problem, Nicoletta chose an endless smear campaign against the doctor. The narcissism accelerated Nicoletta to new heights in her need for attention with the Inside Edition report itself. Most people would take a doctor's alleged negligence issue to the courts as a means of addressing it. Since Nicoletta had no valid case against Dr. Schnoll for negligence, she continued to smear his name in all avenues imaginable until the day he died in 2006 at the age of 40.

Her favorite book she professed on her Yelp profile at the time was Negotiating with the Dead. Nicoletta also had ended her Yelp review of Aneu claiming her belief that karma would win out. Five days later, Dr. Schnoll died an untimely death. Having been in a certain degree of shock from Dr. Schnoll's passing at a youthful age of 40, then of reading her coincidental information, I sent her a message about the timing of her post and book choice as a form of precognition or otherwise. Nicoletta later took my message(s) and went on another vicious smear campaign. Portraying me as a bully, Nicoletta was playing the victim once again. The blog article Nicoletta later wrote was used by Edmond Wollmann who declared on his many blogs that I was a criminal stalking her.
This is an example of how narcissists often twist reality and form alliances who will go to all ends of the earth to keep their narcissistic vision of themselves in tact regardless of the fa

Only a narcissist could possibly conduct a huge media smear campaign of this nature for over 5 years years and involve her wedding to get attention. When Dr. Schnoll died five days after Nicoletta's Yelp review, she had no empathy or compassion lashing out at anyone who let her know how irrational her claims were that possibly led to stress and his ultimate death of a heart attack. In a message on Yelp, I let her know I had nearly the same bruising and scarring.
After the procedure was performed on me, people at work thought I had a boyfriend who beat me up. Had I been ill I could have played the role of a victim and paraded my alleged injuries to the media and friends, put pictures on the Internet and accuse the doctor of overcharging me due to his greed. I was forewarned the laser procedure could caus

In all of her photos, Nicoletta appears to have a bad sunburn many people experience in their lives who don't protect their face when skiing or boating. (The photo at right is a bad sunburn victim from the website DangerousSunburn.com.) In fact, I've seen Kristy McNichol's photo with a worse face burn from her sailing trip then

Edmond Wollmann's republishing Nicoletta's libelous article she had since taken down was vicious and mean spirited. The article falsely portrayed me as a bully and associated me with the abuse she perceived from the late Dr. Schnoll. For these reasons, I wanted to provide why I originally contacted her on Yelp. She later included me as part of her victimization role rather unfairly. One can't overlook the subliminal message in Nicoletta's face markings as having allegedly been abused by someone being linked to my name in some way.

Nearing completion of my paralegal certificate course, I know Nicoletta can only file a frivolous lawsuit against me from this article post. Such a lawsuit would be responded to with a legally valid request for dismissal, a cross-complaint and request for legal costs.
"When deciding whom to trust, bear in mind that the combination of consistently bad or egregiously inadequate behavior with frequent plays for your pity is as close to a warning mark on a conscienceless person's forehead as you will ever be given."
- A Helpful Researcher's Email About Nicoletta's History
- Anue Yelp Review Page
- Nicoletta's 11 Photos of Her Face on Yelp
- 20 Traits of Malignant Narcissism
- Dangerous Sunburn Photos
- Example of a Real Botched IPL Job
- Stereoscopic Skin Clinic Photos
- Sandy Schnoll, M.D. Obituary Guestbook
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