Saturday, July 13, 2024

On Cloud 9 -- Photographer Rushes Toward More Clouds In The Sky Weddings

VIDEO:  A series of cloud photos I took  that appeared to have the theme of weddings in the skies over San Francisco. #cloudphotos #morphingclouds

Monday, February 5, 2024

Strange Roommates in San Francisco - Beware of Potential Liabilities!

Note: I'm sorry I have no cloud photography available, the clouds have been rather boring so I have none to share at this time.  

I once had a hard time trying to stay in a San Francisco flat room rental for $250/mo. back in 1998 after the leaseholder took off leaving me with someone I didn't know. I had been living there 2.5 years. I  later learned the other roommate had been evicted in San Francisco court 5 times in the past 5 years including from the Progress Foundation.  

My former problematic roommate from 1996-99, Joyce Cassells, is seen in this Google Street view at her window (left) in some kind of costume but it wasn't Halloween, it was on March, 2022.  

After noting this odd photo, it was a signal to me I better check online what the lady's been up to. I actually discovered a case that had a serious injury of a journalist, Jackson West, on his bicycle due to negligent driving of this roomie.

Casseslls' Denial
Rising Journalist Jackson West Arrived at San Francisco General A Bloody Mess!

 Jackson West blog post:

"So this was me last night after waking up at San Francisco General Tuesday night.  Some time around 6:00pm I was hit by a car while cycling to meet Robby for a ride.  Not sure when or where or by whom, exactly! A concussion erased my memory about back to when I’d left my house earlier and some time after (thank goodness I was wearing a helmet, because if the fall hadn’t killed me the irony would have).
I asked Riana, who took the photo, to collect what she knows from my reports and those given to her at the ER.

Some notes on the accident Tuesday and its aftermath, with more details to come after my consult tomorrow morning, get a chance to see how a bike named Sue is doing and maybe convince someone to get a copy of the accident report.  Really, thanks to everyone for the kind words, visits and support.  It’s not just the drugs making me maudlin, I really do feel incredibly grateful."


Diagram of accident Joyce Cassells initially denied responsibility for nor any injury to Jackson West.

The accident case ended with a settlement but years later Jackson has since lost his rising career still suffering from injuries. It's too bad the SFPD focused on me as the problem roommate from Cassells' multiple complaints not considering my side of the matter whatsoever. I was employed at the time on the night shift of Morrison & Foerester. LLP.

Cassells ended up with a rent controlled flat with 3.5 bedrooms, and a two car garage for $1,250 in 1999 after I left of my own free will due to police harassment. I've never been evicted in all my 63 years on this planet always paying my rent on time!

Coincidentally, I was also seriously injured having been hit on my eBike a few weeks after Jackson's accident on October 30, 2012. 


Saturday, August 19, 2023

VIDEO: RFK's Assassination Mysteriously Linked to Timing of MacArthur Park Song Release In April, 1968

Back in June 22, 1968, songwriter Jimmy Webb’s MacArthur Park was a #2 hit in the U.S. having climbed the charts after being played on radio station 77 WABC in April 9, 1968.  

The unique metaphoric lyrics song was clearly in-sync in timing, released just a few weeks prior to Robert F Kennedy’s assassination on June 5, 1968. RFK was expected to win the U.S. Presidency with much momentum.

"The song was included on actor/singer's Harris's album A Tramp Shining in 1968 and selected for release as a single an unusual choice, given the song's length and complex structure. It was released in April 1968[11] and was played by 77 WABC on Tuesday April 9, 1968.[12] It made its way onto the Hot 100 at #79 on May 11, 1968, peaking at #2 on June 22, 1968." - Wikipedia.

Prior to the assassination, many Americans didn’t understand the meaning of Jimmy Webb's lyrics at the time.  Synchronicity in timing of the tragedy provided new metaphorical meaning in Harris' performance of what RFK felt dying on the floor of a hotel kitchen after his hopeful campaign speech.


A response video by a man in the U.K. who was surprised by Harris' performance.

The 1972 live U.K. performance in the above video was of actor/singer Richard Harris, who also went down to the floor in his deeply dramatic performance as if his heart was dying.

The song was actually written based on Jimmy Webb’s personal  relationship with a woman. However, the timing and circumstance of the song was likely used by God for even a greater purpose of revealing the value of a man's soul dying to the world and what it truly meant to the nation.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Cloud 9 News --VIDEO-- Portals In Skies Above San Francisco Reveal Spirit Creature Heads

I finally did a video on these portals in the clouds I photographed in 2020 and 2021 above San Francisco.  What makes them interesting is the spirit based creatures that seem to be entering portals into our world.  I'm not talking about aliens of course, just the fact that these look like definitive spirits in the sky to me.  

For instance, maybe these spirits are reflecting something happening to a particular person below them in San Francisco?  Sometimes I find stories told in the timelines of photos I take in one particular day or spread out over a week as well.

I share these photos in videos in the capacity of a photo journalist, meaning I didn't create them. I'm not associated with the formation of clouds my iPhone captures. I try to present the clearest, most definitive photos I can but they were taken by an iPhone 6s plus for the most part.  


For more photos visit Morphing Clouds Photography on Instagram

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Horror Appears Above Maritime Municipal Pier Ruins In San Francisco

A couple years ago I took a series of photographs at San Francisco's Maritime Municipal Pier just prior to the pandemic on February 21, 2020.  

Later after viewing the photos, I noted very unusual angry vibes up in the clouds I took that day.  I've already placed some of the photos on this blog but wanted to provide a a video.

San Francisco has since allowed the pier to deteriorate that in 2023 it is closed forever awaiting complete collapse into the ocean. 


Anger In Clouds Above Maritime Municipal Pier On February 21, 2020

For more strange cloud formations visit Morphing Clouds Photography on Instagram.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Creepy Cloud Captured In Live Photo Gets Eyes Above San Francisco's Night Sky - May 22, 2023

Tonight I took a peek at the live photos I took recently of a unique night cloud that appeared in front of my apartment window in San Francisco. I placed the photo on Instagram last week.  
To my amazement, each photo showed a head shaped cloud moving towards the two planets in the sky, I believe were Saturn and maybe even Venus?  I used to go to star parties in Los Angeles but not here in San Francisco since my eye site as so bad for years.  Finally in 2018 I had cataracts surgery that I can see things 20/20 seemingly forever into the night sky. 

The cloud looked like the side of a face as it gradually approached the planets bending it's neck down to place into its sockets. 

 Video of each live photo I took with my iPhone
on May 22, 2023 at 9:56 P.M.

I take photos whatever clouds I find unusual in the skies above San Francisco.  However also have noticed in many other videos in the U.S. theses type of strange cloud formations are common that most people don't notice them because they don't have an artistic eye.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Cloud 9 News: Strange Cloud Formation Destroyed By U.S. Military Drones Above San Francisco Bay

On March 19, 2020, a cloud morphed from an ancient Roman Officer to an artistic looking man with a beard. Then within two minutes of the cloud’s development above the San Francisco Bay, two military drones appeared and destroyed it! 

I only recently discovered the drones in one of the photos of this traveler formation that were very small in the picture.  I thought it strange the cloud came down after the drones flew by it. 

Recently discovered U.S. Military drones involved in destroying an unusual cloud above San Francisco Bay.

There's a live version of this photograph here in another of my videos:

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Cloud 9 News: I Looked Up And Saw Some Really Freaky Stuff In The Clouds Above San Francisco

Last year on September 19, 2022, I glanced up from my eBike ride on Russian Hill San Francisco to witness a magnificent cloud of an apparent electric guitarist in cloud form saying goodbye while serenading to his loved one above who clearly passed on.


Live iPhone Photo proves authentic of clouds telling stories up in the sky for anyone who cares to know.



Thursday, May 18, 2023

Authentication of Heads Up In Clouds Live Photographs Taken Above San Francisco 2021-22

Below is an embedded PDF cataloging very unusual photographs I took in my Heads Up In Clouds series in 2021-2022. These were live photos, meaning each have short video clips to prove they're not manipulated by augmented artist work. 


Here is absolute proof these cloud photographs are genuine and authentic based on the live photo capacity on the iPhone. In other words, the photos aren't manipulated as an artistic work.  See Live Photo Video Clips 
All Rights Reserved -- Copyright 2021-2022 Cheryl Meril

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Proof Mysterious Cloud Formation Photos Above San Francisco Genuine (2021-2022)

This video covers 32 photos with original video clips from 2021-2022 to prove my cloud photography is genuine as well as how helpful the live photo feature is on the iPhone.


Since 2016, I’ve been photographing various strange and mysterious cloud formations above San Francisco many of which seem impossible to be genuine. Many clouds were shaped as if an artist in the sky was creating them! After the iPhone live photo feature came onto my iPhone, it was 2021 and I had no idea what to do with it. After I finally turned on the new live feature, I was discovering UFO’s and unusual activities I wouldn’t have witnessed without it.

If viewers question validity and credibility of photographs, all that's needed is to download the live photo in the cloud on the iPhone that automatically creates a small video clip of a live photo event!

This video covers 32 cloud photographs with original video clips from 2021-2022, many of which are presented in this blog.


Proof Mysterious Cloud Photos Above San Francisco Genuine (2021-2022)

For more photos, visit Instagram:




Opening Music:

Gotta Tune World Out, singer/composer Cheryl Merrill