Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mysterious Creatures in Clouds Photographed Above San Francisco On Day Fires Began in California August 18, 2020

Who's Surfing Up There?
This is the first post of my new blog transition to Head Up In Clouds, based in Colossians 3:2, "Set your affections on things above in the heavens, not on things of the earth".
Though I'm posting this first photo (left) to catch the visitor's interest with a  dramatic sunset on the day the California fires started, I really want to begin posting hereafter in sequence from my iPhone timeline so everyone can witness how things rolled out that day.  

First, this photo at left was taken on August 18, 2020 around 7:38 p.m. that showed unusual markings on a feathered body of some creature that I've never witnessed anything like  before! There's also an eye with an iris you'll see in the magnified version I'm posting next. The tiny figure above looks like some anomaly as well.  

Please understand I don't touch up these photos, I only put in my copyright info, arrows/text and magnifiers on originals and, on rare occasions, I do crop the edges. I can revert them back to the originals on my iPhone to show they're not my artistic work.

Click to Enlarge - zoom in to see the iris of eye if you can.

So in this post I'm going back to my iPhone timeline so the viewer can see how these photos all rolled out on August 18, 2020.  In other words, what had initially caught my attention to start looking at the sky again since I hadn't taken cloud photos in a few months. The reason for the absence of photos as of late has been due to the fog.

Earlier that day at 12:25 p.m., I copied and cropped this photo for a podcast I did about FEMA camps and government contracts for slave labor rolling out in California. 

Click to Enlarge - This was the first cloud that started it all on August 18, 2020 I call the Military Tank cloud taken at 7:13 p.m.

The next section of photos followed my iPhone timeline of the opening metaphor of warfare from the tank as follows:

This photo taken at 7:25 p.m. seems to have all kinds of spirits in it but what caught my attention the most was a distant man's head suspended in the air (top left). I show the original and magnified versions of what I call Man's Head Repertoire.  Note the creature at the top right corner and its eyes and gaping mouth! Please forgive me for the naming convention, I don't put that much thought into naming my photographs, can you tell?   

What follows is the magnified version:

Click to Enlarge - Magnified version of Man's Head Repertoire - Man's head top left.

Click to Enlarge - Many spirit creatures in this photo I named Birds of Prey since they exhibit feathered fowl. I also see fish creatures so the birds are feasting off of them apparently. There's also a ghostly apparition with large fish eyes at top left I'll magnify next.

Click to Enlarge - Magnified version of Birds of Prey.

This photo was taken three minutes later at 7:26 p.m.  Aside from the bird and wing shot I didn't magnify that's flying to the left, there's a ghostly apparition figure with eyes and mouth gaping wide at top left.  The next magnifying glass down is a fish head with its mouth open and some creature on the right.  The next creature has its mouth open wide that resembles a rodent's head and.  The last figure is elongated, I just got the head fish creature spitting out something.

Click to Enlarge -- Taken one minute later at 7:27 p.m.  The creature at left is looking down toward the lower right of the photo.

Nothing that interesting here except I named it These Eyes, the eyes of two spirit creatures. The one at left appears to have the head of a rodent with iris's of realistic eyes. 

Click to Enlarge - Just a plain sunset I zoomed in to take at 7:37 p.m.

Click to Enlarge - I see a lot of activity in this photo I'll cover in the magnified version below.

This photo was taken at 7:37 pm even though it doesn't look like it.  Keep in mind the sunset is way off in the distance on the west side of the sky. This blue sky is on the southeast of the sky that appears to be day believe it or not.  This photo is very odd I'll cover in the magnified version what I see in the figures.

Click to Enlarge - I've got to be honest, I see doggies in this photo, one running on the right hand side.  

At the top left of the magnified version of this photo, I see a tiny hovering masquerade drama mask.  I then see a few dog heads and snouts on the next one to the right of the mask, and a dog running at far right.  I see a male figure at the top of the photo facing the right side of the photo.  None of it makes any sense.

Click to Enlarge

Back to the start of this post, to the feathered body of a creature with an eye with an anomaly figure appearing to be surfing or dancing on top of it.  This photo was taken at 7:38 p.m. and zoomed in significantly. 

Click to Enlarge - As the sunset in the west, the southwest sky was still blue full of strange spirits in the sky at 7:40 p.m.

Click to Enlarge - Speechless!

Well to summarize, this last photo is full of all kinds of crazy looking things.  I have to deduce NASA's up to something with its electromagnetic frequencies again shaping the nanobot entrenched conductive clouds this way using templates in computers cutting clouds up in the sky remotely from their fusion centers.

Then after all these interesting photos of clouds I took came the dramatic ending of the photo roll that day, a bloody looking sunset due to the California fires in the area I call Devil's Eye.

  Click to Enlarge - Devil's Eye taken at 7:43 p.m. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

My Blog's Transitioning to Things of Heavenly Realms!

My photography Head Up In Clouds, 2019
After several years of the second phase implementation of this 13 year old blog, I'm once again transitioning into a third phase of a new theme related to the heavenly realms based on the Scripture, "Set your affections on things above, not on things of earth." Colossians 3:2   

This idea came to me this morning from the Holy Spirit. What happened next after I quickly implemented a new title and blog url is I received my first phone call in two days, that from a little child! A baby's voice was on the other end of the call from Crescent City, California and even called back again, then hung up. I interpret this timing as confirmation God wants me focusing on heavenly things not of the earth. 

Yes it's true, back in the 1980's I spent many years hanging out in Southern California at the Good Earth Restaurant, a natural food chain that had many locations near where I lived in the South Bay including Torrance, Manhattan Beach, Marina del Rey and Westwood. I loved their food and heavily caffeinated cinnamon tea having spent many hours there reading and socializing. The chain went bankrupt in the early 90's likely because it permitted folks like me to remain on the property far too long being addicted from free refills of their iced tea. Decades later I still buy Good Earth Tea at the local grocery store.

My new blog will be phasing out earthly matters as I'm led, including man's politics, in anticipation of leaving this world and preparing to be in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. I'll be going wherever His Spirit leads. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Why Do U.S. Medical Billing CDI-10 CPT Codes Include Beheading By Guillotine As Legal Intervention?

There's a reason why I just took down my recent happy photo from the Internet that replaced my professional photo from 2009. Ever since the medical tyranny rollout and lock downs, my emotional demeanor has since changed along with everyone else's. My emotions have especially dampened with the latest announcement California's government has no intention of opening the state anytime soon. Thus, it's starting to sink in that this is far more serious then anyone could have ever imagined so I decided to do more research. 

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation's live updated map, just two days ago when I visited, California's wasn't even a hotspot for COVID-19!  I know because I took the screenshot below to forward to U.S. Attorney General William Barr to prove Governor Gruesome was overreacting shutting down the state.

 Click to enlarge - July 19, 2020 KFF live map photo

Two days after I forwarded this evidence, suddenly California's NOT a hotspot? The map had dramatically changed on July 21, 2020:

 Click to enlarge
The Kaiser Family Foundation Map dramatically changed in 48 hours after I wrote U.S. Attorney William Barr that California was not listed as a hotspot on the KFF live map. Did Mr. Barr inform KFF they needed to up their numbers?

As Americans approach a dark time in human history forthcoming, one's smile to the camera isn't the norm any longer as we enter the recently announced reset of the world economy thanks to a coup de'tat of a bunch of psychopathic technocrats. Those in power as technocrats such as Bill Gates are preparing to kill off a large portion of the U.S. population. I have no doubt what's coming. 

The past few months I've been interested in observing human behavior patterns on YouTube of videos from the early 20th Century depicting the rather solemn pictorials of that era. Mostly I've noticed how very few people smiled or looked happy in photos that the spirit back then was dampened that most everyone had to work hard to make a living and money was scarce. Today we're facing a far more dire situation from just poverty and the need to work hard being ominous more than at any time in human history.

An award winning HD film of a cable car moving towards the Ferry Building just days prior to the April 18, 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

To think it was only 114 years ago back in 1906 that a 7.9 earthquake struck San Francisco. It's very interesting to watch the video of how they were living back then seeing the hustle and bustle down Market Street with cheap horse carriages, wood buildings, etc. This award winning video shows what it was like back then. Just to think how much has changed since that time boggles the mind!

In a mere 114 years since the earthquake, technocrats are nearing their goal of taking over the entire world that has far more reaching devastating repercussions to human beings and our planet today.

Censored by YouTube
Spiro Skourus interviews technocracy expert and author Patrick Wood over what he believes is a genuine technocrat world takeover.

Censored by YouTube
Spiro Skourus video The Great Reset Plan Revealed -- How COVID Ushers in the New World Order.

I'm sorry to say America especially is facing some very dark times up ahead due to technocrats taking over the the world economy implementing a new world order through algorithms. According to researcher and author whose an expert on technocracy, Patrick Wood, technocrats are rolling out "an other worldly system that's never been seen before in human history."

From a historical perspective, the United States of America's legal system has never permitted execution by beheading but apparently such is no longer the case. This is likely due to Noahide Laws forthcoming that the codes were included to behead those who violate the new system that include Christians who worship Jesus Christ as Messiah that's a form of idolatry according to the Noahides. See PDF CDI Codes - Beheading, Legal Intervention

 Censored by YouTube
Heads Up, Pun Intended, By Celeste Solum on CDI Coding granting legal intervention beheading billing payments.

A former FEMA disaster based contractor for 20 years turned reborn Christian, Celeste Bishop, aka Solum, provides insight into the CDI-10 CPT codes and what they mean within the law today that allow payments for beheading as legal intervention procedures.
"So, believe it or not, the ICD-10 codes can be what is called a legal intervention. So what is a legal intervention? It’s a civil law procedure when someone is not part of a case and can join the case to make sure that their interests get fairly represented. It is also something of a legal form, as we're going to find out, of execution."
Transcript of video Heads Up, Pun Intended, Celeste Solum July 21, 2020

CDI Codes - Beheading, Legal Intervention


Saturday, July 4, 2020

Satan's Little Helper Governor Gavin Newsom Bans Singing In Churches, Executes Guidelines As Laws

Psycho Baby Blood Sucking Vampire Gavin Newsom
It seems the headlines lately of these times are reminiscent of The Onion that's since come to life and thus I’m beginning to realize the dangers of my enjoying such satire years ago. Unfortunately, most of us aren't laughing anymore since these things have become all too real in our faces! So why not take a look at today's Governor Gavin Newsom a moment. Has he really become a sad Onion caricature of our times? How about more like Mad Magazine, the older more classic version?

Governor Newsom never fails to provoke jaw dropping mass neural chaotic response syndrome, especially in recent media announcements to attack his enemies, the people of California, having since abandoned his duties to protect by representation along with Christians he's also preparing to facilitate depopulation and disposal thereof.

Come along with me on this wild ride back in recent history to revisit and possibly reconsider no longer supporting today's Governor Gavin Newsom, some slick empty suit personality from a bad movie clearly willing to do anything to please his owners that include the Queen of England, United Nations and Chinese Communists, anything but the people of California! 

As the depopulation plan continues to roll out in what’s clearly a heavily targeted California, the terror the Governor knows is coming has been unfolding before our very eyes! Newsom's latest absurdity has banned Christians from singing worship songs in California's churches, something we would have imagined to see in The Onion's satire archives.

I recall a couple years ago during Trump's Supreme Court seat struggle provoking the huge women's march in Washington D.C. of thousands of hysterical women protesting over abortion rights to kill their children up to the late term and beyond into infanticide. At such a disgraceful time in America's recent history, Governor Newsom made it even worse by speaking to the rest of the nation asking women to bring their babies to kill in California. At that point I realized Gavin Newsom was too far gone into insanity and obedience to the devil he works for, that he truly is quite unfit to hold his office. 

Horror film screen writers get inspiration from Governor Newsom

Unlike a statesmen, a real Governor who honors his Oath to protect the U.S. Constitution as well as State laws, Newsom's far away from his role in wacky loony tunes left field barking up the trees at churches. In fact, Gavin's reminiscent of a vampire wanting to suck American baby's blood as a faithful idiot to his beloved Democrat Party being one of its top cult members. For these reasons, I now think of Gavin Newsom as Governor Gruesome. See Governor Gruesome Newsom Cuts $80 Million from Veteran Nursing Budget -- What He Does with it will have you Livid.

VIDEO: One Christian man's shock over Governor Gruesome's
ban singing in Church

I've never witnessed in my entire life as a native Californian over the past six decades a more perverse wicked politician then this Gavin Gruesome whose since come out as a death cult blood sucking vampire liberal cultist. This politician was bred for his position by his relative Rep. Nancy Pelosi, part of an alleged royal dynasty where he views himself as a prince working his way up to an imaginary Emperor of Rome figure.

Gavin Newsom's accomplishments in California

Any decent society would remove this fallen disgraceful figure from office and send him to a place of rest to relieve his lack of basic manhood101 qualities for the job (e.g, protect fragile women and children). Governor Gruesome's clearly not playing the role of protective strong male, but one of a Satanic occultist operating under a cloak of deception waiting to bring out his dagger to slice his way in the political arena like a Roman gladiator for the Queen.

I think Gruesome may even be worse then Nero of ancient Roman times as a wicked, evil horrible person who plans on slaughtering thousands of innocents in the near future one way or another. 

"Nero burns Rome and blames it on the Christians -- Emperor Nero was one of the most diabolical of Rome’s Twelve Caesars. He practiced Machiavellian rules 1,400 years before Machiavelli wrote them. He used the absolute power he possessed to preserve himself at all costs." Nero Burns Rome and Blames It On Christians, Early Church

Like Nero, Gruesome may be planning to blame Christians for spreading the virus more than any other group wanting to justify further consequences making us the primary problem in California.

To reiterate, there's this idiot named Gavin Newsom, someone I recall was once Mayor in San Francisco years ago having been denoted as a former alcoholic adulterous sleazy piece of derelict trash who slept with his best friend's wife. Gavin lost his soul to Satan and was later elected by swarms of reprobate fools to become today's evil Governor of California. I once witnessed Gavin in Union Square San Francisco squatting with a young boy, one that didn't get slaughtered by his mother like the rest. 

This so-called Governor thinks he can execute the "guidelines" from his Public Health Department turning them into the laws thus keeping society in an endless loop of chaos. Gavin knows where all of this is headed indeed, it's all be scripted for him at the United Nations to follow to the tee.

My latest podcast:


Gruesome Newsom's current position is that of an erect cobra attempting to hypnotize his prey as he waits to strike, he's that dangerous! Taking every opportunity possible to psychologically attack Christians and other innocent citizens of the State he governs, including inviting baby's sacrificial-llke deaths to the state, attacking the lives of babies he wants to kill in California. What a disgrace this man is! Eternal hell was created for fallen angles who Gruesome serves well with his words, actions and deeds.


Gruesome's a soulless, godless parasite of humanity sucking the final life blood out of the State of California due to his depraved unrepentant degenerate soul. The worst Governor I've ever witnessed in my life time, that's who he is. Satan's little helper!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Strange Spirit Beings Appear In Clouds Above San Francisco May 29, 2020

Spirit Clouds on May 29, 2020, 12:44 p.m.
I've been meaning to put up even more photos from my Spirits in Clouds Series since I have several to share from May, 2020. Some of these shots take an artistic eye to discern so I don't assume everyone can fully witness what I see. However, if you can click on them and zoom in a bit you'll likely see why I'm sharing these shots.

Many times I've denoted a pattern of story telling within circumstances of the timing of these pictures. For instance, back on March 16, 2020 when the first stay home order was issued for the next day, I saw what appeared to be a large pig's head patrolling the sky with some angelic like figure attacking it from above. See All Seeing Eye Cloud, June 14, 2020,

In the photo (above) taken in Pacific Heights in San Francisco on May 29, 2020, I could see two faces, one at top right and the other at center I magnified. I also saw what appear to be sea creature faces swimming toward me at top left. In case you may be wondering, I wasn't drinking! I haven't had any alcohol since late 2012 after I was clipped by a car on my bike and nearly killed.

Spirit Cloud on May 29, 2020, 12:41 p.m.

As stated in my previous blog post, I Hereby Nominate Alpha Male Bill Gates - Trespasser of Souls Award, Bill Gates and NASA, according to author Elana Freeland, are purportedly rolling out nanobots seeding them in clouds thru nanotechnology. Nanobots form swarms that can be controlled remotely from U.S. military fusion centers according to Elana Freeland.

For instance, in the photo at left there's a type of veiled face within a continual pattern I've denoted throughout the photo series of alien-like faces in clouds the military is possibly inserting to convince us they exist. The U.S. government's official doctrine of mankind's creation is we were created from aliens seeding life on earth so this roll out of aliens is NASA's well known Project Blue Beam.

Here are more photos taken on May 29, 2020:

The next one seems to be some spirit at the top of the cloud as if riding a chariot! Feel free to zoom in.

Glorious Spirit Cloud on May 29, 2020 at 12:44 p.m.

In this shot below I see a couple flying in the sky, one with a hat. I see a man's head beside her with their legs stretched out at left. In the story unfolding, their pet's flying with them at right:

Two figures flying with their family pet at top right
on May 29, 2020 at 1 :42 p.m.

Strange Creatures on May 29, 2020, 5:59 p.m.

I hope you found this Spirits In Clouds Series interesting. I never have any problems finding interesting clouds above San Francisco! This time however, many pics were taken from a bike ride in Pacific Heights. The last two photos above happened later in the day taken from my apartment window where many have been shot from In Nob Hill over the past few years.

NASA's Project Blue Beam:

Also See:

Sunday, June 14, 2020

All Seeing Eye Photographed in Clouds Above San Francisco Is U.S. Military 'Dry Plasma Pulsing' C4 ISR Operations

All Seeing Eye Cloud - May 31, 2020
The plentiful choices of interesting cloud formations above San Francisco Bay has surprised me ever since I've been documenting them in my Spirits in Clouds Series photographs since 2015. Many shots are very odd and sometimes I don't always see what's in plain site such as the one (at left) taken on May 31, 2020.

I initially questioned if I should take this shot to begin with because I learned the after sunset shots tend to be a bit grainy. Now that someone informed me what this cloud formation's about, I'm sure glad 
I took it. 

The reason I ultimately decided to photograph this cloud formation was due to its strange pulsed wave features, not that I saw anything beyond the patterns. At the very most, I believed this cloud looked strangely reptilian with scales but later dismissed it as unusual at best. However, after a few on social media singled out this cloud as the Masonic Illuminati All Seeing Eye, I finally realized its significance!

U.S. Military Operation Above San Francisco, All Seeing Eye May 31, 2020
An author familiar with what today's U.S. military's doing in our skies offered up the answer to the cause of this cloud formation. Elana Freeland, author of Under An Ionized Sky From Chemtrails to Spacefence Lockdown  suggested:
"Most of what I discern in these dry plasma cloud photos is PULSING, which means C4 ISR operations.  Learn the military jargon. Learn that even serrations indicate pulsed RF (Radio Frequencies) / Microwave." 
I have to agree with the well educated researcher Elana Freeland's description of this cloud. However, from a Christian's perspective in the spiritual sense of the word, I have to also perceive this All Seeing Eye depiction being deliberately created as a form of Satanic attack.  After all, we all still remain under house arrest aka #Stayhome, under #Lockdown in the pro Communist and Technocracy State of California. This unnatural twisted phenomenon's occurring especially as the insane California Governor Gavin Newsom prepares to extend the shut down again based on unjustified reasons preparing for the next military phase to take down the local economies.

About a year ago on May 17, 2019, I had another encounter with the All Seeing Eye manifested in my studio apartment's living area. I took the photo below and later got rid of the shadow problem by getting different lighting.  

All Seeing Eye spotted in the shadows on the coffer edged
ceiling in my San Francisco apartment.

In Freemasonry:
"This symbol is also borrowed by Freemasonry, where it symbolizes the omnipresence of the Great Architect of the Universe (or the creator) who is “watching everything” that happens in this world. Therefore, in Freemasonry, it symbolizes the Supreme Being, and all human beings are under the same sky and under the watchful eye of superior power." What's the Meaning Of The All Seeing Eye?

Author Elana Freeland was recently interviewed on researcher and activist Deborah Tavares' YouTube Channel:

Elana Freeland Interview by Deboarah Tavares "High Tech War --
Control The Enemy Remotely -- From a Distance, Part 4

This video's helpful in understanding the All Seeing Eye has to do with the United States, aka the Eye of Providence and Masonic brotherhoods

So this is a reminder to store up on essential items. As for Christians, we won't ever forget Jesus Christ is Lord and therefore won't fear these insane people supporting a vision of their version of a Wizard of Oz utopia that will only lead to destruction.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

I Hereby Nominate Bill Gates For Alpha Male Of The 21st Century -- Trespasser of Souls Award 2020

UPDATE: Blogger has since responded rapidly to this post and restored my podcasts embedded on this blog! 

Whenever censorship masks over pointing out simple facts, such as about Bill Gates's recent alpha male intensive intervention that we all remain under house arrest nearly three months later, you know you've likely hit a nerve. Allow me to explain why I feel it necessary addressing Bill Gates, especially as of late. 
First, a little background back to 1998 when we in the legal word processing department of Morrison Foerster LLP, aka MoFo, denoted the law firm's converting from the IBM based DOS system over to Bill Gates' Windows that caused many to lose our work from frequent crashes due to bugs. 

Over time our staff interpreted the patterns that hinted we were being used as beta testers, much like guinea pigs, for Microsoft that rushed its untested, non-vetted software upgrades causing Windows to crash and lose our work. Consequently, Microsoft requested we submit an on-line report to analyze issues to possibly overcome the crashes and help improve its product. We felt like Microsoft's slaves to say the least.

My recent podcast, one of dozens, Google blocked I had embedded in my posts link here:

My formerly embedded podcasts were blocked and thus removed by Google's Blogger where I've posted the past 13 years.

"How can this be?"
This brings me to the recent complete erasure of my Spreaker podcasts I embedded on Blogger the past few months. My response to this shocking censorship is similar to the response of a memorable encounter I had with a patent attorney, Jill Neiman, 22 years ago who came to speak with me one night on the night shift at MoFo.   

Having steamed up her glasses with passionate emotion, Jill breathlessly questioned in horror upon learning of our MS Windows crash with "how can this be?". Since I had no answer at that moment, I thought I might take this opportunity to time travel back to 1998 to respond to Jill's question this way;  "Bill Gates' demons are in his software doing all kinds of crazy things erasing our work!" 

Back to the future to the year 2020, I'm horrified to discover the same Bill Gates from Microsoft has since broken out of his corporate cage resigning from its board earlier this year who's now threatening the masses with invasion using multiple sourced military forces President Trump announced with clear intent to violate our rights at the end of 2020 or early 2021. All this, just so Bill Gates can sustain his empire and vision of depopulating the planet of human beings.

Part 4 - Meet Bill Gates Documentary 
The Corbett Report - May 24, 2020

Love of money, the root of all evil - 1 Timothy 6:10

I'm therefore providing witness testimony here that Bill Gates  trespassed on our souls with his greedy for-profit forced vaccination aspirations using WHO he invested and/or bribed with $10,000,000 that contributed to recklessly shutting down nations' economies with countless citizens placed under house arrest since March 17, 2020. 

I'm also a witness of Bill Gates gravely exaggerating the alleged dire threat to life the Corona virus still poses to the population which, according to the latest CDC update, isn't anywhere near the 3-4% projected deaths. In fact, the low death rate in the U.S. of 0.26% suggests quite the contrary. On May 29th, the Supreme Court even ruled against California's churches request they be able to open worship centers for gatherings overlooking recently updated extremely low CDC stated percentage of deaths.

Though I'm allowed to take bike rides and even walk to my local U.S. military psy-ops at Trader Joes and Whole Foods Markets I posted about a few days ago, the fact remains we're still waiting in spite of a mere 0.26% U.S. death rate recently updated and disclosed by the CDC. The CDC also corrected by withdrawing its erroneous claim the virus can be caught from surfaces.  We're still waiting for this insane order to be lifted that's severely disrupted millions of lives having no basis whatsoever for one more day of its continuance.

On my way home the day lock down was announced, I spotted a strange cloud formation in the sky resembling a pig's head along with some angelic form creature attacking it from above.

As previously disclosed on this blog, this photo of a large supernatural-like cloud shaped like pig's head in the sky above San Francisco was taken while driving home shortly after learning of the lock down on March 16, 2020. I've since learned after listening to an interview on YouTube of author and researcher Elena Freeland, that Bill Gates has also invested in spraying clouds with nanotech's nano-bots that swarm and can shape clouds remotely directed from various U.S. military based fusion centers. 

Interview of author Elana Freeman High Tech WAR -- Control The Enemy Remotely from a Distance, February 8, 2020

From his madness, Bill Gates' supporters, aka idolators, not only denied me the freedom to leave my apartment without it being necessary whatsoever, but have also been the motivation behind censoring my work during this lock down! Every single podcast has been blocked on Blogger I spent many hours producing and distributing on this platform! Coincidentally, the post I intended to publish today surrounding last night's podcast was about the apparent memory problem of Americans who have apparently forgotten God's provided us with an immune system to resist many viral threats to our health each day.

As to my censored podcast, there's no speculation over Gates in it at all, it's all been well documented by his own transparency, not to mention brazen arrogance, how much he donated to the World Health Organization WHO for it to obey his request to roll out pandemic protocols that consequently greatly eroded the world economy in 2020. (In fact, as I write this the U.S. Center for Disease Control aka, CDC has updated its stats clarifying only 0.26 deaths average in the U.S, See Ron Paul's article.) This, not to mention Gates' arrogant belief we humans of average IQ's would never be able to figure him out on our own.  Censorship's Bill's answer to this alleged problem of the need for containment of the population's mindset.  

So really, why can't a nobody like myself share my experiences throughout the years witnessing Bill Gates and his activities way back in 1989, what's the big deal? Don't they know I went to Palos Verdes High School (see my post Palos Verdes H.S. Reunion Hive Mind et al, November 16, 2019) suffering thru four years of scholastic ivy league semi geniuses? That is, cleaning their mothers' homes for $2.50/hour in the 1970's allowing me to travel in time to write this blog decades later?

My Spreaker Podcast is so very tiny and minuscule, hardly anyone listens at all! I continue to receive spam comments on YouTube for these podcasts. Blogger was one of the few venues I used to promote my podcast despite other platforms I could have chosen. I really started the Spreaker account to add more dimension and resources to this blog to also restore my voice that's always disallowed. What are they so afraid of to censor me this way? I think the answer lies in the fact they censor for the sake of raw power in the dolatry of Bill Gates who has a huge fan base around the world, even appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres talk show. 

Let me talk for a change!
Seeing how I have so very few who listen to my podcast or related YouTube Channel that's linked to my Spreaker Account, the count of these videos are often below 10 views! Yet with the very minuscule amount of visitors to my podcasts and related videos, these idolators will not at all tolerate well documented FACTS about Bill Gates, what he's done, said and all the rest that's affected me directly I view as a clear form of intense aggression from an alpha male like himself.  

What is Google, owner of Blogger, trying to cover-up censoring my podcasts here?
"It was way back in 1989 I was employed as a transcriber and administrative assistant at Xerox Worldwide Marketing Group in El Segundo, California. It was there at Xerox I got exposed to the  world's first windows-like machine that I was told at the time was the work of their Xerox PARC team that somehow lost its company's rights to Apple (and indirectly Microsoft) to their invention." - Cheryl Meril, Christian Blogger

This video explains how Apple and Microsoft got their ideas initially from Xerox PARC researchers I denoted being widely circulated in our office back in 1989.

When asked about his rival with Apple's Steve Jobs regarding "who copied who", Gates responded:

"The main 'copying' that went on relative to Steve and me is that we both benefited from the work that Xerox PARC did in creating graphical interface — it wasn't just them, but they did the best work. . . . . We didn't violate any IP rights Xerox had, but their work showed the way that led to the Mac and Windows." - Read Bill Gates Answer. . . ., Business Insider, March 13, 2017

I put this blog post on hold a few days and was subsequently offered an opportunity to interview a patent professional who visited me one day. The retiree shared how Xerox PARC lost its intellectual property rights for failing to request a confidentiality and/or contractual agreement when showing off their windows machine to Steve Jobs and Gates. 

So to continue with the Bill Gates reference in my censored podcast, I also shared my experience in a blog post of discovering the Linux OS rollout of its latest distribution of Mint 19.2 in late 2019 that is much better than Windows,  and free of charge. See How God Intervened In My EXODUS From Windows 10 to Linux Mint, August 21, 2019.  

 Bill Gates letter in 1976 to alleged hobbyists about their
free open source software projects.

This open source free software is based on an at-will donor system Bill Gates rejected in 1976 having later used his Microsoft like a pirate on the open sea to feed his greedy lust of money. In the podcast I also described what a relief the new Mint based Linux software has been that I've since enjoyed and appreciated of a clean and refreshing no-virus windows environment along with free open source high quality video editing software.

Regarding other recent censorship I encountered of my material, a couple days ago Facebook's Fact-Checker falsely accused me having assigned a "notice" to my FB page for allegedly spreading misinformation in my post about attorney Robert. F. Kennedy's interview on the Valuetainment's YT Channel sharing Bill Gates' activities. I appealed since they falsely accused me and they since removed the notification. 

Facebook's Fact-Checker admitted its error, harassment and since  took down their censorship notice. (see left)

As I prepare to publish this post, I'm wondering if the control freak idolator cultists at Google acting on behalf of Bill Gates will continue to censor any material referencing my experiences herein. Will this post be removed as well?  After all, I'm just some nobody with hardly any audience whatsoever who wonders what drives people to censor others this way who have $103,000,000,000 in their bank account.

Censored Podcast:

Mass Hysteria  - Americans Forget They Have Immune Systems, Suffer Lack of Knowledge Syndrome, May 26, 2020

How God Intervened My EXODUS From MS Windows 10 to Linux OS Mint, August 21, 2019