Thursday, February 26, 2009

Serial Killer Near Los Lunas, NM Leaves Trail of Bodies

There's a serial killer on the loose who is burying womens' bodies within a 20 mile radius of Los Lunas, New Mexico, where Edmond Wollmann owns a mobile home.

In one of my blog articles I begged the local police to keep Mr. Wollmann under check and that I suspected bodies might be buried on his property in Los Lunas, his hideout.

Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but I believe the location of the burials being within 20 miles of Mr. Wollmann's property is interesting to note considering my earlier suspicions.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Narcissists Love to Backstabb Their Victims and Hoard Beef Jerky

Imagine how you'd feel if someone kept telling you you're going to get a pay off of beef jerky, your favorite food, as long as you continue to do what they ask such as work a job far below your usual wage. You love beef jerky so you keep doing a good job awaiting the arrival of the date they claimed you'd receive your payoff of jerky.

You're so excited about the prospect of the jerky, you just keep along their path trusting their word. They promised! They said it was a sure thing. "It's absolutely yours," she said. "I may even be able to get you a desk early prior to the jerky's arrival."
You wait 2 long months and casually one day she says "things have changed, you can't have the jerky, but another batch is on the way." Your mouth watering and excitement high, you are completely devastated. Your jaw drops, your face elongates as if the world is coming to an end. You are practically speechless without words to express how you feel and she offers no apology for misleading you. To her, it's no big deal what she's put you through.

The fact is you haven't waited a mere few months, but many years of hard core long eye straining, neck breaking hours for an opportunity to have beef jerky with the others. In other words, an opportunity to merely work during the day from having been stuck in night support jobs. You merely wanted your share of jerky to live life like other people during normal daylight hours. You've worked hard enduring horrendous work conditions and this was your first real opportunity many others take for granted.

After your utter devastation, she then sets up a meeting with the sales person for the jerky to introduce you to the possibility of getting the jerky again. The reality is the sales person has none in stock, that is for you anyway. He is out of stock for you, because the rest of his inventory is reserved. Yet, you remain hopeful and patient based on her promise you would definitely get the jerky one day if you did what they asked. They continue to lead you to believe your payoff is near so you do good work for them.

In spite of your being denied jerky, you observe those around you eating tons of jerky each day. In fact, one fat lady they seat you next too has a ton of jerky at her desk. She actually removed some jerky from your desk prior to your arrival so you couldn't enjoy some. She has so much jerky, you can barely see her behind the piles that sit on her desk. She's clearly hoarding the jerky. A few days later to your utter horror you are casually told there was NEVER any jerky all along and all of your work and efforts were for nothing. You know they are lying to you because everyone else is stuffing their faces with jerky each day.

I can't imagine what kind of person I'd be if I promised people beef jerky who were drooling and hungry, having waited for months working for it. Then, only to pull the rug out from under them one day claiming I never had any to give because I reserved it all for my chosen friends. All while thinking nothing of it! Like her I'd think "it's all part of the game, it's allowable what I've done. It's the way of the world, it's just the way things are."

How can they do this to people, to deliberately lie and tease with offers of jerky only to withhold it in order to enjoy their devastation? I try to put myself in their position and
can't really imagine what a hard core bitch I'd be to do this. I'd have to be on the level of Sheila Rogers (Good Earth Restaurant, 1992) or some other ordained princess to believe I had a right to do this to people because that's just the way of the world.

I guess this would be the kind of person who would take her younger brother's underwear and toss it outside onto a tree limb and laugh all the while. This is the same person who so bullied and drove her brother nuts that he moved to redneck
Colorado where he refuses to speak with her from all of her endless torment throughout his childhood.

Narcissists suck! All they do is talk and think about themselves 100% of the time and stomp all over others using them. They set up their victims to fail and get off on power trips. I'm tired of serving these people and their illness.

Narcissists Suck Blog

Monday, February 23, 2009

Major Economic Meltdown Imminent - Baker & McKenzie LLP Needs My Money

Well, I understand the poor folks at Baker & McKenzie LLP are in need of funds to keep their globalist law firm operation going. After making a staggering $1 billion profit in 2007, they're headed for hard times as the global meltdown is nearing.

These poor people are in need of money, any they can get their paws on would help. Their hard-up employees are terrified of losing their jobs and many have lost 1/3 of their retirement accounts thus far. Because of the laws, employees vested in an employer's 401K plan can't access their funds until the age of 59 1/2. What this means is as long as they work for such employer, if the stock m
arket crashes, they will lose everything they've worked for the past few decades. If they choose any permitted withdrawal (if their plan allows it - many don't) it's considered much like a loan and they will be taxed on it as income along with interest charges. They're totally screwed.

Poor Little Darlings Need More of My Charitable Contributions.

The tales of woe over not being able to afford $500 SUV payments and related towing charges brought acts of charity from coworkers for a preordained princess legal secretary without children or any real burdens in life. Now these attorneys, seeing how oppressed their employees are with the economic situation, are asking for more money to help. It will be interesting how this Baker and other law firms readjust after the US economy and eventually the world economy collapses. For now, they need money so I'm going to send a check from my Wells Fargo account before the bank collapses due to it being insolvent and before they start asking for my precious metals. Poor things!

A check's in the mail soon Baker, help is on the way! I already provided $100 to various charities at the firm and know my continual donations are needed, probably even beyond the grave. Don't worry, I won't let the latest tear jerker Humane Society puppy mill video tap out all my charitable spirit.

Along with a check, I'll also include a sample of my homemade fruit granola and beef jerky I've been making in the droves with my new food dehydrator.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Grim Reaper's Straight Up Ahead!

The end of America is near. Millions are going to die within the next couple of years.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

This Netherland's Dude is my Hero! Fyrstikken

I totally love this guy. He's adorable to boot! I forgive his reference at the end to a religious figure.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Hacker's Work Turned Over to

Today a hacker managed to get a Google alert of an alleged blog article sent out with Kristy McNichol's name into my mailbox. It was a criminal's cloaked phish website setup to simulate a former blog address of mine from over a year ago. Here's the hacker's work:

When I clicked on the link in my email, it brought me to the same exact blog address of an abandoned blog I no longer use, obviously cloaked. Cloaking means in the URL address it showed the exact same blog address though it really wasn't. The person didn't break into my blogger account, having just used this trick of a hacker's trade to place his page where my former blog was. All the page source coding appeared original. The phish page was completely undetectable as being from another web site URL that it was.

This is an example of a sick, controlling SOB, sociopath's mindset. He can't handle reality so he plays imaginary police on the Internet. Fortunately, Internet 2.0 is well on its way and all of this garbage is going to be erased. He thinks he's showing me how powerful he is.

I passed a DOJ, FBI background check a few months ago - I sent in my electronic fingerprints. I'm not under investigation. This hacker's work has been forwarded to Google to note new tricks of a hacker's trade. What this hacker is doing is unlawful and simulates setting up phishing sites that criminals use to collect passwords from people. What they do is send an email with a link that appears to be the real site, to get victimes to submit their passwords to steal from their bank accounts. It's unlawful to set up these kind of sites. In fact, much of what Edmond Wollmann does on-line is unlawful and can easily land him in prison one day.

One can witness how criminals such as Edmond Wollmann try to implicate their victims in their crimes because they are spineless cowards. Everything he is doing now will one day be thoroughly gone over by professionals. Google can access their blog alerts under keywords and dates to do their analysis if they want to know who is unlawfully abusing their alert system for phishing purposes.

Edmond Wollmann encompasses a politically corrupt, insidiously evil personality as a sign of the times.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Edmond Wollmann's a Parasite Latching onto a Host

I get Google blog alerts for Kristy McNichol, who is still considered a public figure in some capacity. It isn't an unlawful form of cyberstalking. Nor is my placing links to her photos on this blog a form of stalking. Today I saw a Google alert come in under Kristy McNichol's name with my name all over it, obviously the work of madman cyberstalking creep Edmond Wollmann.

The very nature of Edmond Wollmann's cyberstalking and harassment of me can be extracted from his blog (shown here as a Google alert in my mailbox). I can't believe this guy is still, two years later, combing the Internet searching for me. Apparently he discovered from my videos I'm the author of several Hub Pages articles under the ID Chicken Little. Big deal!

What a pathetic individual Edmond Wollmann is. I really don't see how parasites like this can survive among real men. Really, how can this idiot survive, and why does he have this kind of time on his hands when the State of California is going bankrupt as well as many others in the country?

When the global economy collapses, the dollar equals zero, water and food shortages come, I don't think Edmond Wollmann will be able to continue to have this kind of time on his hands. I'm hoping he will be dislodged from his host very shortly.

I don't know an Edmond Wollmann, have never spoken with nor met this crazy person. He contacted by email posing as a fan.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cyber Harassers in New Mexico Being Upgraded to Serious Felons

Cyberstalking is beginning to show up in state legislation as a serious crime worthy of years in prison. For example, recently New Mexico, one of Edmond Wollmann's home based operations, has made cyberstalking an adult a fourth degree felony.

Mayor Chavez unveiled new legislation Thursday that will make it a sex crime to cyberstalk an adult--a fourth-degree felony.

"Right now, stalking an adult is a misdemeanor in New Mexico," Chavez said.

Last year, a Sandia Labs worker was sentenced to two years under federal law after using her work computer to stalk the lead singer of the rock band Linkin Park in 2006.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

When to Get Proactive with Narcissists - Red Flags

Red Flags of Narcissism

By Kathy Krajco

Since narcissists are such expert con artists, how do you spot them? By not judging by appearances. Or reputation.

A specific behavior, such as being haughty, inconsiderate, or ignoring someone, can occur in widely varying contexts. So, it can be done for many reasons, not just narcissistic reasons. Nonetheless, there are few behaviors so unique to persons suffering from NPD that they should serve as red flags.

Here are eight red flags:

  1. puts on a conspicuous display of goodness and kindness

  2. damages the images of most others

  3. has a history of past upheavals

  4. is hated for mysterious reasons by people close to them

  5. exhibits unnatural and perplexing behavior -- backwards reactions to things

  6. is a control freak, trampling privacy/boundaries

  7. is extremely self-absorbed

  8. has a hostile reaction to attention and credit given others

This was a quote of the late Kathy Krajco's book from the Narcissists Suck blog article "Controlling Others vs. Self Control"

I'm going to use these red flags from now on. I also have one to add, "gives patronizing untruthful compliments that veils underlying hostility." Sometimes there's even a strategy behind empty compliments in an attempt to try and make another more deserving person feel jealous of you. I'll never forget how embarrassed I was when I was one of the first people announced at a dinner banquet for having worked at a trial. The attorney announced my name to thank me and I knew I was undeserving of such praise. I knew many women who had worked far harder and longer hours in the room were horrified as I was just a temporary employee. Their names weren't even called. This tends to cause certain types of women to hate you. Then at the dinner table, a few attorneys centered the conversation on me and called me "awesome." I did jack swat, a little typing, clerical work. I was so embarrassed.

Opening Wollmann's Deceptive Fan Mail "Your Jazz Singing!"

It was ultimately difficult to avoid Wollmann on-line due to his posing behind a fan email, however I should have never responded. Regardless of knowing red flags, for me the problem remains there are an overwhelming number of control freak and malignant narcissists who live in San Francisco who gravitate towards management, especially in law firm
s. The fact is, narcissists are everywhere and usually seek positions of control and power over others.

Narcissists at Work; Hard to Avoid

I noted one of the worst cases of narcissism of a co-worker last year, call him "M". M did nothing but think and talk about himself all day and continually put on a display of kindness and goodness. He'd ask me to run Google searches on his name to see his accomplishments on behalf of charities. As I sat next to his desk one day, he'd keep asking "have you run a search on me yet?" I'd have to respond "Not yet, I'm finishing up my work."

M would feel it necessary to continually brag about whatever he was excelling in from his bowling tournaments to recent success skydiving. He even showed me his sky diving video at work. This had followed his bringing photos of himself at a AIDS charity bicycling event in 1992. He even offered for me to take the photos home to take adequate time to view them. At parties, he would talk hours about his stunt in the military way back in the early 80's. I only put up with it all because he was gay.

Shortly after showing me his bicycling photos, M entered into another charity
biking event from San Francisco to Los Angeles. I donated as with other co-workers and attorneys but apparently that wasn't enough. I was duly punished for not showing up to his return cycling ceremony in which he ignored me thereafter. I apologized via email for not being able to attend. He not only didn't respond by email but ignored me when I returned to work; my punishment for not worshiping his majesty.

My co-worker had all the classic signs of malignant narcissistic personality disorder. M even once told me I meant the world to him though I didn't even know him nor him me. He'd project onto me often and give me empty compliments having nothing to do with reality. He'd continually refer to me as "honey" at work and just behave like an absolute ass while believing I bought his con. I saw through him right from the start but unfortunately in a work environment there's little you can do about such a person. Under normal circumstances I would have told this guy to take a hike.
You can't do that in the workplace due to politics.

After all of our discussions, out of the blue M would ask me what I had done with my life. When I didn't respond appropriately, he would tell me how great I was (i.e., project what he wanted me to be for his ego). Where does one begin to answer such a rigged question? A narcissist says in so many words, "I've demonstrated how great I am in my life and accomplishments, now what have you done?"

The reality is M is just a legal word processor at 50 helping out a legal staff, including secretaries. M was one of the worst cases of male narcissism I've ever encountered other than my crazy former roommate from 1999 and cyberstalker Wollmann. Because it was at work it was of little consequence to me personally, although he did attempt to forge an alliance with my employment agency he had worked for in order to have some form of authority over me.

Narcissist Neighbors/Tenants

Then of course, my neighbor seems to have control issues with me suggesting she may be a control freak kind of narcissist. Because of this neighbor, I no longer sing in my own home. She'd complain by pounding on my walls at 7:00 p.m on a weekend night. She'd knock on my door, ring my door bell and even leave notes. I tried to reason with her, but finally gave it up. Because of her, I think twice when I leave my "cell" (i.e., home) to do a large load of laundry because she may indeed open her door and ask me "why are you leaving so much?" as she did a few days ago. I haven't seen nor heard one guest entering her unit in nearly 6 years. Like a former roomma
te, she's focused on me because I'm the closest human being in her proximity, and make noise at times. Like my former sick roommate, she probably keeps a diary of my comings and goings, so typical of mentally ill control freaks.

A Creepy Little Tenant's Offers of Help

There's this other creepy little tenant who often shows up out of nowhere to extend offers of help lifting heavy objects. You keep telling her no thank you and she just keeps offering. I recently responded to her offer of lifting heavy bottles of water, "No thank you, I don't want you to risk hurting your back." Her response "I could go open the garage fo
r you to bring up your item in the elevator?" "No thank you!"

The very next day the creepy little lady shows up out of nowhere on my floor offering to help me move my solar panel to the garage even though I have it under control. She asks, "Do you need help with that?" "No thank you." She remains gawking at me and I add "You're really a nosy person, I've made it really clear I don't need your help, go away!" "Okay". Whew, she finally leaves. Later that day creepy little tenant forced a favor on me in the garage, propping open the door entry way for me without my requesting it. Creepy! I don't want this lady's help. (See Controlling Others vs. Self Control)

"For people as self-absorbed and seemingly uninterested in you as malignant narcissists are, they are very snoopy. They go through your drawers and papers. They are looking for dirt, and they are trying to find out if you're on to them. Hence, like all abusers, they often spy on and stalk their victims." - The late Kathy Krajco's Blog

The next day this creepy little tenant was spying on me from the laundry area. I passed by the hallway to note her peeking her creepy little head out to see if it was me. For a split second our eyes locked and I swear the woman looked like one of the zombies in the photo of this article (the one on the bottom right of the picture). She seemed even fearful of me, typical of those who take on the role of the victim. In a narcissist's mind, there's something wrong with me, not her, because I don't want her help. I'm the offensive one! How dare I reject her generous favors? The same goes for my neighbor, I'm sure in her mind I'm victimizing her for not catering to her needs in some way. That is, her need for absolute silence for me to stay in my unit at all times, etc.

These lonely women in San Francisco can be really crazy and whenever I get a hint of a control freak I now become proactive to the max. Otherwise, they'll just try to use you to accommodate their illness. When you observe red flags of an acquaintance or stranger's behavior towards you, you must become proactive and do something about it. If you just pretend the problem doesn't exist or choose to allow it fester it will burn into an enormous fire to consume you and your life.

Doing Nothing vs. Being Proactive

You have to be proactive dealing with these personality types effectively or they'll take over completely. They're illness is like a virus looking for ways to grow. You have to know the "red flags" as stated above and avoid these kind of control freaks. They seem to gravitate towards me because in the past I've been easy to control, but not anymore. I will not detail how I've acted proactively this time with my harassing neighbor, but I can say I will never sit back and let these people trample all over me ever again if I can help it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Insult a Royal Narcissist; Go to Prison

I thought there no better example of how extreme narcissists, in this case Thai royalty, oppress free speech. In this case, this poor Australian fellow had the audacity to allegedly insult Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej in his book Verisimilitude. As a result of his mere suggestion of royal abuse of power in his novel, Harry Nicolaides has been sentenced to three years behind bars.

As Nicolaides left for home from the Thailand airport, he was arrested and eventually placed on trial. In a statement to his family, Nicolaides claims he endured unspeakable suffering during his pretrial detention. The photo kind of says it all. Imagine what he will experience when he actually goes to a Thai prison.

This is a good example of how Edmond Wollmann views himself, in all his malignant narcissism glory, as royalty beyond reproach for his abuse of the Internet. According to my former sound engineer, Wollmann has Photoshoped a depiction of me behind bars on his blog. Much like extremely twisted monarchs who don't respect freedom of speech that is a basic component in America, Edmond Wollmann would certainly have placed me behind bars for disclosing his criminal history on this blog among the other factual information I've presented. He has already done so virtually using Photoshop, and he would do so if he had any "real" power for my daring to stand up to his libel and cyberstalking harassment activities.

I have also already "virtually tased" Edmond Wollmann in my defense for his aggressive cyberstalking, email harassment and libel and will be providing another tase demonstration video shortly.