Saturday, August 4, 2012

Attention Eminem Fans - Heaven Has No Rooms Reserved For You!

Any art form throughout history most always reflects the times we're living in.  Somewhere down the line the music industry in the United States was overtaken by criminals and rap artists like Eminem who are now the top artists in the world.  The music industry merely reflects the reality the U.S. government has also been taken over by criminals. 
"Eminem recently set the record for the most Likes by a living person with 60.1 million, blowing past the competition and landing at #5 on the list of the top 10 Facebook pages." Eminem Beats Lady Gaga, Rihanna to 60 Million Facebook fans -

For those who have an appreciation of art in history as I do, it doesn't take much digging to see how far our culture has fallen into depravity and hell in view of Eminem and other rap artist's success.  From Mozart to Eminem?  Think about it, while jazz artists and many outstanding musicians across the country are suffering financially making a pittance, Eminem is racking in billions of dollars in his career being rewarded for his foul mouthed shit stinking propaganda empowering trashy low life men across the globe to be complete assholes towards women.

I've got a message for these depraved Eminem fans and those who listen to this kind of garbage that a fork's in the road up ahead you're about to face.  This so called music you've chosen for yourselves is going to be judged by God and you along with it.  Do you really think this stinking manure that comes out of Eminem's mouth instead of his anus as it should is worthy of God, Jesus Christ?  You inherently know Eminem's creations are of the devil Lucifer and yet you still choose to listen and honor this above God's greatness.  I'm here to tell you that you are going to be judged for honoring this material to ultimately be thrown into a lake of hell fire to burn in pain and torment forever.  There really is a heaven and hell and there's no room reservations available in heaven for Eminem fans, period!

Keep this in mind when continuing to listen to this sewage stinking crap that flows like lava out of the mouth of hell.  Don't say you weren't warned you little bastards! God gave us free will for a reason, it's up to you where your going, heaven or hell and listening to Emenim and the likes of him you'll undoubtedly thrown into hell.

The doors of heaven won't be opening for foolish Eminem fans like the one at left who felt peer pressure to follow alleged successful Lucifarian based men in the mafia run music industry.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Destiny of Humanity is Being Decided Now

If you want to know what humanity's facing, this video explains it crystal clear.

 An interesting video by the only real person on the planet, radio commentator and film maker Alex Jones, whose trying to teach people what we're up against and what's up ahead.

In the meantime, I'm personally dealing with a mild case of whiplash from hitting a car door on my bike a week ago. I went to the chiropractor today who confirmed I'm still recovering.  I have a large bruise from the accident that feels like I got a tattoo of the Andromeda galaxy.

 My first temporary tattoo from a bike accident on July 24, 2012. 

It's much worse close up. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Get Rid Of That Ole Casket, Become a Diamond!

The term a diamond is forever has taken on a new meaning with the arrival of the latest trendy cremation creations from a company LifeGem.  Death doesn't have to be so tragic all the time, not when there are plenty of people who depart our world peacefully after living a long contributory life. It may seem a little odd to some but there are many people who would be happy to pay $3,000 to have their loved one's remains turned into a quarter caret diamond.  What better way to represent a life well lived?
"Creating the diamond requires sending 1 cup of cremains to LifeGem in Illinois, which then takes up to a year to heat and pressurize them into a diamond. The gems come in blue, yellow or clear, and can be worn or propped on a mantle. Interest has steadily grown since the company's founding a decade ago." - Cremation: Ashes to Diamonds or Moon Dust -
I was surprised to learn that far less people are attending formal funerals today.  According to the General Social Survey, 22% of Americans never attend religious services, up from 13% in 1990.  For instance, the last funeral I attended was back in the 1960's.  I don't plan on attending any miserable depressing ceremony in the future either.
"'People feel their golf clubs, yacht clubs or similar organizations are their new church replacements for holding services,' Hast said. 'People are going far more toward a celebration of life instead of the ceremonial aspects involving the body, like a funeral with a casket.'"  Cremation: Ashes to Diamonds or Moon Dust -
Michael Jackson's hair turned into LifeGem Diamonds

I remember being so shocked back in 1981 that my boss Marty at Clarion Corporation would keep his wife's remains in a small urn behind her photo in his office. I thought it was mighty creepy to go into his office knowing his wife's remains were there.

I believe people having to face their departure would find great peace knowing they would not have to rot in some old casket to become a skeleton or be cremated and lost forever like dust.  Instead, they can be transformed into a diamond that their beloved could wear and pass along to other generations.

This kind of transformation of how we choose to leave earth, as rotting flesh in some old traditional casket where people can gawk at a headstone, or into some incredible diamond is a revolutionary concept.  The reason it's revolutionary is because there really is no death.  If you don't know this by now, you'll eventually find out.  

Friday, July 27, 2012

RED ALERT: California Milk Man James Stewart Abducted Headed For Torture, Possible Murder

After posting a disturbing video, Natural News has issued a public vigil alert over the kidnapping of Rawsome founder James Stewart, 65, by mafia thugs.
"James Stewart, the 65-year-old raw "milk man" and founder of Rawesome Foods, was assaulted near his home today by three armed men driving unmarked luxury vehicles with no license plates. Carrying firearms on their hips and dressed in gangster-style street clothes, Satanic T-shirt imagery and tattoos, they claimed to be making an "arrest" and verbally assaulted James, sprayed pepper spray in his face, then forced his head against a car and screamed, according to witnesses, "You better listen to me or you're gonna have a bad f*ckin' day!"
James Stewart's cell phone was on the entire time, and a phone witness told NaturalNews the arrest was conducted "Nazi style." Meanwhile, James was screaming to anyone who would listen, "HELP ME! HELP ME! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?"- Public Vigil Red Alert: Raw Milk Advocate James Stewart Seized By Armed Bounty Hunters Driving Unmarked Vehicles With No Plates - Natural

Knuckle head thugs don't show any badge or evidence they are performing a legal arrest as bounty hunters on behalf of the Ventura DA's office. Natural News reported, "The whole thing was a charade carried out by what might appear to a rational person to be armed thugs driving stolen vehicles while impersonating undercover police officers."

It was just recently a few months ago Natural News reported on Mr. Stewart being tortured in jail:
"California is now in the business of torturing senior citizens who advocate real food. 65-year-old James Stewart, the California "milk man," was recently arrested under trumped-up charges, then "lost" in the LA County jail for over a week, during which he was subjected to hypothermia, torture, interrogations, involuntary medical procedures, verbal intimidation, food deprivation and even had his jail cell flooded with saw sewage which he was forced to clean up by hand.  - 65 Year Old California Milk Man Subjected to Extreme Torture, Hypothermia, Raw Sewage in LA County Jail - Natural
This is how the mafia government operates in its working on behalf of the pasteurized milk industry.  Back in March,  James Stewart already went through the jail system being tortured and subjected to raw sewage conditions based on false warrants signed by Michelle LeCavalier who acted unlawfully having no oath on file as is legally required by the California State Constitution.  See Shock Claim LA 'authorities' in Rawesome Raw Milk Raids Were Impersonating Public Officials - Natural News

Many people assume the so called government is acting in their best interests when the fact of the matter is this is all corporate sponsored government terror being committed on behalf of the pasteurized milk industry that feels threatened by those promoting raw milk based products.  See Torturing the Milk Man - What America's Come To - 3/11/12 post.

 Related stories:

10 Days of Torture and Abuse. . . Natural

U.S. Government Terrorists Are Stealing And Destroying REAL Foods for Americans - 8/6/11 post

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sex Dolls Floating Like Dead Bodies Creep Out Cops

This is a creepy story that metaphorically represents how some women feel in their former shallow relationships with highly sexual shallow men, hence the empty plastic shell female figure at left.

Eighteen cops were shocked after they spent an hour trying to recover what turned out to be a sex doll floating in a river in China.
"Officials said the toy's design and size was so similar to an adult female body that the policemen had to act," reports The Times of India. 'Shandong is an important center for producing sex toys in China and supplies them across the globe.'" - Cops Retrieve Woman's Body From River - Turns Out To Be Sex Doll -
Then there's a similar story of an alleged discovery of a mushroom floating around that turned to be a rather gross looking sex toy:

A mushroom masquerading itself as a sex toy likely suffered from 
low self esteem that made headlines in China.

The moral of this metaphorical lesson is women who so easily give their bodies over to men are used on the level of a sex doll without regard for their minds, well being or souls.  These women only hurt themselves for giving into shallow male behavior and will likely suffer in the end for it.  The same goes for mushrooms that give themselves over too easily for sexual abuse.  Mushrooms need better self esteem or they will continue to be used and abused by men.

Related story:
Newly Discovered Chinese Mushroom Turns Out To Be an Abandoned Sex Toy -

Monday, July 23, 2012

State of California Cooking Books, Hiding Assets To Justify Raising Taxes

**UPDATE** California Department of Parks and Recreation caught hiding $52 million in budget assets the past 12 years.  Story here.

I don't purport to be capable of analyzing the California State budget but a blog article's being widely circulated under the heading California Government Hides Billions From Taxpayers by Clint Richardson that does.

The mountain of information in the article appears to be credible citing accurate sources.  If this article is indeed accurate and true, it would mean Governor Jerry Brown is a tremendous liar by omission seeking to cruelly raise taxes on Californians based on contrived circumstances.  To reduce the mountains of information the article cites and assembles, I'll use the blog article's simplified premise:

The Big Lie
Over the past weekend, Gov. Jerry Brown of California took to the safety of YouTube to reveal that the Golden State’s budget deficit is now $15.7 billion, far greater than the original $9.2 billion estimate in January. (CNN, May 15, 2012)
The Simple Truth
The State Government of California has $100′s of billions in liquid investments and assets, could easily pay off all of its debt tomorrow, and would have $100′s of billions left over.
"What if I could show you over $577 billion in investment fund balances that aren’t being reported by the California State Government on its budget report?
Well that is what I’m about to do…

In this article we will once again show the purposeful omission of massive amounts of wealth by your government. If you live in California, this may well be the most important thing that you read this year. If you live elsewhere… rest assured that the same holds true in your State, County, Municipality, School and other districts.

In what can only be called a recently government produced propaganda video, California Governor Jerry Brown is addressing and purposefully lying to the people of California, where he nicely threatens to cut school funding by multiple billions if the people of the State do not vote in favor of his new budget plan." - California Government Hides Billions From Taxpayers - Reality Blog

Governor Jerry Brown is being accused of lying by omission in this video due to recent disclosure in the Reality Blog article.

In summary, the article purports to make the case that:

* the top managers of the California state government knowingly cook their books

* they hide considerable amounts of money (CAFR) that the California state government owns

* they leverage the public’s ignorance of CAFR into a “choose between more debt, more taxes and less services” lose-lose curse

* if they had some sense of morality and included CAFR in the accounting they share with “us the gullible people,” the above-mentioned curse would invert into some “choose between less debt, less taxes and more services” win-win blessing

* they seem committed to knowingly hide CAFR against the common good.

If what this blog article says is true, it means criminals are running the State of California government who have Governor Brown in their pocket.  It also seems California's not an isolated state either when it comes to this scam on taxpayers getting shafted.
"Great report. What you failed to mention was that this is the case with every state and the federal government. It is a conspiracy to destroy prosperity for Americans. Rampant corporatism and the banksters see economic ruin as a means to reduce the population and to get complete control. This is war. Dig them out of their safe little havens. End the Federal Reserve banks and financial institutions that are too big to fail, what else can be done with them that isn’t going to destroy America?" - Comment
The comment reply was:
The article did mention it. There is a lot to read so maybe you missed where it says,
“If you live in California, this may well be the most important thing that you read this year. If you live elsewhere… rest assured that the same holds true in your State, County, Municipality, School and other districts.”and it says: “Each County, city, district, and other local governments and pension funds have their own CAFR’s with their own funds and hidden wealth – hidden in plain sight.”
These corrupt politicians most always prove they're nothing but scum out to rob the taxpayers of their life savings! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

U.S. Shadow Government Behind Dark Knight Rises

The U.S. Government believes people are so immersed in fantasy these days it can get away with anything, even entering movie theaters through its mind altered patsies to alter reality.  It's so in your face DARPA's involvement in funding Holmes' PhD program got to this neuroscientist student to set him up as a patsy for the shooting.

People of Holmes' kind of intelligence don't completely lose it without a great deal of help. Holmes was clearly mind altered by the government to carry out its false flag operations in order to influence people to give up their rights, in this case of Second Amendment gun ownership.  This kind of catastrophe always happens prior to major gun control legislation.  
"Holmes, a doctoral student at the University of Colorado at Denver, had won a neuroscience training grant from the National Institutes of Health, a university spokeswoman said early Sunday. The grant was awarded to just six students at the school." - 'Dark Knight' Suspect Had NIH Grant Given to 'Outstanding Scientists'- Business Insider
Think about it a moment. How does anyone know for sure who the man was behind the mask?  Here's an alternate scenario of what likely happened.  With the drugged up patsy waiting in the wings, they sent in a masked man as the police stood down. Someone let him in the door with that gas mask? See Witness:  Someone Let Gunman Inside Colorado Movie Theater - CNN  After the shooting, it was a simple switch with the patsy suspect taken into custody drugged out of his mind.  The government had the neuroscientist's apartment boobie trapped prior in order to control the so called evidence by calling in the SWAT team.

Here's a bit of evidence to prove the U.S. military is involved in deceptively injecting its prisoners with mind altering drugs.
"At least one detainee, so-called “dirty bomber” Jose Padilla was tricked into believing he was injected with a “truth serum” during an interrogation, possibly a form of LSD or PCP. In reality, it was a flu shot. Still, it’s a “serious breach of medical ethics,” Georgetown University law professor and health policy specialist Gregg Bloche told Truthout. “It undermines trust in military physicians and it’s an unfair insult to the integrity of the vast majority of military doctors, who quite rightly believe that this sort of thing is contrary to their professional obligation,” Bloche said." - U.S. Injected Gitmo Detainees with Mind Altering Drugs -

The same thing happened with Sirhan, Sirhan, the alleged killer of RFK.  Sirhan had some mind altering memory loss drug administered as somoene behind him fired the fateful shot. See RFK Assassination Witness Willing to Testy for Sirhan's Lawyers -  For decades the U.S. government's had a shadowy beast lurking behind it, power drunk men and likely even women who have powerful networks running things in the background.  The purpose of this Dark Knight shooting was to influence gun control laws, as was Obama's Fast and Furious criminal fraud that killed 200 Americans and countless Mexican citizens.  The crooks in government want to disarm Americans because without guns we'd all be helpless against the tyranny they've planned.

Maybe the U.S. shadow gov't got the idea to use a medical student as a patsy from this William Hurt film Altered States in the 1980's.

Beware of any government that wants to disarm its citizens! They'll do false flags by staging planned terror events having no problem sacrificing innocent lives.  These are evil psychopaths in control of the U.S. government operating as a shadow mafia based operation.  People need to start doing their own research about how powerful mind altering drugs are.  The gov't believes it can get patsies to do anything it wants such as to influence outcomes of its proposed legislation.  The power drunk find great entertainment at their insane ideas such as this one always trying to outdo themselves.

Government masters how to control its population through this method as explained by Alex Jones.

They hijacked this movie to brainwash the mass culture.  They think we're all dumb to buy this nonsense, when its clear as day it was an elaborate staged event.  These psychopath criminals hijacked our government and they will continue to hijack our Constitution unless people wake up what's behind these kind of false flag staged events.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Hollywood Satanists Bring Fantasy, Illusion Into Reality

I see the illuminati Satanists are accelerating merging movies with reality with the latest Dark Night Rises massacre.  Zombie movies such as Night of the Living Dead took years to come to fruition from the recent multiple face eating reports of zombie-like behavior.  See my post Fruits of Hollywood Horror Flicks Come Back To Haunt It.

A few years ago the psy-op that horror movie special effects creator Rick Latzarini partook in against me caused him to file a Motion to Quash of my subpoena demonstrating how the minds behind movies are attempting to influence reality and outcomes wanting complete anonymity.  See post Bombshell:  Rick Lazzarini of Character Shop Filed Motion to Quash His Identity for Malicious On-Line Activities

Back in the late 1990's I stopped going to movie theaters for several reasons including after someone tried to steal my purse.  I was at the Metreon in San Francisco when an apparent homeless person happened to catch the corner of my eye reaching for my purse at the back entrance near a fire escape door.  For all I knew he could have had a knife!  No, the movie wasn't called Purse Snatcher, but it sure felt like it that day.  After I reported the incident to the theater staff it was clear at that time the theaters didn't have enough security for the public.  In a movie theater anything could happen in the dark without witnesses.

After my experiences, the recent Dark Knight Rises massacre didn't at all surprise me.  People need to realize this isn't the same America of decades past.  Large public gathering places are subject to crazies looking to exploit security gaps.  Movie theaters are perhaps the last frontier the public felt somewhat safe over.  The fact is, there's no safety at movie theaters because people aren't searched or frisked prior to entry.  Even if they were frisked, people enter through unsuspected doorways such as the armed gunman in Aurora Colorado.

I look around every day at whose walking the streets of San Francisco and there are absolute raving maniacs in 1 out of 10 people on average.  I mean, real nut cases I observe each and every day that are just allowed to roam free without any supervision or oversight whatsoever.  The Night of the Living Dead films have been turning into reality lately in the news so now we're all trained to spot zombies wandering the streets.  

American culture is breaking down.  Everyone should be on their guard to avoid potentially dangerous situations especially where large crowds gather.

 Fruits of Hollywood Horror Flicks Come Back To Haunt It.
Warner Bros Paired 'Dark Knight Rises' With Trailer of Gangster Shooting Up Movie Theater -

Monday, July 16, 2012

San Francisco's Looney Tunes 'Pups For Cash' Panhandler Program Makes PETA Seem Rational

It's no secret San Francisco's liberal socialist based city government is likely one of the worst in the entire nation when it comes to coming up with viable solutions to its problems. San Francisco's continually outdoing itself with whacky ideas in how it addresses problems, the latest being its pups to panhandlers pilot program. The plan includes paying the panhandler $75 a week cash to care for the puppy to prevent them from pandhandling.  The only problem is panhandlers make far more money than that much of the time.

I never thought the day would come I'd actually agree with PETA, but this time I have no choice.
Teresa Chagrina rep for PETA's cruelty investigations department in Norfolk, Va., called the plan "slapdash" and "ill-conceived."
"Most former panhandlers are financially destitute because of struggles with substance abuse and mental-health issues," Chagrin wrote to the mayor. "Placing any animal with them is risky at best, (and) it should be out of the question to play Russian roulette with these animals, allowing them to be used as lures or pawns."
Rather than have San Francisco risk the dogs' injury or even death by handing them to "troubled people," Chagrin said, "PETA is willing to put up $10,000" - equal to the private grant being used to launch the effort - if the city will instead institute a program for the down-and-outers that is "100 percent animal-free." - PETA Pans SF Plan On Panhandlers, Pups -

San Francisco's politicians must have been raised on Looney Tunes cartoons that were apparently deeply embedded in their subconscious.

Handing over free puppies to drug addicts, alcoholics and the severely mentally ill isn't a good idea for obvious reasons I need not even go into.  You know San Francisco's city government is getting worse when even PETA appears more rational and mature by comparison.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

VIDEOS: America's Under Siege By Nazi Occupation with Insane Checkpoints, Jaywalker Taserings

I thought I'd share a few outstanding videos on how a few Americans are standing up to the new Nazi police state installation including a journalist activist who exposed Newt Gingrich.  The checkpoints video is my favorite though.  The man's just trying to get somewhere and keeps getting stopped at  checkpoints on Southern California's I-8 highway to prove he's an American citizen.

Watch how an American stands up to a few check points as he's trying to get somewhere. 

Activist Luke Rudowski exposes Newt Gingrich while exposing no one wants 
him to sign his new book at a book signing event.

Tasing a man for allegedly jaywalking who requested a statute from police officer?  The lady screaming didn't understand police officers don't follow citizen orders to call their supervisors.