Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Obama's Angel of Death Finds His Enemies, Scares Opponents

There's a reason why President Lyndon B. Johnson's one of Obama's favorite President's of all time. These men sure do worship their secret death societies!  I'm not going to go into the lurid mafia like background of LBJ because if you haven't done your research on him by now, you clearly don't want to know the truth of what an insane sociopath the man really was.  It seems there's a pattern in how these politicians run their mafia based schemes behind the facade of popular social programs to gain the masses support as alleged men of social justice.  See Caro: Obama is Lyndon Johnson's Legacy - USAToday.com and  Barack Obama is Lyndon Johnson on Steroids - PoliticsDaily.com

For those unaware, it was Hillary Clinton who originally disclosed Obama was ineligible to be President during the time her campaign did background research on him.  The Clintons were going to completely expose Obama until someone close to them got killed.  In spite of the death, Bill Clinton planned on announcing Obama's little problem of ineligibility but was prevented from doing so after his daughter Chelsea's life was threatened.  This is the kind of Mafia thug that's in the White House and these are only the beginning of growing evidence of other murder cases surrounding Obama's hidden objectives to take out his political enemies.

This juicy video spills the beans on what a corrupt murdering thug Obama is.

When Andrew Breibart and his coroner were murdered, it raised eyebrows to say the least.  Andrew was on the verge of releasing important evidence related to Obama's shady past.

Michael Cormier  -  respected forensic technician for the Los Angeles County Coroner died under suspicious circumstances at his North Hollywood home April 20, the same day Andrew Breitbart’s cause of death was finally made public. 

The number of mysterious murders related to Obama are so numerous I don't have time to post them all.  For other Obama related murders, see Mysterious Deaths Surround Obama: The Obama Death Pool - BeforeItsNews.com

Americans need to wake up and stop being so naive about their political leaders.

Related reading:

John Roberts: Bribery or Blackmail? - WND.com

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Say What? Obama Used Dead Man's Social Security Number Plus New Revelations Of Birth Certificate Forgery

This is the article I was working on yesterday until a tidal wave of phone calls prevented me. I wasn't free until late last night and by then too exhausted to post.  

According to a private investigator's court filing of July 2, 2012, President Obama's been using a dead person from Cincinati's social security number who died back in 1979.

"Daniels, who has vetted thousands of Social Security Numbers for numerous other clients, has done her homework. In her filing, she thoroughly documents her contention 'that Barack Obama has repeatedly, consistently, and with intent misrepresented himself by using a fraudulently obtained Social Security Number.'
To acquire appropriate standing in court, Daniels has gone to the trouble of establishing herself as a valid write-in candidate for president. Before she is through, this 70-something mother of seven, who has been a licensed Ohio PI since 1995, may cause Obama more trouble than the Romney campaign." - Obama's Social Security Number Challenged - WND.com

Now Obama has a legal problem with using a fraudulent social security number?

Then there's more breaking on the forged birth certificate front, though I'm wondering how much political damage that's been done to Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona to render the most obvious evidence insignificant.

When people have lost their common sense to see through lies or discern truth that criminals can so easily pull the wool over our eyes based on politics, we're all doomed.

Politics sure trumps reality and truth in this day and age to make these truth finders out to be criminals.  Is Sheriff Arpaio a criminal?  Truth telling has become a crime punishable by death in American politics in how Mafia based executioners are apparently waiting in the wings for their commands to kill.  Such is why evil people seek these positions of political power knowing they can continue their criminal acts of robbery, torture and death under the cloak of political immunity.

If it's true about Obama acquiring a deceased person's social security card, the main question that arises is why the Democratic party didn't vet him out for it. After all, Americans can't get a job without providing a valid social security card and/or birth certificate.  There's no excuse for Obama not having either legal required documents and if all of this is indeed true, what he has done as President can all legally be reversed, including perhaps even Obamacare.

Obama's A Well Groomed Trojan Horse Communist Imposter Waiting For The Right Moment To Turn the U.S. Military Against Its Own American Citizens!

It seems the case is growing stronger with each passing day that Obama's an impostor, a well groomed trojan horse Communist based President whose intent on destroying America from within.  So much for the free houses and health care people hoped for.  It's a sad thing that the apparent stupidity of millions of easily conned women voters empowered Obama's ability to pull the wool over America's eyes.  I didn't vote for him, so don't blame me. I saw what he was early on in the campaign having coined the term "ObamaRama" in one of my letters to the editor back in 2007.  I voted for no presidential candidate and won't again the next time around. The candidates from both sides are all planted trojan horses for the take down of America's infrastructure.

For more info on the Communist take over of America see:


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Signs of Self Destruction on July 4th, 2012 - Did Demons Cause These Fiascos?

. . . and the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award for July 4, 2012 goes to. . . 

This is the first fireworks show ever in the history of the United States that shot up its fireworks all at once.

Alex Jones, a popular radio host from www.PrisonPlanet.com, describes how a dud firework took off out of his hand when he went to investigate what was wrong with it.  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Breaking Free Of The Matrix With God As My Witness

I've been trying hard to deprogram my mind from the matrix over the past few years that hasn't been easy. For instance, I stopped watching television in 2007 and only occasionally watch when I'm working out at the gym.  I've since noticed there's always some evil force trying to hijack me for it's own purpose in order to generate income for itself.

Over the years fake friends have come in all forms including landlady's who ended up robbing me of thousands of dollars to those who are part of the network distributor companies wanting my time and full commitment as if it's a marriage.  I've since learned many of these people are desperate, brutal and exist on the level of animals. 

The reason I'm not like many of these people I've described is I surrendered my life a long time ago. Way back in the mid 1980's is when my earthbound life here really ended and ever since that time the vultures, the criminals and the like have been trying  to use me for their ego purposes and to program me like their robot to do exactly as they please.  When I can't be programmed to do what they expect me to do, they either backstabb or try to do damage to me one way or another.

God As My Witness

For those who have messed with me over the years, they were likely unaware there was a presence experiencing them through my eyes and God witnessed what they did.  God has always been there witnessing it all, the perjury, the lies and entrapment all because I didn't follow a fabricated script or outcome.  God witnessed it all through me and my soul's safe and protected forever no matter what happens in the physical world.  And no, God is not some former man or preacher I met long ago.

Most everyone's been tainted in some way by the matrix of this world that's not of our own being, but that of an infrastructure designed to imprison all of us one way or another.  For those who surrender their lives, God takes over as a witness to what these evil possessed people are plotting and planning.  Hence the term "with God as my witness" has always rung true throughout history.

I believe I was meant to become a Notary Public because I've learned I'm one of the few who actually gives the oath for Jurat notarizations that require sworn statements.  Clients and borrowers at loan signings have told me many times, though other notaries have notarized the same type of documents before, they've never taken the oath ever in their lives.  I once even had an attorney complain to me of my giving her the oath!   I've also witnessed long time notaries who didn't take my oath.  The oath requires a person swear in the name of God whether or not the statement in the document is true "Do you solemnly swear. . . .so help you God?"

One of the tricks of the trade matrix people use is to do things underhandedly in an attempt to drive their targeted victim crazy. Keep that in mind, if you ever notice someone's trying to drive you nuts there's likely a hidden agenda behind it they plan on benefiting from one way or another.   If you always remember God's your witness to these people's activities, you'll feel safe and protected no matter what they do.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Attorney Matt Weidner Rats Out His Profession As Criminal Based Parasites

Yesterday in a post entitled An Open Letter To This Nation's Lawyers. . What Side of History Are You On?, foreclosure defense attorney Matt Weidner lays out a case for an overwhelming majority of those in his legal profession taking the side of criminality acting as brutal thugs against Americans in the foreclosure crisis.
"There is a crisis that has been raging through our nation’s legal system for years now.  It’s a crisis that has destroyed our nation’s legal system and not only have attorneys, and the Bar associations…all of them; national, state, local…not done anything to help stop this crisis…almost all…especially the Bar associations…have been directly complicit in the crimes that have in fact decimated the very foundation upon this once great nation was built." - Attorney Matt Weidner
Coincidentally, that very same day the State Legislature of California  passed the Homeowner Bill of Rights to a cheering audience.
"We have experienced a Titanic of foreclosures that is sinking the economy," said Assemblyman Mike Eng, D-Alhambra, speaking on behalf of the bill on the Assembly floor today. "The attorney general and all of you who support this bill have sent the lifeboat out to shore." 
Gov. Brown did not say definitively whether he would vote for the bill, but he did issue this statement late this afternoon:
“The Homeowner Bill of Rights will prevent banks from throwing Californians out of their homes while they are trying, in good faith, to renegotiate their mortgages. This bill establishes important consumer protections that are long overdue and I commend Attorney General Kamala Harris for her determined pursuit of these changes.” - Legislature Passes Homeowner Bill of Rights - The Bay Citizen.org
I thought this was a good opportunity as any to report other good news that a study was released contradicting my earlier belief that homeowners' loan modifications were really nothing more than the banks setting up borrowers to give up their home through trickery. Turns out I was misinformed because these modifications do apparently help most borrowers avoid foreclosure.

The Center for Responsible Lending (“CRL”), a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that works to stop foreclosure during this housing crisis and protect home ownership and family wealth, in it’s June 2012 policy brief, highlighted the results of its most recent study of loan modifications and their effectiveness as a mechanism for keeping borrowers at risk of foreclosure in their homes over time.
The CRL, analyzing loan modification data for California, showed that 80 percent of borrowers that received permanent loan modifications in 2010 have remained current on their mortgage payments, and in fact only 2 percent of these borrowers have since lost their homes to foreclosure.  Loan Modifications Stop Foreclosures, Study Shows - DOER ALERT! - Mandelman Matters Blog

I had heard that banks tricked homeowners into defaulting on their loan payment in the modification process in order to trigger their being foreclosed upon.  Apparently that was a small percentage of homeowners who had experienced a bait and switch tactic of a few banks.

It's time for the legal profession to help reverse this disaster to help the nation recover from this crisis or continue to experience a collapse of their law firms as the parasites they've become.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Distraught Divorced Men Downloading Legal Zoom Documents Without Attorney: Not A Good Idea

I've had a few clients approach me with these Legal Zoom legal document trust packages they pay $400 for in hopes of avoiding attorney's fees.  I can't emphasize enough how dangerous this is to proceed to do one's own trust believing it's just a matter of filling out a few fill in the blanks on a computer screen and then having them notarized.

A newly divorced gentleman called one day saying he had several documents in a trust to notarize.  This is a typical request from those whose attorneys say they're ready to have their documents notarized so I thought nothing of it. When we met at Starbucks though, a distraught businessman began asking me for my knowledge as a Notary Public about whether the trust package he had appeared to be complete.  I responded whether he spoke with an attorney and he said yes, but I didn't believe him because any attorney in their right mind wouldn't support Legal Zoom trusts.  For me I was very concerned because as a Notary Public, this man's question amounted to solicitation for legal advice.
"The reason I'm doing this trust is I just got divorced and I want to make sure my wife won't have access to my assets." - Legal Zoom Customer
The man's ignorance was just breathtaking. Why was he was putting such an important decision in such jeopardy lacking the knowledge he needed to avoid potential problems? For instance, there was no Power of Attorney for Finances in the package which would enable someone to take responsibility for his finances for his bank accounts and trust estate in case he became incapacitated.   What this man was doing was so dangerous for his future, so I immediately referred him to an attorney and notarized the two documents he requested.  I told him he was putting himself at great risk by not seeking an attorney's advice.

There are some things you can do on your own without an attorney these days, but doing a trust with Legal Zoom is a very bad idea.  At the very least contact a Legal Document Assistant in your area who will be able to spot any problems in the trust documentation.  I used to be an LDA, and they can be very helpful at steering you in the right direction to make good decisions for yourself.  This man didn't have the basic knowledge to know if he even had all the appropriate documents not bothering to read any of the Nolo self-help legal trust books.

Divorcees likely go through a very unstable emotionally distraught period after their split. It's not a good idea to make such important decisions in such a reckless fashion for this reason.  The first question that came to my mind was, where was the trust in his marriage?  If he had a trust estate to protect why did he create one after his divorce?  Typically these divorcees pay out thousands of dollars for divorce lawyers which explains the desire to circumvent using them again. Trust attorneys are far more trust worthy on average however and can prevent future calamities over one's hard earned assets.

There are inexpensive trust attorneys out there.  I have a couple referrals I provide as a Notary Public of those attorneys who I frequently work with.  Don't take a chance with your future.  Seek legal advice for your trust estate or at the very least a Legal Document Assistant through www.CALDA.org who has more knowledge on preparing the documents and finding necessary information then you likely do.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Millionaire Pops Poison Pill in Court Over 15 Year Prison Sentence

I don't believe this has ever happened before that someone took a poison pill in court after being found guilty of arson being sentenced to prison. A video shows former millionaire Michael Marin obviously swallowing a pill in an Arizona court after the sentence was read. Shortly thereafter, Marin took a sip of a sports drink and went into convulsions falling flat on his face dead.

A former millionaire commits suicide in court over a guilty verdict.

Apparently Marin couldn't deal with having to scale down his wealthy lifestyle of living in a $3.5 million mansion he couldn't afford by coming up with some hair brained idea to escape his plight.
"Investigators said Marin deliberately burned down his $3.5 million suburban Phoenix mansion in July 2009 after it failed to sell at a charity auction and he could no longer pay the mortgage. He was seen escaping the fire by climbing down a rope ladder while wearing scuba gear."  Michael Marin Dies Moments Aftering Being Convicted In Arson Case - CBS News
All I can say about this story is this man obviously made some bad decisions but he didn't deserve to die over it.  He looks like a good decent person to me. He harmed no one but himself not being involved in any investor ponzi scheme.  I'm sad this person couldn't find a better way of dealing with his problems.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Identity Thieves Opening New Accounts - How To Prevent This Crime

A few weeks ago I got a call that someone had attempted to purchase a few hundred dollars of merchandise from a Chicos in Florida using my debit card number.  I've since been talking with a few people who say the same thing's happened to them recently.  Banks are able to catch these kind of charges without harm by reversing or denying charges but when criminals open new accounts without your knowledge using a different address it's far more threatening.

He said the main goal of the report is to educate people about preventing identity theft in the online world. "Like, for example, paying a bill online on free Wi-Fi at the airport just isn't a good idea," he said.
Stephens said the best way to protect against new account fraud is setting up credit report freezes. That means that you can't receive any new credit cards, loans, mortgages or other credit-based accounts unless you unfreeze the credit. It can be a pain, Stephens said, but it's the only secure way to prevent identity theft.
“It’s a huge, huge problem,” Stephens said. “Unlike existing account fraud, it can take the victim literally hundreds of hours to remedy.”
The way I protect myself from potential ID theft crimes is by having a free 90 day credit alert put on my account with Equifax.  I can renew the alert every 90 days and Equifax has a quick automated phone system.   When someone attempts to open an account in my name, the bank will be required to contact me by phone first prior to opening any new accounts.

A new study on ID theft was released that can help as stated in this article, Financial Loss From Identity Theft Increasing - The Bay Citizen,  that can help people understand how not to make mistakes such as exposing their information through WiFi at airports, or giving away a debit card password at compromised ATM machines equipped with hidden cameras.
He said the main goal of the report is to educate people about preventing identity theft in the online world. "Like, for example, paying a bill online on free Wi-Fi at the airport just isn't a good idea," he said.
Stephens said the best way to protect against new account fraud is setting up credit report freezes. That means that you can't receive any new credit cards, loans, mortgages or other credit-based accounts unless you unfreeze the credit. It can be a pain, Stephens said, but it's the only secure way to prevent identity theft.

The beauty of the Equifax system is it's absolutely free with a confirmation by mail.

How it works:

Equifax works with the other two nationwide credit reporting agencies, Experian and TransUnion, so that when you request an alert through Equifax, your request is automatically sent to the other two agencies. Generally, the alert will be placed on your credit file with all three agencies within 48 hours.

Next steps:

To place a Fraud Alert on your Equifax credit file:
  • Online: Place an Initial 90 Day Fraud Alert or Active Duty Alert
  • Call: 1-800-525-6285 OR
  • Write to:
    Equifax Information Services LLC
    P.O. Box 105069
    Atlanta, GA 30348-5069

The Matrix We Live In Today Is Petula Clark's 'Downtown'

The national anthem of the matrix is Petula Clark's 1960's hit's Downtown.  With nearly 5,000,000 hits, no one's forgotten this 1960's classic.

Listen to the lyrics.  Took the red pill! This was a cool song. Cool!  Cool!  Really cool!

I'm so sorry, I haven't had much time to blog lately. I've been busy in psyche warfare with bankers and the like arguing with me over $30 charges for one hour of my time.  I'll be back soon in no time to blog more earth shaking relevant material, that is unless my landlady has me killed first. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fascists Motorcade Disrupts Gorgeous Day in San Francisco June 26, 2012

Yesterday people were enjoying an unusually beautiful warm summer day in the financial district of San Francisco.  Their lunch time was rudely interrupted however with police started yelling at them to get out of the cross walk.  This is what followed:

Pomp and circumstance just comes out of nowhere in San Francisco. At tax payer expense, dozens of police are summoned to escort fascists around town.

I asked around and no one knew who the royalty was in the vehicles.  Nothing was in the news I could find either.