Thursday, May 17, 2012

BOMBSHELL: Confirmation Obama Born in Kenya From Literary Agent's 1991 Bio

I wasn't going to post anything today seeing how it's a slow news day until I caught a bit of this.  I know some could care less, but I think it's a big deal when the President of the U.S. lies about his place of birth in order to unlawfully apply for the Presidency.  He's ineligible to be President!  He never produced a valid birth certificate.  
"Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. 
The booklet, which was distributed to 'Business colleagues' in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel. 
It also promotes Obama's anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White--which Obama abandoned, later publishing  Dreams from My Father instead.
'Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.  The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation.   He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.'"


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Americans Have Lost Their Country About To Be Gutted By Evil Communists

Okay, I think I've read enough, heard enough and seen enough the past few years to come to a conclusion of what's up ahead in the near future.  I can't emphasize enough that if you're living in the U.S. and have the ability to do so, leave the country for higher ground.  Choose as safe a country as you're able because one day you and your family will likely be considered American refugees or even escapees.

My Conclusion

After 200 years of its existence, America as a country is being terminated, fired by the powers at be. Our economic model no longer works for them (the International bankers) so they're gutting out our country to be replaced with what they can benefit from.  After the dollar collapses, Obama, who is already recognized by many as a traitor to America, will be aiding and abetting such powerful interests by enabling our own U.S. military to begin turning inward against Americans.  See post, Outed Communist Obama Wants To Destroy America, Bring It To Its KneesFor those troops who refuse to obey Obama's orders, paid mercenaries will come in and do the job of disarming Americans along with U.N. foreign troops, killing some and sending others to the re-education camps. See Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan for Re-Education Camps In America - Prison

America is heavily indebted to China that plans on attacking and invading the U.S. in tandem with Russia by air.   For those Americans who think they stand a chance against a U.S. military stand down, more power to em.  For those who want to save their families extreme terror and hardship, this is your chance to get out of the United States for higher ground.  Seek God's guidance especially on what you should do. Get out the ole Bible and pray to God and ask the Holy Spirit to provide guidance on what you're supposed to do.

Insider info (see latest update in May below)

Latest update, May 2012 of what's taking place with foreign troops on U.S. soil

The trigger event will likely be the U.S. dollar collapse barring other unforeseen events.  These evil forces intend on killing Americans en masse that will be utterly terrifying.  Do not think they'll be merciful whatsoever.  They can hardly wait to slaughter Americans!  This will be the "judgment day" for America so many fundamentalist Christians have been forewarning for decades about.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

American Dudes Have No Chance Against Chinese Army Set To Invade America When Dollar Collapses

Golly gee, I wonder what motivates the Chinese people to do this kind of thing?

What do they want from us.  Could it be our land and resources?  Or are they simply pissed off about something we're unaware of? 

Should Americans take the coming invasion of Chinese troops personally?  Is it our breath? Is it our culture?  Just what is causing all this uproar?  Please explain, anyone, if you can why they are doing this. And, what's with the pink brigades?

China to take over  U.S. Bank

American men are too busy worried about their next dose of Viagra and to make matters worse, Obama's a Communist plant.  We don't stand a chance against the coming Chinese/Russian invasion when the U.S. dollar collapses.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Obama's Selling America Out To The Communists!

I feel sorry for my fellow Americans who are still holding onto the naive notion Ron Paul can save them from what's happened in the United States.  The Communists have been steadily dismantling America through Obama, himself a Communist, in anticipation of the dollar crash to invade our country, kill Americans and take over our resources.  Americans are choosing to still believe they have a viable election process in spite of clear signs of imminent danger. See my post, Communists Slithering Into America - Prepare for China and Russia Attack
"If we are trying to become independent of foreign oil, then why is the Obama administration allowing the Chinese government to buy up U.S. oil and gas deposits worth billions of dollars? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. The United States desperately needs to maintain control over its own domestic energy resources so that we can end our addiction to foreign oil. As I have written about previously, the United States actually has plenty of oil. If we would simply use the resources that we already have, we would never have to import a single drop of foreign oil. But instead, we continue to be the largest importer of oil on the planet and we are allowing China to rapidly buy up oil and gas deposits inside the United States. This is fundamentally wrong and it is a serious threat to our national security."  Why Is The Obama Administration Allowing Chinese Government To Buy Up U.S. Oil and Gas Deposits Worth Billions of Dollars? 
Unless there's a coup de etat in the White House and Americans take down the current Communist leadership structure occupying the U.S. government, there is virtually no hope for America or its citizens from a coming brutal attack from China and Russia.  These two countries are planning a dual pronged attack after the U.S. dollar crashes, Russia by air missiles and China by land invasion.  The American public is not being prepared by the U.S. government for obvious reasons since it plans on turning the U.S. Military against its own people.

The attack will come in waves:

1.  Dollar crash
2.  U.S. military - Martial law
3.  U.N. troops backing up in case the U.S. military turns against Obama's orders
4.  Russia and China will begin a brutal attack and invasion.

In this video, a naive American tries to calmly explain what Obama has done is treasonous, yet still clings to the foolish idea electing Ron Paul will solve the problem.  

Without the U.S. dollar, Americans are worthless to the world.  These other nations are angry at the gluttony and entitlement Americans have enjoyed for decades due to its powerful world currency. When the currency is no longer there for Americans, we will have absolutely nothing to stand on, especially since we allowed a Communist dictator to take over our country and its U.S. Constitution.

Evidence U.S. military has orders to turn against their own countryman at some trigger event they're preparing for.

I just sit in wonderment at how naive Americans have become to what is happening. To me, it's as plain as day.  Americans are arrogant and oblivious that we are not special in the world any longer.  These countries are going to come in and slaughter us and the U.S. military will be ordered to help them.

So much for free housing and healthcare.  People who put their faith in a frail little old man Ron Paul to help them through this mess are kidding themselves.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Something's Fishy - These Fish Have Human Teeth - Is This Nature or Science?

After seeing these photos of fish with human like teeth I'm wondering if this is evolution or scientific manipulation.

This is a real fish actually its called a Pacu (ˈpakoō; paˈkoō)
a deep-bodied, herbivorous freshwater fish native to northern South America. • Colossoma nigripinnis, family Characidae.

One wonders if this is natural or a scientific experiment of planting human genes in fish. Note there are teeth growing on the side of the fish's mouth as well.

Too human looking teeth and lips that appear to be lipstick.


This is just too close to human teeth for comfort.

Needs flossing

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Financial Guru Suze Orman's Afraid For America

When asked about her financial fears, Orman said: 
“My only fear in life, when it comes to money, is what’s happening in the United States of America. The American dream is dead for the majority of America.”
The dream she is referring to is not even a Cinderella story; it’s much more practical. Orman believes the hope of someday owning a home, of working one job for life and retiring at 65 has been crushed by the financial crisis. “The middle class has disappeared,” she continued. “We have a highway to poverty and no roads coming out. I fear for [those] who have been kicked out of their homes, could be living on the streets and don’t know how to get another job. Many of the millions of jobs lost I don’t think are coming back. I am really afraid for the majority of Americans today.” - Suze Orman Speaks Out - Monty Pelein's World 

Suze Orman should have added in the above 2010 quote that we have the Communist regime that's hijacked America to thank not to mention letting our guard down for decades.  Communist Obama's at the helm of ushering in joint attack by the Russians and Chinese (with the UN troops as back up) after the U.S. dollar collapses later this year.  

For more info visit:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Save Your Lives - Leave the U.S. Before It's Too Late!

Americans really need to think about what the likely scenario would be if the dollar collapses at the end of the year as is being predicted by Gerald Celente, Lindsey Williams and others.  The only hope from a foreign attack and invasion would rest with the U.S. President and the military to protect its citizenry.  If Americans don't have this simple protection of good leadership in such a crisis, a strong China and Russia alliance will likely use the U.S.'s vulnerability of losing its currency to attack and invade our country.  See post- Prepare for Civil War, Russia and China Attack - May 10, 2012

Seeing how it appears Barack Obama is a Communist plant with the intent to destroy America, it's not too difficult to foresee the outcome. (See post Outed Communist Obama Wants to Destroy America, Bring It To Its Knees - May 6, 2012) If you want to save your family's future and your children from great hardship, you need to think on your feet and face the facts of what's currently happening. Unfortunately, the only way to avoid this mess is to leave the country. If you have the means to do so, I recommend getting out of America in the next few months if you possibly can and prepare not to return.

If you have a home that's going underwater leave especially, just pick up and leave!  It won't mean you don't care about America to leave at this time, just that you see the writing on the wall. They're coming to kill us, and our very own President is going to help them by requesting the U.S. military to transport citizens to what will surely be death camps disguised as comfort centers.

Possible countries to consider are Sweden, Switzerland and The Netherlands.  Choose carefully because it can make a difference.  Keep in mind if you don't leave at the right time, you and your family will be trapped in a third world invaded country for the rest of your lives being exposed to horrendous brutality.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Communists Slithering Into America - Prepare for Civil War, Russia and China Attack

I guess I'm one of the few Americans thus far who's gotten a real taste of what Satanic Communism's all about when the landlady employed by famous Russians came in to remove $6,000 from my apartment. This enormous theft occurred shortly after a terrifying nightmare forewarning me.  See post Dream Forewarning of Enormous Theft Scared the Hell Out Of Me - March 8, 2012

As any Communists would do, the money was taken as if it was a community fund for the building and within weeks used towards the renovation of the units above and below my apartment.  Since then, there's been an incredible amount of racket from the floors being torn up and ceilings redone.  I don't know how long it takes to paint walls and do a little remodeling of an apartment, but the racket's going on into its third month.  My apartment's also been smelling like charcoal lighter fluid the past few days so I'm wondering what that's all about.

The Russians apparently believed my low rent the past decade of $990-1,088 for a 600 square foot studio apartment in Nob Hill qualified them to trespass to take money through their landlady that didn't belong to them. It wasn't just the robbery of my hard earned money that got my attention however, it was also the terrifying nightmare I had prior to the theft. My heart was racing and I truly believe I had lost everything I owned after that dream that seemed all too real.  These Russians who own my building aren't just your average kind of people, they were key in arranging for Gorbachev to visit San Francisco in the 1990's.  Eerily, their name is very close to the name Orwellian in its pronunciation.

I've since been digging deeper to discover the horrifying truth that Communists have invaded our country at the highest level of our U.S. government, that the U.S. Military is being readied for civil war to come after Americans after some cataclysmic event, that U.N. troops prepare on U.S. soil, that classified documents leaked of re-education camps of political dissidents is genuine and out of Stalin Russia, and that President Obama is a Marxist/Communist having been mentored by former Weather Underground Communist terrorist leader Bill Ayers after having been put through college by the Ayers family for the sole purpose of becoming President one day.

Other things I learned:
Bill Ayers admitted many times to writing Obama's Dream biography.
Bill Ayers was involved in bombing the U.S. Capitol in 1971 being later pardoned by Bill Clinton in 1992.
Bill Ayers is currently a college professor pushing his Communist reeducation agenda at the University of Chicago.
Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground terrorist group was infiltrated by the FBI that reported Ayers plan was to kill 25,000,000 Americans who failed to be re-educated.  - Source: Bill Ayers Was Planning to Murder 25 Million Americans -

1982 Documentary video clip explains Bill Ayers was a terrorist planning on killing off millions of Americans in Stalinist like re-education camps.

I also learned that Russia and China are planning to attack the United States and Canada to take over our countries for their resources. Russia will be used for missiles and China will be used for ground invasion.  They plan on using submarines to surround our country and Obama's being at the helm in the U.S.  Obama, who has no intention on leaving office by the way, won't help things much.  When I heard about these submarines, I recall the Chinese missile launch off our coast and nothing being addressed about it. It seems the Chinese were doing some testing for their future war plans with U.S. government approval.  Back in the 1950's this would have been seen as an overt threat, but not today since the U.S. government's been infiltrated by the Communist regime.

American military chiefs have been left dumbstruck by an undetected Chinese submarine popping up at the heart of a recent Pacific exercise and close to the vast U.S.S. Kitty Hawk – a 1,000ft supercarrier with 4,500 personnel on board.
By the time it surfaced the 160ft Song Class diesel-electric attack submarine is understood to have sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes or missiles at the carrier. - Missile Fired Off California Coast On Same Day That Chinese Sub Surprised OS Carrier Group -

How can our U.S. Military be "dumbstruck" over the missile you might wonder. They know exactly what's going on.
C.S. Lewis once said, “There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God, and counter-claimed by Satan.”
That has never changed, although over the past half-century a dangerous web of deceit has fallen over the Western nations, lulling them into a false sense of security and complacency. It has reduced them to blabbering fools, who cannot see the deadly threat in front of their eyes. They accept the enemy’s propaganda willingly; once ingested, they then further spread the lies to others.
As a nation, America has drifted from its bedrock. We have strayed from our foundations. We have moved into a netherworld of moral relativism, where nothing is everything, and no man can say what is right. - Eternal Enemy -
Much of the American public has been so dumbed down they have no idea what's happening but there are many who are arming themselves for civil war as noted in five million gun sales a month.  If enough Americans like myself have premonition dreams forewarning as I had, we'd all be better off.   There is a spiritual dimension to all of this and, believe me, it's truly terrifying to experience even in a dream state. - See The Gathering Storm -

Everyone should arm themselves for the coming civil war in America because they're coming for all of us.

For more info:

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Mayans Were Right About 2012 - Extinction Event Imminent with Fukushima Reactor 4

The ancient Mayan's must have been time travelers to foresee the danger of a major extinction event surrounding the year 2012.  Keep in mind the last extinction cycle occurred 65.5 million years ago, referred to as the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction Event. Many laughed at the idea as silly but it seems the  biggest threat ever to human civilization and much of life on earth is at hand. I know it's hard to believe being all too surreal, but our lives are all hanging on a thread at this very moment thanks to Japan's Fukushima Reactor 4. 
"The news you are about to read puts everything else in the category of "insignificant" by comparison. Concerned about the 2012 U.S. presidential election? Worried about GMOs? Fluoride? Vaccines? Secret prisons? None of that even matters if we don't solve the problem of Fukushima reactor No. 4, which is on the verge of a catastrophic failure that could unleash enough radiation to end human civilization on our planet."  Fukushima Reactor NO. 4 Vulnerable To Catastrophic Collapse. . . Human Civilization on the Brink - Natural
So it now seems the ancient Mayans were right surrounding 2012 that this is likely the year when human civilization will change forever. The sad fact is that we're all guilty as a human race for allowing ourselves in this position of destroying this planet.  As a whole, the human race is deeply flawed primarily due to conscienceless greed.  While others such as Mike Adams at Natural News philosophize scientists have run amok as the core of the problem (see Human Race Being Terminated By 'Scientific Suicide' - Natural News and Terminator Robots: Scientists Develop Plastic Skin that Bleeds Red Liquid and Can Even Heal Itself -, what it really boils down to is corporate greed influencing people such as scientists to do reckless things and make bad decisions without regard for our planet or others' lives or future.
"It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on No.4 reactor." - Mitsuhei Murata, Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland and Senegal, Executive Director, the Japan Society for Global System and Ethics  Fukushima Reactor NO. 4 Vulnerable To Catastrophic Collapse. . . Human Civilization on the Brink - Natural
I always thought of the Japanese as the most intelligent race on the planet, and see I was  wrong.  I don't understand why Japan couldn't turn down General Electric Corporation's (GE) offer to install its poorly designed nuclear reactors years ago. It was such no brainer.  Any normal country would have said "hell no, we sit on a major earthquake fault, are you nuts?"  Instead Japan drank the koolaid and our futures are all gone. GE owns much of the media that's kept this horrific news under wraps for months.

Thanks to greedy corporations like General Electric, humanity's future is nearing its end in 2012-13. 

We can use Fukushima as a yardstick to note how the powers-at-be are completely ignoring this threat to humanity thus far while idiots like Al Gore continue to push their global warming hoax. If Gore really cared about the planet he would be on top of this Fukushima disaster.  Tepco's been working on the problem claiming they can't afford to fix it.  If Al Gore so cares about the planet why doesn't he and his billionaire friends come to the rescue and have scientists and technicians working on solving this problem?  Tepco's so given up that it's even been sending its employees home on the weekend! 
"Mr. Murata's stunning statement should be front-page news everywhere around the world. Why? Because he's right. If reactor No. 4 suffers even a minor earthquake, it could set off a chain reaction of events that quickly lead to North America becoming uninhabitable by humans for centuries to come. Imagine California, Oregon and Washington states being inundated with radiation -- up to 85 times the radiation release from Chernobyl. We're talking about the end of human life on the scale of continents."  Fukushima Reactor NO. 4 Vulnerable To Catastrophic Collapse. . . Human Civilization on the Brink - Natural
The horrifying truth is that there's no current technology available to fix the problem at Fukushima 4 and that all it would take is a small earthquake to destroy human civilization where North America would become largely uninhabitable.  The entire world governments have been largely ignoring the #1 threat to human civilization as if it doesn't exist!

Sadly, none of this had to happen, there were other forms of energy invented we could have used other than nuclear such as harnessing hydrothermal vents in the ocean.  Greed clearly fueled the nuclear industry and blinded people who profited by promoting it in questionable geographic areas.  This same greed has taken over many other industries as well including pharmaceutical, GMO, oil and many others. It's really a systemic problem humanity can no longer control.

A time traveler apparently went into the future from the ancient Mayan civilization (not to mention those in the Biblical prophecies) to forewarn us in our time line of what was to come and that humanity didn't make it.  After this extinction event occurs, the evil ones will surely be burrowing under ground for decades to mutate into a new species.

 Human Race Being Terminated By 'Scientific Suicide' - Natural News  

Terminator Robots: Scientists Develop Plastic Skin that Bleeds Red Liquid and Can Even Heal Itself -