Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Man Terrorized Over A Few Chickens Loses Life Exposing Sociopath Criminal City Officials in Roswell, GA

This is a tragic story about an innocent man, Andrew Wordes, who died a tragic death after being sadistically psychologically tortured for four years by his local city government in Roswell, Georgia.  The sociopath city officials ultimately brought about Wordes' horrific death after a neighbor complained of a few chickens on his property.
"The firestorm of childish retaliation and rage that quickly ensued as a result of Wordes standing up for himself and his rights, rather than capitulating to the city's tyrannical and mindless demands that he get rid of his chickens, will likely go down as one of the most tragically absurd abuses of power in the history of local government." - City of Roswell, GA, bullies Andrew Wordes to death over his backyard chickens. - Natural News

After the city officials lost their case to remove Wordes' chickens, they rewrote the law and never ended their harassment to the point of utter madness destroying his property, having him robbed and arranging with the mortgage holder to foreclose on him unlawfully. 

According to Wordes, he had 50 chickens, 50 button quail and 50 partridges and a few pigs on his property that were all lawful and approved by a judge. (See Post By Wordes on Forum - 12/29/09) Even the Governor of Georgia and Roswell Mayor had been involved helping Wordes from the vicious Roswell officials. 

After they lost their case, the apparent sociopath city officials began going after Wordes for anything and everything.
"In violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and several other laws, Roswell Code Enforcement Supervisor Vicki Barclay allegedly called Wordes' mortgage holder, an 80-year-old woman, and coerced her into selling Wordes' mortgage note for 40 cents on the dollar to another mortgage holder by threatening to issue liens, citations, and grievances on the property if she failed to comply. Barclay is the same city official who had illegally tried to issue Wordes a citation for his chickens from the very beginning.
Having failed at all other attempts to seize his property, the City of Roswell then filed a zoning violation against Wordes claiming that his property was a "nuisance." The city also filed a 55-page civil lawsuit against Wordes, which conveniently denied him the right to a city-funded public defender who was supposed to represent him in legal dealings involving the city." City of Roswell, GA, bullies Andrew Wordes to death over his backyard chickens. - Natural News
When the avengers began moving in for the kill with a criminal foreclosure, the state troopers entered, an explosion occurred and Wordes was found dead.  The death is suspicious of foul play based on the degree of harassment this man was under for years.
But Wordes met his unjust fate on March 26, 2012, after roughly four years of enduring illicit and seemingly-endless abuse, bullying, threats, and unsubstantiated legal action taken against him by Roswell city officials with an apparent axe to grind. And after losing his birds, his freedom, his entire life savings, his property, and his livelihood as a result of the City of Roswell's sadistic war against him, Wordes ended up losing his life as a result of an explosion that occurred during the final eviction raid carried out by Fulton County marshals. City of Roswell, GA, bullies Andrew Wordes to death over his backyard chickens. - Natural News
Key events include:
  • City of Roswell targets Wordes for standing up for his rights, identifies his property on planning map as future 'green space'
  • City of Roswell refuses to submit Wordes' request for FEMA assistance following severe flooding, issues citation when he attempts to protect his home
  • City of Roswell Code Enforcement Supervisor violates law by contacting Wordes' mortgage holder, coercing her into selling mortgage
  • Wordes' home vandalized, chickens poisoned while he attends political rally
  • City of Roswell jails Wordes for 99 days, proceeds to evict him from property using phony foreclosure notice
  • After being denied the ability to fight back against illegal foreclosure, county marshals swoop in on Wordes' property to evict him, culminating in his death
  • City of Roswell must be held responsible for its crimes

The key city government officials involved in the murder of Anthony Wordes include:

City Administrator Kay G. Love 
Roswell City council member Becky Wynn,
Roswell City council member Rich Dippolito, and 
Roswell Code Enforcement Supervisor Vicki Barclay  

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Guilt Trippers Trip To Nowhere - Don't Get On Board!

All of us have come across someone in our lifetimes who tries to make us feel guilty over some perceived misstep though we haven't done anything wrong to them. These guilt trippers often have their own code of unspoken social mores they expect others to conform to. This misguided sense of guilt projected onto others is the guilt tripper's problem, not ours, because the wrong exists solely inside their head. 

Can people who want to put others on a guilt trip for their own personal issues be tripped up?  The answer is most certainly yes but vigilance is necessary to recognize and stay away from people who rely on guilt to manipulate others.  Sometimes it's not easy to avoid these kind of people who either have personal access to us or seek to violate our privacy, including those who use the Internet and forums.

I used to have a subconscious heavily laden with guilt triggers since I was initially raised a Catholic.  The Catholic Church relies heavily on brainwashing people to feel ashamed for anything that violates what's in their holy book, the confession booth is just one example. You can pick up this guilt ridden mental illness easily if you were raised a Catholic, a Jew or any heavy guilt based organized religion and it often takes decades to shake off if ever. 

I find people are searching for scapegoats for people to blame for the mess their lives are in and that their own feelings of guilt drives them to behave this way.  They don't want to believe their feelings of guilt are their problem, that someone else is responsible for it so they're searching for victims.  The feelings of guilt many people have are often misplaced and nothing more than their inability to recognize they've been brainwashed to feel guilt inappropriately.  

Here's an example of the process people use, those who have felt wronged in some way:
"Have you ever realized that someone screwed you over big time, and now you want to do something about it? Instead of revenge, try a guilt trip. You'll be amazed at the power of a good, long guilt trip." - How To Give Someone a Guilt Trip - WikiHow.com

I've noticed I used to project guilt on innocent people  for the slightest thing they did long ago that was clearly due to my Catholic upbringing.  In spite of being brainwashed, there is no excuse for adults being unable to shake off this mental illness of mismanaging feelings of guilt. Socially based triggered guilt can be used inappropriately to make people feel they've done something terribly wrong when they really haven't.

Feelings of guilt are meant for people who are truly guilty of something.  It's usually the good people who are always feeling some form of guilt while the criminals feel nothing.  Regardless, good people can cause great harm by inflicting their misguided guilt onto others as a form of social control.  If you're always feeling guilty about something intangible, or another is always trying to make you feel guilty, it's a form of mental illness that needs to be dealt with. 

Anytime someone begins laying a guilt trip on me, I excuse myself after telling them they need to seek a mental health professional.  I don't even want to get involved in what a guilt tripper thinks or get tangled up in their head game, I've had enough of that in life.  As far as the Internet goes, when complete strangers try to cause problems in forums and other mediums, I note they're likely mentally ill people.

People who are well steeped in guilt tripping others can be easily categorized in the heavy mental illness category.  You deal with the guilt trippers by simply not dealing with them at all. To put it simply, you trip up the guilt trippers by not going on the guilt trip with them.

John Tennent, Notary Rotary

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Satanists Are Planning To Take My Life

It's Easter Sunday and a beautiful day in San Francisco. A little on the chilly side as it has been the past several days, but nice none the less.  I'm thinking and praying today because I know I'm being continually targeted by Satanists to destroy my life in incremental steps with the latest being my landlady trespassing on my property to commit a large cash theft, then posting a bogus eviction notice.  Unfortunately, this dark scenario's being played out in thousands of people's lives in the U.S. as criminal bank foreclosures are set to skyrocket again. See Easter Blessings - The Spiritual Component of Foreclosure - Matt Weidner Blog

As I posted earlier I had a terrifying premonition dream of the theft and prior to that of my murder that both seemed very real.  I didn't believe the theft premonition dream was going to happen so I let my guard down.  I now fully believe there are those planning to take my life and that the landlady's likely involved.  Something told me a few weeks ago my life would be ending soon that caused me to put up an on-going project on my Facebook timeline entitled My Life Flashing Before My Eyes.

There are a few people who are likely involved in planning the end of my life as the ultimate conquest. I wanted to let people know these are complete strangers who are targeting people on the Internet who they believe have money.  They are motivated by money and power and the fact 2012 is a year where many things are predicted to become desperate and chaotic.

My landlady's an unstable elderly paranoid person who changes in the blink of an eye who's likely being used as a vehicle by others. From my perspective she's capable of anything at this point.  I've been enjoying my life being a business owner meeting a lot of nice people in San Francisco. Prior to the large theft, I was on the rebound after the harassment of astrologer Edmond Wollmann and his partner in crime Rick Lazzarini who tried to hide his identity in a Motion to Quash filed in 2010.  Mr. Wollmann has since been harassing me with requests for $570,000 from his bogus court judgment over a scam set-up of me.  I believe this is a consorted effort to make me look like I committed suicide due to these bogus debts.

Some of those involved:

Landlady - Astrologer who did my astrology birth chart back in 2003 while providing a psychic reading in tape form never asked for, robbed me of $6,000 cash, trespassing on my property for a crime of convenience.
Edmond Wollmann- Astrologer, building manager in San Diego, falsely claims I owe him $570,000 for a counter suit that never was accepted on the court ledger due to statute. He was convicted of trespassing and public nuisance by other plaintiffs prior to suit and I had evidence he was involved in a nasty libelous blog about me he had taken down after a deposition.
Rick Lazzarini - Horror film special effects wizard (Predator, Night on Elm Street, Alien, etc.), impersonated Edmond Wollmann contacting me as a fan of my singing in 2007. He and Wollmann, who later became involved in the dispute with a blog, ultimately caused me damages I filed a lawsuit over in 2009. Lazzarini filed a Motion to Quash through entertainment attorney Joe Hart.

It's all about money, power, control and domination of me.  These are all complete strangers, including my landlady who doesn't really know me at all.  That's why I've referred to it as a Satanic Network because, as I've posted before, judges and law enforcement have participated in empowering all of those involved.

The good news is that Jesus Christ is my savior from these monsters that I'm going back to the basics of reading the Bible again.  The bad news is they'll never stop because they're insane sociopath machines programmed to rob and kill.  They're that insane and desperate because they have no eternal life beyond this world except in hell.

My Dream Forewarning Of Enormous Theft Scared the Hell Out Of Me - March 8, 2012

Satanist Network in San Francisco Making Their Move To Kill Me Off - March 16, 2012

Bombshell: Rick Lazzarini of The Character Shop Filed Motion to Quash His Identity for Malicious On-Line Activities - March 24, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Landlady's Mentally Ill, Potentially Dangerous

I'm reporting for future reference that the landlady who I've been writing about the past few weeks is apparently a sociopath. I recently spoke with a book author familiar with the nature of this personality and she says what I'm really dealing with is someone who will never stop her unwarranted activities because it's all about maintaining power and control of me as a tenant in order for her to win.

I explained to the author the behavior and actions of my landlady,71, towards me over the past nine years and of recent including her disregard for my boundaries and belief she has a right to my property to enter it at-will such as to commit a large six thousand dollar cash theft.  I explained the landlady's manipulative nature and aggression including:
Her selling my 42" Sharp LCD television to the locksmith after I had to have my keys replaced due to losing them, my astrological birth chart she did and related psychic reading audio tapes along with her repeated anger at my sharing them with a coworker. I explained the recent crazy activities of the symbolic arrangement of planting poison on Valentine's Day in my apartment, the subsequent theft of $6,000 cash when I wrote her not to enter without my being there.  I told her what followed after I filed a police report, that of a bogus Cure and Quit eviction notice full of lies and hope I didn't have next month's rent. I relayed the following horrendous racket in the renovation of units above and below me that's been going on for weeks in the ripping up of floors and pounding on my floor of the ceiling below as late as yesterday. I also explained the propaganda I've been fed over the years of the landlady believing she's my spiritual teacher in how I was being continually intimidated and pressured to purchase books and to agree with her beliefs. 
From my experiences, including nightmares I've had, I believe this landlady's potentially dangerous and that she feels she has nothing to lose at her age. I'm referring to the possibility of planting poison or toxic substances or the arrangement through a third party for an accident to happen to the tenant on the property. Thus far I noted a brown film substance was sprayed on my coffee machine after a radiator repair person entered my kitchen unauthorized to do so that I secretly recorded on video. The book author told me sociopaths have a way of getting into their victims' minds to manipulate them. I realize now how I was influenced to place the landlady as a partial beneficiary of my IRA account.

I'm not moving and have made it very clear I have no intention on doing so this year.  Should anything happen to me, I want the authorities to know this landlady is out of her mind being mentally ill and capable of anything.

In the meantime, I've got a lawyer lined up whose familiar with the building owner should this crazy landlady escalate again.

Giving Your Landlady Thank You Gifts Is Like Feeding a Great White Shark Chum - March 20, 2012

Landlady Nightmare - Large Cash Theft After My Yelp Review - March 13, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nipped In The Bud - Colloidal Silver Prevented My Annual Bronchitis Six Weeks Of Misery

I thought this was as good a time as ever with Spring's arrival to report on the progress of my finding solutions to my annual bronchial illness that's been depleting my health over the past few years.

My having annual bouts with bronchitis was so devastating it caused six weeks of downtime along with great discomfort of hack coughing up my insides.  The generic penicillin amoxicillin prescribed by my doctor was usually provided too late to prevent the full bloom of the illness.  I also found the yearly use of such a strong antibiotic was causing its own adverse health issue.

I'm happy to report that colloidal silver turned out to be the right solution to any symptoms I was developing.  At one point last year the symptoms were so strong I opted to use my nano nebulizer to breath the silver particles into my lungs rather than take the solution orally.  Allow me to confirm this inhalation method absolutely worked to reverse bronchitis from taking hold in my lungs any further!  Since that initial battle, I've had two other times of smaller symptoms of colds in which I took a few tablespoons of 5 ppm colloidal silver. I was amazed that the symptoms went away within 5-10 minutes. Now that winter's over, I feel victorious over defeating the bronchitis I would have suffered through by now due to the cold weather.

This is my video that's received nearly 10k views.  I've been making my own colloidal silver for cheap since last year.  My health has also greatly improved from having no symptoms thanks to boosting my immune system.

I noticed a few people view colloidal silver as something more than an antibiotic they likely overuse.  I'm not giving medical advice, but my experience is that our immune system needs to be boosted appropriately, not to rely on an antibiotic.  It's my understanding colloidal silver isn't to be relied on as an immune system booster, just when our system falters.

My knowledge of how to get better hold of my health has skyrocketed the past few months with the understanding boosting our immune system is the key to good health.  Prior to that I thought catching colds was something I couldn't do anything about, left to chance and circumstances. Turns out, we can do much to prevent ourselves from illness and disease by focusing on ways to boost our immune systems.

Last year when I had a Biophotonic carotanoid scan, my immune system scored very low, thousands of points below the national average.  As soon as I began addressing how to boost my immune system, my health improved dramatically.

The pharma industry's been scaring off the public over those who have been foolish enough to add a salt based saline solution to their colloidal silver. The saline mixture causes the skin to turn blue and photos are plentiful of those who made their colloidal silver batches incorrectly.   I'm not at all worried about turning blue since I have the good sense to make the solution properly.  See Hear About Colloidal Silver Blue Man? - Natural News

Stuffing One's Face On-The-Go Has Severe Consequences For Future Digestive Problems - 3/17/12

My Youngevity Vitamin Supplements Exposed as Garbage By Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner Reading - 8/13/2011

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

RED ALERT: Apartment Tenants At Risk For Theft By On-Site Building Managers - Ways to Protect Your Property

If you live in an apartment with an on-site landlady or manager type of scenario, I can't emphasize enough how vital it is to obtain a camera surveillance system to protect your property from theft.  The laws in major cities require a witness in order to prosecute thefts.  Consequently these on-site managers are quite aware they are free to trespass and steal from tenants at-will, especially if they want to force a tenant to move due to rent control in a skyrocketing rental market.

Had I simply purchased a camera surveillance system like this one for under $500,  I would have been able to obtain the evidence I needed to prosecute the landlady in a court of law to get my money back. The law's clearly on the side of criminals these days which is why they think the sky's the limit in their becoming more brazen then ever.  It's unfortunate I didn't act on the premonition dream I had prior to the theft.  Since it's too late now, I can only sound the alarm for other apartment dwellers that if they want to protect their property from theft, a camera surveillance system is the best way to go. 

The reason I wouldn't recommend an alarm system is because as soon as the highly attuned landlady discovers it, a tenant risks possible further harassment and threats of eviction such as I did.  It's therefore interesting to note the day my alarm system was activated I came home to find a bogus eviction notice on my door alleging had I denied her entry.  I've been able to deduce from these activities that the landlady wants into my apartment at-will to violate me like a rapist would in her having a dirty, vile demonic spirit.  I've felt the presence of this hideous evil thing and it's really nasty.  I've prayed to Jesus Christ to protect me from it several times now. The landlady wants me to know she can come into my apartment anytime she likes, that she's powerful and in full control of me.

The type of camera system I'm about to purchase has a motion detecting system that sends images to the Internet and notifies by email if someone has entered your apartment.  This is what I was contemplating purchasing prior to a large theft in my apartment a few months ago.  What prevented me from proceeding was a kind of wishy washy attitude that I was overreacting to a nightmare forewarning me of the theft.  Though I don't anticipate anyone will enter my property unlawfully again, at least I will have the peace of mind.  My locks are unpick able so the only one who can get in has a key.

Another Red Flag

There was also a huge red flag last year when I lost my keys that caused the locks to be replaced on a few floors that the landlady arranged to sell my 42 inch Sharp TV to the locksmith.  She operates with a personal charm and caring, as if she did me a favor.  Now she has the money I obtained from the purchase in her grubby little hands!  I wouldn't have sold the television on my own.  I've since learned the landlady of my building's a very ill person.  People in apartment buildings should be aware criminals often exploit these kind of positions for easy thefts of tenants property. Thankfully,  we now have the kind of technology that can stop these parasites in their tracks.

I wish I would have had the good sense to follow through on my premonition dream forewarning me of the theft.  Like many trusting souls, I wanted to believe my landlady wouldn't do such a thing that I was just overreacting being paranoid.  Be aware those who call you paranoid possibly want your guard down.  Our culture emphasizes alleged abnormal paranoia over common sense caution these days.  Apparently my landlady's spiritual new age shtick propaganda was designed to lull me into a state of trusting her. Six thousand dollars is a lot of money for anyone to lose these days.

Mexican Immigrant Brought Onto My Property Who Hardly Speaks English, Poorly Supervised By Landlady

I have a video I recorded after the large theft showing the lack of proper supervision of a radiator repair person, a Mexican immigrant who entered my kitchen for no reason.  I fact, my radiator was fine so they both entered my apartment claiming my radiator needed to be looked at.  The video shows that after they entered, the landlady stood by in the other room not questioning why the man went into my kitchen he had suddenly pointed to after he looked at the radiator. I believe he went into my kitchen to spray some brown substance as a form of harassment I later noted was on my silver Cuisinart coffee maker.  After I discovered the substance I thought "how silly I don't care if he sprays crap on my coffee pot, that won't get me to move!"

In this hidden camera video, a Mexican immigrant leaves the room pointing at something as landlady stands staring at the radiator and out the window.  Note code words seem to be used. There was nothing wrong with my radiator, it wasn't leaking.

I really value living where I have the past 9 years and don't care if communists or socialists from Russia own this building, they still have to abide by U.S. laws.  The building owners need to consider without U.S. laws they never would have obtained their wealth in the U.S. as Russian immigrants.  Their socialist system in Russia is poverty but only for a few. They don't own me or my property, this is the United States, not Russia!  I'm a native Californian of 52 years.

I'm not the kind of person to be intimidated to move.  Now that I know what's up, I'm going to ratchet up protecting myself.  The rental market's heating up in San Francisco like the days of the dot com boom. People do crazy things during these times and San Francisco is back to being a crowded city again putting greater burdens on law enforcement and the legal system.  People should make sure to remove the potential liability of on-site managers and landladies who can rob them freely as long as there are not witnesses to the crime.  Don't trust they're good people who would never do such a thing, it's not worth the risk. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Casting Call for Victims: How Police Enforcement's Become Infected By Hollywood

Here in San Francisco they're continually shooting films and television sitcoms in the historic and prestigious Nob Hill area.  I therefore wanted to report to the public how the control freaks in the legal system, including law enforcement, have allowed Hollywood's movie and television industry to permeate their professions to the point of insanity.

Those infected by Hollywood in the legal system are actually using people's cases by going so far as placing people in fabricated roles while writing case scripts! They're writing such scripts for an outcome of what they feel is politically beneficial to them and the entertainment of the public.

Be aware when you walk into a police department that's been infected by Hollywood such as in Los Angeles or San Francisco, you're likely walking in for a casting call in which the Police Chief is the director and his officers are casting call directors.  When you tell them the facts of the case, they will pick and choose which facts to ignore in order to place you into a position as a perpetual victim.

Here are a few of the things I've noted in my experiences with law enforcement and lawyers: 
  • Law enforcement in a busy city with a lot of crime will evaluate  a case and apply a script template of how it will proceed and what the outcome will be from the get go. In doing so, they will omit relevant facts or fabricate things to suit their objectives. (e.g., my case is a criminal theft of $6,000 the police officer reduced to as just a possible trespass by the landlady).
  • They choose the outcome of what a case will be based on how they intend to benefit from it because they're not serving anyone but themselves and those who secretly fund their operations.
  • They have full control of the outcome of all cases that do not go before a jury.  The jury is the only hope in our justice system but few cases ever get that far because people can't afford lawyer's fees to develop their cases to that extent.

Perhaps this virus from Hollywood affecting the public's receiving quality police services occurred from its viewing law enforcement as their entertainment for years in such programs as Adam 12 and reality cop shows.  Regardless, it's become obvious to me that law enforcement's become a Hollywood based scam having too much power and control over people who come to them with genuine issues.

From my experience, police in San Francisco are complicit with particular types of crime while burdening the tax payer with their trivial nonsensical pursuits such as over petty roommate conflicts, etc.  These police officers look for ways to use their time that isn't in the best interests of the tax payer because they're lazy thugs wanting an easy job.

Consider that when you as a San Franciscan walk into a police station to report a crime that you're likely walking into a casting call in which a director and his underlings will determine the outcome from which script template they choose to apply.  They don't work for common people any longer and are certainly no longer there for our entertainment.  They've turned us into their actors, actresses and our property into their props probably resenting their former role portrayals on television to entertain the public.

This is just to confirm that there's a script being written for me by evil men in law enforcement in order to make it the most entertaining as possible.   They don't want to do their jobs and respond reasonably on my behalf whatsoever.

It's clear the person who read my blog prior to committing a $6,000 theft from my apartment proceeded knowing the police wouldn't do a thing about it.  Later slapping an eviction notice on my door was part of the plan after the theft in hopes they devastated my finances so I couldn't pay rent.  The person responsible for the theft placed an unlawful eviction notice on my door, as plain as day, who is guilty of the crime. The police don't care about these boring facts, awaiting an outcome they hope will be far more entertaining to themselves and the public.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Why Prometheus Film Mirror's Today's Elitist Mindsets According to Alex Jones

In this outstanding video, documentary film maker and radio host Alex Jones provides a detailed analysis of the upcoming Prometheus film that's being released in June. Alex provides reasons why this amazing film by one of his favorite directors Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Gladiator) mirrors many of the mind boggling things happening in our world today.

According to Alex Jones, this film is of great significance  shining light on the mindsets of those who seek control and power over humanity's destiny.
"The secret is that the elite believe they are attaining godhood and are destined for the stars. Their ancient and occultic views are reflected in the dark themes of Prometheus, the very name of which hints at the quest for eternity and power among a group who think a divine right bestowed by a higher intelligence gives creedence to their meddling with the affairs of common man." Secrets of Prometheus Film Leaked! - PrisonPlanet.com
Alex Jones says this film is not just entertainment based Hollywood hype.  

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Strange Activities On My Property - Hidden Camera Catches Anomalies

Today was so hectic!  I removed all of my notarial journals while they came onto my property twice today. I placed a hidden camera to record the first visit. I found it interesting to say the least.

My radiator wasn't leaking.  Nothing was wrong with it to my knowledge.  The annotations are in the video outlining what I found strange about the visit.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Notorious Landlady Likes and Protects Megan's List Child Rapist Tenant Over Me

I just wanted to update on my crazy landlady's intense activities the past few weeks since she put an insane unlawful Cure or Quit notice on my door.  I've lived here in the Marianne Apartment building at 1245 California Street San Francisco since 2003. My rent is currently far below market rates ($1,088 vs. $1,788) due to the new tech boom happening in San Francisco. I'm sorry but that's the way it works in rent control areas, some people have lived 25 years in their units with low rent.  It's not my fault the city only raised the rent 1.9% on average the past few years.

After the unlawful eviction notice was taped to my door to intimidate me, two weeks ago I went down to the Community Rental Board of San Francisco to report an unlawful eviction notice.  Since that time the landlady, who I filed a police report over stolen cash from my apartment, has apparently used my hard earned $6,000 with the blessings of the building owners towards the renovation of two units above and below my apartment. The racket from the floors being ripped up above and below was intense for several days.

Yesterday I removed another Dewey Pest Notice I found taped to my door only to find another one when I returned later that day.  Creepy! The landlady didn't put the date on the document, which prompted her to come back.  Not only did she return with a new Dewey Pest Notice, but she also taped another note to my door that my radiator would be inspected due to the unit below me having ceiling water damage.

As I posted about on this blog, I had given several gifts over the years to this landlady but virtually ignored her last Christmas due to her rudeness over my bicycle parking issue. (See Giving Your Landlady Thank You Gifts is Like Feeding a Great White Shark Chum)  Last year the landlady had called while raising her voice for parking my bike in the back area rudely demanding I remove it.  Ever since then I haven't wanted much to do with this landlady. My $500 mountain bike got stolen from the building garage back in 2004, it was a nice bicycle. They wouldn't let us bring our bikes into our apartments unless it was for storage purposes. They told us to get renters insurance to protect our items from theft.  It turns out they were able to determine it was an inside job that someone in the building arranged for the theft of seven bicycles in the garage. So last year I went to park my new bike in the back area with the other bikes and the landlady yelled at me for it.

The landlady's intensity comes from having no personal life living in her small unit the past 20 years feeling a prisoner to the building she rarely leaves.  She doesn't partake in the local community preferring to read highly questionable literature she attempts to force and influence other tenants such as myself to her points of view.  "Did you get the book yet?" she'd ask me numerous times.  "No, I didn't", I'd respond.  Finally I got the books. They were okay, but a few were really far out such as David Icke's materials.  I noted the landlady had claimed to be a fan of David Icke yet didn't even know the proper pronunciation of his name.

I shared a few of my Alex Jones movie DVD's with the landlady back in 2010. One day she returned the materials with a note that the Masons at the Masonic Auditorium a block away were contacting her, fearful they knew about her having the DVD's.  She mentioned she thought they had ways of discovering she had such materials that her phone might be bugged.  If this landlady believes she is being spied on, she must be spying on others in a similar fashion to have such a delusional mindset.  From my experience I noted the landlady obviously believes she's part of a status quo that would punish her casting her out for watching such alternative news materials.

My primary question at this point is what is this landlady capable of if she enters a tenant's property to rob them of $6,000?  She's the only one with the key to my unpickable locks.   There was no break in. The Dewey man never came in the day the notice was posted indicating the landlady was the only one culpable for the theft.  I'm obviously being targeted by this landlady who has no supervision whatsoever.  She apparently believes she's above the law by carrying out karmic revenge on whomever she believes deserves whatever she feels is appropriate.

I notice the Megan's List convicted felon child rapist is doing well here, living peacefully for many years being a Giant's fan, driving around in his little Cooper car he parks in the garage.  Laws protect a child rapist from harassment that he lives on the top level of this building with a view of the bridge.  The convicted rapist walks around with SFPD shirts scaring women such as myself in elevators while bringing his former prison pals into the building. Yet this landlady was falsely accusing me of doing business on the property?  What does that say about her character?

A few years ago I once found the Megan's List child rapist felon looking dead in the garage with a hospital wristband hanging half way out of his car late one night. I believed he was dead or dying so called 911. He apparently had too much of his medication. The landlady came out when the ambulance arrived being upset with me knowing the authorities would learn a Megan List person lived on the property.  I had done the right thing as a certified CPR provider I received from the Red Cross who could be held liable for not assisting a potentially dying person.  The laws mean nothing to the landlady however, who apparently has her own set of laws she abides by such as entering a tenant's property at-will to commit large thefts.

What this all boils down to is that this landlady covers up for the Megan's List rapist in certain respects while harassing a Notary Public who serves the local community including hospitals and retirement homes.  People call on me when they're dying in a hospital bed.  I'm one of the few notaries able to show up to a local hospital within 10 minutes.

This landlady needs to stop her intense activities against me or I will be forced to keep posting about my opinions and experiences with her activities on this blog.