Saturday, February 11, 2012

Meet GoogSista - New Female Android Assimilates By Wasting Your Time

**WARNING** This article is a little freaky and only for the strong minded. Read at your own risk. This post is my creative way of dealing with someone who was extremely difficult and manipulative who cost me considerable time and money over her "issues" I was blamed for last night.

Last night I learned there's a new breed of female evolving from the days of a far less intrusive technological society I lived in most of my life.  I urge the reader to take special note of what follows in my post demonstrating how the latest female android model  roll out looks, acts and sounds and what her primary function is.

I've learned this particular model of android I've coined "GoogSista" was initially programmed at Stanford, then transferred over to Google, Inc.  However, there are many more similar models being rolled out all over the country. I chose the tag GoogSista because this droid's been clearly programmed to appear as a sisterly type of friend to humans while being a Google propagandist roll out for new visionary ideas for the future.  Artwork above left by Artist David Ho - See Interviews - David Ho

Is it just me? I can't understand a word GoogSista's saying.  Is this a new form of language where meaningless words defined by Google are strung together to say nothing whatsoever?  I don't think my human brain's wired to hear any of it but am able to detect there's some time killing mechanism installed in this particular droid model.  

My brush with a female android posing as a human was as follows.  It may sound mundane to some, but for me it was a mind blowing encounter with an other worldly android.
"Yesterday GoogSista called while I was nearing arrival at her loan signing appointment claiming she would be 45 minutes late due to being stuck in traffic.  I thought it unusual that if she knew she was that far from home why she didn't earlier.  Why'd she call so late at 5:15 p.m. for a 5:30 p.m. appointment under those circumstances?  With this news I actually had to turn back since I rented a Zip Car with limited time available.  It wasn't really that big a deal to me though because GoogSista had rescheduled the signing near my home later that evening. Regardless, what followed were strange manifestations from this initial change of plans that made me feel as if I was in a Twilight Zone episode.
After the initial change in plans, GoogSista said she would meet me at the Fairmont Hotel at 6:00 p.m in my part of town.  I arrived on time, then waited 10 minutes naturally wondering where GoogSista was.  I tried calling thinking nothing of it but two times GoogSista ignored my calls letting it roll into voice mail.  I noted GoogSista wasn't trying to reach me whatsoever so I called a third time at 6:20 p.m. to learn I had apparently become an annoyance, triggering high drama hysterics!  GoogSista answered her cell in a panicked argumentative tone claiming she was on the other side of town near Noe Valley and that her predicament was all my fault, that I had somehow caused it all to happen and that I was being difficult 
In a highly defensive mode as if I was attacking her simply for inquiring as to her time of arrival the droid said "I've lived in San Francisco a long time. . "  What? I thought, what did that have to do with anything? It was almost as if some computer programmer triggered a coded script that then became accusatory of me as if I was extremely upset with her.  The fact was I had been relaxing on a couch at the Fairmont Hotel's lobby within walking distance of my home and wasn't upset at all. Turns out GoogSista would be another 30 minutes, at least that's what she wanted me to believe.
I responded to the new appointment time claiming I had no problem waiting and countered that I wasn't upset at all since I was enjoying the Fairmont Hotel's jazz pianist.  Apparently, this calm response triggered GoogSista's programming to make sure I would feel some unpleasant emotion because she later became a no show not even having the courtesy to call.  Clearly GoogSista was planting her mind control apparatus in my human experience, or at least believed she was.  What had begun innocently enough was really some kind of program to assimilate me into a helpless state of being that relied heavily on time manipulation and mind control.  In other words, I was doing my usual thing as a loan signing agent while expecting an outcome that was repeatedly being usurped.  My experience has generally been that borrowers are usually happy to cooperate in my helping them finalize their home refinance paperwork.  In this case, some other worldly factor was at work that blew my mind." 

After I did a little research on this odd android experience, I learned  GoogSista actually had arrived after all, but through another dimension of my psyche as a time vampire.  Somehow I was supposed to feel bad, that I had done something terribly wrong to GoogSista.  I wanted to understand what was happening in this matter so I began researching.  I discovered GoogSista looks a lot like Meg Tilly, (right)  the former actress from the 1980's who played in The Big Chill and Psycho II.  This Tilly look alike discovery occurred after I thought I had found a photo on Linkedin of GoogSista (left) that actually looked a lot like former actress Kristy McNichol from the 1980's.  Turns out the KM look alike was another person with GoogSista's assumed name who was an aerospace engineer.  I was relieved to say the least that this GoogSista droid wasn't modeled after Kristy McNichol after all.  Believe me, I'm aware how strange this post is, I thought I was in the Twilight Zone last night and this post is my expression of how I felt dealing with it all.

So my discovery turned up that GoogSista had apparently been modeled after Meg Tilly the actress of Psycho II.  How appropriate that the droid's programmers wanted to freak out their enemies this way.  Just think of it being much like how the military uses manless predator drones to attack enemies, these are manless droids conducting psyche warfare and psyops.

After this strange, rather inhuman experience with a droid, I began to reflect on the fact GoogSista took up 3.5 hours of my time as the first clue of who she was.  Just to think in one of my earlier posts I thought the MoFo lady was bad!  See post Mofos Still Living in a Bubble World About To Pop.  It turns out that in retrospect GoogSista was far worse being much closer to the Star Trek Borg assimilation model than the MoFo.

In this video, GoogSista confirms the most valuable resource humans have is time. 

I had already been forewarned about the roll out of this next evolutionary phase of female droids having had a similar supervisor droid at Kirkland & Ellis LLP back in 2006.  GoogSistas apparently suppress their own human nature so as to avoid human vulnerability.  This conflict of human vulnerability causes droids to trigger their time killer programs used to manipulate the vulnerabilities of our 'inferior' human species.  From my experience, assimilation through time manipulation of humans is one of the primary functions of a GoogSista. 

These are highly programmable female droids so what or who do you think programs them to carry out their plans? They seem much like the unmanned drones being controlled wirelessly from a hidden source.  The term "unmanned" should be hint enough whose behind these droids. They're manned alright, but wirelessly so that others can't detect the true source of control.

One of the reasons I liked former actress Kristy McNichol was she was so human with emotional intelligence.  These new models of female droids scare me being void of soul, spirit or any hint of human life.  I don't detect any soul whatsoever, just empty space with meaningless chatter from something trying to pose as a human being.

GoogSista was clearly programmed to waste my time last night.  It seems time was the key factor this droid used to attempt to assimilate me with.  Best to take note of it for future reference that these androids seem programmed to kill humans' time on earth through various types of manipulation of mind control.

"Before going much further, however, it is important for the reader to understand just what is meant when the term “Singularity” is used. Defined by TIME, “Singularity” is “The moment when technological change becomes so rapid and profound, it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history.” Simply put, Singularity is the moment when man and machine merge to create a new type of human – a singular entity that contains property of both machines and humans.

Unfortunately, Singularity is not a fringe movement as some might at first believe; it has a great number of followers, many of whom are in powerful positions. For instance, the Singularity University is a three-year-old institution that offers inter-disciplinary courses for both executives and graduate students.  It is hosted by NASA, a notorious front for secretive projects conducted by the government and the military-industrial complex. Not only that, but Google, which is yet another corporate front for intelligence agencies, was a founding sponsor of the University as well. Merging Man and Machine: Singularity vs. Humanity - Activist Feb 9, 2012

If GoogSistas are allowed to flourish and evolve in the future, humanity's going to have one hell of a "time" so to speak dealing with these latest roll out models that rely on people's ignorance. One has to be aware and knowledgeable or be doomed to assimilation.  Let's face it, we're living in unusual times thanks to technology evolving into highly intelligent neurological machines. Don't ever forget these are not normal times in world history!  Most everyone is always carrying around some form of advanced technology these days being practically married to it.  We're merging with machines more than we'd ever like to know.

Other References:

Cyborg Brain/Machine Interface Is Now Reality -

Merging Man and Machine: Singularity vs. Humanity - Activist

Cyborgs Are Coming! Living Brains Implanted with Electronic Chips to Replace 'Faulty' Parts  - Daily Mail UK

Blogger's Note: 

For those familiar with this blog, you may note this particular post has taken a rather unique creative flare. Highly critical people will look at this article and say "she's nuts". It's just my creative writing and nothing more.  Do I believe GoogChick is really an android?  Not really, more like a spiritually void droid to be more accurate. I thought GoogChick's video really made her seem and sound like an android.  When I saw the video I also thought she looked a lot like actress Meg Tilly did back in the 1982 film Big Chill.

I attribute this change in creative writing to my recent use of essential oil aromatics, particularly lavender essential oil from Young Living I consume in my tea and put in my incense diffuser.  I may also be influenced by the brain booster Prevagen I've taken the past four weeks. I've also been wearing my Q-Link pendant as well that boosts the body's natural biofield to protect from electromagnetic bombardment from electric devices.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Police Officers' Sick Evil Orwellian Brotherhood of Darkness

I'm sure there are many women who are into uniforms and men of authority but I'm not one of them.  I had the misfortune of growing up near a future police officer a few doors down on Via Boronada in Palos Verdes Estates, CA who terrorized me and infiltrated other members of my family for sex from 1975-1986.

In 1976 future police officer Ken Greco trespassed on our property one evening jumping over the fence after one of his wild high school angel dust parties, to tap on my bedroom window hoping I'd come out to have sex with him. He sat in the woodshed near my window a long time and when I awoke discovered he had twisted a stick in my dog's choker collar to tighten the grip around her throat.  My gentle puli/sheep dog was partially blind and deaf and died the following year.

Future Officer Ken Greco would often drink beer in his vehicle while driving. I was a witness that Greco would get drunk and then expect sex from me.  The only reason the then boy was ever involved with me was because he lived two houses down. He used to raid our tomboy girl street football games which is how he initially infiltrated into my life.  I'd play touch football with Brenda Daly, whose a Deputy District Attorney in San Diego, and her sister Cindy Daly who's a doctor in Maryland.  I once overheard Greco talking to these neighbors saying bad things about me, since I was his target.  My mother later broke the news she had sex with this foul man shortly after her divorce and I've been sickened by it ever since.  Psycho also tried to have sex with my now deceased sister I was later told.

The Seeds of Suffering Were Planted Early In Life By This Orwell Scum

I remember this future officer bringing up George Orwell's 1984 back in 1976, it was required reading in high school literature classes.  I few times I felt I was being watched at night from my bedroom window which is why I was forced to keep the curtain's drawn.  Big brother planted his seed of destruction back then for my life that has carried through in a pattern of police typically violating my privacy using paranoid schizophrenic people, or scaring people about me with hyped up fabrications, distortions and lies.  Essentially police initially tried to hijack my life to make me part of their police family and Greco once suggested to me in my teens I should think of becoming a police officer.

This Greco idiot was later allowed to become a police officer in Hermosa Beach, CA because police cover-up for one another, it's a secret brotherhood. The only time a police officer ever gets in trouble is when he does something really outrageous and dumb, otherwise the skies the limit for those who practice evil using this medium.  From my experience, police don't really protect and serve, they exploit circumstances for political gain and are largely glorified thugs.  Police rely heavily on mind control, color of law and know what buttons to push to make vulnerable women in particular feel panicked and hysterical.

Police Failed To Rescue Petit Family After Tip Was Given to Bankteller They Were Hostages

Since I haven't watched television since 2007, I didn't hear about the Petit family murderers until recently.  I saw an article about how defense attorneys were attacking the only survivor of a home invasion, for his complaints about the legal system.  (See Home Invasion Survivor William Petit Criticized for Justice System Complaints - Mail Online) I did a little research to ultimately discover police failed to act when Ms. Petit went to a bank to withdraw money for the robber after she had tipped off the bank clerk.  Ms. Petit told the bank clerk she didn't feel she was in danger and that the robber was being nice and she believed they'd be okay.  An hour later Ms. Petit and her two daughters were sadistically tortured, raped and burned to death.  The police just waited and watched from outside without any intervention and later made excuses.

The brutal details of what police allowed to happen by not intervening when tipped off a family was taken hostage.  This outcome could have easily been avoided and police done their jobs.

I wasn't surprised to read about how the police failed to come to the aid of Ms. Petit because from my experience over the years they largely have the same sociopath mentality of the home-invaders.  Reports were that the two invaders had a male ego issue going on in finding it necessary to upstage each other to rape the two daughters and the mother.

How Palos Verdes Estates, CA Police Oversaw a Fictional Home Robbery to Enter Into Former Ram's Coach George Allen's Widowed Wife's Home To Later Request Gym Equipment

I'll never forget back around 1992 reading in the Daily Breeze (during a break from doing 206 hours of community service picking up trash on the beach from Officer Steve Eberhard's excessive traffic ticket) how the Palos Verdes Police Department had been giving former Rams coach George Allen's widow's home special surveillance.

The article went on to describe how a Palos Verdes Police Officer believed the home was possibly being burglarized having observed some unrecognizable person in the home at night.  The officer decided to enter the home only to discover it was just a guest. The story went on to describe how all the rather intimidating police activity prompted Ms. Allen, a widow, to donate her husband's gym equipment to the Palos Verdes Police Department.

In the article, Captain Mike Tracy, who I posted about earlier in my Valentine's Day article, was pictured hugging Ms. Allen along with his hand firmly planted on his holstered gun. I learned the thugs later got to place their donated gym equipment at a local closed junior high school.  The cops were essentially rewarded for breaking and entering a private residence without the owner's permission.

In yesterday's article Americans Are Oppressed Too former Reagan staff adviser Paul Craig Roberts wrote:
"Why are the police so aggressive toward the public? In part because their ranks attract bullies, sociopaths and psychopaths. Even normal cops are proud of their authority and expect deference. Even cops who are not primed to be set off can turn nasty in a heartbeat."
The bottom line is you can't expect thugs in uniform to come to the rescue of people, because many use police work to practice evil like doctors practice medicine.  Cops are really only out for themselves and their secret dark brotherhood. Cops often hide behind an image so they can convince juries not to convict them. The reason there's so much garbage written about me on the Internet is due to the fruits of police and their paranoid schizophrenic supporters who identify with them to spy on people seeing themselves as part of the Big Brother spy network and disinformation campaign. 

Other related stories of evil deeds of cops:

A San Francisco police officer was arrested a while back on two felony charges related to the theft of a vehicle registration sticker that the district attorney's office says he stole from a motorist during a traffic stop. - SF Police Officer Arrested On Theft Charges

This video portrays typical police behaviors allowed to thrive for decades prior to video cameras and YouTube becoming common. These officers are going to have a tough time defending themselves from this behavior due to it being recorded by a security camera across the street.

In another example, the forensic medical examiners the government outsources often produce results for the court testimony based on substandard work as reported in today's SF Gate article Forensic Medical Group Scrutinized.  Innocent people have gone to jail as a result of this kind of government corroboration to produce inaccurate results for court testimony.

Many Judges Are In On The Evil Brotherhood Game

Some judges are also in on these dark evil police brotherhoods. Surprise!  A cop can write whatever he wants in a police report and it instantly becomes fact since a judge will accept it as such. A citizen would require thousands of dollars to pay an attorney to defend themselves from false accusations from paranoid schizophrenic mental patients.  For instance, a paranoid schizophrenic 5 time court evicted woman took over a lease in 1999 to a phenomenal deal in San Francisco during a housing crisis thanks to the help of the SFPD.  

Two bankruptcy's later and the lady still lives in what is now an unkempt dump thanks to the help of the SFPD securing her lease with false police reports driving me off the property.  I had been working long hard nights at Morrison & Foerster LLP on a 5:30 pm - 2:00 am shift along with overtime and this crazy lady was calling the police on me behind my back.  I didn't even know they were coming onto the property to write up little police tickets based on a paranoid schizophrenic's claims. The lady was dishonest and had actually been evicted from the Progress Foundation's mental health housing program just a few years prior to conning her way into the living situation via the elderly leaseholder.  She had also failed to pay rent an entire year from another government subsidized program, where she contested the eviction.  Will this lady ever be paying back her $90,000 tax payer funded student loan for her non-job degree?  I don't think so, not at the age of 65 she won't.   (PDF of the roommate's crazy eviction case)

Related articles:

Judge Edward Burke Caught on Video Ordering False Arrest - 7/13/11

Man Arrested for Burglary of His Own Home By Keystone Cops - 7/2/11 

Orlando Police Arrest Activists For Feeding Hungry Children & Families 7/9/11

Judge Katherine Feinstein Threatens: 'You Won't Be Able to Sue That Unscrupulous Roommate!' - 7/19/11

Inappropriate Use of Police Services At Tax Payer Expense Common in America - 7/21/11

Epidemic Evil: Elderly Kidnapped & Pillaged By Vultures in U.S. Probate Courts - 7/7/11

U.K. Cops Break Into Homes To Teach About Burglary - 6/27/11

Monday, February 6, 2012

John F. Kennedy To Enter Trash Bin of U.S. History With Release of Bombshell Tell-All Book

John F. Kennedy's former Presidency is about to take a huge dive into the trash bin of U.S. political history with the February 8th release of a former White House intern's book about their 18 month affair. Let there be no doubt that Mimi Alford's book, Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and Its Aftermath is going to do a lot of damage to the Kennedy name thanks to all the salacious details she's crammed into it.

The first thing that came to mind after reading a few of the highlights from the book was that JFK never should have become President, not only due to his dishonorable character cheating on Jackie, but because he was strong blackmail material.  Being blackmailable means another politician or government could use such information to influence JFK to sacrifice the country's best interests in order to cover-up for his improprieties.

The first astonishing fact in the book was that Mimi, who was just 19 at the time, lost her virginity to JFK in the First Lady's bedroom.  If you think that's a big deal, you haven't heard nothing yet because it gets worse, far worse!  The type of things Mimi's disclosed are what one might expect from a Mick Jagger, not that of a U.S. President.

So let's first get some background on how JFK managed to get a beautiful young woman in his grasp in the White House.  JFK, who it seems now was a sexual predator, simply decided he was going to have sex with this young naive intern taking advantage of her situation.  He never even thought twice she might not want him or would ever say no.  Kennedy swam up to Mimi in the White House pool and later had her attending some tour group at the White House.  When Mimi arrived JFK invited her on a tour with him only for the group she was with to pull back. JFK then led Mimi to the First Lady's bedroom (above photo is as it was in 1962) where he seduced a teenage 19 year old virgin.

“Haven’t you done this before?” he asked.
“No,” she said.
“Are you OK?” he asked.

Hell no, Mimi wasn't okay!  How can you say no to the President of the U.S. and expect to survive such an ordeal?  Anyway, back to the sordid details of JFK who apparently viewed himself as a college frat boy in the White House.  Don't get me wrong, I could really care less about what JFK did in the bedroom except for that if he wanted to lead that kind of lifestyle, he should have chosen another profession of perhaps being an actor or musician.

I wanted to point out that Ms. Alford appears to be highly credible. This is how she came to write her book when the media tracked her down back in 2003.

"Ms. Alford’s secret was initially divulged six years ago when a biography of Kennedy was published with portions from a 1964 oral history that described the president’s 18-month sexual affair with a young intern named Mimi Beardsley. The Daily News tracked her down and discovered that she was Marion Fahnestock, who was divorced, working for the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church and living in Manhattan. At the time, she gave a short statement confirming that she was “involved in a sexual relationship” with Kennedy from June 1962 to November 1963.
Susan Mercandetti, executive editor at Random House, acquired the book after seeing about 20 pages and meeting with Ms. Alford. “I’ve seen enough to know what an extraordinary heart and soul exists in this book,” Ms. Mercandetti said.
Ms. Mercandetti, who was herself a White House intern under Gerald R. Ford, said the book would be a 'woman’s coming-of-age story.'" - Paramour of Kennedy Is Writing a Book (2009) -
I'm not going to turn this post into porn by revealing exactly the kind of things Ms. Alford has revealed.  Instead I'll basically outline how nuts JFK must have been living a dual life.

"She also tells of how JFK asked her to 'take care' of his friends Powers who 'looked a little tense' while they were swimming in the White House pool. 'It was a dare, but I knew exactly what he meant. This was a challenge to give Dave Powers oral sex. I don’t think the president thought I’d do it, but I’m ashamed to say that I did... The president silently watched,' she said."  - JFK Took the Virginity of White House intern Mimi Alford, 19 -

Did you catch that?  JFK watched them both have oral sex!  Purportedly, JFK later apologized to the both of them.  At a later time JFK also suggested Ms. Alford take care of his baby brother Ted but this time she declined with "are you kidding me?"  

I'm not done yet.  JFK also forced Ms. Alford to sniff amyl nitrate, otherwise known as 'poppers' she had declined at a Hollywood party at Bing Crosby's desert ranch.

"The president asked me if I wanted to try the drug, which stimulated the heart but also purportedly enhanced sex. 'I said no, but he just went ahead and popped the capsule and held it under my nose. He didn’t try it himself. This was a new sensation, and it frightened me. I panicked and ran crying from the room." JFK Took the Virginity of White House intern Mimi Alford, 19 -

Did you catch that?  JFK was in effect forcing a date rape drug on her!  I now believe there's a strong possibility the Kennedys did have Marilyn Monroe snuffed based on this kind of outrageous activity.  Clearly, JFK should have never become President of the United States (and neither should have Bill Clinton in my opinion).  This information has completely changed my view of JFK who I now have far less respect for.  He was just another sleazy low down dirty politician while parading as a decent human being raising a family. In the photo at right, it appears JFK is channeling Bill Clinton. How sad.

The new Kennedy quote for the history books is will be . . .
During the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, where the U.S. and USSR had a nuclear stand-off, he reportedly told her that: 
'I’d rather my children red than dead.' JFK Took the Virginity of White House Intern Mimi Alford, 19 -
As for Ms. Alford, she was clearly lured into the situation quite innocently in my opinion. She was led to believe she was going on a White House tour and had no reason to believe JFK would try to have sex with her. What a crazy man JFK was to have done this while being a husband and father to such a beloved First Lady Jackie and her two children?  JFK clearly had no honor and as far as I'm concerned, belongs in the trash bin of U.S. history now.  Many Americans died because of this man's reckless decision in the Bay of Pigs.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

David Bowie - His Satanism's Worth Serious Cultural Review

**UPDATE** - A.D. Post.  For the past month I've been taking this brain booster supplement Prevagen where memories buried for decades have been gradually trickling to the surface of my conscious life.  It's interesting to note in all this floating to the surface of memories that Prevegen's main active ingredient is derived from a jelly fish.

One of my memories that's come to the surface recently is that of David Bowie, a bizarre cult leader god of rock and roll from the 1970's.  It took a little nudging to dislodge the memory however after I learned of David Bowie's 65th birthday and a recent cover story of him on Rolling Stone Magazine.

I have memories of purchasing two Bowie albums in the 70's, David Live and Changes, neither of which I enjoyed.  In fact, there was only one song I ever really liked of Bowie's, his staple earliest #1 hit Space Oddity.  I even went to a David Bowie concert at the L.A. forum in 1977 I paid fifty dollars to see that was a lot of money back then.  Why would I buy Bowie's music and even go to a concert if I didn't enjoy it one might ask?  My memories indicate it was all due to peer influence and daily exposure to one of Bowie's cult followers Sheila Rogers, a stunning, highly intelligent green eyed girl with goddess-like qualities who later went on to become a writer for Rolling Stone Magazine from 1986-1991.  We were both in orchestra class for four years.

Turns out years later I've learned the truth about David Bowie. Though he was a very likable fellow with a nice personality, Bowie was all about Satanism, making it trendy and hip for the masses to consume after he had developed a massive cult-like following.  This was not a good thing for young impressionable teenage minds such as my own to be exposed to. One thing was for sure, my Andy Williams fan mother didn't deal well with David Bowie's influence very well. One night back in 1976, I recall my mother ripping Bowie's drug induced stare poster off my bedroom wall, then throwing me to the ground and kicking me.  Ouch!

It's not that he wasn't enormously talented, gifted and a hard working, but David Bowie's act and music were pure illuminati based Satanism designed for mass consumption. In a recent article in Rolling Stone, Bowie states he idolized a fascist Hitler in the 1970's during his rise to fame saying Hitler was a rock star in his own right.  I thought Bowie was about love, not fascism.
"He became intrigued by Third Reich history and Nazi mythology. He had said years earlier in an interview, 'I believe very strongly in fascism.' In 1974 he told Playboy, 'Adolf Hitler was one of the first rock stars. Look at some of the films and see how he moved. I think he was quite as good as Jagger." - Cover Story Excerpt: David Bowie - Rolling Stone Magazine
What kind of idiot was David Bowie to say such a thing? Clearly Bowie was an ignorant fool, using his act to influence people's minds towards an agenda, one that was dark, disturbing, twisted and demented.
He lived for a time in a Manhattan town house, but after a tense conflict there one night with Jimmy Page, Bowie believed that the Led Zeppelin guitarist – who owned the English home of late black-magic philosopher Aleister Crowley – had put his soul in peril. Cover Story Excerpt: David Bowie - Rolling Stone Magazine
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not judging David Bowie, I'm just denoting how naive I was to think he was just a rock and roll artist and entertainer.  Bowie was clearly more than that, using the power of demons and Satan like few others had harnessed so masterfully.   One could even say David Bowie was a possessed man, and clearly his own attempts to become exorcised proved he was aware of his self-destructive path.

There's clear evidence of subliminal praise of Satan when Led Zepplin's music is analyzed played backwards.  When we heard about this in the 1970's we thought it was hoax rubbish.

Regardless, many times when people are possessed by demonic entities their ability to pull through and change makes them very special as a testament to others of the reality of these things existing.  I cannot sit in judgment of David Bowie, only observe he was not a mere rock and roll act, but something far more that came from a dark spiritual realm of demonic entities.  

The reborn Christians exorcized me of David Bowie's demonic influences back in 1990.  I thought the goons were cruel and ridiculous back then, but now I better understand.  You'd have to be spiritually blinded to still partake in this Bowie worship admiration society today.  To think there are even those who still refer to Bowie as a genius! 
Aladdin Sane Cover - 1973 (A Lad Insane)

The fact is that David Bowie's merely been a conduit for supernatural powers from the dark realm of Satan.  Satan tends to have supernatural qualities of genius, but it's a forgery, fake, faux version of real genius of the Creator of the universe.  Can Bowie create a galaxy or sun like star? What he did in the 1970's was some kind of demonic propaganda mind control apparatus to pollute human minds with.  Bowie's influence from that time period has done more destruction to youthful minds then he'd ever want to admit.  

Satan exists as the anti-thesis of God.  People have to open their eyes to the fact many of these rock and roll acts from the 1970's and beyond were full of Satanic influences.  People would greatly benefit from rooting out these influences in their subconscious minds by shedding some light on them.  Had I known back then what I know of David Bowie today, I would have completely ignored him.

Today the illuminati has a tight grip on music industry. I intend on doing more research and posting about illuminati influences in the music industry on this blog at a later date.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Former Man Crystal Warren Helps The Case For Ann Coulter Being A Man

**UPDATE - 2015** I no longer believe Ann Coulter's transgender.  There's no evidence she was ever a male, she has a long history as a woman.  Instead of taking the story down I just decided to update I now disagree with this story that has no evidence to support pictures of Ann showing a man's adam apple.  

I believe this widely circulated story can be used as a template to compare the possibility Ann Coulter was formerly a man.  See Crystal Warren:  I Used To Be A Man - The Sun UK

Crystal Warren, 42, is the perfect template to use to compare and determine the possibility Ann Coulter had a sex change decades ago.

Posted September, 2010

People need to know the truth about author Ann Coulter, first and foremost that she's not to be taken seriously. People shouldn't waste their time giving any thought to Ann Coulter's crazy statements about radiation being good for them or anything else because she has no relevance in the world whatsoever. Many such as myself often ask who is this person who never goes away?  Ann Coulter writes books, hangs out with politicians and pays lip service to those who fund her cause.

Ann Coulter's presence in the public arena has always made me feel uncomfortable.  Who is she really?  What is the point of Ann Coulter always being in the spotlight of controversy?   To me, Ann seems unnatural, an anomaly of sorts who doesn't exhibit any female attributes of nurturing, compassion or empathy in any of her writings or public statements.  There's something wrong about people accepting Ann Coulter's views as female and normal political rants.  Had Ann been doing the same shtick back in the 1970's she surely would have been blocked from the public at large.   Back then, singer Helen Reddy (i.e, I Am Woman singer) would have been horrified over Ann Coulter.

Ann Coulter's made a living off of creating great controversy for herself, something that's very unusual for a normal woman to do.  Virtually no woman wants to be the center of ridicule in America, but Ann seemingly thrives on the attention she gets with her provocative statements.   It seems to me the only way any sane person could bear such ridicule and hatred from the public is simply to know in the back of one's mind it's all an act their getting rewarded greatly for.

I don't believe anyone really knows who Ann Coulter truly is.  There are clues however that point to Ann really being a man, a guy named Andrew Coulter who had a sex change.   It's not just her Adams Apple I recently posted about, it's a series of other pieces of the puzzle that points to Ann being a man who had a sex change operation.  Women don't have Adam's Apples!

"I have just discovered more evidence pointing to her manhood, hiding in plain sight, published by Ann, herself! Ann's blog is overflowing with text ostensibly written by Ann. Large blocks of text can be analysed by software such as the Gender Guesser, giving a prediction of whether the author is a man or a woman."- Ann Coulter Outed By Her Own Writings - Burton MacKenzie Blog
Concerned citizens suspect Ann Coulter's a mere political hoax satirist so they've run computer programs to determine if her blog entries are male based.  Does Ann Coulter have a male brain?  Her public appearances and statements seem to confirm Ann is really a man coming across as odd, abnormal, unbelievable and an apparent anomaly of nature.  Here's an example of a typical commenter questioning Ann's gender:

"I would really like to confirm that Ann Coulter was born a man. I watched her on TV the other day and was able to use TIVO to slow it down and repeat it over and over and I am certain that she has an Adam’s apple. I know there are surgeries were they can shave the Adams Apple to make it less apparent but there was one there. I watched a close up of another woman speaking and there were times here throat moved but it was at the very top. Coulter’s moves in the middle and is sharp at time.

Plus I have not been able to find any records of her as a high school student but I am not a journalist and don’t have the resources and know-how of how to find these things out.
If this woman was born a man and I really think she was then she is the biggest hypocrite to walk the since…………Jimmy Swarggart, George Bush, Jerry Falwell………and she needs to be outed for what she really is - a media whore who will say anything to get attention and money." Democratic

Ann Coulter's making a mockery of the American public posing as a crazy blond dyed woman while making outrageous statements no sane person would ever take seriously.  

As an insult to transsexuals everywhere, Coulter needs to come clean and reveal her true gender, then maybe she can get a girlfriend (or boyfriend, if she's a homosexual man) and get married so she doesn't have to make such an utter fool of herself anymore.

I think Ann Coulter is a fake person and likely a former male.  I'm going to continue to research this topic and report back periodically on my findings. It really makes no sense Coulter's been given so much attention by the media simply because she sells books and talks politics.  I figure Ann climbed the ladder of success among those who know she's really a guy with a multi-million dollar political satire act.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sea Monkey Time Travelers May Out Survive Humanity

Thanks to the growing worldwide madness, it seems there really will be a WWIII that will bring about the end of civilization as we know it.  It dawned on me this evening that the only thing that may survive a third world war are sea monkeys.  Sea monkeys may be the ultimate life forms that survive thanks to their unique suspended animation time capsules.  
"Sea-Monkeys® are a true miracle of nature. They exist in suspended animation inside their tiny eggs for many years. The instant-life crystals, in which the eggs are enclosed, preserve their viability and help to extend still further their un-hatched life span! Sea-Monkeys are real Time-Travelers asleep in biological time capsules for their strange journey into the future! 
The joy of watching Sea-Monkeys grow offers a lot more than just pure fun. It is one of the outstanding educational experiences of a lifetime, because the entire life-cycle of these unique creatures are fully recreated. Conceived in 1960 as a biological novelty, the “fantasy” has transformed into brilliant reality." - All About Sea Monkeys.

Sea monkeys could very well be the ancestors of humanity that survive into the future.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Public Apology to Kristy McNichol

Last year I posted a former article "Kristy McNichol Where Art Thou" after a former Family co-star Meredith Baxter came out of the closet as a lesbian.  In the article I asked why Kristy hadn't done the same.  Since the posting of that article I have gradually changed my perspective on "coming out" and therefore was shocked to learn Kristy felt the need to make a public statement she's a lesbian.  I don't believe my article had anything to do with it, but I still want to take this opportunity to apologize for my former activities that I have no illusions about whatsoever.

I wanted to issue a formal public apology to former retired actress Kristy McNichol for my activities regarding a fan website of her I designed and redesigned from 2002-2005, a press release to the media of the web site released on her birthday, a related horrible song I recorded No Ordinary Woman about a virtual loverand subsequent articles about her since.  So here goes:
"Ms. McNichol, I'm sorry for my behavior in obviously having had some fixation with you years ago.  I know you must perhaps be aware and concerned in some way due to these aforementioned activities, and I just wanted to say I'm much better now and am not going to be participating in any further activities related to you. There's no need to worry about my attempt to contact you.  I have no illusions related to how someone like yourself must feel about how some stranger was infringing on your intellectual property while making unauthorized press releases which is why I ultimately took the website down. -Cheryl Merrill
I wanted to explain what happened to cause me to go off the deep end in the early 2000's related to Kristy McNichol.  All that really happened was that I saw a photo (right) of Kristy on the cover of US Magazine and it caused me to react with "Oh my God, I forgot all about Kristy McNichol!"  I thought I might have had Alzheimers that I had forgotten about such a popular icon from the 1970's. Apparently I was never consciously aware of the teen crush I had on Kristy McNichol.

In spite of my apparent former teen crush on Kristy McNichol, the fact is that I don't get along with lesbians, bisexual or gay men very well, and I especially have had unpleasant experiences working with gay men at corporations who get special treatment above me as a woman leaving me to have to do more work for less pay while they get all the perks and privileges the law provides.  The spoiled coddled fag gets the company leased BMW at 27 without a college education, and a fake company girlfriend whose just vibrating of privilege, fascism and hate. The H.R. women in San Francisco who hire these so called men give them special privileges while making me a slave who has to beg for vacation time after long overtime hours while they take off to Italy on two week vacations without any problem.

I don't like lesbians or bisexual women because they've never been genuinely kind to me, always finding ways of throwing me under the bus.  In fact, I find them on the level of slow-kill murderers as conniving, deceptive, lying and totally out for themselves.  

I find lesbians and bisexual women to be very selfish, greedy and arrogant most of my life being a huge turn off. They have never, ever been my friends always being stuck up and the worst possible people I have ever encountered in life.  For me, lesbians have always been the most always revolting, unloving and unattractive while assuming I want them simply because I'm polite or show them attention.  I generally don't like being around gays or lesbians because they're so full of themselves while having extreme character flaws bordering on evil.

In any event, I wanted to apologize to Kristy McNichol since she's now officially part of this new class of people who have always chosen to be my enemy, backstabbing me, destroying me in any way they possibly can for not adhering to their fascist rules.  I shouldn't have posted a web site about Kristy McNichol or written any articles, just keeping it to myself.  Everyone has crushes like this in their lives, I was just so ridiculous to make such a big deal out of it reflecting on it in my 40's. Lesbians and bisexuals were different back in the 1970's, much more appealing then they are today.

I now prefer being around dogs, cats while watching my instant life sea monkeys grow.

Monday, January 30, 2012

New Study: Cell Phones, WiFi Devices Damaging Our Brains

As if we all don't have enough to deal with already in this crazy world, a new study's come out claiming cell phone and wireless device technologies are killing our brain's higher cognitive functions.

I hate to think how many times I've placed my iPhone in close proximity to my head whenever I listened talk radio programs before falling asleep. After learning about the latest study on the long term effects of Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) from cell phones, portable phones, WiFi and wireless computers, I won't be doing it anymore.  I'm convinced by a new study, "Brain proteome response following whole body exposure of mice to mobile phone or wireless DECT base radiation,” that was just published in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine." Having experimented on mice of what the long term effects of 3 hours of cell phone exposure per day would have on the human brain, the results of the study should cause all of us to reconsider how we interact with EMF technologies on a daily basis.
"Researchers found that 143 proteins in the brain were negatively impacted by radio frequency radiation over a period of 8 months. A total of 3 hours of cell phone exposure were simulated over the 8 month time period, and the results showed that many neural function related proteins’ functional relationship changed the for worse.

It is known that short term exposure of microwaves exuded from a cell phone, depending on how far the antenna is from the head, can penetrate as much as 1 1/2 inches into the brain, but this study focuses more on the long term effects and how EMF impacts specific brain proteins. This provides new evidence of the potential relationship between EMF and health complications stemming from EMF such as headaches, dizziness, sleep disorders, and even tumors and Alzheimer’s disease."  - Cell Phones, EMF Negataively Altering Important Regions of the Brain - PoorRichardsBlog
On top of what is already a bad situation of EMF exposure, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) in California has devised a way to bump up the exposure thousands of times exponentially with the advent of their dangerous new SMART meter technology.  Even if one doesn't have SMART meters installed for their apartment, a neighbor's SMART meter EMF will penetrate the walls en masse to damage human brain functions. See

My way of adjusting to this EMF exposure is to purchase a Q-Link Sympathetic Resonance Technology (SRT) biofield pendant that has been proven to boost the body's natural biofield to protect against EMF's.  They also have small discs you can affix to one's cellphone or earpiece as well. There have been clinical studies that demonstrate the positive effects of the Q-Link patented technology that's been well proven the past decade.  I've been wearing my pendant for the past two months and believe it does have a positive effect in boosting my biofield.  Regardless of my new pendant, if I were to continue to put an iPhone near my head at night or allow myself exposure to SMART meter technology, I'd be just asking for a brain tumor. 

Other related articles:

Cell Phones Causing Health Complications - Protect Yourself - Natural

Saturday, January 28, 2012

U.S. Draconian Nightmare: Innocent Abandoned Prisoner Left In Solitary Confinement Two Years Without Hearing or Trial

Evil people in the U.S. judicial system are apparently testing the waters to see what they can get away with such as this innocent man left to rot two years in solitary confinement. Steven Sleven was thrown in a New Mexico jail without any judicial proceeding and the Dona Ana County correction officials just let him rot without any health care or human interaction apparently hoping he would die.

Sleven, a New Mexico resident, was initially placed in jail back in 2005 over a DWI and the charges were later dismissed after two years of unlawful confinement.  Sleven since filed a Federal lawsuit and has recently been awarded one of the largest civil rights awards involving an inmate in U.S. history for $22 million.

This is what our system has come to of people being placed in solitary confinement without any hearing or jury trial for long durations of time.

This false imprisonment of Steven Sleven is not an isolated incident according to Sleven's attorney, Mr.Coyte told that he hopes Mr. Slevein's court victory will send a message throughout the state:
"I have never been with or seen a braver man who stood up to these guys for what they did to him," he said. It affects everybody and it's not good for this country.  It's not good for Mr Slevin for sure and it's not good for this country. It has to stop." Lonely Hell of Long Forgotten Prisoner Stephen Slevin -

Sleven's a brave man because the U.S. government system's full of some hideous people practicing Satanism who are capable of sending out Mafioso hit men to silence him at anytime.  Evil knows no bounds except when faced with resistance from those such as Sleven who could have easily perished behind bars. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

AZ Governor Jan Brewer Pointed Finger In Obama's Face, Now On Kill List?

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's little confrontation with President Obama yesterday should make her rethink if she's now been placed on his majesty's American kill list. Seriously! People so underestimate these sociopath politicians and leader Mafiosos who are quite capable of making someone like Brewer disappear into a black hole for not paying the proper respects to his royal highness.
"On Wednesday afternoon, Obama touched down in Phoenix and was greeted by Brewer on the tarmac. They reportedly "spoke intensely for a few minutes." Brewer said it was because "he was a little disturbed about my book," particularly a passage in which she had depicted Obama as "patronizing" during an earlier visit." -

Obama has already set the precedent by assassinating Americans who he deems are "bad" or saying things he doesn't like.  
"The controversy over Brewer's characterization of Obama dates back to an Oval Office meeting in 2010. At the time she had called it "very cordial," but in her book she wrote she felt Obama had been "condescending." In an interview in November,she also said she had "felt a little bit like I was being lectured to, and I was a little kid in a classroom, if you will, and he was this wise professor and I was this little kid, and this little kid knows what the problem is and I felt minimized to say the least."
No one can say with absolute certainty Jan Brewer's life's not in danger for daring not to pay proper respects to his majesty Obama.