Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sea Monkey Time Travelers May Out Survive Humanity

Thanks to the growing worldwide madness, it seems there really will be a WWIII that will bring about the end of civilization as we know it.  It dawned on me this evening that the only thing that may survive a third world war are sea monkeys.  Sea monkeys may be the ultimate life forms that survive thanks to their unique suspended animation time capsules.  
"Sea-Monkeys® are a true miracle of nature. They exist in suspended animation inside their tiny eggs for many years. The instant-life crystals, in which the eggs are enclosed, preserve their viability and help to extend still further their un-hatched life span! Sea-Monkeys are real Time-Travelers asleep in biological time capsules for their strange journey into the future! 
The joy of watching Sea-Monkeys grow offers a lot more than just pure fun. It is one of the outstanding educational experiences of a lifetime, because the entire life-cycle of these unique creatures are fully recreated. Conceived in 1960 as a biological novelty, the “fantasy” has transformed into brilliant reality." - All About Sea Monkeys.

Sea monkeys could very well be the ancestors of humanity that survive into the future.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Public Apology to Kristy McNichol

Last year I posted a former article "Kristy McNichol Where Art Thou" after a former Family co-star Meredith Baxter came out of the closet as a lesbian.  In the article I asked why Kristy hadn't done the same.  Since the posting of that article I have gradually changed my perspective on "coming out" and therefore was shocked to learn Kristy felt the need to make a public statement she's a lesbian.  I don't believe my article had anything to do with it, but I still want to take this opportunity to apologize for my former activities that I have no illusions about whatsoever.

I wanted to issue a formal public apology to former retired actress Kristy McNichol for my activities regarding a fan website of her I designed and redesigned from 2002-2005, a press release to the media of the web site released on her birthday, a related horrible song I recorded No Ordinary Woman about a virtual loverand subsequent articles about her since.  So here goes:
"Ms. McNichol, I'm sorry for my behavior in obviously having had some fixation with you years ago.  I know you must perhaps be aware and concerned in some way due to these aforementioned activities, and I just wanted to say I'm much better now and am not going to be participating in any further activities related to you. There's no need to worry about my attempt to contact you.  I have no illusions related to how someone like yourself must feel about how some stranger was infringing on your intellectual property while making unauthorized press releases which is why I ultimately took the website down. -Cheryl Merrill
I wanted to explain what happened to cause me to go off the deep end in the early 2000's related to Kristy McNichol.  All that really happened was that I saw a photo (right) of Kristy on the cover of US Magazine and it caused me to react with "Oh my God, I forgot all about Kristy McNichol!"  I thought I might have had Alzheimers that I had forgotten about such a popular icon from the 1970's. Apparently I was never consciously aware of the teen crush I had on Kristy McNichol.

In spite of my apparent former teen crush on Kristy McNichol, the fact is that I don't get along with lesbians, bisexual or gay men very well, and I especially have had unpleasant experiences working with gay men at corporations who get special treatment above me as a woman leaving me to have to do more work for less pay while they get all the perks and privileges the law provides.  The spoiled coddled fag gets the company leased BMW at 27 without a college education, and a fake company girlfriend whose just vibrating of privilege, fascism and hate. The H.R. women in San Francisco who hire these so called men give them special privileges while making me a slave who has to beg for vacation time after long overtime hours while they take off to Italy on two week vacations without any problem.

I don't like lesbians or bisexual women because they've never been genuinely kind to me, always finding ways of throwing me under the bus.  In fact, I find them on the level of slow-kill murderers as conniving, deceptive, lying and totally out for themselves.  

I find lesbians and bisexual women to be very selfish, greedy and arrogant most of my life being a huge turn off. They have never, ever been my friends always being stuck up and the worst possible people I have ever encountered in life.  For me, lesbians have always been the most always revolting, unloving and unattractive while assuming I want them simply because I'm polite or show them attention.  I generally don't like being around gays or lesbians because they're so full of themselves while having extreme character flaws bordering on evil.

In any event, I wanted to apologize to Kristy McNichol since she's now officially part of this new class of people who have always chosen to be my enemy, backstabbing me, destroying me in any way they possibly can for not adhering to their fascist rules.  I shouldn't have posted a web site about Kristy McNichol or written any articles, just keeping it to myself.  Everyone has crushes like this in their lives, I was just so ridiculous to make such a big deal out of it reflecting on it in my 40's. Lesbians and bisexuals were different back in the 1970's, much more appealing then they are today.

I now prefer being around dogs, cats while watching my instant life sea monkeys grow.

Monday, January 30, 2012

New Study: Cell Phones, WiFi Devices Damaging Our Brains

As if we all don't have enough to deal with already in this crazy world, a new study's come out claiming cell phone and wireless device technologies are killing our brain's higher cognitive functions.

I hate to think how many times I've placed my iPhone in close proximity to my head whenever I listened talk radio programs before falling asleep. After learning about the latest study on the long term effects of Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) from cell phones, portable phones, WiFi and wireless computers, I won't be doing it anymore.  I'm convinced by a new study, "Brain proteome response following whole body exposure of mice to mobile phone or wireless DECT base radiation,” that was just published in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine." Having experimented on mice of what the long term effects of 3 hours of cell phone exposure per day would have on the human brain, the results of the study should cause all of us to reconsider how we interact with EMF technologies on a daily basis.
"Researchers found that 143 proteins in the brain were negatively impacted by radio frequency radiation over a period of 8 months. A total of 3 hours of cell phone exposure were simulated over the 8 month time period, and the results showed that many neural function related proteins’ functional relationship changed the for worse.

It is known that short term exposure of microwaves exuded from a cell phone, depending on how far the antenna is from the head, can penetrate as much as 1 1/2 inches into the brain, but this study focuses more on the long term effects and how EMF impacts specific brain proteins. This provides new evidence of the potential relationship between EMF and health complications stemming from EMF such as headaches, dizziness, sleep disorders, and even tumors and Alzheimer’s disease."  - Cell Phones, EMF Negataively Altering Important Regions of the Brain - PoorRichardsBlog
On top of what is already a bad situation of EMF exposure, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) in California has devised a way to bump up the exposure thousands of times exponentially with the advent of their dangerous new SMART meter technology.  Even if one doesn't have SMART meters installed for their apartment, a neighbor's SMART meter EMF will penetrate the walls en masse to damage human brain functions. See

My way of adjusting to this EMF exposure is to purchase a Q-Link Sympathetic Resonance Technology (SRT) biofield pendant that has been proven to boost the body's natural biofield to protect against EMF's.  They also have small discs you can affix to one's cellphone or earpiece as well. There have been clinical studies that demonstrate the positive effects of the Q-Link patented technology that's been well proven the past decade.  I've been wearing my pendant for the past two months and believe it does have a positive effect in boosting my biofield.  Regardless of my new pendant, if I were to continue to put an iPhone near my head at night or allow myself exposure to SMART meter technology, I'd be just asking for a brain tumor. 

Other related articles:

Cell Phones Causing Health Complications - Protect Yourself - Natural

Saturday, January 28, 2012

U.S. Draconian Nightmare: Innocent Abandoned Prisoner Left In Solitary Confinement Two Years Without Hearing or Trial

Evil people in the U.S. judicial system are apparently testing the waters to see what they can get away with such as this innocent man left to rot two years in solitary confinement. Steven Sleven was thrown in a New Mexico jail without any judicial proceeding and the Dona Ana County correction officials just let him rot without any health care or human interaction apparently hoping he would die.

Sleven, a New Mexico resident, was initially placed in jail back in 2005 over a DWI and the charges were later dismissed after two years of unlawful confinement.  Sleven since filed a Federal lawsuit and has recently been awarded one of the largest civil rights awards involving an inmate in U.S. history for $22 million.

This is what our system has come to of people being placed in solitary confinement without any hearing or jury trial for long durations of time.

This false imprisonment of Steven Sleven is not an isolated incident according to Sleven's attorney, Mr.Coyte told that he hopes Mr. Slevein's court victory will send a message throughout the state:
"I have never been with or seen a braver man who stood up to these guys for what they did to him," he said. It affects everybody and it's not good for this country.  It's not good for Mr Slevin for sure and it's not good for this country. It has to stop." Lonely Hell of Long Forgotten Prisoner Stephen Slevin -

Sleven's a brave man because the U.S. government system's full of some hideous people practicing Satanism who are capable of sending out Mafioso hit men to silence him at anytime.  Evil knows no bounds except when faced with resistance from those such as Sleven who could have easily perished behind bars. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

AZ Governor Jan Brewer Pointed Finger In Obama's Face, Now On Kill List?

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's little confrontation with President Obama yesterday should make her rethink if she's now been placed on his majesty's American kill list. Seriously! People so underestimate these sociopath politicians and leader Mafiosos who are quite capable of making someone like Brewer disappear into a black hole for not paying the proper respects to his royal highness.
"On Wednesday afternoon, Obama touched down in Phoenix and was greeted by Brewer on the tarmac. They reportedly "spoke intensely for a few minutes." Brewer said it was because "he was a little disturbed about my book," particularly a passage in which she had depicted Obama as "patronizing" during an earlier visit." -

Obama has already set the precedent by assassinating Americans who he deems are "bad" or saying things he doesn't like.  
"The controversy over Brewer's characterization of Obama dates back to an Oval Office meeting in 2010. At the time she had called it "very cordial," but in her book she wrote she felt Obama had been "condescending." In an interview in November,she also said she had "felt a little bit like I was being lectured to, and I was a little kid in a classroom, if you will, and he was this wise professor and I was this little kid, and this little kid knows what the problem is and I felt minimized to say the least."
No one can say with absolute certainty Jan Brewer's life's not in danger for daring not to pay proper respects to his majesty Obama.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Resistance to Evil = Instant Victory!

The key to many things is to understand resistance, no matter how insignificant it may appear, isn't futile.  Resistance is victory and an appropriate response to those things that are dark and evil.  Each time someone stands up for what is right, it's a victory no matter how the big bullies attempt to suppress or disguise it to the public with lies and illusions.  If one remains neutral, it's a victory for the dark side. There's no hiding from evil insidious people who will continually come knocking on your door in many forms.  Nothing is ever written in stone and can change at any time, so if you're still neutral it's never too late to take a stand against evil.

I wanted to post this outstanding video by radio talk show host and film maker Alex Jones to emphasize that resistance to evil and tyranny is never, ever futile and is always a personal victory.  Resistance is an instant win, and the universe responds appropriately.  In fact, simple resistance is the key to everything when it comes to standing up to evil, including bullies.

This is a superb video.  Alex Jones isn't perfect but he knows a few key things we all need to know in life in order to deal with the growing dark forces in the world.

The universe is interconnected with human beings because we actually come from stardust as the late Carl Sagen used to say.  Therefore when we individually take a stand against darkness and evil, the universe responds appropriately.  The evil will come again and again until we learn our lessons on earth.  That's why history repeats itself, because when people let down their guard against ever present evil that's been festering on earth for thousands of years, the evil grows and comes after us.

Human beings need to learn how to deal with these evil infected people more effectively and the most efficient way is to simply resist.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Delusional Cruise Ship Captain Ordered Dinner With Date On Imaginary Love Boat After Disaster

In what is yet another unbelievable alleged fact to come from the Costa Concordia cruise ship tragedy, an apparently delusional Captain Francesco Schettino ordered dinner and dessert for his female companion shortly after the boat disaster.  Even after the ship began to sink, the captain was still on the love boat and everything was just fine with he and his date.  It seems to me this captain had an epic case of denial.

After this fiasco, all captains of such large ships should be required to go through psychological tests to ensure they don't have the type of mental illness Captain Francesco Schettino so obviously has.

"In an interview with GMA Network, cook Rogelio Barista said Capt. Francesco Schettino ordered dinner less than an hour after the accident. “We wondered what was going on. … At that time, we really felt something was wrong. … The stuff in the kitchen was falling off shelves and we realized how grave the situation was,” Barista told GMA.  Schettino ordered dinner around 10:30 p.m. Friday, Barista said. Authorities say the ship struck the rocks at 9:41 p.m." -
WARNING The next paragraph has language that could offend some. 

Captain Schettino, much like today's hopeless U.S. politicians and leaders, is obviously not a well man.  In his grandiose view of himself, the captain even believes he saved 3,000 people's lives that day.  The brainwashed whore the captain was dining with who he apparently was screwing has spoken up on behalf of this heinous cowardly sack of shit as most cock suckers are always known to do. See The captain's companion calls him a hero. - CNN   It's so unfortunate so many easily brainwashed women always play such a large part of defending these heinous mentally ill pricks of history, e.g., Hitler's girlfriend defended him to the end, etc.)  ***END OF POTENTIALLY OFFENSIVE RANT***

A brainwashed young woman defends the captain as a hero who he had wined and dined during the disaster.  

The captain apparently viewed his position mostly as a means to get free cruise ship rides in order to wine, dine and entertain his female companions with. He obviously doesn't know right from wrong or the gravity of the situation confirmed by the outcome of death and destruction his reckless actions caused others.  In other words, Capt. Schettino lacked the necessary skill sets, both mental and physical, needed to run a ship safely.  All this captain could think of after he abandoned ship was that his socks were wet.
"COWARDLY cruise ship captain Francesco Schettino reached dry land before most of his terrified passengers — then moaned about his wet socks." - Captain of Costa Concordia Whined About His Wet Socks - The Sun UK

Cook: Captain ordered dinner amid chaos - CNN video

This problem seems to run deeper at Carnival Cruiselines then just a mentally ill ship captain since they recently had the audacity to offer the victims of the disaster 30% off their next cruise ship experience in condolence. See Carnival Offers Cruise Discount to Costa Concordia Survivers - and Costa Concordia: 'insulting' cruise offer to survivors - The Telegraph UK Think about it, that offer is something only the mentally ill could conjure up with such an obvious disregard and spirit of mockery.  It seems male arrogance  runs rampant at Carnival Cruises much like it does in the U.S. government and Pentagon.  We're all in danger because of these type of pathological, highly political and greedy men who are incapable of rational thought having no human decency whatsoever.

Thus far 13 people have been found dead and 20 people are still missing. People need to wake up we're all in danger because of these highly delusional dangerous people rising to positions of power.  The days of the love boat are clearly over.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Imaginary You - Meet Your Strawman!

Did you know a U.S. birth certificate trades on the stock market for one common stock and if you have one under your name there is a dead person posing as you on paper?

Very interesting video by Jordon Maxwell explains how significant the UCC Code is that rules over all of our lives without most of us ever knowing it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Alex Jones Suffers Breakdown on Camera

Alex Jones suffers breakdown on air. I had to listen to his radio program for a long time to understand Alex Jones is genuine.

I tend not to be able to handle Alex Jones' delivery style at times on his radio program so I shift to listening over to the Jeff Rense radio programming and a few on the Rense network including Mike Rivero and Charlie McGrath.  Regardless, Alex Jones is a very key person to listen to in spite of his rough edge and sometimes obnoxious gut wrenching delivery style.  I've learned a tremendous amount from his alternative news program over the past few years. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Strange Sounds Echoing Round the World - What Are They?

These "strange sounds heard round the world" series of YouTube videos is a strange phenomena.  I must say I find the sounds to be extremely hypnotic and relaxing.  The video compilation below was posted just two days ago having gone viral with nearly a half a million views.

YouTuber Dutchsinse posted the video with this info:
"Something strange is afoot --- unknown sounds heard globally over the past few days.. basically starting up in rapid pace on January 11, 2012 --- up until today (jan 16 2012). I don't know how long this will continue, or what it is. New term : U.A.O.. = Unidentified AUDIBLE Object you can see all the same videos in this montage by clicking this search here: What could all these sounds heard this past week around the world have come from? What do you think is causing this phenomenon? I am still at the drawing board, trying to figure this mystery out... any ideas.. please share below in the comment field." - Dutchsinse Channel Video Link
My idea is that they sound like whale mating call recordings blasted on loud speakers,  that it's some kind of hoax to get YouTubers to react to worldwide.  The cause would likely be to bring attention to Navy abuse of whales.  Then again, they don't always sound like whales either.  They could probably put it all on a CD unknown artist compilation and sell it on iTunes under "Sounds Heard Round the World".

YouTuber TrutherGirls's take on the video asks if they are the "Trumpets of Revelation?"  Not one of her better videos, but still interesting nonetheless.