A blog focused on things eternal and related to the heavenly realm based in Colossians 3:2 -- "Set your affections on things above, not things of the earth."
Please explain why Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) is allowed to get away with doing whatever it wants extorting its customers threatening their safety by demanding special safety fees accumulating $100 million in surplus revenues. What do they actually do with the safety funds? Surely they would make make sure to use the funds to ensure their customers' safety, right? Not PG&E! "PG&E chose to use the surplus revenues for general corporate
purposes" rather than improved gas safety, a recent audit said. Criminals! Murderers! Slime!
In a recent independent audit issued by the California Public Utilities Commission, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) used the $100 million customer safety funds for other purposes including executive bonuses and profit for their stockholders. Surprise!
What this means is that a company that claims customer fees are being used to ensure safety, end up going to pay the exorbitant lifestyles of their already wealthy greedy executives and their shareholders.
An independent audit and a staff report issued by the California
Public Utilities Commission depicted a poorly led company well-heeled in
its gas operations and more concerned with profit than safety. The documents link a deficient PG&E safety culture - with its
"focus on financial performance" - to the pipeline explosion in San
Bruno on Sept. 9, 2010, that killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes.- PG&E Diverted Safety Money for Profit, Bonuses - SFGate.com
Meanwhile people are being killed thanks to PG&E's intentional negligence in diverting such funds.
The "low priority" the company gave to pipeline safety during the three years leading up to the San Bruno blast was "well outside industry practice - even during times of corporate
austerity programs," said the audit by Overland Consulting of Leawood,
Kan. PG&E Diverted Safety Money for Profit, Bonuses - SFGate.com
What a sad, pathetic bunch of criminals PG&E executives are who could care less about the safety of its customers. Even politicians recognize this for what it is:
Assemblyman Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, whose district includes San
Bruno, called the company's diversion of customers' money "criminal
behavior." "When you divert funds intended for maintenance and safety to profits, there is nothing clearer," Hill said. "It is criminal."PG&E Diverted Safety Money for Profit, Bonuses - SFGate.com
The SMART meters PG&E are installing pose serious health risks to people due to intense electromagnetic waves that studies have confirmed are damaging to human health. This is really a scheme to get more money out of customers while imposing spy-like monitoring technology not to mention slow killing them all at the same time. See Smart Meter Health Complaints - EMFSafetyNetwork
I remember playing the board game Monopoly back in the 1970's and hating the part when I had to move my piece to the Go to Jail section. What did I do to deserve that? A few Americans featured in an article posted by The Economic Collapse Blog might feel the same way since they didn't know what they were doing was a crime. Such laws didn't involve common sense so how were they to know? Didn't water your lawn so it turned brown? Opened your Christmas gift too early? It's a job for the police, didn't you know?
These purported ridiculous arrest stories can be thought of metaphorically like your every day swimmers playing in the ocean one minute only to be devoured in the jaws of a predator the next. What did they really do wrong? It's not that they violated any real laws, they simply didn't keep vigilant over the predators.
Here's a few of the most ridiculous crimes in 2010 that reflect an evolving class warfare society of predatory police officers looking for any excuse to arrest anyone for anything. People who think they'll find justice in the courts may be disappointed since most of the time judges often act in corroboration with law enforcement to protect their power matrix.
#2 A 49-year-old Queens woman had bruises all over her body after she was handcuffed, arrested and brutally beaten by NYPD officers. So what was her offense? The officers thought that her little dog had left some poop that she didn't clean up.
#4 In Milwaukee, one man was recently fined $500 for swearing on a public bus.
#5 Several years ago a 12-year-old boy in South Carolina was actually arrested by police for opening up a Christmas present early against his family's wishes.
#6 In some areas of the country, it is now a crime to not recycle properly. For example, the city of Cleveland has announced plans to sort through trash cans to ensure that people are actually recycling according to city guidelines.
#7 A 12-year-old girl from Queens was arrested earlier this year and taken out of her school in handcuffs for writing “Lex was here. 2/1/10" and “I love my friends Abby and Faith" on her desk.
#8 Back in 2008, a 13-year-old boy in Florida was actually arrested by police for farting in class.
#9 The feds recently raided an Amish farmer at 5 AM in the morning because they claimed that he was was engaged in the interstate sale of raw milk in violation of federal law.
#10 A few years ago a 10-year-old girl was arrested and charged with a felony for bringing a small steak knife to school. It turns out that all she wanted to do was to cut up her lunch so that she could eat it.
#11 On June 18th, two Christians decided that they would peacefully pass out copies of the gospel of John on a public sidewalk outside a public Islamic festival in Dearborn, Michigan and within three minutes 8 policemen surrounded them and placed them under arrest.
#12 A U.S. District Court judge slapped a 5oo dollar fine on Massachusetts fisherman Robert J. Eldridge for untangling a giant whale from his nets and setting it free. So what was his crime? Well, according to the court, Eldridge was supposed to call state authorities and wait for them do it.
#13 Once upon a time, a food fight in the cafeteria may have gotten you a detention. Now it may get you locked up. About a year ago, 25 students between the ages of 11 and 15 at a school in Chicago were taken into custody by police for being involved in a huge food fight in the school cafeteria.
I remember way back in 1999 I was moving in my fish aquarium to my leased property and some crazy five time evicted lady roommate tried to block its delivery later calling the police. The police officer, who had spoken with her previously, got there so fast he was out of breath when he arrived. He later sat in the kitchen area for 20 minutes when no crime had taken place saying he "had all the time in the world." I later learned the officer was there to monitor and observe me. It was George Orwell's Big Brother on the property that day. I filed a complaint with the commission complaint board the next day.
Many in the government are apparently looking to set precedent by pushing the envelope over how much the American people are willing to put up with. Their ultimate goal is to abolish the U.S. Constitution they think is an outdated piece of paper. (see article MSNBC Analyst: Constitution Has "No Binding Power On Anything")
The new San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi was just sworn in on Sunday and for starters Dianne Feinstein's daughter, Judge Katherine Feinstein, refused to swear him in. Now according to inside sources as reported by SFGate.com, Sheriff Mirkarimi's likely to face criminal misdemeanor charges due to alleged domestic violence against his wife Eliana Lopez.
Though Mirkarimi is denying any abuse occurred, the police obtained a warrant having confiscated a video and text messages evidence from the neighbor who the wife allegedly reported the incident and conflicts to.
Prosecutors are "convinced this is very real," said a source with firsthand knowledge of the investigation. The case stems from a New Year's Eve incident in which Mirkarimi allegedly grabbed his wife - former Venezuelan telenovela star Eliana Lopez - with enough force to leave a bruise. A misdemeanor case could be filed before the week is out, we're told. - SF Sheriff Likely To Face Misdemeanor Charge - SFGate.com
As I've reported so many times in this blog, law enforcement officers believe their authority and ability to cover for one another in a secret brotherhood society allows them special privileges to operate above the law. This story is just another example. Some of these men of authority don't believe the law applies to them, which is why they sought their positions to begin with. Just look at what a fine image Mr. Mirkarimi built for himself who apparently doesn't see anything wrong in bruising his wife's arm because he's just too powerful and above the law for it to matter.
These are the same kind of men who are busy trying to find scapegoats to victimize and falsely accuse women in order to make themselves appear on the side of good. We must appreciate all the great things these law enforcement men do apprehending criminals by overlooking their unlawful behaviors, right? I'm glad this sheriff is being ratted out, the neighbor was very brave to report the wife's contact to police. I didn't vote for Mirkarimi, but that's beside the point.
Sheriff Mirkarimi's attorney Robert Waggener said the alleged incident never happened stating, "We have a complete defense," he said. "I don't think an offense was committed". It's interesting to note Waggener would say they have a a complete defense in view of the fact no charges have yet been filed. Mirkarimi's genuine innocence would mean a defense involving the neighbor's imagination that she invented the story, created the evidence through fraud, and that his political enemies are out to get him etc. In the imaginary neighbor defense, Mirkarmi imagines an outcome involving a charge of providing false testimony along with the video and text messages thrown out of court, Other low profile cases would allow such a cover-up, but the cat's out of the bag on this one due to its unique timing and large exposure to the public.
What's most surprising is how SFGate is not envisioning in its article that Mirkarimi would be called to resign if found guilty. They're stating the only consequences would be that the Sheriff would be required attend counseling for a year. He would have lied if he's convicted and there would be a trial if he pleads innocent. Tax payers would have to foot the bill and SFGate's suggesting the only consequence would be one year of counseling? I find that strange to say the least.
Men who believe they're above the law, who rely on their "secret brotherhoods" to cover-up for one another, make me sick. These type of men think nothing of lying through perjury to victimize anyone who stands up to them. This kind of unchecked lying and perjury is where government corruption all starts.
Back in 1971 when I was a kid we moved to a new neighborhood in Palos Verdes Estates, CA with much surrounding undeveloped land. I recently checked on Zillow and some of that same undeveloped property from the 1970s was later developed in the 1980s and 90's into $2-5 million dollar mansions.
One of my first experiences after having moved to the new neighborhood was being introduced to the licorice plants that grew hearty on the sidewalk curbs. I was directed by the local kids to break off one of the plant branches in order to taste the flavor of licorice. What else did the new neighborhood have to offer I wondered? Eventually I learned the truth that the neighborhood was seething with primarily lizards and snakes including long slithering skinks (pictured) that would find ways into the house to terrify. Rattle snakes would even occasionally hang out as if waiting for me outside the backyard gate's steps. In other words, the neighborhood was a young boy's paradise full of creepy crawly things to terrify girls with.
Lizards were so prevalent that going blue belly lizard hunting became a neighborhood kids pass time. They'd often hide under bushes hanging over the curb. If you caught a lizard by its tail, it would demonstrate its "fight or flight" reptilian trait. The tail would break off and wiggle around after the lizard ran off. Other ancient and creepy things in the neighborhood included small scorpions and, *gasp*, huge potato bugs!
A Reptilian What?!!
Back in 1999 when I researched about the human brain and evolution for my website www.BrainChannels.com (since sold), I learned about something called the reptilian brain I could hardly believe.
"The brain stem is the oldest and smallest region in the evolving human brain. It evolved hundreds of millions of years ago and is more like the entire brain of present-day reptiles. For this reason, it is often called the ‘reptilian brain’. Various clumps of cells in the brain stem determine the brain’s general level of alertness and regulate the vegetative processes of the body such as breathing and heartbeat.
It’s similar to the brain possessed by the hardy reptiles that preceded mammals, roughly 200 million years ago. It’s ‘preverbal’, but controls life functions such as autonomic brain, breathing, heart rate and the fight or flight mechanism. Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic. It’s concerned with fundamental needs such as survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening and mating. It is also found in lower life forms such as lizards, crocodiles and birds. It is at the base of your skull emerging from your spinal column."
I'm pretty sure the photo above is my recolorization artwork version of the scanned photo from a book Mapping the Mind I had up on the BrainChannels website that a few people have since used on their blogs. Only I would have colored the reptilian brain in pastel pinks and purples!
This PDF has clickable URLs just as the website had. Javascripts are missing however, which is why the home page is missing its menus.
San Francisco's Welcome Wagon
So, back again to my lizards story. After I left Palos Verdes in 1979, I didn't really come into contact with lizards for a long time. It wasn't until I moved up to San Francisco in 1996 that I was welcomed to the city with a large iguana dragon a roommate owned that made the skink seem like child's play. I can't say I was scared of the thing since it was domesticated, but it was really ugly and gross. He'd even let it out during dinner hour to walk around and crap all over the place. I couldn't understand why this guy Peregrine enjoyed having such a pet let alone being a drummer in a heavy metal band. He'd often practice in the garage. I was really surprised I lasted 6 months living in that environment prior to his mother buying the place returning from living in India.
Four years after living with the iguana I came back into contact with reptiles again when I studied about the reptilian brain stem. (Apparently they hadn't really ever left being embedded in the lower portions of my brain!) What I studied convinced me there was no hope for humanity's survival. Back in 1999 there were already books being written about how the scientists planned on merging man and machine to overcome the brain's flaws. I noted how these people who were learning during the Golden Age of brain discovery would most likely exploit the information to their own advantage. I came to the conclusion there was obviously a race going on for the next step in human evolution. Breaking free of the reptilian brain seemed widely accepted as the key to evolution.
Shortly after I released my BrainChannels site, within four months Bill Joy, the Chief Scientist at Sun Microsystems, published his infamous article "Why the Future Doesn't Need Us":
As this enormous computing power is combined with the manipulative advances of the physical sciences and the new, deep understandings in genetics, enormous transformative power is being unleashed. These combinations open up the opportunity to completely redesign the world, for better or worse: The replicating and evolving processes that have been confined to the natural world are about to become realms of human endeavor.
In designing software and microprocessors, I have never had the feeling that I was designing an intelligent machine. The software and hardware is so fragile and the capabilities of the machine to "think" so clearly absent that, even as a possibility, this has always seemed very far in the future.
But now, with the prospect of human-level computing power in about 30 years, a new idea suggests itself: that I may be working to create tools which will enable the construction of the technology that may replace our species. How do I feel about this? Very uncomfortable. Having struggled my entire career to build reliable software systems, it seems to me more than likely that this future will not work out as well as some people may imagine. My personal experience suggests we tend to overestimate our design abilities.
Summoning Higher Brain Functions Please!
We're now 10 years into the advent of breakthrough information about the human brain and advanced technologies. I recently came to the awareness my personal growth is connected to my ability to overcome my reptilian brain's symptoms. While such "symptoms" are largely only natural to the human race, the times we're living in demand overcoming the fear, survival instincts and the like to enter into a new dimension of life prior to the disintegration of everything to come.
I've been listening to this physicist David Sereda who is an enlightened physicist talking about what's coming in 2012.
Then there's David Wilcock, another enlightened person overcoming the reptilian brain's control. In this video, part of his Enigma series, Wilcock talks about the pineal gland and its affect on human history (also known as the third eye of the human brain):
Matrix Men & Their Rice-A-Phony
From my perspective, all evidence points to overcoming the reptilian brain as the key to human evolution. I was on the right track in the early 1980's to be meditating and practicing yoga. Back then it wasn't nearly as popular as it is today. Previously, my mind became controlled and manipulated from watching too much television throughout my life, especially as a child. To this day silly things pop into my mind from my memories of television decades ago.
For instance, one day I walked by a cable car in San Francisco where the infamous commercial was shot on California at Powell. The jingle, "Rice A Roni, the San Francisco treat!" activated in my brain. Just what I needed on the way to performing a notarization for someone. I don't know about anyone else, but I consider this an assault on my mind. A company had taken my mind over with its dumb jingle, having embedded it cleverly into my subconscious through television! I don't recall ever having their rice either. Think about it -- if a rice company can plant something in your memory to be triggered with association of a cable car, think of what the government can do with this part of our reptilian brain?
Television programming's really bad for the human mind in so many ways since it puts us in a hypnotic passive state where we don't interact with things as we should. It's easy to see how dangerous television can be to humanity under the circumstances of how it stunts human development. Would Einstein have developed his mind as such had he lived in a television culture? Michelangelo? Why aren't we witnessing new scientific talent lately? That one huge brilliant mind of our ages? Could it be the forces of television and all the other factors prevent genius minds from developing as they should? I think there's a strong possibility television has at least partially destroyed many a mind and life.
I don't think many people are aware of how criminal U.S. corporations have become lately. For instance, pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline has been conducting deadly drug trials on little babies all over the world without parental consent. GSK only gets fined a pittance of $6,643 per baby death for its diabolical vaccine lab rat experiments on them. As a baby killing machine, GSK operates under its slogan "Do More, Feel Better, Live Longer".
This outstanding TrutherGirls video presents evidence of the growing evil around the world of human death experiments on little babies and children.
This information of human death experiments reminiscent of Nazi death camps has been well hidden except among alternative news sites such as Activist Post and Natural Society because the corporate media does not wish to disturb the stock of such companies.
"Perhaps the most disturbing fact to come out of the recent reports exposing GlaxoSmithKline’s illegal vaccine trails is that the company actually recruited doctors to force illiterate parents to sign over their babies for experiments — experiments that ultimately led to the deaths of 14 babies and an unknown number of adverse reactions. According to experts, the motivation to perform these deadly experiments may not have simply been to examine the effectiveness of the shots outside of the United States where such testing is illegal, but to generate profits." -GSK Forced Illiterate Parents Into Signing Over Child in Illegal Vaccine Experiments - Natural Society.com
In another example of a growing spirit of Nazism, a gym in Dubai advertised the following as was recently reported in the New York Daily News:
I'm in no way a religious person but have been around long enough now to know the kind of people who are the most problematic on this planet are those who are highly judgmental and critical of others. It may sound an innocent type of personality trait but it's not. I don't really want to go into detail of my experiences over the decades with these kind of people, it's been painful to deal with because they use techniques of humiliation to make their victims feel that their world's coming to an end. My problem has always been allowing these type of people unchecked entry into my life. They come in through unsuspected ways yet still have a means to somehow entrap their victims into guilt trips and all kinds of twisted means of control.
Over the years I've discovered all I have to do is be myself to determine who my real friends and enemies are. Any hint someone posing as a friend is being unduly critical of me or is withholding relevant information while being competitive in order to maintain control over me, is an enemy. I've found evil lurks behind that personality, especially those that pose as helpful friends. They can potentially do a lot of damage to my life as many already have.
I've found since I was raised by a mother who had this destructive type of personality, I've had to really watch myself from falling into this mentality. The first hint of my holding something against another person for my own prejudices, I just let it all go realizing it's my problem, not theirs. For instance, I have a problem with Chinese men marrying Caucasian women. That's my prejudice, my problem. I can rationalize over the many reasons why I feel that way but it won't make any difference. Dictator types make up rules based on their prejudices much like the prejudice I have. It's not right, so I just let it go that whatever I'm feeling isn't justified.
I've discovered the key to happiness in life is not being judgmental or critical of others. It's not up to us to judge anyone but ourselves. For one, people can genuinely change their perspective and hearts over time, you simply can't hold anyone in the past to any imagined engraved version of themselves. Unless they're one of the hopeless sociopaths types with hardwired brains, people often change their lives and perspectives over time.
The other thing I've learned throughout my life is if you're a good person being true to yourself, you will not be making any enemies on your own because others will determine they're your enemy for you. Good people don't go about seeking enemies for themselves. I usually can tell who my enemies are after they expose themselves being dishonest and/or power hungry in some capacity. These types seem to always have some secret agenda for me to conform to their expectations for their own purposes.
There is really no need to be distrusting and paranoid over one's enemies as long as you have a strong sense of who you are while being true to yourself. The stronger you have a core to yourself and identity, the more these enemies will expose themselves to you as smoke and mirrors types for you to keep at bay.
The real problem in America that's often overlooked is the fact too many Americans are on the sidelines ignoring the growing evil happening in our country. There needs to be a stronger and more effective opposing force against the growing support for an Obama dictatorship. Let there be no doubt, one's neutrality and idleness fall into the category of being on the side of evil. Therefore if Americans don't do more to oppose this growing call for a Obama dictatorship, the country will surely fall from within.
The following video shows clips of Americans cheering on Obama's comments of how he would do better without Congress to enact his own laws, etc
In this video Obama is appealing to naive Americans who cheer on the idea of Obama bypassing Congress to create his own laws, something only dictators do.
From my perspective, people are failing to discern when their leaders fall into the psychopath or sociopath categories where these types always climb up the ladder for power over people. When Americans begin to believe the absolute lies and overlook all the red flags along the way of their President lusting over a dictatorship role, they're in danger. That's why so many good Americans are screaming at them "wake up!"
For those unaware, here's the definition of a sociopath:
Profile of the Sociopath
Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
You can't reason with this kind of personality that is a dead zone, someone you can't reach because they're too far gone. They will continue along the path they're on unless there are enough good people banding together to bump them from power. It's important to note these sociopaths also work among other similar types as one entity so as not to appear abnormal to others.
In my personal life I've noted certain personality types that think nothing of committing wrongs without apologies and then expecting people to overlook these things as if they never happened. For those kind of people I tell them "I don't like you, I really don't" and they usually react with disbelief. I point out their wrongs towards me and they don't apologize whatsoever, maintaining their domination and form of false reality over me. That's when I know I'm dealing with someone whose unreachable.
I similarly know that Obama's unreachable, being an all too obvious sociopath which is what attracted him to the Presidency in the first place. He's a liar, a con and a farce. People who support him have not done their homework, nor apparently care about the facts or details of who Obama really is.
By the time Obama takes down America as a puppet of those who control him, it will be too late. People won't have the resources, good health or ability to stand up to incredibly fortified evil that will reign on earth until God chooses the appropriate time to strike it all down. It's all really just a test to see who really is for God and who is God's enemies. The devil has us in his petri dish, but God's outside all of it waiting for this false reality to burst like a bubble from spiritual warfare. This is what it's all about on earth, being a testing ground for the incredible things that await in the spiritual dimension.
What this all means is that if you choose to stay on the sidelines witnessing what's happening as if it's a movie, it makes you part of the problem. There's no escaping evil! You have to stand up to it one way or another.
Noted Monterey Bay marine biologist Nancy Black of Monterey Bay Whale Watchis being victimized by an insane U.S. Federal government for her allegedly feeding a killer whale blubber floating in the water in one of her films over 6 years ago. This isn't too surprising since misapplying the law is something the U.S. Federal government has been known for lately while completely overlooking and omitting relevant facts of serious egregious crimes committed by corporations such as BP in the Gulf Oil Spill. What this means is they are twisting U.S. laws such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act in order to punish those who uphold protecting our oceans.
The case pits Nancy Black, 49, whose research has been featured on
National Geographic and the Discovery Channel, against government
officials enforcing the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which bars the
feeding or attempted feeding of a marine mammal in the wild. -Marine Biologist Charged with Feeding Whales - SFGate.com
Many Americans are unaware that Gulf Oil Spill's dead zones of lifelessness are going be used by billionaires such as Al Gore for farming algae for their biofuel global warming industry. Dead zones in the ocean created by the Gulf Oil Spill have opened up a whole new industry for billionaires to profit off of biofuel production.
No one was ever convicted of any crimes for largely destroying the Gulf and poisoning the surrounding land with corexit highly toxic chemicals to cover-up for the oil spill. This while the U.S. government, that is really nothing more than part of BP's operation, is using its rigged grand jury system to convict people such as those who dedicate their lives to preserving our marine life.
"Black's attorney, Lawrence Biegel, said Thursday that the indictment
was unjustified and came despite more than five years of negotiations
with the government.
Biegel said the marine biologist had done nothing wrong and was an
"absolute paragon of virtue in this profession. She's devoted her entire
life to cetacean research."
In the October 2005 incident, Biegel said, Black used an underwater
camera to film the eating habits of orcas, or killer whales, that were
feeding off free-floating pieces of blubber from a gray whale that had
been killed by a pack of orcas. The pieces of blubber were already there
naturally, Biegel said." - Marine Biologist Charged with Feeding Whales - SFGate.com
The work of demented twisted evil people in the U.S. Federal government couldn't be more clear as day to rational thinking Americans. They go after marine biologists they frame and misapply laws to, while they completely overlook horrendous crimes against our environment on behalf of billionaires like Al Gore for their new biofuel industries.
What an insane bunch of loons those in the Federal government have become! Wake up America, greedy evil people are running our country through corrupt corporations like BP and Halliburton! Anyone who gets brought into Federal court by these Federal grand juries are convicted 99% of the time because the juries are rigged and highly political.
One commenter on SFGate suggested government's motives are to shut Black up for having protested Navy sonar abuses of whales. There is no question that Ms. Black is going to be severely punished for feeding some blubber to a whale. This while these corporate based crooks who took over the U.S. Federal government go completely unpunished free to do whatever they so please to destroy life in our oceans for their biofuel industry.
I've changed my mind about voting for Ron Paul after listening to last night's Jeff Rense radio program interview with Webster Tarpley. I had been planning to vote for a Republican the first time in my life only to learn from Tarpley that Ron Paul's economic policies would be a form of genocide in America.
I learned Paul's plan proposes cutting food stamps by 66% along with important prenatal programs for poor women. I'm sorry, that's completely unacceptable since many Americans would starve to death, especially the growing elderly population. In retrospect, Paul plans on cutting the military budget by only 27%.
The first thing I expected Paul to do after ending the wars is helping America first instead of Israel and all of these other strongholds that neglect America's internal health including a lack of jobs. Instead I learned Paul proposes making Americans suffer starvation knowing full well criminals have stolen from U.S. taxpayers with multi-trillion dollar banker bailouts through the Federal government.
"Trillions have been looted, and these trillions remain unaccounted for. And trillions more will “disappear”.
is clear is that there is endless money for endless wars, endless CIA
budgets, and endless tax cuts for the wealthy and for corporations. But
nothing for anything else.
Criminal aristocracies have increased their plunder, with Washington
spearheading the operations. Governments of the capitalist world---each
regime a criminal enterprise---are impoverishing their populaces,
subjecting citizens to unprecedented suffering under the Orwellian
rubric of “sacrifice”. Systematic destruction is taking place from the
international down to the local level." -It's Not a 'Debt Crisis' It's Economic Genocide. - GlobalResearch.ca
So many people can't shake their stereotype imagery of free loading fat Americans and/or drug addicts living off the government on food stamps expecting free handouts. Here's some feedback I recently got on the Ron Paul food stamps issue on a forum:
"Believe me many of those who receive food stamps ain't gonna starve. They sell most of them for drugs anyway." -first response
"The times have changed all right, for the worst. Many lazy people get food stamps and don't even attempt to get a job. And I've even been approached by people wanting to go "buy" me groceries and me give them half of the money for the groceries so they can buy cigs, alcohol or illegal drugs. Something has to be done about these freeloaders!" - second response
"Yes, I realize that many of our jobs have been sent overseas. I also realize I've worked at the same job for 28 years and run my own business on the side. I've gotten up and gone to work when I'm sick and had to be on the other side of town by 5:00 am while raising two children on my own. People these days don't (won't) get up and go to work when they do have a job. We're raising a bunch of people who EXPECT handouts. Why would they get out of bed when it's cold and go look for a job, their check is coming in the mail today, paid for by YOU and ME!!!! Cheryl, you have to admit the whole "we'll take care of you" message the government is sending is completely wrong! Something has to be changed." -third response
These comments remind me of character's Archie Bunker's from the 1970's hit show All In The Family.
This is a video from 2006 about freeloaders. It's true that there are plenty of those who are freeloading in society, but there are also those such as single mothers who need help feeding their families. These bums' image ruin it for everyone since they're the "publicists" for their cause. There are also veterans and the elderly who need help.
Here is my final response to this commenter, whose a middle aged lady living in Florida:
But they've bailed out banks for 18 trillion dollars of U.S. tax payer money and also conducted fraudulent wars. You can't be absolutely certain a majority of food stamp recipients don't really need it during these hard times. I'd rather be on the safe side realizing greedy people are actually seeking to starve our population rather than help it. Our gov't is totally out of control robbing and stealing from us continually through taxes, wars and corruption. Congress does insider trading, etc. See what I mean? Why should you be so adamant about not feeding people some food under these circumstances? They may really need it.
I don't understand why some Americans are more concerned with being ripped off by alleged free loaders for food, rather than the trillions of tax dollar bailouts given to banks and for fraudulent wars. I guess I just can't comprehend their lack of priorities. If one has to be ripped off at all, I'd choose feeding people just to cover those who truly need it. I'm sure there are some free loaders, but these are really hard times and this above mentioned attitude some Americans have is completely misplaced in view of the facts of the times we're living in.
As far as Ron Paul hacking food stamps by 66%, that is just so uncalled for in these desperate times I can't forgive his economic plan for America. Especially in view of the fact he's only cutting the military budget by 27% and there would be plenty of funds left over to feed hungry poor Americans. What this means is that I won't be voting for ANYONE because these politicians are all shams in my book.
There's a network of extremely wealthy elitists with plans to kill off a large part of humanity while they live forever based on dramatic breakthroughs in life extension technologies they don't want humanity to have access to. These insane people want to create a new world for themselves as gods in their own version of utopia.
"Eugenics is the study of all of the agencies under social control which may improve or impair the inborn qualities of future generations of man, either physically or mentally". - Francis Galton
It's true, we're all living in a time of insane psychopaths in positions of power who are preparing genocide on the human race. They've built incredible underground cities for radiation fallout where they can live for years if not decades until the earth becomes habitable. They have knowledge of incredible technologies they'll have access to that humanity can't even comprehend. One can observe the insanity of these people from their plans for WWIII with Iran and utter disregard for humanity's future that they so easily bankrupt the world's economies.
This is really an incredible video to witness.
It's not too difficult to imagine how psychopaths would react to discovering all the tremendous life extension technologies combined with developments such as revolutionary anti-gravity technologies. They can't live their dreams without getting rid of much of humanity because they view us as an obstacle to their plans. The fact is these elitists view themselves as superior to much of humanity and have taken on an evolutionary view they're going to be the next new species merging with advanced technologies.
When one understands the motivation and reasons for why these well networked psychopaths want to get rid of much of humanity, it makes sense why they've been social engineering us while poisoning our food and water to dumb us down. See video: Slow Kill Holocaust: Proof the Government Is Killing You - YouTube
Author Ray Kurzweil worries about the downside of technological developments including life extension. Namely, those technologies that can easily get into the wrong hands.
It's so sad there aren't apparently many good people involved in our government able to identify and successfully address this issue of insane men and women who are clearly luring us all into dangerous wars such as the one proposed with Iran. It's truly insane how many people are falling for these psychopaths' bait to lure us all into mass death.
The initiation of those who plan on being gods to live forever is the mass murder and genocide of us all.