Saturday, January 7, 2012

Americans Cheer On Obama's Dreams of Dictatorship

The real problem in America that's often overlooked is the fact too many Americans are on the sidelines ignoring the growing evil happening in our country. There needs to be a stronger and more effective opposing force against the growing support for an Obama dictatorship.  Let there be no doubt, one's neutrality and idleness fall into the category of being on the side of evil.  Therefore if Americans don't do more to oppose this growing call for a Obama dictatorship, the country will surely fall from within.

The following video shows clips of Americans cheering on Obama's comments of how he would do better without Congress to enact his own laws, etc

In this video Obama is appealing to naive Americans who cheer on the idea of Obama
bypassing Congress to create his own laws, something only dictators do.

From my perspective, people are failing to discern when their leaders fall into the psychopath or sociopath categories where these types always climb up the ladder for power over people.  When Americans begin to believe the absolute lies and overlook all the red flags along the way of their President lusting over a dictatorship role, they're in danger.  That's why so many good Americans are screaming at them "wake up!"

For those unaware, here's the definition of a sociopath:
Profile of the Sociopath 
Manipulative and Conning 
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims. 
Grandiose Sense of Self 
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." 
Pathological Lying 
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests. 
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt 
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

You can't reason with this kind of personality that is a dead zone, someone you can't reach because they're too far gone. They will continue along the path they're on unless there are enough good people banding together to bump them from power. It's important to note these sociopaths also work among other similar types as one entity so as not to appear abnormal to others.  

In my personal life I've noted certain personality types that think nothing of committing wrongs without apologies and then expecting people to overlook these things as if they never happened.  For those kind of people I tell them "I don't like you, I really don't" and they usually react with disbelief.  I point out their wrongs towards me and they don't apologize whatsoever, maintaining their domination and form of false reality over me.  That's when I know I'm dealing with someone whose unreachable.  

I similarly know that Obama's unreachable, being an all too obvious sociopath which is what attracted him to the Presidency in the first place. He's a liar, a con and a farce.  People who support him have not done their homework, nor apparently care about the facts or details of who Obama really is.

By the time Obama takes down America as a puppet of those who control him, it will be too late. People won't have the resources, good health or ability to stand up to incredibly fortified evil that will reign on earth until God chooses the appropriate time to strike it all down.  It's all really just a test to see who really is for God and who is God's enemies.  The devil has us in his petri dish, but God's outside all of it waiting for this false reality to burst like a bubble from spiritual warfare.  This is what it's all about on earth, being a testing ground for the incredible things that await in the spiritual dimension.  

What this all means is that if you choose to stay on the sidelines witnessing what's happening as if it's a movie, it makes you part of the problem. There's no escaping evil!  You have to stand up to it one way or another.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Noted Marine Biologist Being Persecuted by Evil U.S. Federal Government for Allegedly Feeding a Whale in 2005

Noted Monterey Bay marine biologist Nancy Black of Monterey Bay Whale Watch is being victimized by an insane U.S. Federal government for her allegedly feeding a killer whale blubber floating in the water in one of her films over 6 years ago.  This isn't too surprising since misapplying the law is something the U.S. Federal government has been known for lately while completely overlooking and omitting relevant facts of serious egregious crimes committed by corporations such as BP in the Gulf Oil Spill.  What this means is they are twisting U.S. laws such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act in order to punish those who uphold protecting our oceans.
The case pits Nancy Black, 49, whose research has been featured on National Geographic and the Discovery Channel, against government officials enforcing the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which bars the feeding or attempted feeding of a marine mammal in the wild. - Marine Biologist Charged with Feeding Whales -
Many Americans are unaware that Gulf Oil Spill's dead zones of lifelessness are going be used by billionaires such as Al Gore for farming algae for their biofuel global warming industry.  Dead zones in the ocean created by the Gulf Oil Spill have opened up a whole new industry for billionaires to profit off of biofuel production.

No one was ever convicted of any crimes for largely destroying the Gulf and poisoning the surrounding land with corexit highly toxic chemicals to cover-up for the oil spill.  This while the U.S. government, that is really nothing more than part of BP's operation, is using its rigged grand jury system to convict people such as those who dedicate their lives to preserving our marine life.  
"Black's attorney, Lawrence Biegel, said Thursday that the indictment was unjustified and came despite more than five years of negotiations with the government.
Biegel said the marine biologist had done nothing wrong and was an "absolute paragon of virtue in this profession. She's devoted her entire life to cetacean research."
In the October 2005 incident, Biegel said, Black used an underwater camera to film the eating habits of orcas, or killer whales, that were feeding off free-floating pieces of blubber from a gray whale that had been killed by a pack of orcas. The pieces of blubber were already there naturally, Biegel said." -  Marine Biologist Charged with Feeding Whales -
The work of demented twisted evil people in the U.S. Federal government couldn't be more clear as day to rational thinking Americans.  They go after marine biologists they frame and misapply laws to, while they completely overlook horrendous crimes against our environment on behalf of billionaires like Al Gore for their new biofuel industries. 

What an insane bunch of loons those in the Federal government have become!  Wake up America, greedy evil people are running our country through corrupt corporations like BP and Halliburton!  Anyone who gets brought into Federal court by these Federal grand juries are convicted 99% of the time because the juries are rigged and highly political.

One commenter on SFGate suggested government's motives are to shut Black up for having protested Navy sonar abuses of whales.  There is no question that Ms. Black is going to be severely punished for feeding some blubber to a whale. This while these corporate based crooks who took over the U.S. Federal government go completely unpunished free to do whatever they so please to destroy life in our oceans for their biofuel industry.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Webster Tarpley Says Ron Paul's Economic Plan is Genocide

I've changed my mind about voting for Ron Paul after listening to last night's Jeff Rense radio program interview with Webster Tarpley.  I had been planning to vote for a Republican the first time in my life only to learn from Tarpley that Ron Paul's economic policies would be a form of genocide in America.

I learned Paul's plan proposes cutting food stamps by 66% along with important prenatal programs for poor women. I'm sorry, that's completely unacceptable since many Americans would starve to death, especially the growing elderly population.  In retrospect, Paul plans on cutting the military budget by only 27%.

The first thing I expected Paul to do after ending the wars is helping America first instead of Israel and all of these other strongholds that neglect America's internal health including a lack of jobs.  Instead I learned Paul proposes making Americans suffer starvation knowing full well criminals have stolen from U.S. taxpayers with multi-trillion dollar banker bailouts through the Federal government.
"Trillions have been looted, and these trillions remain unaccounted for. And trillions more will “disappear”.

What is clear is that there is endless money for endless wars, endless CIA budgets, and endless tax cuts for the wealthy and for corporations. But nothing for anything else.

Criminal aristocracies have increased their plunder, with Washington spearheading the operations. Governments of the capitalist world---each regime a criminal enterprise---are impoverishing their populaces, subjecting citizens to unprecedented suffering under the Orwellian rubric of “sacrifice”. Systematic destruction is taking place from the international down to the local level." - It's Not a 'Debt Crisis' It's Economic Genocide. -
So many people can't shake their stereotype imagery of free loading fat Americans and/or drug addicts living off the government on food stamps expecting free handouts.  Here's some feedback I recently got on the Ron Paul food stamps issue on a forum:
"Believe me many of those who receive food stamps ain't gonna starve. They sell most of them for drugs anyway." - first response

"The times have changed all right, for the worst. Many lazy people get food stamps and don't even attempt to get a job. And I've even been approached by people wanting to go "buy" me groceries and me give them half of the money for the groceries so they can buy cigs, alcohol or illegal drugs. Something has to be done about these freeloaders!" - second response

"Yes, I realize that many of our jobs have been sent overseas. I also realize I've worked at the same job for 28 years and run my own business on the side. I've gotten up and gone to work when I'm sick and had to be on the other side of town by 5:00 am while raising two children on my own. People these days don't (won't) get up and go to work when they do have a job. We're raising a bunch of people who EXPECT handouts. Why would they get out of bed when it's cold and go look for a job, their check is coming in the mail today, paid for by YOU and ME!!!! Cheryl, you have to admit the whole "we'll take care of you" message the government is sending is completely wrong! Something has to be changed." - third response
These comments remind me of character's Archie Bunker's from the 1970's hit show All In The Family.

This is a video from 2006 about freeloaders.  It's true that there are plenty of those who are freeloading in society, but there are also those such as single mothers who need help feeding their families.  These bums' image ruin it for everyone since they're the "publicists" for their cause.  There are also veterans and the elderly who need help.

Here is my final response to this commenter, whose a middle aged lady living in Florida:
But they've bailed out banks for 18 trillion dollars of U.S. tax payer money and also conducted fraudulent wars. You can't be absolutely certain a majority of food stamp recipients don't really need it during these hard times. I'd rather be on the safe side realizing greedy people are actually seeking to starve our population rather than help it. Our gov't is totally out of control robbing and stealing from us continually through taxes, wars and corruption. Congress does insider trading, etc. See what I mean? Why should you be so adamant about not feeding people some food under these circumstances? They may really need it.

I don't understand why some Americans are more concerned with being ripped off by alleged free loaders for food, rather than the trillions of tax dollar bailouts given to banks and for fraudulent wars.  I guess I just can't comprehend their lack of priorities. If one has to be ripped off at all, I'd choose feeding people just to cover those who truly need it.  I'm sure there are some free loaders, but these are really hard times and this above mentioned attitude some Americans have is completely misplaced in view of the facts of the times we're living in.  

As far as Ron Paul hacking food stamps by 66%, that is just so uncalled for in these desperate times I can't forgive his economic plan for America.  Especially in view of the fact he's only cutting the military budget by 27% and there would be plenty of funds left over to feed hungry poor Americans.  What this means is that I won't be voting for ANYONE because these politicians are all shams in my book.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

They Plan On Killing Off 80% of Humanity As Gods To Live Forever

There's a network of extremely wealthy elitists with plans to kill off a large part of humanity while they live forever based on dramatic breakthroughs in life extension technologies they don't want humanity to have access to.  These insane people want to create a new world for themselves as gods in their own version of utopia.
"Eugenics is the study of all of the agencies under social control which may improve or impair the inborn qualities of future generations of man, either physically or mentally". - Francis Galton 
It's true, we're all living in a time of insane psychopaths in positions of power who are preparing genocide on the human race.  They've built incredible underground cities for radiation fallout where they can live for years if not decades until the earth becomes habitable. They have knowledge of incredible technologies they'll have access to that humanity can't even comprehend.  One can observe the insanity of these people from their plans for WWIII with Iran and utter disregard for humanity's future that they so easily bankrupt the world's economies.

This is really an incredible video to witness.  

It's not too difficult to imagine how psychopaths would react to discovering all the tremendous life extension technologies combined with developments such as revolutionary anti-gravity technologies.  They can't live their dreams without getting rid of much of humanity because they view us as an obstacle to their plans.  The fact is these elitists view themselves as superior to much of humanity and have taken on an evolutionary view they're going to be the next new species merging with advanced technologies.

When one understands the motivation and reasons for why these well networked psychopaths want to get rid of much of humanity, it makes sense why they've been social engineering us while poisoning our food and water to dumb us down. See video: Slow Kill Holocaust: Proof the Government Is Killing You - YouTube

Author Ray Kurzweil worries about the downside of technological developments including life extension.  Namely, those technologies that can easily get into the wrong hands.

It's so sad there aren't apparently many good people involved in our government able to identify and successfully address this issue of insane men and women who are clearly luring us all into dangerous wars such as the one proposed with Iran.  It's truly insane how many people are falling for these psychopaths' bait to lure us all into mass death.

The initiation of those who plan on being gods to live forever is the mass murder and genocide of us all.

Time Running Out for Americans To Wake Up  Before It's Too Late - 12/26/11 Post

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Zombie Americans Partied While President Obama Destroyed Their Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution

President Obama completely disregarded the U.S. Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution on New Years Eve 2011 sending chills down the spines of awakened Americans everywhere when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act.  Imbecile Obama thought so highly of himself above all else to disregard the law of the land with the whisk of his majesty's pen while the majority of oblivious Americans partied and celebrated their demise unknowingly.

It took brilliant men to implement the laws of this land, and moronic fools to dismantle it thanks to a dumbed down virtually brain dead populace in America that's been asleep at the wheel for decades.
One of the most extraordinary documents in human history -- the Bill of Rights -- has come to an end under President Barack Obama. Derived from sacred principles of natural law, the Bill of Rights has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the President's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a law that grants the U.S. military the "legal" right to conduct secret kidnappings of U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder. This is all conducted completely outside the protection of law, with no jury, no trial, no legal representation and not even any requirement that the government produce evidence against the accused. It is a system of outright government tyranny against the American people, and it effectively nullifies the Bill of Rights. - R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789-2011 - Natural News
The American public is largely oblivious to the evil its own government partakes in that it entrusts their lives to. American men are distracted being obsessed with spectator sports while American women are in la la land with nothing but whip cream for brains.  Most Americans believe whatever their media and government tells them wanting to bury their heads in the sand.  To make matters even worse, Americans have been greatly dumbed down over the decades with poisons and toxic chemicals added to their food and water by their criminal government. See video Slow Kill Holocaust: Proof the U.S. Government is Killing You.  Many Americans have been brain damaged unable to even recognize what's happening to them and their country.  

In a good example, here's a few of the brain damaged Americans auditioning for American Idol a few years ago from Seattle.  Let there be no doubt, most of these auditioners have been brain damaged, I'm not posting this video to mock them. 

As Americans auditioned for and watched their American Idol programs their country was taken over by hard core criminals who shredded their Bill of Rights and Constitution.

America's now considered a rogue nation, operating in violation of International law:
Furthermore, the NDAA law as written and signed, is a violation of international law as it does not even adhere to the fundamental agreements of how nations treat prisoners of war:
"...the breadth of the NDAA’s detention authority violates international law because it is not limited to people captured in the context of an actual armed conflict as required by the laws of war" says the ACLU ( R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789-2011 - Natural News
It's only when you do your homework such as to learn President Lyndon B. Johnson and Co. had JFK assassinated in a coup de tat, that you'll ever begin to understand the true nature of evil that took over America and continues to operate in false flag operations to this day.  On a side note, President Obama recently stated Lyndon B. Johnson was one of his top  Presidents of all time. See Obama: My Accomplishments Are Just Behind LBJ, FDR and Lincoln. -

What RFK has to say about LBJ "he's a vicious animal who eats people up". - One of Obama's favorite Presidents, LBJ was a psychopath murderer who had many people killed likely including RFK in 1968 while he was still in power as President.

The only outcome of all of this will most likely be human extinction or at the very least a culling of 80% of the population.  So no, this isn't a Happy New Year and anyone who tells you so is seriously out of touch with reality.

Americans Are Largely Programmed For Self-Destruction - 12/29/11 Post

Friday, December 30, 2011

Time To Boycott The Humane Society Frauds of America

There's an unbelievable story about a heroine addict who took his kitten with a non-life threatening injury to one of the Humane Society's vet clinics.  He didn't immediately have $400 to pay for the kitten's vet bill but his mother agreed to pay by providing a credit card number over the phone. 
"The Humane Society cited policy when it declined to accept a credit card over the phone from Dockery's mother in Michigan or to wait for her to wire the money. The staff said if he signed papers surrendering the cat, Scruffy would be treated and put in foster care, he said."  Humane Society Sparks Outrage By Euthanizing Man's Kitten Over Money -
Instead of placing the cat in foster care the Human Society euthanized the cat a few hours later.

This is such an outrage!  I'll never, ever donate to the Humane Society ever again that's clearly not the organization it claims to be being inhumane.  People from all over the country are boycotting the Humane Society now and spreading the word of what a sick uncaring money grubbing organization it's obviously become.  I already knew PETA's history having violated the trust of those who surrender their animals to it for adoption by euthanizing thousands of them each year.   I never dreamed the Humane Society could be so equally callous and uncaring of both humans and their pets.
"He described the cat as helping him stay off drugs for more than a year, the longest he had ever been clean. He hand-fed the feline before she opened her eyes at 4 days old, giving her fresh tuna and letting her sleep on his pillow."    Humane Society Sparks Outrage By Euthanizing Man's Kitten Over Money -
In analyzing why they would choose to euthanize the kitten, it seems to me they probably believed it would be the humane thing to do rather than allow a heroine addict to own a cat.

I'd love to adopt a cat myself but our building in San Francisco doesn't allow them claiming they would destroy the wood floors with cat pee.  I don't believe that at all.  Cat's should never be turned away by apartment complexes.  I believe it should be unlawful to restrict pet ownership.  Everyone should be able to own and care for a cat if they so please.

I find the SPCA to be the most trustworthy organization to care for animals and their welfare.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Americans Are Largely Programmed For Self-Destruction

So many Americans have no idea what's happening to our country it's frightening!   It's so mind blowing to witness the willful ignorance so many partake in such as preferring to make spectator sports like football the priority above all else.  Football would be okay for people to enjoy if our national priorities were in order but the fact of the matter is the U.S. government and military's been taken over by hard core criminals intent on destroying our country.  The fact so many Americans continue to participate in the same habits and beliefs refusing to adjust their lives based on what's really happening demonstrates how insane and programmed they are.

America's been gutted on so many levels it's staggering. Yet, people go about their business shopping and writing on Facebook about things oblivious to how serious the situation really is.  The fact is the U.S. government's been taken over by banking cartels and corporations with criminal interests including that of genocide and poisoning the population through the water and food supply as well as sending people to labor camps.   We will likely be unable to withdraw our money from banks in the near future, being restricted to access of our funds.  They will likely devalue the dollar by up to 40%.

People's homes are underwater with their owing far more to banks then their properties are worth.  American's jobs have been sent overseas and the U.S. government's been swat teaming whatever U.S. manufacturing companies are left such as Gibson U.S.A.

A must see video!

Evidence of documentation of government plans to kill off world population.

A very special video message.

Any American who could bury their head in the sand and continue to watch and obsess over their sports and television sitcom programs as if nothing's wrong whatsoever is insane.  I consider these Americans to be zombies having been lobotomized, their minds and thinking abilities destroyed through television programming.  

The reality of this dire situation is there are extremely smart people at the helm who have decided to kill off 90% of the population as if we're nothing more than domesticated sheep to them.  They think the world's overpopulated and view us all as animals.  They want to evolve to the next level much like homosapiens did over cro-magnons and neanderthals.  They plan on merging with technology and believe they will live forever and travel the stars like Star Trek.

They want to kill off humanity and people are asleep at the wheel as if nothing's changed!  These world government elitists are preparing for genocide and taking us all down. Anyone who believes siding with them will save their lives is nothing short of trying to make a deal with the devil.   These people are possessed by ancient evil demons who will be unleashing hell on earth.  Humans don't stand a chance.

Television programming will go down in world history as one of the keys to humanity's destruction.

40 Hard Questions Americans Should Be Asking Right Now - Economic Collapse Blog

Monday, December 26, 2011

Time Running Out For Americans to Wake Up Before It's Too Late

Back in 2000, I worked the graveyard shift at a law firm that caused me to come home exhausted to sleep in the morning.  When I came home I usually had some breakfast and used my toaster oven that was in my studio's bedroom and then I'd crash for hours.  One morning I was so exhausted I inadvertently left the toaster oven on.  As I dozed off, something alerted me to the oven in back out of sight that was shooting out one foot flames.  I caught the fire just in time prior to it possibly burning the house down and have been grateful ever since for whatever caused me to prevent the fire.

Today I'm posting extensive excerpts from two extremely dire and relevant articles under the Fair Use Act, one that appeared on the Activist Post blog yesterday and the other from a 1955 book They Thought They Were Free - The Germans, 1933-45.   

The American Fascist Sandwich: Indefinite Detention and Internment Camps - Activist Post  

By Brennan Browne, Posted December 15, 2011

"The Bill of Rights is no more. On December 15th, 2011 at the hands of a metastasizing malignancy, masquerading as purveyors of freedom, whatever hope we had of liberty and the pursuit of peace was officially assassinated. We are now a police state. 
Overwhelming feelings of searing rage and disgust at the wicked abomination that is our Congress and President cannot be contained. Our government, courts, military and law enforcement -- which have been controlled by socio/psychopaths for decades -- continues to decompose into a rabid, sleazy, moronic, delusional group of arrogant, self-serving, sycophantic, greedy, whores.
It's time to dispense with semantic subtleties meant to placate and avoid offense. Diplomacy is reserved for those who are worthy. No more time to waste on pandering to, analyzing, intellectualizing or sugar-coating treachery. The State is the enemy of the people. Those responsible for instilling fear, subjugation, humiliation, imprisonment, torture and murder are our own government terrorists--the U.S. Congress, the President of the United States and their minions. 

They have betrayed the American citizenry, as they have the rest of the world. They have defiled and destroyed the Constitution. They have committed treason. They are grinding the 99% into the ground with every stroke of the pen; every vote cast in the name of enriching their corporate umbilical cords and bank accounts. They do not deserve respect. They are thieves who have hijacked their positions of power. They deserve exactly what the National Defense Authorization Act will now so freely foist upon the rest of us -- to be tossed into a hole to rot somewhere without benefit of charges, trial, or protection from torture and murder, for the rest of their miserable, worthless existences. 
One owes no civility to barbarians. No benevolence to fascists. Capitol Hill and the White House have declared war on the American people. Their intent is crystal clear for all paying attention. Conspiracy theory 'lunatics' are having the last laugh as their warnings are now bearing fruit. It is no longer outrageous conjecture to believe our own government is intent on our demise. 
The United States Army is actively recruiting individuals for internment camp guards. The military does not recruit people for phantom positions for which they intend no future use. 

It is time for the populace to withdraw from the mindless euphoria of consumerism that has become their god and WAKE UP. Our chances for survival can only come if we are focused on the threat at hand. We do not have the power to confront the police state head on, but it can and must be circumvented. We must not cooperate. Totalitarianism must be denied legitimacy. It demands defiance. However small or large and in whatever non-complying way each individual finds to do so. We must not allow ourselves to go passively to slaughter. There are no merciful tyrants. No quasi-democracies which do not degrade into homicidal fascism. History has foretold our future. Pol Pot, Mao Tse-Tung, Stalin, Hitler -- countless millions met their end without a whimper. For those believing our fate will be any different, you seal your own doom. - Excerpt from The American Fascist Sandwich: Indefinite Detention and Internment Camps - Activist Post 

An excerpt from

They Thought They Were Free

The Germans, 1933-45

Milton Mayer

But Then It Was Too Late

"What no one seemed to notice," said a colleague of mine, a philologist, "was the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the people. Just think how very wide this gap was to begin with, here in Germany. And it became always wider. You know, it doesn’t make people close to their government to be told that this is a people’s government, a true democracy, or to be enrolled in civilian defense, or even to vote. All this has little, really nothing, to do with knowing one is governing.
"What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.
"This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter. - They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45, But Then It Was Too Late - Excerpt Used Under Fair Use Act*

*Copyright notice: Excerpt from pages 166-73 of They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer, published by the University of Chicago Press. ©1955, 1966 by the University of Chicago. All rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. copyright law, and it may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that this entire notice, including copyright information, is carried and provided that the University of Chicago Press is notified and no fee is charged for access. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the University of Chicago Press. (Footnotes and other references included in the book may have been removed from this online version of the text.)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Singer George Michael Says He's A New Man After Near Death Encounter

Former Wham Last Christmas Singer George Michael says he's thankful to be alive after winning his battle with a severe case of pneumonia.  Geroge said his life was saved thanks to his being treated at one of the top medical facilities for that illness in the world, the AKH clinic in Vienna Austria. In a video released by the press corps, a gaunt looking George said:
"I'm not supposed to speak for very long at a time, but Merry Christmas everyone. I feel amazing. I mean, I'm very weak, but I feel amazing. I got streptococca-something. It's a form of pneumonia, and they spent three weeks keeping me alive, basically. I don't want to take you through all of it because some of it I want to protect my family from.  I'm sure I'll get it all written down. But it was basically by far the worst month of my life.  But I'm incredibly, incredibly fortunate to be here, and incredibly fortunate to have picked up this bug where I did.  Apparently the hospital in Austria they rushed me to was absolutely the best place in the world I could have been in to deal with pneumonia." - George Michael Speaks for First Time Since He Was Struck Down By Pneumonia -

"George referred to having 'streptoccoal-something'. What he actually means is streptococcus pneumonia, a kind of bacteria that causes chest and other infections including meningitis. In theory it responds to antibiotics like penicillin, but in reality these strep are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics." - Carol Cooper - The Sun Doctor
Ironically, Michael had big hit in the early 80's, Last Christmas.

Wham's Last Christmas video has 13 million+ views.

This is my favorite George Michael video from his days with Wham. Everything She Wants was a hit in 1982 written and produced by Michael who later had his own highly successful solo career.  Back in 1982-3 it was tough competing with the likes of Michael Jackson but George held his own.  Careless Whispers is another of Michael's huge hits from that era.