Thursday, December 22, 2011

Seattle Police Caught Mocking Jogger Near Death in Dash Cam Video

As a jogger lay in the street in a pool of blood near death after being struck by a truck, the words of Seattle's finest were "Don't jog to work you dumb fuck!"  It was just another day at work for the cop, but for this man it was clearly his worst ever.

"Mr Nelson was left with a broken back, cracked ribs and fractured skull. But it wasn't until weeks later, as his lawyers tried to discover who was at fault in the accident, that they came across video footage of the police officers' disrespectful comments." - Dailymail

These Seattle cops are apparently disturbed after having been summoned by a call from their local coffee doughnut shop to do the jobs taxpayers like this jogger pay them to do.

After the story broke, the the Seattle police department went into publicity mode to pull themselves out of the mess with:

Deputy police Chief Clark Kimerer told the KIRO 7 network that the officer's behaviour was 'unacceptable'.  He said: 'We expect 100 percent professionalism from our officers. We also, with them, have to recognize that they are often in stressful situations and also that there is sometimes more than meets the eyes.  The incident is the subject of an internal investigation.  Dailymail

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Disturbing Microcosm of Tyranny At City Council Meeting Causes Outrage

In a disturbing microcosm of tyranny, this story is a good example of those who view themselves as having powers above and beyond those granted by the U.S. Constitution. Abuse of power is running rampant all across America primarily because those who wield it are corrupt.

In this example, a priest who's been attending hearings the past five years at the Pensacola City  Council in Florida, was making a very calm intelligent case for the council's violation of the First Amendment.  Near the end when the priest called their actions "a sick and gross abuse of power", those particular words set off Council President Sam Hall.

A disturbing microcosm of tyranny at a city council meeting.  Near the end of the priest's statements one of the female council members expresses anger and leaves the chamber. 

At last night’s meeting, Monk told the council they had no right to dictate the content of their speech, and suggested that they instead examine any actions by the city that would prompt such comparisons.
“As Americans, we have the right to redress our government without fear of being arrested,” he said. “Whether or not they’re connecting dots from Hitler to George Wallace to Barney … you should be asking, ‘well what are we doing that’s allowing people to connect those dots?’ It was a sick and gross abuse of power.”

Council President Hall interrupted Monk at that point. “Your time is up, sit down,” he said. “No, I have a minute and 12 seconds left,” Monk said, looking at the timer at the speaker’s lectern. “I’m ruling you out of order,” Council Urges Civility, Threatens Priest With Arrest -

In the video, note the tone and nature of the council member's order to the priest, as if he's some kind of king talking to his slave.  The police should not have obeyed the council member's request to remove the priest from the podium.  When you have corrupt officials in government they have no concerns for the U.S. Constitution and will arrest anyone who they feel threatens their power. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

YouTube Cat & Baby Video Raises Questions of Safety

This is a very interesting video (below) showing a sweet cat using its mothering skills on a human baby soothing it to sleep.  In spite of this sweet cat, parents shouldn't let a cat or any animal for that matter, near a baby unattended. 

I don't care how sweet and innocent these cats appear, they still have deeply embedded instincts any move a baby makes could trigger an attack.  The warmth from a baby could attract a cat to lay on the baby with excessive crushing weight.  See Cat Suffocates Baby - NY Ties Abstract

In spite of this sweet cat, danger's present.  Allowing any animal near a baby unattended isn't a good idea.

I absolutely love cats but still would never allow one to roam around a baby unattended.  

Sleeping Cat Suffocates Six Week Old Baby - TelegraphUK

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cheryl Meril: 'I Never Threatened Sheila Rogers'. Edmond Wollmann's Blog Is Unlawful Harassment

I've been accused all over the Internet by a complete stranger with false claims I threatened Sheila Rogers, former Random Notes gossip columnist and special feature writer for Rolling Stone Magazine from 1986-1991 who later worked for David Letterman.  I just wanted to say for the record that I didn't threaten Sheila Rogers, who was a former high school classmate violinist in an orchestra class we attended for four years. Certain men had an overwhelming need to make a huge conflict out of something that was really none of their business to begin with. What happened involving my emotionally imbalanced letters has since been expunged as a misdemeanor that was issued way back in 1989, over 22 years ago. 
"An expungement means the conviction has been reversed and forgiven by the court.  I had this misdemeanor matter expunged in 2007 and this idiot Edmond Wollmann is still writing on a wordpress blog about something that is really none of his business as if it's today's news.  This is nothing more than a mind control psyop.  The fact is that normal well balanced people could care less, including Sheila Rogers who hasn't had anything to say or write about this 22 year old issue whatsoever."  -  Cheryl Meril
This is how long ago 1989 was:
  • A baby born then would be 21-22 years old in 2011.
  • I was still in my 20's 
  • The worldwide web didn't exist (not until 1990).
  • Pentium computers wouldn't be invented for four more years. 
  • The CD player was a recent invention.
I'm certain Ms. Rogers has long forgiven my hallucinogenic mushroom induced unstable behavior as I have myself.  Ms. Rogers knows well by now that my problem was beyond my ability to control.  It was nothing personal since I had a letter writing addiction. Letter mailing made me feel I was getting something accomplished, taking care of business and influencing change.  In the 1980's I had mailed off hundreds of letters to many people who I occasional heard back from including the late Armand Hammer.   After I was convicted of a misdemeanor in 1989, it didn't stop Xerox from hiring me where I worked for nearly two years. 

In view of this endless harassment of me by Mr. Wollmann, I thought I'd mention that many people are unaware Megan's List rapists are protected by law from this kind of harassment I've endured over the years.  In other words, if you ever happen to have the misfortune of a child rapist living in your building, you'd be barred by California law from harassing them, including trying to pressure them to move. If you so much as put up a flier alerting people, it could land you in jail.  In another example, San Francisco is looking into legislation allowing businesses a tax break for employing ex-con felons.  See SF Plan Would Offer Tax Break for Hiring Felons - 

This is something that generally happens when you elevate former felons while completely overlooking their crimes:

California Woman Accused of Embezzling $470K From Bookkeeping Clients

Paige Jones Hibbits, 69, recently of Camarillo, California, has been charged with embezzling at least $470,000 from several bookkeeping clients of her business, Jones Hibbits, LLC, including Scarborough Farms Inc. of Oxnard, California.  According to authorities, Hibbits has used a variety of aliases, including Pearl Hibbits, Pearl Klenoski, Pearl Jones, Paige Jones, and Pearl McClelland.  Prosecutors allege that Hibbits executed more than 50 fraudulent transactions, including fraudulent checks and electronic funds transfers for her own benefit over a 2 year period.  Specifically, Hibbits has been charged with felony counts including forgery, money laundering, grand theft, computer fraud and aggravated white collar crime.  Media reports indicate that Hibbits has a previous a felony conviction in 2004 for embezzlement and forgery.  She was also arrested in 1990 for assault with a deadly weapon and spent time in state prison.  Ironically, Hibbits was named the Camarillo Chamber of Commerce's Woman of the Year in 2010. - Fraud Talk Blog

Unfortunately Edmond Wollmann, being the very well documented problematic individual he is, has thought it his business to post a 22 year old non-event on his cowardly anonymous blog as if it's today's news.  As if I wasn't punished enough many times over as I have been throughout the years!  If a cop sees a violation of a restraining order on your record, he will go for your throat in whatever situation he finds you in.  I've been forced to move several times over the years thanks to that restraining order violation on my record from 1989 and have been greatly affected by the discrimination I've encountered from it.  Yet, look at what San Francisco is doing to protect felons and Megan List rapists!  The government's being documented bending over backwards to help them.

 (Click to enlarge)
I have evidence from his former attorney's email disclosure that Mr. Wollmann had something to do with a sick blog about me full of hundreds of vile and defamatory posts that caused me to file a lawsuit against him.

Wollmann also testified at a court hearing he spends all of his time on the Internet, another red flag the court overlooked.

My final analysis is the government has been aiding, abetting and protecting criminals while overblowing and entrapping certain targeted people over ridiculous civil matters such as these. The court overlooked my evidence (deposition statements, lawyer's disclosure) against Mr. Wollmann while seeking to severely sanction and fine me for filing a lawsuit against him.  The guilty party continues with his blog about me in a dispute he manufactured from day one while he's requesting $586,000 through collection agencies. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Future of America: Witch Hunts, Torture, Interrogation Thanks to NDAA

If you want just a hint of what's in store for America's future thanks to Obama signing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Thursday, check out this video of an Italian Appellate Court's scathing review of the prosecutor's conduct in the Amanda Knox case.  There was no evidence against her nor any motive, yet she spent four years behind bars under intense media scrutiny. Amanda Knox wasn't initially even given access to a lawyer while they interrogated her for days in a foreign language she didn't understand.  When these beasts put Amanda behind bars, a prison guard tried to molest her.

Unlike the Italians, the U.S. government has recently granted itself the authority to make U.S. citizens disappear for any reason, including being under mere suspicion.  Based on recent changes in U.S. law, this means even the Italian government has a better system to vet out fraudulent cases brought against innocent people than America does. Think about the fact that under America's new system of government, Amanda Knox wouldn't even get a trial.

Americans are so asleep at the wheel to allow their government come to this.   I've personally observed the weakness in the court system over the years that is highly political, welcoming perjury while deliberately omitting relevant facts.  Arrogance among judges, police and lawyers runs rampant.

See the video below over how desperate the hijacked criminal U.S. government is to pass the buck for 9/11. They're now blaming the Iranians to justify their plans to start a new war.  They're no longer blaming Iraq, but now Iran for 9/11.  We've got a bunch of psychopaths pulling the strings behind the U.S. government who are absolutely out of their minds!

An insanely criminal U.S. government looks to justify a new war with Iran with false accusations of involvement in 9/11.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Kids React to Worst Christmas Gifts Ever (Hoax)

This is a hilarious video showing the results of Jimmy Kimmel asking parents to do a hoax on their kids giving them bad gifts for Christmas.  Some question if this hoax is too cruel.  I found many of the videos entertaining and others disturbing.  You can decide if this kind of hoax is a good idea.  Some children can handle it while others can't going on vulgar name calling binges.  
"Kimmel instructed parents to let their children open one present early this year, but instead of giving them something good, put something they won't like in the box. 'A lot of the kids, surprisingly reacted poorly to that,' he adds, smirking, before showing clips of children being given half-eaten sandwiches, old fruit and veg and household objects. Some react better than others, but tears and tantrums are the most common reaction with one boy throwing his half-eaten sandwich across the room."  - The Worst Christmas Ever - TheSun UK


I recall when my mother gave me a cheap drug store $3.00 candle in a shoe box for my 21st Birthday I thanked her while thinking her to be out of her mind.  It wasn't a hoax.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Today America Officially Died

Today MSNBC's promoting on its home page a calculated propaganda campaign on behalf of the U.S. government to distract the insidious act of Obama's intent in signing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) today. The legislation will enable the U.S. government to imprison and even torture American citizens indefinitely without trial or any evidence.

It's interesting to note the timing of the announcement and ceremonies surrounding ending the Iraq war all over the major media is happening on the very same day the final death blow comes to America with Obama's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act.  Attorney Matt Weidner's one American who sees the writing on the wall:

"More proof of the totalitarianism that now suffocates the formerly free United States of America was just announced yesterday, when Obama abandoned the suggestion that he might give some passing thought to the United States Constitution.
The Constitution is Dead. America is Dead. We now officially live in a dangerous and terrifying new world.  
But you wouldn’t know a thing of it if you watched the 6:00 news or read your local newspaper.  Instead you’ve got to dig deep or read what news organizations around the world are saying.
Look around at so many other things and ask basic questions.  Like, why has the federal bureau of prisons embarked on a wild land buying and prison building spree that vastly increases the amount of acreage they have available for prison facilities when violent crimes are declining?
All other areas of the US economy are declining but the domestic crime, detention and torture industries are vastly expanding.  Think about it." - Matt Weidner's Law Blog
Americans have been asleep at the wheel a very long time watching their televisions an average of 4-6 hours a day.  Much like Alzheimer's patients, many Americans have no idea what's been done to their former country that's being dismantled with each passing day.

Alex Jones agrees this is the day 'America truly dies'.

Matt Weidner added in another blog post:

"Scary times folks…..when you read about the give and take and the back and forth…you can see that the President and members of Congress were absolutely adamant that the NDAA must include the right to Arrest, Detain and Torture US citizens.
They could have made a simple amendment that would have eliminated all this, but they refused to do it……" - Coming Soon to a Town Near You - Arrest, Detention, and Torture of U.S. Citizens - Matt Weidner's Law Blog

Oh, how sweet of MSNBC to post Obama's family's video Christmas card for us all to enjoy before his Majesty sends us all off to the concentration camps ICE has been ordered to prepare for us by our Big Sis Janet Naplitano! It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to see this outpouring of caring by our government this very special holiday season.  See Big Sis Orders ICE To Prepare for Mass Influx of Immigrants -

Military Given Go-Ahead to Detain US Terrorist Suspects Without Trial - The Guardian UK

Obama's U-Turn on Indefinite Detention Bill a "Historic Tragedy" for Rights -

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

America Dictatorship Rising - Guilty Are Innocent, Innocent Are Guilty!

I guess this is as good a time as any to use the metaphor of the historic Baldwin Hills dam break that happened 49 years ago in Los Angeles on this day in December 14, 1963 to describe the state of American politics. At the time it was built in 1951, the dam was publicized as a gem of engineering feat the community was told we should have been proud of. Thanks to the local government's claims of safety, people who moved into their homes beneath the dam never thought twice of any potential danger to their properties. The fact all along was that the dam was quite unsafe in earthquake country.

With all the recent U.S. government corruption coming to light of banker bailouts, lack of mortgage fraud prosecutions, and fast and furious, it's easy to understand why law makers are rushing to initiate draconian unconstitutional laws such as with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
"The grim face of totalitarianism is emerging in the National Defense Authorization Act(NDAA) now before Congress. This bill is the last mile post on America's sad, well-traveled road to the butcher shop of dictatorship. We have been headed that way for some time and, with a little help from Congress, we'll arrive there shortly, putting an ugly end to the American experiment. The Senate December 1st passed the bill by a vote of 93-7."  National Defense Authorization Act Will Destroy Bill of Rights -
Clearly the criminals in power know Americans are onto them like never before seeking ways of out of their serious dilemma.  The only real escape for these traitors is to circumvent U.S. law and take over the country in a martial law based coup with the ultimate power grab of a dictatorship.

Though Obama's threatened to veto the NDAA legislation that will be voted on Thursday, it was recently reported by Sen. Carl Levin that the Obama administration is responsible for requesting  language be removed that would have protected American citizens from undue imprisonment.
“It was the administration that asked us to remove the very language which we had in the bill which passed the committee…we removed it at the request of the administration,” said Levin, emphasizing, “It was the administration which asked us to remove the very language the absence of which is now objected to.”

“The language which precluded the application of Section 1031 to American citizens was in the bill that we originally approved…and the administration asked us to remove the language which says that U.S. citizens and lawful residents would not be subject to this section,” said Levin, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee.  See Obama Administration Demanded Power to Indefinitely Detain U.S. Citizens - Prison

Sen.Carl Levin - D, Michigan tells the truth about Obama's cover-up of his administration's involvement in the language removed to protect Americans from being detained without due process.  The veto threat is only political posturing to cover-up Obama's intentions.

Because these traitors in the U.S. government are guilty of selling out our country to International interests and know it, they want the freedom to lock up anyone they so please for any reason without trial or any evidence.  In other words, the innocent will be made guilty while the guilty will go free.  We've all seen how it works in some time of our lives, how the guilty parties get away with their crimes with a little help from their friends,  how they lie, perjure themselves and form criminal networks.  That's what's happened in America with all these criminal Mafias running wild supported by bankers.  Americans just continue oblivious of it all living in their macro delusional worlds believing everything's okay and watch their T.V. programs as if it's reality.

It's clear the rats in power are scared of the American people so they're quickly acting to give themselves unlimited power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty (themselves) innocent.  Check out this video.

The Baldwin Hills dam hole is shown being pick axed by a man making it larger much like criminals in the U.S. government have gradually eroded the U.S. Constitution.  No one can deny a man is shown in this footage making matters worse, speeding it along, taking off minutes from people's ability to escape in time.  Five people were killed.

The big dam has one day left prior to collapsing from the crooks who have been pick axing it for quite some time (i.e., the U.S. Constitution).  Back in 1963 a police chief, William H. Parker who had fought Hitler in WWII, was at the helm having made a quick decision to evacuate our neighborhood in case the dam burst.  Who will protect innocent Americans from tomorrow's big vote and what will it all mean to our futures?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eyes on Fukushima - 50 Million Times Radiation Dumped Into Ocean

The mainstream media's been ignoring what Natural News has been reporting lately, about a collapsing #4 reactor, probably for fear of panicing people.  The truth is the Fukushima situation is worsening. 
"The mainstream media has said absolutely nothing about this development, continuing its pattern of downplaying news involving Fukushima, radiation or the flawed structure of nuclear power plants. This is hardly surprising, given that many of the largest media outlets (such as NBC and MSNBC) are owned by corporations such as General Electric, the designer of many of the world's nuclear power plants. (" - Natural News

• The Fukushima catastrophe is, without question, the most massive radiological disaster ever recorded in human history.

• The mainstream media has consistently (intentionally?) downplayed the severity of the Fukushima disaster, perhaps to try to calm fears by denying the true extent of the problem.

• The Fukushima facility remains highly unstable and could dramatically worsen, especially if another earthquake or tsunami strikes the area and causes further degradation of the structural integrity of containment buildings which still house nuclear fuel rods.

• TEPCO routinely and habitually lied about the status of Fukushima during the meltdown and in the days and weeks following that meltdown.

We therefore cannot rely upon official sources to accurately inform us of the actual status of the Fukushima facility. The risk of being misled by those official sources is very high.

Natural News recommends:

Under such circumstances, the wise thing to do is stay informed and get prepared in case the Fukushima situation suddenly worsens. Hopefully everyone in North America knows by now that another release of radiation from Fukushima could widely contaminate the West Coast of the United States with radioactive fallout.

Monday, December 12, 2011

RED ALERT: Fukushima Nuclear Reactor 4 Possibly Collapsing

Back on December 14, 1963, I was just a toddler when when thousands of lives were hanging on a thread with a frighteningly close one hour window  to evacuate pior to the Baldwin Hills dam break. There was really no way of being sure when the dam would break, if at all.  Such is why former Los Angeles Police Chief William H. Parker's decision to evacuate based on such limited data was crucial to saving hundreds of people's lives.  (Unlike today, cops were mostly good guys back then.) 

I just learned Natural News is passing along information related to the Fukushima Reactor 4 possibly collapsing.  Being someone who went through something like this, and I do remember the dire situation at that age, I don't underestimate these kind of things and neither should anyone else.

They say such a collapse would affect the west coast of the U.S. especially.  People should be on alert and prepare appropriately for a possible disaster forthcoming.

After enduring many months of total information blackout on the situation, an intelligence source connected with NaturalNews has just informed us that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor 4 may now on the verge of collapsing, and that mass evacuations in northern Japan could be necessary if such a collapse occurs and is confirmed.

NaturalNews presents this only as a precautionary alert, as we have not yet been about to double or triple confirm this report, but we are actively investigating and will bring you updates in a timely manner. Red Alert Fukushima Reactor 4 - Natural

 Coincidentally, this video's photo above shows our home on Cochran Avenue and front yard large tree on the right being engulfed in the flood waters.  We had only left less than one hour prior.  Had it not been for Police Chief Parker's evacuation decision, we'd all have drowned in a horrific deaths.  Only five lives were lost that day of mostly elderly disoriented residents.