Friday, December 16, 2011

Kids React to Worst Christmas Gifts Ever (Hoax)

This is a hilarious video showing the results of Jimmy Kimmel asking parents to do a hoax on their kids giving them bad gifts for Christmas.  Some question if this hoax is too cruel.  I found many of the videos entertaining and others disturbing.  You can decide if this kind of hoax is a good idea.  Some children can handle it while others can't going on vulgar name calling binges.  
"Kimmel instructed parents to let their children open one present early this year, but instead of giving them something good, put something they won't like in the box. 'A lot of the kids, surprisingly reacted poorly to that,' he adds, smirking, before showing clips of children being given half-eaten sandwiches, old fruit and veg and household objects. Some react better than others, but tears and tantrums are the most common reaction with one boy throwing his half-eaten sandwich across the room."  - The Worst Christmas Ever - TheSun UK


I recall when my mother gave me a cheap drug store $3.00 candle in a shoe box for my 21st Birthday I thanked her while thinking her to be out of her mind.  It wasn't a hoax.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Today America Officially Died

Today MSNBC's promoting on its home page a calculated propaganda campaign on behalf of the U.S. government to distract the insidious act of Obama's intent in signing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) today. The legislation will enable the U.S. government to imprison and even torture American citizens indefinitely without trial or any evidence.

It's interesting to note the timing of the announcement and ceremonies surrounding ending the Iraq war all over the major media is happening on the very same day the final death blow comes to America with Obama's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act.  Attorney Matt Weidner's one American who sees the writing on the wall:

"More proof of the totalitarianism that now suffocates the formerly free United States of America was just announced yesterday, when Obama abandoned the suggestion that he might give some passing thought to the United States Constitution.
The Constitution is Dead. America is Dead. We now officially live in a dangerous and terrifying new world.  
But you wouldn’t know a thing of it if you watched the 6:00 news or read your local newspaper.  Instead you’ve got to dig deep or read what news organizations around the world are saying.
Look around at so many other things and ask basic questions.  Like, why has the federal bureau of prisons embarked on a wild land buying and prison building spree that vastly increases the amount of acreage they have available for prison facilities when violent crimes are declining?
All other areas of the US economy are declining but the domestic crime, detention and torture industries are vastly expanding.  Think about it." - Matt Weidner's Law Blog
Americans have been asleep at the wheel a very long time watching their televisions an average of 4-6 hours a day.  Much like Alzheimer's patients, many Americans have no idea what's been done to their former country that's being dismantled with each passing day.

Alex Jones agrees this is the day 'America truly dies'.

Matt Weidner added in another blog post:

"Scary times folks…..when you read about the give and take and the back and forth…you can see that the President and members of Congress were absolutely adamant that the NDAA must include the right to Arrest, Detain and Torture US citizens.
They could have made a simple amendment that would have eliminated all this, but they refused to do it……" - Coming Soon to a Town Near You - Arrest, Detention, and Torture of U.S. Citizens - Matt Weidner's Law Blog

Oh, how sweet of MSNBC to post Obama's family's video Christmas card for us all to enjoy before his Majesty sends us all off to the concentration camps ICE has been ordered to prepare for us by our Big Sis Janet Naplitano! It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to see this outpouring of caring by our government this very special holiday season.  See Big Sis Orders ICE To Prepare for Mass Influx of Immigrants -

Military Given Go-Ahead to Detain US Terrorist Suspects Without Trial - The Guardian UK

Obama's U-Turn on Indefinite Detention Bill a "Historic Tragedy" for Rights -

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

America Dictatorship Rising - Guilty Are Innocent, Innocent Are Guilty!

I guess this is as good a time as any to use the metaphor of the historic Baldwin Hills dam break that happened 49 years ago in Los Angeles on this day in December 14, 1963 to describe the state of American politics. At the time it was built in 1951, the dam was publicized as a gem of engineering feat the community was told we should have been proud of. Thanks to the local government's claims of safety, people who moved into their homes beneath the dam never thought twice of any potential danger to their properties. The fact all along was that the dam was quite unsafe in earthquake country.

With all the recent U.S. government corruption coming to light of banker bailouts, lack of mortgage fraud prosecutions, and fast and furious, it's easy to understand why law makers are rushing to initiate draconian unconstitutional laws such as with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
"The grim face of totalitarianism is emerging in the National Defense Authorization Act(NDAA) now before Congress. This bill is the last mile post on America's sad, well-traveled road to the butcher shop of dictatorship. We have been headed that way for some time and, with a little help from Congress, we'll arrive there shortly, putting an ugly end to the American experiment. The Senate December 1st passed the bill by a vote of 93-7."  National Defense Authorization Act Will Destroy Bill of Rights -
Clearly the criminals in power know Americans are onto them like never before seeking ways of out of their serious dilemma.  The only real escape for these traitors is to circumvent U.S. law and take over the country in a martial law based coup with the ultimate power grab of a dictatorship.

Though Obama's threatened to veto the NDAA legislation that will be voted on Thursday, it was recently reported by Sen. Carl Levin that the Obama administration is responsible for requesting  language be removed that would have protected American citizens from undue imprisonment.
“It was the administration that asked us to remove the very language which we had in the bill which passed the committee…we removed it at the request of the administration,” said Levin, emphasizing, “It was the administration which asked us to remove the very language the absence of which is now objected to.”

“The language which precluded the application of Section 1031 to American citizens was in the bill that we originally approved…and the administration asked us to remove the language which says that U.S. citizens and lawful residents would not be subject to this section,” said Levin, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee.  See Obama Administration Demanded Power to Indefinitely Detain U.S. Citizens - Prison

Sen.Carl Levin - D, Michigan tells the truth about Obama's cover-up of his administration's involvement in the language removed to protect Americans from being detained without due process.  The veto threat is only political posturing to cover-up Obama's intentions.

Because these traitors in the U.S. government are guilty of selling out our country to International interests and know it, they want the freedom to lock up anyone they so please for any reason without trial or any evidence.  In other words, the innocent will be made guilty while the guilty will go free.  We've all seen how it works in some time of our lives, how the guilty parties get away with their crimes with a little help from their friends,  how they lie, perjure themselves and form criminal networks.  That's what's happened in America with all these criminal Mafias running wild supported by bankers.  Americans just continue oblivious of it all living in their macro delusional worlds believing everything's okay and watch their T.V. programs as if it's reality.

It's clear the rats in power are scared of the American people so they're quickly acting to give themselves unlimited power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty (themselves) innocent.  Check out this video.

The Baldwin Hills dam hole is shown being pick axed by a man making it larger much like criminals in the U.S. government have gradually eroded the U.S. Constitution.  No one can deny a man is shown in this footage making matters worse, speeding it along, taking off minutes from people's ability to escape in time.  Five people were killed.

The big dam has one day left prior to collapsing from the crooks who have been pick axing it for quite some time (i.e., the U.S. Constitution).  Back in 1963 a police chief, William H. Parker who had fought Hitler in WWII, was at the helm having made a quick decision to evacuate our neighborhood in case the dam burst.  Who will protect innocent Americans from tomorrow's big vote and what will it all mean to our futures?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eyes on Fukushima - 50 Million Times Radiation Dumped Into Ocean

The mainstream media's been ignoring what Natural News has been reporting lately, about a collapsing #4 reactor, probably for fear of panicing people.  The truth is the Fukushima situation is worsening. 
"The mainstream media has said absolutely nothing about this development, continuing its pattern of downplaying news involving Fukushima, radiation or the flawed structure of nuclear power plants. This is hardly surprising, given that many of the largest media outlets (such as NBC and MSNBC) are owned by corporations such as General Electric, the designer of many of the world's nuclear power plants. (" - Natural News

• The Fukushima catastrophe is, without question, the most massive radiological disaster ever recorded in human history.

• The mainstream media has consistently (intentionally?) downplayed the severity of the Fukushima disaster, perhaps to try to calm fears by denying the true extent of the problem.

• The Fukushima facility remains highly unstable and could dramatically worsen, especially if another earthquake or tsunami strikes the area and causes further degradation of the structural integrity of containment buildings which still house nuclear fuel rods.

• TEPCO routinely and habitually lied about the status of Fukushima during the meltdown and in the days and weeks following that meltdown.

We therefore cannot rely upon official sources to accurately inform us of the actual status of the Fukushima facility. The risk of being misled by those official sources is very high.

Natural News recommends:

Under such circumstances, the wise thing to do is stay informed and get prepared in case the Fukushima situation suddenly worsens. Hopefully everyone in North America knows by now that another release of radiation from Fukushima could widely contaminate the West Coast of the United States with radioactive fallout.

Monday, December 12, 2011

RED ALERT: Fukushima Nuclear Reactor 4 Possibly Collapsing

Back on December 14, 1963, I was just a toddler when when thousands of lives were hanging on a thread with a frighteningly close one hour window  to evacuate pior to the Baldwin Hills dam break. There was really no way of being sure when the dam would break, if at all.  Such is why former Los Angeles Police Chief William H. Parker's decision to evacuate based on such limited data was crucial to saving hundreds of people's lives.  (Unlike today, cops were mostly good guys back then.) 

I just learned Natural News is passing along information related to the Fukushima Reactor 4 possibly collapsing.  Being someone who went through something like this, and I do remember the dire situation at that age, I don't underestimate these kind of things and neither should anyone else.

They say such a collapse would affect the west coast of the U.S. especially.  People should be on alert and prepare appropriately for a possible disaster forthcoming.

After enduring many months of total information blackout on the situation, an intelligence source connected with NaturalNews has just informed us that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor 4 may now on the verge of collapsing, and that mass evacuations in northern Japan could be necessary if such a collapse occurs and is confirmed.

NaturalNews presents this only as a precautionary alert, as we have not yet been about to double or triple confirm this report, but we are actively investigating and will bring you updates in a timely manner. Red Alert Fukushima Reactor 4 - Natural

 Coincidentally, this video's photo above shows our home on Cochran Avenue and front yard large tree on the right being engulfed in the flood waters.  We had only left less than one hour prior.  Had it not been for Police Chief Parker's evacuation decision, we'd all have drowned in a horrific deaths.  Only five lives were lost that day of mostly elderly disoriented residents.

Friday, December 9, 2011

RED ALERT: U.S. Feds Knocking on Doors Demanding List of Customers of Bulk Food Purchases

RED ALERT:  There's alarming evidence that the U.S. Federal Government is in the process of sending Federal Agents to knock on doors demanding customer lists from bulk food supply companies American citizens have purchased from for emergencies. 
“A fellow veteran contacted me concerning a new and disturbing development. He had been utilizing a Mormon cannery near his home to purchase bulk food supplies. The man that manages the facility related to him that federal agents had visited the facility and demanded a list of individuals that had been purchasing bulk food. The manager informed the agents that the facility kept no such records and that all transactions were conducted on a cash-and-carry basis." - Stewart Rhodes: Feds Demand Customer Lists From Storable Food Facility -

Alex Jones interviews Stewart Rhodes of over the recent revelation of the U.S. Feds knocking on doors to obtain customer lists of bulk food buyers.

Part II of the video series exposing the U.S. Feds for their activities and obvious plans to confiscate American's food in the future.

What other evidence do we need of what the U.S. government's intentions are with such unlawful activity and attempt to violate people's privacy? As the videos extrapolate, the U.S. Federal Government clearly plans on conviscating American citizens' emergency food supplies in the future.  This confiscation of food supplies will likely accompany the herding of people into FEMA camps to be fed like cattle.

Fortunately, this bulk food facility had the good sense to only conduct cash transactions.  Be aware when you purchase bulk foods, to pay by cash in order to protect yourself from possible government conviscation of your emergency food supply.

Farmers especially better watch their backs, because FEMA has plans for them as well.

Also see FEMA to Conviscate Food From Local Farms in Emergencies -

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Red Alert Breaking News - U.S. Govt. Activating FEMA Camps

RED ALERT: Shortly after the U.S. politicians have passed a bill, the National Defense Authorization Act to imprison Americans without trial or due process removing longstanding laws protecting them. has received a quasi secret document originating from Halliburton subsidiary KBR that provides details on a push to outfit FEMA and U.S. Army camps around the United States. Entitled “Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements,” the document describes services KBR is looking to farm out to subcontractors. The document was passed on to us by a state government employee who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. - Exclusive: Gov't Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S. - Prison

Alex Jones sounds alarm of coming concentration, execution facilities being implemented across America to accommodate millions of Americans

Prison Planet's shocking report continued:
Soon after KBR’s announcement, a little-known Army document surfaced. Entitled the “Civilian Inmate Labor Program,” the unclassified document describes in detail Army Regulation 210-35. The regulation, first drafted in 1997, underwent a “rapid act revision” in January 2005 and now provides a policy for the creation of labor programs and prison camps on Army installations. Exclusive: Gov't Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S. - Prison
It's becoming very apparent all of this is being planned having been incrementally implemented below the radar for decades beginning with the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wall Street Crimes Have Bankrupted America - Why No Prosecutions?

On his blog an attorney for the American people, Matt Weidner, begs the question why Americans haven't woken up to Wall Street's serious crimes yet as was recently aired on the program 60 Minutes Specifically, Matt asks:
"The most amazing and disgusting thing about this country today is not how crippled and destroyed this entire nation is…the real issue is how disconnected and unconcerned all of America is.


Entire companies that were engaging in systemic fraud, but investigators have not even spoken with people who still know the specific details of the crimes. Little people on the ground like myself and the other attorneys and consumers who have been fighting have been screaming this for years. Why is no one listening? Even today, after years…… When will Americans finally wake up? Watch these videos, they are truly disgusting…." - How Wall Street Walks Away From The Crimes That Bankrupted America - Matt Weidner's Blog

60 Minutes - I

60 Minutes - II

The Justice Department has recently confirmed that it has "decided that prosecution of financial executives is 'better left to regulators' to take civil-enforcement actions according to David Cardona who was a deputy assistant director for the FBI until last month.
"Cardona's comments come nearly eight months after Senator Carl Levin released a report on Goldman Sachs' role in the financial crisis, which found the investment bank profited off purposefully deceiving its own clients at the height of the financial crisis. Levin then said he would recommend some of the investment bank's executives for possible criminal prosecution." - Financial Executives Likely Won't Face Criminal Charges for Role in Financial Crisis - Former Investigator -
Meanwhile, first time offenders who sell a dime bag of marijuana serve 10 years in prison as this blog formerly reported.  It should be clear by now to any intelligent person that the government's corrupt covering up for serious criminals while going after impoverished Americans for the most petty and ridiculous offenses.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Germany Defuses Massive WWII Bomb - Can We Defuse Dangerous Minds to Prevent WWIII?

Back to the future from WWII in the 21st Century -- Germany just went through one of its largest evacuations in its history over a 1.8 ton British bomb from WWII and a smaller 275-pound U.S. bomb. The larger bomb was discovered last month after the Rhine river's water levels fell exposing the underwater threat.  The bomb could have caused massive damage to the city of Koblenz so the city's government acted quickly coordinating 2,500 members of local police, firefighters and paramedics to address the bomb defusing.   The evacuation and shelter of nearly 50,000 residents was necessary because such a tremendous bomb could have caused massive damages had it exploded.
Some 45,000 residents, living within a radius of about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from the bomb site had to leave their houses early Sunday before the evacuation order was lifted in the evening, the city said on its website. Among those ordered to evacuate were seven nursing homes, two hospitals and a prison with some 200 inmates.   - Massive WWII Bomb Successfully Defused -
Apparently Germans are use to such WWII bombs being found but this one in particular was very serious due to its massive size.  I couldn't imagine how I'd feel knowing potential dangers lurk over undetonated bombs from decades ago.  Obviously it takes something dramatic to cause such a bomb to go off, but defusing the threat is viewed as absolutely necessary.
Now if only something could be done about what appears to be the U.S. and Israel's strong move towards thermal nuclear war in threats towards Iran that would likely destroy civilization.  It's not just threats, they're moving the U.S. military to key positions for WWIII as I write this.  It should be duly noted Iran has never attacked another country in the past 100+ years, yet the U.S. leads the pack among fraudulent unjustified fabricated wars for profit. See America's Great Game Could Spark WWIII" -
Something needs to be done  to defuse these dangerous minds in the U.S. government and in Israel particularly before it's too late for us all.  A bomb can be defused by cutting certain wires, and we can do the same  by cutting off the sociopath leaders' wired brains by removing them from office because they qualify for it being clinically insane.  In other words, these U.S. and Israel leaders need to be recognized and outed as insane sociopaths who are leading the world down a path of self-destruction.  It's not the bomb that kills, but the minds behind the creation of the bomb and the politically based minds that detonate them.  The wiring of a bomb can be metaphorically viewed as the same wiring behind these dangerous delusional politically based sociopath minds. 
Many recall how close the world came to nuclear disaster back in 1962 over the Cuban Missile Crisis when John F. Kennedy was dealing with an insane leader in Russia.  The leaders in the U.S. government and Israel are just as insane and we are all in danger like never before because of it.  How can we defuse these dangerous minds from creating WWIII?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Amnesty International Calls For Arrest of George W. Bush Over Waterboarding

Imagine this, former President G.W. Bush could potentially be detained in an African nation over his war crimes against humanity.  It could happen thanks to Amnesty International's call for Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia to detain and investigate G.W. Bush for his admitted authorization to torture using waterboarding.  See Press Release

Bush is visiting these African countries under the cover of promoting, get this, "the awareness of breast cancer, cervical and HIV/AIDS".   That's right, a man whose murdered hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people with his reckless fraudulent war in Iraq is pussy footing around the world appearing to promote good causes for humanity.

In a press release, Amnesty called for the "governments of Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia to arrest Mr. Bush and "to secure his presence during the investigation" of "his alleged involvement in and responsibility for torture."

Upon hearing of Amnesty's statement, a New York politician quickly came to the defense of Bush stating
"If Amnesty International had any intellectual honesty, it would give President Bush a medal to honor him for liberating so many oppressed Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan and for assisting millions of AIDS victims in Africa," said the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. -
From this pathetic New York politician's statement, it's duly noted the criminal syndicate of G.W. Bush is attempting to cover-up for itself hiding behind acts of philanthropy seeking out honors and awards for helping mankind in some way.

I personally hope somethings done about G.W. Bush that he'll be placed in a cramped little cell the rest of his life never being allowed to return to the United States of America. The man's a traitor to this country and its U.S. Constitution.

Amnesty International Press Release