Saturday, December 3, 2011

Amnesty International Calls For Arrest of George W. Bush Over Waterboarding

Imagine this, former President G.W. Bush could potentially be detained in an African nation over his war crimes against humanity.  It could happen thanks to Amnesty International's call for Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia to detain and investigate G.W. Bush for his admitted authorization to torture using waterboarding.  See Press Release

Bush is visiting these African countries under the cover of promoting, get this, "the awareness of breast cancer, cervical and HIV/AIDS".   That's right, a man whose murdered hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people with his reckless fraudulent war in Iraq is pussy footing around the world appearing to promote good causes for humanity.

In a press release, Amnesty called for the "governments of Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia to arrest Mr. Bush and "to secure his presence during the investigation" of "his alleged involvement in and responsibility for torture."

Upon hearing of Amnesty's statement, a New York politician quickly came to the defense of Bush stating
"If Amnesty International had any intellectual honesty, it would give President Bush a medal to honor him for liberating so many oppressed Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan and for assisting millions of AIDS victims in Africa," said the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. -
From this pathetic New York politician's statement, it's duly noted the criminal syndicate of G.W. Bush is attempting to cover-up for itself hiding behind acts of philanthropy seeking out honors and awards for helping mankind in some way.

I personally hope somethings done about G.W. Bush that he'll be placed in a cramped little cell the rest of his life never being allowed to return to the United States of America. The man's a traitor to this country and its U.S. Constitution.

Amnesty International Press Release

Friday, December 2, 2011

Historic CALA Foods Final Hours Since 1960 Servicing Nob Hill San Francisco

Yesterday I stopped by to pay my respects to our Nob Hill community's CALA foods grocery store that was just hours away from closing after having serviced the community 24 hours a day since 1960.   Millions of people must have passed through its doors and a lot of American history went down since then.

Cala Foods closing after 51 years servicing the Nob Hill community.

Trader Joes and a CVS Pharmacy is purported to be in line to take over the space within two months. Unfortunately, San Francisco's planning department has stalled the transition until late 2012 in part thanks to complaints from Nob Hill Liquor over fears TJ's low wine prices will put them out of business.  I guess Nob Hill Liquor never considered it would be boycotted for attempting to block a much needed grocery store in the community. I certainly won't ever be buying anything from Nob Hill Liquor.

We don't want San Franciscans to have to rely on liquor stores for our  grocery needs.  I can't believe what kind of people would try to block a community grocery store simply because they don't want competition for their wine sales. This isn't Napa wine country, there are thousands of people in the area, including at a large local St. Francis Hospital,  who need better access to a grocery establishment.

For those in the Nob Hill community who would like to express support of the new TraderJoes/CVS pharmacy, there's a website available for updates on the progress at

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Robo Signing Notary Public Whistle-blower Found Dead

This story's been well circulated so I wanted to just put in my two cents. It appears powerful people got notary public Tracy Lawrence's, 43, cooperation and eternal silence prior to her being a witness in a massive fraud case against Lenders Procssing Services (LPS). When someone takes her own life due to being under tremendous pressure such as this, it's clear why. 


"Tracy Lawrence, 43, had agreed to testify against Geraldine Ann Sheppard, 62, of Santa Ana, Calif., and Gary Randall Trafford, 49, of Irvine, Calif., in a case alleging that tens of thousands of fraudulent foreclosure documents had been filed in Las Vegas, said John Kelleher, a chief deputy Nevada attorney general. Sheppard and Trafford are identified as officers in a publicly traded company, Lender Processing Services Inc., based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., that processes home repossessions for major banks across the country." -

They were going to let Tracy Lawrence get off with a slap on the wrist of a one year jail sentence and small fine in return for her testimony against the brains behind the fraud.  It makes no sense she couldn't handle what probably would have likely amounted to a six month jail sentence and steady income from potential media appearances.

Why is John Tennant of Tennant's Mobile Tax Service Such a Cantankerous Old Fart?

**Update*** I obtained an IP address from this post's comment section to learn John Tennant left a harassing comment on November 29, 2011 demonstrating months later he's still partaking in a childish harassing mindset reminiscent of junior high school.  He claims he's been falsely accused and that he believes he knows the "real Cheryl Meril" .  The fact is, I stand up to bullshit Mr. Tennant and you're clearly full of it.

It's difficult for me to comprehend that, in spite of human beings' ability to be highly intelligent thinkers, men are largely behaving as predators like never before in our culture. Such men believe the Internet allows them the right to cyber stalk, annoy and harass women they otherwise would have no access to.  I've therefore come to the conclusion that the Internet is definitely a Satanic device for mind control enabling demonic spirits to run wild in seeking victims for undue illusory based power and domination.  

One such predator I've encountered recently on a notary forum is John Tennant at Tennants Tax Service & Notary Public in San Diego who has been unjustly cyber stalking me for no just cause.  I find insecure men often do this when they're looking to exploit another's vulnerability due to their insecurity with being fat ugly old men. When they do such an irrational thing such as look up a woman on the Internet for no valid reason and without her permission as is etiquette, that's a violation of one's privacy and a strike against someone's character.

After I was rudely cyber stalked, I did a tremendous favor for Mr. Tennant enabling him to obtain supporters in his Linkedin network where he had only one connection.  I thought it sad for a man with 15 years in business to only have one connection, so I pointed it out on the forum inviting others to sign up.  As a result of my help, Mr. Tennant now has three Linkedin supporters in a matter of a few minutes. 

It's become crystal clear that the net's being used to entrap innocent victims, especially women. The more the frustrated old white men with little to no future in America use the Internet, the more problems there will be for certain women one way or another.  I've noted a few men are definitely acting with predatory motives in order to unleash their secret demons on selected female victims.

I don't go to the gym a few times a week and take such good care of myself to be plagued with fat ugly old men on the Internet that happens far too often.  If you'd like to see a photo of Mr. Tennant simply Google his name, he's no Kenny Rogers.  Why don't these men know their place these days? How dare he cyber stalk me, I did absolutely nothing wrong to him or anyone else. These guys are cowards picking on women who don't play their game.  If I were that ugly, that I very well may be one day, I'd stay in my old fart chess players club and stay out of trouble.
I'll be praying as a good Christian woman should that Mr. Tennant will go open a Bible some time and effectively suppress his dark primal urges as well as develop his Linkedin profile.  In the mean time, it's very sad I had to post this to counter such a miserable stranger's behavior.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Before & After Photos: Abuse of Alcohol, Smoking, Poor Diet

There are certain famous people who died untimely deaths long ago who have been brought into the future with today's technologies and/or forensic based artistry. I don't know about anyone else, but it creeps me out a little that we've been able to alter the lifespans of these icons as if they lived for decades after they passed.

Observing back-to-the-future photos of those whose lives were cut short is also very sad because they were obviously robbed in a tragic way. Regardless of the unpleasantness of having to witness aging of former beautiful and historic people, I'm really posting about how computer technology can be used interactively to show us how we will age into the future based on multiple factors.

Our genes largely dictate how we age, but extenuating circumstances obviously contribute to our appearance in later years from how we've lived our lives, whether we smoked, overate, abused drugs, alcohol, or anything else excessively.  Computer apps are now being used as a tool to help us see how the effects our lifestyle play out in our appearance.  I recently obtained permission from to use their photo samples below to demonstrate how software apps can be used to show us how we'll likely age if we choose an addictive lifestyle.

First, a couple famous icon portraits that weren't generated by a computer, but by a forensic artist, care of

This seems a bit too cruel a depiction of an 80 year old Marilyn Monroe. but the fact remains she abused prescription drugs and perhaps even alcohol.  Regardless, I'm unsure if this forensic artist's portrayal is based on the such information or simply to show how she'd likely age.

This John Lennon portrait clearly wasn't created to show the effects of drug abuse.

Here are computerized portraits of those who may think twice now about abusing anything whatsoever:

Alcohol abuse

Smoking abuse

Emly Leonard, 24 Alcohol abuse (the "after" photo's on the wrong side)

PICTURE framer Emily Leonard, 24, from Kings Lynn in Norfolk, drinks an average of 24.5 units of alcohol a week — ten units or one bottle of wine over the Government’s recommendation of 14. She says: “I started drinking aged 15 on weekends and when I went to university we drank a disgusting amount. “My alcohol intake has been cut down from my student days. “Now I drink mainly at the weekends and the odd week night, because it seems the norm. “I don’t really think about it. I was shocked by the picture. “I know I should cut down and this definitely scares me.
“I hate the chubby face, how my eyes look small and saggy and the redness. “I don’t want to look back when I’m in my thirties and wish I hadn’t drunk that much.” - Sun Article -

Amy Signh, 25 - Combination of smoking, eating and drinking too much. 

AMY Barrett Singh, 25, a teaching assistant from Tamworth, Staffs, eats calorie-laden junk food nearly every day. Evening meals over a fortnight included curly fries, two frozen pizzas, a McDonald’s meal with a milkshake, breaded chicken, chip-shop food, two pub roast dinners, a chicken pasty and a veg pasty, Domino’s takeaway pizza, fishfingers, a microwaved fish pie, garlic bread and vegetable samosas. This is alongside her lunches and snacks of biscuits, cakes, crisps and chocolate. She says: “I know I have a bad diet, but I never meant for it to be that way.
“When I was younger my mum and brothers ate meat, so when they had their food I would make myself vegetarian food that was easy and convenient. “When I moved out of home, I was also caring for my grandad and I was so busy I would grab quick snacks and quickly got into this bad habit. “The picture is horrendous. “I cannot believe this is me aged by just ten years, I could not bear to look like that at 35. Sun Article -
Lauren O'Reilly, 23 - Age effects of smoking

LAUREN O’Reilly, 23, smokes 80 cigarettes a week. The purchasing assistant from Purley, Surrey, admits she wants to cut back as she realizes the habit has terrible health implications. She says:
“I know that smoking is terrible for my health and I’ve been doing it since I was 15. I want to give up, so maybe seeing what my face will look like in ten years will push me in the right direction. “The picture is really horrible, I look 20 years older rather than ten. “The lines strike me first, and the crow’s feet around my eyes are so dramatic. My skin looks grey and I hate the wrinkles around my neck. “I know I can look better than that if I quit smoking, so this will be the motivation I need.” Sun Article -

This is forensic art of a missing person April Fabb years into the future as posted on

 Sun Article -

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Mayhem! Shopper Uses Pepper Spray To Allegedly Hoard Sale Items

What was dubbed "early-bird Black Friday" turned insane last night at around 10:30 p.m. in Los Angeles when a Walmart Porter Ranch shopper used pepper spray to allegedly keep others away from the sale items she wanted.  Twenty people are injured, including children.
"Alejandra Seminario, 24, said she was waiting in line to grab some toys at the store around 9:55 p.m. when people the next aisle over started shouting and ripping at the plastic wrap encasing gaming consoles, which was supposed to be opened at 10 p.m.

'People started screaming, pulling and pushing each other, and then the whole area filled up with pepper spray,' the Selmar resident said. 'I guess what triggered it was people started pulling the plastic off the pallets and then shoving and bombarding the display of games. It started with people pushing and screaming because they were getting shoved onto the boxes.'"  - LA Times

News coverage of pepper spraying - Claims shopper was allegedly hoarding sales items.

"Wal-Mart employees were taking statements from about eight customers who had been pepper sprayed near the front of the store, Seminario said. 'After we paid, we saw five that were in really bad shape,' she said. 'They had been sprayed in the face, it looked like, and they had swelling of the face, really extreme swelling of face, redness, coughing." - LA Times
Other crazy Black Friday videos.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Tear Jerker - Beloved Dog in Afghanistan Comes To America, Reunites With Marine

For me, dogs are among a few of the precious things to be thankful for on earth so this story warmed my heart.

A U.S. Marine in Afghanistan arranged to have his war companion Chloe flown back for a Thanksgiving reunion from a horrible place that treats dogs with contempt as dirty nasty things.  The reason the people of Afghanistan don't like dogs is because they're described in their Muslim Koran as being filthy animals. The photo at left shows the sister of  Marine Corporal Ward Van Alstine welcoming one of the dogs to America. 

"One day, as Corporal Ward Van Alstine, 22, prepared to go on patrol, a dirty, sad-eyed mutt walked up and touched something in him. The shy, brown-and-white pooch, with a dark patch around the nose, was something precious and good surrounded by poverty, hatred and war. The two of them formed an inseparable bond.The dog, named Chloe, is one of 14 stray dogs and one cat that were rescued from Afghanistan this month by the Nowzad Dogs charity and brought back to the United States to live with the soldiers who adopted them." - Marine, Dog to Reunite After Hard Journey For Both -

Americans know just how precious dogs can be. The religious influences such as from the Koran demonstrate how brainwashed people can be to overlook such precious animals as nothing.

These former stray dogs are now home free in America.

The marine's pal Chloe arrives at the San Francisco Int'l Airport as one clean dog.

It must have been tough being in a crate for all those hours on a plane, but nothing compared to being in Afghanistan.

"Chloe began to guard the base and protect the troops, barking when strangers came near.  "She was basically like the mascot, the morale booster," he said. "She slept in my tent, but we all fed her." Nobody from his platoon was killed, but there were casualties all around and the stress of combat sometimes affected him and other soldiers. "Not everybody does well in those types of situations," Van Alstine said. "I think all dogs have that sixth sense. She'd just sit there with us the entire time and, if anyone wasn't doing well, she'd put her head on them and just close her eyes. She was the one thing that no matter how bad the day was she was our best friend."

Sweet Thanksgiving story isn't it?

Escapee Turkey Arrested By Cop For Wandering Into Store

A turkey who almost escaped Thanksgiving. . .

Cops are used for the most ridiculous things these days going around arresting turkeys along with freedom loving Americans.  Who would ever call the cops on finding a turkey in their store?  Why not just shoo it out or call animal control? 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

American Horror Story: Lyndon B. Johnson Had President John F. Kennedy Assassinated!

Every November 22nd I'm aware of the anniversary of that horrifying day back in 1963 that changed American history forever, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Back then I was just three years old and already about to face another horror from the Baldwin Hills California dam break that happened within three weeks of the assassination.  The dam break washed our home completely away and I lost my beloved cat.

From the recent release of recordings from Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversation on the Life of John F. Kennedy,  it turns out that Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, aka Jackie O, believed her husband John F. Kennedy's assassination was orchestrated by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and other influential individuals. The lady obviously wasn't stupid, being hip to what many Americans have come to understand over the years.  See my post LBJ Had JFK Assassinated - Case Closed in My Mind - October 4, 2010.

The tape recordings weren't due to be released until 50 years after Jackie's death 17 years ago, but now her daughter, Caroline Kennedy, has agreed to release them early. According to Daily Mail,
“Jackie Onassis believed that Lyndon B. Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons were involved in the assassination of her husband John F. Kennedy, ‘explosive’ recordings are set to reveal. “The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband’s successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him. “She became convinced that the then vice president, along with businessmen in the South, had orchestrated the Dallas shooting, with gunman Lee Harvey Oswald–long claimed to have been a lone assassin–merely part of a much larger conspiracy.” - Explosive Jackie O Tapes Reveal her and JFK affairs, who she believed was behind his death. Daily Mail
Though we're describing an event that happened nearly 50 years ago, the reason it's still relevant today is because it changed the course of history in the United States empowering a mafia based system of government.  As one blogger recently put it:
"I believe that the assassination of John Kennedy was a major turning point in US history. It was at this point that a criminal cabal wrested control of the federal government from the hands of 'We the People' and turned it into a giant mafia. I don’t believe the people and their representatives in Washington, D.C., have had much to do with their federal government (especially at the executive level) ever since."
In the past few years we've obtained confessions from key people involved in the assassination including E. Howard Hunt. The clincher for me was the hobo photo evidence along with his death bed confession of his involvement as a "bench warmer". The other confession is by the assassin himself, James File, who coldn't possibly have known the depth of details he knew if he hadn't been there at the time of the shooting. See James File Confession -

RFK tried to confront Johnson's evil after his brother was murdered. The Kennedy's knew who the guilty party was all along.  Imagine how they must have felt knowing such evil took over America?

E. Howard Hunt's deathbed confession and hobo photo in 1963 is the clincher.

Many people have no idea one of the reasons E. Howard Hunt was attempting a break into Democratic headquarters back in the 1970's Watergate era, was to retrieve the Deally Plaza hobo photos they had of him. 

If this kind of evil happens at such high levels of government, imagine what happens at lower levels as I've reported numerous times on this blog.  Take some time to really think about the depth of evil of Lyndon B. Johnson and how these kind of people rise in power in the U.S. government thanks to the American people supporting their facade. The corruption trickles down from the top. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Heartless NY Law Firm That Mocked Foreclosure Victims At Its Halloween Party Lays-Off Staff

This is an outstanding example of the heartless nature of many attorneys. The Steve J. Baum, P.C. law firm thought they had come up with a brilliant idea to throw an office party mocking their enemies, i.e., foreclosure and homeless victims.  This unbelievable display of mockery among legal professionals and their support staff is so counter to the many fine law firms I've worked for over the years. 
"An embattled New York foreclosure law firm that was criticized for a Halloween party that mocked the homeless and was recently shunned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will close.  A statement issued Monday originally said Steven J. Baum P.C. filed notice of mass layoffs with state labor officials but did not mention closing. After pictures surfaced of employees dressed like homeless people for Halloween in 2010, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stopped referrals." - Law Firm That Hosted Foreclosure Costume Party to Layoff One-Third of Employees - Huff
A good law firm extends its resources to help and contribute to their local community charities and to sponsor socially conscious events.  Most all of the law firms I've ever worked for in San Francisco had outstanding outreach programs to aid the homeless, poor and even had employees volunteer to help build homes for the disadvantaged.

A sad demonstration of a heartless law firm and its clueless staff.

The laws of karma are very real, so it's not surprising Steve J. Baum P.C. has announced it's going to lay off 1/3 of its employees in their mortgage-foreclosure practices division.