Thursday, October 6, 2011

America's Lost a Genius in Steve Jobs. Meanwhile Americans Rising In Protest Over Wall Street, Fed (Videos)

First, I wanted to open this post with how sad it is Steve Jobs is no longer with us.  Jobs revolutionized our culture with his genius technologies.  Though I wasn't always happy with Apple's products (the G4 wasn't a good investment for me), one can't ignore Steve Jobs as a major force in America in how he transformed our culture and lives in so many areas from music, to communication, to graphic art production and numerous other areas. 

Back in 1989 I was working at Xerox Corporation in El Segundo, CA where the initial prototype for the Mac was developed at one of their PARC facility.  Apparently there was a fallout between Xerox PARC and Steve Jobs that caused him to go out on his own.  When I worked at Xerox as a contractor for their Worldwide Marketing Business Center, their computer system was advanced much like Apple's that I felt fortunate to work with such great technology and software.

If there's anything we can learn from Steve Jobs after he has left us is that all the money and non-health based technologies in the world can't bring the most important thing in life, and that's vibrant health and a natural lifespan.  Our health should be the number one worldwide concern in this message of how Steve Jobs lost a battle as so many great and influential Americans have.  We truly need a revolution of life extending health products and anti-aging technologies like never before.  I'll be posting about these trends later since right now things are flaring up with protests in America.

The intensity of the Wall Street Protests across the nation in New York and Seattle in particular has been growing.  There's also an Occupy The Fed press release being issued from Alex Jones Prison Planet site. See The Revolution Against the Fed Starts Now.   In fact, the Fed revolution started weeks ago since people have been camping out at the Federal Reserve building in San Francisco.

Things are certainly getting heated out there. To emphasize the intensity, I'm posting a few videos from Washington's Blog. (Please note, I don't know why, but when this blog loads, it reloads the videos twice delaying viewing. Please be patient, it's well worth the wait to see what's going on with police and Wall Street and/or Federal Reserve protesters lately.) 

As Alexander Higgins reports:
The above video shows Luke Rudkowski and other Occupy Wall street protesters being beat with Batons by White Shirts as the NYPD pepper sprays other members of the crowd. [Rudkowski is the lead reporter for We Are Change.]

2d6ad433 607f 4dd8 9d5e a8f22d7c3b58 NYPD and Seattle Police Beat Up Protesters
This photo shows the crowd being pepper spayed.

Seattle Police Rough Up Protesters

Also Seattle Police roughed up protesters today:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

America's In Your Face Police State Growing

A few nights ago I was attending a loan signing for a Chinese couple who mentioned how America seemed to be losing its freedom lately.  I asked why they thought that and they responded "because we heard 700 Wall Street protesters got arrested, rounded up for their First Amendment Rights".

The main reason why America's losing its freedom is due to a dramatic shift in wealth from the U.S. tax payers' $28 trillion bailouts of banks in 2008 and how police departments such as the NYPD are being partially funded by the very banks that accepted the tax payer bailouts.  See my post,  JPMorgan Chase Donates $4.6 Million to NYPD in Advent of Wall Street Protests

Here's the latest proof of brazen violation of the U.S. Constitution by police in New Jersey.  Shortly after a man was senseless murdered by police in New Brunswick, a small group of concerned citizens gathered in protest to discuss evidence of how the police had removed their posters over the killing.  Of special concern to the neighborhood was how the police went so far as to break a home's window to remove one poster from the inside. 

As the group peacefully discussed the police actions, suddenly dozens of riot geared police pulled up in a van to arrest the man leading the group along with other innocent bystanders, whisking him away like a criminal.

Watch how the New Brunswick, NJ riot police clearly violated these people's rights to free speech and assembly.  

"In response to last week’s killing of Barry Deloatch at the hands of two New Brunswick police officers, demonstrators rallied at the site he was shot dead. One of the rally’s organizers and an innocent bystander on her bicycle were arrested by an army of New Brunswick police officers in riot gear… for no good reason.
The investigating authorities still have not said why the officers killed Deloatch shortly after midnight on September 22, nor have they released the officers’ names. Video shot by Sean Monahan of New Brunswick." AlexanderHigginsBlog
Obviously, the police think they can get away with this violation of the U.S. Constitution as if they can do whatever they so please.  They need to be stopped and brought to justice, otherwise what we're looking at in America is execution squads who murder without cause that then use riot police and mafia tactics to intimidate people to shut up.

These cops are nothing more than murderous thug criminals that vandalized a home to remove a poster that then arrested innocent people for baseless reasons. These thugs need to be brought to justice and their white trash whores who support this violent criminal lifestyle removed from their beds.  These cops all need to be publicly I.D.'d and rooted out for what they are as problems of society. 

Concerned citizens need to obtain photos of problem offensive police officers, form community groups and target them for denial of public services whenever possible.  These little bubble worlds cops live in within their police departments can't be sustained when they rely on public services in their personal lives.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Turning an Angel into a Demon: Why Cannabis Prohibition Doesn't Work

I'm very upset over how some in the legal system jump all over marijuana, aka cannabis, as if it's the death of us all while the evidence speaks strongly otherwise.  The medical research of marijuana shows that it's a beneficial drug to people's health when not abused, go figure.  A documentary by Len Richmond Films What If Cannabis Cured Cancer presents evidence of how marijuana has been used throughout history to effectively to treat various health conditions and that it even kills cancer cells.  It's not just propaganda, this documentary's backed with sound medical research along with historically relevant information.  

This well made documentary tracks the history of cannabis use as a food and a medicine, since ancient times, with excellent interviews with biologists, who chart the evolution of the endocannabinoid receptor, starting with the lowly sea squirt. The doctors and scientists discuss the truly remarkable power of these compounds in killing cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells alone.

A film trailer by Len Richmond Films

Here's what health author and fitness promoter actress Suzanne Somers and others in the medical profession have to say about this film and Len Richmond's book Everything Bad is Good:

"Everything Bad is Good is very, very, moving, and very, very true. The system is corrupt and the present template of treating cancer is a dismal failure.  It's all about nutrition, eliminating stress, eliminating chemicals, detoxing the body, and most of all eliminating pharmaceutical drugs.  Len Richmond's film is noble and important. If enough of us yell about this and create grassroots movement, things can turn around. Otherwise the slow poisoning of 'us' will truly be the end of mankind." -Suzanne Somers, actress and author

"What if Cannabis Cured Cancer summarizes the remarkable research findings of recent years about the cancer-protective effects of novel compounds in marijuana.  Most medical doctors are not aware of this information and its implications for prevention and treatment. If we need more evidence that our current policy on cannabis is counterproductive and foolish, here it is. An excellent film. "-Andrew Weil, M .D

"This film will transform the way you think about your health and inspire you to take control." -Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D., Air America Radio


The obsession with marijuana and the extreme sentences over dime bag sales by first time offenders, speak largely of an unjustified unhealthy fixation within the judicial system and legal community, one that is gradually changing. See post Woman Who Sold Dime Bag of Marijuana Given 10 Year Sentence Had No Prior Convictions.  For instance, California has recently removed criminal penalties for those caught with small amounts of cannabis to that of a $100 fine infraction. Additionally, 15 States in the U.S. with 12 pending have legalized medical marijuana use. (see links below)
The cannabis plant from which the cannabis drug is derived has a long history of medicinal use, with evidence dating back to 2,737 BC. -

It should be clear to any intelligent person the problem with marijuana has been that it should have been made legal and regulated as a prescribed medication through the medical community. The legal community really dropped the ball to view pot as a means to make money over criminal prosecutions by ruining people's lives rather than profiting from the positive side of the legal promotion of a beneficial drug.  It's truly heartbreaking all the lives law enforcement has ruined over small possession of marijuana.  Prohibition has never worked and it's time to wake up the legal community what they're doing in obsessing over marijuana as the root of all hard core drug use is misguided. (Photo at right, pre-1937 medicinal cannabis distributed in U.S.)

Medical marijuana is now legal in 15 states including Washington DC and 12 states have pending legalization.

15 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC -
12 States with Pending Legislation - MedicalMarijuanaPro

Marijuana is legal in other countries including in The Netherlands (Amsterdam).

You can order the DVD What if Cannabis Cured Cancer on Amazon here.

Monday, October 3, 2011

JPMorgan Chase Donates $4.6 Million to NYPD in Advent of Wall Street Protests

When banks begin to donate millions of dollars to local police departments watch out.  That's exactly what JPMorgan Chase Bank did recently donating 4.6 million to the NYPD that expressed its gratitude.
"JPMorgan Chase recently donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation. The gift was the largest in the history of the foundation and will enable the New York City Police Department to strengthen security in the Big Apple. The money will pay for 1,000 new patrol car laptops, as well as security monitoring software in the NYPD’s main data center." -
Under the circumstances of the recent Wall Street protests, this sudden donation activity can't be viewed as anything less than a bribe for the NYPD to work on behalf of the bankers' interests.  This is an unprecedented donation that makes the NYPD nothing more than a corporate based privatized police force. 
New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly sent CEO and Chairman Jamie Dimon a note expressing "profound gratitude" for the company's donation. "These officers put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe," Dimon said. "We're incredibly proud to help them build this program and let them know how much we value their hard work." - JP Morgan Chase - The Way Forward
Watch below as Wall Street people sip champagne as the protesters grovel beneath their royal feet.

Watch below as the JP Morgan owned NYPD do the bankers' dirty work against innocent non-violent protesters.

BBC newscasters are stunned over revelation from an interview with a Wall Street trader things are going to get really bad up ahead. Watch video:

U.S. taxpayers bailed out the banks to the tune of $28 trillion dollars. The banks in turn are using this money to buy off police departments to commit violent acts against peaceful protesters. The peaceful protesters are merely protesting the bailouts among other things.   It's really about an unfair transfer of power and a new Mafia-like government being installed that works on behalf of the corporations and banks.

An outstanding video interview of Michael Moore on the Wall Street protests.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's A Miracle! China Cancels 600 Year Old Dog-Meat Festival

It's an absolute miracle what just happened in China. Thanks to complaints from thousands of animal rights advocates who organized through a micro blog, China's 600 year old annual tradition of slaughtering 5,000 to 10,000 dogs for its festival feast has been canceled by the Chinese government.  Seems animal advocates are finally making progress in their protests to prevent man's best friend from being heartlessly butchered and devoured on the streets of Jinhua City.
The Jinhua Hutou Dog Meat Festival, as it is called, was abruptly canceled last week after local officials were shamed by an online campaign begun by animal rights advocates. Gruesome photographs taken at past festivals that show canine carcasses, some bloody and others cooked, circulated on Chinese microblogs, creating popular pressure against the festival, which was set for October.  - Dog Meat Festival is Canceled in China -
Here's a little background on how the brutal dog eating tradition in China began centuries ago.  Dog eating began during the Yuan Dynasty that ordered the dogs slaughtered because their barking had warned rebels in the city of their army's approach.  The dog meat was served to the soldiers and has been a tradition for centuries in China ever since.

I won't post the horrid details of this brutal practice, it's far too disturbing for dog lovers to bare. All I know is that I was personally horrified when a Chinese taxi driver once told me his tale of how he had a cute puppy dog his father later served for dinner after the dog turned one year of age.
"Dog meat is best at one year of age, it's the most tender" the driver said. The driver added his father wanted to teach him how not to become emotionally attached to pets, "I was very sad because I remember the dog licking my face and how happy I was", he said.  
I thought to myself, how evil to do that to a precious loving pet!  What brutal monsters!

This dog eating practice has clearly been very bad for the Chinese culture's image around the world.  The practice makes many despise the Chinese culture, especially when the masses have access to all the horrific photos of dogs butchered on the Internet.

In America we love our dogs with all of our hearts and many are our best companions. They provide unconditional love and are not just a piece of meat to devour.  Thankfully, China's currently going through an animal liberation movement due to the many younger Chinese who were raised with dogs and cats as pets.  Let's hope this moratorium on dog feasting lasts in spite of the cancellation that came so spontaneously after the public outcry:
"Microblog posts criticizing this year’s Jinhua festival first appeared early this month. The blogger from Guangdong wrote on Sept. 6: 'There are thousands of dog eaters gathering there. People slaughter dogs mercilessly, the blood of the dead dogs flows like a river, the horrible screams of dogs pierce the sky.'

The outcry quickly gathered momentum. Last week, a few Chinese newspapers wrote editorials. The campaign caught on with celebrities who have millions of microblog followers. The Wucheng district authorities said on Weibo on Sept. 19 that they were canceling the fair. The next morning, they explained the decision was “in full respect of the public’s opinion.” Dog Meat Festival is Canceled in China -
Ever since I got gravely ill from undercooked chicken breasts, I've been gradually phasing meat out of my diet, not an easy feat.  I've always been a chicken lover and it's always been comfort food to me.  I imagine Chinese people raised on dog meat have a similar issue as I do.  In that case, I'm willing to give up chicken for good if the Chinese people can give up their love of dog meat.  I'm serious, I'm going to do it, never eat another chicken again as long as I live.

I'd rather starve to death then eat my pet dog or any dog for that matter!  Seriously, you've just got to have a heart.  If I were starving to the bone and someone offered me dog meat to survive, I'd lay down my life right then and there.  Dogs have saved humans lives, so who are the real animals without a conscience?  Let's hope the Chinese stop this horrifying despicable practice of brutalizing these loving precious human companions.

Friday, September 30, 2011

San Francisco Chronicle Leaves It To Beaver Rather Than Covering REAL Wall Street Protests

I'm going to cover this story about Wall Street protesters in San Francisco since a corporate owned, aka San Francisco Chronicle has buried the story.  Unlike the Bay Citizen, a much better community based publication, the Chron preferred to live in la la land today with a lead story about a beaver removed from an artist's mural in Martinez, CA.  I'm serious, this is one of the lead stories on SFGate today.

For those who might be unfamiliar with the 1950's comedy sitcom:
Leave It to Beaver is an American television situation comedy about an inquisitive but often naïve boy named Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver (portrayed by Jerry Mathers) and his adventures at home, in school, and around his suburban neighborhood.- Wikipedia
Notice the term "naive boy"?  Well, that's how these corporate journalists at the S.F. Chronicle view the American public these days as extremely naive and stupid. They believe they have control of our minds and of reality itself and therefore can omit relevant facts, such as that of a relevant protests in San Francisco yesterday.
Hundreds of people descended on downtown San Francisco Thursday to support the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations that are going on in New York. The tagline for the protest is "We Are the 99 Percent," and here's how they describe themselves:
"Hundreds of people descended on downtown San Francisco Thursday to support the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations that are going on in New York.  The tagline for the protest is "We Are the 99 Percent," and here's how they describe themselves:

'We are the 99 percent. We are getting kicked out of our homes. We are forced to choose between groceries and rent. We are denied quality medical care. We are suffering from environmental pollution. We are working long hours for little pay and no rights, if we're working at all. We are getting nothing while the other 1 percent is getting everything. We are the 99 percent'". - Who Are the '99 Percent?' - The Bay Citizen
The Bay Citizen story went on to provide real journalistic value by interviewing various people from the protests including an attorney Mary Ann Meany, Charlene Woodcock, a retired book editor, Larry Yee, a service technician, Evelyn Sanchez, a community organizer, Karen Henry, a clinical trial specialist at a pharmaceutical company, Chris Tully, an unemployed person, Ullises Olvera, a San Francisco State University student and Darnell Boyd, a tenant organizer for SRO Hotels.

In yet another story The Bay Citizen presented a plethora of photos showing the realness of the issues raised by the Wall Street protesters.  See Wall Street Protests Come to San Francisco.  Instead of posting the photos here, I will link to the story. The photos show a seriousness that any sound journalistic entity couldn't possibly ignore and push off into oblivian as the Chron apparently did.  When one begins to recognize corporate owned media and how it whitewashes the news and people's voices, it's clear why alternative news is taking off while the main media is plunging in popularity.

Hundreds of people descended on downtown San Francisco Thursday to support the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations that are going on in New York. The tagline for the protest is "We Are the 99 Percent," and here's how they describe themselves:
Hundreds of people descended on downtown San Francisco Thursday to support the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations that are going on in New York. The tagline for the protest is "We Are the 99 Percent," and here's how they describe themselves:

Hundreds of people descended on downtown San Francisco Thursday to support the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations that are going on in New York. The tagline for the protest is "We Are the 99 Percent," and here's how they describe themselves:
Hundreds of people descended on downtown San Francisco Thursday to support the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations that are going on in New York. The tagline for the protest is "We Are the 99 Percent," and here's how they describe themselves:
Hundreds of people descended on downtown San Francisco Thursday to support the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations that are going on in New York. The tagline for the protest is "We Are the 99 Percent," and here's how they describe themselves:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

High Ranking NYPD Officer Outed Pepper Spraying Penned-In Young Women At Wall Street Protest - Second Video Emerges

The story of two young women who were herded behind a mobile fence and then pepper sprayed for no apparent reason at the Wall Street Protests has become a huge story, especially now that a second video's surfaced. I usually don't cover such big stories but found an interesting video of an Olbermann-like NBC commentator who tore into the outed high ranking NYPD officer, Anthony V. Bologna.

Turns out a second revealing video has surfaced exposing the crazy police officer's reckless activities.  The NYPD have been denying any foul play up till now quoted as saying the only reason this story got any attention is because the media's overblowing it.

It doesn't happen every day that the media rips into high ranking officers so I thought I'd post the video. Besides, I'm very busy so please forgive me for not posting a real article today.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Growing Number of Huge Solar Flares Headed For Earth Could Mean End of Civilization of Biblical Proportions

Another growing threat the earth faces, aside from asteroids and comet Elenin's tail debris such that I posted about yesterday, is that of enormous solar flares.  On Monday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released a media alert entitled Strong Solar Storm Reaching Earth; NOAA Experts Available which stated as follows:
"NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center – the nation’s official source of warnings and alerts about space weather and its impacts on Earth – issued a warning for a strong, G3 geomagnetic storm on Earth resulting from a significant explosion from the sun’s corona Saturday morning. G-scale solar storms range from G1 (minor) to G5 (extreme).

Impacts have arrived on Earth, jolting the planet’s magnetic field and triggering strong “geomagnetic storming” in some regions. Saturday’s coronal mass ejection – a burst of charged particles and magnetic field that streamed out from the sun at about five million miles an hour – delivered a glancing blow to the planet. If it had been directed straight at Earth, the geomagnetic storming could have reached 'severe' to 'extreme' levels." - NOAA Press Release

Interesting video about comet Elenin's arrival, solar flares, power outages,
Denver airport bunkers, along with some good advice.

For those who question if there's a hell, this is evidence it could take the form of the earth being engulfed in a tremendous solar flare.  For those who doubt there's a God, all it takes is one solar flare to make a direct hit on earth to end civilization as we know it, guided by an eternal hand.  The solar flare that strikes the earth could also represent a spiritual element as stated in Revelations in the Bible.  This solar flare activity could truly be God's wrath and hell fire the prophets envisioned.
The spot on the sun that produced Saturday’s coronal mass ejection remains active and is well positioned to deliver more storm activity in the next several days. NOAA’s SWPC will continue to watch the active region for activity, and will continue to inform its customers – grid operators, satellite operators, airlines and more – about what to expect, so they can protect infrastructure and the public.  NOAA Press Release
This could be it, the Sun as the game changer. The forthcoming comet might merely  be a sign and messenger.  Historically comets have always meant to the ancients a sign of cataclysm forthcoming.

Last night I was on my eBike headed a few miles in the dark for a late night loan signing and came within a split second of a serious accident with another bicyclist because there weren't enough street lights at a blind spot at a turn.  Both our bikes were going around 15 mph that would have been a very serious head on collision.  I went to bed thinking about how my life would have changed in a split second had that accident occurred.  All it takes is a split second of one of these enormous 5,000,000 per hour sun flares to make a direct hit with earth to be a the end of civilization as we know it. This information tends to make one think of how fragile life is on this planet and how we tend to take it all for granted simply because humanity's been on earth dominating it for so long.

For those who doubt there's a God, you may want to consider the possibility a solar flare is really God's forthcoming wrath and hell fire.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obama Heads To Denver Bunker Over Possible Asteroid Impact Today

There's a near impact earth object headed our way today.  It's so threatening that President Obama's running off to a bunker instead of informing Americans of asteroid object 2011 SE58 they learned about a week ago.  This is the character of politicians in general, that they could care less about anyone but themselves, families and constituents. 

To be specific, there's a Torino Impact Hazard Scale Condition Code 7 object headed earth's way today that's defined as follows:
"A very close encounter by a large object, which if occurring this century, poses an unprecedented but still uncertain threat of a global catastrophe.  For such a threat in this century, international contingency planning is warranted, especially to determine urgently and conclusively whether or not a collision will occur."

Video explains details of near earth object.

Could this be part of the stray "junk" in Elenin's tail they've talked about?  In any event, it's important to keep attentive during the window of Comet Elenin's alignment September 23-30th.  Elenin will have its closest encounter around mid October.  Not that it will matter if there's an impact since we can't do anything about it anyway.  At least make sure to have plenty of food, water and emergency supplies at hand just in case.

Let there be no doubt, if the President's headed for an underground bunker, there's a serious threat. Allow me to reaffirm Americans should realize these politicians could really care less about them. If Obama cared about Americans he would have forewarned us rather than running like a coward to an underground bunker.

NASA JPL Information on 2011 SE58

Monday, September 26, 2011

This Blog Supports The Sun's 'Target A Troll' Campaign

This blog's pleased to support The Sun's Target A Troll campaign.  The Sun's been acknowledging how depraved these people are who hide anonymously behind a keyboard. From my perspective the depraved nature of these troll people indicates they're possibly possessed by demonic entities due to their abominable inhuman characteristics.
"The Sun today urges our readers to combat the menace of trolls.  Our Target A Troll campaign is being launched amid revelations that grieving families of a host of high-profile crime victims and celebrities have been plagued by weirdos making "fun" of tragedy. Those rocked by vile web comments and videos include relatives of Madeleine McCann, Amy Winehouse, Jade Goody, Sarah Payne and murdered teenagers Sally Anne Bowman and Jimmy Mizen. Trolls lurk on net favourites like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Bebo and Formspring."  Madeleine McCann is Target of Trolls - The Sun News
The latest story is about how a young girl who hung herself became the target of troll abuse on two tribute sites her family put up.

CRUEL internet trolls have left a mum devastated after posting depraved sexual taunts about her dead daughter.

Hazel Shaw, 50, said: "They were horrible comments. It's sickening that anyone could do this to someone going through a bereavement." Her 17-year-old daughter Chloe hanged herself in a park last year for no apparent reason. Grieving relatives created two tribute sites on the web in her memory. But within weeks sickos had begun posting a stream of abuse. Hazel, of Acocks Green, Birmingham, said: "They're sad, lonely, pathetic immoral scumbags who should be banned from the internet."- Vile Trolls Attacked My Tragic Girl's Site - The Sun News

Here are a few commenters from the Sun on troll activity:

Willowandme: People should just take heart that these 'trolls' are people who are locked away in their bedrooms, too scared to step out into the daylight, too scared to make their vile rants, to anybody face to face. They have no friends, no one cares for them.. They are just sick, bitter and twisted little nobodies, who still live with mummy & daddy, can't hold down a relationship and the only interaction they have with the world outside of their bedroom, is within social networking. They are ugly and miserable scabs, who want to reflect their pathetic existence on the rest of society. Well, it won't work because unlike them, the victims have love in their lives, and in their hearts. They are more stronger then these 'trolls' could ever hope to be.... To all the victims of this horrific trend, god bless you!!

 SB1967: Probably been bullied themselves so want revenge. Society as a whole does like to pick on the weak and exclude, we live in a pretty vicious world now. Perhaps we should introduce meditation into schools or something.


Court hearing transcript - San Diego Superior Court in East County could have cared less in ignoring red flags making me out to be a person falsely accusing another in a lawsuit.

 A former cyberstalker's clear red flags in my case were ignored by a San Diego Superior Court that could have cared less. In fact, the court sought to make me appear guilty of having gone after the "wrong man" when I had clear cut evidence supported with a deposition and attorney's email that the man was guilty of creating troll blog full of hundreds of vile posts about me.  See my recent post A Blackmailing Mentally Ill Man's Blog.