Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Soft Killing Populations with Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)

There's a dangerous precedent being set with the advent of growing body of FDA approved genetically modified foods being produced in the United States. (aka "Frankenfoods")   These foods, known as genetically modified organisms, are currently produced as corn, sugar beets, soy beans, cotton along with their derivatives of corn syrup, high-fructose syrup, cotton seed oil, flour, lecithin.
"According to the National Agricultural Statistics Board annual report, dated June 30, 2010, by 2009/2010, 93% of the US planted area of soybeans, 93% of cotton, 86% of corn and 95% of sugar beets were genetically modified varieties. And the derivatives of these GM crops — corn syrup, high-fructose syrup, cotton seed oil, flour, lecithin, and more — are found in the majority of processed foods sold in the US. Additionally, genetically engineered micro-organisms are also used as sources of enzymes in the manufacturing of processed foods. And virtually all animal feed is genetically modified."  Article Link
Scientific studies have shown GMO's cause sterilization in third generation lab rats and hamsters among other defects.  Regardless, evidence of the dangers of these GMOs to humans doesn't stop greedy companies like Monsanto from continuing while seeking to ostracize scientists who release such studies to the public. 
"This year, a Russian biologist determined third generation hamsters fed genetically modified soy were unable to produce offspring. The study was conducted by Alexey V. Surov, at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Association for Gene Security. Prior to Dr. Surov’s study, Irina Ermakova, also with the Russian National Academy of Sciences, reported in 2005 that more than half the babies from mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks.

Jeffery Smith, author of Seeds of Deception, and founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology, notes that scientists who discover adverse findings from GMOs are regularly attacked, ridiculed, denied funding, and even fired.

According to Smith, animals fed GM crops developed potentially precancerous cell growth, smaller brains, livers and testicles, damaged immune systems, bigger livers, partial atrophy of the liver, lesions in the livers, stomachs, and kidneys, inflammation of the kidneys, problems with their blood cells, higher blood sugar levels, and unexplained increases in the death rate."
I bet a majority of Americans have no idea how dangerous these GMO's are!  These companies like Monsanto are much like BP that covers up the dangers its foods pose to humans and their reproductive capacities.

Here's an interesting and highly educational video on GMO's I'd recommend everyone watching:

Splicing fish gene's into strawberries?  Frankenstein Foods?? :

The evil companies promoting GMO is so severe that they even tried to have GMO foods placed into "organic" certified foods.  Scary indeed.  www.InfoWars.com Alex Jones has repeatedly warned GMO foods are part of the eugenicists' plan to gradually kill off a large part of humanity. 

Sites of interest:

Kelly the Kitchen Kop

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Blackmailing Mentally Ill Man's 'About Cheryl Meril' Blog

**Update - See my latest post How Courts Work with Blackmailing Cyber Stalkers For Legal Community Cash Flow with the latest evidence based on a deposition of the cyber stalker who claimed to be innocent to the court.**

Today I was contacted by a professor who wants me to send my lawsuit's court hearing transcripts.  He wrote:
"I am a Linguist and Computer Science professor at **** University. I am doing a study of language use in the transcripts of retraining orders imposed on women.  I read your blog that has a missing link to a court hearing transcript. I would greatly appreciate the transcript, it would facilitate my work enormously since I will be able to apply methods in forensic linguistics to the text."
I guess this is a good time to take a moment on this blog to address the issue of a complete stranger whom I believe to be a paranoid schizophrenic whose still cyber stalking me and writing a blog called "About Cheryl Meril".  The blog is a follow-up sequel to a previous very malicious one that was taken down after I conducted a deposition for a lawsuit last year.

(click to enlarge) 
Outright proof this person had a malicious blog up about me full of false accusations I was a forger, a felon and all kinds of insane materials. According to Judge Robert Longstreth,
I had "the wrong man" and nothing I said was ever believed.

Here's just a sample of defamation on the former blog taken down among hundreds of obsessive crazy posts from 2007-2009.

At a deposition in San Diego, I told the stranger and his lawyer Randall Dierlam that if he took down the blog I'd drop the lawsuit.  Unfortunately, I never got the information the lawyer sent by email saying informing me the blog was down. Had I simply read the email I would have immediately dismissed the lawsuit.  Unfortunately, I had made it a point not to open any emails since I was receiving many by anonymous proxy so I had no certainty of the source.  I believe the attorney would have sent me a letter instead of an email or called me by phone.  I later offered a settlement agreement with no money exchanged but by then it was too late.  After the case ended in dismissal, I opened the attorney's email to find he offered an out for me to end the lawsuit sooner.

Never File A Defamation Case In Pro Se - Too Many Things Can Go Wrong

My lawsuit filed in 2009 was a series of errors on my part, typical of a self-represented person who didn't really know how very small things done incorrectly can make a huge difference, such as not including DOES (e.g., John Does) in case there's evidence of other people being involved.  I made mistakes such as waiting far too long prior to filing the lawsuit, approximately two years, when the statute of limitations was only one year for defamation. I waited as long as I did because I believed the person would grow tired of his antics and leave me alone but it turned out he's extremely mentally ill being obsessed with me to the point of being unable to control himself.

Still Cyber Stalking Me and Infiltrating Professional Forums

These series of mishaps have allowed someone, whom I believe to be a  paranoid schizophrenic, to continue with his blogging activities over me as a  target for his "operation Cheryl Meril take down".  He's recently been denoted cyber stalking professional forums I participate in and contacting members with his blog link information that were then placed on the forum.  Unfortunately I didn't know the forum was public, I thought it was private by membership only.  I later learned the forum posts were on the home page so I realized the cyber stalker had infiltrated the members to post links to his blog.

At a RO hearing, the Court completely ignored red flags the cyber stalker handed them proving they could care less if he's harassing me since the whole exercise was political and for the purpose of generating money for the local legal community. See My Decl. Response with Exhibits of Hearing Transcript (PDF)- 2009.

This person is well documented as having mental problems with a lot of time on his hands. He's been doing this kind of thing on the Internet since the late 1990's, where he admitted in a court of law he spends all of his time on.  He has no real legitimate job as a residential building manager of a small complex in La Mesa where he lives on the property.  He is fighting for his honor from years of his perceived enemies posting information about him on websites such as this one and believes tearing down his perceived enemies is the key to his "winning" in life.

His convictions include:
Public Nuisance - 2002
Trespassing - 2003

Regardless of the symptoms of such convictions, the court didn't care what this person's background was, nor what it viewed as hearsay written on the Internet about him by other parties with evidence of his activities long prior since 1999.

In the mentally ill man's mind, he has no problems, he is a great man with a brilliant book he's written his own reviews on and how dare anyone stand up to his mischief!  It's been reported that Amazon doesn't allow any contrary reviews to the book due to lawsuit threats.  He has many personalities that manifest as sock puppets he has trouble managing while clinging to the one that gets him out of trouble from the others.

I've been ignoring this person since the case closed last June, 2010 and he continues with the same pattern of cyber stalking and harassment as he has since 2007.  He only stopped for a few weeks when his attorney was involved. He is not innocent of mischief he obviously feels vindicated by Judge Longstreth's court being entitled to behave this way.  

When I later learned that the Governor Schwarzenegger appointed Judge Robert Longstreth went so far as to represent the self-represented cyber stalker as an attorney at a hearing, that he's basically a type of atheist anti-Semitic politically based enterprise, I realized this all seemed a crazy psy-op by an evil government with too much time on its hands. This judge hijacked my entire case  from the Central court by making a statement I allegedly had "the wrong man". This judge even threatened me with future consequences for having filed my lawsuit at all I later dismissed and they still came down very hard on me. See Court Hearing Transcript - Judge Robert C. Longstreth.

These are the cyber's AOL screen names that were subpoenaed indicating an illuminati based hidden identity.

I feel this has been a long drawn out convoluted form of blackmail the court under Judge Longstreth especially participated in.  To me It demonstrates how corrupt the court system is to entrap a woman in such a way. I just wanted to document this in a public forum the court aided and abetted the outcome enabling this crazy person to continue as he did before while harassing me for money.  I was never really allowed to ever testify against this person when I requested restraining orders, the court would censor me every single time.

Much of the time I was never allowed to present my side of the story and what I wrote in legal documents was completely ignored.  They always wanted to keep me on the defense. See Judge Richard B. Ulmer Whitewashed My Evidence!  Didn't Care! - 8/6/10

My audio addendum to this post:

Details of how I was set-up:

 The previously mentioned professor thanked me for forwarding case materials for his study he responded:
"When I read your blog, your case seemed similar to several others I have studied.   I don't yet know the details of your case but I have thoroughly analyzed ones in which a man's claims as to harassment or stalking by a woman are accepted uncritically with absolutely no substantiation.   My research is incomplete but I have found no cases in which a woman's word is accepted without evidence.  This is, of course, very difficult to research, because transcripts of RO hearings are not frequently made public; hence, the importance of your kindness."

My comment about professor's contact today and his subsequent study:

I have one final word to type in this article and that's "illuminati".

Related Post:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hilarious Cat & Animal Videos

Because I'm extremely busy, I'm reposting these hilarious videos.I threw in a candid camera video clip at the very end.  Enjoy!

This is short, sweet but hilarious. The timing is what makes this 9+ million view video funny.

This clip's of a turtle in love with a disinterested cat. 

Watch how the police chickens break up a rabbit fight. 

I posted this one last year, I just can't help but repost  because it's so cute.

Ditto, this one's a repost from last year.

Funny candid camera clip.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

U.S. Federal Gov't Forcing People To Destroy Their Homes Based On U.N. Agenda for Population Control

As a teenager I recall watching a horror movie from the 1970's era, Soylent Green featuring Charlton Heston.  The film was about a tyrannous government's giving a deadline for people's lives then turning them into mulch.  This movie's concept seems to be taking root today in American culture in several forms including discussions over health care coverage and now recently over the government's unconstitutional actions towards harassing home owners to destroy their homes in order to force them onto its control grid.

Along with SWAT teaming innocent Americans' homes as was reported yesterday over a TV reporter's home,  the U.S. Federal government's currently involved in harassment of property owners with code violations to destroy their homes and leave their land.  The Fed's activities are based on the United Nations Agenda 21 program for alleged "sustainable development". The program's designed to compact the populations of the world into organized, tightly-designed, planned communities, where they can be monitored, tracked, and forever connected to the government control grid.

Trailer for the 70's movie Soylent Green explains where the world may be headed based on the United Nations infiltration of the U.S. Federal government to obtain its population control goals.

Reality T.V.'s video on the U.S. government's infringement driving people off their land to destroy their homes has gone viral.
"After complying with the county's demands to tidy up his property, which also ended up including moving a shed and getting rid of a motorhome, Gallo received orders from agents to level his home and move off his own property. The agents claimed that neighbors had complained about 'unsightly structures,' even though Gallo has no immediate neighbors near his property.
They told me you have to get off the property. All of a sudden I've got police at my front door with bullet proof vests, guns. And they surrounded the place. Everything I've worked for was just melting away from me. I don't know where I'm gonna go. I really don't." - Gov't. Nuisance Abatement Teams Forcing Residents To Destroy Their Homes and Vacate Land - Natural News.com

Here are other examples of people affected by the UN plan to relocate people, herding them like cattle off their property:
  1. A self-sustaining couple who has lived in their home for 22 years and grown their own food, generated their own electricity with solar panels, and pulled water from their own private well -- all without ever needing any help from the government or anybody else -- Castaneda and his wife have been ordered to destroy their home and leave their land as well.
  2. Kim Fahey, another former Antelope Valley resident who built his own home out of old telephone poles, was raided not too long ago. Fahey was convicted of 12 misdemeanors, was eventually arrested and put in prison, and subsequently was forced to destroy his unique castle-like home, which he lovingly named "Phonehenge."
As disclosed throughout this blog, the U.S. Federal government is behaving as terrorists in many aspects of American life.  The Feds are quickly revealing themselves to be the true enemy of the American people as they obey International government law while disregarding the U.S. Constitution they took an oath to protect. This essentially means the U.S. Federal government has become a traitorous criminal element opposed to all America once stood for.

When SWAT teams enter the wrong home with guns fully drawn and handcuff innocent people, such as the TV newscaster's husband yesterday, only to discover they have the wrong home due to their incompetency, we've got a problem. See Alameda Raid Mistakenly Targets TV Reporter - SFGate.com

What America's got is bunch of crazy steroid laden buffoons at the helm conducting a war against Americans from within.  The U.S. Federal government is  quickly revealing itself as nothing more than an arm for the United Nations population control programs.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Modern Day Witch Hunts Begin At U.S. Airports With Latest Behavioral Detection Devices

It used to be if an innocent person  was accused of a crime they could take a lie detector's test to sometimes clear them of suspicion. Things have changed, get ready to be interrogated at airports and other public venues by low IQ nut jobs armed with new Pre-Crime Face Scanner Cameras, aka low grade lie detectors!

I don't see how this is at all Constitutional, the behavioral detection device is likened to witch hunts since its accuracy is based on being allegedly correct two-thirds of the time. That's not a very good accuracy rate, but the government could clearly use the information gathered from the device to ensnare any targeted person into its grasp. 
"The new system 'successfully discriminates between truth and lies in about two-thirds of cases,' which equates to little more accuracy than chance alone, making it even less reliable than the notorious polygraph test, which has been widely discredited and is habitually inaccurate.

The technology is focused around detecting emotions such as distress, fear or distrust, all of which a stressed traveler could undergo without necessarily being a liar. Indeed, such emotions would be expected in an environment where people are being naked body scanned, groped by TSA thugs, and subjected to lie detector interrogations.

In addition, such emotions could be registered when the subject fears not being believed by the authority figure. The person could be characterized as a liar when they are in fact completely honest."  Pre-Crime Face Scanner to Be Used For 'Security Interrogations' - PrisonPlanet.com

This is what the control freaks in the Federal government envision for our society, a large high tech data gathering grid that violates people's privacy treating them like cattle at airports.

All the authorities need is a bad reading indicating a liar on their machine to take their interrogation to a new level.  Think about how unconstitutional this is and where it's all leading back to the days of the Salem witch hunts.

Here's an example of what the insane are doing to innocent people at airports and in airplanes:
"In the aftermath of my events on Sept. 11, 2011, I feel violated, humiliated and sure that I was taken from the plane simply because of my appearance. Though I never left my seat, spoke to anyone on the flight or tinkered with any 'suspicious' device, I was forced into a situation where I was stripped of my freedom and liberty that so many of my fellow Americans purport are the foundations of this country and should be protected at any cost. Blogger Describes Armed Arrest By Militarized Cops for "Suspicious Behavior" (Wanting to Pee) - Prison Planet.com
In reading the above mentioned article in its entirety, one can appreciate just how insane these men and women in power have truly become, not to mention how utterly incompetent in their sadistically exploiting human weaknesses of alleged "behaviors" for their personal enjoyment.  If you read the article, you may want to imagine the kind of so called man who could do what he did to an innocent woman simply based on her nationality.  In retrospect, one might recognize how could any of this be done on behalf of the security of America?

Please take a moment to really think about what the government is doing, how wrong it is and how they have clearly become the dangerous terrorists. They're clearly behaving as terrorists!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Try Not Watching Television To See If A Parallel Universe Opens Up

I guess it's time to let visitors know the truth about me as an author of this blog. Back in 2007 I stopped watching television after I got rid of Comcast.  I got rid of television because I realized it was nothing but repeats and commercials and was driving me nuts. I began to realize how insane it was to watch Will & Grace reruns as much as five times and that there were actually two channels that played W&G at the same time.

Since that time a few years ago of realizing television was wasting my life away, I've noted something very strange happening. I really feel as though I'm fading from this world fast though I'm healthy and haven't been diagnosed with any disease.  It's my opinion that this time period we're living in is going to get really bad and that my consciousness is leading me out of the horrific future time line in history.

In an excellent commentary on television's impact on our culture Marilyn Alexander's 2009 article Is Television Destroying Our Lives?" one of the best I've come upon:
My husband is a good example of what TV can do to the mind, when he watches TV he is completely transported into a different dimension in his mind. I say this because he becomes oblivious to the world around him, I could be choking and he would never know, I would have to fight for my life until the add break and hope he notices then. I have tried hard to distract him from TV but to no avail, once that box has got a hold on him its tickets, I just wave goodbye and hope that the box will mercifully and gently ease him out of his television induced coma. - Is Television Destroying Our Lives?

I've noted my mind is no longer focused on things the current culture produces as it used to be.  I don't go to movies either. I'm the kind of person who used to watch movies over and over again at the theater.I haven't even seen Avatar and my last theater visit was probably Gladiator and I'm serious! I also don't listen to today's recording artists at all.

After being hammered by the Alex Jones radio program the past two years as a dose of hard core reality, it's gotten to the point where my only hope for survival and many of you as well in my opinion, is to find a parallel universe to slip into. The world as we've known it is clearly expiring!  It's going to be hell and in flames soon!  We can't continue here much longer as we have. Evil psychopaths are at the helm of world governments.

I've come to the conclusion television has wasted away much of my life having for years turned me into a mindless emotionally detached zombie.  

Symptoms of television mind damage can have on one's life are:

1. You're completely disconnected from people's emotions and lives because you have to see your next television program at 8:00 pm.

2.  You let life happen to you through the television set as if it's real.

3.  The television turns you into a spectator, not a participant in life.  You allow others to program your mind that steals your imagination and creativity.  You become a zombie if you allow others to program your mind with their secret agendas through television programming.

4.  You actually fear what life would be like without television!

OMG I realize now I really was a TV addict!  I'm so glad to be free of the empty box now.  I'm convinced many Alzheimer's patients develop their symptoms from watching too much television.
If you watch TV and just take note of what you are actually exposing your mind to, you may feel the intense urge to run as far away from your TV set as possible.

I grew up on TV, I don't remember ever not having a TV, the very first electronic appliance I bought for my future house was a TV and a video machine and a Hi-Fi set. What does that tell you, it tells you that I was well and truly addicted and well and truly hypnotized into believing my life had to start with a television set. I was unconscious but I was also young

Unfortunately I am an addict and want to commit to an anti -TV program, I want to find my authentic self, the self without the bombardment of every other Tom, Dick and Harry's opinion that I swallow as truth and reality just because I see and hear it on TV. Is Television Destroying Our Lives?
I'm hoping the more time that elapses from the television time mind continuum, the chances are a new dimension will open up for a parallel universe to slip into.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Sad Truth About Collecting Judgments From Lawsuits

Many people such as myself have filed lawsuits as a last resort to counter the damages the defendant(s) caused.  After trying everything within my power to end the dispute, I filed.  I won a judgment last year for $25,136 that is really nothing but a piece of paper, even less significant than an IOU.  I'm quite certain the judgment is noncollectable unless the defendants win the lotto.

When I filed two defamation lawsuits in 2009, I had no intention of ever collecting a dime.  I knew that, unless the defendants had a nice paying job or owned a home or an over the top expensive vehicle, there was virtually no way of collecting a judgment.  Procedurally I could order a writ of examination and request the defendant's financial information and bank accounts, but by the time I collected the information, the accounts would be empty.  Moreover, any IRA/401k retirement accounts are untouchable from collection from judgments.  Of course, I could also place a garnishment on wages, but that wasn't an option for an independent contractor and low wage earner.  Even if I obtained a wage garnishment, the amount would be restricted to 10-15% of the paycheck.

The sad truth is that if people with no real property or employer don't want to pay you anything in a lawsuit you generally won't be getting anything. Such is why lawsuits should only be a last resort because they're time consuming and expensive.  Here's a hint: lawyers generally file lawsuits only after they research to find the defendants have considerable assets. 

I once learned the hard way from a Small Claims Court case, if someone doesn't want to pay you, unless they're wealthy, you have virtually no hope of getting your money. Here's another little hint, people don't have to pay if they don't want to. They can move, quit their job if they have one, and avoid paying.  Unless the issue is child support, there's virtually no hope.

Unless the defendant has real assets and a good paying job, the court's essentially acting like Bugs Bunny in this Looney Tunes episode in its awarding a mirage judgment.  It's all yours now, take it!

The Last Resort Option

When you realize you're virtually helpless to collect your judgment, you might want to consider offering a reduced pay off amount and settlement agreement.  For instance, I'd be willing to negotiate a $1,000 payoff for the $25K dispute but see no reason why the defendants think they should pay me anything.   What for?  What would they get out of paying me one cent?  The court system's a joke designed for the big game players, not for people like me. 

Imagine if I harassed the defendants for my money, what could they do?  First, they'd likely file a complaint for unlawful harassment under certain circumstances and it all could backfire on me, then I could be sued.  They may even decide to eventually leave the State of California.  I'd have to invest hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to track them down using a private investigator but might never locate them again.  They could possibly go undetected for years unless they opened a new banking account or credit card account in the new state.

The only time lawsuits really affect people is if they have a lot of money to lose.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tiny House Trend Emerges As U.S. Property Values Face Decade Long Stagnation

A few months ago at a loan signing someone who works as a Vice President at a commercial loan banking institution told me her refinance papers took six months to process. "There must be a huge backlog, so you should get tons of work coming your way soon," she commented.

Another banking professional told me the banking loan industry doesn't expect property values to rise much on national average for the next 10 years.  The banking executive said "I'm taking a huge loss on this property that dropped to half its former value and the buyer's making a killing." He added, "there's a huge inventory of foreclosed homes on the market contributing to the mess."

The Reason Foundation's article Housing Market in Total Freefall, Anthony Randazzo reports sobering news in the latest MacroMarkets Report.
 "Overall, the March expectations data are the most pessimistic collected to date, and added that after weak performance in the last quarter of 2010, actual home prices at the national level are now less than 1% away from establishing a new post-crash low." And since that isn't cheery enough he added, "Many more experts are now projecting a double-dip after witnessing the double-dead cat bounce that came in the wake of expired government stimulus programs."

The graph tells the story of a peak and decline in property values and projections to 2016, not even half of where it was.  This means many homes bought when the market peaked dropped in value significantly and won't regain their value for another decade or more.

Important information, February's sales figures were the lowest since the years of JFK. This is getting real bad folks!

I follow a real estate attorney blog, attorney Matthew Weidner, P.A. and a few days ago he posted The Foreclosure Mess is Amerika's Nuclear Disaster.
"Abigale Field’s column in AOL Daily Finance offers the best analysis of the current state of the foreclosure catastrophe and should be required reading for every man and woman in the United States.  Read it Here  One of the reasons why this column is so important is it explores the very real possibility (I say probability) that the foreclosure mess cannot be solved.
It really is amazing when you take a step back and think about all that is wrong.  The crimes, the fraud, the collusion, the cover up, the complicity, the complexity, the total unwillingness of regulators to punish. The total inability of regulators and policymakers to foresee this train wreck as it was happening. (and as it continues to happen)  The collapsed economic picture. The failings of our court system.  The utter lack of leadership from the local level all the way up to the White House." -Matt Weidner, P.A. 
I figure all this can only mean one thing; a majority of Americans won't be able to afford large homes anymore.  Enter the emerging tiny house trend.  I read about these tiny houses a couple years ago when the market crashed in 2008.  I think this will be a growing trend as the housing crisis gets worse, especially among young people who have the energy to live that kind of lifestyle.

I guess the days of large houses and the American dream for many are coming to an end.  Maybe a few can still afford these kind of homes they call Tiny Houses.  This video shows one that's 89 square feet.  

The inside of a Tumbleweed Tiny House.  Lets hope this comes with solar panels.  

In these times it would clearly be most economical to be a midget.  I also predict a growth in the underground condo industry that's already taken root. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Reality Check: Most U.S. Politicians Nothing But Criminal Parasitic Clowns

Metaphorically, placing one's hope in today's U.S. politicians is much like placing one's hope in clowns from Ringling Bros. Barnum & Baily's Circus to save the day.  The reason many people go into politics much of the time is they don't want to work for a living except to act as parasites feeding off the tax payer system as their host.

Anyone whose been around long enough knows politics is for bully cowards who manipulate and spin reality to their favor.  With a few exceptions such as Ron Paul, it's easy to summarize the reason for the mess America's in economically is because greedy criminals are running things.  Americans really need to wake up the government is run by criminals and their game is designed to rob them in every way possible. See post, [Politicians = Fake²] = U.S. Government Corruption - Sept. 3, 2011

I came to a personal revelation that I will no longer be listening to any politician believing a word of what they say nor participating in their game whatsoever.  In the last election I didn't vote for any President, leaving the choice blank.  I would have chosen a candidate for President but couldn't vote for Ron Paul because he was a Republican.   I've never voted for a Republican in my entire life but I'm no longer voting for Democrats either.  I've since learned both parties are two sides of the same coin and that the Dems simply lie better than Republicans. At least with the Repugs you know what you're getting, a rotten bunch of meat.  With Dems, they dress up the rotten meat to make you think it's good for you so you don't really know what you're getting with their slick marketing campaigns.

What this comes down to for me personally is that I will no longer be giving any attention to politicians in the United States and their con game.  These politicians are a joke, nothing but a bunch of lame con artists who use the media to obtain their goals they otherwise wouldn't achieve in their personal lives.  These men and women in government have literally destroyed our country with their deliberate criminal traitorous activities. See 50 Things every American Should Know About the Collapse of the Economy. - The Economic Collapse Blog

Who really is that man, Obama? I don't know him and that's the reality. He's not part of my life, he's just a creation of media and a corrupt political system.  He isn't real at all, he's just some nuisance politician causing big trouble in an abstract way.  I can't do anything about this moron Obama, as I couldn't about Bush, because he's not real in my life so I will no longer give him or any other politician my attention or time.  The problems are beyond repair because a majority of Americans continue to support criminals for their leaders, believing whatever the cons tell them.  Obama Is Wrong - 18 Facts Which Prove That Illegal Immigration is an Absolute Nightmare For the U.S. Economy - The Economic Collapse Blog

I can't help it if my fellow citizens are naive and suffer from television addiction and belief systems enabling them to support such a corrupt government as if they're cheering a baseball team.  Americans have become self-destructive by continuing on this path of supporting lying con artists and a two party system while believing whatever the major media tells them. It's really a sad tragic thing to observe this all happening.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Americans' REAL Enemy Comes Into Focus - U.S. Government Most Hated By Them

In spite of all the fear mongering to try and convince Americans that boogie men terrorists are responsible for America's woes, a recent Gallup poll released in late August, 2011 shows how much Americans despise their own U.S. Federal Government.  The data shows the downward spiral for the a/k/a "criminal domestic network" has been going on for quite some time as Americans are coming to terms they have no control over what their mafia thug government is doing to destroy their country.
"The deterioration in Americans' views of the federal government began in 2004 -- correlated with a downturn in President George W. Bush's job approval rating and rising concerns about the Iraq war and the economy. Views turned slightly more positive in 2009 during Barack Obama's first year as president, but dropped back down last year and again this year, likely reflecting rising concerns over the economy as well as the increase in government spending and power." - Americans Rate Computer Industry Best, Federal Gov't Worst." - Gallup.com
The poll also went on to state Congress has the lowest approval rating in Gallup history.

Oh my, I wonder what has caused Americans to so hate their own government once viewed as the best in the world?  The problem likely has to do with how the Feds have gradually been redirecting their operations in favor of a world based economy while turning against Americans on all fronts.  This trend of the U.S. Federal government's traitorous acts has clearly been taking its toll on American's patience causing historic lows in the poll.

There's no doubt the recent news that America's fallen in the world economic ranking to #5 only makes Americans angrier at their incompetent power hungry war mongering government. 
"The U.S. has tumbled further down a global ranking of the world's most competitive economies, landing at fifth place because of its huge deficits and declining public faith in government, a global economic group said Wednesday." - U.S. Tumbles Down Global Ranking of Competitive Economies - HuffPost.com
What this data all means is the U.S. government has failed miserably in its attempt to make itself appear a protector of Americans' best interests.  The U.S. government clearly does whatever it wants with impunity making it the most unpopular hated industry in the United States.