Monday, August 15, 2011

Red Flag Metaphor for U.S. Economy - Spooky Video of Indiana Fair Stage Collapse

Like a scene out of some fantastic thriller movie of Armageddon, the state fair disaster in Indiana is being interpreted metaphorically by many for the impending economic collapse in America.  What makes this video footage so unique is to observe how thousands of people failed to heed the forewarning of weather conditions in an intense wind storm with 50-60 mph winds and ominous dark clouds.

People can be observed in the video oblivious to the danger they were in, as if it was a bright sunny day.  The first few seconds of the video begs the question how could anyone possibly enjoy a fair under those circumstances?  The second question that arises is how the organizers failed to shut down the event that posed an obvious danger with its temporary faulty construction.  With these various factors, one can easily translate the disaster metaphorically to the U.S. stock market and impending economic collapse.

This spooky video's gone viral with nearly 2 millions views in the past three days since being uploaded.  In spite of the clear warning signs of impending doom, people remained at the fair as if they believed it to be a bright sunny day.

A metaphoric interpretation of the Indiana State Fair stage collapse:
The people at the state fair appear to lack common sense to seek protection, and are behaving as if the sun is out and it's a lovely day blind to what's to come. Metaphorically speaking, these people can be viewed in the role of taking part in investing in the stock market while ignoring the clear signs of impending doom. Those who stand to become rich when the market collapses (i.e, the fair organizers) fail to shut down the event knowing people will be injured or die (i.e., lose their life savings and for some their very lives).  The organizers knew the construction of the temporary stage was collapsible under such wind conditions (i.e, their ponzi scheme stock market) and did nothing to prevent the outcome.
I can only speculate, but it appears there's a certain crowd mentality among people who participate in these type of large events that they likely attain psychological strength from.  In remaining at the fair under the circumstances, the crowd's overwhelming feeling of being part of the social norm or status quo blinded them to impending dangers.  Try to keep this metaphor in mind for those who intend on remaining in the stock market over the coming months.  Don't say you weren't forewarned!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lighten Up Sundays - Perfect Timing!

Much of the art of photography has to do with timing as many well know. In today's Lighten Up Sunday's post, I'm presenting interesting photos from talented photographers.

This is truly a terrifying photo, the lady either has no clue or is in clear denial of her situation.

At first I thought he was reaching for popcorn at a movie theater and the popcorn went nuclear.

I don't think this is what JFK had in mind with the U.S. moon walking project. 

Clearly, Prince Charles is a boobs man.

An anti-gravity bullet cat.

There he is, the culprit of chem trails all along!

God's coming in for a landing.

I'm wondering how the photographer managed to take this one.  Ideas anyone?

For more photos, visit

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Youngevity Vitamin Supplements Exposed As 'Garbage' By Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner Reading

A Doctor Administered My Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner Results Declaring My Youngevity Supplements 'Beyond Tangy Tangerine Powder' and 'Majestic Earth Plant Derived Minerals'  "Garbage" and Money Down The Drain.  How Could I Know? 

After all the hundreds of dollars Americans invest in vitamin supplements, how do we really know if they're effective?  I have a story to share about how I recently stumbled upon a solution to the mystery of how one can scientifically measure vitamin supplement effectiveness in the human body.

I had a unique experience a couple of weeks ago I wanted to share related to health.  I've been dealing with health issues the past few years in having extreme fatigue not really knowing what to do about it.  I've tried everything I could think of but nothing really worked including using vitamin and mineral supplements from Dr. Joel Wallach's Youngevity products over the past five months. I thought Dr. Wallach and his counterpart Ben Fuchs, a pharmacist, were those I could trust especially since Dr. Wallach, author of Dead Doctors Don't Lie , has been bucking the FDA and medical establishment for years over its lacking preventative strategies in treating patients.

Regardless of my investment in the Youngevity health products over the past 5 months, I've still needed long 1-2 hour naps in the late afternoon and I'm only 51.  Whenever I've seen my doctor, blood tests never turn up anything suggesting any kind of deficiency.

One morning I was feeling extreme fatigue as I waited to meet with a client at one of my business's satellite offices in San Francisco.  I noticed a small group of people in the Regus business lounge were taking readings from people's hands using a machine and computer.  I inquired to learn NuSkin distributors for Pharmanex LifePak Nano anti-aging vitamin products were using a Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner specially licensed for their use to determine people's antioxidant status by measuring carotenoids levels.
"The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is the world's first measuring tool that gives you a Skin Carotenoid Score (SCS) -- immediate evidence of carotenoid antioxidant activity in your body. By simply placing your hand in front of a low-energy blue light, you get your score and become empowered to make improvements in your antioxidant health through nutritious eating and supplementation with LifePak products."

The technology of the Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is based on an optical method known as resonance Raman Spectroscopy, which has been used for many years in research laboratories." - Pharanex brochure
At the time I met the Pharmanex LifePak Nano NuSkin distributors and the doctor administering the scanner, I was at the end of my rope feeling like something was definitely wrong with my health.  To be candid, I felt I might even be dying from a disease questioning if I was having kidney problems of some sort.  I'm not a heavy drinker, averaging a few occasional glasses of red wine each week.  Sometimes I go weeks without alcohol.  I don't eat junk foods and stay away from heavily processed foods. I work out a few days a week at the gym to keep my heart rate and muscles healthy.  In other words, I shouldn't be having health problems of such a degree with all my efforts to be healthy.  I'm even of average weight.

The Results - Shocking!

To make a long story short, they told me the BioPhotonic scan would indicate whether or not the vitamin supplements I had been taking the past five months, that relied heavily on Youngevity products including their best seller Beyond Tangy Tangerine powered vitamin supplement and Majestic Earth Plant Derived Minerals, were making any difference.  Based on my hundreds of dollars in investment in the Youngevity supplements in particular, I expected mid-level range readings from the BioPhotonic Scanner.  Boy, was I ever wrong!

My antioxidant status and stress in my body measured at the lowest section of the health spectrum at 17,000!  (see line above)  I was appalled!

The spectrum was broken down into blocks from 10,000 - 50,000 (as shown above). There were five blocks representing the status of antioxidant status and oxidative stress in the body.  In two minutes, the results came in on the computer. The doctor who monitored the results proclaimed "the supplements you've been taking are garbage."  What, my reading was only 17,000?  I was outraged!  I  take fairly good care of myself and deserved a better result than that.  A lady added "that's a typical reading for a smoker."  I don't smoke nor do I spend time around smokers.  In fact, I'm always around the fresh air in San Francisco that comes off the ocean, unlike Los Angeles.

Based on the results and how I seemed to have chronic fatigue, I decided to try the LifePak Nano anti-aging vitamin supplements the NuSkin distributor offered. The vitamin supplements weren't cheap but I was becoming desperate at this point. If I have no energy how can I run my business to its fullest potential? This new vitamin supplementation was my final resort prior to investing money in medical tests.  NuSkin provides a guarantee that, if at the next free BioPhotonic scanner reading the customer doesn't get better results, they'll refund your money for their vitamin supplements.  The only catch is that one has to take the supplements for two months prior to the next scanner reading.

The vitamins arrived a couple days ago and I must say I felt an immediate vibrancy in my health overnight taking two paks a day.  For the first time in a long time, I was going strong yesterday busy all day not needing a nap.  I rode my eBike all over the city twice to Mission Delores, then to the Marina and downtown twice without any fatigue at all.  I woke up this morning after just 7 hours of sleep without a problem, feeling just fine.  Usually I'm very tired even after a full night's sleep. 

I'm now convinced these Youngevity supplements I've been taking aren't very good. I've been taking them each day for five months without good results.  I invested $250 in my health with zero returns and should have had at least an average reading from the scanner.  In retrospect, I probably could have simply invested in some healthy foods with better results then taking Youngevity's products.

One last thing of note to my story, I also learned I needed to drink more fresh water especially if I'm having signs of kidney problems.  I've since spoken with a lot of people who have confirmed their health improved when they began to drink more fresh water.  I have no excuse not to drink more water since I have the EcoloBlue 28 I bought a few years ago that makes pure water from humidity in the air (last time I measured, the water was at 6 ppm purity). 

After the test period over the next two months I will report on the results of my next BioPhotonic scanner reading. I expect it will be far better based on how I'm already feeling after taking the LifePak Nano supplements in just three days.

**Update 5/7/12*** The last scan I had was in December of 2011 and my score went from 17,000 to 25,000 in two months, then jumped to 37,000 in 5 months.  I haven't taken a reading since since I'm way above the national average of 22,000 now. I know how to keep my immune system in check. I have had cold symptoms four times but it doesn't take root when I administer colloidal silver as an anti-oxidant. The symptoms go away within 10 minutes, including any nasal congestion.  See this article related to my success with home made colloidal silver as an antibiotic.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Awake Americans are Preparing for Apocalypse as Others Enjoy Denial

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a client who shared she stopped watching television a few years ago just as I had in 2007.  We had come to the same conclusion through non-compliance with media brainwashing that America's deteriorating rapidly that's downright frightening to witness.  We both agreed the likely reason a majority of Americans haven't yet awoken to the seriousness of the times is they've been living in denial in wanting to believe whatever the news media tells them.

Many in the alternative media have also been sharing their view a large majority of Americans are still in denial over what's happening to their country.  It's interesting to note that denial is actually part of the awakening process. 
"America is still in deep denial which is still the first stage of the Awakening. This denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now the economy is still functioning with food and fuel available. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normalcy. They still are stuck in the false left right paradigm and think some other sock puppet will turn things around. - 5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World - Don't Tread On Me

Awake Americans from American Preppers Network prepare for what is likely to come.

The old saying "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make em drink" still stands true today.  Some people get down right agitated and even angry when presented with the facts of the serious situation America's in.  For those kind of people, one doesn't argue and just moves on because they're not ready to hear the truth. 

Here are what is considered to be the 5 Stages of Awakening as posted by Don't Tread On Me:

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance 
"When the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence I expect in the other 3 areas on the list and all urban areas in the US, will make all other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs and violence. There is no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity and combination of these factors." - 5 Reasons Why American Riots will Be the Worst In The World - Don't Tread On Me.

It's true America hasn't changed except for the worse from back in the times of Martin Luther King, Jr.. This is a short but sweet clip.

Denial is considered a normal means for people to protect themselves from going into psychological shock too quickly.  That's why there's a gradual process in accepting shocking and/or bad news to the point of the eventual acceptance of it.  It's entirely futile for anyone to attempt to force their awakened point of view on those who remain in denial.

This video shows how frenzied Americans become over cheap sales at a Target store.

A an employee was trampled on Black Friday at a local Walmart.

We've already seen the horrors of what happens in shopping malls across America on Black Fridays over some cheap goods on sale.  Imagine for a moment what will happen when the dollar crashes and food becomes too expensive for the average American household? Just try to imagine how these same people in these videos would behave in such a dire scenario. It's not difficult to arrive to the conclusion there will be arson, looting and crazy rioting that martial law will be declared with the military and U.N. forces likely called in.

It's easy to understand why so many Americans choose to live in denial of what the future likely holds under these extreme circumstances.  Who can blame them really? Certainly not me, a former queen of denial.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Judge Ciavarella Jr. Gets Ass Kicked - Sentenced to 28 years in Prison Over 'Kids For Cash'

As I've denoted throughout this blog, the arrogance of some judges in America is so breathtaking that when one gets caught red handed there's much cause to celebrate.

Judges are obviously a very intelligent group many of whom know how to cover-up using their corroborating corrupt legal networks. Occasionally a judge loses all sense of reality such as in the case of Pennsylvania Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr., 61 accepting millions of dollars in a pseudo contract in return for sending kids to a detention facility.
"Ciavarella, known for his harsh and autocratic courtroom demeanor, filled the beds of the private lockups with children as young as 10, many of them first-time offenders convicted of petty theft and other minor crimes. The judge remained defiant after his arrest, insisting the payments were legal and denying he incarcerated youths for money." PA Judge gets 28 years in 'kids for cash case -
The youths just weren't incarcerated, they were sent to hard core wilderness tough love camps over first time petty offenses.  The video below presented earlier this year on this blog explains the degree of suffering these children and teens were put through over the judge's reckless greed:

 Young people explain how their lives were nearly ruined by the judge's reckless actions.

According to court records, the defendants were even denied a right to an attorney.  Usually the judges like to give the local legal community a piece of the pie, but not when they've been bribed for millions of dollars by a local detention facility:
"Hillary Transue did not have an attorney, nor was she told of her right to one, when she appeared in Ciavarella’s courtroom in 2007 for building a MySpace page that lampooned her assistant principal.  Her mother, Laurene Transue, worked for 16 years in the child services department of another county and said she was certain Hillary would get a slap on the wrist. Instead, Ciavarella sentenced her to three months; she got out after a month, with help from a lawyer." PA Judge gets 28 years in 'kids for cash case -
This type of corruption is just the tip of the iceberg in America's court system.  Judges all over the country are involved in corroborating with setting up the allegedly incompetent elderly in order to enable the probate courts to take over and administer their estates.  In such an event, a will or trust becomes null and void while the probate courts feast off the wealth of the elderly for many years through court appointed administrators.  See my blog post: Epidemic Evil: Elderly Kidnapped & Pillaged By Vultures in U.S. Probate Courts 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stock Market's Dead Cat Bounce - Preparing for Devastation

My mobile notary business is most always affected by the stock market so one might imagine how I've received few calls since Friday.  People tend to use mobile notaries as a convenience and are willing to pay an extra mobile fee as such.  I'm commonly called out to the homes of CEO's and wealthy people who have business deals they're finalizing who need notarizations.  Notarizations are also closely related to the banking industry.  Therefore my motivation for keeping on top of the stock market should be obvious to anyone.

Yesterday I was a little relieved along with everyone else that the market seemed to partially recover though I knew I was only deluding myself.  To think the stock market had somehow recovered was just a means to postpone the inevitable since what happened yesterday is what they refer to as a "dead cat bounce".  My apologies to cat lovers, that's just what they call it.

At first I thought it was great news Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve announced they were committed to keeping the interests rates low through 2013.  Low interest rates in my business are always a good thing since people only tend to purchase homes or refinance home loans when the rates are low.  In fact, when interest rates go up significantly, it's an instant death and dead on arrival for us notary loan signing  agents except those who have been around a long time.

Unfortunately, what's more notable then what Bernanke said yesterday is what he didn't say.  It's clear something is amiss since there was no announcement of any further quantitative easing measures, the projected next stage being QE3. No offer of help through QE3 is a sign of doom because what it means is they aren't going to do anything to stop what's happening.  In fact, all they're really offering to do, other than keep interest rates low, is continue to print out money that can only cause hyperinflation from the U.S. dollar's devaluation.
"Once the Fed made their announcement, the market went haywire.  At one point the Dow was down more than 200 points, but by the end of the day it was up 430 points.  It was a desperate move for the Federal Reserve to pledge not to raise interest rates for the next two years, and it has stabilized financial markets for the moment.  But what is the Fed going to do to save the stock market when it starts crashing next week or next month?"  - The Federal Reserve Saves the Stock Market - The Economic Collapse Blog

Greenspan says all the U.S. has to do is have the Fed print out more money and that there's a "zero probability" of a default.  What a bunch of hogwash!

What's happening in the stock market is much like what happened back in 2008 of wild roller coaster rides of losses and recovery.  The major difference between 2008 and what's happening now is the Fed isn't going to do anything about it anymore other than what it always has.  As former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan said to the media recently, they are going to continue to drown America in cash debt as their only means of addressing the problem.  Printing more money's not a solution at all and will only lead to a devalued dollar and hyperinflation. It all means money will lose its purchasing power.  

The reason why yesterday's semi-recovery in the stock market is considered by many to be a dead cat bounce is because of what they call the short sale activities. The stock market began to fall around 6:00 p.m. after the bounce and began its slide again today.  As I suggested in a former post, employees with 401K plans are not allowed access to their funds until they quit their jobs.  These employees are therefore sitting ducks who will have much of their portfolio's gutted while inflation attacks the value of their money.  Though there's a tax penalty for early withdrawal, what's happening is too serious to allow anyone to consider keeping their money in a 401K. That's not advice, just my opinion.

It's best to do much research to determine what the right strategy is to save one's assets from severe depletion at this point.  For me it was clear getting out of an employer's 401K plan and owning my own business was the best option.  I don't make nearly the money I used to, but there are clear advantages to not having an employer.  To me, it makes no sense to keep a job as a sitting duck that only those in denial or in a bubble world could possibly continue rather than preparing their homes and personal lives for what lies ahead.

One other thing to note, word has it that Bank of America is set to collapse. (See Bank of America On The Verge of Collapse - Pat  For those who bank at BofA you know what to do with this information.

Many of the recent unemployed should be thankful they at least have access to their 401K for immediate access and conversion in preparation for what is to come.  Defensive weapons for likely rioting, security camera's and alarms, food, water, and bartering supplies should be a priority to common sense folks. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Are Crazy Riots Coming to America? It's Up To The Police

One of the things that caused me to leave Los Angeles for San Francisco in the mid 90's was all the crazy stuff happening there. The Rodney King riots and O.J. Simpson media frenzy coupled with huge earthquakes made living in Los Angeles uncomfortable even in its nice suburbs.  Though there were still a small number of protesters and minor incidents of vandalism from the LA riots, San Francisco seemed a safer place to be, no thanks to the ridiculously bad SFPD.  Earthquakes also seemed to be a rare event in San Francisco. I was right, earthquake tremors are very rare compared to Los Angeles.

Lately there have been signs of growing unrest in San Francisco related to police provocations of questionable shootings such as of Oscar Grant and a more recent shooting (video link).  One might note the pattern of police activities that seem designed to trigger mayhem and chaos in order to force taxpayers to pay for more police on the streets. In the case of London, many people complained the police initially allowed the rioters too much slack before intervening.  What initially began as a protest turned into the criminal thugs taking over as an excuse to steal merchandise and trash business, much like the LA riots over Rodney King. Police officers know all it takes is one incident to ignite rioting that would cause them to replenish their ranks.

London thugs mimic police behaviors by pretending to help an injured boy only to search through his belongings for something to steal. This behavior appears to be learned from the police. 

The police know there's a highly stressed uneducated element in society that can be unleashed on the public and thereby used as a weapon to blackmail the tax payers for more funds.  That's why I think these thugs are nothing more than corroborators with the London police who initially stood down to allow them to attack the public and business properties.  The police failed to do their jobs while they initially provoked the outcome. See Tottenham riots: Police 'stood back and let protesters take over streets' -

"It should be remembered that the anger caused is not just the result of a one off isolated incident. It’s one of the most recent in a long list and in addition to being one of the possible triggers, a Youtube clip appearing to show a teenage girl being beaten by the Police is also believed to have been one of the catalysts for trouble.

Like the December protests, the actions of a minority of individuals have been used by the media to divert attention from the underlying causes of the problem, and furthermore from questioning the behaviour of some of the police officers." - London Riots: Looking Beyond The Looting - Independent UK Blog

The police always want the public living in fear in order to keep their forces overbloated.   As I'm writing this, the first thing out of Alex Jones' mouth this morning on his radio program is forewarning of rioters mayhem in the U.S. and police standing down to allow it in order to scare the public.  Clearly, what's happening in London could easily happen in major cities in the U.S., we've seen it before and we'll see it again.  When riots happen, don't expect the police to be there to help you from their conduit rioters since police behavior and provocation is a large part of the problem.  It's best to be prepared rather then depend on the government to protect you during these difficult times.

16,000 London Cops To Hit The Streets - The Sun
Woman Leaps From Flames Into Arms Of Cops (note: they provoke a crisis of chaos in order to appear as heroes - the woman ran away from them when she landed!) - The Sun

Monday, August 8, 2011

Audit of Federal Reserve Results - $16 Trillion Secretly Given to U.S. & Foreign Banks and Corporations

On the eve of a rocky week for the U.S. stock market, the first audit ever of the Federal Reserve's 100 year history has been completed as a result of the Ron Paul and Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill. Brace yourselves! The transfer of wealth that took place back in 2008 when Congress was blackmailed with threats of a stock market crash resulted in a $16 trillion dollar robbery of U.S. taxpayer funds. This is what $16 trillion looks written out: $16,000,000,000,000.  This staggering amount is $2 trillion more than the national debt of the United States government for its entire 200+ year history!  
"From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world’s banks, corporations, and governments. The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious — the American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs."  Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts -
It's clear now that the Federal Reserve is a criminal conglomerate of private bankers who are working towards a one world government banking and government system. The Fed essentially blackmailed the U.S. congress to steal U.S. taxpayer money for wealth redistribution around the world as "free money".  These banks and corporations pay no interest on the alleged loan they received nor are required to pay it back.  What this proves is essentially there's a rich man's International bankers club where the Federal Reserve just handed their pals free money.

The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows.
Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
and many many more including banks in Belgium of all places
These free money payoffs seem to be a bribe for cooperation in forming a worldwide banking system.  It's really sad the average American has no idea what's been done to their country through the ruthless criminal activities of the Federal Reserve that essentially stole their futures out from under them.  In spite of many angry Americans' cries for them not to do so, the U.S. politicians still voted to hand over their money on a silver platter indicating a certain corroboration with the Fed. 
Let's try to put this crime in perspective: 
"If you were to bring this crime down to a personal level, it would be similar to your parents stealing your college education fund and future career.  This act of betrayal would occur after your parents waited for the fruition of all of your hard labor in their having full intentions of stealing your college fund money.  Your parents intended on using the money for cruises, vacations and new cars while you were later reduced to a low wage laborer who had no college education."

The Federal Reserve Bank has demonstrated itself as nothing more than a criminal organization that has stolen enormous wealth from America.  Ever since the 1913 Federal Reserve Act was passed, it has printed out fiat paper without any value backing it thus enslaving us all to an illusion of wealth. The Federal Reserve likely views any savings Americans have in the bank as their debt-owed money they can confiscate at any time through the banking system.

It's as clear as day for anyone to see these bankers think they own our country, our money and can do whatever they so please with us.  In reality, all these Fed private bankers are really a huge counterfeit money making operation where they print out money from nothing who then create schemes to make it all appear valuable.

U.S. politicians have likely been completely owned by the Federal Reserve banking system they've been answering to for decades.

Related sources:

FULL PDF on GAO server:
Senator Sander’s Article:

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Random Thoughts On Eve Of Possible Stock Market Crash

I couldn't bring myself to do my weekly Lighten Up Sunday's post because things in the world are accelerating I couldn't ignore.  The possibility of the stock market crashing is terrifying!  A crash is a real possibility, let there be no doubt, and it could very well happen soon thanks to the reckless premature actions of those at Standard & Poor's.

So what goes through a person's head when they're aware the U.S. stock market could possibly crash?  Here are a few of my random thoughts the past few days dealing with the possibility of intense chaos and turmoil. Note, the photo is that of a neighborhood cat across the street looking out of its bubble window safe and sound from the dogs below.

Random Thought #1:

Comet Elenin and Planet Nibiru might make all this economic chaos moot since many are saying their arrival will be destroying much of civilization as we know it in October, 2011. 

This is all very strange timing as if the stock market upheaval has been planned to reflect the forthcoming potential calamity of the comet.  It all seems very staged in the timing of it all. I suspect the people behind the scenes know of the impending comet's likely doom and have deliberately orchestrated this economic chaos to reflect it as such.  Standard & Poor's didn't have to downgrade the U.S., it just seems all very calculated at this point. Here's a video to support my observation of this worldwide economic calamity being staged to reflect the arrival of a destructive cosmic event:

Some knowledgeable person discusses his experience studying Nibiru.  

San Francisco may completely be under water should the Planet Nibiru thing be true. is that how I want to die by drowning?  Maybe I should head for higher elevations or try to be on an airplane when it all goes down.  An airplane would be the only real safe place barring the electromagnetism that could cause the plane to crash.  I'll likely just stay in San Francisco since it's my nature not to do anything about forewarnings as with most people.

Earthquake simulation from 4.0- 9.0 will put viewers in touch with the force of earthquakes.

Random Thought #2:

A large earthquake is predicted again between September 25-29th due to Comet Elenin's trajectory with earth.  

A very large earthquake is predicted by someone who has successfully predicted them based on comet Elenin's trajectory with earth the past two times.  She's saying another huge earthquake is likely to occur September 24-29th.  I'm likely not to leave San Francisco because of this warning and take my chances.  I think the earthquake will likely occur in Los Angeles because of a prophetic dream a Joe Brandt had in 1937.

Lady forewarns people of the next earthquake due to trajectory of comet Elenin with earth and was right!

I guess all this means, if true, the stock market should be the least of people's worries. It's one thing to deal with all the fear and chaos going on with human beings from financial issues. The real potential dangers are evident to be so great, the stock market crash will seem like a meaningless event.

People are so used to hoaxes and media hype they may not really understand the seriousness if it all.  Even NASA forewarned their employees to make sure to prepare.

NASA emailed employees in June, 2011 to be prepared for an emergency.

Random Thought #3:

Maybe after it's all over a chosen few good souls be reincarnated for the next life just like a little boy from a WWII pilot as disclosed recently?  You don't see stories like this every day.

An interesting story of a little boy having memories of another life as a WWII pilot and all the supporting evidence as such.

Random Thought #4:

Brain overload.

Nap time, zzzzzz  zzzzzz  zzzz

Saturday, August 6, 2011

U.S. Government Terrorists Are Stealing And Destroying REAL Foods From Americans

There's a growing market for raw milk in California due to the milk industry feeding cows corn instead of grass. The corn makes the cows sick requiring them to be given antibiotics that affects the quality of milk adversely affecting human health.  Additionally, for those who may be unaware, all corn has been genetically modified in the U.S..  Many mothers especially are concerned about the health of their children and the deficiency of lactose from the poor quality milk.

Because the milk industry obviously has a problem delivering wholesome milk to the masses, rather than finding better ways to produce such milk they've resorted to lobbying the U.S. government to raid and thereby terrorize those farmers and businesses who distribute raw milk products.

This video explains how outrageous the actions of the U.S. government are against the wholesome foods industry.

People are expressing outrage across the country after learning the U.S. government is involved in protecting the milk industry lobbyists with acts of terrorism against farmers and their distributors. As such, the government is demonstrating it cares nothing for the health of Americans and their choices to produce their own food.  The government is basically coming in and illegally stealing, not just the milk products, but all of the food for the purpose of crippling such raw food businesses.  The government claims these people have committed a crime to conspire to sell such wholesome food.

The innocent victims of a government conspiracy as such, are currently out on bail and have had a gag placed on them. Their valiant names are Victoria Bloch, James Stewart and Sharon Palmer from Rawesome Foods in Venice Beach, CA.  This is the second time since 2010 this business has been SWAT team raided that was featured on the Colbert Report.

A video about Rawsome's 2010 SWAT raid describes how crazy the government's behaving as if health foods are a drugs.

The government is overlooking scientific evidence raw milk is a wholesome good real food that was once distributed widely from farms directly to family's tables each morning.

This is where the line is drawn that one can clearly observe how the U.S. government has become a criminal terrorist organization against its own people.  The criminals in government want to have control over our food supply and what we eat to destroy all of our food and make us starve to do so. If you think this is bad now, wait until the economy collapses!  As a result of this practice, I'm boycotting all mass produced milk products and encourage others to do so as well.  A normal industry would simply improve its products that causes people to seek alternatives rather than terrorize people.  The milk industry and government are only hurting themselves with this terrorist activity against innocent people. 

Alternative milk products available include:
  • Coconut Milk
  • Almond Milk
  • Soy Milk
As plain as day and for all to see, the U.S. government has become corrupted by corporate contributors and lobbyists acting as terrorists against its own people. When the economy collapses it can only be assumed from this pattern of raids that the government will attempt to confiscate people's food and kill them at will should they resist.
"One of the most astounding elements of yesterday's SWAT-style armed raid on Rawesome Foods in Venice, California is the simple fact that both California and the U.S. government are completely and utterly bankrupt. They're running on financial fumes, and at the federal level, a total debt default was just narrowly avoided (and it will come back again in a few months). But even though these government entities are fiscally and morally bankrupt, when it comes to making decisions about how to spend the money they're confiscated from taxpayers, they prioritize things like terrorizing health food buyer's clubs such as Rawesome Foods." - In Times of Economic Collapse Police State Targets Health Food Buying Clubs - Natural News
When Americans finally care to peel off the mask of the celebrity of its politicians, they will find an evil entity behind it all.  Americans would be well within their Constitutional rights to fire such an insidious government under such egregious violations of their rights and freedoms.

For more info and to donate to help with legal costs for the falsely accused (unfortunately, self-representation's not going to work in this case) please visit:
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