Saturday, June 18, 2011

Is America's Bubble World About To Burst?

There's a lot of hyped up predictions happening on alternate news I usually ignore but this one caught my attention.  On June 15th, a guest on the Charlie McGrath Wide Awake News Radio Program said he has inside information the U.S. has defaulted and has officially lost its credit rating and the Federal Reserve won't be printing out any more money. 
"There is no more credit for the U.S. gov't, the credit line has been pulled.  They have no choice but to stand aside and allow the markets to collapse.
China along with the Federal Reserve has called in the U.S. debt.  So, it's game over for the U.S.  China is already in talks with buying out several states in the U.S. in lieu of their payment for the money they hold in U.S. currency.  They're looking at Michigan and a couple other states to purchase.  The U.S. is already started to be broken up in sections.

Bank of America will be one of the first banks to go.  What this all means is mass failure of very large financial institutions.  Game over, no more credit.  None, zero zilch.  America's starting to be sold off in sections to foreign interests.  That is it."    - Link to interview
According to the guest, the collapse will happen behind the scenes while people live their every day lives without even knowing it.  The guest also said the U.S. dollar will strengthen over the next six weeks and people will be flocking to it.  The guest finally disclosed that by the end of 2011 the U.S. and world economies will have completely collapsed.

Here's one of Charlie's video rants called "Madness":

A Charlie McGrath rant video back in March, 2011

Here was an interesting post I found that sums up how many Americans feel about what is to come:
Go to Youtube and search "Greek Riots".
This is absolutely out of control.
The police are on the defensive.
I can't wait for the riots to come to America.
Police have been killing Americans with impunity for so long and laughing at people as they get away with beating and killing them.
Our prosecutions are political witch hunts as our government allows its partisans to commit felonies.
Justice for the bank fraud and oppression are coming due.  The masses must teach the elite that crime does not pay.

All the jokes about getting raped in jail.  All the oppression.  All the criminal racket justice with criminal judges, prosecutors and police abusing their authority and using the justice system to prevent justice.   All the arrogant piece-of-shit judges acting as if they are God demanding that they be called "Your Honor".   All the, "Calm down and quit resisting.", as police mercilessly beat Americans who were curled up in a fetal position.

All the judges who retaliated with draconian sentences for people exercising their rights only to have further injury added to injustice when people demanded Constitutional rights!
All the judges who make it impossible to hold the police responsible for their crimes against the people.

A reckoning is coming! Let them fucking fear now!  Let's see how funny they think it is now!  Let's see how they gang up and beat on some guy and then charge him with resisting arrest.  The time for American justice is coming.  I hope it comes to every American city.  We will see how tough these peice of shit cops are then.

What America needs is a police registry so when they start oppressing the American people, the people know where these criminal live and know where to go.

We will see what big bad-asses they are then as they earn the just rewards for all the lives they have destroyed.

I can't wait until they try that here with armed Americans!
Now is not the time to let the government have your guns!

See you boys soon! - Forbes Discusses Stock Sell-Off Amid Massive Greek Riots

As for all those who are still watching American Idol and their sports programs acting like everything is okay, stop if you want to survive what is to come because time is running out.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Google Maps Not Legally Responsible For Poor Directions Causing Accidents

A while back I was significantly perturbed a SF bike map app I had paid for directed me on a convoluted steep dead end route to my destination.  Regardless, I would never think of suing a service provider as such since a software app is a lazy person's way of obtaining directions.  After all, prior to the GPS technology one would have to sit down with a map the old fashioned way to figure out the best route. In other words, back in those days people had to think for themselves.

People who rely heavily on GPS and related mapping services offered by Google and others should take heed courts have repeatedly ruled against Plaintiffs by stating they are solely responsible for any problems associated with any bad directions.

It boggles the mind someone actually filed a lawsuit claiming Google Map's faulty walking directions resulted in their being struck by a car. reported:
Lauren Rosenberg argued that Google was liable for her injuries because it had a "one-on-one" relationship with users of Google Maps. Providing her with directions over the Internet, she said, “was no different than if Plaintiff had called Google and orally asked a Google employee for walking directions.”
Imagine someone walking up to you wanting directions somewhere and then suing for your allegedly providing incorrect information that caused them to suffer damages in some way.  That's the position Google Maps was placed in with Lauren Rosenberg.

Even more dangerous then bad directions is attempting to read a GPS device while driving.  Does this distracting service mean people are going to start suing for the accidents it causes?  See GPS Navigation:  Why Care Accident Attorneys Believe It Is Very Dangerous

Likewise, I think people rely far too heavily on the U.S. government in so many areas of life instead of thinking for themselves and doing their homework. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Iron Fist Comes Down On Outspoken Attorney Matt Weidner To Silence Him

Anyone whose followed my blog a while knows I generally despise attorneys since I discovered they're mostly about following the money and not the law.  In other words, the law is just a secondary issue many attorneys use to get to the cash and judges act in the capacity of their  business partners.

It's come to my attention one of the few attorneys in the U.S. who writes freely about corruption and the facts behind how severe the foreclosure crisis has become is under great pressure to silence himself.  Attorney Matt Weidner writes as follows:
"My time here writing freely and speaking my mind (and almost always backed up by good research or facts) is sadly coming to an end.  As I have referred to rather vaguely over the last several months, speech is no longer free in this country….and especially speech that challenges powerful interests and the status quo.  Forget what you thought you knew about this country, your freedoms and protections….those are naive and quaint illusions from a time far, far away and long, long ago.
For now…and only for a little while longer…I’ve got just a few more bits of information to share with you….God willing I won’t be one forever, but my ability to share with you all will be severely restrained…." - Matt Weidner, June 15, 2011 - Matt Weidner Blog
 Obviously, this attorney's under pressure to stop writing the truth as he sees it.

So many trusting Americans have no idea the U.S. judicial system is nothing more than a business enterprise of a secret society among judges and lawyers.  It's mostly a rigged game designed to maximize the income of all players involved and nothing more.  Much of the time it's not at all about justice or the law though they want the public to believe it is.  In fact, politics trumps the law in the courts much of the time.  Just look at the O.J. Simpson murder trial as one example.

In an article today, Weidner follows up his bad news with:
I appreciate all the kind words and support from all of you.  I remain absolutely, 100% committed to standing up and defending the fundamental rights of all Americans and most importantly to supporting and defending our most important branch of government, our courts and the judicial branch.

These are very difficult times in this country and I’m afraid things are going to get worse.  I also believe that the only real hope any of us have of resolving what’s wrong and turning around this country is through the hard work and passionate dedication of the consumer rights attorneys and advocates who are stepping up and fighting for the rights of every person in this country. - How The Mortgage Industry Bullies Advocates - Matt Weidner Blog

My guess is Weidner's continuing with his blog would jeopardize his clients' cases so he must stop.  Judges might simply begin ruling against Weidner's clients in spite of the law and facts.  Yes, judges do whatever they want much of the time unless it's an obvious black and white legal issue such as contract law.  As previously stated, politics trumps law much of the time in this country.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Police Torture Innocent Victim Over Crooked License Plate Traffic Stop

Back in 2009 a young Bruce Harper was pulled over for having a crooked license plate.  Harper made a mistake of not obeying what the police officer said when he got out of his car to ask what he did wrong.  Harper kept asking questions in a peaceful manner and the police officer would not intervene for a reasonable resolution.  Instead, the police officer responded by torturing Harper repeatedly with a taser, even when the victim was on the ground handcuffed.

This horrifying video is an example of how police officers torture innocent people for simply not obeying their every whim.

Needless to say, a lawsuit was filed resulting in an undisclosed settlement tax payers in Bountiful Utah will pay for. Whenever police officers screw up, the tax payers pay for it. Many officers don't even lose their jobs for their misconduct.

What this all means is that police officers are torturing people on the tax payer's backs.  Sadly, there are plenty of sadists in America who believe the police acted correctly to torture someone for mere disobedience and questioning them.  I personally believe police officers should have to pay for these settlements for their egregious unlawful activities by retroactively losing their jobs and pensions.

 Bountiful City Settles Taser Lawsuit

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

China Set To Invade America By Trojan Horse Free-Trade Zones

In another sign U.S. politicians have sold out America to one world foreign interests, China has been given the green light to invade the U.S. through free trade zones (FTZs) on U.S. soil.

The U.S. government has created 257 free-trade zones throughout the U.S. to enable foreign interests to occupy America taking even more jobs away from its citizens.  The zones are designed to make it easier for countries such as China to do their trade business by receiving special U.S. customs treatment among other perks.

The trojan horse zones are currently located near airports with nearby multi-modal transportation systems to move free-trade goods cheaply.  According to best selling author's Jerome Corsi's Red Alert newsletter, the initial stages of developing the trade zones have already started in Boise Idaho through a Chinese company, Simomach and Hoku Materials, Inc.
  • Hoku Materials Inc., a subsidiary of a Chinese energy firm, has 500 people building a $400 million plant to make polysilicon for solar panels, in Pocatello, Idaho; Hoku expects to begin production this year, employing 250 people;
  • Simomach, China's third-largest contractor with more than $14 billion in sales last year, told Southeast Idaho Energy, which is planning to build a $2 billion fertilizer plant in Power County, it wants the contract for engineering, procurement and construction in the fertilizer plant; Southeast Idaho Energy plans to turn goal into gas to produce nitrogen fertilizer and sulfur, hiring 700 to 1,000 people during construction, with 150 permanent workers.
Whose to say this framework couldn't be used for military purposes in the future?  According to Corsi, fears of China using the TTZs as a trojan horse to invade America is very real:
"There is nothing in the U.S. government's description of FTZs that would prevent a foreign government, like China, from operating a shell U.S. company that is in reality owned and financed by the Chinese government and operated through a Chinese government-owned corporation," Corsi wrote
The American Dream blog also expresses similar concerns over China's intent and our leaders willingness to allow such an invasion by a communist country that has expressed great hostilities towards America throughout its history:
"In addition, these 'special economic zones' represent a massive national security threat.  The communist Chinese could potentially be able to bring in and store massive amounts of military equipment virtually undetected. In the days of the Cold War, we would have never dreamed of giving the Russians a 50 square mile city in the middle of Idaho. But today we have become convinced that the communist Chinese want to be our great friends." - China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South of Boise Idaho.
It's been noted by some that China's leaders view Americans as on the level of children, in other words, as extremely naive and trusting.   Just how dumb and naive are Americans to allow its government to empower China to take over land to create jobs for themselves?  Only time will tell.

Gradually and below the radar, criminals who have taken over the U.S. government are implementing their plans.  Too many Americans are asleep at the wheel to notice or even care.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Predatory Student Loan Vultures Help Universities Profit At Taxpayers Expense

Twelve years ago I was trying to alert the legal establishment I worked for to the fact that bankrupt people of late age were being handed enormous student loans who had no intention of paying them back.  I knew back then that universities were scamming people late in life to get a PhD after their name for $90,000 who couldn't even get a job at MacDonalds if they tried.  See In an Economy Where Everyone is Overqualified, an Advanced Degree is Virtually Worthless -

The reason I was concerned over this matter is I knew that younger taxpayers such as myself would later foot the bill and that I was already experiencing class oppression from the infusion of large amounts of free cash as such that placed me at a great disadvantage. (Please note I've also uploaded a more detailed oriented audio blog file of my testimony related to this story here.)

My Story of Class Oppression From A Corrupt System

Back in 1996-1999 I was a native Californian in my 30's being harassed and oppressed by a well documented mental patient grant writer roommate.  The lady repeatedly referred to herself as being considered a genius by her peers.  Public records show the lady, 55, came from another state who had floundered with five court evictions in five years in San Francisco prior to obtaining a $90,000 student loan in conjunction with a PhD program at the California Institute for Integral Studies.  (See Open Letter to CIIS -  There was also a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filed in 1995 and highly revealing legal documents filed over a government subsidized mental health related housing project known as the Progress Foundation.  A very trusting leaseholder, the late Betty Fairchild, a famous author in her late 70's, let the lady move in without reference checks believing she'd be a nice college teacher type.

Like something out of a well known horror movie (see, Pacific Heights film), after Ms. Fairchild moved, the five time court evicted lady would call the police as a means of intimidation and harassment to force me to move so she could obtain the entire lease to herself of a tremendous deal.  In her ultimate plan, the lady would speak of me as if I was an adolescent  living off of her while showing the cops her teaching badge from the university program.  The police were called several times as follows:
  • When the carpet was replaced in the kitchen at my expense due to water damage, her kitchen table had to be moved to the porch area. She called the police when the carpenters were working and I wasn't there to defend myself.
  • When she staged messes when I wasn't on the property so I couldn't defend myself to police.  I was later accused in court documents of smearing shoe polish in the bathtub and bringing "tons of dirt" onto the property as well as not flushing the toilet.
  • When I moved in a brand new fish aquarium for my peace of mind she had initially attempted to prevent  from being moved in by telling the mover I wasn't home.  She then called a police officer who rushed over to tell me "who do you think you are?" over her petty ridiculous complaints I had moved over her large exercise equipment in the hallway.
  • When she put up nasty sign in the common areas while removing my property from shelves declaring she paid 75% of the rent and therefore I was only entitled to 25% of the common areas.  I was later placed under citizens arrest for raising my voice over the harassment activities. The officer took the the lady back in secret to concoct a story to justify placing me under citizen's arrest and he wrote up a false police report he saw a "welt" on her face.  There were no medical reports to back up such a claim whatsoever.
  • Over missing rags and light bulbs a local neighborhood foot officer stopped by for. I had a witness for this one, someone I was helping in his college research by using my computer that day.  He saw the whole thing unfold he couldn't believe.
I never called the police though I could have many times, especially when the former elderly lease holder in her late 70's was living there who was feeling great stress while suffering falls on the property.  One would have thought police would have nothing to do with the pettiness of these civil matters, but it turns out one officer in particular was encouraging the complaints while giving the lady advice on how to get me off the property by hiring a lawyer she couldn't afford, etc.  The officer later had conversations with the lawyer and even other tenants on the premises, that's how involved he was in petty roommate disputes and false accusations to drive me off my property.  It was overheard that the officer was described by the lady's attorney as being "very upset" over the entire matter.

The latest  report on the university college loan scam from  I saw this all coming a long time ago back in 1999.

Essentially, the police were involved in unlawful harassment of me through a mental patient evicted by two government subsidized housing programs, The Mary Elizabeth Inn and the Progress Foundation as well as three other private property owners in five years.  The lady was empowered because she obtained a $90,000 + interest through three predatory lending institutions that she had no intention ever paying back.  Public records show a second bankruptcy was filed in 2005 when new creditors came knocking on her door for thousands of dollars in unpaid credit cards. 

One might imagine the legal fees and humiliation the paranoid schizophrenic roommate in denial put me through.  I was completely innocent of the paranoid's twisted versions of reality to suit her inflated ego and scheme.  I worked very hard with long hours at law firms to eventually recover from these burdensome activities.  The lady was able to pull it all off thanks to a corrupt  system that enabled her to obtain $90,000 of free money to then file false police reports to obtain one of the best lease deals in San Francisco all to herself. The flat had 3.5 bedrooms, a two car garage and a backyard garden patio for $1,250 in a nice area across from Golden Gate Park and museums during a housing crisis.

To summarize, these are simply parasites feeding off their host middle class taxpayers who use criminal methods of non-detection in gaming the system.  I'm a native Californian whose lived in this state 50 years who has never received any government subsidized services.  To me these assholes are nothing but worthless blood sucking parasites supporting their matrix of failure.
Police Officer Ronald Gerke
Police Officer Ron Gerke

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nosy Harassing Neighbor Apparently A Scientologist

The neighbor I wrote about and shot videos regarding a few weeks ago has resorted to new forms of non-recordable harassment activity of slamming her front door when she comes home at night to avoid video detection.  See My Spooky Poltergiest Neighbor.  

I wouldn't be surprised based on her degree of monitoring for common noises in my flat that this neighbor has been reading this blog.  It's clear to me the nosy one is looking for any excuse to complain because she's a lonely control freak. Yesterday I observed a package waiting for her at the mail box from the Church of Scientology that says it all.  Lonely people are always vulnerable to falling into the jaws of some crazy cult if not the government.

If she indeed visits this blog, this lady must now realize I'm videotaping her harassment activity for doing my laundry on a Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. and/or cleaning my bathroom.  Imagine the audacity one would have to have to confront a neighbor for doing a few loads of wash within building time rules?  It's not like I was doing my wash after hours.  At first I thought it was just the noise of the door so I began being very careful to close it like a mouse. Then I learned it wasn't that at all, it was her apparently wanting to prevent me from leaving my flat at night since she was still complaining.

I've also duly noted this lady's appearance in front of where I did a loan signing at a coffee shop on the other side of town.  I first saw her walking in the area as I rode my eBike to the destination and then parked my bike at the coffee place to meet with a customer.  About 30 minutes later I came out to find this neighbor walking past me and where my bike was parked. My bike has my business signage all over it so it's easily recognizable.  Her appearance was spooky as she had holes in her pants and seemed frail from her walking journey. Her hair was a mess and she had a water bottle with her.

I've been told by someone aware of her that this lady walks all over the city as a means to occupy her time otherwise being holed up in her place without any visitors.  I've never observed this lady having one friendly visitation the past eight years I've lived here.  It's not that I was that aware of these details until this lady began complaining and harassing me that I had to take note.

I was nice enough towards this nosy neighbor when she knocked on my door in 2008 about my singing after having left a long winded note on my door. I later learned you give these kind of lonely people an inch and they'll take a mile.  They get their way the first time and they will take it to the next level. Okay, so I stopped singing and playing music at night, so now in 2011 it's the bathroom cleaning noise and doing my wash? Who does she think she is, my former privileged crazy  roommate from 1999?  This building I call home is not a prison, camp, hospital or senior home facility!

I'm not saying I'm an ideal neighbor to have, but I've greatly improved since the years of singing in my home recording studio and working on sound mixes with loud speakers.  Comparatively to then, I'm as quiet as a mouse except when it's that time of month and I have a bad case of acute PMS that I have a need to vent occasionally with a few "God damn it!" and  "Mother fucker!" kind of language, that only lasts a few minutes.  Occasionally I become frustrated with my computer and browser glitches and pound my desk in frustration.  I do play talk radio programs during the day at times but can't imagine that being a problem to anyone.

I've got my handy iPhone now and will use it to record pounding on my wall and any further confrontations.  I wish they had iPhones back in the days of the crazy control freak roommates I've had over the years.  Now when I have my own place, they still find ways of attempting to control how I live.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Clear Evidence Laws of Karma Are For Real

Yesterday I witnessed another micro example of the laws of karma at work.  The past few weeks I've been giving small donations that are much needed to people in need of funds.  Though the amounts I give are just $10, if many people donate to one person it all ads up to large amounts of money they desperately need.  Whenever I donate as such I always witness good karma boomerang back in some way either with increased business or in some other unworldly manner. 

First, let me begin by saying this week has been unusually slow for my business.  This vacuum of little call activity followed several of my busiest weeks ever.  There seems to be no logic behind the ebb and flow of customer calls I receive that sometimes drops off so dramatically I have to call AT&T to ask if there's something wrong with their cell phone tower.  Regardless of the slowing in the second week of June, yesterday was quite interesting to say the least.  It wasn't a big cash day, it was a big karma day instead which was just fine with me.  Here's my testimony for the day:

"The one call I got Thursday was a return customer a few miles away who needed one notarization, a doctor of a non-profit life expectancy medical research business.  After I performed the notarization for the doctor, he surprised me with a vintage 1998 bottle of wine from the Dry Creek Vineyard. Aside from the fact that doesn't happen very often that customers just start offering me free stuff out of the blue, on the way home on my e-Bike I came upon another surprise.

I was at an intersection waiting for the light to change.  Suddenly there was crisp cash flying around on the ground in the middle of the road just a few feet away. The cash had apparently come from a vehicle's window that was long gone.  As I watched the cash begin to fly away, I thought for certain others would run out to grab it but no one apparently had seen it.  The light finally changed enabling me to ride past to see how much money was there.  At first I saw a few dollar bills and then came upon a $10 bill.  I stopped in the middle of the road since no cars were behind me, and picked up the $10.  One of my donations came right back to me within a few days! - C.M.

In one day I essentially got a free bottle of vintage wine from 1998 and a crisp $10.  This is just one micro example of how the laws of karma can operate.  When you give to others in need it comes back to you sometimes ten fold manifested from the spiritual dimension.  This doesn't mean I'll ever be a sucker though, I carefully screen who I give to to make sure they're not parasitic money junkie con beggars.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

U.S. Department of Education Teaches Student Loan Debtors SWAT Raids 2.0

If you thought the FDA's S.W.A.T. raids of health companies and dancers I've recently posted about here and here were bad, get ready for the next roll out of S.W.A.T. Team 2.0 for student loan default debtors.  The U.S. Federal government through its gestapo Department of Education is now issuing unconstitutional Federal warrants against debtors who default on their student loans!  

Recently, 15 heavily armed S.W.A.T. team members raided the Stockton home of an innocent bystander who happened to have an estranged wife who allegedly defaulted on a student loan.  At 6:00 a.m. the S.W.A.T. team knocked down an unarmed Kenneth Wright's door and violently pulled him out of his house by the back of his neck onto his front yard.  Wright was wearing only his boxer underwear.  The S.W.A.T members then placed Wright in a police car for 6 hours as they searched the home.

Kenneth Wright shows evidence of the damage done to his front door by the S.W.A.T. team as well as describing what they did to him.  The police issued a statement they did none of what the man claimed and that the raid wasn't about a student loan default.

What was this man guilty of to be treated like that?  Being formerly married to an alleged student loan defaulter?  Wow!  Welcome to Nazi Germany.  Later, the police so obviously lied to the media claiming they didn't knock the door down or even place the man in handcuffs.  We can see with our own eyes in the video the damage they caused to Wright's door.  Children were inside the home who were also detained for two hours.  Let's hope Mr. Wright finds a good lawyer for the damages a government run amok caused he and his children that day.

The U.S. Department of Education apparently has a lot it wishes to teach Americans.  In view of this insanity, maybe the time is ripe for Americans to teach something back to their corrupt out-of-control government.

Welcome to America's S.W.A.T. Team 2.0.

SWAT Team Busts Into Student Loan Defaulter's Home -

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Discovery On Mars Claim By Armchair Astronomer

I've been listening to many new radio talk shows lately thanks to my iPhone.  Last night I used the Shoutcast App to listen to Jeff Rense's radio program where I heard how an amateur astronomer recently claimed to have discovered a new structure on Mars. On May 28, 2011, David Martines used Google Mars, a program that creates a map of the planet's surface using satellite images.  Finding something in that map program is like finding a needle in a haystack so it's quite an accomplishment to come up with anything whatsoever.

There's a growing number of people scouring satellite images for anomalies so we'll likely be seeing more of these kind of discovery claims regardless if they're valid or not.  I have no idea if the video below provides evidence of a structure on mars. All I know is when I was in third grade I brought in a large rock to the teacher I found from an old flood zone I believed was an ancient whale bone.  They went so far as having the thing tested at USC where the teacher's husband worked.  Of course, it was just a rock. I had dreams, big dreams of being famous for my discovery so one can imagine how shattered I was over the news.

Mr Martines is convinced this object is a genuine structure on Mars.  Maybe he should add one "a" and remove the "e" in his name to make it "Martians"?

I've always wondered about all those NASA smudged images that obviously appear to be covering up what the artifacts or structures are.  Below is a NASA image they didn't bother to smudge for whatever reason.  

The photo was included in an article NASA Finds Doorway Structure on Mars - 

Meanwhile, the sun's been acting up again releasing a massive solar flare on June 5, 2011. Prior to the flare's eruption, (video below) a YouTuber noted an anomaly appeared (second video):

Video showing massive sun flare activity on June 5, 2011.  Thankfully it wasn't aimed toward Earth.

Second video shows an anomaly of a UFO near the sun prior to the flare up. 

I personally find the sun activity more interesting since it's real and so unpredictable.  Most planets are basically dead shells of some sort while the sun is a living intelligent life form of some capacity.

Please excuse me for now as I return to my talk radio programs. 

Armchair Astronomer Discovers Structure on Mars -