Tuesday, June 7, 2011

FDA Terrorists Seize Elderberry Concentrate As Unapproved Drug

The psychos at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are busy making sure Americans have as little access to health supplements as possible with their latest criminal raid on a fruit juice company.  Wyldwood Cellers in Kansas was recently raided under claims its Elderberry concentrate is an "unapproved drug."  Bullshit! 

Fitting the pattern of laying low a few months after its initial harassment, the FDA typically refuses to cooperate with clearing health supplement companies from its accusations in spite of their efforts. In this case, Wyldewood hired a consultant to respond and adhere to the FDA's requests to modify certain health claims that were allegedly made in violation of federal law.  After making the appropriate changes, and clarifying that the elderberry products in question were supplements, John Brewer, co-founder, says his company had done what it needed to in order to be in compliance.
"We hadn't heard anything from the FDA since," he told reporters, noting that following the changes up until the raid, the FDA had ceased communicating with Wyldewood. 'They've been in our facility multiple times. It's like, 'C'mon guys, we changed our label, we changed everything we thought we were supposed to do.' And then they show up and do this. Supplements seems to be one of their hot buttons these days."  FDA Sends US Marshals. . . . www.NaturalNews.com
The bribed scoundrels at the FDA are obviously on the level of the Mafia terrorizing and intimidating legitimate businesses that are competing with greedy pharma companies that want to drug Americans into oblivion.  The FDA has proved that it's nothing more than a terrorist organization owned by monopolistic pharmaceutical companies that pay out bribes in the form of campaign contributions.
"This tactic, of course, has become all too common in recent years. A company receives a warning letter from the FDA, makes the appropriate changes, never hears anything further from the FDA, and out of nowhere gets raided. Such actions on behalf of the FDA are ultimately unwarranted and illegal, and the offended parties have every right to sue the agency for damages."  FDA Sends US Marshals. . . . www.NaturalNews.com
 In a pattern similarly described in my other posts, see here and here, these government agencies' intent is to ensnare and entrap victims in order to call in SWAT teams to wage micro wars.  Once an allegation is made, there is no mitigation allowed.  The FDA and police agencies are blatantly behaving as criminal terrorist organizations violating the rights of Americans and businesses. 
"You think you are doing things correctly, and there hasn't been any word, and all of a sudden you get this," said Brewer to The Kansas City Star.
The FDA isn't even trying to hide its criminal activities from the American people that it has the audacity and arrogance to issue press releasesSee FDA Seizes Elderberry Juice Concentrate at Kansas Company - FDA Release thru PR Newswire 

Clearly the U.S. Federal government openly works on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry that feels threatened with health based supplement companies.  The pharma industry so profits from ill Americans that it wants to prevent health supplements to keep them healthy and/or heal them.  As such, Americans are viewed as nothing more than cattle to the pharma industry and Federal government.  

Is the FDA testing for radiation?  Testing U.S. milk or Alaskan fish?  The Federal government cares nothing more than about various industries its been bribed to protect through enormous campaign contributions.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

SWAT Team Called In At Jefferson Memorial For Dancing American Protesters

Anyone who cares to research the facts knows a slithering perverted sick government oversees America today.  This hijacked government's not only robbing American future's blind conducting fraudulent unconstitutional wars, but is molesting people and children at airports through Homeland Security's TSA while setting up an incredible high tech matrix of mind control and oppression.

As the government inflates its value from war and greed, the authorities are now claiming people can't even dance at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.  Yesterday dancers were so apparently threatening that a SWAT team was called in.

Yesterday Adam Kokesh, an Iraq war veteran and the guy who was body slammed at TJ's memorial last week, brought a larger group to dance at the memorial.  This time the police were less violent, but they did call in a SWAT team as an indicator of their attitude towards the First Amendment.  The video taken at the protest shows people were standing up to the thugs who think they own America and its citizens' lives to deny them such a right of freedom of expression.

The second time at the TJ memorial a larger group of people were dancing.

Judge Napolitano interviews Adam Kokesh on his program.

Alex Jones interviews Adam Kokesh after he was body slammed at the Jefferson Memorial for dancing.

How it all ended was the SWAT team put a fence around the Jefferson Memorial after driving out American citizens. I  think this sends a clear message America's being occupied by its enemies who are in control of its government.  The TJ Memorial is a public monument paid for and maintained by the U.S. taxpayer.

“At 12:17 p.m., police, some wearing hard helmets, formed a line and began moving most of the protestors out of the inner chamber. But numerous people remained inside, continuing their silent dance. Others filtered back in, and the rotunda quickly filled again.  Police announced the memorial was closed and put up fences, leaving just one route of exit. Officers would not answer questions as to why the fences were erected. At 12:30 p.m., police were aggressively pushing people out of the monument, but refrained from using excessive force.”

Riot Police, SWAT Teams Called On Dancers at Jefferson Memorial - PrisonPlanet.com

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Viral Video: 35 Years Backwards Thru Time with Sam Klemke (Time Lapse)

Sam Klemke's an interesting guy, a caricature artist who travels all over the world doing drawings for people.  Back in the 1970's Sam decided to chronicle himself each New Year after he turned 20 up to when he uploaded his video in 2011.

It's interesting to consider without YouTube few would have ever seen Sam's video that has 900,000+ views in less than two months and is even getting media coverage. See An Internet Hit 35 Years In The Making - KomoNews.com

Here's the video description:
"Time Travel backward thru the years with Sam as he grows younger with the passing decades, from a paunchy middle aged white bearded self deprecating schluby old fart, to a svelt, full haired, clean shaven, self-important, inspired but clueless 20 year old

We can all relate to the bittersweet passage of time, but thanks to the mystery of Self-Chronicling, we can now actually go Back In Time!  Put your seatbelts on and travel with Sam on the bumpy ride back into the precarious final years of the 20th Century in this Lifetime project .

Sam is a professional Caricature Artist.. For over 30 years he has been drawing faces all over the world, all 50 states, All over Canada, England, Japan..."

Sam Klemke's famous in 2011 thanks to his 35 year time travel movie.

An Internet hit 35 Years In the Making - KomoNews.com

Friday, June 3, 2011

Grand Jury In John Edwards Probe Denoted Corrupt Balls Prevalent

A Federal Grand Jury caught a whiff of the evidence against former presidential candidate and attorney John Edwards, indicting the two-time con artist liberal Friday.

One of the grand jurors described the nightmarish ordeal after two long years of probing stating, "After reviewing much of the evidence, an overwhelming determination came over us we believe from the imprint left throughout of this man's corrupt balls".  Another grand juror member chimed in "We noted Edwards' balls were even imprinted on his hoe mistress's sweater and were all aghast." (Photo above)

The six count indictment includes charges of conspiracy, four counts of illegal campaign contributions and one count of false statements.  

Edwards, 58, rose to power with his talent for lies, deception and fucking hoes outside marriage by cheating on his former cancer stricken late wife Elizabeth and mother of three.  The dumb fuck hillbilly from South Carolina's accused of using massive sums of campaign money to keep his mistress in hiding during the peak of his 2008 campaign.  "He even had an underground luxury spa bunker for her, it was just too much" describes one grand juror.

Experts say the government doesn't intend on sending Edwards to prison knowing a plea deal's a likely recourse.  "Public humiliation and a complete loss of future political prospects satisfies us as long as he cooperates with a plea deal.  We don't want to kill the man, just rough him up a bit." - Government spokesman.

Meanwhile, in an apparent crisis, the government has lowered its National Dating Standards to accommodate the new trend of the dating sector dying thanks to the actions of men like Edwards.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Birdwatcher Jailed For Sage Possession Under Felony Marijuana Law

This story is an example of how desperate law enforcement can be to entrap women into their tortuous system because some being psychopaths causes them to seek enjoyment over others' suffering and pain. 

In order to begin facilitating torture to an innocent woman, Deputy Sheriff Dominic Raimondi, 51, of Boward County Florida decided the 50 grams of sage he discovered in a female birdwatcher's backpack was marijuana.  The sage was later supposed to have been tested at the crime lab but never made it likely because they knew it wasn't marijuana in the first place.

Regardless of the sage, three months later Robin Brown, 49, of Hollywood Florida was arrested in front of her customers, stripped, given a body cavity search and placed in jail. (Photo at right is good ole boy Ron Ishoy of the Broward State Attorney's Office having a good laugh after torturing a birdwatcher by prosecuting her over sage possession).

The injustice all started when Brown went on a birdwatching adventure bringing sage to burn as part of her prayer offering.
"As an avid birdwatcher, Brown brought her sage along for smudging, a purification ritual among Native American tribes and spiritual groups. Brown said she believes the smoke from the sage helps clear negative energy and also helps your prayers on their way to heaven.  Before going back to car, Brown burned the sage in a clay pot to give thanks for the wildlife she had seen that day." - Birdwatcher Arrested For Sage in Botched Marijuana Bust - TokeoftheTown.com
My guess is these men knew full well it wasn't marijuana and were looking to have some fun busting the woman for what they viewed as a witch ritual.  Let's face it, it's not every day you find a woman alone in the wilderness burning sage. Such activity would likely strike law enforcement as a little odd.  Where was her husband or boyfriend is probably what they wondered.  Was she casting spells?  Was it a voodoo curse ritual?  Listen to this video as this lady explains what she was doing and you decide.

As one might imagine, after the charges were dropped Brown filed a lawsuit for public humiliation, emotional pain and suffering accusing the Broward State Attorney's Office of negligence and malicious prosecution.   Needless to say Circuit Court Judge John Bowman dismissed the case claiming "prosecutors are given immunity from lawsuits in the course of doing their jobs." 

One can observe how these men cover up for one another knowing there are no legal consequences for their deliberate entrapment. Since karma's a bitch it wasn't too long after his decision that the incompetent Judge Bowman (clown at right) was accused of sexual abuse:
"Judge Bowman's a real piece of work himself. In January, he was accused of sexual abuse by his ex-foster son, Charles Harper, 18, reports Stefan Kamph of Broward-Palm Beach New Times."
What they did to this woman was a form of rape and psychological torture that she will likely suffer over for years to come.  Many women have no idea men of authority often do these kind of things for entertainment and/or in order to force them into social conformity as a form of social engineering.  Single women especially should be vigilant over such predators of authority seeking to entrap them in the system for male domination and abuse.  

The good news is that, as with Judge Bowman's sexual abuse exposure, these kind of sadistic bastards who joke and have fun over innocent people's suffering will eventually come to learn karma's a REAL bitch.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dog Lover Moves Heaven & Earth To Free Trapped Pet Under Tons of Rock

This is a sweet story about a young Jack Russel pooch in Austrialia that became wedged between two huge boulders during a rabbit hunting trip with his owner.  Owner Steve Porter spent several days and cold nights trying to free Jessie who could only move her head and paw.
"Mr Porter and his son Tom initially tried jacks and crowbars with the help of friends. They then called in SES, which could move only the smallest boulder before the massive ram was hired from Melbourne to move the bigger 30-tonne rock. The men toiled as late as 1am through bitterly cold nights. "We literally moved this massive rock millimetre by millimetre," Mr Porter said. - The Herald Sun

Since it took 7 days to free Jessie, she was fed pieces of liver on a wire.  The story made no mention of how they managed to get water to the pooch.
"Lying flat, he pulled Jessie free from her crevice using a dog-catching hoop. 'It was quite emotional,' he said.  'I think we all just jumped in the air and said: 'Thank God'.'  Mr Porter, whose eldest son is a vet, said he had considered putting Jessie down as hope faded but couldn't without trying everything possible. 'Dogs are man's best friend,' he said. 'We felt we owed it to her. The easiest thing to say was the dog would die or we could say let's try our best. And we did. We rallied together and said 'We can do this'. Where there's hope there is life." - The Herald Sun
 Photo gallery of Jessie's rescue.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Police Snap! Tourists Brutalized For Dancing At Jefferson Memorial in D.C.

I'm posting an outrageous video of police brutality that occurred recently at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C..  The video's had 660,000 views the past two days that many people's blood is boiling over.

These were just tourists visiting a historic landmark having a good time. What do they think of America now I wonder? What a great country that brutalizes people over slow dancing at the feet of Thomas Jefferson?  What monsters!

The video starts out with a cop attempting to appear calm and reasonable trying to disguise how upset he is people have the audacity to dance around the memorial.  After threatening to arrest people, the officer then gives orders to arrest a couple for slow dancing at the feet of Thomas Jefferson.  The couple doesn't appear to have even been given any warning.

The video demonstrates how the U.S. government's been taken over by criminals and thugs who give orders for this kind of unlawful harassment of tourists at the monument.  These are tourists celebrating doing nothing illegal well within the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution of free expression. The officers threaten to arrest rather than simply escorting tourists off the property.  When asked, the cops also fail to state any law granting them such authority to arrest as a means to upset and provocateur the young men.

Clearly these rude abusive cops think they can get away with this kind of nonsense because the higher ups have granted them the authority to ignore the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment clause.  Color of law and whims of knucklehead Nazi cops don't justify such arrogant demands.

It doesn't matter if an appeals court granted this kind of authority to the cops because it violates the U.S. Constitution.  There are plenty of Nazi arrogant rogue judges in the U.S. who are disregarding the law of the land who need not be obeyed. 

In summary these bastard cops think they're God and ever so powerful that everyone must obey they're every unlawful whim.  There's a certain element of folks who think authority reigns that we all must obey whatever is asked of us regardless there is no law to justify such demands.  They enjoy seeing people put in their place and under control no matter what they're doing.  All people need to know is their Constitutional rights to justify standing up to such misguided brutal authority.

If these cops can't handle a small number of tourists enjoying themselves at the Jefferson Memorial, they need to be fired and removed from public service along with the criminals at the top who enabled them.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pity The Poor Fools Fighting In Today's U.S. Military

They say one of the important elements of Adolf Hitler's rise to power was all the masses of dumb ignorant women who supported it.  I find a common thread of dumb mother types  supporting the idea of "honoring our troops" on Memorial Day as if we all have something to be thankful for. I for one don't feel that way. I would have been supportive of U.S. troops when they were fighting against Hitler in WWII, but not for any of the evil greedy reasons they fight for today.  You'd have to be mighty brainwashed and dumb to go along with the incompetent pathetic U.S. government's scam wars in this day and age.
It's slowly dawning on men and women serving the U.S. military that the U.S. government could care less about them.  Obama's currently considering cutting troops pay and there's no mental health support for returning veterans. While they were overseas some banks even foreclosed on Veterans' homes.
"Due to a backlog in processing thousands of disability claims, military members and their families are forced to live on the streets because of foreclosures and are heading into bankruptcy courts at an alarming rate." VA Joins Big Banks in the Foreclosure Business:  A New Wave of Veteran Homelessness - HufPost.com
Many Americans are oblivious to the fact returning veterans are automatically placed on the domestic terrorist list because the government knows they become angry and spiteful for its lack of support upon their return.  See Napolitano: US Veterans Are Domestic Terror Threat - Dr.LeonardColdwell.com

Homeland Security emphatically stated returning war veterans are a domestic terrorist threat to America.

A SWAT team recently shot a decorated Iraq war veteran, Jose Guerena, 60 times to thank him for his service to the country.  There weren't even apologies or admission of wrong doing by the SWAT animals.  See Tucson SWAT Team Defends Shooting Iraq Marine Veteran 60 Times. ABCNews.com

The U.S. Federal government sends death squads to kill Iraq war vets on bogus suspicions these days. With all this evidence pouring in, only absolute suckers could possibly want to serve such a corrupt U.S. government.

Only fools with no self respect would continue sacrificing themselves for such a heinous beast known as the U.S. military complex.

Evidence an evil and corrupt U.S. Government could care less about returning veterans responding by placing them on the domestic terrorist list.  Those who serve the "beast" learn the hard way they're lives are really meaningless to it.

When I'm thoughtful over the meaning of Memorial Day, for me the day applies towards people who have been dead for several decades, not many of the knuckleheads of today.   People who feed the egos of those in the military are complicit in the evil taking place from our U.S. government.  My advice to these men and women fighting in fraudulent wars overseas would be to stop doing so because they're not on the side of the good guys any longer.

I'd rather die then live with a lie that I'm being protected by these government buffoons for my freedoms. Only fools could possibly fall for this "fighting for Americans' freedom" scam in this day and age.  You'd have to be a pretty dim bulb and lack self-esteem to buy these corrupt incompetent U.S. political leaders' claims these days.

The wars will end when these foolish men and women stop fighting for this hideous beast.

Former Head of CIA Bin Laden Unit "Main Recruitment Sergeant for Al Qaida is Barack Obama" - Prison Planet.com

Barack Obama: Neoconservative Crusader - Michael Scheuer's Non-Intervension.com

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Growing Trend: Broke U.S. College Grads Moving Back In With Parents

There's an alleged growing problem in America of college grads who can't find work yet have thousands of dollars in student loans.  In today's article on SFGate.com, some very intelligent and highly regarded honor students with degrees are being offered prestigious non-paying internships causing them to move back in with their parents.
"Cole Armstrong, 24, graduated with degrees in political science and economics from Swarthmore, going on to win a prestigious internship at the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association. Just one hitch: It is part time and unpaid. So he moved home to live rent-free at his parents' in the Castro district."  Boomerangers come back to households in S.F. - SFGate.com
So many young people have been conned into believing getting a college degree will guarantee them a job.  In order to survive, these grads will be required to think on their feet into creating their own path in life, becoming inventive and flexible with the trends.  It seems articles such as the one on SFGate are actually limiting rather than expanding the unlimited potential these grads have for their futures.

Even The Onion picked up on the college grad living at home trend by exaggerating the problem as lazy young men wanting their mothers to take care of them.  The fact is, mothers are working as a team with their offspring all over the country to support their college grads and neither side deserves such a bad rap.

Today's college grads have the technology and social networking tools like few other generations to create new paths for themselves in life.  Mobility is becoming the wave of the future and the old office worker scenario is gradually transitioning out of that business model. These young adults have so many resources available to them that it seems unfair to limit them by claiming there are no jobs for them to obtain. Most everyone wants to help these young people succeed because they're America's future. 

In having initially followed the old world paradigm of going to college and getting a job long-term, many of these young people will have to deal with feelings of hopelessness and depression.  It often takes many life experiences and time for many college grads to finally realize their predicament is an opportunity to break free of a stale old system of politically corrupt hierarchies and slavery in America.  These grads have an opportunity to be the true revolutionaries of our time changing everything from our political system to breaking through mind control programming used to imprison previous generations.

Alex Jones, a film maker and radio show host at www.PrisonPlanet.com is a good example of paving one's own way during hard times.  Mike the Health Ranger at www.NaturalNews.com and Luke Rudkowski of www.WeAreChange.org are other good examples of those who paved their own path outside the parameters of a mind control system. These men were true to themselves and beliefs, refusing to cower to a corrupt and often criminal authority.

20/20's program about college degree rip-offs alerted students to not paying too high a cost for a college education.  

In certain respects it's a good thing these college grads can move in with their parents to give them time to figure out a direction for themselves.  It's those students who don't have strong family support people should be worrying about who often fall pray to poor judgment and bad decisions from undue stress of always being in survival mode.  I was one of those young people in a bad economy back in the 1980's so I know what it feels like to stumble early in adult life.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Good Advice: Stay Far Away From A Corrupt U.S. Legal System

Once I realized how truly corrupt, political and rigged the legal system is, I decided I never want anything to do with it ever again.  Attorneys like Matt Weidner also agree with my determination that the court system isn't a place to obtain justice since it's being run mostly by parasitic overtly political criminals.  See A Systematic, Brutal Cammpaign To Silence Dissent - Matt Weidner Blog.   Mentally ill people can walk into a court, lie about you and the court will believe every word they say.  If you defend yourself with hard evidence they will disregard it because psychopathic sadistic judges in particular are seeking to entrap single women especially.

Courts no longer serve the people but their own business enterprise. A judge can now throw out any case he so pleases for any reason including not liking the Plaintiff.
"The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that judges can throw out cases because they don't like or believe the plaintiff ... even before anyone has had the chance to conduct discovery to prove their case. In other words, judges' secret biases can be the basis for denying people their day in court, without even having to examine the facts. Judges are also becoming directly involved in politics with the other branches of government." We've gone From a Nation of Laws to a Nation of Powerful Men Making Laws in Secret - Washington Blog
A mentally disturbed man who I had won a $25K default judgment against in 2010, was afraid I was on the verge of bringing him to court for his activities so he went into his hometown court in Walnut Creek to lie claiming I was stalking he and his live-in girlfriend.  He had no lawyer representation. I had never contacted him and, in fact, was working with an attorney at the law offices of Parker Stanbury LLP in Los Angeles to send him a cease and desist letter. I had traced an IP address of a recent harassing lawsuit threat to an Apple Store in Walnut Creek.  Two employees, including a manager, had confirmed there was a Joel Utman who worked there, though later denied, and the case went to Apple's investigative unit.  Apple later reported a name change had taken place prompting me to scour court public records confirming the change.  I later forwarded the name change documents to a third party who I had requested confidentiality from.

It turned out the only real evidence the paranoid man had of any contact was that another person had sent him a non-threatening note about his name change and future legal action. The correspondence was sent from Vancouver WA.  The court didn't care there was no evidence linked to me, that there were no police reports, and that I had denied everything I was accused of.  The court wanted to believe whatever a paranoid person involved in malicious activities on the Internet had said.  This was entrapment. This was nothing more than a corrupt court system seeking to generate legal fees for the legal community I ended up paying $2,500 over.  It was pure corruption.

How did this man get away with this?  While I had been involved in obtaining a cease and desist letter from an incompetent legal system that took two long weeks to pump out a simple letter, I took a much needed break in Las Vegas a couple of days.  When I returned there was a restraining order hanging on my door.  It was not only unlawfully served, but the basis for the RO was pure perjury. I had never contacted this man ever in my life while, on the other hand, I had received a post card and continual disturbing emails.  As far as my writing a couple blog posts about Mr. Utman disclosing his activities over the past few years, that was under my First Amendment Rights and none of them were threatening.

The kind of justice I got from the judicial system was just breath taking.  At my hearing Commissioner Joel Golub, known as a traffic court official, held up part of my filing of a post card of me photoshopped in a straight jacket to mock me in corroboration with the cyber stalker mentally person's work.  The Commissioner Golub asked "is this you Ms. Meril?" clearly demonstrating his enjoyment of the postcard.  Golub had already cracked a few jokes in his comedy central court demonstrating how seriously he took his job.  It was at that time I finally realized the court system is completely 100% corrupt doing whatever it wants to do entrapping innocent people using mentally ill nut jobs.  The court had no jurisdiction over me since I had never been to Walnut Creek. The fact I contacted the Apple Store over a harassing email wasn't enough to give the court jurisdiction over me whatsoever.

I later sent a letter of intent to file a judicial complaint against Commissioner Golub who was  brought before his superior for review of the case.  After these men cleared one another of wrong doing, as is their procedure for their secret society of manhood, I decided not to proceed with the judicial complaint opting to simply win the judgment and forward the results demonstrating Commissioner Golub believed whatever a paranoid delusional men had said in court.  The man was a complete stranger who witnesses also testified against that enabled me to obtain a restraining order in 2009 from the Concord Superior Court.

I summarize this experience by denoting many in the court system don't want people empowered to determine who is harassing them, that they are on the side of the perpetrators in how they cover-up and take their side with great ease. I thus have deduced there are mentally ill men in the court system working with their pals from the outside who volunteer themselves as government informants and big brother types to entrap people into the system they victimize and get legal fees out of. Here's my final letter to The Honorable Mary Ann O’Malley of Contra Costa County over my initial intent to file a judicial complaint against Commissioner Joel Golub.  Also see Dragonaters: How To Kick a Judge's A$$ - Dragonator's Blog

I've had other confirmations of the court corroborating with criminals, this isn't the only experience I've had.  The legal system's largely run by animals and crooks these days.  Criminals have learned how to infiltrate and manipulate the court system in their favor to twist facts and toss evidence to victimize innocent people. This is especially true of the unconstitutional Family Court system.

I since have no confidence in the U.S. Superior Court system and neither should anyone else.  Even the Small Claims Court is a farce since they make it nearly impossible to collect a judgment.  These popular judge television shows aren't reality based since they fail to disclose how overtly political our judicial system has become.