Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Precipice Of An Ice Age?

The turmoil spreading all over the world with the record breaking extreme ice cold temps has many wondering if we aren't headed towards an ice age.  So many terrifying stories of trapped people at airports, train terminals and even highways in Europe have many spectators spellbound and horrified.  Are these extreme winters here to stay?

Back in January of 2010, an article by David Rose, The Mini Ice Age Starts Here, seemed to really hit the nail on the head.  A subsequent big chill sent many global warmest advocates into a type of silent spiritual hibernation from their warmest mantra.  Who in their right mind could spew such warming propaganda in the face of reality? 
"The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world’s most eminent climate scientists."  - January, 2010
The prediction of an ice age even started way back in 1974.  Back then I was only 14 but I vaguely remember a Time Magazine cover story article Another Ice Age.  In the article Time unleashed a mountain of evidence to support what scientists, at the time, suspected was the onset of a coming ice age. Characterizing its evidence as "telltale signs everywhere", the article went back three decades to summarize statistics and events which pointed towards global cooling.

Following Time's lead, a year later Newsweek Magazine conducted its own investigation with an article  concluding that evidence supporting a coming ice age had begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists were "hard-pressed to keep up with it all."

Now back to the future.  (To my relief because I'd never want to be 14 again, ever!).  In an article posted on the Asian Tribune, The Onset of the New Ice Age, a London journalist writes:
"We are freezing in London and so are the rest of inhabitants all over the British Isles. The first wave of heavy snowfall hit London around midday on Friday, when the hourly weather forecast had indicated just a cloudy afternoon. So, it was a bolt from the blue, for most of the beleaguered residents.

In a matter of minutes, the pavements as well as all the major roads were covered by a thick blanket of snow, which in turn made the walking and driving pretty hazardous. All of a sudden, human activity got into a slower phase as if it was caught up in a peculiar space-time warp."
- Hemantha Abeywardena
It seems the illusion of global warming comes from the ice caps shifting from the north to the south poles.  The global warmest enthusiasts flashed around photos of the north pole ice caps melting while the south pole simply accumulated more ice.  Moreover, the planet Mars has polar ice caps very similar to the Earth's, and guess what?  According to NASA, the Mars ice caps have been melting too.  Turns out the global warmists had omitted relevant facts to create their illusion of warming in order to implement a worldwide carbon tax.  In other words, global warming is a scam designed to create a new tax structure to make people like Al Gore filthy rich who invested in the carbon tax infrastructure.

Try telling people freezing to death all over Europe we're in a global warming trend!  You really know you're dealing with insane people when they begin to spin the facts and say the extreme ice cold weather is due to the warming. Global warmists need to get real.

Monday, December 20, 2010

California Screamin and Mass Exodus

Many Californians are beginning to recognize the condition of their beloved state is in great decline, if not a death spiral.  Many thoughtful, well received articles are popping up everywhere like Missing the California of My Youth by Tim Daniel and Two Californias by Victor Davis Hanson with multitudes of thoughtful comments concurring the dire situation California faces.

As California moves towards what many view as an inevitable collapse, it may well become a death trap for multitudes of people.  Food, water and electricity may become scarce under any number of scenarios including a trigger of high priced and/or shortage gasoline.  Race riots may also break out. As a native Californian of 50 years, I'm preparing for a possible exodus to another state following the lead of some very wise people who read the signs a long time ago.

In his article Two Californias Victor Davis Hanson opens his article with a brutal assessment of a metaphoric schizophrenic state:
"The last three weeks I have traveled about, taking the pulse of the more forgotten areas of central California. I wanted to witness, even if superficially, what is happening to a state that has the highest sales and income taxes, the most lavish entitlements, the near-worst public schools (based on federal test scores), and the largest number of illegal aliens in the nation, along with an over regulated private sector, a stagnant and shrinking manufacturing base, and an elite environmental ethos that restricts commerce and productivity without curbing consumption." - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
In a well written essay on Pajamas Media's site, Tim Daniel's Missing the California of My Youth sums it all up in one sentence:
"Atlas has shrugged and California has changed – government has ruined this place and I will never forget it." - Tim Daniel
Here are just a few stats to consider. (Please pardon the small font, there's a lot of info here)

The American Tort Reform Association ranks CA the second worst “judicial hellhole” – extremely anti-business.

America’s top 600 CEO’s rank California “the worst place in which to do business” for the fifth straight year (3/2010).  But here’s the interesting part – they think California is a great state to live (primarily for the great climate) – they just won’t bring their businesses here because of the oppressive tax and regulatory climate.
Consider this quote from the survey (a conclusion reflected in the rankings of the characteristics of the state):  “California has huge advantages with its size, quality of work force, particularly in high tech, as well as the quality of life and climate advantages of the state. However, it is an absolute regulatory and tax disaster.”         http://tinyurl.com/CEO-states-rank-2010

California has the 3rd worst state income tax in the nation.  9.55% tax bracket starts at $46,349 for people filing as individuals.   10.55% tax starts at $1,000,000   http://www.taxfoundation.org/files/bp59_es.pdf

By far the highest state sales tax rate in the nation.  8.25%.  7% is next highest (does not include local sales taxes) http://www.taxfoundation.org/files/bp59.pdf  Table #15

California corporate income tax rate (8.84%) is the highest west of the Mississippi (our economic competitors) except for Alaska.      
http://www.taxfoundation.org/files/bp59.pdf   Table #8   -- we are 9th highest nationwide.

California’s 2011 Business Tax Climate ranks 2nd worst in the nation.      http://www.taxfoundation.org/news/show/26806.html

Fourth highest capital gains tax   9.55%    http://www.thereibrain.com/realestate-blog/capital-gains-tax-rates-state-by-state/109/

Highest gasoline tax (averaging 67.4 cents/gallon) in the nation, 4 cents above second place Hawaii (July, 2010).  http://www.api.org/statistics/fueltaxes/   (also highest diesel tax)

California is ranked 14th highest in per capita property taxes (including commercial) – the only major tax where we are not in the worst ten states.  But CA property taxes per home were the 10th highest in the nation in 2008.
http://www.taxfoundation.org/taxdata/show/251.html   and   http://www.taxfoundation.org/taxdata/show/1913.html

One of the highest state vehicle license car taxes. 1.15% per year on value of vehicle, up from 0.65% in 2008.

California’s 2010 “Tax Freedom Day” (the day the average taxpayer stops working for government and starts working for themself) is the 7th worst date in the nation – up from 28th worst in 1994, but down from 4th worst last year  CA “improved” only because of our state’s soaring unemployment rate – the new tax dodge!   http://www.taxfoundation.org/research/show/387.html 

In 2009, 24 states raised their taxes at least 1% to collect $28.6 billion.  California’s taxes went up about $11 billion – thus we were responsible for about 38.5% of all the state tax increases in the nation.    http://tinyurl.com/2009-CA-Tax-Increase-rank 

California tied for 2nd highest state unemployment rate.  (November, 2010)   12.4%.  National unemployment rate 9.8%.  http://www.bls.gov/news.release/laus.nr0.htm

California needlessly licenses more occupations than any state – 177.  Second worst state is Connecticut at 155.  The average for the states is 92.http://cssrc.us/publications.aspx?id=7707 

For the 2007-08 school year, the Los Angeles Unified School District spent $29,780 per student.  The district also has the country’s second lowest graduation rate of 40.6%. http://www.calwatchdog.com/2010/08/20/lausd-spends-30k-per-student/

1 in 5 in Los Angeles County receiving public aid. 

California has 12% of the nation’s population, but 36% of the country’s TANF (“Temporary” Assistance for Needy Families) welfare recipients – more than the next 7 states combined.  Unlike other states, this “temporary” assistance becomes much more permanent in CA.            

California prison guards highest paid in the nation.  http://www.caltax.org/caltaxletter/2008/101708_fraud1.htm 

California is the worst ranked state for tax administration – another anti-business factor. http://www.sacbee.com/static/weblogs/capitolalertlatest/2010/03/cal-rated-worst.html

California now has the lowest bond ratings of any state, edging out Louisiana.  http://tinyurl.com/CA-worst-bond-rating

California, a destitute state, still gives away college education at fire sale prices.  Our community college tuition is by far the lowest in the nation.  How low?  Nationwide, the average community college tuition is almost four times higher than California CC’s.  This ridiculously low tuition devalues education to students – resulting in a 30+% drop rate for class completion.  In addition, 2/3 of California CC students pay no tuition at all – filling out a simple unverified “hardship” form that exempts them from any tuition payment, or receiving grants and tax credits for their full tuition. http://tinyurl.com/ygqz9ls

On top of that, California offers thousands of absolutely free adult continuing education classes – a sop to the upper middle class.  In San Diego, over 1,000 classes for everything from baking pastries to ballroom dancing are offered totally at taxpayer expense.   http://www.sdce.edu

California residential electricity costs an average of 30.1% more than the national average (far higher in San Diego County).   For industrial use, CA electricity is 60.8% higher than the national average (June, 2010).

I'd encourage interested parties to read the comment sections of the two referenced articles for genuine perspectives of native Californians who share their memories of the state's glory years.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Could This Mysterious Pyramid In China Be An Alien UFO Launch Tower?

Visitors may have noticed I haven't been reporting much on UFO and aliens for a while.  The reason is that I believe the surge in UFO sightings and whistle blowers, especially from within the government agencies, have to do with NASA's secret Project Blue plans.  Project Blue Beam is designed to trick Americans and the world into believing aliens are going to attack us much like the Orson Wells War of the World's radio broadcast did back in 1938.  The Blue Beamers allegedly plan on using holographic technology projected out into space.  Regardless, once in a while I come across an interesting story that's obviously not connected with the Blue project.

There's a pyramid in the Western province of China that local legends claims is an alien UFO launch tower that nine scientists are preparing to travel to investigate.

“The pyramid has three caves with openings shaped like triangles on its façade and is filled with red-hued pipes leading into the mountain and a nearby salt water lake,” says China’s state-run Xinhua agency.

At right photo is debris in the high altitude site where thin, crisp air has been long considered an ideal astrological location.

Inside the cave, there is a half-pipe about 40 centimeters in diameter tilting from the top to the inside of the cave. Another pipe of the same diameter goes into the earth with only its top visible above the ground. Dozens of strange pipes surround the opening with diameters ranging from 10 to 40 centimeters. Their structures indicate a highly advanced and completely unknown construction technique.

A homemade video about Chinese Pyramids

Source: www.WeirdAsia.news

Friday, December 17, 2010

RED ALERT: Trader Joe's Prices Rising - Sure Sign of Coming Food Inflation

I've been a loyal shopper of Trader Joes since the 1990's because of their reasonable prices and uniquely creative food selections.  For the first time ever, I've noticed a huge jump in TJ's food prices.  Take for instance like my favorite cereal being discontinued and new choices being in the $3.50 to $3.99 category.  The servings seem meager too, as I now only got 5 bowls of cereal per box.  As many familiar shoppers are well aware,  TJ's is known for its reasonable prices so the 30-40% hike really caught my attention.

I was a bit premature in food storage preparation back in early 2009. Back then I vacuum packaged dozens of chicken breasts, vegetables, ground coffee, homemade granola and beef jerky, and yes, even Trader Joes cereal.  The only problem is I've since devoured it all fearing after a year or more the food would go bad.

As part of my food storage strategy, I also got a food dehydrator I recently sold.  I could hardly believe all the people who answered  my Craigslist ad.   Two women were actually fighting over the dehydrator they wanted it so badly. The buyer later drove out from Napa to pick it up.  What the lady probably didn't realize was the amount of electricity it takes to dry fruits and wet foods is ridiculous that it's probably cheaper to buy it in the store. 

After seeing this Glen Beck video (below) about inflation I've decided to start all over again to vacuum package food right before the prices really skyrocket.  According to Glenn Beck, the inflation could be staggeringly high where a Hershey chocolate bar could cost $15.00.  Beck cited the National Inflation Association as a credible source for potential prices.  Let's hope they're wrong.

One thing I know for sure is Americans won't tolerate their comfort foods being taken from them. There will be crazy riots and heads will definitely roll when food becomes scarce and expensive.  Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute thinks a good future investment might be guillotines. 

Gerald Celente on the Alex Jones Show Talks about "Off With Their Heads" Trends

In San Francisco they're closing major supermarket chains owned by Kroger Foods (e.g. Ralphs and Cala Foods).  Many wonder what's going on, where will they get food in San Francisco if this continues.  It's smart to store food prior to people going insane and all the hoarding that will be going on.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Passionate Greeks & Italians Prove They Can Throw a Good Riot

After viewing these intense scary videos, when it comes to a good riot I think the Greeks have it up on the Italians.  The Greeks upstaged the Italians in their having actually attacked a former government official, bitch slapping him round a bit.  At one point you can see blood pouring out the mouth of former Minister for Development, Kostis Hatzidakis's, who was escorted off the property of a luxury hotel.

This guy Hatzidakis probably woke up to a nice Continental breakfast, took a shower, put on a fluffy white hotel robe, had coffee and planned his day only to be met by angry crowds outside that nearly ripped his head off.

  Italians riot demonstrating the passion their famous for around the world. - December 14, 2010

The Greeks really, and I mean really, know how to throw a riot. - December 15, 2010

"Greeks took to the streets for the second day of strikes and protests during the seventh general strike this year against new government austerity measures to reduce the high public debt and budget deficit. Protests are also taking place in France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Czech Republic at the calling of European trade unionists.

The common theme: widespread public discontent against spending cuts and other tough measures European governments are adopting to turn around their sagging economies and prevent the debt crises that have hit Greece and Ireland from spreading further."  European Austerity Measures Draw Protests
My only encounter with riots was in 1992 when Los Angeles was going insane over the Rodney King beating.  I'll never forget how intense it was was.  Cops in riot gear were being pulled from police stations everywhere and the rioters were starting fires all over the city.

This video shows some of the aftermath of the LA riots.  I've heard through word-of-mouth that Los Angeles never really recovered from the days of these riots. They had to call in the National Guard.

Seems these riots are beginning just in time for the holiday season.  If Santa were in Greece or Italy he might have been ripped to shreds!  There's a saying we used a lot in the 1970's when things were more mellow.  Whenever something was real funny we'd say "that's a riot" or "aren't they a riot?"  My have times have changed. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Busy Little Bee Mobile Notary

I think mobile notaries are much like little bees buzzing around a community pollinating with their notarial stamps spreading the love through social networking with pleasant conversations in offices or people's homes.  Sometimes things don't always work out as we'd like however such as what happened to me as a busy little bee yesterday.

Rise & Shine Campers - Attorney Needs One Notarization!

Tuesday I woke up early to get to my office to accommodate an attorney who requested I notarize one document for her client.  That's right, one document, a mere $10.  I couldn't believe how self-centered, well yes I could, an attorney could be to summon me to my office for one notarization.  I felt inclined to request she also bring her Quit Claim Deed she mentioned earlier so I could at least make $20. After I headed for the office,  I felt lucky the projected rain held back as I arrived with one minute to spare. As I was about to enter her office, I answered my cell phone.  Ms. Attorney was actually calling me as I entered the room!  I thought to myself, she couldn't wait another couple of minutes?  Geez.  Anyway, fifteen minutes later and Ca-Ching! I made $20.  

Time to Inspect a CEO's Home Retail Software Business
I got home, had breakfast and jetted out for an inspection I had to perform at a retail business, except this time it was at someone's home three miles away. Many times inspection companies call on notaries to go to a new business establishment to take photos and conduct a short questionnaire interview to make sure the business meets a credit card company's qualifications  to accept credit cards.  Usually these retail businesses are nearby but this time it was quite far and full of steep hills for my electric bicycle to handle.  As rain loomed, my Google bike map directions were off leading me in circles so I had to figure out how to get there from guessing.  Meanwhile I worried my electric bike was running low on electricity.

I finally arrived at the home of the CEO of www.Planet9.com, a 3D software company and could tell he was thrilled to see me. In other words, he was very subdued and questioning what the real purpose of it all was.  He was kind enough to offer me a cup of coffee, but there was nothing really to inspect.  It was an internet business!  I was supposed to have snapped some photos inside but felt too uncomfortable.  I was also supposed to have taken a photo of the exterior of the home but I forgot my camera and my cell phone camera wasn't too good so I thought, why not use Google Maps to get the photo of the home? The only problem was Google Maps removes the address on the face of homes and places little cartoon bubbles in photos.

After I uploaded the photo and form, the agency called wanting to know what the "little bubble" was in the photo and why the address was missing on the faceplate of the home.  It was a gotcha moment; I believe my face turned red.  I blew it and had to forfeit my fee. Ca-ching!  I made $0 on the entire effort.   It doesn't happen often, but I got distracted.  I figured at least I burned off a few calories.

Heavy Rain, A Stuck Rear Brake, Ulock Problems and Incorrect Documents!
Next, a previous loan signing where an escrow agent had provided misspelled name on a deed prompted me to offer them a courtesy return to their offices another day at 4:00 p.m.  Right at the time I was leaving on my electric bike, it started to rain fairly heavy so I arrived downtown drenched.  I had trouble with the lock sticking and the rear brake as well to add more anxiety to the day.

When I arrived at their office they weren't even there and I was a little early.  I had anticipated a 5 minute time allotment to notarize.  Once again, the deed was incorrect so I requested the lady email over the Exhibit A legal description.  I waited and what she sent once again was incorrect.  I waited another 10 minutes and the person I was notarizing for was oblivious to my unusual efforts not letting me know why I was waiting so long.  He didn't really thank me, probably because he didn't speak good English.  I got home and my backpack was soaked.  Ca-Ching!  Another $0

Corrupted PDF File & Unusual Borrower Request

After I got home I got a call for a late afternoon loan signing.  Got the PDFs of the loan documents only to find one attachment was corrupted and wouldn't open. The borrower asked me to resend the PDF too.  It's quite unusual a borrower asks to have me email her the documents prior to a loan signing but it all fit into how the day was going so I wasn't too surprised.  When I got to the borrower's home which was only, to my relief, a few blocks away from my home, the signing took the longest ever, 2.5 hours!

The borrower was sweet and offered me ice tea.  We had a nice long chat about everything under the sun as she reexamined the documents.  I learned Janice had lived in her apartment for 37 years and her rent was only $850 for a one bedroom nice flat due to rent control.  Meanwhile, as zen spa music was playing in the background, and I fought to stay awake.  When we were finally done, the borrower offered me chocolate and a persimmon fruit.  Very pleasant experience and I finally got paid to boot!  Caching!  $100  to be paid in 30 days.

Writer's Block After a Long Day Prompted this Article
By 8:00 p.m. I really needed a glass of wine so I stopped by the store after I plugged in my eBike I couldn't think of what to write because I'm exhausted.  I figured I'd write something personal about a unusually tough day in the life of a mobile notary on an electric bicycle in San Francisco.  In spite of the hassle, I'd rather do this kind of work then sit as a prisoner at my desk at a law firm and be taxed to death for their overtime demands.  This way I get fresh air, meet new people, network and get to know a little about those who live and work in my community.

A Challenging Day - There's Always Something to Learn
This was one of the more challenging days where I really had to hustle to make a mere $120.  Better than nothing is what I always say, it's always better then nothing.  I was supposed to have finished up a client's divorce paperwork in my other LDA business today, it will have to wait again yet another day.  

I always felt like a trapped animal when I worked for companies or law firms.  As a mobile notary I feel like a sweet little pollinating bee.

Monday, December 13, 2010

President Obama to Award Medal of Freedom (to Murder) to George H. W. Bush

The evil despicable criminal men in the U.S. government sure are giving themselves ridiculous awards these days. The most heinous and evil men in U.S. history in my opinion have occupied government for the past several decades, one of them being former President George H.W. Bush.  President Obama will have the audacity to award Bush the Medal of Freedom early next year as reported in this article by The Clarion-Ledger.

For those with the eyes to see and ears to ear, we know how disgraceful these men are parading themselves as freedom lovers.  Freedom for them is to freely murder without consequences.  These so called men are nothing more then hard core insane criminals who have made their psychopath/sociopath illness normal by covering up and supporting one another. 

Freedom to murder and guilty conspirator G.H.W. Bush at the JFK assassination crime scene. Note the hairline, slant of mouth, cheek line, tie style, brow area, how the chin and lips are positioned, and his neck size and adam's apple.  For me, it's the unique jetting chin that's the clincher, along with the hair line part.  (click to enlarge)
Former President George H.W. Bush must be the only one in the United States who claimed he didn't remember where he was on November 22, 1963 the day JFK was assassinated.  Regardless of memory loss, a photo (above) shows strong evidence G H.W. Bush was in front of the Dallas book depository as one of the conspirators in Kennedy's death.  A Bush biographer also discovered evidence G.H.W. had tried to cover his tracks that day by flying out of Dallas to a nearby town in order to make a phone call to the F.B.I. to record his whereabouts.

Another smoking gun, clear evidence of center "tramp" photo in 1963 shows a match with the unusual facial features of E. Howard Hunt who confessed on his deathbed to being part of the conspiracy to assassinate JFK in 1963.

The Clincher - Hobo Tramp in Photograph was Confessed Bench Warmer E. Howard Hunt

In 2008, E. Howard Hunt confessed on his death bed to being a bench warmer for the JFK assassination. A photo strongly resembling Mr. Hunt was also recorded among the hobo tramps near the grassy knoll.  The unusual features of Mr. Hunt  that are identical to the hobo's photo makes it clear with his confession there was a conspiracy and top officials were involved in Kennedy's assassination including LBJ, G.H.W.  We've got a photo and a confession.  What more do we need?  Bush later became the director of the CIA, was involved in watergate with Nixon. These power drunk despicable men all thought they were doing what was best for the U.S. Their crime syndicate has been in power ever since.  Enter Obama with his signal freedom award that he's one of "them", he knows. Believe me, he knows. 

People who refuse to acknowledge this evidence are in denial, not wanting to believe their U.S. government was taken over by a shadowy government crime syndicate through its branch of the CIA and military complex. 

So I guess I'm just a bit disgusted to witness how these evil men cover up for one another in their giving each other awards for their crimes against humanity.  In the meantime, I saw Jesse Ventura's Gulf Oil Conspiracy Theory program on YouTube (video link) that shows the U.S. government has a depopulation plan in order to allow oil companies to take over the Gulf Coast area for profit.  If they can get away with killing JFK and award themselves as such, they think they can get away with anything.  The U.S. government is purportedly working for BP, that's how bad things have gotten.

Clear evidence of body guards being ordered off of JFK's motorcade.

JFK's wife Jackie suspected LBJ was involved and so did RFK. 

What more evidence does one need? Our U.S. government is corrupt and has been for a long time.  Money, power and greed corrupt absolutely. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Be Careful When Searching for New Business Models

Someone called a few weeks ago to ask my opinion of his thoughts on becoming a Legal Document Assistant after he was laid off in his job as an engineer.  I wrote back offering the honest truth, "I wouldn't recommend this field to anyone right now.  It's a waste of time and money in this economy."  I hope the guy appreciates I potentially saved him a lot of time and money with such advice but I never heard back.   I'm sure he was disappointed.  We're all looking for ways to overcome the current economic situation. 

I thought I'd take this opportunity to offer the reason why I started a legal services business and why people should invest more time and research than I did prior to investing time and money into a new business model.   After a year, my business model is clearly a case for the best selling book Rework.

Here's my little business start-up story I hope some find helpful:

When I first considered opening my business At Your Service Legal Document Prep (AYSLDP) as a registered Legal Document Assistant it seemed the logical thing to do.  For those unaware, LDA's formerly were referred to as independent paralegals. A law in the 90's changed the profession by separating paralegals, those under the supervision of attorneys, from LDA's who are really glorified typists of self-represented people's legal forms. What I later learned was that being an LDA was a lot more complicated than just typing forms since the work involved far more legal skills and knowledge than I initially thought. 

After working 10 years at law firms as a legal word processor I thought it would be a breeze typing legal forms for people.  After investing $4,200 in a nationally accredited paralegal certificate program from National Paralegal College, I obtained a paralegal certificate. The logical progression seemed for me to begin a business helping self-represented people.

David vs. Goliath - Most Attorneys Are a Pain in the Ass as a Nuisance & Plague on Society
My vision for my business involved a form of social conscious evolution in offering an alternative to high lawyer's fees for people who really couldn't afford them for non-complex legal issues.  I've been ripped off several times by attorneys in my life, and most all of them were much like parasites sniffing for easy money who performed very little work.  In many cases attorneys are nothing more than glorified criminal pundits for a criminal syndicate government overseen by many corrupt judges.  Such is why as a whole I hate these lawyer parasites who drain wealth from Americans as a whole.  I thought I could somehow help to begin to turn the tide. Here's what I learned.

I Learned the San Francisco Superior Court Is a Fine Tuned Money Making Machine Under The Careful Watch of Its Overseers
For the past year since I began helping the public as an LDA I learned the San Francisco Superior Court and city is hostile to my profession.  San Francisco is one of the few cities that has a strong self-help center where government uses tax payer's money to help people fill out their legal forms.  The San Francisco Superior Court has preempted Legal Document Assistants by offering free services for low income people to fill out their divorce forms and restraining order cases.  What this means is when an LDA turns in their work on behalf of their clients, the San Francisco Superior Court can play politics and throw anything out they wouldn't otherwise do.

This kind of highly political court system protective of its own interests potentially places my clients at a disadvantage.  For instance, judges and court clerks often make note of who prepared a pro se's divorce documents.  LDA's must stamp their work for the court to see.  The judge and clerks can potentially ask, "why wasn't it prepared by the court's self-help center?" This question is where the barrier to an LDA first begins.  The court wants low income people to use their tax funded self-help center to keep everything under the court's watch and umbrella.  If people don't use the city's self-help center, the government would revoke funding and that would put people out of jobs.

When it finally dawned on me how aware the court system is of the potential threat of LDA's to their tax payer funded self-help center, I realized it's practically a rigged game.  Everything is so under the careful watch of those who monitor their well oiled money making machine!  (See post New Evidence of San Francisco Superior Court Corruption) Their court system is what a doctor is to a patient, and its overseers are always looking for ways to feed and keep it alive in these poor economic times. I personally don't want to experiment and observe any damage a politically influenced court would have over my client's divorce case.  I've already taken a couple blows from this court personally based on attorney mischief and that's enough of an indicator for me the court makes decisions based on politics whenever possible.  In other words, the court acts only in its best interests and on behalf of its local legal community as its overlord.

Breaking Even Working One's Ass Off Just Doesn't Cut It
In September, 2010, I attended the California Association of Legal Document Assistant (CALDA) conference at Pacific Grove, CA where I stayed at the infamous Asilomar Conference Center.  At the conference I spoke with some of the best LDA's in the business.  There I learned word-of-mouth that business was way down for some due to the economy.  One long time LDA who specialized in divorces even concentrated on a new business after her's dropped off by 70%.  Another LDA in Los Angeles only broke even in his second year of business who works very hard on living trusts for people.  He's about to take the State Bar and get out of the work.

Paralegals Are Infringing on the LDA Profession as Noted on Craigslist
I also noted the lack of regulation and oversight of paralegals (not LDA's) in advertising on Craigslist taking business away from registered LDA's.  Nothing's being done about it.  If I'm required to follow the laws that limit my earning potential, only for paralegals who work for attorneys to have a part time business doing my kind of work, it's obvious this LDA work in San Francisco isn't a good business model.  The only LDA's doing good business are those well established in divorces.  Divorces are a goldmine for some well established LDA businesses.  Some LDA's have said it takes 3-5 years to build a long term profitable business in this field. No thanks!

Rework author Jason Fried gives his presentation on why the office is the worst place to work.  This is true, but make sure to choose the right business model prior to leaving a well paying office job.

Time For a Rework - Throwing It In the Trash Can
In retrospect, my business should have been more carefully evaluated on paper, then into the trash can as a bad idea.  Regardless, I don't regret being an LDA, it was an experience I learned from.  I met a few nice people and saved one mother thousands of dollars by filing a default divorce for her for $300.  What clearly drove me to this work was my dread of attorneys and motivation to help people save money from attorney fees.

My LDA registration expires in March, 2011. I have no plans to renew it.  Until such time, I'm currently accepting only limited cases in this work such as for deed transfers or retrieving public court records for people out of state.  I'm currently working on my final divorce case.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Law Student Writes Death Threat Note to Imaginary Lunch Bag Thief

I just couldn't resist posting this hilarious story about a Boston University Law School student who became enraged when he believed someone was stealing his lunch out of the campus refrigerator.  His note was posted on the Above The Law blog a few days ago.  What a way to begin one's career!

The mark of a future litigation attorney who feels victimized imagining a guilty party while litigating based on delusions.  (Click to enlarge)

After litigating his intentions in a note to the thief, Frank asked to check the video records of the campus refrigerator area.  What he discovered were the janitors were removing his old moldy lunches he left too long in the refrigerator.  The law school posted on the refrigerators they'd be cleaned out every Friday.  As Above the Law blog stated:
Dude, you’re not being victimized by some asshole who steals lunches. You’re the a**hole who is leaving your lunch around too long and fouling up the community refrigerator.
I will now wait patiently until Frank sends me pictures of himself kicking his own ass. - Source

This is a good example of the delusional nature of a law student and how lawyers, who often live inside their heads, take out their personal frustrations on victims in their briefs with baseless imaginary and/or fabricated and/or exaggerated accusations.

I thought I'd add a few more similar related notes of others - Here's one from a lady who believes she has a peeping Tom neighbor:


Friday, December 10, 2010

Royal Bubble World of Prince Charles Popped By UK Student Furor

Living in a royal bubble world, the royal couple is shocked after they had the audacity to drive their Rolls Royce through a major UK student uprising over inflated college expenses.

 Video of the royal attack

Imagine how out of touch with your people you'd have to be to have your Rolls Royce driven through a major student riot on the way to some snobby royal performance event?  These students in this video are shouting "tory scum" and "off with their heads!".  According to reports and photos, their royal highness scum were shocked and drop jawed over the incident.  Imagine the nerve these royal people have to do such a thing.  What did they expect, to be applauded and bowed to?
Camilla was prodded in the ribs with a stick through the open window of their Rolls Royce as she and Charles were driven to the Royal Variety Performance at the London Palladium.

One of the vintage car's windows was left open by mistake before the vehicle was surrounded by a snarling mob of rioting students and activists.

The car was kicked, rocked and hit with paint bombs as up to 20 demonstrators attacked it and chanted 'Off with their heads!' and 'Tory scum', leaving the couple visibly shaken.

One thug managed to lean into the car through the window nearest to Camilla, who was left terrified by the biggest Royal security lapse in a generation.  - Source - Slate.com

That was a dumb thing for the royals to do.  One could even say they clearly lack common sense.