Friday, December 10, 2010

Singers Be Afraid, Very Afraid of Holographic Vocaloids!

Just when you thought outsourcing might have reached its peak, here comes a new wave of technology to take more jobs.  After the successful introduction in Japan of holographic vocaloid performers, aspiring future singer and dance performers should be freaking out everywhere.

Just as many pianists who played gigs in hotel bar lounges lost their jobs to technology with self-playing pianos, who needs singers when people will pay real money to go to concerts and be entertained by holographic 3D performers?  Japan is going wild for its vocaloid performers and many countries want a worldwide tour.

Japan has successfully launched the first vocaloid concerts.

I must be honest, I never thought something so ridiculous as this soulless, spiritless machine projection performance would cause such excitement and enjoyment as it apparently does.  The concerts in Japan have been sold out!  Who needs real singers when people are willing to pay hard cash for a 3D cartoon performance?  There would be limited overhead of replacing the performer's million dollar contract with low cost computer programming.  

I hate to break it to the audience but in reality what they're really watching is math formulas playing out from a computer. It's all pure math.  As people become more open to androids, robots and artificial intelligence I sense there's a certain danger up ahead.  Human beings may become disposable, replaceable as machines take our jobs in all aspects of life.  I recall the Wired Magazine article in 1999, Why the Future Doesn't Need Us. (PDF download)  Well, here's hard evidence humans are gradually being phased out of everything.  

Thursday, December 9, 2010

God Help Us! Narcissistic Personality Disorder Removed as Mental Disorder by American Psychiatric Association

I'm still waiting on any response from the author Anna Valerious of a popular blog Narcissists Suck over my email disclosure the American Psychiatric Association has decided to remove Narcissist Personality Disorder as a mental disorder from its disorders index.  The prolific NPD blogger retired her blogging a while back but occasionally provides book reviews, the last being in January, 2010 on The Narcissism Epidemic.

On November 29, 2010, the New York Times published its article Narcissism No Longer a Psychiatric Disorder - A Fate That Narcissists will Hate: Being Ignored rehashing what N.P.D used to be.
The central requirement for N.P.D. is a special kind of self-absorption: a grandiose sense of self, a serious miscalculation of one’s abilities and potential that is often accompanied by fantasies of greatness. It is the difference between two high school baseball players of moderate ability: one is absolutely convinced he’ll be a major-league player, the other is hoping for a college scholarship.
The second requirement for N.P.D.: since the narcissist is so convinced of his high station (most are men), he automatically expects that others will recognize his superior qualities and will tell him so. This is often referred to as “mirroring.” It’s not enough that he knows he’s great. Others must confirm it as well, and they must do so in the spirit of “vote early, and vote often.”
Finally, the narcissist, who longs for the approval and admiration of others, is often clueless about how things look from someone else’s perspective. Narcissists are very sensitive to being overlooked or slighted in the smallest fashion, but they often fail to recognize when they are doing it to others.
Hmmm, sounds familiar (see  Perhaps the aforementioned NPD attributes are too widespread in this day and age for the APA to consider abnormal.  Like court cases that set legal precedent, perhaps the APA is denoting how common NPD has become with all the social media Internet activities and crazy politicians.  Like homosexuality which was removed from the APA's mental disorders index decades ago, the commonality of the alleged abnormal symptoms have made it "normal" in many doctors eyes.  I never believed homosexuality was a mental disorder to begin with but I may have had I grown up in a different time period of history.  God help us!  Victims of NPD's go through an enormous amount of personal damage that could now be delegated to being "just their imaginations".

When there's no such thing as NPD, our society will suffer for failing to recognize how destructive the disorder can be, especially when superficial politicians aspire to high positions in government.

A recent article from the Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy blog Why Narcissism Defines Our Time supports my view NPD is so widespread it has become the norm.
Most troubling about not including NPD as a personality disorder is that there is evidence of narcissism in all of our social lives. It’s alarming that in an age when narcissism is so evident, and with new ways for narcissists to get attention so apparent, that it would not be considered a personality disorder. The new world of democratic celebrities—on Facebook, reality TV and Twitter—where there are fewer traditional constraints on runaway narcissism, demonstrates the need to take this personality disorder seriously. -WSJ Speakeasy blog

The APA decision has its critics and many are complaining:

One of the sharpest critics of the DSM committee on personality disorders is a Harvard psychiatrist, Dr. John Gunderson, an old lion in the field of personality disorders and the person who led the personality disorders committee for the current manual.
Asked what he thought about the elimination of narcissistic personality disorder, he said it showed how “unenlightened” the personality disorders committee is.
They have little appreciation for the damage they could be doing.” He said the diagnosis is important in terms of organizing and planning treatment.
It’s draconian,” he said of the decision, “and the first of its kind, I think, that half of a group of disorders are eliminated by committee.”  - Article Source       

I guess this means we're supposed to ignore people whom we believe have NPD who endlessly torment and humiliate us as a form of their own self gratification.   Oh . . .

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

U.S. Banks Are Virtual Pirates on the High Seas of America

I thought a story on mortgage fraud would be appropriate today since the largest bank in the United States, Bank of America, has agreed to pay $140 million after a government probe.  BofA pleaded guilty to being involved in conspiracies to rig bids on the contracts over U.S. bonds.
"The US Department of Justice says Bank of America employees were involved in illegal conduct including a conspiracy to rig bids on investments linked to municipal bonds." - Bank of America Admits Fraud
I've been noticing on various message boards there are many people who still take the position in defense of banks as if Americans who obtained mortgages are the perpetrators of crime and deserve to be foreclosed upon.  The general perception of these people is the borrowers shouldn't have taken out a mortgage for a home they couldn't afford.   The reality is few people can really afford any home these days because few know what the future holds for their jobs in the shaky U.S. economy.

People who think the banking crises in America is due to those who took advantage of banks are ignorant of the facts, probably the types who always believe anything they're told by authority figures.  The reality is the banks made a killing during the real estate boom by reselling the borrower's mortgages in the derivatives market. The reason banks offered easy no question home loans is they could actually make more money on the derivatives market.  Banks also coordinated inflated appraisals of properties in order to make it appear the property assets on their books were higher then they actually were.

I've spoken with a few intelligent educated people who truly believe it's the borrower's own fault and that banks are the victim of spoiled Americans.  "They should have known they couldn't afford the home, now I the taxpayer have to bail out these people" is the common belief.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  A couple years ago when an attorney at the law firm of Chapman & Cutler in San Francisco expressed this attitude to me, I had no rhetorical response.  Today it's very easy to denote evidence that the profitable derivatives market is why banks provided easy no question loans to people.

Banks do a fantastic job in their marketing materials making you feel like they're your pal giving you a nice shiny personalized debit and/or credit card.  Bank employees tend to be very nice and friendly too.  The sad thing is, bankers who run these institutions that employs friendly people are neither your friend nor my friend. These banks took 2.2 trillion dollars from U.S. taxpayers holding our country hostage claiming the market and economy was going to crash in 2008.  They've got their little pundits all over the country claiming it's all Americans fault for purchasing homes they couldn't afford.  The bottom line is, this is a rigged game.  The banks knew what they were doing and what the outcome would be from the outset.
“This ongoing investigation has helped to expose wide-spread corruption in the municipal reinvestment industry,” Robert Khuzami, director of the S.E.C.’s Division of Enforcement, said in a statement. “The conduct was egregious — in return for business, the company repeatedly paid undisclosed gratuitous payments and kickbacks and affirmatively misrepresented that the bidding process was proper.” - New York Times
Thousands of Americans have since lost their homes and the "ships are abandoned" so to speak, the work of pirates on the high seas of the real estate market.

Unfortunate Error by Bank and a Home is Gone -

Monday, December 6, 2010

Embezzlers Who Couldn't Wait to Win the Lotto

I try to keep up with the latest embezzler stories posted on Fraud Talk Blog but there are so many of them I must say I'm very shocked.  Apparently these folks lost patience waiting for their winning lotto ticket numbers.

Florida Woman Indicted In Alleged $113 Million Ponzi Scheme Case

Lydia I. Cladek, 66, of St. Augustine, Florida, has been indicted on charges she bilked investors out of more than $113 million. Cladek, the owner and principal of investment firm Lydia Cladek, Inc., is alleged to have used investment funds to purchase high interest auto loans, then issued promissory notes secured by the vehicles, and used the proceeds to enrich herself and pay off earlier investors. Cladek reportedly was guaranteeing investors a return of up to 20 percent per year in the scheme. The 14 count indictment charges Cladek with wire fraud, mail fraud and conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud. -Article link

Former Executive Of Virginia Company Sentenced To 5 Years For $580K Misappropriation

Iraj "Roger" Ahmadian, 54, of Williamsburg, Virginia and Memphis, Tennessee, was sentenced to 5 years in prison for misappropriating nearly $580,000 from Dillon Stone Corporation where he had been employed as Executive Vice President. According to authorities, Ahmadian received additional unauthorized paychecks and caused checks to be issued to fictitious subcontractor he created known as Phoenix Tile for his own benefit. The scheme spanned approximately four years, from 2003 to 2007. Ahmadian, who was indicted in February 2010 on 20 counts, plead guilty earlier this year to one felony count of bank fraud and one felony count of tax evasion.

New York Man Charged With Embezzling $4.5 Million From Columbia University  George Castro, 48, of the Bronx, New York, has been arrested and charged with misappropriating some $4.4 million from Columbia University. According to authorities, Castro added a TD Bank account he controlled to Columbia's authorized electronic payment system and received $3.4 million in October and another $1 million in November. His relationship with the university is unclear at this time. However, the account he controlled was under the name IT Security Solutions LLCArticle Link

Calfornia Woman Admits To $116K Embezzlement

April G. Hale, 38, formerly of Windsor, California, pleaded no contest to charges she embezzled some $116,000 from the Law Offices of Michael A. Villa (pictured at right) where she had been employed as the firm's bookkeeper/office manager. According to reports, Hale made electronic funds transfers to pay for personal expenses such as credit card bills, utility bills and the like. Attorney Villa claimed Hale supported a "lavish lifestyle" through the thefts from his firm. Hale pleaded no-contest to six felonies including one count of grand theft and five of identity theft. She was originally charged in June on 41 felony counts and is scheduled to be sentenced on January 31, 2011. Article link

Former Finance Director for Texas School District Charged With Embezzling $111K

Sylvia Yvonne Ruiz, 58, of Hidalgo County, Texas, was arrested yesterday and charged with embezzling $111,100 in tuition fees from the Hidalgo Independent School District where she had served as finance director. Authorities have not released the details in the case yet, but Ruiz is alleged to have misappropriated the funds between August 2009 and January 2010. Ruiz, who apparently took tuition receipts for herself instead of depositing them for the school district, has been charged with Theft By Public Servant. Article link

Former Non-Profit Exec From Texas Sentenced For $390K Embezzlement Scheme

Michael Woodson Burney, 54, of Midland, Texas, was sentenced to two consecutive terms totalling 51 months in prison for embezzling more than $390,000 from Camp Fire USA where he had served as executive director. According to authorities, beginning in June 2007 through November 2009, Burney wrote numerous checks from the non-profit's accounts to himself to support a gambling habit forging the signature of two board members. He had plead guilty in August after being indicted in July to one count of bank fraud and one count of aggravated identity theft. Burney was also ordered to pay full restitution to Camp Fire USA and its insurer.  Article link

There's plenty more at the Fraud Talk Blog

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Best TSA Groping Parody Videos

SNL skit

Makes me wish I learned piano when I was young

This reminds me of one of those home studio novelty 1970's pop song productions

The Who Music to Pat Down By

Sign Petition:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Dying Confirmed By Concerned Citizens for Florida

After the BP oil spill disaster Concerned Citizens of Florida (CCF), a large group consisting of scientists and engineer citizen activists, came together to get to the bottom of the extent of damage done to the Gulf of Mexico. 

CCF conducted the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens' Initiative) for the past seven months to obtain photos and examine evidence of the BP oil spill disaster.  The group has a blog Phoenix Rising From the Gulf which has been documenting the disaster outside the corporate media and BP spin machine.  

After reading through CCF's findings and other articles, I'm confident this Florida citizens group is trustworthy and the best source of REAL information we will ever have on the disaster and what it means to the future of our oceans and planet.

On December 1, 2010 the CCF has released its investigative findings in a special report entitled The Gulf of Mexico is Dying - A Special Report on the BP Oil Spill.   CCF member Dr. Tom Termotto opened the report with:
It is with deep regret that we publish this report.  We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet.  Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind - Dr. Tom Termotto, The Gulf of Mexico is Dying - A Special Report on BP Oil Spill
Since I'm such a lay person at reading this report. I feel only comfortable with quoting from the sections of the report that I could really understand, and that how extremely serious and catastrophic the information is to the future of humanity.
After conducting the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference for over seven months, we can now disseminate the following information with the authority and confidence of those who have thoroughly investigated a crime scene There are many research articles, investigative reports and penetrating exposes archived at the following website.  Particularly those posted from August through November provide a unique body of evidence, many with compelling photo-documentaries, which portray the true state of affairs at the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM).

It’s not a pretty picture.

The various pictures, photos and diagrams that fill the many articles at the aforementioned website represent photo-evidence about the true state of affairs on the seafloor surrounding the Macondo Prospect in the Mississippi Canyon which is located in the Central Planning Area of the northern Gulf of Mexico.  The very dynamics of the dramatic changes and continuous evolution of the seafloor have been captured in ways that very few have ever seen.  These snapshots have given us a window of understanding into the true state of the underlying geological formations around the various wells drilled in the Macondo Prospect.

Although our many deductions may be difficult for the layperson to apprehend at first, to the trained eye these are but obvious conclusions which are simply the result of cause and effect.  In other words there is no dispute around the most serious geological changes which have occurred, and continue to occur, in the region around the Macondo wells.  The original predicament (an 87 day gushing well) was extremely serious, as grasped by the entire world, and the existing situation is only going to get progressively worse.

So, just what does this current picture look like.  Please click here to view the relevant diagrams and read the commentary.

Just how bad is this situation? There are actually three different ongoing disasters – each more grave and challenging than the previous one – which must be considered when assessing the awesome destruction to the GOM by the Oil & Gas Industry.

I.  A single gushing well at 70 – 100,000 barrels per day of hydrocarbon effluent for 87 days into the GOM at the Macondo Prospect along with two smaller rogue wells

II. Numerous leaks and seeps within five to ten square miles of the Macondo well with an aggregate outflow of an unknown amount of hydrocarbon effluent per day into the GOM

III.  Countless gushers and spills, leaks and seeps, throughout the Gulf of Mexico, where drilling has been conducted for many decades, with an aggregate outflow that can not even be estimated, but is well in excess of any guesstimate which would ensure the slow and steady demise of the GOM.

Because this is a long arduous report, I'm going to end here with the CCF's statement another report is following about other elements not addressed: 

There are two very significant topics, which have been not been discussed in this report, that beg for acknowledgement and further attention in light of the title:

The Gulf of Mexico is Dying.
Both of these problems are highly consequential and therefore merit separate papers in order to give them the treatment they deserve, if we are to understand why the GOM is slowly dying.  Until those papers are completed, we offer the following short summaries:

#1  The wanton and indiscriminate use of the dispersant, Corexit, turned an extremely serious disaster into an unmitigated catastrophe.

#2  The deeper the geological source of the hydrocarbons, the more radioactive isotopes present in the oil and gas.
That hydrocarbons pulled from the bowels of the earth have a scientifically verified radioactive component(s) is the dirty little secret of the Oil & Gas Industry.  So secret in fact that, if it were to get out, this knowledge alone would seal the fate of the entire industry.

Did you see the "radioactive" part? These Florida citizens are brave indeed considering their lives are most likely threatened by Big Oil mafia men for releasing the truth to the world over what they've done in the Gulf of Mexico.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gov't Wants To Stop Cell Phone Driving with Disabler Technology

I wish the U.S. government would get its nose out of everybody's life.  What a nuisance!  We the taxpayers elect them to represent us in our best interests and all they think of are crazy ways to control and herd us all like cattle.

When I learned from Discovery News yesterday the U.S. Department of Transportation is looking into technology to disable cell phones in vehicles, I thought first about the benefits of having access to mobile emergency communication devices.  Why is the government thinking of only the negative and not the positive things cell phones do for people in their vehicles?  For instance, what if a crazy man's following you one night, wouldn't it be nice to call for help? Or what if your vehicle breaks down in the middle of nowhere? 
In addition to its efforts to educate drivers about the dangers of distracted driving, the U.S. Department of Transportation is evaluating technology that would disable cell phones in automobiles. The move is a response to the growing number of deaths and injuries related to distracted driving.  Government Evaluating Cell Phone Disablers in Cars - Discovery News
So where's the govt's sound reasoning?  If people use hands free cell phone technology and are simply talking as if someone were in their vehicle, that's the same as conversing with another passenger.  I don't see the gov't logic, especially when the benefits of cell phone technology aren't apparently being considered.  It seems the gov't is looking for any way it can to get itself into our daily personal lives to control us. 

Cell Phone Technology Can Save & Protect Lives!

I remember way back in 1979 driving home from working late at the Marriott at LAX (Los Angeles Airport) and some strange old man in his car was trying to wave me down and pick up on me.  He began following and I managed to run inside a locked gate before he pulled into my driveway.  Had I not been so lucky, a cell phone would have come in handy.  Why isn't the gov't considering the good things cell phones can do as well?

Back in 1985 I was on the cutting edge of technology selling cell phones in Redondo Beach, California.  Back then, they were pretty cumbersome and often came with briefcases for vehicles.  I remember driving around thinking how cool having a portable phone was like I was in some James Bond spy movie.  I only sold the phones a few months but the owner of the cell phone store went on to become a millionaire.

Thirteen years later in 1997 I was still on the cutting edge with a far less cumbersome cell phone but I remember very few people had caught onto the cell phone craze yet.  In fact, it seemed just when people began to catch on in 2001, I became burnt out on carrying around a cell phone so I gave it up a few years. Today I find cell phone technology indespensible now that most everyone uses it.

It seems to me if the gov't really cared about people's safety and welfare, they'd make sure the electro mangetic energy from the cell phones isn't dangerous to our brains.  Seriously, it's possible cellphones are altering the neuro infrastructure of the human brain.  Frequent cell phone use over long periods of times could have dire consequences for us all.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Friday's Living Dead Zombie Americans

On Black Friday Americans were willing to trample one another like living dead zombies to get the best deals on cheap foreign made plastic crap at Walmart or Target.  

So is this what America's come to? Thousands of Americans waiting out in the cold for long hours to get into one's local junk mart for a few sales?  Then, beating down the doors and running down the isle not caring what little old lady was pushed aside to get to the made in China salt shakers?

This outstanding video shows clips of Americans acting crazy over cheap foreign made plastic goods on sale at Walmart!

Very few of the Americans in the video posted above probably even realize how their behavior is really destroying the U.S. economy.  Proponents of outsourcing point to all the cheap goods filling U.S. stores as a good thing, but they never tell about all the good paying American jobs that have been lost.

Sacrificing the U.S. industrial base for cheap foreign-made plastic crap is kind of like throwing one's furniture into the fire to keep your house warm.  Americans are literally participating in their own economic destruction. Time is running out to solve the problem! The United States has been running trade deficits for over three decades.  Big corporations like Ford Motor Company are making record profits by shipping our jobs out of the country.
-The American Dream Blog

As the video summarizes, imagine how these people will behave when there's no food or needed items on the shelves!  The entire infrastructure of the U.S. economy is being hollowed out and many Americans just go on acting like it's business as usual.   

Monday, November 29, 2010

Senate Set To Approve Bill S.510 Criminalizing Americans for Growing Food in Gardens!

Something very scary is happening with the U.S. government.  The con politicians still in office are voting against Americans' lives and welfare on a wide scale.  Today the Senate is set to pass Bill S.510, The Food Safety Modernization Act which, among other things, will criminalize Americans for growing any food in their gardens!  A procedural vote of 74-25 already took place and was heavily supported by the wonderful Democrats.

“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes.  It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.”  ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistle blower -Source Article

Food for freedom organizations which post articles on the Food Freedom blog agree S 510 may be the most dangerous bill in  United States history.  These organizations say the bill would thrust America into a new dark age of FDA tyranny over seeds, herbs, gardens and nutritional supplements. The organizations claim the bill would:

1.  Place US farms and food under Homeland Security and Defense Department in event of contamination or ill defined emergency.

2.  End US sovereignty over its food supply by insisting on compliance with W20 thus threatening national security

3.  Remove Americans right to store and own seeds in the US thus putting control of seeds in hands of Monsanto and other international corporations threatening US security

4.  Begins final destruction of what is left of the US economy

This is a great video of an angry man talking about how the bill is against natural law of self preservation and what he intends on doing about it.

The government wants control over our food for several reasons, including to force us to eat genetically modified foods produced by evil corporations like Monsanto. (see Monsanto: The Evil Corporation in Your Refrigerator)  For instance, studies have shown genetically modified corn causes sterilization and severe health problems.  Regardless, greedy companies like Monsanto still sell badly modified food and many Americans don't even know their corn has been genetically modified!

This short video outlines what the bill S.510 really means for America

I've been saying all along that most politicians lie to people to get into office and are nothing more than con artists on a wide scale.  The corporate owned media is trying to cover-up the gravity of this bill by disguising its intent with legitimacy and alleged concerns for Americans' food safety. Here's an example of a media cover-up article in Senate Set to Vote on Food Safety Bill.  I was reading the comments to the article and it was clear that most people were totally unaware of the danger and significance of what the bill will mean. 

I hope they put in a tracking requirement, so the next recall doesn't require an entire crop to be destroyed, like the last few times.

I am sure Senator Feestein supports the large growers since she did when they cried about labeling cloned foods to our detriment.

One enlightened comment:

Keeping my fingers crossed for the Tester Amendment...It makes sense. The cynic in me says this bill is only about squashing the little guy and not about keeping our food safer.
These politicians are selling out our country to International interests and a one world tyranny.  We voted them into office to enact these kind of laws against us, right?  People have been asleep at the wheel for far too long to this growing crime syndicate in our government. 

Patriot Act for Food: A Close Look At Bizarre Propaganda for S.510
Like the Patriot Act? You're Gonna Love the Food Safety Modernization Act

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Are Chemtrails Worldwide Biowarfare Against Humanity?

I've been doing some research lately about the chemtrail aerial spraying that's been done worldwide for several years now.  The health effects of the spraying are real.  Even my former boyfriend from 1982, now Harvard graduate book author, was asked to present his research findings in a video (below) about how chemtrail spraying affected people in the Pacific Grove area in California.

My former boyfriend from 1982 talks about how chemtrails made many people sick in Pacific Grove, CA and how the government turned a blind eye to complaints.

I've since come to the determination that this chemtrail stuff is both chemical and biological warfare on humanity using various replicating advanced nanotechnologies to alter our bodies for diabolical purposes.  I've been reading over the research of those suffering from Morgellon's disease especially, who have pulled out various nanotube substances from their bodies and documented them.  The cover-up by the medical community of Morgellon's disease in claiming the disease is imaginary and based in patient delusion is even more of a red flag.  Perhaps the medical community is afraid the government will come after them for exposing what's been going on.

This man, described as "Blue" on the site began his discovery by duly noting people's symptoms in his community and workplace
"I've observed in recent years that co-workers, those I've attempted to train especially, all seem to be losing their short term memory. They'll set a coffee cup down and forget its whereabouts 10 sec later, they'll work on stuff for the field and leave the office without it. 10 years ago trainees could be given three or four tasks at one time and remember them all, now they can only handle one at a time at best, very spooky.  Children in particular, those who should have a strong memory, seem affected also. Store clerks and others seem to suffer from these same neurological symptoms as well." - Chemtrails and Moregellons - It's Worse Than You Thought!
In his article, Blue went on to share his observations and experiments in what he claims links chemtrail aerial spraying with Morgellons disease.  For the past few years, those with symptoms of Morgellon's disease have been trying to get the word out that there's something very wrong happening to their bodies, and it's not their imaginations. Unfortunately not many have been willing to listen or research the issue because it's a little too scary to deal with.

I thought I'd present some of Blue's findings here as well as samples and links to photos documented the past 13 years by a Morgellon's sufferer Jan Smith who has painstakingly pulled foreign objects out of her body and put them under a microscope.  Months ago I wrote about Morgellons disease using it metaphorically to best describe parasitic attorneys. 

"I started looking at the collected water with an old microscope in early April by drying about 30 drops on a microscope slide and saw immediately what appeared to be what I'd seen coming from Morgellons patients on the web. I really had thought the story was a hoax quite frankly, but know now otherwise. I started to look at all my samples and found dozens of these fibers. Confirmation of what these fibers were came on April 18 2007, when a "Goldenhead" nano sensor was isolated.  This confirmation was quite the shock cause I knew then all of us in the White Mountains at least were all being infected with this bizarre nano affliction, infestation, infection."  - Chemtrails and Morgollen's - It's Worse Then You Thought

 Spectrum of fluorescent pigmented colors used by the nanotechnology industry

See examples of the colorful fibers pulled from Morgellons patients here under Jane Smith's Great Balls of Fiber section of the site.  There are all kinds of different materials that come from Morgellon disease including glass like materials and various worm tube like creatures that have things inside that replicate themselves.  The colored fibers are mild compared to some of the nanotechnology insectoids that have been discovered by patients in their bodies.  The octogon (below right) is a nano based glass object pulled from a Morgellons patient.

The primary reason for the biological warfare against humans is speculated to be based in transhumanism:
Transhumanism is an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities. The movement regards aspects of the human condition, such as disability, suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death as unnecessary and undesirable. Transhumanists look to biotechnologies and other emerging technologies for these purposes. Dangers, as well as benefits, are also of concern to the transhumanist movement. - Wikipedia
In a recent article Five Dark Scenarios of Transhumanity published in the transhumanism magazine, one of the dark 5 is:

4.  Co-option of transhumanity by fascists, oligarchs, and super-empowered individuals

The slippery slope of this scenario posits the rise of a transhuman ruling class who, when challenged by the underclass, recede into their own sense of authority & enhanced intelligence to determine that the only appropriate course of action is to subjugate the masses and shepherd the rise of transhuman governance. If transhuman enhancement is truly advantageous, yet remains available only to an elite class, then in all likelihood those elites will embrace the technology to their competitive advantage. Since it would be folly to assume that human technological enhancement will remediate our most basest evolutionary program of survival of the fittest, the likelihood of enhanced predatory elites seizing global power is not so small. The darkest scenario might see transhuman governance requiring control & tracking implants in all newborns - perhaps a bit hyperbolic but not inconceivable if the type of global predators that currently traverse societies gained access to advanced transhuman technologies.