Tuesday, November 2, 2010

All Across the U.S. People Are Blood Boiling Angry at Traitor Politicians

In a recent UPI poll, it was reported a whopping 50% of Americans are angry at politicians. That percentage is really misleading because the details of the poll are far more revealing:
An Angus Reid Public Opinion poll asked 1,011 American adults whether they were personally angry at six different individuals or groups. The poll indicated almost four-in-five respondents report feeling "very angry" or "moderately angry" at the federal government and Congress.

Key findings show 79 percent are angry with the government as a whole while 78 percent of those responding are angry with Congress."

Though I'm not particularly into Christine O'Donnell, whose running for U.S. Senate in Delaware, this music video's really cute. Creatively stitched together from an original speech, O'Donnell's singing about not being a witch.  In a few days this video's had 1.5 million views. 

New York Governor candidate Jimmy McMillan's viral The Rent is Too Damn High video's had 4.5 million views in just two weeks.

All over the U.S. people are really pissed off at politicians who promised change such as Obama who obviously conned the American people to get into office.  People are hopping mad and about to do a little house cleaning today.  I'm particularly fuming at Nancy Pelosi for she and Obama's idiotic health care program.  If everything goes as planned, Pelosi's whorish political career as House Speaker ends tomorrow.

This video depicting the future rule of the Chinese over America was so controversial that it's been discontinued from major networks. It's brought to you by Citizens Against Government Waste at www.CAGW.org

Monday, November 1, 2010

Banks Foreclosure Fraud: "Whoops You Caught Me! Take This Paperwork Instead"

A Wall Street Journal article recently reported how banks are attempting to correct the fraudulent affidavits regarding their foreclosures by replacing them with new ones.  Ohio's attorney general  Richard Cordray released two letters criticizing banks claiming they're trying to practically white out fraud committed in foreclosures as temporary fixes that don't address the real problems.

"It is not acceptable for a party who believes they submitted false court documents to merely replace those documents. Wells Fargo and any other banks are not simply allowed a 'do-over,'" he wrote in the letter to Wells. The other letter was sent to Ohio judges, who were asked to notify Mr. Cordray when banks file substitute affidavits."

The Wall Street Journal reported that "on Oct. 28, Wells Fargo announced it was resubmitting affidavits for 55,000 pending foreclosures, suggesting that some of the paperwork might be flawed. In March, a Wells Fargo employee said in a sworn deposition in a Florida foreclosure case that she signed between 300 and 500 foreclosure documents a day, without reviewing the numbers on the loan files for accuracy." 

General Cordray demanded banks vacate any court order or motion that was based on fraudulent paperwork while recommending banks would be "well-served to work out a settlement with the borrowers to modify the loans and work out payments."

Two weeks ago a 50 state probe of bank fraud regarding foreclosures began in response to reports of widespread errors in foreclosure filings. General Cordray's strategy provides clues as to the goals of such probe which is being led by Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller. 
"The banks are committing fraud on the court, essentially perjury, and then saying 'Whoops! You caught me! Here's some different evidence and use that instead,' " Mr. Cordray said in an interview Friday. "I know a lot of judges are not going to take kindly to that."- Attorney General Cordray, Ohio

 Foreclosure Crisis: Banks Told Not to just 'Fix Foreclosure Fraud

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pumpkin Sculpting Treat From Ray Villafane

These photos that follow are some of the best pumpkin carvings I've ever seen in my entire life.  Apparently they've had a lot of recent exposure after having recently being featured on the Food Network in a pumpkin carving contest.  Ray Villafane's a sculptor of enormous talent.  It must be fun for Villafane to work with pumpkin material rather than tough materials although he claims to be allergic to the vegetable.

The carving to the left is of David Letterman because Villafane recently appeared on the show for a pumpkin carving segment.   For those interested in Villafane's other works that include sand, you can visit his site at www.VillfaneStudios.com. A funny video of Letterman's pumpkin sharing the top 10 worst Halloween parties is at the end of this post.

I'd personally like to unleash Villafane on some marzipan, one of my favorite gourmet candies. The candy's usually shaped and spray painted like fruit. Others have gotten more creative with pink pigs and even cigars.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Scary Embezzlement on the Rise in the United States

Beware of your company's bookkeeper, accountant and anyone who handles money because people you never would suspect could be robbing you blind!  Stories and related convictions among such highly respected professions such as that of pastors, nuns, priests, accountants, school principals and city government officials are growing.  Blogs like Fraud Talk are sprouting up to report on the growing fraud trend.  

The stories are scary because it's clear the people who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars, and sometimes millions, seem to be just your every day good type of people caught up in greed.  Many of the convicted criminals seem to have just wanted to experience what it's like to live the good life regardless of the consequences.  I imagine many of them knew they'd be caught and thought living the high life for a few years was worth it.  Others convicted are obviously addicted to money or gambling.

Marquet International Ltd., an investigate corporate intelligence and due diligence consulting firm, prepares yearly reports on the major embezzlement in the United States.  Marquet's latest report, The Marquet Report on Embezzlement  was released in January, 2010 reporting for the year 2009, only a few months after the 2008 mild economic collapse.  The report confirmed a rise in white collar crimes:
"Employee misconduct and internal corporate fraud will be a continuing and growing problem as the U.S. economy continues to struggle. The seeds of future major embezzlements, yet to be discovered, are being sown in the current market environment. That having been said, the revelation of so many major embezzlements in the US in recent years is in part due to the downturn in the economy beginning in 2008. As the saying goes, 'when the river runs dry, the jagged rocks are revealed.' Corporate fraud schemes tend to reveal themselves when organizations pay more attention to their finances. Other white collar crimes, such as investment frauds, simply collapse on themselves in economic downturns." Report link.
For any writer looking for a nitch market to write for, fraud and embezzlement stories are booming! Here are just a few samples from the Marquet site.  There's a new conviction or prosecution trial listed on major embezzlement schemes every day to report on.  Here are just a few of the most outrageous stories listed on the Fraud Talk Blog within the last two months.

Lori Lockman Julian, 48, of Casselberry, Florida, was sentenced to 57 months in prison for embezzling more than $7.3 million from the William C. Webb Co. and its related business, Industrial Park Development Corp., where she had been employed as a bookkeeper. According to authorities, Julian forged company checks written out to herself and others as well as made online payments to personal vendors and credit cards. The scheme, which netted Julian a total of $7,345,050.13, spanned more than 4 years, from August 2005 through October 2009, according to prosecutors. Authorities said she used the misappropriated funds to finance a lavish lifestyle including a second home, Orlando Magic season tickets, vehicles, boats, designer handbags and other personal luxury items. Julian pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud in a plea agreement. She must also pay restitution. Link to Video on YouTube

Karen F. Floyd, 49, of Salisbury, North Carolina, pleaded guilty to charges she misappropriated more than $1 million from Southern Community Bank & Trust, where she had served as a Senior Vice President & Regional Banking Executive. According to authorities, over a 3 1/2 year period, from March 2006 through November 2009. Floyd created at least 11 fraudulent loans made out to "straw" borrowers totalling $1.08 million. She faces up to 30 years in prison, plus fines and restitution on the one count of theft/embezzlement/misapplication by (a) bank officer.

Edward Peter Fiszer, 40, of Newhall, California, pleaded not guilty Friday to charges he embezzled more than $1.4 million from the New Academy Canoga Park Charter School, where he had served as principal. According to authorities, in 2008 and 2009, Fiszer obtained at least 12 cashiers checks from school accounts and deposited them into a personal stock trading account. He has been charged with 31 counts of embezzlement, money laundering, forgery and tax fraud. Nevertheless, an audit by the Los Angeles Unified School District found that Fiszer had misappropriated or misused as much as $2.7 million. Sadly, as a result, the school is being considered for closure. Fiszer faces up to 44 years in prison if convicted on all counts.
Lisa Ann Castro, 46, of Torrance, California was charged today with embezzling about $100,000 from the Halldale Avenue Elementary School in Torrance and an associated PTA. Castro is a former administrative assistant with the Los Angeles Unified School District under which the school falls. Prosecutors have charged Castro with four felony counts of forgery, three counts of embezzlement and two counts of misappropriation of public funds. Castro is alleged to have forged two principals names and two PTA officials on more than 100 checks over a period of approximately four years, from 2005 until 2009, using the funds for her own benefit. She is reported to have had treasury responsibilities on the two school accounts and two PTA accounts from which she allegedly stole.
The Rev. Samuel Ciccolini, aka Father Sam, 68, of Akron, Ohio, admitted to embezzling about from $1.2 million Interval Brotherhood Home Foundation, a non-profit he founded and ran since 1970. According to authorities, over a period of at least four years, from 2002 through 2006, Ciccolini engaged in an "elaborate subterfuge" by submitting fraudulent invoices purportedly for construction work and equipment that had been donated and receiving reimbursement. He then allegedly falsified records to cover up the fraud. Ciccolini
The Ohio State Auditor's Office released an audit report about its findings in the case involving Erie County's former deputy treasurer, Tamara J. Holeton, 41, of Sandusky, Ohio, who plead guilty this past August on charges she misappropriated $146,592 in funds that were meant to be deposited into county coffers. Holeton plead guilty to theft in office and record tampering charges. The audit report made 7 specific management recommendations to improve controls. According to reports, Holeton misappropriated the funds over a five year period from 2005 until 2010

David A. Thompson, of Canal Winchester, Ohio and believed to be in his late 40s, was found guilty today of embezzling more than $1 million from his church, The World of Pentecost Church in Columbus, where he had served as pastor. Specifically, Thompson was found guilty on charges of theft, money laundering and tampering with records by a Franklin County Common Pleas judge. Prosecutors alleged that Thompson misappropriated funds from the church over a 9 year period from 1998 to 2007. He was charged with the thefts in 20 felony counts in late February 2009 and was alleged to have stolen funds from the church's building and assistance funds which he spent to support a lavish lifestyle, including expenditures on luxury cars, a pool, a boat and hair treatments. Thompson became pastor in 1995. He faces nearly 90 years in prison upon sentencing, scheduled for December 1, 2010.
Source: These people listed above are featured on the Fraud Talk blog. Please note that a couple of the people listed above haven't been convicted, only charged, two of whom have pleaded not guilty

Other sample stories can be found here on the Marquet site..

Friday, October 29, 2010

J.P. Morgan Chase Sending Letters To Customers With Home Loan Refinance Offers

I've been so busy lately that for the first time I had to turn down loan signing work today.  I was actually too exhausted to do a refinance loan closing at the Presidio in San Francisco last evening. Under normal circumstances I would have jumped at the chance.  I'm exhausted because for the past two weeks I've been running around the city like a chicken with my head cut off due to a surge in refinances of home loans.  Apparently the banks need to meet a government quota of loans so  J.P. Morgan Chase's been sending out offers to its customers to refinance their homes. People are snatching up the refinance offers like hot cakes.  I've since been meeting some very interesting people.

The first day of the World Series in San Francisco I actually did a loan signing near the AT&T ball park for a UPI photographer who flew in from Washington DC.  He also does photography for White House events (he described as very boring work).  Amazingly, a few days ago I did a signing for the California Supreme Court's research attorney and her husband.  When the nice lady told me the kind of work she did my jaw nearly dropped.  Yesterday I did a signing for a couple in a really large mansion in the Pacific Heights part of San Francisco who are in advertising and marketing.  The lady represents many top photographers' and their prestigious portfolios.

I meet such a wide variety of professionals, this is the perfect job for me.  Whenever I go into my home office, which is really the Regus business lounge and kitchen lounge areas, I've gotten to know several professionals there as well.   Attorneys like to bring up the "robo signer" fiasco to me because I'm a notary public.  The past few days I've spoken with two attorneys who brought it up to me at the Regus Halloween party.  These attorneys are very upset and believe people should be up in arms over millions of people being ripped off by the banks for fraudulent mortgage practices. (See my post No Trick or Treat!  Foreclosure Crises Scary As Hell!)  One attorney even suggested all the sports being in the news may be a conspiracy to hide the real estate crisis!  I personally think it's more of a coincidence due to the timing of the playoff season for baseball and football.

A few weeks ago there was a great article in the Wall Street Journal about specialty attorneys like Dustin Zacks and boutique law firms such as Ice Legal who deal with defending foreclosures.  Yesterday the Alex Jones Show did a large segment interviewing one of the Ice Legal attorneys, Dustin Zacks that was very interesting.  Check it out.

Attorney Dustin Zacks from Ice Legal was Interviewed on the Alex Jones Show and explains how his law firm specializes in successfully helping defendants in foreclosure disputes with banks.

I kind of think this surge of refinancing won't last and that my line of work in this area will eventually dry up when already insolvent banks go belly up.  Last night I also had my first offer to perform an electronic notarization I think will be the wave of the future.  

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Escaping the Box of Male Domination and Social Engineering

After being on the other end of what is really a nasty display of male domination, jealousy and revenge over delusional self images, I've been analyzing what causes it all.  I've come to the conclusion this oppressive male way of thinking and viewing the world is the result of the American culture in general.  Capitalism, greed, competitive sports and the educational system all causes many American men to exist on the level of an arrogant primal monkey.

The sad thing is how women have fully cooperated in supporting this American male attitude and domination to the detriment of the indebted U.S. economy.  Women in America have allowed men to run wild, such as this young man in the video below, doing whatever they want with no boundaries whatsoever. This, while women are extremely critical and intolerant of one another.  This causes a severe imbalance in the American culture for women to feel repressed in expressing their emotions (e.g., only at weddings, baby showers, etc.) while men often run around behaving like madmen.

This college dorm student displays typical American male behaviorl pounding of his chest with primal sounds while running around his dorm like a monkey over the SF Giants Pennant win.  Near the end of the video, his roommate rewards his behavior.  Men allow themselves a broad range of behaviors and emotions in American culture. On the other hand, women are often intolerant and over critical of one another.

I didn't like working for employers the past 30 years because I've never been allowed to be myself. Men always made sure they dominated reality and that I was limited to the box they felt I fit into.  To these men, I've only existed to be used as a tool for them to achieve their goal and nothing more. This is grossly unfair.  It became clear to me these men were greedy and wanted to dominate all aspects of the corporate world.  Only women who submitted to men in corporate America to do whatever they wanted them to do had any form of success of long term job stability.

In this video, much like in the corporate world, a man trains a monkey to be a film director
and make her own film. Many American men view women as an inferior species only to be used, manipulated and socially engineered like primates.

Men often projected their feelings of jealousy, torment and conquest onto me in the business world.  They knew I was always in a weak position and boxed me in psychologically. Like a math formula they believed they could determine my mental state from basic psychology 101 and treat me as such without regard for the true reality. The reality is that I'm a living free thinking flowing human being inside.  I am my own person, having not given into social engineering many corporations take part in.  Because I'm a free thinker, I was able to somehow break free and have my own businesses. During the time of breaking free, I noted jealous vicious male behavior reared its ugly head on the Internet from complete strangers.  Men noted I was "escaping the box" and tried hard to keep me locked up in it forever branded with their cattle iron.
Social engineering is a discipline in political science that refers to efforts to influence popular attitudes and social behaviors on a large scale, whether by governments or private groups. In the political arena, the counterpart of social engineering is political engineering. - Wikipedia
There's something very dark and ugly about today's American male.  He has to win at all costs, have all the money and prestige.  He views himself as oppressed by women in some way yet he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants it.  He can cheat on his wife and divorce anytime moving on to his next woman.  He can burden women with children and not really raise them as he should leaving our culture scarred.

In this American society men are spoiled by their mothers at a young age. They generally get whatever they want whenever they want it.  Today, in many growing cases, women work hard to give men what they want in the workplace and at home.  Men have all the support in this culture and make sure women are in a box existing only for the purpose of breeding and being socially engineered to conform to their desires and needs.

How sad it is to come to the realization that men are largely for the most part nothing more than arrogant monkeys with a higher brain function.  A monkey may even have more soul than many of today's American males.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mexican Pirates On The U.S. Border Killing Americans

American tourists are being killed in vicious attacks on the Mexican border.  A few weeks ago, Tiffany Hartley's husband David was shot while jet skiing by young Mexican pirates.  The Hartley's had wandered into Mexican waters in order to take a photo of an old church.  No one had forewarned them of the danger.

Tiffany has since been largely scrutinized as possibly killing her own husband to add to her pain.  Recently a witness has reportedly come forward to support Tiffany's story.  Tiffany was initially questioned by Mexican authorities for several hours about her story.  There were a couple of anomalies such as a missing jet ski and body.  To me, these alleged anomalies seem logical since the young pirates would want the jet ski and probably the body as well.

Tiffany has since gone on a campaign to speak out about the violence on the Mexican border by the drug cartels. Affirming much of what has been said on the Alex Jones Show, the Mexican drug cartels control much of Mexico.  In fact, one of the top investigators of Tiffany's case was recently beheaded with his head sent in a suitcase. 

In spite of these emerging facts, it is quite sad that the U.S. government chooses not to adequately forewarn Americans. 
But Texas officials keep encouraging boaters to enjoy the bass fishing on a border lake. And Gov. Rick Perry has not urged people to take any special precautions, suggesting only that U.S. and Mexican authorities increase the law enforcement presence in the area.  Tiffany Hartley Declines to Go to Mexico - Christian Monitor
It's interesting when our government is always running around the planet hyping up the threat of terrorism when they seem to have no interest in protecting Americans lives on the border.  It's a very serious problem that deserves a Presidential address to the nation because a real war is happening in Mexico.  Mexico is an extremely dangerous place to visit.  People should be made aware regardless that it would hurt tourism.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Horror of Major Banks Masquerading to Foreclose Homes as Tax Lien Collectors

Around five years ago some web site was advertising a way to make a good investment by purchasing property tax liens from city government auctions on home owner's default payments.  Basically the process goes something like this. A home owner's tax lien (i.e., unpaid overdue property taxes) gets purchased through the city government's on-line auction. Such purchaser then hikes up the cost to the homeowner to make a profit. The homeowner thereby doesn't get foreclosed on due to the intervention and the city gets much needed cash in its coffers through the auction.  Sounds great for everyone involved, right? Not so much. 

As with anything, there comes a catch for the homeowner and a near fatal one in many cases. The law enables someone to make as much as 18% on the investment. More greedy individuals might tack on additional fees dooming the homeowner to foreclosure. I eventually bought the tax lien information on a CD-ROM but later discarded it when I learned it meant people who didn't pay could be foreclosed on.  It seemed a sleazy practice and it turned out I was right.

The Huffington Post recently did an extensive story The New Tax Man: Big Banks and Hedge Funds on how predatory major banks are feasting on the tax lien collection practices having opened up hundreds of sub-companies like  Tower Capital Management LLC.  These vulture banks are operating through these rather fake companies to purchase tax liens in bulk from cities. The companies then hike up ridiculous fees to home owners who are already struggling to pay their property taxes. Many of these homeowners are victims of recent unemployment and have owned their homes for decades.  These banks are then foreclosing on these people's homes!

Note in this video at one point the bill to the homeowner has a $1,500 attorney fee from the LLC sub tax lien banking institution!  Sleaze!

This video from the Huffington Post is outstanding and shows true journalism in fishing out the major banks are behind these predatory practices.  Heartless, soulless major banking institutions have masqueraded themselves behind thousands of "LLC" sub companies.  Many of these sub companies have no office or just a PO box in order to feast off the pain of the delinquent tax homeowner.

What's nauseating is that these are the same banks that we the tax payers recently bailed out, who are granting large bonuses to themselves. The banks are out en masse in a feeding frenzy like parasites foreclosing on people's longstanding properties for unpaid property taxes.  Some of the original overdue taxes amounted to only a couple hundred dollars ballooning into thousands of dollars

For more information see:

Monday, October 25, 2010

No Trick or Treat! Foreclosuregate is Scary as Hell

There's something huge brewing in the mortgage fraud crisis. Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D. author of The Web of Debt asks in her article Homeowners' Rebellion: Could 62 Million Homes Be Foreclosure-Proof? if it's possible people won't need to pay off their mortgages after all. To put it simply, the banks have recently been disclosed to have technically lost the chain to millions of titles to properties on its ledgers.  In other words, banks have lost rights to the promissory notes due to selling the mortgages to third parties bundled as securities. The third parties repackaged the mortgages and sold them again as derivatives on the market. This amounts to the chain of title being broken that millions of people don't technically owe the banks! 

On her blog, Ellen Brown, J.D.  writes on August 18, 2010:
Mortgages bundled into securities were a favorite investment of speculators at the height of the financial bubble leading up to the crash of 2008. The securities changed hands frequently, and the companies profiting from mortgage payments were often not the same parties that negotiated the loans. At the heart of this disconnect was the Mortgage Electronic Registration System, or MERS, a company that serves as the mortgagee of record for lenders, allowing properties to change hands without the necessity of recording each transfer. 
Under the aforementioned scenario, banks are meant to suffer tremendous losses due to their fraud. The banks are looking forward to President Obama legitimizing their fraud in signing a bill called the Interstate Recognition of Notarization Act (Patrick Leahy, D-Vt) he pocket vetoed prior to the elections.  President Obama merely sent the bill back to the Senate wanting the legislature to "clean it up a bit".  In other words President Obama has all intention of giving a free pass to the banks to still own title on people's properties.  The Senate attempted to "sneak" the bill through without public debate. 

This article from the Huntington Post, demonstrates how politicians used the timing of the National Notary Association's presentation at the Congress two months ago as a camouflage for its legislative activities to create the Interstate Recognition of Notarization Act. (I was initially invited but didn't attend).
The bill has been passed by the House three times since 2007, and each time it died in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Why did the world's greatest deliberative body let it get through this time? It happened because Calvin Coolidge, the 30th president of the United States, was a notary public from Vermont, according to Judiciary Committee aides.

It all started, the aides said, when committee chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) participated in an Aug. 3 "Why Coolidge Matters" event with the National Notary Association at the Library of Congress. "Senator Leahy was so very gracious to carve out some of his time to join us at the Library of Congress event, and we are grateful for his kind words regarding Calvin Coolidge as well as his support of the important roles played by Notaries Public," wrote Michael Robinson, executive director of the National Notary Association, in a Sep. 14 email to Leahy's office. Robinson asked if anyone from Leahy's office would be interested in H.R. 3808, the notarization bill that had passed the House of Representatives by a voice vote in the springtime.

"In September, after hearing from the National Notary Association....Senator Leahy, in consultation with the Committee's Ranking Member, Senator Jeff Sessions, examined the legislation," Judiciary Committee aides wrote in an email. "Having heard no objections from advocates, States or stakeholders, and having checked with the Department of Justice, the bill was discharged from the Judiciary Committee. It was passed with the unanimous consent after every Senate office was notified that it was being considered and there were no objections." - How the Controversial Foreclosure Bill Made It Through Congress with No Public Debate

There are insider rumors that this mortgage fraud was all deliberately planned as an incremental step towards the government's nationalization of the mortgages by bailing out the too big to fail banks.  They allegedly intend on stealing American's property this way.  Banks have already been caught attempting to confiscate property owners have paid off due to the confusion of paperwork. The courts have proven to be on the side of the banks but the people have only just begun to fight.

When it came time to foreclose on properties banks hired "robo signers" to rubber stamp documentation fraudulently.  They lost title of the property, plain and simple. The courts are dealing with it.  Some judges don't care and just rubber stamp the foreclosures.

In part 2 of this 6 part video series, Randy Kelton, pro se litigant proponent, explains how the banks profited from selling people's mortgages to third parties, and on and on and on. Who owns the note? Who holds the title?  Why are the government's loan modifications nothing more than precursors to foreclosure?

Other judges are taking note of it due to pro se litigants such as Randy Kelton at Rule of Law Radio (above video) who are bringing them before grand juries scaring the hell out of them.

Related articles by author Ellen Brown, J.D at www.WebofDebt.com.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

San Francisco Giants Fans Hilarious Reaction to World Series Clincher

First, I'd like to start off by showing what the opposing fans go through when their team loses.  Listening to the audio of this video from an earlier game against the Dodgers, one would have thought something truly horrible happened. I thought it would go rather well with my earlier Marilyn Manson Halloween video.

San Franciscan's reaction to the Giant's Pennant Win

How New Yorker's reacted to Giants Win. These people went absolutely bezerk!

Unlike a few of the LA Dodger fans, SF Giants fans celebrate peacefully on the streets of San Francisco and at the local bars

Here's a SF Giants win reaction at a home party

Another SF fans crowd goes nuts at Pedros.

These Giants fans are at a baseball history McCovey's restaurant and pub
in Walnut Creek, CA

These folks were celebrating their 50th anniversary when. . . .

This Giants fan college dorm resident has me analyzing his reaction as being "deeply primal" for pounding his chest and running around his dorm like a monkey.

Finally, you have to feel bad for this SF Giants fan since no one in the room understands him.