Monday, October 11, 2010

Checked Out Serpentine Rock on Angel Island 10-10-10

Yesterday was a gorgeous day so I went on a hike at Angel Island in San Francisco with a geology group and shot some video along with a few photos. At left I accidentally caught a Blue Angel jet  when I was taking a shot of the Golden Gate Bridge (click to enlarge).  I didn't see the jet in the viewfinder so I was shocked when I saw it in the photo.

I've never been to Angel Island before, a California State Park.  I went with a geology hike group and learned a lot about the state's official state rock Serpentine.  Apparently the Serpentine rock has asbestos in it so some congress woman was trying to get it removed from the state's official status.  According to the geology teaching guide, this was preposterous.  The Serpentine rock is green and very rare.  Asbestos in this rock doesn't cause cancer in humans.
California has a greater number of minerals and a wider variety of rock types than does any other state. Serpentine, a shiny, green and blue rock found throughout California, was named the official State Rock in 1965. It contains the state's principal deposits of chromite, magnesite, and cinnabar. California was the first state to designate a State Rock. -Source
I shot some video too.  I usually upload the videos in HD but this time I accidentally imported it in the wrong video program so I don't know how it will turn out.

All I know is I've already edited the video and can't take the time to do it all over again for HD.

We hiked around the entire island and came across some interesting abandoned buildings.  Some were from way back during the civil war that were all boarded up in great condition.  Another was a hospital building you could just walk into that had no windows.   The entire island was once dedicated to WWII activities and military officers stayed on the island.

Here's a blurb of the island's geological history and evolution:

Until about ten thousand years ago, Angel Island was connected to the mainland; it was cut off by the rise in sea levels due to the end of the last ice age. From about two thousand years ago the island was a fishing and hunting site for Coast Miwok Native Americans. Similar evidence of Native American settlement is found on the nearby mainland of the Tiburon Peninsula upon Ring Mountain.[3] In 1775, the Spanish naval vessel San Carlos made the first European entry to the San Francisco Bay under the command of Juan de Ayala. Ayala anchored off Angel Island, and gave it its modern name (Isla de los Angeles); the bay where he anchored is now known as Ayala Cove. - wikipedia
My shot of the Coit Tower from the Ferry on the Way to Angel Island
In San Francisco you pay a ferry $16 round trip to go to Angel Island where you can ride a bike and kayak. I was considering going back for an electric bike excursion, only to learn electric bikes aren't allowed on the island.  At the end of the hike I was exhausted and wasn't sure I could make it.  I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

U.S. Government Steals Baby Over Father's Political Affiliations

I don't have much time today, but wanted to repost an urgent story about the United States government's Family Child Services beasts who are beginning to target and steal newborn babies over their parents' alleged political affiliations. In this case, the government targeted a guy named John Irish for alleged posts regarding the "Oath Keepers" an organization that supports the Bill of Rights.  The Alex Jones Show covered this tragic story in length yesterday. 

UPDATE: We have now obtained a copy of the affidavit which can be viewed below. This confirms that Irish was targeted partly because of his association with Oath Keepers, in addition to the fact that he bought guns. Apparently, exercising the second amendment is now reasonable justification for the state to steal your child in America.

By Paul Watson, Prison
October 8, 2010
Article Link

A newborn baby was ripped from its mother’s arms by officials from the New Hampshire Division of Family Child Services accompanied by police last night after authorities cited the parents’ association with the Oath Keepers organization as one of the primary reasons for the snatch, heralding a shocking new level of persecution where Americans’ political beliefs are now being used by the state to kidnap children.

What was supposed to be one of the most joyous occasions of their lives turned into a nightmare for John Irish and Stephanie Janvrin, after they were told by The Director of Security and the Head Nurse at Concord Hospital that their baby would be taken to be checked by the hospital pediatrician.

“They lied to us – they got us to allow them to take our daughter under false pretenses, we didn’t even have a choice,” said Irish. When Irish tried to stop his daughter being taken, the baby was immediately wheeled out in a bassinet, after which Irish saw three men in suits accompanied by uniformed police officers as well as detectives and social workers. who proceeded to try to search Irish. “They forced me to stand up, held my hands behind my back and patted me down,” said Irish, before police told him they were taking the baby.

“My fiancé didn’t even get any time to bond with the baby – they came in and stole our child,” said Irish. The parents were given a couple of minutes with their daughter before being forced by police to leave the hospital. Irish was subsequently told that a “security officer” would follow his every move.

The affidavit in support of the decision to take the child, which has been verified by Oath Keepers, states, “The Division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Irish associated with a militia known as the Oath Keepers,” confirming that political beliefs were, amongst other reasons, one of the primary factors behind the snatching of the baby.

Even if the additional reasons cited in the affidavit, which are unproven at this time, could be considered sufficient reason for the state to take the baby, the fact that political affiliations were even mentioned is a frightening indictment of how far the government’s war on Americans who dissent against authority has advanced.

“Regardless of the other allegations, it is utterly unconstitutional for government agencies to list Mr. Irish’s association with Oath Keepers in an affidavit in support of a child abuse order to remove his daughter from his custody.” writes Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes. “Talk about chilling speech! If this is allowed to continue, it will chill the speech of not just Mr. Irish, but all Oath Keepers and it will serve as the camel under the tent for other associations being considered too risky for parents to dare. Thus, it serves to chill the speech of all of us, in any group we belong to that “officials” may not approve of. Don’t you dare associate with such and such group, or you could be on “the list” and then child protective services might come take your kids.”

The parents were not even full members of the Oath Keepers organization, they were merely on a discussion list related to the group. This makes the case even more shocking – you don’t even have to be directly associated with a group that the government deems to be a “militia” to have your baby stolen – you merely have to be involved in online discussions of issues relating to the constitution and freedom in America.

Irish’s own web page clearly states that he supports a “NON-violent, law abiding gathering of like minded Patriots,” and that he is “AGAINST ANY acts of violence or illegal activity.”“The Sons of Liberty Riders does not endorse or tolerate radical, extreme, violent or racial postings,” states the website.

The Oath Keepers organization is not a “militia,” as the affidavit claims, it is merely a loose network of current and former military and law enforcement professionals who have sworn not to obey unconstitutional orders such as gun confiscation, warrantless searches and mass internment of Americans. The group is committed to non-violence.

If this case is allowed to stand it opens up a hellish future for free speech and political discourse in America. If parents live in fear of having their children stolen by the state because they criticize the government, the United States can rank itself amongst the worst dictatorships in history who invoked the threat of taking people’s children if they spoke out against tyranny.

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes has announced that a legal defense fund will be created to help Irish, and that the organization, “will actively pursue aggressive legal remedy and redress.”“We will assist in locating competent local legal counsel in New Hampshire and additional expert legal counsel from around the country in First Amendment and child custody law,” wrote Stewart on the Oath Keepers website.

“There can be no freedom of speech, no freedom of association, no freedom to even open your mouth and “speak truth to power,” no freedom AT ALL, if your children can be black bagged and stolen from you because of your political speech and associations — because you simply dare to express your love of country, and dare to express your solidarity and fellowship with other citizens and with active duty and retired military and police who simply pledge to honor their oath and obey the Constitution. It was to prevent just such outrageous content based persecution of political dissidents that our First Amendment was written.”

Statement by Jonathon Irish
My name is Johnathon Irish and my fiance’s name is Stephanie Taylor, she uses my grandfathers last name Janvrin on the internet. Our daughter Cheyenne was born at 11:37 on 6 October.  She wasn’t even 16 hours old when they came in and stole her from us,  the head of security had come in a nurse while Cheyenne was sleeping lied to us telling us that they just wanted to take her to the nursery to see the doctor to be discharged.  Even though I said NO to have the doctor come in the room they took her anyway,  I followed then out to the nursery because I didn’t want my daughter out of my sight, as we were walking out I saw several gentlemen wearing suits with detective badges and my gut just started wrenching. 

They rushed her into the nursery and locked her in, while I was talking to one of the other nurses the head of security comes up behind me, grabs my arm and starts walking me down the hall saying “you need to keep an open mind, you need to just hear them out” and he just kept repeating himself ignoring my questions as to who “they” were.  When he got me in Stephanie’s hospital room and sat me down on the couch the police department and DCYF workers showed up.  3 uniformed patrol officers and 3-4 detectives with 2 DCYF social workers walked in the room, one of the patrol man asked if he could pat me down, I said NO not giving consent that I just want to know why the hell everyone is there. 

The officer grabbed my wrist, bent it behind my back and stood me up and proceeded to pat me down anyway.  They took my pocket knife and BIC lighter, they then asked me if I had any other weapons on me which I told them no.  They then gave us a fabricated affidavit with no facts in it what so ever telling us that they were taking custody of our newborn daughter.  If anyone has any other questions I am willing to answer any and all questions and clarify anything that someone may not understand.  To be honest, I don’t even understand this myself.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tom Cruise Middle Age Blues Spreading

You can tell actor Tom Cruise has done his share of work outs at the gym, but it's clear his days of glory are over.  The problem for Cruise in this photo clearly shows it's his mid section that needs thinning out.  It's clear from the photo Cruise once had killer abs with definition.

Like I've said many times throughout this blog, no one escapes the doom of middle age; not singer Barry Gibb, not Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, (the horror before and after at right) not even the former Greek god musician performer Yanni.  No one!  The most good looking people eventually fall victim to age. The most beautiful, the most spectacular of people all begin changing around 40+.

So if you're young enjoy it while you can because, like the rest of us, you're headed for a butt ugly middle age life.  One where you'll be forced to remove facial hair yearly, have sun spots removed, have painful IPL skin treatments, pluck gray from your eyebrows and have polyps and various warts removed.

Why did Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb do this to us?  This was cruel!

Why did Babs and Barry find it necessary to come back 30 years later to torment us?

So when you realize looks are fading, life changes and you begin to rely less on your appearance to open social doors and more on your intellect and great personality.

Still not a bad looking guy, Yanni's transformation into mid age is tragic for many of his 90's fans. It wasn't just all about his music, it was his mane of gorgeous hair!   We weep at the loss of his youth.  We weep for ourselves. We weep for humanity at large.

Yanni in the early 1990's *sigh*

I don't think I'll quite get over Yanni's transformation.  God's so cruel to make us all age.  Why must this happen?  Why???? Very few get better with age.  

Singer Julio Iglesias - Triple chin, what?

Julio Iglesias in early 1980's - Hypnotic

The most tragic is probably the loss of George Michael.   Age is much like earthquake or natural disaster changing things forever. No one escapes the ravages of time. No one!

George Michael in 2010 - We're all doomed.

What this all means is that the most attractive people of yesterday can turn into prunes in a matter of a couple decades.  I don't understand why any of these guys seek the limelight today being mere shells of their former lives.  They made it with their good looks and talent. I may speak for myself, but I don't think the public really needs these guys parading around and performing any more.  There's always fresh new faces and talent waiting to be discovered and it's their turn to shine now.  

I beg these old timer guys to leave us with our fond memories of them and to stay out of the public spotlight as much as possible. Otherwise, they should be aware how shocking and horrifying it is to so many of us who witnessed their hey day.  We be shocked!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's Just a Root Canal Scam Mam!

A word of caution to anyone having old amalgam fillings over 20 years old - they'll eventually need replacing. Surprise!  I recently had my first amalgam filling replaced after I noticed heat sensitivity.  One day I was eating a french fry that caused me to nearly hit the roof in pain.

I posted a while back in April that a new dentist seemed to be exploiting the problem tooth to propose I pay for a root canal specialist's opinion.  According to my trusted dentist of 15 years who I had asked for a second opinion, the tooth didn't appear to need a root canal based on the Xray or tests.

After the tooth check up, a few months later the tooth became sensitive again out of the blue.  I feared the worst, that it was a possible root canal.  Coincidentally, the other dentist had also called around the time of new tooth pain to let me know it was time for a check-up.  I returned to my trusted dentist who suggested a plan of first replacing the old amalgam filling that could be the culprit and then moving forward based on the results. Well, the results are in and I'm relieved it was just an amalgam filling needing replacement after all! The sensitivity to heat is completely gone now.

I was relieved because I have no dental insurance. A root canal and crown is at least $2,000.  I used to pay $450 a year for dental insurance and, of course, nothing ever happened when I paid that amount.  I knew the moment I had no insurance things would start popping up in my mouth. The good news for me is I have porcelain crowns, a bridge and only two amalgam fillings left to replace.  I've had one root canal 20 years ago.  I'm hoping, never again.

I learned how some dentists try to exploit tooth symptoms for their profit.  The new dentist who had brought me in on her new patient coupon mailing told me she was nearly certain I needed a root canal.  It's important to always get a second opinion from a trusted source prior to letting any starving dentist lead you into an expensive specialist's chair.  The specialist was all set to charge $157 and God only knows where they would have led me from there.  However, I take note this dentist scam is nothing compared to attorneys' scams. Attorneys are among some of the biggest crooks on the planet aside from bankers. 

I've paid my dues in a dental chair over my lifetime with braces, head gears (the pain!), retainers and spacers, you name it.  I've had just about enough of it all except for maybe the laughing gas. I absolutely loved the laughing gas! 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Asian Delicacies - Fried Bats Anyone?

I think what a culture eats reveals a lot about itself. Take for instance Asian cuisine.

To the left appears to be a new Japanese cuisine: insect sushi.  There are even mating worms at bottom left. 

Check out these fine Chinese delicacies:

Scorpion soup anyone?

Ummm! Corn on the cob and skewered snake!

Yum! Skewered baby nestling sparrows

What would they ever do without fried mice?

 Those worms ain't no mini fries!

More Japanese delicacies:
No comment

 On a cold winter day have some cockroach noodle soup why don't you?

Here's some stats on insect food taken from the Chibilicious Blog:

* There are edible insects. Most of them are and there are a few species that are palatable, high in nutrition and are easily obtainable.

* Many species of insect are very high in protein and low in fat. You have to admit, that is a good ratio.

* According to research, insects are tasty. If you are too grossed-out to have them as main dish, they could be converted to flour and be added to bread or other dishes for additional protein boost.

* Compared to meat, insects are easier to raise. You don’t have to clean manure or drag in hay to feed them. There are no veterinary bills and you can have them in your apartment and get no complaints.

* It is nowhere gory in butchering insects. I do not even want to compare how cattle are butchered for us to eat.

* The action of raising insects is environmentally friendly. They only need minimal space per pound of protein. They have less feed ration compared to other animals to raise and are very low in the food chain. And yet, they are healthy, tasty and IS part of the food chain (if you look closely how mankind, especially cavemen or early men lived on insects).

* No animal (or should I say insect) activists will fight you against eating insects. There are no wildlife habitat destroyed to eat insects. Insects and earthworms can even be incorporated into a recycling program… vegetable waste in, yummy insect protein out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

U.S. Navy Tries To Sneak In Plans for Destructive Ocean Coastal War Games

Like a criminal camouflages himself onto someone's property in the middle of the night to rob the sleeping occupant, the U.S. Navy's been disguising itself  with absurd environmental studies prior to genocidal war games against U.S. mammal life involving destructive acts against coastal natural resources.

Back in September I received an email from Activist Rosalind Peterson of the Agriculture Defense Coalition.  Peterson was sounding the threat alarm after having read the Navy's thousand-page environmental impact statement on its plans to conduct war games in U.S. Coastal waters for five years.

"I think that everyone along the way kept quiet about this; hoping it would go through without us really knowing and having a voice in the process," said Peterson. 
The Navy acknowledges more than a half million marine mammals -- mostly whales and dolphins -- could be harmed by explosions and especially by sonar. But environmentalists say the true numbers could be as high as 11 million, even when warships are miles away.  All  this death and mayhem for military rehearsals for war games!

Pure Madness - Boys in the U.S. Navy Plan Their Pathetic War Games 
of Mammal Mass Genocide At the Expense of America's Coastal Communities

Boys will be boys with their war game toys!  They apparently think they'll have a lot of fun out on the ocean blowing things up and killing ocean life to make them feel like powerful men. The reality is they're nothing but pathetic cowards.  When Americans catch a whiff of what these military assholes have carelessly done to destroy our ocean coast, including protected ocean reserves, they will turn against their own military and government in the droves!

Listen to a spokesperson lie in describing this horrific fish kill:

Americans will draw the line when their government begins destroying, not protecting, natural resources like our coastal oceans.  Every normal person loves nature and the beauty of the ocean.  This kind of military behavior is unjustified and should be criminalized.  These military men should not be given free reign to do whatever they want in this country.  They work for us, and most all Americans would be opposed to this if the major media ever picked up this story to expose it.  These U.S. military men pose far more of a threat to America then alleged terrorists do because they obey the orders of criminals high up.  

In California the U.S. Navy 5-Year Warfare Training Expansion is planned for Northern
California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. The Final U.S. Navy Environmental Impact
Statement the EIS/OEIS was released on September 10, 2010. Current and Final  EIS/OEIS documents are available for public review on the Navy website (9): There will be a thirty day public comment period which will end on October 11, 2010. Also note that the NOAA permit for the Navy to begin their warfare testing program will be out in several weeks and we will have another thirty days for public comment. It is time petition our elected officials for U.S. Congressional hearings to protect our marine mammals.

Note the number of toxic chemicals to be used and the redundant radar, missile, and
bomb testing that are planned for these area over land and in the Pacific Ocean. (The
Southern California 5-Year Warfare Testing is currently underway.)  Source PDF

For those who seek protest from this insanity, write Senator Barbara Boxer and submit a comment with the Navy site by October 11, 2010.

Monday, October 4, 2010

LBJ Had JFK Assassinated - Case Closed In My Mind

People are saying enough of the endless speculation on JFK's assassination!  I studied about the John F. Kennedy assassination in the mid 90's coming to the conclusion Lyndon B. Johnson was the prime suspect in JFK's murder.  It's now been confirmed with a recent series of articles under the theme's LBJ Killed JFK  tying all the loose ends together with a single fingerprint in the book depository. 

LBJ was an insane bastard who had President Kennedy killed so he could become President among other things. LBJ hated the Kennedys and blackmailed JFK into choosing him as his running mate.  Though others had supported LBJ in his motivations, LBJ was the prime force behind it all.

I always thought the JFK/LBJ combination seemed a little strange.  Apply some intuition, do you really think JFK would have chosen that bastard LBJ Texan as his running mate if he had choice? Hell no! 

"With their politics often in opposition, it seems odd that Kennedy chose Johnson to be his running mate in 1960. In fact, John Kennedy and his brother Robert didn't want any part of Johnson. But there was a problem.

John Kennedy had his personal demons. He was addicted to IV "meth" (methamphetamine) and steroids because of his severe back pain and chronic Hodgkins disease. He was also a womanizer. He had many affairs while a Senator and these were well documented by J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover, who had his own sexual demons [redacted] was himself blackmailed by organized crime and big oil interests into threatening the Kennedys with exposure of JFK's sexual activities unless he allowed Johnson a place on his ticket. Hoover played his card and the Kennedys reluctantly folded."
According to Kennedy's personal secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, both Bobby and John Kennedy were extremely upset about the decision.
In the room at the Biltmore Hotel... they were huddled together closely, on the bed, discussing about LBJ... Bobby would get, look out the window and stare. John would sit there and think. It was an intense 30 minutes... How to maneuver to get it so he (Johnson) wouldn't be on the ticket..." It was blackmail... the malicious rumors were fed to LBJ by J. Edgar Hoover about his (Kennedy's) womanizing... LBJ and Hoover had boxed him into a hole." - Source Article

One of the female guests was Medeline Brown, LBJ's girlfriend. Brown had met Johnson right after he won the Senate seat and following the "Box 13" scandal. He was celebrating his victory in a Texas hotel and first danced with Medeline, then handed her his hotel room key. The two had an affair spanning many years and their "meetings" were often arranged with the help of Johnson's assistants.

That night, Madeline remembers being surprised to see Johnson, as he was not scheduled to be at the dinner party.
"When Lyndon arrived they all went into a conference room and you could just feel the atmosphere. When Lyndon came out... he was red in the face... he took my hand and said, 'Those god damned Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That's not a threat. That's a promise!'" -Article

Surprise!  Oswald was trained as an CIA agent!

 Oswald was a patsy fall man who was completely innocent of killing John F. Kennedy

Lyndon B. Johnson's guilty of arranging for a hit murder on JFK.  This case is officially closed.

*Just a note that at one point the article referenced refers to JFK being a closet homosexual I've redacted. I  think that was just a misinterpretation since it was J. Edgar Hoover who as the homosexual who was involved.

LBJ Killed JFK - American History and Politics - Part 1 
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mysterious Pulse Light From Newly Discovered Earth Detected in 2008

In December 2008, Dr Ragbir Bhathal, a scientist at the University of Western Sydney, picked up the odd signal, long before it was announced that the star Gliese 581 has habitable planets in orbit around it. 

Dr Bhathal's discovery had come just months before astronomers announced that they had found a similar, slightly less habitable planet around the same star 20 light years away. This planet was called Gliese 581e.   Dr. Bhathal said:
 "Whenever there’s a clear night, I go up to the observatory and do a run on some of the celestial objects. Looking at one of these objects, we found this signal.  And you know, I got really excited with it. So next I had to analyse it. We have special software to analyse these signals, because when you look at celestial objects through the equipment we have, you also pick up a lot of noise.   We found this very sharp signal, sort of a laser lookalike thing which is the sort of thing we’re looking for - a very sharp spike. And that is what we found. So that was the excitement about the whole thing." - Mail-Online Article 
Dr. Steven Vogt who led the study at the University of California, Santa Cruz, today said that he was '100 per cent sure ' that there was life on the planet. The planet lies in the star's 'Goldilocks zone' - the region in space where conditions are neither too hot or too cold for liquid water to form oceans, lakes and rivers. The planet also appears to have an atmosphere, a gravity like our own and could well be capable of life. Researchers say the findings suggest the universe is teeming with world like our own.

Vogt told Discovery News:

""Personally, given the ubiquity and propensity of life to flourish wherever it can, I would say that the chances for life on this planet are 100 percent. I have almost no doubt about it," Steven Vogt, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at University of California Santa Cruz, told Discovery News. - Earth-like Planet Can Sustain Life

The Mail-Online article continued:

The planet is so far away, spaceships traveling close to the speed of light would take 20 years to make the journey. If a rocket was one day able to travel at a tenth of the speed of light, it would take 200 years to make the journey.

Certain physicists such as David Sereda say these aliens have found ways to travel the speed of light through transformation of frequencies to that of transparency.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Scary Monsters - Signs of Attorney Corruption and Burn Out

I got another sign of the corruption of high level people in law the other day when I performed a loan signing for an attorney at her home in Pacific Heights.  I did a Google search to learn who she was prior to the signing because this lady sounded really needy in a routine call I made to confirm the appointment.

When we first spoke, this single attorney, in her mid-50's, was all out of breath sounding overwhelmed so I knew I was going to have a hard time with her from the get go. The next day I got a call from her that she had rescheduled the appointment for the next day having requested the bank change some figures, which has never happened to me before.  The bank confirmed such a request was unusual.

So here's how the signing began. I  arrived at 2:00 p.m. on my cute little folding electric bicycle that has advertising for Nob Hill Notary plastered all over it along with a little flag banner on the back.  As I went to the door of the Pacific Heights home, which was fairly nice but nothing that impressive, I stood on the steps a few moments to make sure my hair and clothing was in place after the ride.  The attorney was apparently aware of me the entire time in how she opened the door and asked what was taking so long, questioning if I couldn't figure out how to work her door knocker hanging on the door.  The attorney then promptly pointed me to her dining room table and she proceeded as one of the very few who didn't offer me any refreshments.

As we proceeded with the signing, the attorney immediately began complaining about the bank and process for her refinance.  This complaining isn't all to uncommon so I lent a sympathetic ear and proceeded.  Okay, here goes with what followed.

Signs of Corruption - Many Attorneys Believe They're Above the Law

A Partner Attorney from a Top Law Firm Expected Me To Provide Legal Advice to Her During Loan Signing (Unauthorized Practice of Law)

Next the attorney immediately began to complain I wasn't explaining the loan documents to her  which would have been a violation of the law.  As a notary public, there are strict laws in which I cannot provide legal advice in explaining loan documents, only directing the borrower to where things are, such as where she can find interest rates and her monthly mortgage payments, or where she is to sign.

After I explained to the attorney my providing such legal guidance for her loan documents would constitute the unauthorized practice of law, she insisted a previous loan signing agent had done it for her.  Clearly she was hoping to manipulate any insecurity I might have in order to try and influence me to violate the law to assist her. I was appalled to say the least.  Most people have their act together and know what they're doing.  You'd think an attorney with a nice home in Pacific Heights would know what she was doing with her refinance loan documents.

A Partner Attorney Claimed She Had Never Been Required to Take an Oath for a Notarization Before and Believed It was Unnecessary Mocking My Suggestion I Could Go to Prison For Not Administering It

A few documents in refinance loan packages, such as signature affidavits, require an oath to be taken of the borrower by a notary public. In an emerging pattern of protests over my following the law, this attorney immediately complained upon my requesting an oath from her claiming "no one has ever asked me to take an oath for a notarization before!"  After her vehement protest, I explained I could go to prison for not taking an oath. The attorney responded "I don't think so."   The attorney continued to reason she had no idea if the bank's statements in the document were true, so why should she have to take an oath?  While that reasoning seemed quite legitimate, I nonetheless began to consider stopping the loan signing which I am required to do when a borrower is having such problems.

After I told the attorney I was considering stopping the loan signing since she was obviously uncomfortable, she immediately behaved herself claiming she didn't want to have to go through it again.  As we finally got through all the papers the time came for the attorney to sign my notarial journal for the notarizations of four documents.

A Partner Attorney at a Major Law Firm Claimed My Requesting Her to Sign My Notarial Journal Multiple Times was Completely Unnecessary Claiming One Signature was Sufficient

I thought after I threatened to stop the signing the attorney wouldn't complain anymore but I was wrong.  At the end of the signing process, as is procedure, I requested she sign my journal four times. All she had to do was sign under her printed name for the four documents I notarized for her and give her thumb print.  It was apparently too much to ask! The attorney immediately protested signing multiple times for each document type alleging she had never signed more than once in a notarial journal before.  I had to blink twice since I could hardly believe this was happening.

In response to her allegations I was requesting something unnecessary of her highness, I explained I had checked a while back with the National Notary Association that confirmed that California Secretary of State Debra Bowen was enforcing notaries to have people sign in the journal for each document notarized.  Still the attorney wanted to argue, so much so that she had the audacity to leave a voice mail for her secretary in front of me about it.  The attorney kept me waiting with her phone call asking "are people required to sign more than once in a notary's journal?"

Sensing I wouldn't be processing her notarized documents without her cooperation, the attorney signed the journal as if it was a huge ordeal and effort to make.  Four whole signatures!  No one had ever complained about signing my journal before, ever!  Many people at these signings are required to sign 10 times.  These other borrowers understand I am a public servant who is trained and responsible for knowing the law,  but not this attorney who obviously thinks she's above it.

A Partner Attorney at a Major Law Firm Stated Her Legal Secretary Disagreed With My Claim it was a Legal Requirement to Sign My Notarial Journal For Each Notarization

The next day I was required to obtain another notarization from the attorney for a second Deed of Trust. This time I met with at her law firm offices.  At the meeting, the attorney immediately confirmed without my inquiry what her legal secretary had originally claimed saying that a notary public can provide "dittos" of the signatures after the first one is completed. I said, "oh, really?"  The attorney added with great confidence "it is recommended by not legally required" for me to obtain a signature in my notarial journal for each notarization.  I confirmed the notary's name with the attorney for future reference, "So your secretary's name is such and such?" I asked,  blood beginning to boil. 

One might imagine that by this time I had quite enough of this attorney's protests over my following the law doing my job as a notary public.  The attorney attempted to rewrite the laws for me to follow in proclaiming with great confidence  "There's no legal requirement  for you to obtain a signature in your journal for each notarized document."  In retrospect, I wonder what happens to people who rely on attorney's advice such as these? I'm referring to these kind of attorneys who just kind of make up the law as they go based on what their legal secretary tells them, or what one wishes to hear to make their life easier?

I imagined if I had an attorney I worked for like this lady who paid me a good salary I might be greatly intimidated from following the law as such and make things as convenient as possible for her.  Regardless, when another notary public such as myself is treated as if I don't know what I'm doing though I have clearly stated the law, and the attorney chooses to disregard and still believe whatever she wants to believe, I take issue.

The attorney's legal secretary has since been reported to the California Secretary of State for not following Section 8206 insisting it is not a legal requirement to obtain signatures for each notarization.  I made it clear in my complaint I gave all the information on the law that the attorney refused to accept in her insisting I wasn't following proper procedure to require proper signatures in my journal.  Nothing will come of the complaint I'm sure, but it needed to be done nonetheless.  An attorney gave me a very hard time in my following the law and I take issue with her trying to lure me into her type of corruption in being above the law.

A Brilliant David Bowie's Scary Monsters = Scary Burn Out Attorneys

Basically, we all know this attorney should know better.  This scary monster attorney may be one of those typical overworked burned out women at law firms, but she chose to override my notifying her of the law.  This attorney treated me with contempt and didn't believe a word I told her.  Off to the complaint box she goes.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Breaking News: Press Conference Discloses UFO's Disarming U.S. Nuke Missles

My have times changed! Today the main media's been giving live press coverage to U.S. air force military men disclosing UFO's mysterious disarmament of U.S. missile nukes among other things.

This all seems to be well timed with the New York Times best-seller UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record  I posted about earlier.  Kean's book is currently 30 and rising on the New York Times best-seller list. Leslie Kean's book is largely credited with having shifted perceptions contributing to continued UFO Extraterrestrial Disclosure by highly credentialed level people.

Here's visual evidence and testimony of a government air force official: