A blog focused on things eternal and related to the heavenly realm based in Colossians 3:2 -- "Set your affections on things above, not things of the earth."
Here we go again, three time's a charm so I've heard. My fantastic process server in San Diego served Cyber Stalker #1 again Friday night. This time the clerk had the judge take a look at the RO case first before granting it. I have new evidence thanks to the advancement of IP recording widgets you can now place on your blog. The widgets are located in the menu bar of this blog.
Within 30 minutes of being served, I got this anonymous email from the guilty party:
The email continued to quote things I wrote 3 years ago when the dispute began.
It's true I've tried twice to obtain an RO, once in San Diego and once in San Francisco, against Cyber #1. One more time should finish it up.
It's so sad the court system was duped by this hideous person.
I've been trying to watch a documentary about the alleged intent of the author, L. Frank Baum of The Wonderful Land of Oz having conveyed a series of metaphors about the future demise of America to forewarn future generations. The presentation in the new dvd The Secret of OZ by former Money Master's documentary author, Bill Still, suggests a connection between the story relating to the 1913 private bankers' take over of the U.S. Treasury by the Federal Reserve and removal of the gold/silver backing of money.
I'd really like to explore the topic more, but find the award winning DVD extremely laborious in its presentation to the extent of hating the sight of Bill Still and his monotonous 1950's style presentation of the material. I don't understand why this man thinks he should be presenting this material instead of just writing it. He is not only boring and dry to listen to, but he is displeasing to the eye like a stick figure with a bitter old man's head on it. I really don't think I can develop the discipline to watch this long laborious piece of work to get to the meat of what the hell he's trying to say.
I'll keep updated on if I ever develop the patience to watch Bill Still's laborious, boring, difficult, mechanical presentation of historical facts. I'd rather read a book about it at this point.
I guess I should be happy a few Chinese people living in China prefer to color, rather than eat, their dogs but this is ridiculous! Perhaps it's a sign of our indulgent cultures, or people who don't accept their pets unconditionally? All I know is I would never color my dog and that I associate the practice with a form of mild abuse. Especially these poor pink dogs. This poor, poor dog! Too bad it can't file a restraining order against its owner.
I feel equally bad for a few of these other unfortunate pooches. Whenever they go for a walk they most likely get laughed at. Think of how a normal dog would view its unfortunate colleague? At first glimpse the dog would do a second take and possibly freak out. I wonder if the dog wouldn't even run away in horror with "What have they done to my species?"
I miss my puli dog so much. Every now and then I see a puli in my neighborhood and every single time the puli sees me from afar and starts struggling with it's leash to get at me to smooch. I couldn't imagine what kind of person you'd have to be to so disrespect a pet to turn it into a freak show like these dogs are. Poor poor things!
From my perspective perhaps people should accept their pets unconditionally and not try to change them into what they want them to be rather than how they really are. This includes not turning them into dinner such as they do in Korea and China. Poor things!
Here's a few more examples:
Maybe I could tolerate color highlights on dogs like this one but anything more is where I just have to say it's all to strange.
Perhaps improving upon the dog's natural appearance is the way to go.
This is cute but the poor thing still looks bewildered over it all. It has a
"What are you going to do to me next?" kind of look
Most all of us love color in everything, but this is just ridiculous. Dogs are work of art by nature already.
As stated in my last article, a cyber bully visits this blog every day and his IP is recorded under Santee, CA, El Cajon and sometimes San Diego (see sidebar for IP widgets) He has achieved having the most single visits other than myself and he is described on this blog as being "EHW" or Cyber Stalker #1. He has sent me distressing, obscene and perverted emails since I requested the dismissal of my lawsuit a couple of months ago.
I have confirmed the emails are from EHW as well as his former email contacts, based on his contact shortly after reading a blog article only 4 others had read one morning. Only he could have sent the email. I then linked his email address to previous emails he sent to show a pattern of harassment.
EHW is the only person who visits this blog each day. Whomever has a blog up about me and writes about me on it frequently regarding this blog contents therefore is a confirmation it can only be the work of EHW.
EHW lied to three judges thus far in San Diego Superior Court East and Central Counties. The Court believed him and one judge, Judge Robert Longstreth, really bent over backwards to aid and abet his activities. Someone wrote me this judge's seat is being challenged due to complaints and he is back on the campaign trail. The San Diego Superior Court aided this ill man's criminal activities against me and my business as if I "deserved it" somehow.
The previous Cyber Stalker #2 I won a lawsuit against in May, 2010, hasn't been harassing me. He has a restraining order and has only been recorded a small number of visits the past few months. That particular man is scared of being arrested so he has ceased his activities. His girlfriend is also most likely making sure he doesn't abuse her AT&T DSL account since she was sued as well. Two witnesses testified in a court of law against him. The cat's out of the bag.
I had to give up my dream of being a singer because mentally ill cyber stalkers made a mockery of me on the Internet on a continual basis. I began feeling so self-conscious I just couldn't be a singer anymore.
The reason I came to the attention of these men was when I began posting my music videos on the Internet. One of them was my singing in my studio with my back to the camera they mocked and began replacing the sound to Nancy Wilson's song "The Nearness of You" with cookoo sounds.
For anyone who cares, EHW continues to sabotage my name on the Internet as if he can get away with it. He is a very ill man in need of medication and psychiatric help. The person writing about me continually on the Internet is EWH and I just wanted to confirm it as such here.
It's starting to catch on that the rants and ravings of Mel Gibson have made it crystal clear to those educated in psychology that he's a raving maniac narcissist. Mel uses his religious beliefs and fan support base to promote the evil tempting Eve stereotype. As can be observed in the pattern of comments to various forums, many are brainwashed to see Mel as Godly and the lady as a tempting Eve no matter what the facts are.
The narcissistic person is marked by a grandiose self-image, a constant need for admiration, and a general lack of empathy for others. He is the keeper of a sacred flame, which is the flame he holds to celebrate himself.
His self-love is his most precious possession. It is the holy center of all that is sacred and right. He is hypersensitive about anybody who might splatter or disregard his greatness. If someone treats him slightingly, he perceives that as a deliberate and heinous attack. If someone threatens his reputation, he regards this as an act of blasphemy. He feels justified in punishing the attacker for this moral outrage.
The story line seems to be pretty simple. Gibson was the great Hollywood celebrity who left his wife to link with the beautiful young acolyte. Her beauty would not only reflect well on his virility, but he would also work to mold her, Pygmalion-like, into a pop star.
After a time, she apparently grew tired of being a supporting actor in the drama of his self-magnification and tried to go her own way. This act of separation was perceived as an assault on his status and thus a venal betrayal of the true faith.
And because he plays by different rules, and because so much is at stake, he can be uninhibited in response. Everyone gets angry when they feel their self-worth is threatened, but for the narcissist, revenge is a holy cause and a moral obligation, demanding overwhelming force.
It is striking how morally righteous he is, without ever bothering to explain what exactly she has done wrong. It is striking how quickly he reverts to the vocabulary of purity and disgust. It is striking how much he believes he deserves. It is striking how much he seems to derive satisfaction from his own righteous indignation." NY Times Article
It's clear the cyber stalker stranger whose been continually writing me fits the exact same behavior of Mel Gibson. Then at court hearings he emphasises he's a "published author" when in reality he's self published and a former high school drop out with a criminal record of public nuisance and trespassing.
Here are a few of this insane narcissist's latest emails. Remember, this guy is a total stranger who visits this blog every day as recorded by widget records in the menu sidebar.
The childish mentality of a narcissist is revealed in these revenge emails. The last email was confirmed to be from cyberstalker #1 based on the timing of when he was recorded to visit this blog to read and send an email about the article. I then linked his earlier emails based on that email address to confirm indeed Cyber #1 has been sending me obscene disturbing emails among other things since 2007 .
My video explaining the outcome of my lawsuit against Cyber #1 and what I went through.
He visits this blog daily under Santee, CA, San Diego and El Cajon IP address
Knowing he is unwelcome! He's sent me many obscene, ugly childish harassing emails even after the case ended months ago!
The lady at the left who Mel's been ranting about is Oksana Grigorievais, an accomplished classical pianist as listed on Wikipedia. I spent some time last night viewing Mel Gibson videos for the best. Here they are, the best of the best Mel Rant Videos!
My analysis is Mel Gibson is going through a mid-life crisis. The young 30's woman doesn't really want him anymore and he's abusing her for it. Mel admits he has no friends and longs for the spiritual path with his former wife.
Cyberstalker Edmond Wollmann visits this blog each and every day under "Santee, CA" IP (see sidebar). Wollmann's been visiting this blog obsessively every day from El Cajon and San Diego IP's since its inception as an unwelcome visitor who is trespassing on my intellectual property. Even when it's denoted he visits this blog as an unwelcome visitor such as my post a few days ago, he continues to visit.
Wollmann got some special help from a corrupt San Diego Superior Court system a few months ago that blocked my protecting myself from this hovering piece of shit individual. Some closet homosexual corrupt judge took pity on this beast's act of innocence who has since been turned over to the judicial commission.
Stop visiting this blog you obsessed parasite! You have no business here whatsoever. I'm going to continue to point out you visit this blog as an unwanted trespasser. Your visits are being recorded each and every day.
"Oh hideous bastard and foul stench, you're an unwanted visitor. Your daily visits are duly noted Satan."
I think last night's dream of war is worthy to note because premonitions of the future have often come to fruition through my dreams. I often have really nice dreams but once in a while come across a nightmare such as last night's. Okay, here's the simple symbolic dream.
"I was in a building on around the 5th floor somewhere overlooking an area at a distance of 300 yards away. I observed a large metal object hit the ground and there was a rather small explosion. A small ball came up out of the object as it hit the ground, and went far up into the sky. I observed the ball rise into the air and was trying to determine where it would land. The ball landed not too far from the previous area and another yet larger explosion occurred. The pattern repeated twice with the balls getting smaller each time until a very large explosion with huge masses of black smoke going up into the air had occurred.
The dream ended with an even smaller ball going up again into the air headed towards me only 10 yards away. That's when I woke up not feeling too well."
Interpretation of Dream
This was an interesting dream that the size of the balls shooting up in the air shrank while the explosions got larger and more destructive. To me it symbolizes a nuclear war up ahead since smaller represents atomic bomb. In truth my dream is probably nothing more than the outcome of listening to Alex Jones radio each day. Jones, Celente and others are continually claiming WWIII and a nuclear confrontation with Iran is being prepared. Then again, I don't usually have dreams like this. It's quite unusual and certainly not induced. I prefer not to have dreams that leave off with atomic devices landing near me.
Today I was watching a few interesting videos on MSNBC about ridiculous outsource dating of people's relationships. This got me thinking about my current problem with being contacted by strange men who have an obsession with me on the Internet, who have been conducting themselves like junior high school boys with their various mischief.
This pathetic outsource dating video shows the arrogance of men of this day and age. Few women would go for a method like this because it's too detached and non-emotional and contrived for one's own benefit. No one's going to want to take anyone seriously who outsources finding them for a date.
I've come to the conclusion my personal profile fits the reason why I'm in this predicament, and yes these guys continue to visit my blog under "Santee and El Cajon, CA" and "Los Angeles - AOL/Netscape browser" IP addresses. Occasionally even cyber #2 visits from Walnut Creek even after a RO was issued to him last year. These men are visiting this blog as unwelcome visitors who are therefore considered as trespassers.
In other words, if this blog were my home, they are continually invading my property in spite of a trespass sign. They are looking through my windows at my personal thoughts and making phone calls to me (i.e., their emails) over things they observe inside. The sidebar menu shows recorders that show Santee (EHW) visits this site each day as the primary visitor, sometimes twice, and the other guy visits a couple times a week.
So the question remains why are these guys still monitoring and visiting my site?
Profile of a cyberstalker victim:
I haven't dated a man since 1986 and I haven't really done the long term dating game thing ever in my life. Men who thought they might have been dating me 30 years ago were mistaken. I stumbled into my first and last long term relationship in 1982 that lasted one year. I can't stand being with men on a long term day to day basis unless it means I'm making good money working for them.
Whenever I spend any time with a man lately it ends up with his puckering up at the end of the night kissing the air. I was so shocked that these guys were so out of touch with reality to think I'd want to kiss them. My former sound engineer, who was far shorter then me who wore a raccoon tail hat like Davy Crockett, stood there one night with his eyes closed puckered up waiting for a kiss after I had him over for dinner and a movie. Another guy did the exact same thing a year later and I could hardly believe it.
So my last memories of guys who thought they were on a date with me was their standing two feet away with their lips puckered up waiting for me to kiss them. When nothing happened, they opened their eyes and I was looking at them shocked saying "what are you doing?" because I thought they understood how could I possibly want them that way? I thought it was clear I just wanted to be friends having them over to see a movie. We watched the Twilight Zone DVD series, Misery and some Alex Jones documentaries. We had a good time, but the end of the the night ruined it all.
I distract from this horrific situation by being a workaholic while disciplining myself on a continual basis. Men and their whores disturb me. My emotional fulfillment has been through singing as well as contacts with cats and dogs.
Please Go Away - Move Onto Other Things
The fact is I really don't want any attention from these guys of their daily or weekly visits and unwanted emails over my stories. In their minds, they may think I do want their attention, but I honestly have done everything I possibly can, short of closing this blog, to get rid of them. I've filed lawsuits while I've repeatedly told their attorneys all I want is for them to stop this. I've insulted their attorneys numerous times and put up stories about them.
I've since come to the conclusion my main weakness in life has been allowing myself in this kind of predicament. There are good reasons why I'm in this predicament. It's not for lack of intelligence, it's just that I've been continually and strategically blocked by control freaks or the "relationship gods" so to speak who seek to control the social game giving men far too much power. They're such spoiled arrogant cowards, they have businesses enterprises to outsource dumping their girlfriends too:
Most women wouldn't use this Dump4U service knowing how men have so much power, they're lives would be threatened using such a humiliating method to get rid of their boyfriend.
Men have too much power in my opinion and women have been way too permissive and tolerant of their behaviors. Why? Because men use fear and intimidation tactics to keep women in line. There are certain consequences men can wield on today's woman such as blocking a pay raise, bonus or future promotion for not playing by men's rules.
Why would Mel Gibson's beautiful lady still want to live in his house after this tirade that he has the nerve to tell her "you can stay in the house, but you can't have it". Why do women put up with this? These kind of women want to use their beauty to get into men's weatlh and riches and most of the time not really him. They don't want to work for a living so they put up with this crap.
This video was put up July 8th and two days later it has 218,000 views! It's going to be one of Alex Jones' big classics one day. Particularly, this video covers many topics from LeBron James worship to what television has done to American's that's personally relevant for me. I've wasted much of my early life in front of the tube being brainwashed wasting away my potential and mind.
Listening to Alex Jones and watching many of his superb documentaries like End Game, Obama Deception and 9/11 Truth Rising has helped me convert over from being an ignorant liberal into a free thinking American. I stopped watching television in 2007 and have saved $80/month on Comcast fees. I now invest that fee into a local gym for $68/mo. This doesn't mean I worship Alex Jones or have any crush on him however. It's not about the man, it's about the message.
I have a real core to myself I never had prior that no one can take away from me. Because inherent rights granted to the individual by the U.S. Constitution are adverse to today's government goals, I know when judges are out-of-whack violating people's Constitutional rights. I know when law enforcement is out-of-line. I have a growing sense of myself, spirit and individuality. When you know people are trying to take your God given rights from you and they're in the wrong, it empowers you tremendously. I am also no longer an atheist, but an agnostic.
I'm grateful for Alex Jones' talents and hard work. He always makes me feel I need to be doing more to spread the word of what's happening. I copied his classic End Game DVD a while back and distributed them around my local community. I was really getting into promoting his message until he tore into a dead Michael Jackson before his burial. I don't care who it is, if you're going to say something bad about someone other than a real criminal, you don't go about ripping apart a man whose body isn't even cold yet. That goes for Senator Byrd's passing too. Alex knew what he did was wrong. Sometimes he can't control himself and he admits it to his listening audience that he's not perfect and has problems like the rest of us.
Yesterday I was amazed when I listened to Ted Nugent's interview on the Alex Jones radio program. I had no idea how smart this former 70's rocker is and that he's still around today. I didn't like his music or act way back when, but he's a pretty interesting person to listen to.
The Fourth of July turned out to be an explosive weekend all around for entertainer Ted Nugent. Released Friday, July 2, his Happy Defiance Day Everyday song bundle went to #1 on Amazon’s MP3 store on Saturday, July 3, and has remained there ever since. Due to the buzz on Yahoo! as a #1 trending topic on Friday, this was released two days earlier than its intended July 4 release date.
This 30-track collection is available for 76 cents, in honor of 1776. Nugent’s dynamic version of the "Star Spangled Banner" also topped downloads over the holiday.
Rocking his fellow Americans, Ted spent the holiday weekend on his live Trample The Weak Hurdle The Deadtour, as it continues to roll across the USA. "This is, without question, the best tour of my 60-plus years on the planet!" enthused the irrepressible guitarist just before taking the stage in San Antonio on Sunday, July 4. "Remember the Alamo!"
I guess what all this means is I'm no longer a liberal or democrat. In fact, I'm with Jesse Ventura being against political parties of any kind. This doesn't mean I'm against gay rights by the way, I just think it's a little out of hand in San Francisco.
Okay, so that's enough about Alex Jones for now. I listen to his radio program every day. Sometimes he's brilliant and has great people to interview. I love most all of Jones' guests with a few exceptions. Sometimes Jones is horrendous to listen to. Like all of us he has his good and bad days.