Thursday, June 3, 2010

BP Snubs a Horrified Titanic Director James Cameron's Offer of Help

One of the greatest directors in American history, James Cameron, director of "Avatar", "Titanic" and "The Abyss" recently referred to BP as "those morons."   The avid deep-sea explorer Cameron said on Wednesday that BP had turned down his offer to help combat the massive spill.  As I've repeatedly stated throughout my blog warnings, BP doesn't want anyone's help because it has no real intention of stopping the oil from flowing.

BP's only interest right now is a masquerade of theatrics on the world stage while deliberately speeding up the oil's flow for the purpose of capturing it.  BP recently announced the flow would be allowed to increase by 20% and isn't anticipated to stop until August, 2010.  The question begs if BP can't stop it now, what makes it think it can stop it in August?  My guess is BP is stalling for time to attempt to get to the oil, not stop it because it's an evil and corrupt oil company. 
Cameron said he had offered to help the government and BP. He said he was 'graciously' turned away by the British energy giant but has not spoken to the White House about his offer. . . Over the last few weeks I've watched, as we all have, with growing horror and heartache, watching what's happening in the Gulf and thinking those morons don't know what they're doing," Cameron said at the All Things Digital technology conference.
In the article, Cameron suggested the U.S. government should take a more active role in monitoring the undersea gusher, which has become the worst oil spill in U.S. history:
"I know really, really, really smart people that work typically at depths much greater than what that well is at," Cameron said.
While acknowledging that his contacts in the deep-sea industry do not drill for oil, Cameron said that they are accustomed to operating various underwater vehicles and electronic optical fiber systems.
"Most importantly," he added, "they know the engineering that it requires to get something done at that depth." 
BP really doesn't want anyone's help since it deliberately drilled into a volcano full of oil 5,000 feet at the bottom of the sea.  BP knew the risks involved, and that it had few resources for a disaster scenario.  BP's is currently masking its only interest is that of recovering whatever oil it possibly can.  British Petroleum is obviously a foreign company and the U.S. government gets part BP's oil drilling profits so there's obviously a conflict of interest on behalf of the American public and U.S. coastlines.

To reiterate, BP has no intention of stopping the leak whatsoever and could care less about the health of America's coastlines and the world's seas considering it unnecessarily dumped tons of toxic chemicals which are far worse then the oil itself!  In an earlier post, I denoted a Russian scientific study which claimed toxic rains from those chemicals could potentially destroy the Eastern hemisphere of North America.  People need to wake up! 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

There's Free Rent for Mortgagers Across Country

This year the rent increase was the lowest in all San Francisco history, of .01!  This raised my rent a mere $1.09.  Usually the rent goes up $20 or so.  For three years my rent wasn't raised at all due to the rental market, but then retroactively jumped up all at once the fourth rental year.  I had saved probably over a thousand dollars for their not raising the rent.  So when I learned of this year's meager increase, I first thought the landlord gave me a break for starting my own businesses.  I later learned it wasn't them being nice to me this time, it was the local economy.

An interesting thing happened when I paid rent a few months ago. I accidentally wrote my rent against my business account that caused the check to bounce.  Fearing eviction, since the lease makes it plain anyone late whatsoever can be legally evicted, I panicked and ran down to my bank to get a money order.  When I contacted the landlord, she said as far as they were concerned the rent was paid because the check hadn't come back.  I was asked to hold the money order.  About a week later the landlord called to thank me that if it hadn't been for my contacting them, they would have never caught the bank error. A check was returned along with another item and it didn't register clearly as a bounced check to their accounting system. In other words, I would have received free rent had I not brought it to their attention.  My landlord and the building owners are great.  They had no intention of evicting me for the error.  I'm going on my eighth rental year now.

There seems to be a growing chorus of those in states where foreclosures take place through the judicial system (not California!) claiming great benefits from no longer making their mortgage payments.  In other words, if the value of their home is significantly less than their mortgage many people are opting out on payments while continuing to live in their homes.  Many state judicial systems are so backlogged with foreclosures, it now takes 438 days prior to an eviction.

Regardless of the free rent for mortgagees, it's really sad how bad things have gotten from the days of making tons of money for  home buyers whose properties doubled or tripled value in a few years.  If you really think about it, it's tragic homeowners are now feeling grateful to live with free rent a year or two prior to losing their homes and ruining their credit.

I would have loved to have had my own home with a yard and little doggie.  That's why I entered in the Dream Home Contest a few months ago.  It's a raffle to benefit Yerba Buena Arts to win a nice home in San Francisco and there are other drawings.  If I were to win the home, I'd take the payment instead because property taxes would be due and you need a lot of money to own a home anyway.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cheryl Meril (Merrill) Wins $25,136 Judgment Against Cyber Stalker #2

A few weeks ago a San Francisco judge awarded me $25,136 against Cyber Stalker #2 I've referred to throughout this blog.  I was quite relieved considering two San Diego Court judges were brutal towards me in my case I filed against Cyber #1.  The problem with that case was there was an additional person involved and I didn't name any DOES (i.e., John Does).  A Motion to Quash AOL's email address is what ruined my case that I had ultimately requested a dismissal for.  Two high profile judges in San Diego were also playing politics with my case from two jurisdictions of the Central and East county divisions and it was all just a mess. I have nothing more to say or write about that case.  One thing for sure, I will never visit San Diego again! 

A press release was issued per my lawsuit win.  Cyber #2 is the same person who put up a nasty blog under ("Cheryl Merrill vs. Cheryl Merrill").  I was so devastated by this guy's activities, I'm very relieved to have received some admission by a court after all the evidence I submitted.  I had previously learned from the San Diego Court case nothing is assured no matter how hard you work or what you've been through.

All I wanted was to be a singer in a jazz trio on a cruise ship back in 2007. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Good News is There's No Oil Spill! Now the Bad News. . .

In reality, there really isn't an oil spill after all.  The media's been misleading Americans referring to the biggest oil disaster in U.S. history as an oil spill.   The bad news is a seemingly endless eruption of oil, much like unstoppable rivers of lava from a volcano, is pouring into the ocean from the bottom of the sea.  Many believe the oil can't be stopped without a nuclear device.

Meanwhile, Barry Soetoro (aka Obama) was in San Francisco last night just a matter of a couple blocks away from where I live in Nob Hill, campaigning for Barbara Boxer.  I remember the documentaries I saw of JFK dealing with serious life threatening issues to our nation and can't think of a more disinterested ineffective President as Obama other than his predecessor.  I bet many Americans don't even realize Obama's spent more money in one year then all previous Presidents combined!

I believe this disaster was allowed to happen, that the slow ineffective response is deliberate and that unnecessary toxic chemicals were used to make things worse.  Thus far, BP made out like a bandit even profiting from the disaster.  In a few months this disaster will be fully recognized. For now the incompetent criminal politicians continue to campaign as if they have a political future.   There are even those who envision the entire State of Florida will have to relocate!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

CNN's Story on Richard Fine - Political Prisoner of Los Angeles Judges

This is an interesting video about political prisoner former attorney Richard Fine I've blogged about a few times.  It's interesting to see how they ultimately cover-up for the fact Mr. Fine won a decision thanks to Judicial Watch filed with the 4th District Court of Appeals in San Diego  against all the LA judges for their accepting bribes from the City of Los Angeles (known as the Sturgeon case). (For more info see Full Disclosure Network's latest video) In response, the judges got politicians to simply enact new legislation making the bribes legal.  CNN's interview of the CA State Bar representative Joe Carlucci demonstrates how they work to cover-up the truth of the matter to make it appear Mr. Fine's actions were comparable to a murderer.  

In the CNN video Joe Carlucci, who was interviewed on behalf of the State Bar of California, really exposed how the system works to cover up the truth. Mr. Carlucci used language associating Mr. Fine's actions in filing alleged frivolous lawsuits, with that of a murderer suggesting just because a murderer hasn't ever had any previous criminal history doesn't change the fact he committed murder.  

In the CNN report they further sought to cover-up making Mr. Fine responsible for his own incarceration, claiming all he had to do was produce documents to get himself out of jail, another attorney trick.  Attorneys continually use "omission of relevant facts" in their strategies to cover-up for wrong doing.  Unfortunately this method of indirect lying infiltrates every part of our society today.  Fortunately, for those who want to get to the bottom of things to the truth, we now have a means to.

In the old days prior to the Internet, people relied on what the media told them.  Today if you really want to know the truth, you have much relevant information at your fingertips.  Anyone who looks into Mr. Fine's claims with an open and objective mind can see the truth of the matter. The political system is working to cover-up on behalf of corrupt judges who have a conflict of interest to protect the interests of the City of Los Angeles.

It will be interesting to see what happens when California ultimately goes bankrupt how the system will support these kind of activities in the future. In the meantime, Mr. Fine is 71 years old and could very well die in jail. Mr. Fine's already served a 14 month sentence without having been charged with any crime.  Mr. Fine merely stood up on the people's behalf and ultimately proved the judges had accepted bribes of $50,000 a year for nearly two decades.

Here's more of the truth that wasn't reported by CNN or the CA State Bar interview:

Full Disclosure Video - Latest Info

Here's the latest promising news Richard Fine may be released soon!

California Judges Losing Ground in Fight to Save Their Illegal Payments

Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Amelia Earhart of the Sea Jessica Watson 16 Beats All Odds with World Record

Here's a breath of fresh air from the news lately with a young girl, Jessica Watson, 16 having just completed a round-the-world sailing adventure on a small pink yacht!  This is truly amazing and a testament of unique parents who, against critics' warnings, took a huge leap of faith in allowing their daughter to make the ultimate decision.  

Talk about the spirit of freedom!  This lady is extremely talented to have faced her fears so young in life, demonstrating mastery of survival alone on the seas without any help.  This is the kind of person who should be a role model to youth around the world.  

I hope they plaster Jessica's face all over the world making her as big as Amelia Earhart was, because youth everywhere needs an inspirational role model.  Why, adults need this kind of inspiration too!  Many Americans are couch potatoes living inside their heads through television.  When we read stories like this it's truly invigorating.  I personally stopped watching television in 2007 and have accomplished more than I have in the past 30 years because of it. I recorded my own music, got an education in law with a paralegal certificate and started my own businesses.  

Back in 2007, it finally dawned on me when I was watching Will & Grace repeats that something was terribly wrong.  Why was I wasting my time watching the same show 3 or even 4 times?  Then I realized other program repeats I had also been watching. Then there were those commercials!  They'd show the same commercial every 20 minutes!  It finally dawned on me addiction to television programming is really bad for one's own life not to mention pocket book considering cable television costs.  

I wonder what my life would have been like had I not wasted so many years watching television from the time I was a kid?  Television can be a great tool, but becomes addictive for many people as it had for me.  People become detached from their lives and reality and families don't communicate or face their issues, choosing to watch a television program instead. I think television is really bad for people's mental health in so many ways.   

I've asked the following:
  • Would there be an Einstein of historical significance had he been raised up on television programming?  
  • Would Mozart's gifts ever come to be had he been exposed to television young in life?
  • Had television existed in ancient times, how would that have changed the future as we know it today? 
I've come to the conclusion television addiction is truly destructive to people's personal lives and thinking processes, etc.  In fact, television makes a mockery of the human mind's development!  I ask what could I have truly been and accomplished had it not been for spending hours in my childhood watching so much garbage? Television turned me into a zombie for sure, causing my brain waves stagnation.    

It's too bad so many cultures inhibit youthful talent as if one has to be an adult to accomplish anything of any value.  Television is often used by parents to pacify their kids.  I think parents should do as much as possible to encourage independence and freedom of choice.  

Australia Hails Jessica Watson

Friday, May 14, 2010

State of California Enters Top 10 Most Likely to Default Nations

I never considered California a nation, but apparently its economy is as large as one. In fact, yesterday California was bumped up ahead of Iceland and Iraq to the top 10 of most likely nations to default. Governor Schwarzenegger is preparing to deliver a huge blow to Californians with devastating budget cuts to those who need it the most, the poor, children and elderly. 

I used to be all for high speed bullet trains like the one they want to build between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Today I don't think it's such a good idea  or understand why politicians think California can afford it.  Perhaps they think in terms of stimulating the economy with such huge projects, but it still ends up coming out of the taxpayer's pocketbooks. 

Click to Enlarge

California appears to be the first state in the U.S. set to default.  No one really knows what that will really mean or how it will affect people's lives.